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I do not know. Right now, I am failing.
18 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Star Trek into Darkness, it is slightly odd title for a star trek movie. Still when the title was announced like so many others I was excited, finally a star trek movie that had done the hard part of reintroducing the characters to a new audience in the first movie could now seriously go where no one has gone before.

When the trailers come out I was even more excited, but as soon as I got in the cinema to watch it, and as the film progressed I realised this wasn't the Star Trek into Darkness I wanted to see. Not being too critical of the movie I can honestly say that the action sequences are some of the best, and the cast is perfect they all build upon the roles of the previous film and make the film more enjoyable.

However my biggest issue is the script. By now you probably know the big secret that Khan is back, this isn't a bad thing by any means and I can see why they done it but it's annoying when the story was building up to something possibly new. I remember watching it for a second time and one of my friends saying when Scotty was going to the co-ordinates and the shuttle was going over the space station "no way that have the borg in this?!" I'll be honest my friend is very much into the borg but thinking about it wouldn't that have been a much better idea if John Harrison (like the original series version) did actually go where no man has gone before and his reason for destroying starfleet headquarters was actually to prevent them ever finding the borg. However Kirk and co awaken them from a sleep which somehow can link it back to the motion picture through V'ger.

Now that would be a much fresher approach to the characters and the interactions, rather than the story that we got which tried to force the film to be a new Star Trek II Wrath of Khan but with certain situations reversed. This wasn't anything new or original to the franchise and for me as a star trek fan it upsets me that this is the second time that they have done this (the first being with Nemesis...look it up its Star Trek II but with the next generation cast).

The idea of them recycling the same story over and over again because it's the most popular doesn't make it any better. If anything it makes me appreciate Star Trek II more but also hate it more, which is sad. So as you can tell my opinion is that this film is good from an action point of view and the performances are brilliant from all the cast, but the script is horrible.

For me as a fan I will still be waiting for Star Trek into Darkness with a franchise that from the last film had so many possibilities it is disappointing that this film was made. If J.J wanted to take something from Star Trek II he should have taken the Genesis device...Vulcan was destroyed in the last movie, it would make sense to have that here. But introduce a new villain and expand the world, move the story forward. It annoyed me with the last movie that they played safe and Kirk and Co didn't go through the black hole, this one annoyed me because its just a remake but its trying to cover up the fact its a remake which is frustrating. I'm not a hater of J,J I think hes fantastic (just look at my Mission Impossible III review) but I do feel he didn't take enough risks with this film and wasted the opportunity he had to expand the world and introduce new and more original ideas.
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Con Air (1997)
They somehow managed to get every creep and freak in the universe onto this one plane.
7 February 2010
Con Air...where to start? This film is one of them films you have to watch because its just an excellent action adventure movie. Its very much along the same lines as all the other film which its based around...Die Hard and Lethal Weapon. Its easily in the top list of action films with those two films, but though its the same Con Air offers something different.

Con Air is basically the story of Cameron Poe (Nicolas Cage)...I know John McClaine and Riggs sound better but just because the main characters name is bad doesn't mean the film is bad...I mean the names can only get better right? Still the film is around him being transported with several other prisoners, the only difference is that hes being set this begs the question why is he with the most wanted guys in America on this plane in the first place? Anyway several minutes into the movie and we meet the other characters but the most important one is the villain Cyrus 'the Virus' (John Malkovich)...I told you the names get better! Anyway because all these prisoners all want to escape and are all as bad as each other they decide to in fact all try to escape! makes sense right? Its at this point we learn that one of the security personnel have in fact done the most stupid of things and taken a gun on board the aircraft (guess who ends up with the gun...YEP...CRYUS).

Anyway as the film progresses along we learn that Cameron is trying to get home to see his daughter whom hes never seen and hes got her a present (wont spoil it for you but its quite important and has some good moments in the film). The film is very much like the other two I mentioned, its fast paced and has loads of memorable moments where Cameron tries to stop the prisoners from stopping him seeing his daughter.

The most memorable thing about the movie though is the sound track its so good and so suited to the environment. The ending is also a real treat after following the main character you finally see one of the most powerful endings in any action adventure film (it will more than likely make you cry). The other thing which is important about this film is the sound track the main song "How do I live" is a very very good track and at the end is used to good effect.

