
23 Reviews
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Willow (2022–2023)
It make sense until it doesn't anymore
11 January 2023
For those who worry about revivals not sticking to the source material, I can promise you that the show holds the exact amount of 80s cringe as the movie did.

The series does look like a direct continuation of the story from the film. It also helps that they have Warwick Davis as an anchor.

Most of the characters are idiotic and insufferable with over-dramatic-completely unnecessary- cringe acting.

My favorite character was Boorman who was an actual delight (and Willow obviously).

I also appreciated that they did a queer love story because all the straight ones are so boring at this point and that they brought in a very nice surprise character (and actor with Christian Slater) also keeping up with the asthmatic to appear canon.

Their biggest miss was their struggle to stick to the times, they did a great job recreating the feeling from the movie in a nostalgic sense but then they ruined it by putting current random music in the background, or adding the occasional not-so-very-80s-fantasy-vibe slang words and phrases to the dialogue. They probably wanted to cater to a younger audience but that audience would most likely won't even like the show because of its nostalgic tone.

Some of the episodes were interesting enough and a few were a pain to watch. I hope they won't get renewed for another season.
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A tragic fairytale
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Megan & Harry are incredibly brave in this journey. I learned new things about them as individuals but I remember everything that happened over those years and the horrible headlines that followed. It was clear as day that they are being abused. They did not deserve this, just as the late Diana didn't. This institution needs to take responsibility and learn accountability for their horrid behavior. This movie was a bitter sweet story, as their love is amazing and the work that they do for a better world is outstanding and it is extremely sad to see the institution ruin this opportunity along with their lives. I'm pretty sure most of the reviews here will be negative because they will not get away with telling the truth without the crown in such a way. I wish them nothing but love and peace.
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Spencer (2021)
Tragic Tale
2 January 2022
A very pointed light directed at a specific timeline in the tragic story of an amazingly sensitive woman who fell into a vortex of madness and self-harm due to her disgrace of a husband and the mother-in-law from hell, respectfully. You could see how being a royal and being cheated on by Charles dimmed her light and drove her into insanity.

Kristen Stewart was beyond brilliant in this role and I believe it was because she could very much identify with her character. She brought elegant nuances of deep sadness, despair, and anxiety into the best-portrayed version of Diana, that I personally have ever seen.

