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Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979)
Superior to the 2004 Re-imagined Series
23 August 2023
While BG 1978 original series lacked the budget, realistic effects and polished look available in BG 2004, it is a far superior series because it was a story of triumph, hope and the human spirit unlike BG 2004. It had a positive conclusion that would lead to the re-establishment and survival of the human race. The downside; The scripts were uneven and the teleplay dialogue could be lacking and like every other TV show of its era, the pace is much slower than TV and movies had become by 1990. There were many missed opportunities but Battlestar Galactica was just lucky to even be greenlit at all. BG 1978 was uplifting unlike BG 2004 which was just depressing. BG 1978 was a very interesting story with an interesting cast of characters. The Cylons in original Battlestar Galactica was a warning about creating technology that could become self-aware and turn on and destroy humanity. In BG 1978, humans did not create the Cylons (it was a lizard like race). I actually liked the Cylon origin story change that humans created the Cylons in BG 2004 because it was a more plausible reason they turned on humans and furthered the cautionary tale of creating AI that could supplant humans. However, that was the only change I liked about BG 2004. Galactica 1978 was positive and had some redeeming characters while BG 2004 was the most convoluted stprytelling that made absolutely no sense. Yes, the writing was uneven like all low budget sci-fi TV series, it was treated as a "red-headed step-child" and was expected to fail before it began.

BG 1978 was all also hamstrung and blackballed because George Lucas filed a lawsuit claiming BG was a ripoff of Star Wars which is was not and Lucas eventually lost. However, the damage was done and arrogant George Lucas badically caused the cancellation of BG 1978 because of all the legal cost and Lucas himself turning the fanatics of Star Wars against BG. All the while Geprhe Lucas himself got most holis ideas for Star Wars from other sources including books; Perleandra by C. S. Lewis, Dune,The Foundation Books by Isaac Asimov,, A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs and many others along with a borrowing a few elements from Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry. So thanks to Lucas, BG was boycotted by Star Wars fans and got bad publicity.

