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Legit action but what's up with the script?
18 August 2010
Before you read this comment do note that I thought The Expendables delivered amazing action sequences. However, one thing I noticed is that at times the script was very dull and a lot of lines seemed so bland and childish. Only some, however there were some cool lines, but others just felt sort of kiddie. Also, I felt as though the movie was rushed. Just as soon as the plot really begins to build up and make something of itself we are then told by Sly, that they have 23 minutes to shut the place down. Where did that come from? Why not continue to go slightly more in depth with the plot and really build something that will later be annihilated later. With all of the big names, the action definitely holds its own and really does deliver it's promise.
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Kick-Ass (2010)
Good movie? Yes. In top 250 of all time? Nuh uh.
22 April 2010
I reluctantly went to see Kick Ass after hearing much hype about it from my friends about how they heard it was awesome. After leaving the film my friends and I generated the same response. It was a good movie with a few good laughs and some cool action scenes, but it no way did it deserve to be in the top 250 movies of all time on this website or any other for that matter. It had a mediocre plot and an okay script, but there is just something about a 12 year old cussing people out that kind of bothers me? I understand it is a movie and sometimes her lines were funny, but it was just awkward. A few one liners kept the laughs chugging along little by little, but overall everyone who's actually seen it says the same thing that it was pretty good nothing special and I agree. Comedy is getting lost now because apparently the new hilarious moments occur when the f word just flies all over the place. Cool effects though at times stupid sequences. It was a fun movie but overall it didn't deliver everything I thought it would.
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Forget reality and enjoy this movie
26 March 2010
Although as a warning this movie had some pretty intense language, and very crude humor I enjoyed it so much. The actual plot of this movie as depicted on the trailer is in no way realistic at all which adds to it's humor. Isn't that what we go to the movies for? A little escape of reality for a while? This movie from first moment to last is hilarious in every way and the jokes keep rolling. This movie is like all of the greater 80's movies piled into one with a mix of Back to the Future. Every character in this movie had a significant number of hilarious jokes, and the entire audience was laughing hysterically. In my opinion this was better than The Hangover because every 2 minutes I found myself laughing harder and harder at every joke. Great movie.
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May be Brooklyn's Finest, but not Fuqaus
7 March 2010
Normally I'm not one to compare, however when the trailer shows that this is the same director as Training Day you have to. Ethan Hawke is in both movies, and they both are in some ways about crooked cops. The reason I gave this movie a 5 is strictly based upon the acting of Ethan Hawke and Don Cheadle. Without them this movie wouldn't have been anything good to watch. Richard Gere gave a good performance as well, but he didn't really stand out much.

This movie was so disappointing. The script at times was awkward, and the character development on Gere's role was pathetic. Also the climax of the movie was a very cheesy way to end a movie such as this, and it seemed at some points that movie dragged on when it didn't need to. A two hour and thirteen minute movie could have been an hour and forty five but at times it just kept going for no reason.

Overall the acting was very good, however the script did not do it justice.
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Funny....but Cera has got to choose a new character soon
15 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Youth in Revolt definitely had it's funny parts, and to my surprise is filled with a pretty good cast. The movie portrays his alter personalities so well with one being the more passive gentle one, and the other being the sexually deprived urge. More importantly though I just think that Micheal Cera needs to choose a different character to portray in his movies. In many ways this movie has many similarities to "Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist". He's a virgin. Meets a new girl. She takes it. He plays the guy who's too tenderhearted to be a jerk, and has the same weird interests that the female has and they click and fall in love.

Youth in Revolt was funny mainly because of the other cast members funny lines and mishaps, however Cera had his too. He is funny but needs to show that humor in a different role than the tenderhearted virgin in his movies.
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Brothers (I) (2009)
If Tobey doesn't win an Oscar I don't know who will
5 December 2009
This movie was filled with great performances from literally every person who had lines in this movie, however the one who sticks out the most is Tobey. His transition from being an every day dad, to a survivor or terrible war related tragedies was amazing. Jake and Natalie deliver amazing performances as well, and the entire movie was an emotional roller coaster. At times it made you laugh, cry, and cringe at the thoughts of what may happen next as Tobeys hostility grew throughout the final scenes. This movie was directed very well, and the dialog was very realistic though at times it could be a little intense. The tension between Tobey and his family members was outstanding, and I have been waiting on him to do something like this for a long time. It was a perfect length, and have a great plot to unwind throughout.
