
20 Reviews
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
A Great, Amazing Movie!!!
6 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
**mild spoilers*** I thought this was a fantastic movie. All of the plots seemed well balanced, the screenplay was outstanding, the score really set the tone for the film and created atmosphere, the acting was at it's best from everyone, the action was outstanding, and overall it was a great, amazing, extraordinary film! The more evil spidey was simply fun to watch. It was a nice change of pace for the character and it really gave the movie its own separate kind of feel. It was different than the first two films. And that was a very good thing.

This is also the funniest spider-man film. There are a lot of hilarious moments in it, and the best part is that they don't take away from the slightly darker tone of the film. They make it even more enjoyable than it already is.

I loved the villains. Sandman was great, the New Goblin was great, and Venom was just absolutely spectacular. Topher Grace in an evil role was genius.

Speaking of which, Topher Grace, who plays Eddie Brock, has some really awesome moments as well, and the transformation sequence from him into Venom was just great. The final battle scenes at the end with him are some of the best scenes in the series. He did an outstanding job in his role.

Probably my favorite scene is the jazz club scene, where the more evil and edgier Peter Parker shows off his dancing talent (and later gets a little violent with some people). It was funny, shocking, and just plain entertaining. The evil Peter scenes are some of the best in the movie.

The special effects were outstanding to say the least. There were, as usual, some parts here and there where they weren't as top-notch as they could have been, but for the most part, they were outstanding.

Some people argued that the film was a little too long, but I think it was too short. It could have been even better if there were more Sandman, Venom, and evil Spidey scenes. Maybe one more Goblin attack as well. But what we got is still very awesome! Perhaps there will be an extended edition in the future, like what they did with Spiderman 2.

There are only two flaws I can think of in the film. The first is that there is, in the middle of the film, a long period of time where we don't see Peter Parker in his Spiderman outfit. Now I didn't mind this, I thought it was great...but the problem is that this period of time might affect my future viewings of the film. Still, the first time I saw it, i loved that section of the film, I thought it was gorgeous.

The other flaw is that in the final battle, some more fighting with Venom would have been nice. I mean there is a lot of fighting in the final battle between Spiderman and Venom, but the character of Venom was so well done in the movie that even more fighting would have better satisfied me. If it were also a little more violent, that would have been better too because it could have given the darker tone more justice. There is still a chance of an extended edition, though, and the final battle is still awesome.

All in all, this movie was an outstanding ride, a true masterpiece, and one of the most entertaining movies i've seen in a long time. I'm not sure whether this is my favorite spidey film, but it probably is. It's an amazing movie, well worth my time. Go see it! I give it a 10 out of 10.
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The Coen Brothers's Best AND My Favorite Comedy of All-Time!
17 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the only movies that truly made me laugh out loud all the way through. But, unlike all the other comedies i've seen, this one is just plain funnier! The plot revolves around a modern hippie/avid bowler called Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski. "The Dude", though, has the same name as a multi-millionaire called Jeffrey "The Big" Lebowski (hence the title), and when the multimillionaire owes money to a group of Nihlists (they don't believe in ANYTHING!), they mix up the two people's identities, and The Dude's carpet gets ruined because of it. The Dude then seeks restitution for his carpet, but soon becomes involved in a kidnapping involving "The Big" Jeffrey Lebowski's wife. And throughout the whole movie he is helped by his two bowling-buddy friends Walter and Donny. What ensues is complete mayhem.

There were parts in this movie that I found to be so funny that I had to pause the movie while I laughed for minutes at a time. I also missed some parts because I was laughing so hard and had to rewind! The script is brilliant. Everything in this movie is absolutely hilarious, and the pace is fast! All of the characters are unique and have their own voice, like the burned-out "Dude", the short-tempered Walter and the extreme-feminist Maude, and there is not one scene without its fair share of guffaws. All of the acting is superb as well and the soundtrack is amazing! This is the funniest movie I have ever seen, it is extremely creative, always interesting, and just plain insane! This is the Coen Brothers's best movie by far (yup, even better than Fargo!) and is also one of my all-time favorites! I give this one an easy 10 out of 10!
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Casino Royale (2006)
Probably the Best Bond Film Ever
21 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
***contains very mild spoilers, for example, how much screen time a character has***

I dunno, its either this or Goldeneye...I don't want to choose! However, I'd probably choose this one! Which is cool, since Director Martin Campbell directed both Goldneye AND Casino Royale...

