
23 Reviews
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A movie that still holds up
18 June 2024
People who dismiss this movie as racist have little understanding of the time when this was made. To celebrate black culture and give a black actor a major role by a major American studio in 1946 was certainly brave to say the least. A sticking point maybe the way the slaves are treated (no mistreatment is ever shown), but would you really expect Disney to show the extent of the brutality of slavery in a children's movie? Slavery is definitely not the focus of this movie, and more concerns itself with showing the human side of black people. Also, the slave masters are never shown as nice. So I really do not know why people are so hard on this movie. Sure, it is not Disney's best, though there is a lot to enjoy here. The Zip-a-dee-do-dah song is terrific. The animated sections are great. The movie has dated as you'd expect, but if you watch this movie for what it is, you will very likely enjoy it.
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The Exorcist (2016–2018)
2 seasons very different from each other.
5 April 2024
Okay, when I first started to watch the season one, my expectations were not very high. But when I finished seeing it, I was captivated and was excited for a second season. The series created a premise that I could see working for a good 3 or 4 seasons - easy. Season 1 turned out to be quite clever and definitely fitted well with the original movie from the 70s. Great acting, great writing - I easily recommend this 9/10.

Season 2 on the other hand - Oh, yes oh. It just felt like it was struggle. Just not enough story there to cover the entire season. I could just tell when there were points where the writers didn't have much to go with and had plenty of time to kill. It wasn't necessarily terrible, but kinda drifted along like you were watching episodes from the Walking Dead. They would sometimes try to keep you engaged with the odd twist - but they seem out of character and contrived that they felt desperate. I don't know, it just seems that they were stuck for ideas on this one.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
A must see movie.
5 April 2024
When this movie came out, I just thought 'Oh dear!', I couldn't think of a harder situation than trying to follow up on a such a beloved movie classic as the Shining. I watch the Shining about once a year, and while a sequel sounded like a wonderful thing to have, deep down you think at best will be passable and at worse ruin that pristine experience I have watching the original. Because too often filmmakers can't resist the urge to go back and fill in the blanks - yet forget that it's those blanks that help maintain the mystery and the intrigue. The only reason I saw this movie was IMDB - I felt like after reading people's reviews, it seemed pretty safe that, at least, it was good enough that at least it wasn't going to ruin the Shining for me. But I was still cynical, a 9/10 really? Probably more like a 7 surely?

So what was my reaction? Yes a 9. I liked it because it concentrated on delving deeper into the theme of shining rather than a "here we are, back at the Overlook!" - there is a little of that, but it actually felt earnt. The film keeps its focus where it needs to be, it doesn't try to recover old ground from the shining, yeah old characters make an appearance but not for the sake of nostalgia but to deepen your understanding of Danny, the main character, and why he has become as he is.

The movie doesn't rely on having viewed the shining, though having seen that movie may heighten your enjoyment and appreciation of the movie. The film is well acted, the screenplay is well adapted. It has been worked to fit in better with the film of the Shining, rather than the book.

I hope Stephen King approves of the film, it definitely has that Stephen King feeling about it. All I can say otherwise is just go watch it.
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Children of the Corn (2009 TV Movie)
So bad it's good
6 November 2021
This movie is one of those gems that everything is done so badly you are probably going to want to watch it again just to enjoy it crappiness and wonder how this was ever broadcast. It is clear that this movie wasn't deliberately made to be bad as such, but a kind of 'we don't have a lot of time and money, let's just get on with it and get it done' mentality... and it shows. I wouldn't describe this film as a horror, there really is nothing horrifying in it. That fact that movies like this exist is truely something to savor.
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Not bad
25 October 2021
This film is good. It is definitely worthy of a watch. For me Little Rock and Wichita were not as good in this as the first film. It is like the writers didn't really know what to do with them. The new character Madison was much more vibrant, and while she was a cliche, she added some good humour to the movie. The movie's ending is predictable but enjoyable. The entire story doesn't have a lot of depth, though with this type of film that's not something you'd be expecting anyway. Overall not as good as the first, but it is still a lot of fun.
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Evil Stepmom (2021 TV Movie)
Bad but funny
28 September 2021
The concept of this movie is certainly not new, so with Evil Step Mom (Evil Soccer Mom) it had to measure up with the likes of The Step Father (1987)... and it fails laughably.

