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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
A cool show with lots of potential
8 July 2007
This show has stylish, cheaply made and lots of fun. Donovan has a lot of charisma but Bruce Campbell and the other supporting cast really make this show pop. Miami is great location for this show. In the future it would be cool to see it move around season to season. The show is smartly written and avoids most of the spy standards. It would be nice if they reduced the amount of voice over. It tends to distract from the suspense, but it's not driving me nuts or anything.

I'll keep watching to see where this show goes, I think it has a lot of potential and is a great, light, fun summer watch.

USA appears to have a winner on its hands with this new summer show!
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300 (2006)
Worth watching but poor acting and directing foil what could have been a classic war movie
16 March 2007
Clearly, this film is not for everyone. The film looks utterly fantastic, but the reality is, this is a failed attempt at a breakthrough film. The battle scenes are magnificent; in fact I can't remember seeing a more interesting film about ancient war. Now before the fan boys pile on, ask yourself honestly about the poor acting, horrible directing and quite possibility the worst voice over ever heard in a movie and why it really put a damper on the party for some. I know people will disagree and say that it was supposed to be over the top and that is fine, but I think even less dialogue would have improved this film. Everything was drilled home in 50 point block letters and subtlety was completely abandoned. People in the Imax I saw this film with were eating up the endless catchphrases. Well, that's showbiz... I guess.

As a comic book movie, this was mission accomplished. Great villains, amazing action sequences that stylistically were like a dance and really, really bloody battles make this an action film for fans of the genre. And these elements reach right in and pull this movie out of the fire. And while I was not bothered by the no-name cast, the direction of these actors was bordering on criminal behavior. The over use of slow motion and not mixing up the technique really marred the overall product that was provided to the viewer. It really started to seem like a music video. Don't get me wrong, there were some amazing movie moments in this film, but the eye rolling at the ham fisted words really detracted from the movie as an overall piece of art it could have been. If Zack Snyder is really going to direct Alan Moore's the Watchmen, he needs to go and look up the words subtle and substance before he utters "action" even the first time during filming.

Much has been said about if Synder was trying to slip a conservative message into the film and a lot of things could be read or misread from this. Believe me, he wasn't that smooth. In my opinion it was a not so subtle way of portraying the hawk-like nature of the Spartan culture is ultimately what was being conveyed and not a slipped jab to eastern Asian culture as some have implied. But take what you will from the "they ask you to stand and I ask you kneel" remarks of Xerxes. That is the rhetoric of rulers and warriors and it's not always pretty. A lot of items in this film can have modern day parallels drawn. But ultimately it is just a movie. Relax. Followers of Islam should relax, Islam didn't even exist during this time.

I guess for me personally, the worst part about this film is how much potential was wasted. This is an amazing legend that could have really been translated into something we would remember for a long time, had some actor directing skill and improved dialogue, this could have been a masterpiece. I love and hate this film at the same time.
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When you can't get enough money piling up montages... Cocaine Cowboys is for you.
4 February 2007
Leaving no tired coke dealer cliché untouched, this film will be coming soon to a wannabe rapper or drug dealer's DVD player soon... so pull up a black leather couch... if you must. Could this film be any more mediocre?

A lot of people will disagree, those people are the same dullards that make straight to DVD crap like this viable. The truth can be ugly.

This just in, apparently a lot of money was made in the 80s selling cocaine in Miami. Wow. I know that's a lightning bolt to most people but if you've seen one movie about cocaine sales you know it will not be complete with out 20 minutes of cash piling up montages and police photos of bloody bodies. Apparently the film makers only had access to a few photos of the people they are talking about and interviewing as you keep seeing the same photos over and over again.

If you've ever been to South Beach, you see wealth on display but it's also hard to imagine this place during the REAL heyday of the 80s. This film does manage to capture that part, so it has that going for it. The documentary style of this does seem to be hijacked from several other more recent films.

You find out all kinds of things about Griselda Blanco and her henchmen all of it basically the heresay of convicted felons and washed up out of the game former drug dealers. While the stories told are fantastic they seem plausible in this insane world the cocaine cash cow of the 80s.

The film seems to have a sort of self congratulatory glow about it.