Anyway, on to the review!


This film was utterly brilliant. This was also the fastest and most fun 144 minutes i've ever spent in a theater in my life! The action is fantastic, the story is excellent, the acting is perfect, the script is perfect, and all the technical effects are top-notch!


Daniel Craig is brilliant as Bond! He plays the role masterfully and delivers each line perfectly, and also does very well in the fight scenes! He's a great new Bond and I look forward to seeing him in the next Bond adventures to come! Bravo!

Eva Green is a great new bond girl, and the chemistry between her and Bond is pitch-perfect! She does a great job in the role, capturing the mood of her character in every scene realistically and perfectly!

Mads Mikkelsen does one of the finest acting jobs for a villain EVER! He gives this villain a very creepy presence and just does a really perfect job!

Judi Dench is great once again as M! She gives strokes of perfection to each line delivered and plays the role perfectly!

Jeffrey Wright is fantastic as the CIA spy Felix Leiter! It is unfortunate that he didn't have more scenes to be in, but he does a splendid job with the role he has! Hopefully he'll return and have larger roles as Felix in the next Bond adventures!

Giancarlo Giannini is also pitch-perfect in his role as the friendly but mysterious contact Mathis! He does everything perfectly with his character, captures all the moods perfectly, and just does a wonderful job!

Caterina Murino does another great job with her bond girl character, Solange, but as with the case of Felix, Solange isn't in the movie much. This is unfortunate as well, but she still does a fantastic job with her role! Bravo!

Jesper Christensen does a perfect job as the mysterious Mr. White! Mr. White isn't exactly a large role, but it is important nonetheless. And Mr. Christensen does great with what he has, creating a fully fleshed-out character with his acting ability, and capturing each and every emotion perfectly for his character!


Martin Campbell does another perfect job as a Bond director! The film is what it is because of him, and its an amazing film, so he therefore did an amazing job! He constructed and crafted a wonderful film, and I really hope he can do more Bond films in the future as well! The action is very well done in this film, with lots of energy and excitement, so he gets a lot of credit from me for that too! He also brings a great sense of fun to all the other scenes besides the action scenes, and makes them as fun and exciting to watch as the action scenes themselves! Its awesome! Amazingness!


The writing is perfect also! Neil Purvis, Robert Wade, and Paul Haggis really made a great script, probably the best out of any bond film, with many great one-liners, dialogue sections, and everything else!


David Arnold's score is fantastic! I love it! One of the better Bond scores of the series, it captures each feeling for each scene perfectly and enhances the intensity of the fight scenes too! A great piece of work!


"You Know My Name" is the song sung during the pre-titles, it is sung by Chris Cornell, and it is probably my favorite Bond pre-title song of all time! It is also now one of my favorite songs of all time! It captures the mood of a darker bond perfectly and gets us pumped up with energy for the movie that's about to come! I love it a lot! Its outstanding! It should win the Oscar for Best Original Song this year, or at least be nominated if it doesn't win.


What can I say? The cinematography by Phil Meheux is perfection at its most perfect! You have to see it to believe it!


They are all...perfect! Beautiful! The casino is a marvel to look at, the tournament section of the casino where the tournament takes place is beautiful, the hotel is beautiful, and well, just about everything is beautiful! I also love Le Chiffre's boat, its a boat I would like to be on! Production design by Peter Lamont, Art Direction by Peter Francis, James Hambidge, Steven Lawrence, and Dominic Masters, and Set Decoration by Simon Wakefield.


Lindy Hemming's costumes are fantastic! Each one brings a certain majesty to the character, and also are beautiful to look at! From the tuxedos to the dresses to the ordinary casual wear to the suits, they are great!


Its perfect! All of the action scenes are intense, energetic, slightly brutal, and always edge-of-your-seat with perfect sound effects! They are also very creative, from crane-fights to nail-guns and brisk hand-to-hand combat, each action scene is something very different from the last action scene and are always interesting and never stale!