If you have a sense of humor like mine, you'll find every stupid twist in this movie make you smile. The father is particularly dumb.

Basically it's the kind of movie to watch if you have nothing better to do. I think once was enough for me.
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No inspiration here then
19 September 2021
With all the bad reviews this movie got back in 2016 you might've thought it was all due to moaning Ghostbusters fans who simply wanted to see their old favorite characters brought back to life one more time. So I watched this film not really caring, just put it on. The first 30 minutes I thought were okay, that it was going the right way. But then it suddenly turned bad, bad enough that I fast-forwarded bits. It just lacked the inspirational creativeness that made the original great, and replaced it with time filling fluff that just made the movie drag.

I was surprised that this film completely ignores the previous 2 titles in the franchise - but I guess they were going for a complete reboot. The fact they used women seemed more like a way of trying to make it relevant to modern Hollywood political thinking than to audiences. In my point of view political correctness is not funny in itself, but they tried. My guess is this is what the film will be remembered for, if people remember it.

My advice: skip this one.
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Surprising movie
17 April 2021
Now I am a huge fan of House of a 1000 corpses and when I first saw this movie a few years later I hated it. Mainly because it wasn't what I was expecting, this is very much a different movie than its predecessor. I recently re-watched this only because I didn't feel like watching anything else I had available. But it turned out to be great - to make a movie that takes its inspiration from low budget exploitation flicks and actually turn it into something worthwhile that I'm willing to write a review for says a lot.
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Give it a chance
15 April 2021
When I originally saw this in theaters I hated it. I must admit coming from watching Disney's other Star Wars films I had geared myself up not to like this one... this was not only because of the previous entries but without Harrison Ford and Billy dee Williams, plus firing the initial directors, I had little faith of Lucasfilm pulling this one off.

Now I will say this movie has filler, stuff that may make you think "oh God why?" but if you don't let those parts of the movie distract you from the good stuff, this is a popcorn movie you will enjoy and can come too from time to time. It's solidly directed.
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How sequels should be done
1 February 2021
This review is for the 1980 theatrical release and not the 1997 and later specialized editions.

This movie really did push movie making when it was released in 1980. The special effects, performances and story are breath taking. It doesn't look too much to existing myths for inspiration but rather in creating its own lore. It takes the Force, the darkside, the lightside, the Jedi and explores them and expands on them to make a more deeper film. Yet it still maintains a sense of humor. The film has aged remarkably well, it is a beautiful movie from start to finish. While the original Star wars may have revolutionized cinema, the Empire Strikes Back perfected it. It proved that pop culture can be every bit as good as any drama or period piece. I wouldn't hesitate to put it as a contender as the greatest movie ever made. That is not a guarantee everyone will like it, but it deserves everyones respect.
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A film that has aged like a fine wine
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To be clear I am reviewing the 1977 theatrical release of this movie (not the 1997 or the subsequent releases).

I have always regarded this film as the greatest family movie ever made. While it was born from the likes of children's entertainment of the 1940s and 1950s, there is a certain level of maturity that makes it accessible to everyone. The film never misses a beat, everything shown on screen is vital to the story. There is hardly anything that you could change to improve the movie. The movie has aged, all movies do, but to me it adds to it, puts it firmly as a classic.

From a critical point of view you could argue that the "save the princess by an old wizard, innocent farm boy and selfish pirate" is a tired, overused theme to use. But with the injection of the Rebellion vs. Empire galactic war gives it enough diversion to keep things fresh. This movie is George Lucas' best achievement as a film maker. He really changed cinema.

Regarding the later altered editions of this movie I would removed a star from my rating. I hope Lucasfilm will one day take the effort to restore the theatrical edition.
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The prequels in one movie
29 January 2021
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This was it was all about. It helped if you saw Episode I, but really you could skip past the previous episodes and just watch this.

There is some very impressive things going on in this movie, and you can definitely tell Lucasfilm put in the time and effort to boost the production values. But looking at it from a film making point of view the pacing is off. There is too much time wasted on Obi-Wan and Anakin saving Palpatine and Obi-Wan fighting Anakin but not enough time spent on Anakin turning to the dark side or its consequences. The movie suffers from uneven writing and performances like in the previous episodes. Though there are some scenes that are enjoyable and some that will make you cringe.