The film itself isn't interesting on its own and what makes it successful is Kristen Stewart's performance.
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Not what you expect
21 November 2020
The trailer showed a sweet and funny movie about the queen and her mischievous corgis but instead we received a horrible story about evil dogs, heartbreaking showing of dogs pounds, dog fights, and in no way funny or sweet. I recommend staying away from this movie!
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So fun!
27 March 2020
I've been a fan of Kevin Smith's movies for over 20 years and I loved how he brought all of his movies together in this one. So many great cameos, so many surprises, so many references and inside jokes. He didn't leave anything out and I truly enjoyed catching on every Easter egg in there.
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The Lion King (2019)
Lovely Rendition
18 July 2019
I really don't think they could have done a better job on this live-action version. The majority of the film was almost shot by shot as the original (which is great) and the new add-ons meshed-up perfectly with the plot and highlighted the actors personalities. Some parts felt a bit rushed but overall it was a great fun experience. Singing along is a bonus ;) And yes, I cried my eyes out in *that* scene. Great Job!
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
11 June 2018
I honestly can't remember the last time I came out of a movie and couldn't find anything wrong with it. I loved it from beginning to end. The cast is brilliant, the plot was written to the t and in terms of fashion and styling it's simply a dream. Fun, funny and filled with amazing women.
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The Wolverine (2013)
When Xmen meets every other cheesy Japanese storyline
26 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the worst Xmen movie yet. It has NOTHING to do with Xmen or even Mutants. Its just a big disappointment. I was so bored during this movie I nearly fell asleep a few times. I'm a HUGE comic books fan and loved every single Xmen movie that came out, even the Origin movie who everyone else hated. But this movie... its a waste of time and shouldn't even be related to the Xmen franchise. Spoilers:*** Its just a boring story about a guy who can live forever saving another guy who wants to live forever and falls in-love with his granddaughter (which did not look even remotely logical as she was just a young women that looked like a child and Logan is a grown man that seemed forced into this weird porn like fantasy of the writers) and tries to save her from the Japanese mob that were hired by her jealous father while running away from another semi-cool mutant villain that wasn't even done correctly according to the books.***
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Movie 43 (2013)
Hollywood's version of 2 girls 1 cup
24 April 2013
Hollywood's version of 2 girls 1 cup. If you can somehow manage to finish watching this piece of s@#$t till the end they pay you a million dollars, or at least how it should be because this is not even funny. I can't believe actual respected actors took part in making this… I don't even know how to describe this… calling it a movie will be an insult to all movies out there… I have seen some stupid vile comedies in my days but this one takes the bank. I stopped watching after 30 minutes and honestly I don't know how I lasted that long. with the amount of stars on this film you can bet that this was a favor that all of them did for the creators or were blackmailed otherwise I really can' explain what on earth made this movie somewhat successful. VOLGUAR DISPLAY.
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Shame (2011)
Much ado about nothing
23 March 2013
I never understand why these kinds of movies get praised. The only praise I can give is to Michael for letting his inner bad self go out in a role that you can only describe as porn for the masses. Everything about this movie is random. His job. His sex life. The music in the background. Why he cries when his sister sings. Why he is the way he is. Why it's clear that they are not blood related due to their constant nudity next to each other, and if they are blood related then it's even worse. The scenes go by and nothing is said or done other than flashes of skin, sex, faces, and places. It all inside a big blur of nothingness. I dislike pointless movies that drop us in the middle of the story and never give us any background or context to what we actually see. So at the end of it all its movie about nothing and throw in some full frontal nudity and random sex scene.
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Too Much
14 December 2012
You already know what you are going to get when its more or less the same cast and crew as The Lord Of The Rings, you get excellence in cinematography. The back drop is as breathtaking as always but the story is a mish-mash of The Hobbit and other Tolkien stories and it way too long and all over the place. There were parts that I was even a bit bored. I personally didn't think that this book should have turned into 3 feature films, one movie would have been enough, but I guess the studios got greedy and wanted more golden eggs. The results was an OK movie. its not bad by any standards, it had epic moments, but its too much.
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Magic Mike (2012)
Its raining man
8 August 2012
I'm beyond astonished that Steven Soderbergh directed this movie and normally i would be the first to support a movie that is stereotyped for just females but this time i have to say this is not the case. Magic Mike is fun, funny and hella sexy but thats about it. this movie has no real plot and although most of the actors in the movie are extremely talented their acting abilities are not presented here at all and thats just fine. I know they wish to be more than just a strippers movie but they are not. not really. This movie is all about the hottest guys on the planet and their awesome dance moves (unless you count out Kevin Nash, which is a favorite of mine in the wrestling ring but cannot dance to save his life). I drooled all over myself the entire movie and really wished i had someone to come home to after that sex-on-a-stick of a movie.
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Brilliant, intense, insane: the best Batman movie yet!