All in all, this is an amazing film, one of my new favorites of all time, i've seen it twice on consecutive days, and I want to see it again and again! This is truly a great film, a masterpiece, and will surely be remembered for ages to come!

I give this one an easy 10 out of 10!
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The Prestige (2006)
The Best Movie of 2006!!!
29 October 2006
I loved this amazing movie! The basic plot concerns two magicians with an intense rivalry that becomes so intense that they begin doing horrible things just to out-do each other.

There are many twists and turns in the film and the film stays consistently interesting. There are many thrills and a lot of mystery in the film also to keep you guessing! You must pay close attention to the film, for if you miss one scene then you're likely to not have a clue what's going one. But the movie is extremely entertaining, so it is unlikely you'll want to miss anything! This is a very fantastic film, and sci-fi fans, mystery fans, and just about everyone else will love it! There are many shocking twists in it that the audience was gasping and "ooh"-ing at when I went to see it! This is a great movie, and so far, the best movie of 2006! I give this one a 10 out of 10.
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Made Me Nauseous
8 October 2006
Yeah, this little short made me wanna vomit, it was so horrific! Which is why it was great, since it obviously gave me the effect PJ probably wanted it to give me. I could hardly contain my stomach when the giant black and white spider came out and seemed to break the guy's back, it just made me so sick and horrified! In case you don't know, this film is a rendition of what the cut-out "spider-pit" scene from the original 1933 Kong was like. The scene was cut out from the original due to it being too gruesome, and judging from this little clip, I can fully understand why! The crew also did a great job on this clip, it seemed to come straight from the original movie! I actually thought it was from the original 1933 Kong until someone here on IMDb told me it wasn't. But still, this clip is very great, horrifying, and feels just like it came from the original '33 Kong, and it also seems that the filmmakers took a good amount of time and effort into making this awesome little piece. Their work payed off big-time! I give this a 10 out of 10.
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The Island (2005)
The first Act was spectacular; everything else, i didn't like.
3 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers's the thing...

The first 45 minutes or so in "The Island" were great. They were well-made, fantastic, and just wonderful. If the first 45 minutes were one movie, i would watch it over and over again.

The Island is about two people living in a facility-like-place. They live among many people in there, and are told that the reason they are there is because the rest of the world is dead from a virus, and that they are the only survivors and being in the facility is the only way to survive. However, every day, one person is chosen by a lottery to go to "The Island", which is the last outside-place the humans can go, and they are told that this island is of heavenly perfection.

The two leads are Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson, who i will refer to as Ewan and Scarlett for the rest of the review.

Anyway, Ewan then finds out the horrible truth: that he is actually a clone in this facility living among many other clones. Not only that, but there is no island. The person who is chosen to go to the island is actually the clone they need to harvest organs from to save the original. So, if the original needs a new kidney, they tell the clone that he or she is going to the island, take the clone through a hallway, knock him/her out, and take out the kidney, and then kill the clone.

Ewan and Scarlett escape, and this is the very point the movie went downhill from here. I don't know if it was whether these new sets were not as pretty as the facility, or if I was in a bad mood, but it was probably because Acts 2 and 3 weren't as good as the amazing first Act. Acts 2 and 3 felt rushed. Too rushed. The action was bad. This was one of those rare movies where the action was actually boring to me. I wasn't excited at all. It was too rushed. The action didn't look nice either, except for the car chase, which was good. It didn't thrill me, but it looked good.

So, in conclusion, if the whole movie was made as well as the first act, it could have been an amazing movie. However, I just didn't like acts 2 and 3...they weren't as well-directed, exciting, or good as the first act.

The movie should also have been shorter. If it were no more than 1 hour 50 minutes, it would have been much smoother and better, say the movie stays the same but some more scenes were cut...the movie would have been good. If the last two acts were better-made, the movie would have been good. If the last two acts were better-made, and if it was only 1 hour 50 minutes, the movie would have been amazing.

The action should have been better. The whole movie should have been as good as act 1. The only part I liked at least a little in either acts two or three was the car chase, and even that wasn't that great.

I just didn't care for anything that happened. Nothing in acts 2 or 3 was fun or amazing, like act 1.

