
20 Reviews
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The Cable Guy (1996)
One of the most under appreciated comedies of all time!
13 February 2011
Cable guy is one of my favourite comedies ever! Carrey is fantastic and shows his darker side for the first time, later to be echoed as Riddler, as Hank in the hilarious Me myself & Irene, Lemony Snicket, and even the Oscar worthy Man on the Moon! I think Cable guy is a misunderstood masterpiece! People went into this movie expecting and wanting Ace Ventura 3 and Dumb and Dumber style comedy, but instead got a darker twisted creepy stalker movie. But I'm glad, because this showed a little more of Carreys acting range and a broader comedy style. Also this film is funny as hell. Only beef with it is that Jack Black and Owen Wilson were under used, though Wilson was a superb jerk.

I urge those that hated this on first release to re-watch it with a fresh mindset, and not expect it to be like Ace Ventura. This film is too clever and funny to get such a low IMDb score! Its criminal. Also, the trivia on here about this is interesting too.
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Absolute genius! Carrey was robbed of an Oscar for this!
13 February 2011
?This film is utterly fantastic! A work of genius even. Jim Carrey was Oscar worthy here, and Tony Clifton needs to be on T-shirts! A unique biography with unique humour and a unique yet true story. I cant praise this film enough, and what an ending! Along with cable guy, and Me myself and Irene, this film is so under appreciated its criminal. I am at least glad its found its way into cult status, especially in the UK. Tony Clifton has some of the funniest and quotable lines ever! And without disrespecting the real Andy Kauffman, Jim added more spark to his characters, but played a convincing job.

I think in many years time when Carrey is old, and receives a lifetime achievement award, this film will resurface and get the recognition it deserves.
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Breathtaking animation, and attention to detail. Blown away!!!
11 February 2011
WOW!!! The artwork, design, pacing and microscopic attention to detail in both look and movement is incredible. From the city scapes of 1950s Paris, London and Edinborough, to the interiors of damp theatres and guest house rooms is so incredible its untrue. I'm a huge fan of Chomets other masterpiece, triplets of Belleville and was looking forward to this follow up. It is a film that if you blink you will miss something beautiful.

The storyline is a little vague and has that french film feel, where not much happens but it captures your attention. It isn't as adventurous as Bellville, or as funny, but it swaps it for artistry. A few more humorous moments would have helped the pacing, and having a film set in Scotland without dialogue is a little jarring, especially when Scotland is characteristic of its accent. But these are minor ish flaws in a stunning film. I hope Chomet is working on another masterpiece, but hopefully he will bring back some of Bellvilles humour and quirkiness, but with illusionists craftsmanship.
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Megamind (2010)
Better than Incredibles!!!!!
11 February 2011
I was shocked at how much i loved this film, and thoroughly pleased! The Trailers initially, i didn't fancy this one at all. And Megaminds design from the trailers i didn't initially like. The trailers kinda made this look like B grade fare, like say Hoodwinked or similar.

BUT, WOW! As a fan of most of Pixar and Ice-Agees, I personally think Megamind is my new favourite of the lot! Ferrel was perfect, the designs and animation was stunning, and the storyline was interesting. I speak as an adult fan with no kids, this film had everything! It was witty, smart and well written/acted and spectacular.

Toy story 3 was fantastic, but Megamind for me was more entertaining and funny. Incredibles was my number 1 pixar for a long time, and I wanted/want a sequel to that, but in Megamind, it bettered incredibles, and provided me with enough similar substance that it quenched my thirst as a sequel/spinnoff of sorts. But instead of following the Hero, we followed the villain. (As did Despicable me) But again, Megamind was much better.

I only hope THIS gets a sequel. I'd actually rather a sequel to this now than incredibles.