BG 1978 was ultimately uplifting despite the human race almost being wiped out. The Cylons in original Battlestar Galactica was a warning about creating AI technology that could become self-aware and turn on and destroy humanity. In BG 1978, humans did not create the Cylons (it was a lizard like race). I actually liked the Cylon origin story change that humans created the Cylons in BG 2004 because it was a more plausible reason they turned on humans and furthered the cautionary tale of creating AI that could supplant humans. However, that is the only change I liked about BG 1978 was a great story with a great ending. Yes, the writing was uneven like all sci-fi TV series, it was treated as a "red-headed step-child" and was expected to fail before it began. It has only been the last few years that sci-fi has been given the same respect of other genres on TV. Sci-fi cost much more to produce if done well due to costuming, sets, special effects and makeup. That is why we get sub-par sets and effects and creation of episodes that take place almost all in one area with dialogue to explain what is going in.
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Radioactive (2019)
Disappointing but still worth watching.
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While I felt the movie was worth watching, the music score was fantastic and visual artistry was beautiful, however, it certainly did not do justice to Marie Curie' scientific discoveries, her work and accomplishments. I understand the filmmaker was trying to tell Curie's entire life story in one film but to waste time on "flash forward into the future" sequences showing disasters that came from the discovery of radium and radioactivity were completely unnecessary. It almost felt like the film was placing blame on Curie for her discovery and work. The movie should have spent more time going into detail about her work. I also found the sequences where they show Curie imagining she was seeing her deceased husband so useless and a waste of screen time that could have expounded on more important aspects of her well known life. The "flash forward to future" was mentioned to show how humans misused her discovery but this film was supposed to be about Marie Curie'. There was so much substance left out of the movie in favor of lengthy artistic sequences that served no purpose. It felt like the filmmaker was trying to copy the way Genius: Einstein Anthology which was many more hours long was produced and looked but unlike the Genius series which had hours and hours to tell the life story of Einstein and could afford creative ways to try to visualize his thought experiments. This was a movie that needed to have focused on Maroe Curies work and could still tell her overall life story.
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Elvis (2022)
Just watch Elvis (1979) Starring Kurt Russell
14 July 2022
Where to start. Terrible movie that is all stylized crap. Not a drama about Elvis real lufe. All flash no substance. It doesn't do Elvis justice because they are telling Elvis story by people who are so many years removed from Elvis life and it came across that way. Instead of capturing Elvis as it was, this is a modern stylized version which just doesnt work. If you were alive when Elvis was with us, this movie will be a letdown. The original Elvis TV movie Starring Kurt Russell in 1970 was so much better and Kurt's Elvis was so real because he actually acted in a movie with Elvis and those who made the movie had all the input from people who were in Elvis inner circle. In real life, the death of Elvis mother all but destroyed him because he was so close to her. Elvis lovedcto eat and ate unhealthy because he grew up in abstract poverty in Tupelo, MS. There were many times the family did not have enough to eat. So Elvis had no off button when it came to eating his favorite foods. Elvis also suffered from Glucoma which created massive migraine headaches because in the 70s it was difficult to control. Elvis, like Johhny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and so many who began on the Sun Records tours all took uppers and downers which was a thing in that day. Sadly he never escaped the use of the drugs that almost killed Johnny Cash. Elvis loved people, wA generous with his money to a fault. Col. Tom Parker took advantage of Elvis, yet Elvis never complained.
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The Giver (2014)
Surprisingly Engaging, strong acting, execution lacking
12 November 2021
I just happen to run across this movie on SyFy channel. As I watched the beginning it was engaging so I watched. I had never even heard of this movie or the plot and certainly did not know it was a book. But it definitely sicked me in. It had good actors and tge story was intriguing. Of course I could tell this was more geated to a younger audience and it seemed like a low budget film. I am not goung to post anythi g to ruin the movie for others. It is well worth watching amd I look forward to seeing it again. I like seeing a movie like this, The Hunger Games, Enders Game, etc over because it was almost like you needed to have read the book to really get what was going on. The movie is good but could have been a homerun had their been better execution of the script. Also an actual symphonic musical score would have fleshed it out.
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Fury (2014)
8 January 2021
Don't waste your time! There is nothing about this movie interesting. It is nothing but violence and depicts WWII GIs as animals. It is pointless and a waste of time. If you want the true story of WWII and the men who fought it then watch "Band Of Brothers" an outstanding account featuring the real stories of Easy Company from D-Day until the end of the war. It has short clips from interviews before each episode of the actial men ootrayed in the story.
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Purgatory (1999 TV Movie)
Enjoyable Western with a twist
7 January 2021
This western will draw you in with a great story, good writing and suprise ending. I cannot understand why this is not ranked higher. It is a very unique story and family friendly. I cant day more without spoilers. Worth the watch.
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Jericho (2000)
Wonderful Western with a great twist
7 January 2021
Worth every minute tou spend watching. Here it is 2020 and being a western connoisseur I cannot believe I have never seen or heard of this western before. This is a unique western with a mystery involved. Well written, well acted and family friendly.
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Taps (I) (1981)
Fantastic Movie...Dont believe the bad reviews
3 January 2021
TAPS is a fantastic movie. Do not believe the bad reviews. You will be instantly sucked into the story and experience an entire range of emotions. TAPS has a huge all-star cast before they became stars. Also, you must view this movie in context with the time period it was released. For those who were not born or under 12 in 1981, you must remember that we were in the "Cold War" with the Soviet Union, it had kids had longer childhoods because there was no internet, cell phones and TV programming was highly regulated for content inappropriate for children.

Taps begins with a quote read from I Corinthians 13:11: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Taps" surrounds the coming of age for a young man at a military academy through a tragic accident and an escalating standoff between military personnel and citizens.

