34 Reviews
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Ripley (2024)
A Classic
23 June 2024
This is far and away the best version of Ripley bar none. The B&W cinematography is shot so beautifully it draws you in and sweeps you away. The geographic backdrops are set in breathtakingly beautiful scenery that makes you want to visit Venice or Rome once more because you can't let go of that fabulous scene and need to see it just one more time before it fades from the memory, although this film will linger for immeasurable time. The plot moves at a snails pace for long periods then suddenly there is a sudden change of direction or violent action. Like a cobra mesmerising you slowly before he comes in for the kill, this movie stays with you.
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Hai Ya
8 May 2022
I have watched this a few times and had the same reservations initially as many upon its release, that the Japanese Samurai films were more authentic and superior. Leaving this aside, this still stands up as an entertaining film after almost 20 years. I am still not convinced of Tom Cruise in the lead role however because he is so clean cut and while he is perfect for many roles like Top Gun, I would have liked a more gutsy actor like Bruce Willis or Vin Diesel in the role. It's still a very good and enjoyable film.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
7 May 2022
I have watched this film three times and I'm still astounded by this story of a soldier who was a conscientious objector who refused to pick up a rifle, even under the intensity of all out hand to hand combat. This tells such an important story of not judging a book by it's cover and the many people who have religious beliefs refusing to kill under threat of death. Conscientious objectors were seen as cowards by most people and were treated very harshly. Andrew Garfield brings WII Medic Desmond T. Doss to life and this grips your heart, a true hero and the bravest of men. Mel Gibson brings top class direction to this superb film..
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The Avengers (2012)
2 May 2022
Still catching up with MCU, I know where have I been ? This is an awesome film, 10/10 so exciting and seeing all the superheroes together is mind boggling. The dialogue between the superheroes when Shield get together deliberately goes off in all directions while they work out what to do but it is so intelligently crafted and egos are put aside so they can fight as a team. Technically this is a landmark film full of innovation. Thoroughly enjoyable and one to watch again.
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Thor (2011)
MCU Hammer
1 May 2022
Chris Hemsworth is perfectly cast as Thor, I was surprised Anthony Hopkins was cast as Odin his father at first but he is an immense actor can quite literally transform into anyone he chooses. This is light hearted entertainment without overdoing the special effects. I am watching the Marvel catalogue in timeline order and so far this introduction to Thor did not quite match up to Iron Man, but it is a high bar as far as superhero films go. My wife found it very entertaining and I am looking forward to the next film. The MCU is new to me but it is all highly entertaining.
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Quartet (2012)
There's a rumble in the house
1 May 2022
I really enjoyed this film, beautiful music throughout and some fine acting from British stalwart actors most notably Billy Connolly who I am sure throws in ad libs at will and Tom Courtenay, for me probably his best film.. Maggie Smith of course brings her unique Downton Abbey style with her. The film had a really satisfying feel about it. I was just in the mood for a not too demanding film, running time not too long as my wife and I had been out on a beautiful sunny day to a lovely restaurant on her birthday. My late brother used to love opera and I wondered if he would have liked this film. He certainly should have, but opera buffs in particular are very sniffy about their passion. Verdi's music is wonderful and this is a marvellous vehicle.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Society's ills
15 April 2022
Joaquin Phoenix is immense in this role, truly mesmerising and disturbing as a psychopathic victim of society, who has slid down to rock bottom.

The film delves into the character of this poor unfortunate and it explains how he ended up as a killer taking vengeance on those who beat him down. You can't help feeling sorry and pity for this abused guy who still carries aspirations and muddles fantasy with reality. It is shocking and disturbing and probably tells a million stories of those who wander around in an alcoholic stupor or descend on a downward spiral of hard drugs to briefly escape their world, ultimately leading to waste and oblivion. Shocking. Be kind to people folks, be kind to everyone you meet, you will never know their back story and it can be a better world if we do this.
