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Blue Crush (2002)
North Shore 2
20 August 2002
I should start off saying, This film is amazing on So many levels!!! the story is believable and well plotted, and the way this film was shot is Amazing!!!

I originally went to see this film for two reasons. 1.I love Michelle Rodriguez. 2.Im a sucker for surf movies.

I originally didn't figure on expecting too much from this film, other than a fluffy story with people wiping out alot on weeny waves, but In turn the characters are brought out quite well, and the waves are HUGE! I do however think this is a somewhat sequel to "North Shore", "ie..Girl makes it big on small circuit, has problems and eventually breaks through and comes out on top, and it takes place in Hawaii, on the North shore.. :)"..It's Kind of a "fluff" story, but it Draws you INTO the character's lives...and when your finished watching this film, you'll feel like youve Really been hitting the waves!!

However , If you Don't like feel good movies, or surf movies in general bore you...then this film Isn't for you...otherwise this movie is tops when it comed to surfer flicks!!!
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Mikey's back
11 July 2002
Definitely One of the Best sequels!!!! Mikey is back!!!! And he is Better than ever! I think the mask looks good in this one!
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Excellent Sci-Fi Thriller!
18 May 2002
This film Takes Off!!!!! It has EVERYTHING!!! Romance, Action, Suspense,more Romance, More Action,everything a star wars fan could ever imagine!!! the film is Brilliant!!!

It explains quite a few things from "Phantom Menace", and gives 0rigin to things that will happen later on, and leaves you feeling empty when leaving the theatre, something that makes you have to go back and see it again,and again,and again to make sure you quench that emptiness after leaving the theatre....heck! might as well just go every night after work..hoo..ok got carried away there....

anyway, the film is magnificent to view!! the effects,clothing,creatures are ALL top notch!!! phenomenal!!! alot like "Empire Strikes Back" , in MANY ways...go see it to find out what Im talking about!!

George, you have Outdone yourself once again! the Force WAS with us this!!
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yep,another gross out wannabe
17 May 2002
The jokes in this film are so forced its sad, the movies they try to spoof are such classics that its just not really funny...maybe they get a chuckle out of most, but no belly laughs...and the nudity is the only thing keeping guys in the theatre.....

this film would have been funny if it had come out back in 1987..but,I dont think even then they would have made people laugh with this trash.. most of the films they spoof, breakfast club,16 candles,ferris bueller etcc, arent easy to spoof.....and arent done well here short this movie sucks! and it sucks hard!!! watching this film is about as much fun as watching paint dry, and its as painful to watch as passing a kidney stone.....pass on this turd..Airplane,or even Scary Movie this isnt..
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Van Wilder (2002)
Ferris Bueller the (R rated cut)
16 May 2002
This is another Gross out film, but with MORE heart than others,

Van Wilder has heart, and helps alot of people! however ,all of the fart and sex jokes are here in truckloads, but the film plays like an R-rated Ferris Bueller 2... worth seeing...if you have heart, and like low brow humor.this one is for you!
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16 May 2002
Average Action yarn... not the movie of the year... not bad but not great either (yawn)
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The New Guy (2002)
16 May 2002
WEll, I give this movie a 5 out of ten for the film itself, I thought it was funny,and just plain fun. the other 5 is because Eliza is in it! therefore it gets a 10 for me!

Eliza makes this film worth seeing!.....(referencing the :bikini: scene)
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Jason X (2001)
16 May 2002
Excellent film!!! the director/writer decided to go complete "Camp" with this one!!! hahaha, great way to go! this is Great campy fun! with the splatter you expect from a Friday film!!!

Jason is back! only this time he's UBER jason!!! wah hahahahhahahaha
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Spider-Man (2002)
16 May 2002
this film succeeds in EVERY way! the actors fit their parts to a T, the acting was Great! , great story, great effects!!! one to see a bunch of times!... see this in the theatre, dont wait for home video..

kirsten looked GREAT in this, and toby did GREAT as spidey
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Dumb,just plain dumb
2 April 2002
I just didnt like this film, I found it unbelievable that a retarded guy could do this much....cmon! pah-leese!

this movie is weak... period
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Nudity,Gore,Animal maiming
28 March 2002
This is the kind of Garbage that should be burned!!!!!!!!

this film relies on Nudity,and animals being killed on screen to horrify audiences.....what a load!! Ursula musta been hard up for some cash when she agreed to do this turd!

this film is SO bad that when you get to the end , you'll say "what was I thinking sitting thru this" ,unless of course youre drunk when you watch this....

this is a film that is better left unviewed! I give this 5 turds, and One star...because I cant give it a 0..
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New Nightmare (1994)
Back to the nightmare!! but ,with closure!!
27 March 2002
I have to admit, after part 5 and 6 seemed to trudge along the lines of rehash...this film came out and peaked my curiosity..this film was Awesome!!! it had chills,and thrills, and Wes back at the helm! plodding full speed ahead!!! as good as the original!!!!

but this time the set seems to be haunted!!!! the film is creepy this time! and gives you some chills at times!!! that and it seemed to be the ending that the series Truly needed, since "Freddy's Dead; the final Nightmare" didnt quench our thirst for closure....this one Came through at full tilt!!!

although 6 was still a "Fun" movie..this one delved back into the thoughts of the first film...and made it a scarefest..and not just a Gorefest...