Calling this tabloid journalism is giving it too much credit. This film is disgracefully exploitative and frankly really not that interesting or as shocking as they seem to give themselves credit for. This film hits all of the key cliché's when making a film about drugs, pointless violence, over glamorization of the endless amounts of money and basically ignoring the fact that most of these losers being interviewed seem almost too happy to tell you in an unflinching way how they shot someone or did this or that making all of this cash, meanwhile all they are in the end are idiots that didn't know when to quit. Wow, nice "Glory days". Congratulations dirt-bags.

I really feel the best way to see this film is cruising A1A in Diddy's SUV between endless Scarface and Carlito's Way viewings. Or, just don't view it at all and save yourself the 2 hours.
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Lonesome Jim (2005)
The silver lining of a dark cloud
2 February 2007
Casey Affleck does a good job becoming the unlovable loser that you're actually interested in watching in this film. And for what it's worth, I feel like this film did a great job avoiding indie cliché's. Jim is not really overly inept or annoyingly stupid; in the contrary he's just kind of a high minded loser fumbling about for the same things most people fumble about for. Love, self respect and meaning in life. He's someone that's thinking somehow they are above the standard human fare because he has a specialization in literature.

Growing up in the Midwest I can say this captures Midwestern life almost perfectly. The tone of the settings, the reactions of the characters and even the fact that it appears to be shot in that brownish tan time between winter and spring which always reminded me of the Midwest no matter where I went. The supporting actors all turn in very good performances and it's interesting to look at.

This was a good movie. Steve Buscemi has mastered the art of subtlety and after seeing this movie and reading a few user reviews, I gather it's lost to a large number of people. Much like Ghost World which he starred in, he gives you hints and details that allow you to find character motivations and to flesh out their inner workings. In other words, he allows you to use your imagination. The film is like Jim, sad and brooding but with the hint of a good heart trying to find a way out. This is very funny and melancholy piece that's well worth a watch for people who enjoy films like this.
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United 93 (2006)
Chaos and Disorder
30 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie in my mind accurately captured the chaos of that day all the way to the end of the film.

The hijackers were all played with a high level of humanity and I was glad for that. I had always pictured in my mind that these guys were scared out of their minds just like the passengers. I have to believe that nobody is totally cold blooded when they are on a suicide mission. Nobody sane enough to try something requiring so much thought out coordination would have that kind of resolve.

At one point you feel like the leader is about to abort the mission until a younger, antsy terrorist forces his hand. I've read people influenced by jihad almost act like they are affected by drugs, addicted to the violence of jihad, that was captured in one of the characters.

It overall was a great film and was handled with class. I know it sounds silly but you really felt like you were there, even though we have no way of knowing what happened. And above all, it took me back to that day more than any newscast; article or clip has done since then.
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"all you kids make me sick! BECAUSE YOUR DIRTY!"
30 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so this is a "roughie" with trash and the tale of a perversion of a dainty young thing just trying to get some money for college. Aw shucks!

Implied slavery, degrading of women, pimps slapping their workers, "filthy" pinup photos sold trunk to dirty old men hand, dirty young men hand and anyone else who was buying "porn" in the age. It reminds you of how porn required so much more work than the modern age. This movie is a slow burn with some GREAT lines that you might find yourself quoting to your friends. I totally recommend getting friends together and drinking, heavily. You might find the start boring, but this has to be watched to it's blistering end. OK, it's not that blistering but it's FUNNY! A perfect picture of just how ridiculous drive in films were back in the day. Good stuff!
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Miami Vice (2006)
Slick and pointless
19 September 2006
This film looks beautiful. It's really too bad the plot could have passed for an episode of the 80s show. Yeah, it was a little more hard boiled and we get it Michael Mann, you can shoot at night with your special cameras. I was bored from the cold opener to the finish with what could have been great but simply lacked the screenplay to go with the execution.

Foxx is fantastic and that's really too bad for Farrell. Because he ends up looking like a b list star. Without getting too off subject, he was a miscast. I have no idea why he is considered A list when he hasn't actually been in a film worth seeing, ever. Such is Hollywood. Farrel is like this film, all hype and exterior with no substance.
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Confessions of a Dangerous Mind: Deftly Avoiding the Gong
1 April 2005
While quite very obviously a well crafted lie sold as truth this movie does not fail to entertain and was one of the more underrated films of the year of it's release. A commercial failure the film was re-released later based on word of mouth buzz. This film appeals to a fringe audience that remains just out of reach of mainstream films. What do you expect from a screenplay written by Charlie Kaufmann? This film is a telling of the story of Chuck Barris, creator of various TV shows and all around uncomfortable guy. Barris holds many stations in life, TV producer, songwriter and CIA assassin. The meat of this story is not so much in his occupations but the mental condition and back story of Barris throughout the film. With something lurking just below the surface of an ambiguous nature you aren't certain if you should root for Barris or despise him.