I love Pixar, but with Megamind/Kung Fu Panda and How to train Dragon, and cloudy meatballs, the other animation companies are seriously catching up!
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If this is what Snyder can do with Owls, his Superman should be beyond comprehension!
15 December 2010
INCREDIBLE!!! As a big fan of cgi based movies, such as the Zemekis and pixar type movies, I knew i would at least like this films visuals. What i didn't expect was to not be able to blink for so long. Every frame was mind blowing, the designs of scenery were so stunning it made my eyes water at its sheer majesty. My only regret is that I didn't see it in 3D. Luckily I did see it in bluray and NO other film compares to this visually. This made Avatar look dated and cartoony.

My most loved animated film of all time is "The Secret of NIMH" and this film falls into that category, and even seems related. I also heard NIMH is getting a reboot, something I am heartbroken about as the original is PERFECTION. However, if the visuals can match this Gahoole then I may be tempted to change my mind. However NIHM is the better film, Gahoole has the visuals.

Zac Snyder did the excellent Watchmen and 300. And is rebooting SUPERMAN, I just hope he uses the skills and team behind Guardians. If krypton can look as good as anything in this movie I will be impressed.

OK, a few downsides... The voice acting was a bit jarring and cheesy at times, it sounded like a new Zealand crew were voicing the film, surprised to see the credits belong to many British actors. Music score wasn't amazing but OK. Compared to the sound and music on Secret of NIMH which was beautiful. Also the story was a bit odd too. These faults are minor however, may have swayed me into giving the film a 9/10, but i gave it a 10/10 as the films beauty more than made up for any lil quibbles.
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Where the hell are the Oscars for this movie and Carrey ??? AMAZING film!
22 March 2010
I missed the 3D experience, and the cinema experience for this film, so I just rented it on DVD. GUTTED!!! I wish i saw this in the theatres because this film blew my mind. At first I thought this film was a strange match, all this technology used on a story that in past incarnations did not titillate the senses, nor warrant all the effects used. I was wrong! It brought, beauty, adventure and charm to a usually dull story. I never understood why Scrooge was so remade and retold over the years. It was to get to this point, mo-cap! And its incredible.

Anyone nay-saying on this film deserves to have their inappreciative eyeballs kicked from their heads! And the book-smarts people, go read a book and stop whining about films trying to compare.

This film was beautiful on a visual, emotional and acting/performance level. Carrey deserves at least an Oscar for his acting skills in this, as does the vfx team that brought that world to life. Stunning on every level.

Its scary for some kids, and the dialogue is more for adults, but who cares? Animation and computer graphics are for all of us, not just children. I was a fan of Beowulf but this flick just beat it. I really wish i'd seen this in 3D. I cant wait for the next mo-cap movie, and Zemekis, you ain't lost it like the stupid nay-sayers think, your at the top of your game! Keep em coming, and choose great stories to show off this technology.

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Spartacus (2010–2013)
Bloody FANTASTIC !!!!! 300 meets Rome meets Gladiator, better than all 3.
6 March 2010
I liked 300, but the visuals were an acquired taste. I liked ROME but found it a lil slow and plodding. I liked Gladiator but found it a lil too Hollywood clean, and it sagged a bit in places, overall it never lived up to the likes of Braveheart for me.

So, now we have SPARTACUS. Its the best of all 3 I mentioned, but thrown into a great ongoing series! Who would have ever thought TV could get as good as it has. Its quickly surpassing many movies for me. Lost, Dexter, Prisonbreak etc, all way better than most recent films.

Spartacus is no different, Its high budget, high stylised art, bloody, steamy, and each episode has as much action as 300.

My only 2 gripes with Spartacus is the Language is a little TOO colourful. I don't mind swearing, but in this show its very frequent and very coarse and I feel with some viewers it could be the shows downfall, it distracts too much.

The other gripe, is that the guy playing Spartacus NEEDS to be cast as CONAN in the upcoming reboot, he's perfect for the role and the guy they did choose looks awful as Conan. Still, thats not a flaw with Spartacus, its just a fan pipe-dream.

For those new to the show or looking to give it a go, the pilot (which hooked me) is not the best episode by far, it just sets up the characters but feels more stylised than the rest of the series. So give it chance, the characters really grow, as does the story.