If this had come out after 4, I think it would have done better... ...As the TRUE End of the series, we as Fans have TRUE Closure now...

this series is a fun series...however hokey,and silly..its Fun! and manages to give a few chills here and after finishing this one, go back and watch em all again!!!!
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the End???!!??
27 March 2002
I think the end to the series could have been better..

but, at this point, the films were mainly aimed at die hard fans..I mean, the films werent really scary,and became cult fanfare....if you Liked the series..your a fan..and will go see em say you did...and the company relies on this fact,

however, I feel the story could have been done differently, and not just fred hackin and slashin...and roseanne and tom couldve been left out! what was that??

the 3d thing couldve been cool, if done thru the whole film!!!!

the next in the series brought some flair back to the series!!!

so, trudge thru 5 and this one if you are kind of sick of the series...and on to "New Nightmare"!!!!

with that said, I still enjoy both 5 and this one..but the characters dont really get to do much but get slashed,...and run and scream alot..but thats what is fun about these films.....they are corny at times..and just fun......
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Freddy's revenge part 2??
27 March 2002
this one gets an "Average" slapped on it.....the material is getting old here now....saw this one as a double feature at a drive in...the film is o.k...still fred chasing unlucky teens..slashin em..and spoutin off one liners.....definitely a weaker film than the first 4..

however, its still fun ....and maintains that creepy, "ooooh its fred krueger,and hes back in my dreams again" vibe..but not as creative as the others. If a die hard fan like myself, you'll still shell out cash for it....
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How Sweet...Fresh meat!
27 March 2002
I remember seeing this one in high school with a buddy,and my girlfriend at the time....why do you need to know this you may ask?

well, because I like this film on a personal technically this film was the last of the films that maintained a somewhat creative purpose.....I liked this film quite a bit..but compared to the original or falters...however, the film still has that creepy....phantom feel to it...which still scores it way above average....but each film gets gradually worse....more of the same Ideas over and over again.But, I still like the idea of Freddy chasing those poor teens!!!

If you liked 3, you will probably like this characters though,but I like the new girl......shes cute...and tuffs it out through the 3rd sequel!
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I want to marry Kim Myers
27 March 2002
I tend to agree with most fans on this one... I think this one was just "Average" compared to the original...but personally I REALLY like Kim Myers...shes Sexy,and a decent actress..

and liked the whole Freddy-coming-out of-the guy-thing..that was cool! cmon admit it folks!!

for these two reasons I give it a 6 out of 10

not as good as the original, but still better than alot of the mediocre horror films at that time!!

and the party scene was kinda cool....its still a fun film...
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27 March 2002
this is a Great movie!!! not scary, but the characters are drawn out automatically fall in love with nancy....and krueger is a cool phantom type character in this one....the sequels he is reduced to a wise cracking villian...hmmm....however this works too....a phantom taunting his prey..

I have to say that one of the creepiest things in the film is the whole (not knowing if its a dream or not)....that and you feel for some of the kids in the film, mainly Nancy...thats what I REALLY like about this film!

Robert England got his start here...and the film just sets the stage for 6 sequels!

so I rate it a 9 for being inventive and fun.....a Cool 80's monster movie for my generation!
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Sorority Boys (2002)
Just mindless sex???
25 March 2002
> Funny (low brow) sex jokes, but a film with no morals that > gains morals at the end....kind of... > > this is one of those films that you say: "I can't believe I'm laughing at > this"... > but there are many points to this film that make it funny, (the nasty > stuff aside) > bunch of guys dressing as girls to get back into the frat house... > and from the male standpoint of , I can have sex with as many girls in > college as I want, its fun, the chicks are hot,and plentiful....and the > guys can belittle the girls..and mark them as notches on their > look good to the other guys, but after posing as girls, they get a taste > of how guys treat girls...THATS the part of the film that makes this film > a MUST SEE!!! the film has vulgarity by the buttload!!!, a few scenes of > nudity....and just silly sex jokes... > > i do feel they could have lost the nudity,and the vulgarity and gotten an > PG-13 ..the film has a good message points...once you wade thru the > vulgar jokes of immaturity!... > > final rating - 9 out of 10...(woulda gotten a 10, but the language and > nudity barrier ruin the 10 rating for me)
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Blade II (2002)
Beat em Up and Smile!!
25 March 2002
well, I gave this one a little higher rating for two reasons...