Taps illustrates how young men view a decision to close their military academy (a preparatory school) and disrupt the life they have known for years for monetary exploitation. The adult owners do not give any thought to how deeply their decision to close and sell "Bunker Hill Academy" would affect the young men for whom Bunker Hill was not just a school, but a stable home where they lived and forged deep friendships. The adult owners also did not care that they would be destroying a school with a long and prestigious history to build condominiums. At the begining of the movie, the main character (Timothy Hutton) illustrates how a high school boy sees the world. He believes that if he takes a stand on principal that he can negotiate to stop the closing and sale of the school. Of course as a teenager, he overreacted and made bad decisions because no adult would listen. As the movie progresses the harsh reality begins to set in through a series of events. After one tragic event he loses his idealistic views and innocence.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Sub Rosa (1994)
Season 7, Episode 14
Actually Enjoyable In Hindsight
27 August 2020
I am a lifelong Trekkie since early 70s. Like most everyone, when Sub-Rosa first aired I thought it was bad. It was like...a Ghost Story.....huh? But watching this episode years later, I actually enjoy it. If you look at this as a character study and take time to appreciate Gates McFadden acting it is enjoyable. Also, realize that "Ronan" is an alien (not a ghost) who has been attached to Beverly's family for years. This was another episode from the last season of TNG when each character was getting an "episode" and then each were getting paired with another cast member for a showcase like "Picard & Beverly" in Attached. It can be very enjoyable. Especially, considering there has bern no TRUE STAR TREK Since ENTERPRISE.
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Dark Shadows (2012)
Great Movie..Do not listen to bad reviews
15 May 2020
I gave no idea why everyone goves this movie mediocre reviews. If you were a fan of Dark Shadows soap opera you will love this movie. It has good storyline, humor ans the Dark Shadows scary moments. Tim Burton And Johnny Depp at their brst. The cinematography of this film captures the look and feel of the late 60. The muted color tones transports you back to that time period.

I love when Karen Carpenter is on the TV singing "Top of the World". Barnabas Collins goes up to the TV and says, "What sorcery is this? (rips out a cord from the TV) Reveal yourself, tiny songstress!"
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The Final Cut (2004)
Amazing Sci-Fi Thriller
7 April 2019
I cannot believe that I had never even heard of this movie when it came out it must have gotten badreviews or something. I thought I had seen ever Robin Williams movie ever made. But I apparently missed this one. I just recently found this playing on Starz Encore and watched it and it was intriguing, thrilling futuristic and definitely draws you in. I'm a sci-fi buff. But only like good thought provoking sci-fi. This movie does make that final cut. I live movies like Gattaca, Interstellar, Moon, Contact, Inception, 12 Monkeys, Equilibrium (before it gets all martial arts oriented close to the end)....The Final Cut is worth taking the time to watch.

As a a lifelong Trekkie.....Star Trek one and only original timeline. TOS, TNG, DS9, VOYAGER, ENTERPRISE. I hate so-called sci-fi that is just comic book, action, superhero.
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Ender's Game (2013)
Goid Mobie.....Dont understand bad reviews
8 February 2019
First, I will state I have not read tge book and from Experience I know that books are generally much better than the movie. Definitely that goes for The Hunger Games the books were so much better. This is not normally the top of movie I would watch but Ender's Game is worthy of watching more than one time it is a good movie with a good message. I do think the movie would have been better had it been longer and more developed but considering people don't have the patience to sit that long it's definitely an underrated movie. Watch and enjoy. It took me two viewings to really get what was going on since I had not read the book.
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First Man (2018)
Boring, slow and lackluster
27 January 2019
I will preface my review by saying I love Drama and intense in-depth movies that most people find boring. I was looking forward to this movie because it sounded promising, however this is one of the most boring, tedious, selt-indulgent, painfully slow movies I have ever watched. It literally took discipline to sit and watch the movie in its entirety. It doesn't give any true insight into Neil Armstrong life or NASA space program or moon landing. Just lots of intense silent dramatic stares onscreen. Don't waste your time and pass on this movie. You are missing nothing. I am a music major so a great musical score is extremely important. The "so-called" music score is non-existent. Whatever happened to beautiful fanfares and dramatic film scores? We need another Janes Horner. p.s. Another film that is shot so dark you can't make out the scene even after adjusting the TV. Why do filmmakers believe we like to watch a black screen?
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Great Movie! Don't Understand Negative Reviews
28 October 2018
I will preface this review by stating I'm going to speak in generalities because I don't want to spoil it by giving details.

