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False rating
28 September 2012
I saw a trailer for this a couple of years ago and almost didn't see it because of the low rating on IMDb. And I still don't get why this is trashed so much, its no masterpiece but what is nowadays?

Its an original sci-fi end of the world entertaining movie that doesn't have aliens as little green men and its set in moscow, nice to see a backdrop of a major world city that isn't in the US. The whole idea of "electrical" aliens was in my mind well - executed and the CGI effects were fine.

This is a relatively short movie and there could have been some more plot development and it would have been nice to see what was happening in other cities but this is a great addition to this genre and should not be missed
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another cage disappointment
6 September 2012
I'm a big fan of vigilante/revenge thrillers and with roger donaldson as director and cage, pearce and a good supporting cast with xander "24" berkely and harold "lost" perrineau I had high hopes for this one, But this one was implausible from the word go, you could drive a bus thru some of the plot holes which are too many to mention here. The acting was also second rate, it all appeared rushed and contrived. And there was little to no suspense here, just a bunch of cliché ridden scenes. Not for the first time, I'm surprised by the rating on here but there's a reason why these movies go straight to DVD, not even worth $5 in a walmart basket
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Not Ferris Bueller
27 August 2012
modern day teen movies are so hard to watch, there's so much angst or schmaltz and they always have to have 25 year olds playing teens to give it some gravitas. This is down to earth and simple, anyone can identify with freddy highmore's character as the rebellious, non conformist youth who lusts after the always unavailable hottie. Its a great coming of age tale as in the end, george does step up to the plate and learns some great life lessons. A great cast of "character actors and actresses" are also assembled here and I have no doubt Highmore and Roberts will be headlining in the years to come. Its a shame there was such a limited release but I guess less is more
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The Last Word (I) (2008)
Sleeper Gem
4 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Every so often you come across a movie that no-one really saw or knows about, received little or no critical acclaim and it blows your socks off, its great to be surprised like that sometimes and this is one of those films for me.

I should start by saying writer/director Jeffrey Haley should give up the day job of camera tech and do the film creating gig for real.

Great script, great cast, fans of Winona Ryder's cleavage will have a field day here.

Seriously though, this is very offbeat with a taboo subject but there are a few laugh out loud scenes here, mostly thanks to ray romano. I've always like wes bentley as an actor, he's perfect for dark roles and I liked the idiosyncracies like for example not having a car in LA.

the only slight disappointment is the "hollywood" happy ending but the way it followed romano's dream to a tee was so well executed and OTT, it didn't detract from the movie for me.
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Hostel: Part III (2011 Video)
Much better than 4.7
20 June 2012
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No Eli Roth, no eastern European gangsters or Slovakian death chambers, the action is all in the good ol' USA, sin city lives up to its name.

I really liked the first two movies and was a bit reticent about how this makeover would be with a new production team but this did not disappoint at all. Right from the opening scene, it was full of twists, the Ukranian couple were victims, not stalkers of course and all the way through, u didn't know where or when the torture would begin or stop for that matter.

I really don't get the poor reviews, if you're a fan of gore porn this will be right up your street, lots of creative deaths, sexy birds and a good ending even if it was utterly predictable
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The Caller (2011)
never got into it
2 May 2012
lot of good reviews for this movie, i guess i'd like to address the balance.

a good psychological horror movie needs carefully built up suspense, this had zero, there was the flimsiest of plots, something about a divorcée and her ex, but that was never explained or elaborated on.

Basically, you didn't care about the characters which is a shame because Moyer of True blood fame and Guzman are solid character actors.

Director parkhill has barely been in charge of a full length movie and it showed, I don't often quit before the end but I had to here, the general implausibility, plot holes (simply block a number) and lack of ideas was enough for me.
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Realistic and funny
15 April 2012
I really liked this movie, maybe because I've been in a long distance relationship and one that worked out in the end but I was nodding at all of the frustrations and foibles they were having not seeing each other.

But this was a comedy not a drama and there was great chemistry between all the characters, especially garret's two roommates, Jim gaffigan was a bit underused but the eating at the dinner table scene when erin and garret has to consummate was truly laugh out loud stuff.