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The forfeiture of the remote by default
10 April 2022
Too long and too slow for me and of course I inevitably fell asleep during a lazy rainy Sunday afternoon. My wife did not enjoy this film and so I have lost control of the remote for the next film night and probably won't watch this again in the near future. Such is life.
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Wherefore art thou Danny
2 April 2022
I've always liked Danny Devito and he is such a consummate professional that he makes this film look easy which of course it's not. It's friendly and engaging and a feel good movie. You know what you get with Danny, so just settle down and soak up the laughs.
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The Aftermath (2019)
Love and War
28 March 2022
The horrendous destruction in Hamburg during WW2 is the backdrop for this movie and it is more poignant as we currently view the Russian indiscriminate bombing of Ukrainian cities. Great acting in particular from Jason Clarke who plays the quintessential English gentleman who is kind hearted but emotionally distraught by the loss of his young son. This loss affects their marriage and results in betrayal and infidelity sensitively played by Alexander Skarsgård & Keira Knightley. Pure lust for lusts sake is not the primary cause but a much deeper tearing apart of lost souls colliding in unusual circumstances.
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Just my cup of tea
22 March 2022
Another idiosyncratic great from Wes Anderson. You are either a fan or not of his body of work which is quirky in the extreme. I loved it, the train journey with all the luggage, the brief liaison with Sweet Lime and the whole Indian experience. I just find his work relaxing which I am sure is not his intent but I just soak it up and let it was over me.
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Taxi for Tenebaum
20 March 2022
I think Wes Anderson is a fantastic director however The Royal Tenebaums falls short of the high water mark of The Grand Budapest hotel. The storyline does not go anywhere and you are left wondering what was that all about. In honesty I fell asleep which is not a bad sign in my case, but at one point a loud noise woke me up with a start. The characters are strangely hypnotic and keep one watching but chuckles are few and far between. I thought poor choice of film today, I should have watched any number of other films. I will revisit in a couple of years and see if my opinion has changed.
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A film you can't help revisiting
19 March 2022
This is such an enjoyable film which defies conventional cinematic norms. It is both hilarious and sad at times. The director, Wes Anderson has an unusual style shown from an outsiders perspective which is not explicit or in any way graphic and therefore makes you initially wonder if the concierge who enjoys great respect from just about everyone can have a more seedier side to him secretly engaging in relations with rich old ladies. It is presented much like life itself that we view people and situations from hearsay and don't really know if something is really true or whether to believe the worst of people until we hear from an impeccable source, which we are duly given. Bravo.
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Stan & Ollie (2018)
15 March 2022
Steve Coogan and John C Reilly's portrayal of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy's theatrical and personal lives is a masterpiece. You cannot believe this film is not the pair reincarnated. Very interesting dive into their history, this will whisk you away to another time, when so little was known about our comic heroes.
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The Impostors (1998)
Chill & relax
15 March 2022
This was a surprise movie for me, I knew nothing about it at all, but my appreciation grew progressively as the film went on. It is gentle slapstick comedy, that is gentle in the sense it doesn't tax one's brain the morning after after a big night out or subject it to loud special effects when all you want to do is relax on a Sunday afternoon. I know a lot of people who love Laurel & Hardy, Stan & Ollie (Tucci. & Platt) and I will recommend this film to them as this is a wonderful throwback to 1930's comedy. This is quite original and is unlike Steve Coogan & John C Reilly's portrayal of the famous couple.
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Ginger cat was my favourite
12 March 2022
I'm working my way through the Marvel timeline which is hugely enjoyable. I am not familiar at all with Captain Marvel. To me it is very much like the X men franchise relying a little too much on special effects. The SXF are good but I found the plot confusing and the acting very average. Brie Larson looked the part and there are some humorous moments, especially the ginger cat. I couldn't get my head around Jude Law in this role.
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Very enjoyable
10 March 2022
Don't take it too seriously, this is a fun fun movie and I enjoyed it almost as much as the first Iron Man. I am not familiar with this comic book story, so I had no expectations. The acting was great, Robert Downey Jr is fantastic and so were Dwyneth Paltrow and Ben KIngsley. The special effects were awesome but didn't overshadow the plot.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Not quite up to original IM standard.