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Fighting (2009)
Decent plot just poorly written
16 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Terrence Howard is rising up to be one of the greats no doubt about it, however this film wasn't for him. This movie did a good job at staying unpredictable, but at the same time it maintained a very poor choice of dialogue throughout. The emotions were way off at sometimes the dialogue insisted they be stronger. Vise versa applies in this situation as well. Channing Tatum isn't a GREAT actor, however he's not terrible either. This movie obviously decided to play it safe and let Tatum stick to his rough guy image he seems to persistently play. If he opened up his role choice he would probably be a better actor. Fighting wasn't terrible, however some of the dialogue wasn't flowing. Apparently after he wins the first fight he is a great fighter. I didn't understand that at all because he may have got 2 hits from what I could see due to the poor camera angles. Not a memorable movie at all, but it wasn't horrid. 6/10
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Pandorum (2009)
Great Movie
1 October 2009
This movie was amazing on so many levels. It took a rather simplistic story line and turned it into something phenomenal. It also kept a good balance of suspense mixed in with telling the story, because honestly the movie starts off with a bang and no character development whatsover. This movie proved that this isn't always a bad thing. Ben Foster is a great actor, and I've always wanted to see movies that he's in and this one didn't disappoint at all. Cam Giganget also had a nice addition to this limited cast. The twist of the story kept coming, and my friends and I were extremely pleased with the way things turned out in the end.
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Once again with the comparisons..enough already!
18 June 2009
Hollywood isn't running out of ideas, it's just they are trying to take something successful and make it better. This movie in my opinion was a success at that task. Travolta honestly made the movie for me. He was deep into his character and released an extreme performance, and Washington did the same as well. Everyone before this movie was worried about Travolta being the bad guy well as he did in "Swordfish" and semi in "Face-off" and also "Broken Arrow" he does it here as well. This movie definitely was an attention grabber from the start and left everyone on the edge of their seats until the final moments. This movie really was a success because it at times brought new things to the table while sticking to its roots. Overall the acting was phenomenal and I thought this was a superb remake.
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Just as fast just a little more furious
14 April 2009
Fast and the Furious (4) was the best installment of the series without a question. The first one started it, however the 2nd and 3rd killed it. This one brings back the fast action with a solid plot line. Vin Deisel recovers from a series of terrible character choices lately. All old faces come back to life in this movie and add to the already impressive plot. The movie continues to be fast paced but the emotions rage in this movie far more than any of the others could dream of. I give it an 8/10 for the fact that I felt there were times the movie could have turned something awesome into GREAT. But I like what this movie brought to the table and it raises the bar for action movies this year.
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Doubt (I) (2008)
Great Performances and Story
4 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
How thought provoking was this movie? To be tied down to your seat the entire time, thinking to yourself..."did he do it?" At no point in the movie does it just give you a yes or no answer, but at different points your opinion could be influenced both ways judging by motives. The movie intelligently portrayed a issue of trust in even the most faithful believers to the church, which made it so hard to make a decision. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman deserves an award for his brilliant acting in this film, he is what made the movie so enticing. Merryl Streep has been getting ragged on some, because some say she overacted. I didn't think so at all, I thought she did a phenomenal job the entire time. A great story line, plot, and cast made this a great movie experience for me.
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Semi-Pro (2008)
Don't waste your time
23 July 2008
This movie to me was just another Will Ferrel movie where he tries to carry the whole thing and it falls..hard. I only laughed at one part in this entire movie, and the rest me and my girlfriend just watched in amazement at how truly stupid a movie can be. The reason I gave it a 4 was because it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen but I wouldn't even give it a mediocre rating. Will Ferell was trying way to hard in this movie to be funny just like he has in the past..and 4/5 it comes to bite him in the butt. This movie really did have the potential to be decent but the storyline, comedic elements, and f word got old really quick for me and my girlfriend and I regretted watching the movie after many of my friends told me not to watch it I went along with it on instinct and lost money and fun time to spend with my girlfriend.