This film is by far one of the best Nicolas Cage movies...though he does have several which include Gone in 60 seconds and National Treasure. This film however marks the beginning of his action roles and is one which is easily the best.
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So help me, I'm actually pleased to see you!
22 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Star Trek The Motion Picture...that says it all really, its Star Trek on the big screen. This film is the only one of the Star Trek films which truly shows what the original TV series was all about.

It stars how you would expect with some stuff happening in space, but its abit more than that the opening is of the klingon warships which get wiped out by a strange cloud (I know gripping stuff but stay with it because it does get better). Starfleet then monitor where the cloud is heading...its destination Earth (didn't see that coming did you). And of course its up to our heroes of the U.S.S. Enterprise to save the day. Only trouble is the TV series stopped 10 years before this film.

Still all the original cast rejoin the action and they all have some great introductions to get back into character. However the film itself doesn't take itself too seriously all the time, yes there's a lot of serious moments and some of the lines could be better delivered by Stephen Hawking (oh and William Shatner's hair does change length almost ever scene) but this is Star Trek!

Anyway as our heroes get back together, no not in a sexual way, they start to explore the cloud. During the scenes inside the cloud their is some excellent effects and also a really good backing track which just makes you get stuck into the film and actually leaves you wondering what's going to happen. I do admit however that these scenes go on way too long in places. Though there is no action in the film its still a good piece of artwork and also has some great lines (most of them coming from Spock when trying to explain most of what is going on).

There is however one major thing wrong with this film in that the script is a little boring with nothing going on, it takes almost 45 minutes for anything major to happen, and even then it doesn't really pick up. But regardless its still a solid true Sci-Fi film which you can sit down and watch regardless of what mood your in. I do think however it would have been better as another TV series rather than a movie but then if that was the case then Star Trek may have died years back.

From this film though you can see how much it changed from being a Sci-Fi film of doing what it said "to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no man has gone before." to being more an action film with the sequels, which isn't a bad thing its just not what Star Trek was about the producers at Paramount Pictures gave up on Star Trek in the 60's and then saw it as an opportunity after the release of Star Wars, then took away what it was about.

I do think that this film is a success and that it is under rated as a movie, as said before nothing happens but thats the point, its not meant to have action scenes its meant to be a science fiction movie, and thats what it is. Star Trek The Motion Picture is the first Star Trek movie but also the last in my opinion.
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I'll do my best.
22 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
One of the lines Bond says to M after being told not to kill everyone. Also a line which sums this film up very well.

It starts off with a cut scene of an ocean and a bridge which has a resemblance of Italy (where the last film finished) then we hear the roar of the Aston Martin DBS and a few quick shoots of it. Then finally after the build up it turns out to be a car chase, or a sad excuse for one, which is directed in the most horrible way...really its like they filmed it from 50 different angles then literally cut up each one as much as they could and put them in any order possible while drunk.

Within the first 8 minutes of watching the car chase (and i use the term car chase loosely) there are a total of 200 different shoots thats a change of shoot every 2.4 seconds...

The film progresses, we then get past this horrible bit of directing to find the opening credits (which to be fair most people skip; the song is normally pretty rubbish, the title scene is not very good either....this is no exception). After the opening credits....or a chapter later on your blu-ray disc...we find out that Bond and M have caught Mr White (yes very reservoir dogs) and they interrogate him regarding an organisation which is called Quantum, its then found out that one of the guys in the room is a double agent thus Bond chases him down going over the rooftops of Italy and finally kills him.

Bond travels back to London, gets told off by M and we learn that MI6 have struck a deal with Tony Stark since they now have the same touch screen technology as he does in his apartment. After which Bond then travels to Haiti, then meets Camille Montes who is going to kill Dominic Greene.

I'm all for bad guys and killing but seriously was someone just looking at a packet of paints while trying to look for names for these people Mr. White and Dominic Greene...

We then learn that Greene is making a deal with the General and that he plans to overthrow the government but Greene wants land. And like Lex Luthor's dad said in Superman Returns "You can print money, manufacture diamonds, and people are a dime a dozen, but they'll always need land. It's the one thing they're not making any more of." so it stands to reason that the main chairman of an organisation would want land...

Bond gets into yet another fight this time in a boat....yeah!, another chase meaning more bad editing and camera work...yeah! and happens to save the Camille, Bond then files to Austria (yep i'd love to see how many air miles he's got as well). Upon arriving in Austria, Bond then does what everyone must do on a visit there...infiltrate a massive organisation during an opera.