Through various twists and turns you follow what is one half mockumentary and one half spy thriller the film plays it very loose and fast and it let's your mind run wild and free without the burden of tension that a spy thriller would give. Definitely worth a watch if you enjoy strong acting performances mixed with offbeat plots.

Clooney takes what is basically a poor mans "THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE" and makes a very entertaining and watchable film with great acting and stylish but reigned in technique. Finally a someone takes the theory of taking a bad idea and making a fine film and makes good.
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A mosaic of human flaws and perfection.
1 November 2004
This is a film that strives to be "perfect".

This is a mosaic of human vignettes and stories woven into a tale of a team in turn shown as a metaphor for life. OK, well actually, this drama was about a West Texas high school football team in the late 80's but something about it rings so true to so many walks of life you can't help but see deeper meaning in it's messages. It's about a striving, pressure, the lonely nature of responsibility, hardships, overcoming challenges in life, greater goals and the power found in life philosophy put to use.

Top flight acting is abound with the usual quality Thornton provides playing a subdued Coach Gary Gaines with a quite dignity, but the real standouts come in the form of Lucas Black and Derek Luke in their roles respectively as QB and HB. One with stoic fearful dignity and another with flawed talented swagger, you really start to make connection on many different levels with the characters. This film could be a star making role for either of these young men.

Obviously after seeing this movie I would say, the production values are very high with excellent editing, cinematography and writing. You can almost taste the dusty roads and feel the dirty town of Odessa under your fingernails when the film is over. A certain amount of sadness and dignity surrounds the players where pressure above all has drained any kind of enjoyment from the game. The town is the protagonist, drawing the life out of its high school team in a vampiric nature feeding on the Panthers paths to glory. It can be at times depressing. Odessa, is told in the film to be a place to escape or be forever trapped in the browning pages of ancient history, seeking that fall season fix of football dominance. The film keeps a tight storyline by focusing on only a few key players but does have an expansive feel, epic in nature.

The film does not capture the depth of the book, the race issues, the academic logistics and the overall mania of MOJO, however that would be impossible without making this into a television series or at least a much deeper storyline. Not without trying though, it does take its swipes and endeavors to stay close with the source material for most of the film. The film definitely however avoids most sports cliché, but it truly is impossible to have a prolific sports film without a bit of cliché' just due to the repetitive nature of sports in general and the vast number of sports films available. It has been noted that a large amount of artistic license was taken with the Billingsly family, score of the final game, relationships, glossing over the racist nature of the town, the Carter negotiations and game and changing the final play to give it more overall cinematic impact. Hey, I'm fine with that, that's why the opening scene says "BASED on a true story". You have to get people in the door to tell your story. FNL tells a beautiful one. The movie ends with a grace that is oddly satisfying without being Hollywood, something tough to find in a sports film.

This movie succeeds where so many other films like this have failed by giving you a human bond with the characters. While it sounds entirely cliché, this movie had some very deep and inspirational moments not just for football but for life in general, I recommend it to anyone, I would add however you would be better served by the book, but I'm being realistic here! A highly underrated film, this is a piece that could be watched by a family, sports fan but above all anyone that enjoys well crafted film. 10/10
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Saw (2004)
Wasted potential - Horrible acting
1 November 2004
This movie had such promise, with an interesting trailer (which if you've seen you've pretty much seen the entire film) and an interesting premise they easily squander all of this with poor acting, worse editing and just an overall unpolished film experience. If you're reading this review, you've probably already read the premise so let's move right to the good and bad of this film.

Bad - First, the casting of Carry Elwes was the first strike against this movie, his overacting is not only hammy, it's just plain laughable. Need proof? See this film in a theater and check out how many people laugh at parts that are neither funny or meant to be scary. Danny Glover's character is decent but completely out of place. He disjoints the film but does add a bit of excitement into the climax. The pacing of the film felt entirely disjointed, you weren't sure the order of real time events and some of the plot seemed a bit ignorant. This film was not as smart as it thought it was. Comparisons to Se7en really should not have been made because it doesn't really even approach the level of intensity Se7en does. It's truly hard to care for ANY of these characters so I suppose in a way, the killer is the anti-hero of the film.