7 March 2022
Just a short review as it's taken me 12 years to catch up with this film, all thanks to Disney+ which I am loving. I loved Iron man and as I thought Iron Man 2 could not live up to this. Still think Robert Downey Jr is awesome but the surprise was Micky Rourke who was scarily magnificent as the adversary. As expected, special effects dominated but it was very well done. Will watch IM3 next weekend to see how it holds up.
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Iron Man (2008)
Very enjoyable
5 March 2022
I thought I had watched this before, must have been an earlier movie. I was actually very impressed with storyline and very good acting by Robert Downey Jr. Can't wait to see the other films. I often think the first movies showing how the superheroes obtain their powers are the most interesting.
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Pass the Bolly
5 March 2022
I am a fan of The Ab fab series which is a comedy gold staple in the UK. You have to know and love the characters but I found the movie hilarious. Jennifer Saunders has been writing successful comedy for years and years, her cohort Joanna Lumley is a national treasure for her many varied acting roles. Patsy and Eddy's big screen outing is a Bollinger soaked, age defying, diamond encrusted triumph, a movie that'll make you laugh so loud and so long you may actually need a facelift. What a hoot.
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No Exit (I) (2022)
It was just OK
4 March 2022
This was recommended to me by one of my friends who thought it was a must watch fantastic film. We are all different of course and I found the plot a bit too formulaic and tired. On the plus side there was a lot of suspense, but it didn't offer anything new.
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Great action
4 March 2022
I was really surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. Plenty of explosive action and good convincing acting from the ladies and Arnie. It was great to see Arnie and Sarah Connor again. Some of it was shot in the dark which I must admit is not my favourite method of shooting, but overall a really enjoyable film.
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Great film
27 February 2022
I have watched this film several times and I love the realism and atmosphere of this seafaring period from a couple of centuries ago. This is as far removed from captain Jack Sparrow as you could get, but captain Jack Aubrey is mesmerising as a born leader with human qualities. Climb aboard and step back in history, you will join a great voyage. Russell Crowe is a master.
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27 February 2022
This movie has some of the finest acting depicting raw human emotion. Mildred (Frances McDormand) is grief and anger personified by the gruesome death of her daughter partly because of the guilt she feels for letting her daughter walk home. She is also frustrated by the lack of progress from the local law enforcement notably Willoughby superbly played by Woody Harrelson who is very sympathetic but there are no clues to go on. I loved this film and it would be great if there was a follow up to show what happened next.
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21 February 2022
Fascinating to watch John and George suddenly sprung back to life along with Paul and Ringo in their heyday. Peter Jackson has gifted the world with an amazing film, you feel like a privileged guest ushered into the studio akin to witnessing Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composing the Magic Flute. It's not immediately apparent but there is incredible underlying tension bubbling beneath the surface. Tolerance, patience and diplomacy were needed to meet the deadlines for the Fab Four who had fallen out many times badly. Paul was instrumental in keeping everyone on track which was not an easy task, but his love of the band was evident. John had lost interest and acquiesced leadership. I'm not sure anyone apart from Paul knew what they were supposed to be doing there. Heavy editing and censorship show the band generally jogging along nicely, but the undercurrents are apparent. Egos had to be put aside and George would have to wait his turn for his solo projects, as would the others for the greater good of the band. Its so riveting, but surprisingly full of humour and inevitably long tedious hours seeking perfection. Witness sheer genius and wondrous musicianship from Paul at his best and a less enthusiastic John with his new partner Yoko. Billy Preston's instant immersion and affable joy energised the whole studio. Captivating to see various reactions to the rooftop concert which alarmed some city types who called the police, but delighted the majority of the public. The police handled the delicate situation well and how polite was the police Sergeant, the receptionist was superb and everything went well. Much like a marriage, the group was doomed when a third party was introduced and changed the dynamics and direction. The album was a success, as was the concert, it was an astoundingly creative period for the Beatles. Thank you for the music.
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