Bond then gets another telling off by M and this time because she thinks he killed someone who happened to be a body guard for the prime minister, so she stops his credit cards and cancels his passport (damn no more air miles for Bond). He then travels to Italy from Austria with no money and no passport! to see Mathis who go to La Paz. In La Paz, Bond and Mathis are greeted by Strawberry Fields (yep we've moved from colours to fruits) who works for MI6 and tells Bond he must return back to London on the next flight. The three musketeers book into a hotel.

Bond and Mathis then go to a party which is being held by Dominic Greene, to be honest at this point of the film it would have been better if Dominic Greene was played by Jools Holland... the party would have been better, have you seen Jools Holland's new year show! Bond then meets Camille and the two of them then leave together and find Mathis in the boot on the car they are driving...Mathis then dies.

The two then drive to the place Greene wants to get in return from the General. They then look over the area in a plane and there is another fight scene and more bad editing (i know the editing during fight scenes is rubbish blame the Bourne Identity for it being rubbish).

After they have a mid-air dog fight they get shoot down and some how with one parachute (which doesn't open till about 10 foot away form the floor) happen to live? they find out that Dominic is causing a drought. Have these people not seen the advert for Drench with Brains in it, really its a good advert and people are bound to be buying that over using tape water...

They find out this information and in the end Bond goes and kills Dominic...we all knew it was going to happen in the end.

The film itself tried to out do Casino Royale but didn't have the story or the direction of the first film. It was a revenge story which is good however it doesn't really go anywhere, it's just a slow action film. They could have left it open for another direct sequel but instead finished it too early. It would have been fine to be a second film in a trilogy.

As the title of this review says I don't think it was down to Craig I think he done a fantastic job with what he was given. I just think that the director, in particular, needs to learn from the mistakes of this film and watch Casino Royale again to see what was so great about it. And thus I leave you with this after all is said and done "Rhythm is a dance, it's a source companion,"...Quantum of Solace may be a poor film but that advert is quality.
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2001: A Space Bordity
19 May 2007
Lets start with this film for what it is, OK it's a SPACE film, its set in a big space of nothing. So why does it start with gorillas? this film is meant to show the evolution of man and the overall film is just like nothing I have ever's just nothing happens and a really really boring film.

Nothing can beat the opening music to this film everyone knows it from some form or another, however thats probably the only good thing about this film, it takes a total of about 45 minutes for anyone to actually say anything with the first lines being "Here you are, sir", for the first half of this film I thought I was watching an episode of WILD LIFE ON ONE or something waiting for David Attenborough to say the famous works of "here we have..." or waiting for some form of sex to happen, however to my disappointment i wasted a total of 45 minutes watching this poor film, then when it does pick up and the space actually hits you...your either asleep or like me wanting to change the film...still i stuck with it.

The part when it does kick in its so slow....the music is dull I was turning emo, but thats not my biggest dig, it's just NOTHING happens, OK I would rather have had two and a half hours of a romantic flick than this poor film. Its slow it's like sitting outside and watching the sky while sometimes hitting your self on the head with a massive stick to stay awake. It's also very much like watching someone with a load of cutouts. I mean come on the space stations are poor, you would see better in a primary school art room.

This film however does have some good points, in that it's 3 stories about space. The first story is pretty slow seriously it just doesn't pick up on anything to make you want to watch it or even pay attention it's like they could have made in interesting I mean come on it's SPACE, but I guess that they where trying to make it seem as real as possible. If they where trying to make it as real as possible that was probably a bad idea because who wants to see people moving really slowly in a space ship they would be as much fun as being in a washing machine (in fact being in space for real in 1968 would probably have been like being in a washing machine) this film had so much potential, and OK the comment about the space stations was abit out of order they do look pretty good.

The second story is the only good one with the HAL computer that one i only know because of Recess and the simpsons, but either way it is the best one of the stories in this film, and does try to be a good horror (if they remade this story it would be SO good, like Event Horizon or something and would be really fact I think that might be the idea where Event Horizon come from however Event Horizon is just a better film) the one thing I didn't get at the end of this film was the ending but then I didn't pay attention to the rest of the film in all fairness I was more fixed on looking at my fish tank (which by the way at the moment has no fish in it - yes thats how interesting this film is) but maybe I don't want to understand the end of this film because people who have watched it and liked it say that you have to be intelligent to understand it.