This is a great movie it has the right mix of sci-fi, mystery, romance, a really shocking plot twist with a great ending. I don't understand why people have called this movie horrible because it's really an awesome movie. The first 2/3 of the movie spends he necessary time building the plot and drawing you in as a viewer. But the last 1/3 of the movie feels rushed. I really would have rather had a large beer movie and wish they had spent more time on resolving the issue. If they had done Leo's I could've given this movie a 10. I love movies that are based around character development and this one does a great job. I found this movie totally entertaining and it took me through a full range of almost every emotions and made me feel what "The Passengers' did. Don't pay any attention to the PAC police he thought this movie was just horrible and scandalous because it's not it's a great movie for people of all ages.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
CGI Fest but Movie Lacks Substance
21 October 2018
Skip "The Revenant" and watch "Man In The Wilderness" (1971) instead. The Revenant is a remake of "Man In The Wilderness" which is much more factual to the true story. Yes f you love CGI then you will love "The Revenant". Personally I do not like CGI because CGI does not look realistic and indeed looks animated. If you are seeking a movie true to facts, but may not be as visually stimulating then watch "Man In The Wilderness". It's pretty much that simple. Hollywood has lost their imagination so instead of coming up with new movie ideas, they just continue to remake old movies again and again and focusing on CGI. I will take substance and movies 'shot on sight' over CGI any day.
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Flatliners (2017)
Horrible Updated Re-make-The Original was great
20 September 2018
This is a terrible horrible awful stupid soulless movie with no redeeming qualities. If you want to see a an excellent movie you need to go back to the 1990 original "Flatliners" which was an intense, scary but ultimately had a great plot and an all-star cast before they became big stars. The original Flatliners wonderful don't waste your time on this horrible remake
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Hollow Man (2000)
Good Sci-Fo Thriller
20 September 2018
I don't understand why this movie has gotten so many bad reviews because it's actually a very good movie in tents scary and very different. It is actually quite unique and Kevin Bacon is great in this movie. It shows the darker side of humanity and what they would do if they could without anybody knowing. Take the time to watch this and you will not be disappointed it's one of the best offerings even though it's an older movie.
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Fear Thy Neighbor: Monkey in the Middle (2017)
Season 4, Episode 8
Terrible Miscarriage of Justice
2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
FEAR THY NEIGHBOR Monkey in the Middle

Spencer "Lee" Newcomer IV go out of his car and shot Retired Marine David "Dave" Wintermyer 4 times in the torso murdering him. Dave Wintermyer was getting his cell phone out of his pocket to be prepared to call 911 because Spencer carried his pistol around at all times and could not control his temper. When this case went to trial the jury found Spencer newcomer not guilty of murder or manslaughter he walked free.

Spencers page is filled with hatred toward any type of authority and is very liberal. He hates the police, President Trump, Republicans and all Authority. Yes it definitely sounds like he got away with murder and the Pennsylvania jury allowed their emotions and a defense character assassination of the victim to sway them instead of following the facts.

Spencer Newcomer: -Allowed his two large dogs to rove the neighborhood and defecate in everyone's lawns - Denied it was his dogs defecating and claimed the never left the yard. A LIE according to multiple neighbors. -Had a shed falling down from termite but refused to tear it down or accept help to remove. -Antagonized Dave Wintermyer -Pulled a pistol and shot Dave four times in the chest when Fave was unarmed.