25 July 2008
This is the best movie I've seen in years. Heath Ledger was insanely genius and this might be the role of his life, but sadly this is also the role of this death. It's hard to look at the Joker and actually see Heath behind it. It's not the make up or the text, it's the creepy voice and the insanity in his eyes, I've never seen any actor so devoted to his character. It was like he became the Joker. And trust me when I tell you, you DO NOT want to become the Joker. May he rest in peace. Christian Bale was born to play Batman, HE IS BETMAN in every sense of the word. Christopher Nolan is an amazing writer, producer and a visionary director. I truly believe that he took the Batman experience to a whole new level, a level of perfection. This is stunning movie in every way possible; I was glued to my sit and could not speak a word. I was literally in shock through the entire movie. This is a breathtaking movie and it's also a lot to handle: This is not an easy movie to watch. There are more than a few parts that were incredibly disturbing and difficult to watch. The whole cast was brilliant and did their job amazingly, but I think Maggie Gyllenhaal was not right for this part, and she stood out like a sore thumb. If you only see one movie this year, make sure you see this one!
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King Kong (2005)
Way too long
12 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Peter Jackson is a great visual director but he also needs to learn when to say "cut". The movie started off great, full of edge and amazing cast, but after a certain point it just got boring... The scenes are way too long and slow, King Kong himself was a bit lacking for my taste and the whole fight with T Rex was unnecessary for my opinion. The film went on and on and on, i took nearly 2 hours to bring Kong to New York and another hour just to kill him. At some point i just wanted the movie to be over... On a general note, the cast was very good, the visual aspect of the movie was amazing, too bad it was too damn long!
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Urkel has become gangster and he is just not all that
8 January 2005
Unlike the original movie from 1987 "can't buy me love", "Love doesn't cost a thing" is too slow a little bit boring, most of the characters are annoying and the movie as a whole is just not fun. They try a little bit too hard to be cool and updated but as the girl said in the movie "Urkel has become gangster" it's just not it. the idea was good, re-make the classic and the beloved film of the 80's in the millennium version, but we've seen too many teen movies that look and sounds just like this, and they are better. If you like Christina Milian you'll LOVE her in this movie, because she is so amazing in this role, but that's the only good thing i have to say about this movie.
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Amazing, Exacting, Touching, The Best one out of the 3
18 December 2003
For me The Lord of the Rings Always has been a cinematic experience that is above all other movies, I always thought that better than what I saw so far cannot be made. I was wrong. The Return of The King is the best LOTR movie, amazing acting and directing, best war scene I have ever seen. In a word: amazing! It's better than you could ever imagine.
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Primal Fear (1996)
Amazing Acting, Surprising Script
7 August 2003
Edward Norton is the star of this movie and he shines a whole lot more than you'd ever expect. He is Unbelievable. This is a story of a trouble young man who gets himself in a lot of trouble, his lawyer (Richard Gere) is willing to help him with his case and to find out the truth, but on the way there he finds out that he got more than he hoped for. Very surprising Ending, you won't see it coming a mile away...
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Best Vampires Movie
23 July 2003
This is the story of vampires that are true gods and god is a dj so maybe that is why this movie is not only one of the greatest vampires stories it's also an amazing musical. No, I'm not talking about singing and dancing although you will find those in this movie. I strongly recommend this movie to all you vampires and rock music lovers. And I just LOVED the Jonathan Davis cameo!!!
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Malena (2000)
Sad, Moving and Beautiful
21 July 2003
There is only one girl in entire Italy that can make heads spin the way they do, Monica Bellucci is that girl. She plays Malena a Beautiful woman that lost her husband in the war and becomes the object of gossip, hatred, jealousy, lust and love. It's a moving story about growing up in a place when everything is different.
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Moving, Exciting, Well Acted
20 June 2003
It's more than a pleasure for me to be writing about this most outstanding movie. The Count of Monte Cristo is a well written, well acted and well directed. It's a moving story of a man that had to live a life of suffering because of pure hatred and jealousy. You can't not sympathies for the lead character and continue to watch the movie at the same time. Guy Pearce was the perfect villain, while James Caviezel gave the part of his life as the hurtful Edmond Dantes and the vengeful Count of Monte Cristo. But without no doubt, the most hart-capturing character is the priest played by the magnificent Richard Harris (r.i.p). This movie is full of life, energy and amazing characters and adventures. GO SEE IT!
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The New Guy (2002)
Funny Funny Funny
1 June 2003
god damn! this movie rocks! its so funny... i just loved the movie Run and See it!!!
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Head of State (2003)
30 April 2003
I'm sorry, but this movie is very bad!!! I love Chris Rock and I've watched all of his movies, but this one is not funny... Be sides may be just one part, this movie is just plane stupid
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Great, Funny, Romantic
26 April 2003
God this movie is SO funny... I almost started to cry from laughter... Kate Hudson is a goddess and she made a wonderful job making us see that, I totally recommend this movie to EVERY girl and I think some of the guys will like it too!
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