Good - Overall look of the film was gritty and honestly, the climax was predictable and unsatisfying but very tense. This is one of those "don't ruin the ending" films. But unfortunately they take a decent one shot script and decide to make a franchise out of it. How Hollywood. Overall this film is worth a single watch for horror fans and maybe even some discussion after but not much else. 6/10
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Hit-man noir with hardboiled style
28 October 2004
One of the earliest Japanese animation films I can remember seeing, this film was a perfect introduction to me in how great a textured and visually appealing an anime story could be. Shot like a noir detective film with all the action and speed of a spy thriller, this film set a new benchmark for the sniper/hit-man genre.

Duke Togo, while devoid of most emotion, captivates as a steely and ruthless assassin bent on survival as well as completion of his tasks. The stylish and dark film has conspiracies, presidential assassinations, serial killers, sex, guns, explosions and insane escape scenes.

The story is straight forward; someone has paid Golgo 13 to assassinate the son of a wealthy business man and oil magnate. Revenge is to be taken on Golgo 13 at all costs, involving crooked cops, serial killers, generals, CIA, FBI, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Special Forces. Basically, Leonard Dawson is taking his son's death a bit hard and feels just a little raw toward Duke.

The American translation is passable with pretty good over all emotional tone and great music setting for mood. One of my favorite anime and overall examples of noir style in graphic arts of the 80s if you can ignore that very dated helicopter scene that makes everyone so angry... Personally I didn't think it was bad, just out of place in a film with a perfect fever pitch already. Great ending, great film overall. Well worth a look for anyone who enjoys spy films, hit men or noir.
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Monday night TV's finest 30 minutes.
26 October 2004
HBO for a short four seasons, ran this nearly flawless gem of a show to little or no fanfare, quietly this show fell again and again the woods of Friday at midnight, Sunday at 2AM, Monday at 11:30, Tuesday at 9:45 or wherever there was late night time to kill on HBO, building a following (and Emmy nominations) with ANYONE that took the time to watch it until executives canceled what they did not understand or know how to market.

As a parody of a sketch show every scene blended seamlessly in an interesting mix of absurdist comedy and just outright funny over the top comedic performances. The show had a razor sharp subtext on society, counterculture and the entertainment world. It's witty writing provided a smart and fresh take on nearly every subject under the sun from mediocre comedians, rock music teen suicide to senators paying for sex with wooden craft fair puppets. I've never found a sketch show that could compare or span it's width or depth of complexity in 30 minutes.

Impossible to define, no explanation can be given for this show but everyone I've taken the time to introduce the show is an instant fan after one or two episodes. Do yourself a favor and check out a season DVD of this show, I can nearly guarantee you'll be running out to find the other volumes and thankfully HBO wised up and released them in an acceptable format!

I've yet to find a show as entertaining as this show. Perfect television. A show whose time came too soon, Bob and David, we hardly knew ye! Thank you for the ride.
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Monster (2003)
Hardboiled with a perverted feminist streak...
25 October 2004
Oh I love when a film champions dirtbags, giving you every reason why you should feel sorry, feel sad for them.

To this films credit it was nuanced and had a couple different interesting levels to it. It was like a car wreck of a life that you couldn't help but stare at, even more so when you think that it was a true story and the plotting and dialog was mostly realistic.

Christina Ricci does a serviceable job and Theron wins the Oscar but I had a really hard time finding anything else good about this film other than the acting. It was more of a rotten look at the underbelly of white trash America than anything else.

I still have a hard time recommending this as entertainment or even as a message film. Hardboiled and shocking with a perverted feminist theme, this film didn't do much for me. Depressing waste of time.
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The Defilers (1965)
Based on a true Chicago story...
25 October 2004
Shown usually in a double feature DVD, Scum of the Earth was definitely more entertaining than The Defilers but I found them both equally tragic in how horrible films like this were made.

Something Weird doesn't do much with fixing the print which is jumpy and bad but it's still well worth a look if you love sleazy drive in fare. The film captures an awkward age between the sexual revolution and the early century moral values. "We need a CAPER!" & "I said KICKS! KICKS! not chicks, sheesh, next you'll be suggesting BEER!" Good movie for those who like this sort of thing.

Terrible acting but yet still interesting to watch.
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I Heart Originality.
25 October 2004
Several people find value you in hiring 'Existential Detectives' to solve the mysteries of their own lives and place in the universe. Characters that are seemingly chaotic and unrelated find that their lives interconnect and a mosaic of interesting and absurd events and discoveries follow. Written like a real detective film it unfurls before you.