Act 1 gets a 10 Act 2 and 3 gets a 2 The average is 6

so, therefore...

I give this one a 6 out of 10.
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Great, Fantastic Movie, but a little too dark.
28 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was a fantastic adventure. Great movie. The action was astounding, the story was incredible, and the acting was just plain great. However, the only thing that makes this movie not as good as "Desperado" is that it's just too plain dark. There's too much brutality, not enough humor, and the bad guy does too many sick things. Desperado was comical, light, and fun. This was fun too, but not comical, or light, which takes away some of the fun. But still, its a great movie, and the action scenes are astounding.

Johnny Depp is the scene-stealer in this movie (like in many of his movies). He plays Sands, a rogue CIA agent who's a bit of a psycho (in one part, the food he eats at a restaurant is so good that he shoots the cook, for example!). He is also super-cool, with his third, fake arm and all (don't worry, you'll see what I mean!).

There is also a bit of CGI work in this movie, and it's all virtually unnoticeable. The only parts I noticed were CGI were parts when people got hit by cars, but the only reason I noticed they were CGI was because I was aware of what could be practically done and what couldn't in the movie industry, and getting rammed by cars can't be practically done without killing a few people! :) But otherwise, all the CGI was great (its incredible that half the time, the bullets hitting the walls and people were done with CGI and not squibs, and some gunfire was also done using CGI; i didn't notice it at all until i watched the special feature on the DVD about the special effects...its great work).

Once again Robert Rodruguez proves he is a fantastic director! And editor, and composer, and cinematographer, blah blah blah.... :) Seriously its amazing how much he can do in a movie...the music by him in the movie is great...i especially love the "Pistolero" song track playing during the car chase involving Mariachi and a few thugs on motorcycles! There are also some parts where the action is so fast and extreme and energetic that the editing can't keep up! There were parts where the guns had no sound effects attached, the movie is that energetic and intense. It's not a bad thing actually; its so cool.

Also, the digital video does prove to be better than film in this movie. It's incredible.

The action is highly energetic. The acting is top-notch. The editing is masterful. The sound is as it should be: amazing.

This is a masterpiece. it could have been a better masterpiece had it been a little less brutal, but its a masterpiece nonetheless.

I give it a 10 out of 10.
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Great film, except for one major, gigantic, fatal flaw...
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...and that flaw is, that this movie is an exact ripoff of the davinci code.

Now don't get me wrong, this movie is entertaining, fun, and thrilling. But it rips off the davinci code way too much.

Here are some examples: (note, these contain spoilers from both this and the davinci code)

DAVINCI: A man and a woman must uncover a secret before a mysterious man does, while constantly on the run from an unyielding agent and his force. TREASURE: Two men and a woman must uncover a secret before their former partner does, while constantly on the run from an unyielding agent and his force.

DAVINCI: A team member betrays the main characters. TREASURE: A team member betrays the main characters.

Now, the only difference in the above is that in davinci, the betrayal happens much later, for throughout the book, we don't know that the eventual betrayer is already betraying. however, we also learn that the mysterious man is the former team member, so switch "mysterious man" with "former team member" in the above plot descriptions and you'll see how much more national treasure is a ripoff. anyway:

DAVINCI: After taking something from a bank, the main characters travel away in an armored van and discuss the situation. TREASURE: After taking something from a museum, the main characters travel away in a service van and discuss the situation.

DAVINCI: The knight's templar hides and protects the grail. TREASURE: The knight's templar hides and protects the treasure.

DAVINCI: The things the templar found gave them enormous power. TREASURE: The treasure the templar found gave them enormous power.

DAVINCI: Most of the action takes place in 1 night. TREASURE: Most of the action takes place in about a day.

DAVINCI: The leading man and woman fall in love at the end. TREASURE: The leading man and woman fall in love at the end.

DAVINCI: The main character is an artifact expert. TREASURE: The main character is an artifact expert.

DAVINCI: The leading woman works for the government. TREASURE: The leading woman works for the government.

DAVINCI: In the beginning, the two main characters escape the Louve with a coded message. TREASURE: In the beginning, the two leading males escape the National Archives with a document containing a coded message.