This is not a movie for everybody. At the time of release it was certainly way better than many were expecting. I think for most people you could watch this and enjoy it. Some may find it re-watchable, but for others once, twice would be about it.
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The one that broke the trilogy
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this twice in theaters, three times on DVD with little desire to see it again. It was the movie that I was hoping was going to bring Stars Wars back to the prequels... what I got was a very fabricated attempt to fill in the time between episodes I & III. There is little of anything of real significance going on here... nothing meaningful, just mostly filler to tie the audience over until Episode III was released. The last time I saw this film I became so bored I really was tempted to just press the stop button. From a film making point of view it is okay. It lacks that Star Wars sense of realism - which is due to heavy use of CGI. I don't consider this movie as having good special effects (strange to say for a Star Wars movie), the Phantom Menace was better in that regard. The acting is certainly not great. The whole movie feels like "let's just try and get this one out of the way." you know, a lack of real passion for what they were making. I think non Stars Wars fans may enjoy this film more than the fans. It's really hard for me to try and say anything that positive about this film, after watching interviews I think George Lucas knew this wasn't a good film and why it wasn't really given any real huge media blitz upon release. He tried to say the movie failed because people don't like romance... which I think is merely an excuse for making a terrible movie. Okay, spoiler, the number one thing that gripes me about this movie is the ending. Why would 10,000 Jedi, with the Force as their ally, need clone troopers? Even if the Jedi weren't as powerful in years past, they still should've cleaned up and eliminated the Separatists no problem. But oh dear that would make things difficult for episode III wouldn't it?
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Didn't reach it's potenial
27 January 2021
The Phantom Menace is a movie with problems, most of them are character based. From a film making point of view it is okay, the directing has a tendency to be lazy and the movie seems to neglect to provide all the information the audience needs to make sense of the story. But it does have moments when it shines... it contains some very striking ideas and scenes. Unfortunately the main characters are not developed enough to make the audience feel like they are being taken on a journey with them and are apart of this galaxy. Overall, for the majority of people, it is not a highly re-watchable movie. I am sure kids 6 - 10 will enjoy it many times. But to me 1977 Star Wars was a family movie and I think TPM is too one dimensional and at times aggravating to be labelled as that. Having said that I think people would be more forgiving of this movie if the following two episodes were really good. Also the hype and expectation for this film in 1999 did make it an impossible task to please everyone - the criticism was enormous (especially for Jar Jar Binks). Since 1999 the movie, like any movie, has its fans, but will never be embraced with a huge amount of popularity - I can't see a limited edition Jar Jar Binks figure in commander gear coming to a store near you any time soon.
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Would be way better without the 3D
25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With this attraction being a revamp of the 1987 original my expectations were high. I understand the desire to mix things up and not know what experience you are going to get. But the narrative got lost... I just found it impossible to really understand what the point was, other than to simply have action. The effects are good, though honestly I think it'd be way better without the 3D. I found it funny that at one moment you were fighting in the battle of Hoth and in the next moment amongst the battle of Coruscant... so now the shuttle is a time machine too?
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Star Tours (1987)
Will never be forgotten
24 January 2021
This attraction was brilliant - the original incarnation or the ride really did capture the spirit of the original trilogy. While, yes, it wasn't completely unique, by taking two or three sequences out the movies and remaking them for the attraction. But it was just so entertaining, action packed and fun you really didn't care. What I liked about it all was it felt like a single cohesive story (a little too short for my liking), one that pulled you in and made feel that you were in a galaxy far, far away. And even the queue area was terrific. If the ride still existed in this form today it would be dated, no doubt, and would need to revamped. Though the way the video was filmed on film back then, it gave it a certain realistic quality that has been lost in the digital CGI heavy new version. So I'm not sore it's gone, but it certainly deserves to be remembered.
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30 December 2020
It was clear when this movie was about to enter theaters that Lucasfilm thought they had a special movie on their hands... and critics were backing that up. The movie tried to subvert audiences expectations and when audiences went to see it, many fans were left wondering what had the critics been bribed with? The movie in my opinion is okay... the main problem is it ignores the style and tone of the previous episode and keeps pulling the rug from underneath the audience. There is little in the way of payoffs in this movie, but there are some things to enjoy. Having watched it twice I feel it could have been a great movie. Unfortunately it left nothing to be excited for the next episode.
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Just one problem
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay there is a lot to like about the Witch... it all slowly builds tension in a very unique setting (for a horror). Unfortunately (like so many witch movies before it) the ending doesn't deliver. If it was me, why not allow the innocent girl to be fooled by the Witch? Maybe the Witch says the place they were living in is cursed, but as long as she stays with her, she'll be safe? Something like that? Instead what we got was just floating witches.