David "Dave"Wintermeyer: -served 20 years in the Marines -Retired Honerably -Fought in Afghanistan & Iraq -Did free cleanup and work for all the neighbors including snow removal from entire street he lived on, cleaned out gutters, mowed grass, repairs because he loved to serve others and help keep the neighborhood nice. -Dave Wintermyer served his country in two war zones on multiple deployments and came home to retire only to be murdered in his own front yard by Spencer Newcomer.

Obituary David Edward Wintermyer Wintermyer YORK David Edward Wintermyer, 47, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, June 10, 2012. Born on August 10, 1964, in York, he was the son of Brenda Mundis of Florida and the late Ray Edward Wintermyer. David was a graduate from Dover Sr. High School where he played football for his school. He honorably served his country in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Field Artillery Cannoneer for 17 years and 2 years and 8 months as a Drill Instructor. He received the following: Combat Action Ribbon, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal with 5 stars, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with 1 star, Sea service Deployment Ribbon with 3 stars, National Defense Service Medal with 1 star, Marine Corps Drill Instructor Ribbon, Humanitarian Service Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, United Nations Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Commendation with 1 star, Meritorious Unit Commendation with 1 star, Letter of Appreciation (3rd Award), and Meritorious Mast (4th Award). David loved all sports and coached football. He was a "people person" going out of his way to help others. He was very friendly and loved by many. David's presence will be deeply missed. He leaves to cherish his memory, his mother, Brenda Mundis; stepfather, John Kramer of Florida; a sister, Tonya L. Wintermyer of Mt. Joy; a son, Zachary Wintermye; a grandfather, Richard mundis of York; and a host of uncles, aunts, and cousins. He was preceded in death by his father Ray Wintermyer and a brother; Michael Wintermyer. Graveside services will be on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 11 a.m. at Quickels Cemetery (off of Susquehanna Trail North, Zions View) with full military rites by the York County Veterans Honor Guard. Interment will follow. David and his father will be buried side by side. Memorial contributions may be sent to Wounded Warriors Project, 7020 Skiner Parkway, suite 100, Jacksonville, FL 33256- 9726. Gladfelter Funeral home, Inc., is entrusted with the arrangements.
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Horrible Re-Make of a Great Original Western
12 June 2017
Hollywood needs to quit remaking classic westerns. This "PC" (politically correct version of the Magnificent Seven is truly horrible. The acting is weak at best, the cast is not remotely believable, the costuming is less than stunning, many of the camera shots and angles are just annoying and strange looking. There is absolutely nothing zero zilch redeemable about this movie a total waste of time and money to make a horrible film when there's a beautiful original.
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Ben-Hur (2016)
Another Awful Remake
4 June 2017
I would give this a zero if I could. This is a horrible awful sinful remake of Charlton heston's Ben-Hur. A story of the Christ. lock all Hollywood remakes it's horrible Hollywood can't come up with an original thought or idea anymore and it's even worse when they dragged out all of our old movies that are epics and also they begin trying to write biblical stories without God and Christ involved. I love movies but for the past 10-15 years I would guess 50% of movies are re-makes or comic book/ would be a miracle if Holkywoid would get any original, creative ideas and make original movies. Hollywood also m eeds to sit back and watch the best movies of the past 50-60 years and learn to make real dramas and stories wirh meat on the bones that ate believable.
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Another Great Installment
12 March 2017
This movie us another great installment in The Hunger Games Series. It continues the story very effectively. While it is not as action packed as the first two, it is riveting nonetheless. It deals with much of the emotional baggage and PTSD suffered by Katniss. I have no idea what movie the person who gave it a 1 was watching. But don't believe his/her review. I generally do not watch movies that are geared more towards teens through 20 year old but this is great books and the movies are vry tiveting. It is well worth taking a weekend and bindge watching all movies in one day.
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Staying Alive (1983)
Worthy Sequel about a grown up Manero