DAVINCI: The two main characters are lead throughout the story by codes. TREASURE: The three main characters are lead throughout the story by codes.

DAVINCI: In one part, Teabing shows the two main characters another layer of the last supper painting, convincing the female lead that the stories the male lead told her were true. TREASURE: In one part, Gates uncovers another layer of the declaration, convincing the female lead that the stories he told were true.

DAVINCI: The male lead finds what he's looking for under the sign of the rose. TREASURE: The male lead finds what he's looking for under some sort of sign (i forgot what it was)

DAVINCI: We all learn that the secret is too great for the world. TREASURE: We all learn that the treasure is too great for one man.

DAVINCI: There are scenes, in chronological order, in a museum, a highway, a mansion (where the female lead is convinced totally of the male lead's ambition), the streets outside the church, and a church. TREASURE: There are scenes, in chronological order, in a museum, a highway, a house (where the female lead is convinced totally of the male lead's ambition), the streets outside the church, and a church.

DAVINCI: The mysterious man, aka former teammate, hires an assassin/tough guy to do his bidding and chase the main characters and the treasure. TREASURE: The former teammate has his team with guns do his bidding and chase the main characters and the treasure.

DAVINCI: The bad guys hold the old friend hostage in a church and kidnap him. TREASURE: The bad guys kidnap the old father and hold him hostage in a church.

DAVINCI: The agent has the main character work for him for a little bit, and then the main character escapes. TREASURE: The agent has the main character work for him for a little bit, and then the main character escapes.

DAVINCI: The main characters read the messages with black light. TREASURE: The main characters read the map with ultraviolet bifocals.

DAVINCI: The main characters must run all across Europe to find the location of the grail. TREASURE: The main characters must run all across America to find the location of the treasure.

...and there may be more ripped-off, unoriginal ideas.

But, that all aside, National Treasure is a great movie. It's fun for the whole family, fast-paced, and just a great adventure. When I gave this a 10, i was leaving out the fact that it was a ripoff of the davinci code. I rate movies based on what they are, not what they look like or should be. However, if I did rate it and included the fact that it was a davinci ripoff, I would've given it only a 5.

But taking away the fact that this is a dumbed-down copy ripoff of the davinci code, the movie is fantastic and fun.

So, if you're looking for something original that you've never seen before, then forget about seeing this, because it's not. It's unoriginal to the max. But if you just want to be entertained for a couple of hours, then this is the movie for you.

Forgetting about the davinci code, I give this a 10 out of 10.
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Bandits (2001)
It's like "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and "Bonnie and Clyde" for the new generation
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Bandits" is, simply, an outstanding movie. Everything about it is great, including the feel to it, and you simply love the characters.

It's about two bandits who rob banks in a peculiar way: they sleep over the bank manager's house the night before the robbery, holding him hostage, and then go with him the next day before hours to the bank, take the money, and run. Then, they accidentally stumble upon a woman who stays with them, and they both begin to fall in love with her. Also, as the movie goes on, the public begins to become less and less afraid of them because they know the robbers so well, since they hear about them on the news all the time.

This is a very good movie, very entertaining and well made, and I highly recommend it to everyone! It's also very thrilling, for you fall in love with the characters so much that basically any bad thing that happens to them feels like a tragedy.

But I also must go into detail about the soundtrack. There is Rod Stewart, U2 (including my favorite song, "Beautiful Day"), and all these songs set the perfect mood for the movie. And that mood is a fantastic one.

This is a very memorable movie, and in fact, the only reason I don't own the DVD is because i'm an absolute nut about only getting Collector's Editions with tons of features, so i'm waiting for a better DVD edition to come out first!! The movie itself is a gem.

I love it! I give this a 10 our of 10.
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Amazing! Spectacular! Incredible! Fantastic! The Best 'Lethal Weapon' Since The Original!
20 August 2006
I absolutely adored this movie. The cinematography and sound effects are the best in the series, the action is great, and LW4 is the fastest-paced in the series also. It was incredible.

This one is about Riggs and Murtaugh investigating a case of Chinese immigrants being transported as slaves. Jet Li does an amazing job as the bad guy and the newcomer cop, Chris Rock, is great as well.