The movie is very original stab at existentialism and new age thought. First I have to say I went into this film with zero expectations and it not only surpassed that vastly, I have to say this is one of the best films I've seen this year. Oddly moving and very funny, this movie was a scramble of great dialog, acting and high-minded (or low depending on perspective) ideas of emotional philosophy. The acting is top notch and all of the characters are very entertaining. Wasn't that the point?

This film is original and thought provoking and that alone in a society that rewards ignorance will turn a lot of people off. I'm sure a bunch of people will find this premise extremely pretentious and never give this film a chance, I think those people should roll the dice and give this movie a chance anyway. If you look, you'll find something to enjoy in the absurdity of it all. Almost more an interesting moving painting than a film, this movie is a great piece of art ends up being something to talk about. Infinite possible conversations and thoughts about this film await you.
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Collateral (2004)
Flawless and Taught
6 September 2004
Michael Mann (HEAT & THE INSIDER) creates a film with the ultimate LA at night feel, interweaving streets, lights, common everyday mundane activities to build a near perfect suspense thriller with little or no gaps or flaws. Perfectly believable as a crime flick and even better as a character study this film entertains in many different ways. Worth a look or two.

Tom Cruise (TOP GUN) is pitch perfect as an over the top assassin but the real spotlight shines on Jamie Foxx (ANY GIVEN Sunday) who not only steals the movie but carves deeper the notch in his acting belt showing his talent as a believable everyday guy. While a lot of the film is emotionally driven and the action in this film is limited but rapid fire and brutal, I really enjoyed the pacing and never once felt a moment when the movie slowed or stalled out. It had perpetual motion until the last moments. Both actors make you care about their respective characters and keep an interesting climax or some would say anti-climax.

Directed as beautifully as it is acted this movie is 2004's sleeper and should not be missed. 9/10
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Try filming a decent movie to go with the marketing...
17 August 2004
This movie is the perfect epitome of Hollywood taking something beloved, running it straight to hell (Predator 2, Alien 4) and then taking it even one step further by completely disjointing the stories and continuity, *ahem* alienating the fans and basically wasting everyone's time while marring the original (Caddyshack 2 anyone??) all in the name of the mighty dollar bill. Seeing this movie only eggs them on people! This is a movie that you immediately wish you could UNWATCH and erase from your memory banks.

I would be highly surprised if more time went into the script of this film than the actual marketing. I'm not even going to complain about the PG-13 rating because it is what it is.... just a bad movie.

Horrible acting. Pointless plodding sub-plots. Decent action sequences and a precious few cool moments in what should have been a fan-boy's wet dream. The lead in this movie is a demographic friendly woman with barely enough acting ability to make a shampoo ad believable. Any mildly entertaining characters were immediately destroyed in the first twenty minutes of the film with zero payout. Even the marquee monsters end up looking bored as the audience is lead along in a by numbers popcorn sales ploy.
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Laser Mission (1989)
"I just dropped in to say....Bon Appetite!"
9 August 2004
Probably one of the best bad low budget movies I've ever seen. This movie was purchased by a friend and I at a gas station in a 50 pack with other equally bad (but not as entertaining) films. That means it cost me around.70 to watch this and it was worth EVERY penny!

More great bad lines than you can ever imagine. Bad ideas and worse acting, this film is stone cold terrible but I doubt you won't be even a little entertained by it!

"Bad News, it appears the Russians are on some kind of LAZER MISSION"

Ok, so the Russians are on a Laser Mission... for a huge diamond and Ernest Borgnine... in Cuba.... which doesn't have a desert but still manages to appear as part of the scenery. This film has more than you could ever ask for, ALL STAR CAST, quality stock footage, crazy dialogue, a budget of $32 and a case of Schlitz beer.

I can't say enough despite that of how great this movie was to watch. This movie is so bad that, lines from this film have actually entered my daily vernacular! If you see only one movie this year, see Laser Mission!
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Big stupid fun.
15 July 2004
A sincerely funny movie. Lot's of great lines sure to be quoted from now until the end of history. Similar to the cult status Caddyshack has obtained. Sure for better or worse to be absorbed into lowbrow culture. Don't let that discourage you, this movie is quite funny and surprisingly warm hearted. Bobbing along with a happy-go-lucky feel allowing you to relax and laugh at the cast proceeds to unfurl a relentlessly long line of sight gags and one liners.