You have to be intelligent to understand it? OK I don't watch a film to use my head after it and work out the meaning of life and the fact that we are all made of carbon and may have evolved from apes and we could have been made out of silicon if there wasn't so much of some substance in the air (like that blob from star trek), or we may have evolved into something else due to different conditions or we are going to evolve into something else like the Borg.

To be honest I watch a film to watch a film...that probably makes no sense but I watch a film to forget everything else around me I don't watch one and turn to the person next to me and say "yo...did you know we may have evolved from apes?" then get into a massive debate during the film...though that may have been a way to make this poor film go faster.

In fact heres an idea you know that most people skip the first 30 minutes of superman and watch it from when he goes to the city....with this film you can just skip it to the HAL computer story watch that for 30 minutes then go to bed it would be like watching the Recess version but only its the film that its based fact just watch the Recess version it's what 15 minutes and way more fun.
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Collateral (2004)
I am a cool guy, with a job I contracted to do.
19 May 2007
Thats exactly what this film is, that one line sums it up. This is the only truly good film Micheal Mann film out there.

From the trailers you can see that it's got two of the biggest names in films to this date, Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx, these two people in this film are what make it, and the story is so simple but yet such a ride. Micheal uses the same camera which he used to film Miami Vice but after watching and this you can tell that this is the better film.

It's not too bad on the running time side either with only 110 minutes or so making it an easy film to watch. Still the film starts off in an airport with two men exchanging brief cases and this is what most of the film is around what is contained within that, in the next seen we meet Max an average cab driver who is played by the excellent Jamie Foxx, now as the tag of the film suggests it starts like any other night.

After 15 minutes of not much happening the film suddenly moves into a world of it's own, as Max drops off a woman, who hes clearly pulled, by the name of Annie who is played by Jada Pinkett Smith (one of the only decent people in the Matrix sequels) still after dropping her off he meets Vincent who is played by Tom Cruise who just happens to be a contract killer who has to make several stops and a get away...who just happens to be Max.

There are loads of excellent moments in the film when Jammie and Tom have some really good lines off each other, also some of the scenes in which Tom does go into his own and typical action hero he does it as amazing as always, such as the scene when he has to get back his brief case from some "homies".

There is enough to keep you watching it and the ending is truly amazing, at some points however you do get abit "x y z" about the directing but nothing too bad and not as bad as in Manns next film Miami Vice which looked as if it was filmed for an A level media project. But the style of which he uses for this film works such as the shots in the car from PoV and the shots he uses of the just shows a whole other side to LA.

However there is nothing really bad about this film it is after all what it was meant to be a high action thriller, there are some typical shoots in places but some really excellent ones such as the nightclub scene which Mann tried to copy at the opening of Miami but failed on so many levels its unreal.

If you want to see a truly good film this this probably isn't for you since it's not the best but if you do however want to watch a film with a simple story and which has simple characters and is set mostly in a cab then this film is for you.
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Die Hard (1988)
17 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When you see this in the shops you can only think of that line, it's one of the true films to be an Action film from start to finish. The best part of this film is it's ages really well, you would think it was made only yesterday, it has one of the biggest stars in history of films Bruce Willis.

OK so on to the film, it starts like any other film and sets the scene for what is a roller coaster ride that will leave you wanting more at the end. In the beginning we see John Mcclane (Bruce Willis) on a plane on his way to Los Angeles, the reason he is going there is to meet his wife Holly (Bonnie Bedelia who looks really attractive in this film) and it's Christmas Eve.

He goes to the Nakatomi Corporation building which is where Holly works to see her and be there for his kids who he hasn't seen in a while, but during the time there he has abit of a fight with her and she gets called to give a talk, anyway John is in the bathroom insulting himself in the way how Bruce Willis does, and he ends up taking his shoes off (the person who he is sat next to on the plane says the best way to get over flying is to take your shoes off and walk bear foot and make fists with your toes...personally never tired it). During the time little does he know that a group of terrorists are planning on taking over the building (this all happens in the first 20 minutes or so).

The film then really starts to go into its own as we follow an average police officer from New York in LA trying to just to get home for Christmas, still more about this film. Upon noticing that the building is being taken over by terrorists John escapes and heads to the top floor with work is still going on, and sets off the fire alarm in an attempt to get the police there. When the terrorists find out that hes set the fire alarm off from the top floor they phone the police and tell them that its nothing to worry about and send someone up to kill him, John pleased with his attempt to get back up there looks out the window and swears at them for coming to his aid, then notices they turn around.