Verdict... 10/10, Highly addictive!!! If you can see past the naughty bits.
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Great fun Lethal Weapon style action/thriller/comedy buddy movie !!!!
26 February 2010
After seeing this tonight i thought it was worth reviewing here. OK, so its nothing new, but what film is these days? At least its not a remake reboot re-imagining or cgi filled nonsense.

It has some decent characters, likable, over the top, but nothing silly like the overrated "Wanted". This plays out like a LETHAL WEAPON / Kiss Kiss Bang Bang sorta movie. Travolta was actually a fun (if not camp looking) character. He was slightly distracting as his head was shaved and he wore a neckerchief the whole flick, but he had on screen presence and became quickly likable. Great action, in the same vein as a 007 flick.

I think this film was a fun joyride, and I would be down for sequels. (which I imagine must be on their way.) If you like action, humour and don't mind some over the top kills, then this flick is entertaining. Its all very familiar territory, but i say, whats wrong with that? It works, ticks boxes, and is probably Travoltas best role since maybe Pulp Fiction. Maybe worth a cinema ticket, but definitely worth a DVD.
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Legion (2010)
Oh my god! How did this get the go-ahead, let alone the funding???
18 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First I'll start by saying, I'm not religious but I know of the source its based on, (Michael/Gabriel etc) And I am 50/50 on horror films in general. I hate at least half of them. The other night I watched Cabin-Fever on TV (I switched it off after 40 or so Minuit's.

Then saw a preview of Legion last night, The trailer looked cheesy but I thought i'd check it out just for fun and action. I gave it 2 stars, and thats one for the granny and one for the ice-cream man.

This film was shockingly bad! the middle was just mindless zombie types trying to "Get In" to the diner,(see better Zombie films, and better yet, Dusk till Dawn to see this done properly) the concept ridiculous and unoriginal (see slightly better film The Prophecy) And even better(End of days) spoilerish... Sooo, ANGEL Michael, turns up in an alleyway Ala John Connor, cuts his wings off, next time we see him, he turns up at a diner with a car loaded with machine guns, to fight... angels/demons? Oh and a pregnant waitress just so happens to be the barer of some unexplained chosen-one, against uber villain Gabriel, and ANGEL with bulletproof kung-fu wings and a mechanical bladed Mace.

It sounds so bad it would be cool/funny in my description, BUT the film looked like it was mostly played for seriousness.

It didn't work as a spoofy type, and it certainly doesn't work as a serious horror, it doesn't really even work as an action film, because we've seen it all before. The only way i can see it, is ridiculing the religion its based on, which isn't hard to do anyways.

Save your cash, and your mind. Go watch brain-dead instead.
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BLAXPLOITASTIC!!!!!!!! Great film making, meets Funny as hell comedy! RARE GEM!
5 February 2010
WOW! OK, so I'm a typical white guy that loves my movies. I like a few grind-house flicks, but I usually prefer the style of such films more than the often laborious content. I say this because although one may think it is aimed at JUST a Black audience, it works on many levels that anyone can enjoy. (Unlike some spike Lee / martin Lawrence films.

Here however, Black Dynamite wins on every level. Its so well made that every single camera angle, shot and film grain fits so perfectly it could have been shot on an old super 8 film in the 70s. Perfection in film making! The characters are well written and their make up and wardrobe are truly of the time. Usually when Hollywood tries to recreate the 70s style in films its only half done right and is never as believable as what it was actually like, usually the hair styles let it down. But here, this is perfect.

The biggest surprise about Black Dynamite, is how consistently funny the film is. Almost every line is a gem, very quotable, and the delivery is spot on. The dialogue is well thought out, unlike for example Austin Powers, where the films were good and it was quotable but not much thought went into the dialogue, Powers was more cool than genuinely funny. Dynamite, slightly more subtle but funnier. Especially the deduction of the "lil Richard" scene. To think that all that hot air actually added up to the answer they were looking for is pure GENIUS!