Will Ferrell going big on every joke misses with a few but for the most part the supporting cast picks up all of the slack most notably Steven Carell. I saw this film in Chicago in a preview and went in expecting zilch and even almost left before it started due to the annoying frat-like crowd but I left thinking I had just viewed one of the most funny films in years. Big, loud, stupid and amazingly fun. This one should definitely go on the shelf with the great comedies of our time.
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Funny but uneven, worth a watch.
2 July 2004
Not Steve Martin's finest hour-thirty but a funny film that has a lot of big laughs centered around lonely men, depression, angst with new relationships and fear of dying alone. Sounds hilarious doesn't it?

Wildly uneven the movie drags in points and makes it hard to sit completely through but still despite being borderline annoying, the film holds it's charm like an uncle that you just know will leave your party in 45 minutes.

Charles Grodin is mildly funny as Martin's best friend a fellow lonely guy and various cameos (Jimmy Carter) pepper this film holding your attention.

Out of gas at the end of the first hour it wisely wraps it up with a bow at a buck thirty... Good film. 7/10
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Flying Dangerously Close To The Ground
25 May 2004
A classic 80's film that nears cheesy pap but still avoids and retains heart through excellent pacing, dialog and acting. It might not hold up as well as when I first saw it because the family film concept had not yet been run into the ground yet for me.

Fred Savage does a good job in an interesting subplot that involves a bully and funerals for GI JOE soldiers. Fond memories of his confrontation with the neighborhood bullies still color my memory of this film.

A fun warm family fantasy that seems to be in short supply as of late due to it being nearly impossible to make something realistic because of the amount of film cliche in the modern world. Still, the film is very watchable and fun. 7/10
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Loved the apples & this movie.
6 May 2004
Goodwill Hunting 2: Hunting Season Ever wonder what would have happened to Will Hunting had he taken that job with the CIA? He would have been turned into the ultimate spy weapon! Matt Damon has really made a niche for himself playing talented genius liars. All the suspense of the Talented Mr. Ripley with 20% less of the homosexual overtones.

In all seriousness, this was an entertaining film with wit and solid action. I largely ignored this film for a great deal of time and only watched it after a friend's recommendation on DVD. I'm glad I took the time. This film has great European settings, intelligent pacing, tightly filmed solutions to what seems to be an endless amount of escapes that Jason Bourne needs to makes. The character due to his memory loss has an interesting fourth dimension in his personality than your run of the mill Bond knock-off super-spy. Franka Potente is an odd (but beautiful) fit into the role of Marie in character motivations that laugh in the face of logical thinking. She makes it work, nice save Franka. Chris Cooper is a shallow underdeveloped yet oddly hateable movie villain. While this movie is a B+ list actor's blue heaven, extremely confusing to me was the reasoning behind casting Julia Styles... Can't win them all!

Tons of questions were left open at the end of the film, I suppose under the assumption that a sequel would be made. (The Bourne Supremacy) Too much or maybe oddly not enough time was spent developing 1. The motives of the CIA's immediate need to kill him 2. The only real problem I have with this film is the extremely implausible awkward relationship between Bourne and Marie. I'm going to just let the small stuff go and enjoy the film, if you worry too much about why he doesn't at least put a hat on or ditch the red bag, grow up.

Yeah, time is short so they just cut right to the chase, literally. Hey, that's fine with me, the film works on many levels, plenty of "Oh hell no!" moments, it made me want to read the book for the details and it definitely made me interested in the sequel. If it's as good as this film, I'd say a wonderful franchise has been Bourne.
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Death: The Big Sleep... Zzzzzzz
4 May 2004
While I was excited at the prospect of a turn of the century documentary about Wisconsin history this disappoints. With all the skill of a boorish film school dropout, this film goes for 'shocking' gusto showing what is an entirely misleading portrait of a small town and state. First things first, the movie is not about exclusively Black River Falls as the film implies with its opening montage. The film purports to be about a sleepy Wisconsin town with little industry or population but ends up being more of a mix of Wisconsin crime history spanning ten years. This effort I'm sure looked wonderful on paper but James Marsh quite obviously does not have the talent to bring this idea to life. While I've no other experience with James Marsh's work, I got the feeling that this film was made for or by the cynical bohemian sitting in a film house sniggering at the 'pathetic' lives of average, normal Midwestern folk. Perched in their lofty lives, looking down on the simple folk blissfully toiling, unaware of the horror they exist in. The film's sense of humor is as joyless and tedious as anything in my recent memory.