At this point they send someone up to take him out, and the person ends up getting killed, John having a wicked sense of humour (on both levels of the word) sends the dead body down the lift and takes as much as he can like the machine gun, and cigarettes as you do when your in that sort of situation, and tries on the shoes only to find they are too small. He also writes an amusing note on the persons jumper, meanwhile hes in the lift above the one that stopped taking notes on what hes up against.

Later on John goes to the roof of the building to transmit a cry for help to the police and has a fairly amusing conversation on to the police, anyway at this time he gets cut off due to being attacked by the other terrorists, and they choose to send a police officer to search to see if John was telling the truth, anyway the terrorists and John are having a shoot out in one of the offices, and to get the attention John uses his head he throws the body out of the window.

Now that he has some help the film moves onto a new level and the action increases more, as police road bloke outside and the FBI get involved the scale of this film (which by the way was made in 1988) starts to show. As John gets in situations and the action increases and has loads of twists and turns.

In my view this film has everything to be one of the best if not they best film out there, the scale of it is amazing and the cast is true great. Words cant really describe this film, you really have to watch it, but the film does leave you wanting more and does leave you wanting to watch the next one in the series. I could talk for days about this film and it's action sequences from the very small gun fights to the massive C4 explosion and the plot which doesn't seem to lose it's appeal even after watching it infinite times, and also it's feel good factor at the end when John is back with Holly and they are in the snow (lets face it you knew they would live) but it's got something that does make you want to watch it over and over. If they made more films like this then people would probably remember what cinema is about and we may have really memorable hero's like we use to.

This film should be a benchmark for ever other film that is out there trying to be an action film with a strong story, lets face it on paper it's a simple story terrorists want a building for money, they take it over, then John gets caught up in this's not hard really.

But then maybe people like it because it's simple, however I think they like it, or i I like it because it's so original and has never been done before, even Die Hard 2 and 3 they push the idea of films harder and further than before. They go that one more to make it fun and try to make the story still remain simple. It's one film you have to watch and it really should be in the top 250 on IMDb.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
We've all done terrible things to each other, but we have to forgive each other.
9 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had the potential to be the best spider-man movie ever, but instead it turned out bad. However I don't think its down to just the story, on paper it looks good at least a 2 hour 20 minute movie about spider-man with 3 villains (Sandman, New Goblin and Venom) with Peter and MJ together and getting married...on paper at least it looks good.

So why did it go wrong? The film starts off really well and picks up from where number 2 left off really nicely, personally I was never a fan of Spiderman 2 because to me it wasn't as good as the original, but this one had more to give, still back to the starts off and reminds us of the old characters who we loved, Peter is still the web-slinger and hes top of his class and still takes pictures, MJ's acting career is on a high as shes got a main part. This is all good and for the first 10 minutes it makes you remember this is a spider-man film.

Then we see sandman's character (I was so uninterested I didn't catch his real name - though I believe it should be William Baker) still we get to see this new villain...then after we get a really cool action scene, at this point you start to think this is now a spider-man movie, as all the special effects come out and your sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for something to happen and wanting to know what happens next, but not much really does, during this scene we see some new character called Gwen Stacy who is a model, and we also see Eddie then goes to a scene of J. Jonah Jameson in his office (at this point there are a few laughs but the joke wears thin after a while).

During this time we see Peter and Brock have some tension and they start to hate each other. Sadly however this is the point when the film starts to get down hill, as Sandman then becomes Sandman, and Peter and MJ break up....Peter is so full of himself about being spider-man that hes kind of lost how to talk to MJ but he wants to marry her so it's all good, however they have a fight in the restaurant where Peter plans to ask MJ the question. Suddernly the film turns from being a fairly solid film to a chick flick which is all about Peter and MJ trying to get back together.

I wont bore you with the rest of the film because to be honest the rest of it is fairly rubbish, Harry has a memory lose due to a fight with spider-man, Peter gets "darker" due to the black suit and becomes a massive flirt...and shows off in front of MJ and suddenly turns Emo. MJ does the typical girl thing and falls in love with Harry again and still loves other words she turns out to be the village bike.

Also like has already been stated Venom is hardly in it, and the ending is predictable, I'm not too bothered about the Venom stuff because it was obvious that was a bad move.