Anyway, I hope this film gets the recognition it deserves, shame it will be only on small screen success as I didn't even see it hit theatres. Thanks to the internet and a bootleg that i even saw it otherwise I wouldn't of even heard of it. Now it will be my number 1 blu ray purchase!

THIS is the kind of film that Tarantino should be envious about!

10/10 from me on every level.
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Moon (2009)
Astonishing 2 man performance from 1 great actor! Brilliant!
29 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love sci-fi, especially when its done well, and this film is done extremely well. No cheesy parts and no silly things to ruin it. Although not entirely original such as things like the Hal style computer etc, it made up for with its story and amazing direction and acting.

Its easy to think that it would have been put together easily as it flows seamlessly, but when you think that many scenes would have been filmed separately with Sam Rockwell playing 2 characters and interacting with himself filmed from a prior shot and then edited/acted as if in the same room, having the same conversation. What a feat it must have been. Its been done before, but i haven't seen it given this degree of authenticity before especially for a whole movie.

I absolutely LOVEd this film. I also loved SUNSHINE, but (spoilers...) The burnt man with super strength at the end was ridiculous and spoilt a near perfect film for me, his character was also unnecessary. MOON however didn't cheapen itself like that. The whole thing was plausible and it didn't need to resort to an OTT grand finale to win blockbuster points.

I loved the slow pacing too, it really puts you there with them and lets you feel the space around them rather than blinds you with any quick cut forgettable action. Moon is a film that every scene i remember weeks after seeing it.

Also welcome to the big screen is MATT BERRY (Garth Marenghi's Darkplace/IT Crowd etc) He is my favourite comedic actor in Britain, and it was a pleasure seeing him in this film. Though it was only a very short and fuzzy cameo, and wasn't comedic, i still laughed out loud just for the audacity of having him appear on screen. Imagination kicked in at that point i guess. One gripe, I would rather MATT BERRY been the voice of the computer rather than Kevin Spacey. Now that would have been interesting.

Another great thing about moon, is that almost everything that happened i didn't see coming. It felt predictable a lot towards the end, but none of what i predicted happened, it curve balled instead and changed course. This was refreshing, (if not a little disappointing at times, because some of the predictions would have still been pretty cool.) Anyway, One I cant wait to own on Blu-ray, and it would be a great box set twinned with Sunshine, a prettier but inferior film.)
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The Mask (1994)
JIM CARREY is a Comedy God! And today, that god is called LOKI.
17 November 2008
Amazing movie. Jim Carrey is an absolute scream! And in this Diaz is an absolute dream! The great thing with this film is it is almost impossible to tell where Jim Carrey starts and the cgi takes over. So well crafted and only the master himself could ever of pulled this off. His face and talents are like special effects. GENIUS! Jim Carrey, the living cartoon. I love all his movies, including his later more serious films, but I would love to see him return to this style again.

Also, Cameron Diaz, although hot, has never looked as stunning as she does in this flick. SMOKING HOT! WARNING! DO NOT WATCH THE SEQUEL! I have not seen it myself, nor do I ever want to. It has FAIL all over it, read the IMDb reviews if you don't believe me.

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James Bored ? Very disappointed.
3 November 2008
I loved Casino Royal, I thought and still thing Craig is a great Bond. BUT I was very disappointed with this film. It was lacking many things, and the action scenes seemed to be painting by numbers, they seemed to only happen at intervals to stop us nodding off. Also a very anti-climactic ending too.

The villain was dull and not in the least bit menacing, Craig seemed tired of the role, which is a shame because the first film was brilliant.

I think part of its problems, is that it feels like a direct sequel which of course it is, but in that, it doesn't seem to have its own identity as an individual Bond movie.

Also, it felt like nothing really happened in the film. I'm not sure if it was the same director as that did casino royal or someone else but it was not well conceived. Maybe it was the lack of storyline? It was too confusing to tell.