Joe Pesci returns again as Leo Getz and Rene Russo is back as Lorna too! They're both great.

There are some very hilarious scenes in the movie and the action is just amazing to watch. This movie is fun fun fun! One of my favorites.

If you haven't seen this one or any of the lethal weapon movies, then rent them all and watch them! They're all great, especially this one!

I give this a 10 out of 10.
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Excellent! Outstanding! One of my Favorite Films of All-Time!
17 August 2006
This is a fun, entertaining, very awesome movie. I love it.

The directing is great, the acting is great, the pacing is amazing, and the sound effects are some of the best i've ever heard.

It's about Jack Ryan investigating events surrounding a Columbian drug cartel and a secret special ops team sent in to wipe it out.

The movie starts off a little slow, like the first 30 minutes, but the pace soon quickens.

The action scenes are some of the best i've ever seen. This is one of the best movies ever, in my opinion.

The script is also spectacular.

I remember a period in my life, like a year ago, when I would watch this movie every day! Sometimes twice in one day. I do remember watching it almost 5 times a week because I loved it so much. Now I haven't watched it in a while (I think I may have watched it too much!), but i'm sure i'll watch it soon in the future once again.


I give it a 10 out of 10.
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The Ring (2002)
Scary, Mysterious, and Flawed, but Interesting and Entertaining
17 August 2006
This is a good scary movie if you like stuff like "The Twilight Zone" or "The Mothman Prophecies". Everyone knows the plot, as this movie has become quite famous, but i'll tell it anyway: A reporter investigates the circumstances surrounding a videotape that causes your death in seven days if you watch it.

This is a very entertaining and well-made movie, but there are a few problems.

1. The dialogue in the first scene has to be some of the WORST dialogue I have ever heard in a movie in my life. It is lousy, unrealistic, and just plain atrocious. Luckily along came "Scary Movie 3" to make fun of it.

2. There are some parts during the movie where the dialogue is also a little weak, although not as week as the absolutely dreadful first scene.

3. There are some parts where Naomi Watts' character acts so dumb that its unrealistic. I mean, the character acts really stupid for no reason. I am keeping this review absolutely spoiler-free so I won't reveal any of those moments.

That's about it. Other than those problems, the movie is quite fascinating. The acting is top-notch, its interesting, there are very entertaining elements, and its just plain fun to watch. Its also one of those movies that you can watch over and over again and not get sick of (well, for a while at least). In fact, the movie is so entertaining and good that it automatically makes up for all the flaws.

ALso, the directing by Gore Verbinski is outstanding. Best part of the film.

I said it once and i'll say it again, if you like Twilight Zone or Mothman Prophecies or anything like that, then this is the movie for you. If not, then this is still the movie for you.

Its a scary, fun, interesting, and outstanding ride.

I give it a 10 out of 10.
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Desperado (1995)
Explosive Action and Great Fun. A Very Good Movie and The Best 'Mariachi' Movie.
16 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film is loaded with great action, humor, and style. Don't let the moody cover fool you, with Banderas holding the gun to his head, this film is not as serious as it looks. In fact, I found it quite comical.

The action, as I said before, is fantastic. It's fun to watch, stylishly done, and just plain amazing! I can't get enough of it.

The acting was good, the script was great, and just about everything is amazing in this movie.

It's all about El Mariachi trying to take down one last drug-gang to avenge his girlfriend's death. Unfortunately, he has never seen the drug dealer he's after and is in quite a pickle as he is being hunted by this dealer and people are getting shot, stabbed, blown up, and beaten really bad everywhere around him.

This film is pretty violent, but not to the point of you having to go to the bathroom and vomit - violent. It's mainly just blood and excessive shooting.

And the humor is really great and funny. A real treat from Rodriguez, a great director.

There's also a nice twist at the end. Ooh, I love twists! I give this a 10 out of 10.
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We're back, we're bad, you're black, i'm mad!!!
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Best line of the movie (the title).

Anyway, this is the sequel to Lethal Weapon, and although it isn't as good, it still is pretty darned fantastic! In it, Riggs, who is no longer suicidal (but still quite a death-defying psychopath when it comes to fighting crime), and Murtaugh, who is still Murtaugh, are going after diplomats who commit crimes and then use their diplomatic status to be immune to arrest.

