
16 Reviews
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A real tearjerker
23 June 2002
I liked this movie. It had a few unnecessary things added in, but overall it was an interesting drama of a disfunctional family. I liked the analogy of building a house to bringing the family together again. It didn't really have anything profound to say other than that it is important to make things right before you die. I was a little frustrated for the main character because he did this when he knew he was going to die instead of before. He missed on many years with his family.
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Clockstoppers (2002)
Worth the time...
23 June 2002
I thought this movie was fun for kids and adults. The actors are good and make the story believable. There is just enough funny and suspenseful parts to keep the story interesting. I recommend it for anyone ready to have a good time! :)
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What a bomb!
22 March 2002
I was very disappointed in this movie! The previews made it look like it might be funny and romantic. I found the acting was wooden, the plot choppy and too full of lewd, crude subjects, and it was basically a disappointment. It seems to be a movie made for the stars of Hollywood. Maybe they will find it funny and all too real. John Cusack was cute and slightly redeemed this movie.
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Fun & Entertaining!
22 March 2002
I really enjoyed this movie. It was fun to see a fairly clean movie that was fun to watch. The acting of Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway is superb and the story shines out hope. The director takes a very unlikely event and makes it believable, teaching us all something in the process. It was refreshing to see a teen film without all the sexual inuendos and crude language.
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Lots of Fun!
22 March 2002
This movie captured my attention. The coming together of puzzle pieces into a whole including some surprises makes it fascinating to watch. There is also a lot of dry humor. I enjoyed seeing several well-known actors/actresses involved with all doing a good job. This movie will never win any awards or be singled out for its depth, but it sure is fun!
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Not worth saving.
22 March 2002
This film was one of the stupidest I have seen in a long time. I kept watching it sure that it would redeem itself eventually, but even the end was unsatisfying. The jokes were not funny and it became too long. I can't believe that someone wanted to make this!
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The Kid (2000)
Great film!
22 March 2002
"The Kid" is a great movie showing the evolving of one man as he gets in touch with his past, accepts it and moves on. It shows that it is never too late to start over, to live life, to let other people into your life. I really enjoyed seeing Bruce Willis do a funny,serious part instead of a tough guy as he is in many movies. I also enjoyed the little clues like the airplane flying overhead, the dog barking in the tunnel, etc. This movie is made by Disney and was previewed as for kids, but to my mind, it is for grownups. It reminds us all to not be afraid to enjoy life and accept it.
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Best film of 2001.
22 March 2002
I think this is the best film of 2001. As an avid fan of the J.R.R. Tolkein novels, I was excited to see these being made into films. I was not disappointed by the movie which followed the books pretty faithfully without getting too long and drawn out. All of the acting was great and the special effects well-done. I cannot wait to see the 2nd and 3rd films.
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Enchanting Cinderella Story.
22 March 2002
This version of the Cinderella story I found refreshing and realistic. I think I especially liked the fact that "Cinderella" was a strong-minded girl who was smart, independent and could take care of herself. The inclusion and portrayal of a famous artist was a great touch.
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A must-see for all those who like unusual movies.
22 March 2002
"Meet Joe Black" is a movie that grabs my attention from beginning to end. Not only is the acting wonderful for both Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins, but the truths taught through their relationship are profound. A warning that some may not understand this movie, but for those of us who do, it is an intricately well-done movie.
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Fun! Fun! Fun!
22 March 2002
If I could say one word for this movie, it would be "Fun!" This movie will probably never win any awards for acting or depth of subject, but it is a joy to watch. It is also a wonderfully clean movie to show teenagers. The story is simple, but looks realistically at relationships, show business and different types of people. I commend Tom Hanks for producing this movie and encourage him to do more!
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One of the best Science Fiction films of all time!
22 March 2002
I have seen this movie many, many times and never tire of it. The strong roles of the president by Bill Pullman and Captain Hiller by Will Smith, keep this movie rolling. It has enough tension, action, romance, etc. The speech of the President is one of my favorites and I often play it again to hear it. The only shoddy acting is done by Jeff Goldblum.
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A must-have!
22 March 2002
Well-made Jane Austen film following the book more faithfully than any of the others. The acting is superb as well as costumes, scenery, music. This film is an instant classic--one to be viewed for years to come. A must-have for your collection.
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A feast for the eyes!
22 March 2002
This movie is one of the best animated films of all time. The animation, story, voices and music all blend to tell a truly beautiful tale of love looking past the outside to the heart. The characters are memorable and strong. This a movie you can watch over and over and never tire of.
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Foul Play (1978)
22 March 2002
A truly funny film with lots of action and romance as well. I can watch this film over and over and never tire of it. True, it does have a seventies' feel, but the way everything works together is amazing and funny. Enjoy it!
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One of the truly funny films!
22 March 2002
The funniness of this movie transcends the seventies' clothes and cinematography! The good characters you want to love and the bad guys you want to hate. It's amazing how everything hinges on one item and unfolds into hilarious action. The writers also got to put in a few barbs at another movie also starring Barbara Streisand and Ryan O'Neal. See if you can find it! I recommend this for one of the ones for you to buy and keep.
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