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Mirrors 2 (2010 Video)
Better then expected.
27 November 2010
I really dug this film. It is a film that is not for the squeamish Im telling you. The movie stars Nick Stahl who will probably best be remembered as the second John Conner in Terminator 3, or the "Yellow Bastard" Roark Jr. from Sin City. This is a intense little horror thriller. That feeds on suspense and the viewers ...empathy. With its situational awkwardness and bloody gory scenes. It is under the radar because its a straight to video release. I actually think it is a far superior movie then the first film. A better story and less money behind it. I truly believe this film is a hidden gem. Less can be more. Sometimes independent films are better then... mainstream releases because every dollar counts and that they need to be used wisely. What is more important to a mature audience story or mainstream actors and special effects.
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A Bloody Good Time
7 December 2009
Staring John Malcovich and a next to near unrecognizable Willem Dafoe. He actually looks like Nosferatu. A film that asks the age old question how does one create the worlds greatest vampire movie. Oh by hiring a actual vampire of course. A socially challenged one at that one who grunts and pants with strange mannerisms.... Willem Dafoe' s presence was on screen and his movements really help bring this character of Max Schreck to life. He is really playing a double agent he is a vampire playing a human actor who is asked to portray a vampire. Director FW Murnau is learning the hard way that you can not make deals with cold blooded monsters. I'm not sure if feeding a vampire the house hold pets is enough to feed a vampire. You can give him all of the puppies and kittens you want the creature still demands human blood. This is very darkly hilarious Max is malling people, biting the heads off of bats and telling people about his past transgressions. He is giving them his actual back story and people are thinking he is just playing his part. He almost has a licence to kill. People are worshipping him as a brilliant actor when really he is playing himself with little jabs from the director and movie crew. Who is the real monster in this film the vampire or the film director. The man who found him and took him out of his element. He has taken this creature into a new environment and exposed him to countless human lives. A creature that feeds itself on human blood. Murnau costed the lives of a number of his coworkers and colleagues just so he could make a movie. He brought a mythological creature that nobody over the age of twelve believes in out to film a movie. Not informing anybody that their lives are in serious jeopardy. Instead he videotapes the vampire killing and maiming people because he knows no one will believe it. Therefore making the worlds artsiest snuff film. The movie in itself is a villain movie and a psychological thriller with dark humour and horror elements. A film that asks the question who is the real monster
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How can anyone hate this film. I thought it was a masterpiece
5 December 2009
Terminator Salvation The Directors Cut. A film I am very impressed with it was everything I hoped for, everything I dream-ed. Full of action and intensity. Sam Worthington is a welcomed fresh face to me this maybe the first film that I have seen him in. His portrayal of Marcus Wright was absolutely off the chain awesome...e. Marcus Wright a death row inmate who gets a second chance at life after he sells his body to science. A man who is as they say comes back more human then human. I guess the cast was told to read the book Do Abdriods Know Their Sheep while they were filming this film. The book Bladerunner is based on. Marcus Wright may be the Protagonist of this movie. It is a toss up between him and John Conner portrayed by Christian Bale. None the less I am impressed with both of these Thespians performances. They say that when a movie is shot correctly the setting is just as important as the leading stars and this film proves that in spades. The film is very post apocalyptic with many surviving people building rival colonies of vigilant thieves. Kind of like the Mad Max or Snake Plisken motion pictures. With all of the destrucion and debree as far as the eye can see, with very little left standing. Only with big giant man killing robots who's soul design is to enslave humanity. The music used in this film was awesome it took me back to the nineties with the track from Guns and Roses as well as Alice In Chains. Back in the day when grunge and alternative rock were the mainstream genre of choice. This film featured one of my favourite and most memorable film moments ever between Sam Worthington and Helena Bonham Carter. The common law Mrs. Tim Burton. Whos presence in this film adds a certain element in my humble opinion. With her resume of dark fairy tales and twisted characters on screen. Need I remind you folks of Fight Club, Sweeney Todd, Mary Shelley's Frankenstien and countless others. Anyways I got a little sidetracked their. The scene happened right at the beginning of the movie were she is playing presumably a cancer patient who asks death row inmate Marcus Wright to sell his body to science. He agrees on one condition that she gives him a kiss. He kisses her and says "Now I know what death tastes like." The film critics on At The Movies Ben Lyons and Ben Malcowits gave the theatrical version of this movie very negative reviews. Claiming this movie was unfulfilled trash with no substance. I say how dare you both. I thought this film had plenty of substance and that the films premise and delivery was completely engaging. Perhaps these fellas were just not in this films demographic or perhaps the MPAA and the mother against violence protest groups payed them off.