Still worth the watch, just let down by a unsurprising ending.
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I was expecting worse
18 January 2020
Heading into this movie my expectations were pretty low. And that was why I found it okay. The first half wasn't good and I was thinking "Oh, no!". But the second half was entertaining enough that I left the theater feeling it was better than I had initially feared. Though that's hardly praise because I doubt I'll be watching it again soon. As apart of the sequel trilogy I felt the series was inconsistent as a whole, and this one proved that. If they really wanted too, they could easily do X XI XII. The ending doesn't prevent future episodes.
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Monkey (1978–2004)
It's brillance has never been repeated
29 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There has been a few attempts to remake Monkey... most recently with the Netflicks "New Legends of monkey". But it pales in comparison to this one. For some reason the voice overs, the acting and storytelling all work for a great action packed fun adventure. Sure it is dated, but it just adds to it.

One thing I could never understand, is why, if Monkey could easily reach the end of the universe via his cloud, but not fly Tripitaka to her destination?
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Fight Club (1999)
An amazing adaption
3 September 2019
The decision to adapt the book was brave to say the least. As you probably know, book adaptions are, more often than not, criticized. And to take the material of Fight Club and think it'd make a great movie, to me, would seem crazy. But I'm truly grateful they did.

I remember when this film came out, at the time it kind of got dismissed by the critics. I guess because it is so different in its approach to, not only the content, but also the way the movie was constructed. Though I also think a lot of people didn't like the concept behind Fight Club, it really goes against the grain and what we deem as acceptable in these modern times. Yet that is the beauty of the film... it leaves you with that unnerving thought of; are you living a life you have been conditioned to live?

Today the movie still holds up. It's different take on things is still refreshing and thoughtful. The movie is certainly not for everybody, and it unashamedly knows that. There are no compromises here.
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Where is the respect?
18 February 2019
The world of Monkey is so rich and colourful you would think a reboot of the past TV series would be pretty hard to mess up... wouldn't you? Today we live in an age where it is encouraged to show respect for all cultures... their traditions, their beliefs, their myths and legends and values. So when I watched this series, I was perplexed as to why the people who made this, from such multicultural countries, decided to completely pee on the material? The actors seemed to be cast for their 'look' instead of acting ability. The fact that the characters were morphed into something that resembled little to what they were originally intended is insensitive and the final result is just plain shallow. The idea that Asians were not cast was strange. It just seems that the producers just didn't get it and didn't do their research and homework. This show does not deserve to survive in its current form. My advice... give it miss.
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WWF WrestleFest (1991 Video Game)
2 games in 1
29 January 2012
Back in the day the thing that kept me and my friends glued to this game was the 4 player royal rumble. It was a mode that you could choose beside the tag team mode, a mode like that in wwf superstars. Both modes were great. On the surface it seems like it's a game of randomness, and there is an element of that. But after a while you realise there is more to it, you learn how to throw your opponents and effectively beat them to a pulp. The randomness actually adds to the game, one match might be fairly easy, next time you play them they're beating you, so your opponents aren't as predicable as most other beat 'em ups. There is no mercy, especially in the royal rumble, sometimes your game might only last seconds before being tossed out. But that's what gives it that royal rumble feel. This game has been hugely overlooked and yet I'd put it as an essential beat 'em up. It is extremely playable without the complex controls of todays wrestling titles. So what'cha gonna do Hulkamanics? When the the Hulksters 24 inch pythons go running wild!
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