But like I said to start with the story didn't kill it, I mean certain parts did but not all. In some ways I think the directing killed this movie.

The length when I read it on IMDb before seeing it did surprise me 2 hours 20 minutes isn't a long time, but Casino Royale was that long and so was Blood Diamond both are excellent films they have a good solid story and they have a lot of action, while keeping you entertained. Upon watching those movies though I think Sam didn't move with the times both of them movies the directing during the action scenes kept you in the movie where as spider-man 3 was more like watching the matrix reloaded the special effects for me where too over used and the camera seemed to be in the same position it was almost like it was shoot using a high digital camera on a mobile phone.

This film (the last film I saw at the cinema before this was Casino Royale which I thought was excellent) was meant to be every single spider-man fans dream and every non spider-man fans film of the year, but instead it just didn't feel modern, you left the cinema thinking "what was that?" in shock that it wasn't what you had hoped, it was meant to be Batman Begins in terms of how dark it was but it wasn't dark at all.

I would say that this film is a typical case of gone too far, the humour and the effects where just too much for it and the story was trying to be too much to so many people. But it done what it set out to do, look around you there's spider-man everywhere at the moment its advertised so much, the media got us to go and see it, where as we all fail to see that the movie is not what we hoped.
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Superman IV....hmm...
28 April 2007
I maybe in the small percentage here but I thought this movie was a good solid comic book film. OK your probably thinking I'm mental for liking a film thats got a review of 3.3...but bear with it as I will explain why I like it.

OK first off when I was younger I watched a film that had superman in it and a superman in a black costume....but I could never remember what superman it was, I knew it wasn't the first one or the third because I had them on video, so it was bound to be the second.

When superman two was on sky movies I watched it and to my shock it didn't have that bit of cinema and action that I remembered watching as a child. After countless google searches I finally found out there was a superman four so quickly got hold of a copy and watched it...this is where the review begins.

To begin with it has almost all the original cast back for the final film of the series, which is nice on its own, the opening sequence is (I will admit) abit poor compared to the previous films but when you hear the music you know your watching a superman film. Anyway the film goes on and superman starts to deal with issues that are important, a child writes to him and asks him to take all the nuclear weapons off earth and destroy them, to begin with superman isn't too sure on the idea. Anyway in the end he does destroy them, mean while Lex Luthor steals one of superman's hairs from a museum and uses it to create Nuclear Man, basically an evil superman...well it's almost exactly like superman except hes blonde and needs the sun to get energy on a more extreme level than superman.

Still the movie has some great action sequences and fits in well to the other superman films, though you do have to take this for what it is "a comic book movie" it is good at what it is, you have to watch it and forget everything you where ever taught or believe...OK some of the stuff like the fight on the moon is abit extreme but it's a SUPERman movie. I can only suggest you watch this movie but just don't take it seriously it is a nice movie to watch and it is memorable which I hope is the message you got from the beginning of this review.
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Sin City (2005)
the best comic book film
15 May 2006
I loved reading two of the Sin City books in this film, one of which is the famous and first in the series "The Hard Goodbye" it's the story of Marv, who is played by Mickey Rourke and he does an amazing job, he basically wakes up to find out that Goldie is dead, and he then goes on a rampage to find out who done it, don't worry what I said doesn't give any of the story away.

The one thing that stands out in the whole film is the way that it looks, it's very much like Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow, in terms of it's a very 1950's comic book feel, but this however is done in the better way. It's done in Film Noir basically another way of saying "like kill bill" everything is a bit over the top, such as the gun shots and the blood, etc. but thats the idea of the comic. The film is also done in a monotone effect (thats right your thinking what the hell is that) in other words only the primary colours are shown (so red, blue and yellow).

The opening scene to the Marv story is scene for scene the same as the comic, while I sat and watched it on DVD I had to go and get my comic book from upstairs in my room and see how close the book it was, and believe me it's perfect. I thought that Batman Begins was close when I saw that but then this come out and I thought perfect.

However I preferred the Hartigan story "that yellow Bastard", I thought that this story was better in terms of the way that it looks as a posse the the story (though the story is excellent and Bruce Willis is Hartigan, Mickey Rourke steals the spot light in this film) the Night club scene is the best scene ever when the lighting changes, and the whole editing is spot on, it's again how the comic is.