Personally speaking, the only humorous attributes of WISCONSIN DEATH TRIP were the tired methods used setting mood. Using songs not remotely of the era, grating cinematic technique, repetitive scenes, the cliché' whispering doctor and the disembodied 'scary' voice telling you of all the 'horrors' of the age. None of the items presented were particularly shocking, nor were they to be unexpected. Ten years ANYWHERE in the world will yield the same results regarding crime. A poor man shot his creditor? Wow, you don't say. A man shot his wife after he catches her cheating? No way! A farmer that lives alone hears voices? Nay I tell you nay! Crazy Norwegian customs!? Stop the press. Padded beyond belief this film presents what could have been discussed in 10-20 minutes into a grueling 76 minutes of schlock tripe. What you're left with is an extremely worthless wooden nickel attempting to make the ordinary seem extraordinary and the only thing amazing about this film is how badly it fails. Avoid this documentary.
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Fiddle in the Middle (Class)
4 May 2004
The beauty of Lester Burnham's story is that it's so relatable. In fact, so many of the characters in this film are written with realism, that it's easy to slip into this world, a dark mirror of American suburban life.

This is the story of Lester Burnham, he's a mid-western, middle age, middle management, middle class family man with a midlife crisis on his hand. That's the hook, the story could be something to everyone. The story of Lester Burnham is the story most males face in nearly every walk of life to varying degrees. Lester is beat down by life, more specifically in a way, by the women in his life and his lack of being true to his desires. Chasing after the "American" dream has become more than tiresome to Lester, it's become a prison. He seeks some fantasy world where he can drift around in a male utopia, this it shouldn't be written off as shallow. In this society certain things are expected of men on a daily basis that tend to cause contradictions in character and in life. This film is a sharp examination of men, family, success and your own life's direction. It's also about settling for less than.

What could have just as easily been a "dull talkie" on the subject of bourgeois is transformed by the quality of direction, intelligence of the dialog, the film technique used and again very relatable subject matter. The cast does a very reliable job but there are a few moments and thick pieces of ham that degrade and slow things down. A few of the supporting actors appear to be hogging scenes.

As sharp as the critique on the male "failure" is the savage critique on the female "success". Basically this movie comes down to, what do people want from life or more what do people NOT do to get it. There are a vast number of layers and messages in this film. Studied, anyone could find more than a few that relate personally because of the simple fact of how honest the film is. The film revolves around re-evaluation of situation. How no matter how comfortable you are, your life moves one minute at a time and is forever changing.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
a big, bright, shining star.
3 May 2004
This is a story about insecurity, family and character flaws set in the sleazy porn industry world. It is very stylish and realized from a graphic standpoint and filmmaker outlook. The culture references are tight and never intrusive, the dialog is intelligent and the film itself has a heart lurking somewhere deep down. It's not as warm as the film would like to think of itself.

The acting in this film is absolutely top flight. Without a single weak link in the cast it steamrolls you, keeping you riveted on even the most trivial characters. Not only is this a career making role for Wahlberg but one that did for Burt Reynolds what Pulp Fiction did for Travolta. Ask anyone what who has seen this film and the usual response is "Burt is great". That misses the point however, EVERYONE shines in this film. The director has a lot of actor/actress weapons and he doesn't fail to bring out every single one in this film.

Tight interweaving stories bring this family closer to your heart and make you care for what happens to some of these what society considers lowlifes. It humanizes and dehumanizes characters at the same time. With all the sexual posturing and the nature of the business you find the human thread in all of their insecurities as the central axel turning their drive. Sure this story is unlikely but at least it tells a human story to an inhuman business.

After re-watching this film after a few years it still has one of my favorite scenes in any film ever. This scene known as "Long Way Down (one more thing)" is involves a long camera shot of Mark Wahlberg staring off into space sitting on a couch contemplating his life. I can't explain why but it was like magic on film that you just don't get anywhere else in my opinion.

Sad in a way, that more people remember the film by the `money shot' delivered in the final scene than a few of the others great ones. People might find this film pretentious in it's over the top way, even see it as having a bit of a Napoleon complex, as "the big little film that could" but Boogie Nights is a film that is designed by nature to invoke a strong emotional response. It's successful. 9/10
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