1.the action was top notch for a mindless action film 2.creativity when creating the new monsters!!!

the film's storyline is niltch...predictable nonsense..but CMON its a Fantasy film folks! its NOT Real!!!

its an action/horror film...what do the critics want??? "a beautiful mind 2"???? with vampires in it??? cmon..get real...mindless action movies are classic...tough guy kicks the bad guy's butt...end of movie! Arnie has done it,Stallone,Seagal,Vandamme,Bruce Lee,Jackie Chan...ok,ok.Chan has more finesse and charm in one hair than snipes or the others do..but hey! this is hollywood action at its best! so sit back eat your popcorn,and enjoy!!! if you want a storyline go next door and see a storyline filled,feel good movie .....and when youre walking out say:gee I wonder if Blade 2 was good?

Blade II rocks!!!!
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Opera (1987)
Modern Day Phantom of the opera
22 March 2002
this film is brilliant!!!!!!!! its a modern day "Phantom of the Opera"!!!!

and some of the scenes in this film are so Brilliant!! the bullet scene is one of those scenes that is so memorable....(if you dont know what I mean, rent this film!)and the needles taped to her eyes!...

the characters are well developed,the musical score is right on..and the sense of sadism here is right actually FEEL for the main character...

Argento does it again! , he has a flair for a haunting experience that takes film to a different level!!!

this film isnt without flaws however, the flaws I find are the rock songs meshed in the film...they dont seem to fit!! and where are all the cops when people have been murdered?? a gun shot isnt heard by other tenants? I think they would call the cops,and they would be swarming over the crime scene!! other than this, this film rocks! and is set up there with Hitchcock's "Psycho" for me!...
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Deep Red (1975)
22 March 2002
I have to say , I was mesmerized by this film, however it does start out a little on the slow side...but It reminded me of how the old Hitchcock films relied on story first, and then the murders take place!!!

Deep Red is a phenomenal film!!! Argento is a Master Maestro!!!

if you like Old school Hitchcock type thrillers, rent this one!

its got some killer key scenes that grip you,and others that just maintain his "fantasy atmosphere" element! and the score is Awesome too!
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Showgirls (1995)
Naked Women???? Where???
14 March 2002
they should have titled this film "Hot Nude Girl From Saved By The BEll" , I mean its all nudity, and no story....the story is pretty flat....pretty girl dances in strip clubs for money, then becomes a big showgirl, gets naked alot..the end...

I dont know what Elizabeth was thinking but, she would have done better making straight porn films!!!!

this is every Young teen guy's dream, to see a film with Tons of naked girls, and they dont have to go the porn section to rent it!!!

and of course there are two rated versions of this film, "R" and "NC-17" the new X rating...the film only has One sex scene....but most of the film is nudity...

final thoughts: this film wasnt made to show the life of a showgirl,or Elizabeth's great acting skills.... it was made to see how many limits could be pushed with this film...the question here is, how much is TOO much???
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nice piercings!
14 March 2002
this is my fav of the "Return" films....Mindy Clarke is AWESOME!!!

this film has a tortured teen theme to teen life sucks, oh crap! now Im a zombie!!! oops!!! must eat flesh now!

the film is not really corny too much, and maintains a few good creepy moments..but I think most of the horror in this film is that mindy clarke's character is so tormented by the hunger, that she must mutilate herself to stop the hunger...almost like a herion addict's addiction, she just eats human flesh....

this film has great acting,and some creepy scares! a MUST for zombie film fans!!!
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munch,munch...mmmm human brains!!
14 March 2002
This film is Awesome!!! the zombies are creepy, and the film maintains that "night of the living dead" feel to it....not too campy, just right....and the electrocuted zombies is a classic scene!!!

I Really enjoy this film, this gorefest seems to hold its own with horror fans, and although it has a (part 2) attached, isnt really a sequel per se, its more of another telling of zombies attacking people!

this film is horror at its best! its campy, its fun, its Zombie time!
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what happened??
14 March 2002
this film had the possiblity to bring the rubber shark films back on top! but they chose to make it B-Movie camp instead.....with a tagline of "this time its personal"..pahleeese!!! now, I have to say, I read the was Phenomenal!!!!!! awesome! but in this film they only Hint about the truth behind the shark the book its Voodoo!!! Brody p***es off a voodoo priest, he gets angered and curses the Brody family, and the curse is the shark!!! in the book Hoagie is a drug dealer also, and it has some good character development,

Brody is off with is bud diving for Conch shells, while the shark is feasting on drug dealers...before it gets to the Brody's

unfortunately, the film cuts the whole drug dealer/voodoo stuff..and makes hoagie a great guy without any personal demons.... this film was shot in a GREAT area too! there were so many possibilities here to make a Great film...but isntead they went "campy" my advice would be to just enjoy this film for all of its cornyness, and watch it as a "fun" movie....

its too bad , they didnt try to make the shark look more real also, this rubber one looks the worst!!!
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