6 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So many people trash this film. But this is a very worthy sequel. It's 6 years after the events of Saturday Night Fever. The disco era is over and Tony Manero has been forced as we all are to grow up. He has moved to Manhattan (as he said at the end of Saturday Night Fever) found direction for his life. In Saturday Night Fever he was a young man ruled by hormones, without direction (primarily because he could not see beyond the poverty and saw no future), hopeless, and treated women horrible. In Staying Alive he's a much more mature person who has grown up he's found that he can give dance lessons for a living and he has learn to dance with his dream of being on Broadway. Tony still struggles with commitment and how he treats women. He still has the smart mouth attitude and students still Tony. But by the end of the movie it's obvious he's found out what true commitment means and how it made him a better person. I love the romance and change we see in Tony throughout the movie. Plus I think it's refreshing that we get to see that Tony Manero has a future and it leaves us with knowing that he made something up himself and his dancing. It's truly a very positive film. While its not a blockbuster and never will be anything like Saturday Night Live or Urban Cowboy, its a good movie as a follow up to Saturday Night Live because really where else could you go with that movie except to see him as a grown up 6 years later. By the end of Staying Alive Tony has realized his dream of dancing in a Broadway show, learn what true love and commitment means, makes amends with his guilt over how he treated his family and his mother in the past, and he's found his place in the world. And you get to see what what a fantastic dancer that Tony Manero (aka John Travolta) really is. It was a great choice to use Bee Gees music to tie the movie to Saturday Night Fever. If you watch this movie remembering that it is 6 years later and is about where Tony and the world is now and you live dancing and a great back story including an adult romance you will enjoy this movie but just don't think it's going to be like Saturday Night Fever. I love that they included his mother in this movie it was a small but very important scene. Also her reaction when she sees him dance on Broadway and says, "Where did he learn to do this stuff?".
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Heart Warming and intriguing
7 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie and do not understand why it doesn't get a higher rating. I was 29 years old when this movie was released and I thought it hit all the right notes. I expands the story of how Santa Clause continues forever and answers all the questions that kids ask. The scene where Tim Allen's character (Charles Calvin) is reading "The Night Before Christmas" and Charli begins asking how do reindeers fly, how does Santa get down the chimney, what if they don't have a chimney is just precious because every child has asked those questions. And Calvin's answer that sometimes you just have to believe is so appropriate. I love the magic snow globe that allows Charlie to call for his dad at anytime. I love the storyline, love getting to see the North Pole and Santas home. The only one part I felt took away from the movie a little and that was the jail rescue. But I understand they needed a little more drama for the movie to be longer. Overall this is a Fantastic Family Friendly Movie. Tim Allen is a fantastic in this movie. Anyhow, I purchased this to add to my Christmas movie collection. And watch it every year along with: It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story (reminds me of my family at Christmas...I am one of six children and grew up in the 70s),Miracle on 34th Street (the original), A Christmas Carol (TNT-starring Patrick Stewart which I feel is the best version ever), How The Grinch Stolr Christmas (both animated and Ron Howard starring Jim Carrey), Charlie Brown Christmas, and ELF.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Underwhelming Typical Spin Off
30 August 2015
If "Fear of The Walking Dead very underwhelming, slow, and stereotypical spin-off fair. I believe first of all the location in Los Angeles is just boring how many apocalypse movies have Featured Los Angeles or New York? But filming in Los Angeles I'm sure it made production cost less expensive than "The Walking Dead" being filmed in Georgia. It was nice to see something different with original Walking Dead being set in a true city of the deep south Atlanta. It was also good to see the South portrayed as it truly is not in a stereotypical way. I feel that there is nothing new here. I would rather enjoy the walking dead and have a new series and a brand new concept has to have a spin off. There is way too many spin- offs today and I am burnt out on those. Examples: Law & Order, CSI

but I think it's very difficult to follow up a series such as The Walking Dead with something similar as a prequel to the original series. I think it's hard to text lightning in a bottle and I just don't feel that fear of The Walking Dead has that shiny new nickel experience that shocked and wild factor. I have watched for two weeks and I'm still underwhelmed.