Not what i was expecting for a follow up to Royale, I was hoping he would become a little bit more Bond like. Like The Dark Knight is a more defined Batman to Batman Begins yet not totally leaving room for Batman 3.

I don't thing a new gadget would have made this film any better, but it would have at least been cool to introduce maybe Q or the division he works for.

Unlike Casino Royale, this film felt hollow, and too unlike a Bond film. It does not make me want to see it again on DVD.

I'm sure it will make a ton of cash and maybe even win an award, but to me the blockbuster figures will be from curiosity rather than the repeat viewings that The Dark Knight had.
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Spectacular is not a big enough word!
3 November 2008
Absolutely astonishing in every way! Beautiful, breathtaking, emotional and powerful.

I saw this film in the mid 80s, and since that day it is my favourite animated film of all time, followed shortly by Disney's own Robin Hood.

Great storyline, Stunning visuals, awesome characters, and dripping with atmosphere and charm. The music is powerful and yet it is not a musical animation, there are no cheesy Lion King style singalongs but the orchestral flow of music throughout puts all of Disney and even Pixars finest to shame. I would love to see a treated version of this movie, digitally remastered on DVD, like how Disney re released cleaned up classics. Shame they never made a true sequel (I don't count the abomination that was called a sequel.) I'm sure there's a sequel book called Thorn Valley? REMASTER THIS FILM please! Hell, why not put it on the Cinema again so I can see it on the big screen,? I missed it in 1980.
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Well, it took me 2 times but after the TV show i like it more. GREAT PILOT episode!
3 November 2008
OK, so I saw it in cinemas after being really pumped up for the movie. I liked it for action and style and beauty. But I didn't care much for the droid speak. And Asoka was a little bit annoying, but not as some make out. Everything else was fine but still a little disappointed and i thought the clone wars TV show was going to suck big time.

Thankfully I was wrong, the TV show is far superior to this movie, and is a return to form for Star Wars. It still has the droids, but Asoka is not annoying anymore, in fact, i'm beginning to like her character.

The TV series (so far up to episode 5) that i have seen has been better and better with each episode. If lacking a little bit of John Williams score, and a few strange accents (a Scottish alien?) Still, it is so good, that i decided to re watch this movie, and now, when looked at from a different perspective the movie is an excellent introduction to this great show. I have actually bought the DVD of the film now, and look forward to a mighty clone wars TV box set with no damn adverts.

So as a summary, If you look at this film as a PILOT EPISODE to something that is great then it fits in well, and is still entertaining in many ways. As a stand-alone Star Wars movie, maybe not so fantastic, but now it just blends in.

As long as Lucas stops waving a baby rattle to 5 year olds the series will be great, but stop patronising the kids with toddler talk. Aside from that, Well done George.

Look forward to the hopefully dark and adult LIVE ACTION SHOW.
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Bloody Brilliant! At last Star Wars is back, and its good again!
13 October 2008
Well, after a sceptical start with the clone wars animated movie, the actual TV series is getting better and better. Slightly bumpy start however. (Droid voices????) But as the "Shadow of malevolence storyline unfolds, it is clear that Star Wars is back in star wars territory. Great little storyline, and episode 3 is just true to the spirit of the original Trilogy and yet keeps with the clone wars setting. Episodes 4 & 5 are even better, and as a listener to the podcasts on the interviews are brilliant too. The creators are aware of what we like and don't and they reassure us not to worry, as some very cool stuff is still in the pipeline.

I even rewatched the clone wars movie again now its out on DVD and i like it 10 times better than i did before. I guess everything was new. I also found out that the movie was the first stuff they filmed for the series and that everything that has come since has been improved upon, and much has yet to be seen. I am looking forward to the episode i saw in a clip where we see a flashback of General Grievous become what he is now.

Anakins character is actually likable now. And Asoka is less brattish than she was in the movie. Just a shame about the damn droid voices. Less is more sometimes eh! Well done George and the team. So far i'm loving it, and cant wait for each episode. Finally, some of us may actually understand what GL was trying to achieve with the prequels. The kids love it too. I hope it gets a little darker though, or at least remains at the level of the malevolence storyline.