Drew barrymore did look a little old for this role and I don't know how realistic it is to be an intern at 31 but overall, this qualifies as good date material stuff
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11 April 2012
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I was expecting better from a woody Allen production with a great ensemble cast but this failed with me for a number of reasons.

The whole rich uncle, gambling, murder plot was too simplistic and poorly executed, many people have said this movie was rushed and Allen could definitely have used another half hour of running time to smooth some edges, develop some "outs", create more rationale behind what was going on.

The one bright spot was Colin Farrell, he did a great London accent and showed his versatility as being able to do more than just "bad boy" roles. But the ending was farcical almost and Allen chose to throw in shots of the boat and the girlfriends in some manic way of tying everything together, very unsatisfactory and I was thinking aloud "that's it?"
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Fragile (2005)
proper horror movie
7 February 2012
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Quality horror movies that don't rely on mountains of gore/blood or state of the art CGI effects are rare nowadays as a lot of the work is taken out of the director's hand.

Director Jaume Balagueró does a terrific job here building the suspense. Calista Flockhart clearly chooses her roles very carefully and she was part of an excellent cast.

I don't know if this was an actual old hospital or just a well created set but this definitely added to the whole effect, you could almost anticipate the creaking and crumbling that was going to happen.

And people could relate to a lot of things here spiritually, the whole life death conundrum and everyone knows stories of misdoings in hospitals back in the day, the director skilfully conjures this all up together, the only slight disappointment is the dead nurse herself. While, i'm pleased fx here were at a minimum, she looked like she had been cobbled together by one of the children!

That doesn't detract in anyway from an excellent modern suspense horror movie
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The Last Run (2004)
too black to be funny
28 January 2012
this movie is billed in some places as a comedy-drama, well there weren't any funny scenes here at all and this is not a movie to take the girlfriend/wife to.

Wonder Years fans will see this to see what an adult fred savage looks like, well pretty washed up to appear in tripe like this, the movie is at least saved by "rescue me's" steven pasquale whose dominant alpha male role is the base for the film.

You don't know whether to feel sorry for steven/fred here and the director tries to tie things up at the end but makes a ham-fisted job of it.
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Win Win (2011)
23 December 2011
The plot of the movie doesn't really want to make you rush out and see this but Thomas McCarthy gathers an ensemble cast and weaves a story that will touch and inspire you. This is only the director's 3rd movie but each one is worth seeing at least twice.

There is no weak link here, Giamati, Ryan, Carnevale are all perfectly cast and the small town backdrop works perfectly here as well. Carnevale gets a special mention as he provided a comic element to the movie, i'm not sure if he plays his role tongue in cheek or he is intentionally this amusing but he plays a great foil to Giamatti's serious guy role.

A great first role for Alex shaffer as well, it'll be interesting to see how his career goes after such a bright start,.
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The Roommate (I) (2011)
better than expected
30 October 2011
Movies like this get a bad rap because you know exactly whats going to happen.

But this was shot in a film-noir style and didn't resort to being a slasher-esque movie, unknown foreign director christensen builds the suspense up well, there's nothing long winded here and the 90 minute running time is perfectly paced.

No harm that all the characters are easy on the eye, and while no-one stood out, there wasn't any cringeworthy or cheesy performances.

Its unfair to compare this to other "obsession" movies, I feel this film stands out on its own and is a solid thriler much better than the 4.5 rating on here
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Inhale (2010)
Great Sleeper
12 August 2011
Kudos to sam shepard, dermot mulroney, diane kruger and rosana arquette for probably taking a massive pay cut to appear in such a low budget movie. Actors clearly do choose roles carefully. This is compelling viewing and great work by unknown director Baltasar Kormakur.

A word of warning to any parents, this is harrowing stuff to anyone who has young kids but its a story that does need to be told.

The director creates an intricate web of the Mexican underworld, clinics and police all involved in the illegal organ trade and at the end, the father has a "sophie's choice' decision to make, one that will surprise most movie watchers.