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This movie was good..."Ooh...very poor choice of words"
21 July 2008
This movie was brilliant. There are so many other synonyms that you could use to describe this movie though. This is by far the best film of 2008, and to be quite honest one of the best ever. It surpassed ALL the hype set by my friends, this website, web pages, and t.v shows. This movie totally blows you away, and Heath Ledger deserves whatever awards he gets in this brilliant masterpiece of a Joker that be portrayed so well. Although, the movie was long I actually wanted this movie to keep going. Any other movie and I'd be looking at my cell phone to check the time but in this movie I forgot I had my cell phone, because it kept me locked in from the first 30 seconds to the last one. All the actors and actress(es)were amazing. Although, it would have been a crowd pleaser to see Katie Holmes take the main actress role was again I think Maggie Gylenhall did just as good as Katie Holmes did if not better. When I left the theater everyone was saying" That was one of the best movies I've ever seen", and I agree one hundred percent. 10/10
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Hancock (2008)
Jokes were good..plot? Not so much
15 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am normally a fan of Will Smiths work, and trust me I still am. However, this movie started off great and I was loving every second of it. It was funny, had a lot of action, and also sometimes had some parts that touched your heart but then...it got weird...very weird. The whole situation between Smith and Theron would have been okay had it not been so weird. Maybe they could have known each other in the line of duty..i'll buy it..but going back 3000 years? That is kind of ridiculous. Also, the villains at the end were kind of weird too how they all team up in jail and get "powers" by holding hands was very stupid too. The movie had it's ups and it had its downs and overall I was very disappointed.
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The Love Guru (2008)
Still Undecided
29 June 2008
When I saw the advertisements for this movie I wasn't very sure if I was going to enjoy it or not, and unfortunately after watching the movie I am back at point A. This movie could have been very good, but the constant sexual jokes, really just plain weird scenes made it very hard for me to like this movie. Granted there were some very funny part to this movie which made me and my friends laugh hard, but then there were parts to this movie that made us cringe at its stupidity and nastiness. I'm normally a fan of Mike Myers and I will not judge him off of this movie because every actor/actress makes one bad choice or two and I'm hoping this is one of his only. This movie really made me laugh then it made me think of how stupid it was and I just can't decide what side I'm on.
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Iron Man (2008)
A lot better than expected
4 May 2008
I thought this was going to be your natural superhero movie with pretty good action, decent acting, and a pretty solid plot. This movie was ten times better than pretty good, decent, and pretty solid. This movie was a AWESOME movie, its plot was kind of realistic, the acting on all parts was outstanding, and the action was great as well. This movie got plenty of cheers from the audience, and Robert Downey Jr. was very funny actually. I've only seen one other movie with him which was pretty good but he came out the box and did very well in this movie, as did Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges, and Gweneth Paltrow. This movie overall was a great movie and it was an excellent way to spend a Saturday night. This movie is going to be a huge success at the box office and with good reason.
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Pretty Solid Flick
28 April 2008
I really did like this movie it was a good way to end the day, to sit back and watch a movie. Vin Deisel is a very good action actor and so were all the costars in this movie. This movie had a couple changes in plot that I really liked a lot. This movie also made me laugh a good bit which is hard to get me to do at movies so kudos to the script writer. This movie had a lot of action which is something I love to see, as long as the special effects are good. This movie did not use any special effects so I didn't have to worry about that ruining it for me. I would not say this is the best movie i have ever seen but I did like this movie a lot and it is one of those movies I could watch over again 7/10
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The comparison has to stop
28 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie by no means deserves a 4.8 out of 10 on this website, or any other website for that matter. This movie was downright awesome for any one who likes a good solid plot, steady action, great acting, and a great cast. Okay, the movie was a little predictable, but still you knew what was going to happen and you still just wanted to see what you knew was going to happen! The acting was great for the newcomers to the scree and the actors/actresses who've been in the business for a while, the action in the movie was spectacular, and the plot was great. We all know fights like that travel the web like they did here and make people who are big on fighting want a duel to see if your all that challenging. The whole plot point about his father dying and how that enraged him the whole movie was awesome..and how he didn't want to make the same mistake ever again, that was awesome. Everyone who saw this movie before me loved it and I was the one who introduced them to it..I'm so glad I saw it and I loved it. So we need to stop comparing this movie to Karate Kid and Fight Club this movie was great independently.