Most of my friends were put off by the Black and White effect and found it to be a bit dull, however with the Special Edition version (which you should get because it has an extra 30 minutes) you see it all in colour and see that it's so much more different. For my A level media project I actually used the Sin City style and watched it in colour and could see how much of a difference it made.

There are other famous actors and actresses in this film Jessica Alba, Benicio Del Toro, Michael Clarke Duncan, Michael Madsen, Clive Owen and Elijah Wood and they all do amazing performances. If you like the Sin City comics then you will love this film, it's true to the comics, and is actually directed by Frank Miller (creater of Sin City) it's perfect in the way that it's shown but I think to get the most out of it you need to see the Extended edition, it's a bit more expensive but it does explain the story and also you don't have to worry about watching them all you can watch the one you want when you want.
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Beats the rest by far, but the real star is J J Abrans
7 May 2006
I watched Mission Impossible one the other day on Sky Movies one, the special effects look abit dated but the story was clever. I then tried watching Mission Impossible 2 but found that the whole idea was stupid, and the stunts where truly unbelievable. I then saw trailers for this and thought it looked as interesting as no. 2 however I noticed that it was by the same person who made "LOST" and like most people I like LOST so if anything i believed that the Director would make it be a great film...for once I was right.

The story is simple enough (and is already explained in loads of other reviews so I wont tell you about that) but it was very much like watching LOST in a way because it was simple but it still had parts that where unexpected, you thought or could guess what was going to happen but it was something totally different and I liked that it made it feel as if the people who made it had thought it through and tried to be modern but go back to Mission Impossible one.

People have been saying about Ethan Hunts character and the relationship side of it and the flashbacks but I personally thought that was a good idea to put it in the film, it made him seem as if he was more real and not like James Bond who when we watch it we have no idea about his social life or memories. It was a feel a key part to the way that you look at the film and the story, if you believe what you see then your going to follow it better, and because this character now has a background and now has a life outside what we know from previous films it just makes you think hes human, and hes normal.

I found that the action in the film was spot on it was enough to make you think "wow thats cool" but not too much to make you think "this is boring" the film is very fast in the way that you see the action, and this is helped by the excellent script. The action seems to make you feel as if you have been put right in the film, and in some scenes there is so much happening at once.

There are several key moments to the film, but I think the opening is the one of the best opens to a film that I have seen since Raiders of the Lost ark, it made you want to watch the film, I wont tell you any more than that because I'm sure you want to see it.

I personally feel that the real star is J J Abrans, he's directing is really good, and the way he works the camera to show different situations is spot on, this film id anything is like watching an episode of LOST, the plot is fast, there are a few flashbacks but nothing to put you off whats going on, the idea is simple, and the camera works is spot on, if you like the first Mission Impoossible then go and see this (in my opinion it is better than the first and this is what the other two films wish they where) And another thing....ignore this Scientologyistic, rubbish that people keep saying about with Tom Cruise, just go and see this film because it's quite simply an action adventure film.
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Alien Autopsy (2006)
Unanswered questions....Going into the unknown
8 April 2006
OK maybe this film doesn't do that, and your probably reading the reviews of this film and thinking "this film looks rubbish". OK lets look at the facts, it's got Ant and Dec in it OK thats not that good, it's not funny, OK thats not good either but now lets look at the film from another angle.

The film is basically about the events of on May the 5th 1995 most people probably remember this as the day that man found out he was not alone in the universe, it tells the story of the two people that "found" the footage of the Alien Autopsy but the film says that it was all fake. The one thing that makes me mad about all the reviews is this people say the acting is "wooden" or it's "unfunny" well thats not the idea of the film...and people who say that are missing the point.

There are some funny parts to the film but it doesn't say "the no. 1 smash hit comedy of the year" because thats not what it's trying to be, it's meant to tell us the truth about what happened to two average blokes who tried to make some money. If you go into this film thinking it's going to be funny you wont like it....that i promise you, people say that the film went on for ages and ages...personally i was surprised it ended as quick as it did, at only 95 minutes it's not long enough, in my opinion.

I would tell you to go and see this film but most of you wont listen because people have dragged this film into the ground, the film does have more potential and yes it could have not been so normal in places but thats what the film is about two people trying to make some money.

It's just a normal film, but the cleaver thing that it does do is make you think, Was this actually real? or Was that the way that it happened? it tells you a story and you believe it but still question if it's true...and if anything it's worth seeing for that.
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