The action is better than the first, and the laughs are still there. I thought that the movie was a little light on laughs for the first 30 or so minutes, but after that it really picked up and there were quite a bunch of hilarious moments.

There are also a lot of great buddy moments between Gibson and Glover.

Joe Pesci is also a great addition to the series as Leo Getz, a con artist who talks a whole lot. He has many hilarious moments and Pesci does a fantastic job.

In fact, everyone does a fantastic job! There's also a love interest for Riggs this time around, played by Patsy Kensit. She does a fantastic job, like everyone, as i mentioned before.

The end sequence I also found to be very emotional, fantastic, and the execution of it could not be more perfect. It was one of the most amazing movie experiences i've ever had.

All in all, I love it. A lot.

I give this movie a 10 out of 10.
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Lethal Weapon (1987)
Splendidly Superb
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorites. It's about Riggs, a suicidal cop that can shoot, hit, and kill just about anything who is teamed up with an aged cop, Murtaugh, to take down some baddies.

Mel Gibson is hilarious in his role as Riggs. Danny Glover is superb in playing the more-serious, less death-defying Murtaugh.

The script by Shane Black is outstanding. There are so many memorable moments it is ridiculous. Probably my favorite scene is the gun range scene (don't worry, I won't reveal the gag), where Murtaugh tries to show off his shooting skills by placing a target about 30 feet away. He shoots it square in the head. Then, Riggs shows off his shooting skills by placing the target 100 feet away (Mel Gibson does a hilarious humming tune the whole time), and the result is hilarious.

The action is great, the comedy is there, and just about everything is fantastic, really.

I give this movie a 10 out of 10.
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Cars (2006)
Fantastic Movie! Great! One of Pixar's Best!
13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is more character-focused than other pixar CGI-fests, but still provides its fair share of great laughs, action, and excitement. It's about a big-shot race car who, on the way to a big racing event in California, gets lost and winds up in a small town called Radiator Springs. Since he destroyed their road when he got there, he is ordered to fix it up. And while there, he learns that life is not all about winning races and receives a lesson in friendship.

The animation, like always, is great. The story is really great, the execution is great, and there are a couple twists and turns in there as well. Owen Wilson and Paul Newman do excellent in their voice-over roles, along with everyone else.

This is really a great movie, and I recommend it to everyone.

I give this movie a 10 out of 10.
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Fantastic Entertainment! Spectacular! The Best Film of the Summer! Better than the First!!!
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film was incredible. Every moment is amazing and the plot and writing is just amazing and awesome.

It is much more intense than the first film, especially like moments when the kraken, a giant sea-squid, is attacking boats and picking up people and throwing them around and such.

The wonderful music by Hans Zimmer also only intensifies these scenes.

The movie is also filled with lots of laugh-out-loud moments, most of them provided by Jack of course! One little thing that wasn't as good as the first film was the pacing. The first thirty minutes went OK, the next hour felt slow, and maybe a little too slow. But the rest of it was incredibly quick (as opposed to the first film in the series, which was always fast).

Davy Jones and his crew were remarkable. The acting was great but the most spectacular thing about them was probably the CGI work. They are awe-inspiring. It's slightly too bad that they don't come out until approximately the 60-minute mark, but they really do steal every scene after that. Also, while i'm still on the topic, i'll just say it: Davy Jones is a much more evil villain than Barbossa from the first film. He is awesome, and I like the Irish accent by Bill Nighy.

But oh do I love the kraken. He, or she, or it perhaps, may just be my favorite character in the entire series! Every scene when it destroys ships and flips people around with its tentacles and kills people and damages everything in its path is just incredible. The music by Hans Zimmer is also just so awesome.

I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! Also, the ending is great. It's a twist ending. And a cliffhanger. Combined.

Also there's a funny little bit after the credits...and don't worry! The credits were not as long as I expected, they were probably only 6 (six) minutes long at the most (probably more like 5).

And also that wonderful music plays during the credits...i love it.

I do think there could have been one more action scene in the movie, fitted in some where, but the film is near perfect as it is already.