Obviously the main reason for fear the walking dead is: -Money -Expand fan base by featuring Los Angeles (the self-centered capital of the world) -Piggybackack on the success of similar series.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
Lifelong Star Trek Fan re-watching the remastered version
8 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a lifelong Trek Fan....I am 47, I began watching Star Trek in Syndication when it gained huge popularity. I am truly amazed at the quality of this late 1960's TV Series. It was way ahead of its time and very under appreciated by the network. And to know that they were already going to stop production after the second season all because of what the "Almighty Nielsen Ratings" say. I have never been asked to be a Nielsen household and do not know anyone who ever has been offered but I don't believe the rating system is accurate at all. If it weren't for the fans we would not have even gotten a season 3. I have known so many good shows that were cancelled but the ratings skyrocketed in syndication re-runs. I believe the networks rely way to much on the "Nielsons" which are a joke. But I purchased the re-mastered version of TOS and already had the TOS on DVD. It had been a long time since I sat and watched one of the original Star Trek episodes. I am just blown away at how great this show was. Yes, there were plenty of mediocre scripts and cheesy effects in the original but you have remember this was before we landed on the moon during the Apollo missions and the cold war and Star Trek was a very low budget TV show which almost was never sold. The first screening which became the episodes "The Cage" almost got the series rejected. Among the mediocre episodes was some truly fantastic writing and I personally am not a Sci- Fi Fan. I am a "Star Trek Fan" and there is a huge difference. I don't like Star Wars,Aliens,Battlestar Galactica, etc. Outside of Star Trek I watch Drama and Documentaries TOS was insightful, gave hope to in an error where hope was hard to find. Wile if all you hae ever saw was the JJ Abram Star Trek Re-Boot that is a slap in the face of what Star Trek stood for. Originally Rick Berman was supposed to be in charge of the Star Trek movie on how the original characters met but in 2005 they booted Rick in favor of JJ Abrams who does good action Sci-Fi but knows nothing about Star Trek and its meaning. Gene Roddenberry would drop dead if he were alive and seen what Paramount has done to Star Trek. Star Treks focus was always on drama, oral dilemmas, character studies, etc. which the other TV series followed very well but ST:TNG did the best. Star Trek came along at a time when we needed hope; we were getting out of Vietnam (a senseless war), living in a cold war, dealing with discrimination, and needed help to envision a future....not a perfect nurture as there are still people in Star Trek who fight, and are dealing issues that humans had overcome for the most part. Mr. Spock the half Vulcan/half human showed us what we should be striving for in our existence; excellence, peace, respect for all life, no discrimination, world hunger gone, education to every person, nurturing human ingenuity and creativity to create instead of destroy and taking care of the environment. Star Trek even gave us the template of what true government should be; non controlling of our everyday lives and reforming criminals and drug addicts instead of locking the up and throwing way the key. I a not talking about Pedophiles and repeat offenders. But teaching skills to those who need to believe they have a future which will motivate the to stay clean from drugs. Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and human compassion. The technology in the original series has become a reality in most cases. I challenge all the young Star Trek Re-Boot fans to watch Star Trek: TOS and Star Trek: TNG and learn what Star Trek is all about. The vision is a great motivator and has wonderful ideas of what humans should strive to be. TREK: TOS will forever remain the template which Star Trek should have bee Re-booted upon with Rick Berman instead of JJ Abrams. I can say with all certainty we will never again see a TV series make such a positive impact on society. And never again will shows such as every Star Trek franchise series ever make it on TV. The new generation doesn't want a message, just action TOS and learn the values Star Trek was built on.
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