Cant wait for the LIVE ACTION show next year too, but I hope that one is gonna be dark and for the fans, and not for the kids. (As promised.) Then, i think balance will be achieved. Clone wars for the kids, fine. But if they make Star Wars TV for the fans, all may be forgiven.

Oh, one last thing... Needs a little bit more John Williams score. Pleeease??? _______________________

EDIT: 2010

OK, series 2 is now half way through.... WOW!!!! It has just changed completely, series 1 was great with teathing troubles as I stated in my review. But series 2, THIS IS STAR WARS!! And its a shame to say it, especially as i didn't mind the prequels too much, but I wish they would re-do the prequels in this animated style. 100 times more character than the live action. I now LOVE this show. My only gripe now is with the Cartoon network, who keep skipping weeks of showing it. People keep missing it and viewing figures will drop, and its the show that will get the blame yet its because its hardly aired consistently. This has happened with LOST and other great TV. People miss it and then forget about it. TV is based on viewing figures, so let us view it damn it!

Keep em coming and thank G for the darker more adult turn of series 2.
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Outstanding! A Masterpiece, a few flaws but nothing major.
24 July 2008
As a massive and long time serving Bat-fan, I have at last seen my hero done justice on film. (I loved Begins, 89 Batman, Batman returns) Shoemaker killed him, and Nolan resurrected him like a fiery phoenix!

Aaron Eckhart surprised me the most, Probably because Two-Face wasn't ruined with all the hype and trailers. Great acting, great character. Awesome face Effects!

I am lucky enough to have read all the Graphic Novels and comics that this film takes its elements from. Seeing things that have been on the page become reality is fantastic. "Something the nay sayers on here have obviously no idea about!" Some nay-sayers have said, Batman is for kids and they walk out shocked because of its violence!" Well, to those people, may i recommend Batman & Robin? "I cant believe i found an audience for that film". Well done IMDb.

That said, This is a violent film. One of its very few flaws may be its PG rating, as not only is it too dark and scary for kids, but it is too complex! This is an adult film! And not one to bring your Gran to neither.

Great storyline, great acting on all counts. great character development. Beautifully filmed. Great action,pacing,stunts and all the hype about Joker, even i got a little sick of hearing about it. BUT, after seeing the film, It was all well deserved! Joker truly is a work of art in himself.

And I believe that this film did not sell well because of Heaths untimely death. I was anticipating this film as were most since the end of begins. Why would people want to see a film just because an actor died? That sounds morbid to me. This sold because of his acting skills, and word of mouth that this film is truly a work of genius.

Bits i wasn't keen on...

Things that weren't in the film that i was expecting to be, were my only major problems, but, I'm hoping they will play a big feature in the 3rd instalment. "Bat-cave etc.."

I also had a few problems with the visual design of batman's suit and mask, and speech. That's cos i'm a bat-fan, and an artist. The bat-suit/mask while practically explained in the film, was a massive leap away from the comics, which is something the rest of the film was perfect. So ugly design is the costume stuck out a mile for me. Some love it, i hate it. Its the reason i gave this film a 9 and not a 10. The central character is after all BATMAN, and part of what i love about batman in the comics and previous movies is the LOOK. But, who knows, maybe he will get a prettier costume in the next film. I love Bale as Bruce, but i still prefer Keatons quietness and look as Batman. Maybe for Bat-3 Bale will find a middle ground, and not so shouty.

If you loved or hated this film, pick up the graphic novels... The Long Halloween,

& Dark Victory.

The source material for this film. And for the haters, maybe if you read these fantastic books, you will appreciate the film better. And finally realise that Biff,Pow,Bam!is from a very different era, and one that has past. Time to let it go.

Hopefully CRISPIN GLOVER will be in Bat-3 as RIDDLER. And TIMOTHY SPALL will play PENGUIN.