I highly recommend this movie to everybody. If you haven't seen the first, then rent it and see it now and immediately go to see this one! They're both great! Although this one exceeds the first! Immensely! And whoa did I mention that the kraken scenes were the best things ever? I loved them! I LOVED THEM!!! I give Gore Verbinski's masterpiece a 10 out of 10. This film is definitely in my top 15 films of all time.

I can not wait for the DVD! Or to see it again!

I love it.

10 out of 10.
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Fantastic Addition to the X-Men Franchise
18 June 2006
This movie is enjoyable in every way. It has great action, good pacing, and I thought the story worked really well.

Even though it's only 104 minutes, it seemed to me that this running time was probably the most perfect running time ever for a movie like this.

There are also some very interesting elements to it as well and there are many moments in the film that are sure to put a big grin on your face (especially the very last clip before the credits!).

There are also a lot of set-ups for a fourth "X-Men" movie and the script, while it does have some dud-lines, is pretty consistent and has a few stand-out moments that make up for the duds.

The movie is wonderfully shot and the visual effects are outstanding. The characters also are pretty-well developed in my opinion and the new mutants are just so cool. There is even a little twist in one part involving a mutant.

My only complaint is that there could've been more to the movie and it could've been a better "series finale". But I said before that there are some huge set-ups for a fourth X-Men movie so perhaps I shouldn't be calling this movie a finale. Nah, this is just another addition into the "X-Men" franchise and i'm sure there'll be more to come.

This is a great film and a more than worthy addition into the current trilogy of X-movies.

I give it a 10 out of 10.
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Batman Begins (2005)
One of the Best Movies Ever
6 May 2006
Everything is great about the film: the action, the acting, the directing, the cinematography, the music...THE MUSIC! The original score is so amazing that it practically makes the movie. Without it, the movie wouldn't be half as good. It really drives the movie, especially the action. During short, tie-in scenes the music may consist of only deep, dark drum beats, but those drum-beats are so amazing that it makes the scene even better.

The sound effects are also fantastic, and they really do a good job in the action scenes. The action scenes...they are amazing.

Now here's the part where I analyze the acting: Christian Bale is the best batman, Michael Caine is amazing, so is Oldman, so is Neeson, Holmes is pretty good, and Cillian Murphy is the best! The movie, although long at 2 and a half hours, moves VERY quickly. It also feels like they kept in the best scenes, although i'm not sure if any scenes were deleted. It's so amazing.

The editing is also very good, and all the scenes are put in the most amazing order.

This is the best batman movie and one of the best of all time. Be sure not to miss out on it!
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Fantastic Movie
6 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers

This is probably the best Mission: Impossible movie and it's also a very good spy movie in its own respect. It starts out great and only gets better as the film goes along.

The action is great in the movie and the actual action scenes are long, intense, and thrilling. They are very well executed.

Phillip Seymor Hoffman's character is REALLY evil in the film, and Hoffman does an amazing acting job. Cruise is also very good in the film, especially when he gets emotional because his "love interest" is in danger, and when he gets beat up or tortured. You actually feel his pain, not just see it! He's great! Ving Rhames is Ving Rhames but he'll always be Luther Stickell to me. He does a great job, like always! Maggie Q, Billy Crudup, Jon Rhyes-Meyers and Simon Pegg are also great in the movie and Laurence Fishbourne also does a good job of the harsh, rough-and-tough boss.

Oh, and did I mention that almost all of the characters get beat up really bad in this movie? It's true.

There are also some very humorous parts in the film and it does a good job of feeling like the first M:I while also executing intense action. The music in the film is also excellent.

The film is so good that, even though it's only a thriller, there are some parts that actually frightened or disturbed me. There are some nice twists in the film also.

We also finally get to see how they make those photo-realistic masks and the accompanying voice!!! The fights between Cruise and PSH are also great. There are also some VERY disturbing things PSH does in the film.

I am already planning to get the DVD when it comes out. This film is so great! And if you loved the vault scene from the first one, you'll also love the Vatican scene in this one. Not only does the Vatican scene feel like the vault scene, but there's also a HUGE, COLOSSAL reference to the vault scene from the first one.

In conclusion, this is already one of my favorite films of the year and is not to be missed out on!
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