They must have shot all of the Mexico scenes in the same 3 sets and its clear, money was tight here, this was barely distributed but this shouldn't detract from a compelling and thought provoking movie
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Case 39 (2009)
really good
24 July 2011
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some lukewarm reviews on here which surprises me because nowadays it takes a lot to scare me but this movie gave me a few chills.

German director Christian alvert storyboarded every scene and that attention to detail paid off, the suspense was taut the whole time. Lilith was the perfect creepy little girl for this role, she had one of those faces which could be trusting and terrifying at the same time

The demon thing could have been used a bit more and I was expecting a more satisfying death but scenes like when the house burnt down and the little girl came out to tell emily "that was mean" were very shocking

"orphan" fans wont be disaappointed here
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Desert Saints (2002)
26 June 2011
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I'm not the greatest fan of the flashbacks in movies where you see future events while you're trying to digest whats going on in the present and this movie is full of this. First time writer-director richard greenberg tried too hard here throwing out too many plot lines, some fit, some don't. For such an accomplished assassin why would banks take a chance on bennie when there so many red flags like her "ex husband" just showing up like that, how on earth did no-one hear any gunshots on the balcony and right at the end, banks supposedly showing up was too much, these are just off the top of my head. This aside, it was an entertaining thriller and kiefer is in "24" mode here so fans of that will like him here.
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Machete (2010)
Fantastic stuff from start to finish
8 June 2011
I really don't know how any "true guy" would not like this movie, its got beautiful naked girls, outrageous action scenes, violence thats so over the top its funny and some great actors and actresses to boot.

I've always loved robert rodriguez's work going back to desperado and from dusk til dawn and this is a souped up version of anything he's ever done. Such is the ability of rodriguez, he wove an interesting immigration and political fallout plot into this movie so it wasn't just madcap violence that the viewer saw, there was a point to it all. Can't wait for the next rodriguez offering because this'll be hard to beat
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Buried (2010)
work of art
8 June 2011
I was really in two minds whether to watch a movie which only has one actor and the entire movie is shot inside a coffin, that would be a hard sell to most people!

But this film is already in my top 50, the viewer is instantly thrown into the character's inauspicious situation and director rodrigo cortes does a great job in building the tension slowly and subtly. Despite the seriousness of the situation, i laughed out loud at paul's strained conversation with what appeared to be his mother in law and when he told her to F off once she had finally given him the information he needed. This movie was like reading a book, often when things are left to your imagination, the threat becomes more intense and I found that the case here, i was on the edge of my seat at the end wondering if paul would be rescued or not, thats rare for me. Summing up, this is a movie that on paper shouldn't work but it really does and it goes without saying this is a thinking mans movie and not one for the adventure junkies.
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Takers (2010)
Style but no substance
30 May 2011
Everyone likes a good heist movie with attractive characters, its exactly what you go to the theater to watch.

And the two heists in this movie are choreographed and executed very well. Great originality and worth overlooking the obvious plot holes. However, the rest of the movie especially the interaction between the characters left me bored and not caring who lived or died.

There was little in the way of suspense either and with better direction, this would have been more watchable. The slow motion no sound but music shootout at the end has now been done enough to make it clichéd and that was also disappointing.

Inside Man, Point break are great heist movies with interesting story lines, this promised much but delivered very little
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Ignore the rating
8 May 2011
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At the time of writing, this movie rated 4.2 which is absurd, this is a very funny low budget equivalent of sex drive or American pie. Its filmed in the jerky camera/documentary style which maybe some people don't like but I think that gives the movie authenticity.

Zack Pearlman will go onto bigger and better things as the lead, some detractors say he was trying too much to be like jonah hill, well it worked for me, and michael bennet was great in the shy awkward role.

A lot of these teen angst movies peter out halfway thru but this movie kept me interested right thru, i liked the whole youtube clip spiel and it was a great idea to include the lose virginity with fave porn star angle.
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waste of an idea
8 May 2011
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This movie had a great concept, assign certain characters as guards (middle aged guy who still lives with his mom, frat boy on a powertrip, etc)make the meek/liberals prisoners, give the guards a set of rules, throw everybody in a makeshift prison for 2 weeks and see what happens.