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One of my all time favorite movies
25 March 2008
This movie really opened my eyes. When my family was watching this movie in the boring hotel we were staying in I was only watching it because I thought it would be another hour and forty five minutes off the clock. But I loved this movie. The story was awesome, although I have not read the book the story in the movie was perfect in my eyes. Shane West did an awesome job acting in this movie, and Mandy Moore did excellent as well. It took me 6 years to watch this movie and now that I did I am so happy that I did. Some people want to get on the fact where the girl said "You have to promise not to fall in love with me", she was joking people. However the joke happened to become a reality. This movie was great on so many levels and I urge anyone to watch this movie.
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Reign Over Me (2007)
5 February 2008
This movie totally blew me away. Everyone around me who had seen it was warning me for an awesome movie..and trust me they did not lie at all. Adam Sandler did awesome at his role..I knew that he could pull off a serious role just judging off of Click, but I wasn't expecting this! Don Cheadle always performs also. He did so great in this movie too. I was truly impressed at how many times this movie made me laugh when I was supposed to..and it also made me upset when the tempo was set that way. Now there were some directing issues that needed to be worked out a little better but overall this movie totally blew my mind and is now definitely in my top movies.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Something that could have been so good, ended so badly
19 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, was I so disappointed or what? This was honestly the most disappointed I have ever been in my entire life. Cloverfeild really kept me hanging on from the minute it started till about 3 minutes before it ended. Man, it was so intense the whole time, the whole time you're wanting them to survive wanting them run, something! But at the end when he is talking into the camera even for the fact that they didn't survive, they should have made it to where someone found the tape like years later..and found out what it was or something! I mean the huge spider looking monsters..what happened to them? Did they die? What exactly were they? Where did they come from? Why were they in Manhattan? Something! But at the end you are left with so many questions that should have been answered but didn't because the main characters die. And then it shows an old video-clip of them then BAM! your done! I waited like 10 extra minutes to see if maybe after the previews they would show something but they didn't. I'm so mad at this movie. What a great idea that didn't end properly at all. Not well thought out at all.
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The Condemned (2007)
Was this really a WWE film?
3 January 2008
Wow! That is all I can say about this movie is wow! I was so amazed! When I first heard about this movie I wasn't so thrilled to hear that it was another ride on the WWE train..but man was I wrong? I saw the marine..i hated it...i saw see no evil...i hated that one more...then I saw The Condemned and I fricken loved it! Stone Cold did a hell of a job too! This movie was action packed..and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! What a well thought out plot too! The movie wasn't predictable at all either. I mean you look at the movie and your like OK Stone colds got this but it had so many twist to it it was just unreal! I am so glad I let my friend talk me into watching this movie! I recommend it if you love action movies!
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Terrific 3rd installment of the rush hour series
8 September 2007
This rush hour blew me away..wow! It started off so funny and then it just kept going the whole time with continued action throughout making you laugh just enough to keep you smiling even though you were on the edge of your seat because of the action. The action was awesome so many good fight scenes and such. Also, the comedy was hilarious. Chris Tucker really surprised me at how funny he was in this movie. Jackie Chan who is the main action guy (who's great at it) did a good job at being funny and fulfilled his role. As Chris Tucker who's the wise cracking jokester with a bad case of the hornies (who's great at it)delivers as well. Great action/comedy.

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The Rundown (2003)
Great action/comedy
24 July 2007
This movie had the makings of a true action/comedy written all over it from the moment I saw the previews and I couldn't wait to see it. Well when the wait ended I was so happy because I absolutely loved this movie. The Rock is actually a very good actor as he has proved in his other movies prior to this one and the ones after. The fight scenes in these movies were great, and some of the very best i've ever seen. Sean William Scott did a great job and made me and the entire audience laugh the entire time. I bought this movie and every time I watch it with friends they love it too. Christopher Walken did an excellent bad guy I thought too. But overall this movie was great and I loved it so hands down I will give this movie a 10/10.
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Has one or two flaws but overall it was hilarious
8 July 2007
OK so I saw this movie yesterday and to be honest I went in here not expecting much..but wow was I blown away? The movie starts off with a bang and just leaves you to there..it made me laugh the entire way through..OK so the innuendos about stealing second base were kind of stupid...but besides that I loved it. Mandy Moore did great and looked it..the groom to be did awesome as well...and Robin Williams as always made me laugh very hard. My audience all loved the movie when the obviously funny parts came along and even some of the jokes you had to be on your feet to catch "Be chill don't kill, yes even you O.J." so overall the love story was fantastic and the comedy aspect of it was hilarious as well. I just loved this movie so much.
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