Maybe BANE could make an appearance? Place your bets for next bat-villains! Hopefully a new Batmobile and Batwing for 3 as well?
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HESUS Christie!!!! The greatest comedy show EVER put out on TV...
24 June 2008
Darkplace is absolutely fantastic!!! Some may not get it, but for the ones with a brilliant eye for comedy and attention to detail, this in my books has yet to be beat. I love the office (UK) but this just pips it at the post. So many subtle strokes of wit and genius are hidden under the mask of the pretend fake cheap sets etc.

Little nuances of dialogue, and facial expressions that could be easily missed by the casual viewer. Amazing quotes, and the setting is so authentic.

Some cool quotes...

Padre to Dagless " You're the most sensitive man i know. And I know god!" Sanchez. "Its egg in soup, serve that with a pork-pie/sausage roll." Thornton reed" And I've worked with Lulu! and 5 other people." I have just realised that merely writing down these quotes will do little to prove its comedy. Its all about the delivery of the lines and the comedic timing. Every single line of dialogue uttered by Sanchez and his actor alter-ego Todd Rivers, is pure gold. I'm glad he made it into the rather weak "IT crowd" in series 2, he truly made that series worth watching. The brilliant music video played in episode 6 "Red hot lover" is worthy of recognition alone. It even beats the "Rick rolled" video of Rick Astley on the web. Hilarious! I truly hope that Darkplace gets a much needed second series. Man to man with dean learner was good, but it suffered a lack of Sanchez.

I also read rumours that a movie of Darkplace was getting made. I really hope this comes true.

Come on channel-4, MORE DARKPLACE PLEASE!!!!!!!
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Beastmaster the original movie, AMAZING! forget all sequels.
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Rivalling only Conan the Barbarian for greatest Sword n Scorcery epic. Beastmaster, has amazing music that compliments a fantastic film. This was the first movie I ever saw on a cinema as a kid. And it blew me away and still does. I was gutted when i saw 2 of its terrible sequels, and then found a load of TV series spin offs on you tube.

There is only one Beastmaster, and its this one. Superb film making of the 80s, better than all other Barbarian movies except CONAN the Barbarian.

Rip Torn, as Ma-ax was a great villain. And the scene where... *SPOILER*

The Eagle swoops down to save that child from the fire is so powerful it raises an emotional tear. Especially with the powerful music soaring over it. I loved everything about this movie, and Tanya Roberts was stunning in it. Some great villains too, that were very authentic, and creatively done.
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Rambo (2008)
My favourite RAMBO film, and one of the greatest action movies i've ever seen.
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie, especially on the big screen, I woulda given it a 10 rather than a 9, but i wanted to see more old style Rambo stealth kills, eg.. like the mud n water scenes, saying that however, I felt Stallone cut down a lot on the 80s cheese, yet still gave us an 80s looking film. (In a good way.) Also, the direction and camera work was great, the movie had elements of film graininess which was kinda nice to see in this all digital age. It felt more real and filmic. Rambo4 had an almost grind-house quality about it.

Rambo of course isn't gonna sit well with everyone, blood thirsty, violent and minimal storyline, but for me, those were all pluses. Its not the kinda film you would take you're mother to for mothers day, nor is it the kind of film you would see if you were a Mark Kermod style film critique.

But Rambo IS a balls out, macho FUN joyride, it made you despise the villains so much that you would wish horror upon them, and Rambo did not disappoint there neither! and it did actually point out a serious situation that is going on right now in the world. Unfortunately for the real Karen people of Burma, from what I saw in Rambo, the only real remedy for that actual situation, IS RAMBO, but unfortunately he is not real, so i guess that situation and many like it, will probably never get solved, but i feel the governments need to step up a gear.

Finally, i just wanna thank Stallone for a valiant and refreshing sequel. The trailers for this movie alone had me giggling like a schoolgirl, and i was so hyped for this film. It didn't disappoint, but i will say, Stallone, if you got footage of some Stealth scenes or anything extra, i would buy an extended cut.
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