The result of this would probably be fascinating every time but this movie could have benefited more from a few questions being asked, like who were the people organizing this.And why the chief perpetrator was supposedly paid in spite of what he did and especially when the experiment didn't last 2 weeks.

There's a reason why some movies even with great actors aren't given a theatrical release, this was the directors 2nd movie, he's more of a producer and it showed. I didn't see the German original and I don't see the point comparing, I judge every movie on its original merits and this one could have been much better with a little more thought and application.
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17 April 2011
I'm a big David lynch fan so didn't need much persuasion to watch this but while its not like most of his work if you're considering subject material, some of his favorite players like Everett Macgill (his last movie before he retired?), harry dean stanton showed up and the wonderful music by angelo badalamenti. And this is set in smalltown US and along the way of his journey in true Lynchesque style, Alvin Straight meets a number of interesting and diverse characters all with their own stories. What made this movie great though is this is a story about life and the experiences that ALvin can share with others. It was a remarkable acting performance from Richard Farnsworth and he deserved to be nominated for a best actor award, considering he was suffering from terminal cancer during filming, his performance is especially noteworthy. No silly schmaltzy endings here, this is a movie about life and hardship and it'll leave you thinking a long time after you see it.
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scarily realistic
27 March 2011
Seymour Hoffman is one of the best actors on the planet and it a shame he doesn't get recognition in roles like this. His portrayal of a mild mannered bank manager with a boring job who siphons money from his bank to fund his high stakes hobby was utterly compelling, I love movies about gambling and this one really showed us in clear detail the traits of a hardened gambler. On the other side of the table, it was also very interesting to see how casinos try and lure the "whales" back to the table by any means. The ending was unclear and I still don't really know how Mahowny really got away so lightly but as it was a true story, you cant really question that. But that doesn't take away from a remarkable story and a stellar acting performance.
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Ridiculous concept
30 January 2011
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One of my favorite films is the Assassin,where a convicted killer is spared death only if she agrees to train and become an assassin for the government. If she refuses, she gets a bullet in the head as was originally intended. A tad preposterous but at least there's a point.

Here, we're meant to believe a man is not given a lethal injection as intended but sent to work as a groundskeeper at a facility where he is not under lock and key but told to just forget about his family which at the end of the day is his point of existence! All this so a priest/father can try and change his mindset, I would have loved to have seen the father convincing the Texas authorities to keep him alive for that purpose, that SHOULD have been the movie! And when he does get on the bus to try and go see them, the "guide" tells him not to and he just walks off the bus and doesn't try again. Then at the end, when he does go back to Texas to see them, his wife welcomes her dead husband like he's just come back from a business trip. And, of course the authorities made no attempt to stop this "dead" man return home. If you can get past these gigantic plot holes and poorly conceived ideas, I guess there's a half decent film in there but for me, zero credibility means it has no point.
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Outlaw (2007)
a mess
22 January 2011
I had high hopes for this one, I loved the director's previous work the football factory and this had a great cast, hoskins, bean, dyer etc. However, Director Nick Love does a very poor job here, he's trying to create a satire on modern Britain and throw in a lot of violence to make it a present dat "death wish" vigilante movie but that fails on both counts. Character development is appalling, I was scratching my head here more than I've ever done in a movie, some of the plot inconsistencies were just laughable, other posters have mentioned the specifics so I wont go into details here. Love should stick to his bread and butter of football hooligans, he went over his head here and created an instantly forgettable film.
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The Savages (2007)
don't get old
9 January 2011
This is a superb indie film that got me interested in the characters from the word go. Tamara Jenkins should direct more on this evidence but the real kudos goes to Seymour Hoffman and Linney for portraying the ultimate sibling dysfunctional relationship. Theatrical legend Philip Bosco was another casting masterstroke as the rapidly deteriorating father, although more could have been made on the fact that he supposedly abused the children, that was the story tagline but it was rarely expanded on. This was full of black humor and for anyone with older parents, this is the sort of movie that could make you lose sleep! The movie took time to delve into the lives of the siblings with their separate idiosyncracies and failed relationships and whilst I'm not a fan of "happy" endings, I was pleased with the way things were tied up here.
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