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Batman (1989)
Have You Ever Danced With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight
25 November 2009
Batman 1989 A movie that I watched over and over again as a youth even though at the time I did not completely understand it. This may not be the best movie for a then five or six year old. I have had a VHS copy of the film and Two copies on DVD. This might be the one film I have watched the most in my life time. I rewatched it yesterday after many years. It amazes me that this film is only rated PG down here in Canada and PG13 in the USA. With all of the mass murders, mobsters and mutilation. Oh yeah and the fowl language. Let me say this Jack Nickelson does a wonderful job at bringing The Joker to life. He got all of the memorable quotes in this film. Not to mention his entertaining rampage spreading chaos as he murders the citizens of Gotham, while rocking out to Prince. I guess The Joker is spreading death pain and purple rain. A highly intelligent man with a disturbingly dark scene of humour. Its his unpredictability and untamability that makes him one of the greatest villains of all time. This is really a anti hero's journey this movie. Because traditionally Batman is not supposed to kill anyone regardless of the situation. The Joker is supposed to exist to torments Batman to push him over the edge. He is the harlequin of hate and lives for the idea of bringing Batman and the world around to his level. As soon ... See Moreas Batman kills somebody he is just as bad as the people he is trying to stop. Perhaps the idea that Batman kills criminals in this movie is the sickest joke of all.

Oh Yeah - As a kid I remember having a poster of The Joker from this movie on my bedroom wall. Good gosh I wish I still had that.
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Star Trek (2009)
Oh What A Rush
23 November 2009
I never really grew up on Star Trek thats why I am thrilled to here that this is a elseworlds story meaning its a ulternate reality. Giving the characters new and updated backstories. A movie that fallows the young escapades of James Tyberious Kirk. A troubled young scamp that cant stay out of trouble. From stealing hi...s step dads car to getting into bar fights and sleeping with green women. A young man whos life is without purpose until he is recruited into starfleet. Where he develops a rivalry with one Mr. Spock. Mr. Spock a young man who is brought up to repress his emotions. He is also a boy of mixed origens both species and race. He is half Valcon half Human. Making him a target and 100% black sheep a walking taboo if you will. This movie is a summer blockbuster like no other it is a rollercoster ride of thrills. It is rare that scripted humour works in a action movie. In this film it does.The fight coriography is awesome. The movie is surreal the setting and atmosphere ingulps you bringing you into the world of Star Trek. Notice the camera work while they walk around the ship. All of the camera turns and the lighting that makes the new enterprise look so shiny and new. I give this film a 9/10
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The Children (2008)
A Companion Peace To Who Can Kill A Child
20 November 2009
Now this was awesome a British family is celebrating Christmas. It is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. But when their is a mysterious flu going around. The children are doing anything but spreading good chear. They are getting sicker by the second both mentally and phisically they are becoming violent and h...ostile to their parrents. Looking for a scapegoat they blame the eldest of the children. A seventeen year old girl who is not a girl but not yet a woman. The young lady is in holliday hell as she doesn't fit in with her family and is taking the blame for for her siblings and cousins horrifying behaviour. Including a horrificly gory sledding crash that leaves her uncle needing medical attention. Everyone is pegging her for a blacksheep when they should be watching the actual children, who are as crafty and as manipulative as they get. They have the wits of Kevin MacCalister and the soul of Damion Thorn. I really thought that this was a creepy and well made movie. I wish more people new about it. I was really blown away by the uncertain cross road that the film ends on. Because it really foreshadows that the worst is yet to come for the surviving characters. Absolutely stunning and bonechilling, a holliday horror classic for those who know about this film. 7/10
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Now that was twisted yeah
19 November 2009
Now this film is twisted. Two young tourists who are madly inlove and expecting a child go to a island to relax only to find that the town is adult free and over run by savage kids. Children who have murdered everyone of their elders and have overthrown athority. Leaving these tourists to fend for their forsaken lives.... The cinematography in this disturbing movie is amazing. Apearently this film is a favourite of Eli Roth's. This film is a great companion peace to The Children Of The Corn (2009). I found this film to be quite interesting and it does bring up a good question if you had to defend yourself in a life or death situation could you kill a child?
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The Thaw (2009)
A tasty little film about parasites and global warming.
19 November 2009
A Ghosthouse Underground film with Aaron Ashmore from Smallville and Val Kilmer from Batman Forever. Batman, Jimmy Olsen and friends take on a prehistoric parasite that distroys every living thing in its path. A parasite that bites people and lays eggs under their skin. The parasite was frozen underground until now. N...ow it is unleashed and it will devour anything in its path including a pollar bear. With the threat of global warming is it possible for something like that to be unleashed. This film is a great companion peace to Cabin Fever with all of the infections, the big differerce is that people are infected by reanimated bugs not tainted toxic water. Both films are made to make statements about the polluted world around us. This film was amazing with all of the visual effects and make up. People cutting off limbs and getting strange infections after bugs have planted their eggs under their skin. A film full of scum bags and backstabbers fighting for their lives. A absolute guilty pleasure
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Night Train (I) (2009)
A different kind of Christmas movie. I just watched it and I love it
10 November 2009
A different kind of Christmas movie. A story about passengers on a train trying to get home for the holidays or are they. Everyone wants to get possession of a mystery box. A box box full of treasure or damnnation. No I am not talking about a vagina this is a different kind of mystery box. One where each person sees something different, they seem to see whatever their greedy hearts disire. Watch as a train full of passengers turn against one another and fight for their lives for possession of the mystery box. A movie full of curuptable scumbags and murder. With a stellar performance from Leelee Sobieski shes sexy, smart, seductive, sly, shifts and shady. Did I mention that I think she was smoking hot. It also has Steve Zahn as a alcoholic Salesman and a ageing Danny Glover as a train conducter close to retirement. The film features the entertaining and bizare Richard O'Brien in drag so I guess its not new material to everyone. If you like movies that take place on Christmas Eve and have a impressive bodycount. Then Night Train is the ticket for you, it promices anything but good will towards men.
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The Shining (1997)
Its not that bad but it is flawed
9 November 2009
The Shining A three part TV mini series made for ABC meaning it is made buy Disney. For those of you who have time to watch this interpretation of the shining it is really a rollercoster ride. It gives you more thrills and chills. This miniseries starts out phenomenal. It gives you more backstory on the Torrence family... and on the spooky hotel in witch they take up residence. You learn about Jack's history of violence as well as the hotels. A hotel with a history of mobhits suicides and serial killers. Then theirs Jack a disgraced school teacher with a drinking problem and a bad temper. A man who lost his teaching job for beating the tar out of a student who vandalised his car. He also broke his sons arm one night drunk for tampering with his files. Their is more ghosts and spirits in this version. You know the saying once you have been in a place to long it becomes a part of you. Well this film shows that in spades. A story of possession, ghosts, insanity and personal demons. The only problem with this version is the ending. Disney tries to make Jack Torrence a redeemable character. But I was impressed with how much more they put in this film. I give this film over all a 6.5/10 it has wicked story a big budget. But who is going to watch a 273 minute movie in one sitting. Also their is a change in the ending from the ... Read MoreKubrick version. Somethings must never be changed. To steel a quote from another Stephen King movie " All That Matters Is The Ending" - Mort Rainy Secret Window
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Smallville (2001–2017)
Smallville Just Does Not Satisfy
26 October 2007
It is a entertaining show that needs some Grittyness to it. Clark is a very good natured kid. The show needs to deal with some darker material the characters are to innocent. I realize that it is a family show and that the audience varries in age groups. But at the same time their is no scence of realism. Perhaps if they got into topics like addiction, prostitution, domestic violence. Added some new returning characters to set the scale. An Antihero Vigulantie more villains like Hank Henshaw the Cyborg Imposter Superman of The DC Comics. I think that the show needs some new wrighters to make the show more edgeier. The wrighting needs to show more darkness and better diolauge. I enjoy the John Glovers character of Linal Luthour. it helps set the tone for the show should be as I feel that their needs to be some more darker characters. Perhaps they need some new consultants on the show like Tim Burton, Frank Miller, Christopher Nolan. I Enjoyed how they used Dean Cain in a recent episode as a immortal man making a living as a doctor who kills his patients. All and all i am a viewer who wants more.
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