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Forrest Gump (1994)
One of my favorite films, an experience you'll never forget. Long Live Forrest Gump.
28 June 2022
One of the most entertaining, enjoyable, happy, sad, heartwarming experiences in the entire world. Forrest Gump is EASILY one of my favorite films of all time and (in my opinion) one of the best. It's clever in its storytelling, its humor, and its depiction of the time period is just amazing. This movie will never fail to make me feel the highest of emotions. All of life's lessons in one movie. This also has the best soundtrack of all time, and the score is incredible as well. I don't understand how you could not like this film just a little bit. I've seen some recent hate for this film, and I can't see where these people are coming from.

Many have stated that this film is "propaganda" and that the theme is "do what you're told and you'll end up fine". Screw EVERYONE who says this about this film. People like this look with the eyes of someone with no optimism whatsoever, with a poor, grumpy attitude who constantly thinks everyone is out to get them. They see with eyes that the world is a crappy place with no hope. And I can't lie, it is sometimes. So many things to worry about, so many things that go wrong. Climate change, world hunger, racism, all these terrible things in this world. Most people in the world are pessimistic about the future, but wouldn't it be nice to not worry? Wouldn't it be nice to always be optimistic and live your life to the fullest? This is how Forrest Gump lives. This is the perfect encapsulation of "ignorance is bliss". And it's beautiful.

Forrest Gump is one of my all time favorite characters. He is not smart at all, and at times is one of the luckiest people in existence, but he's kind, hopeful, a great friend, and never gives up. If only all people could be like Forrest. The "do as you're told" argument is stupid af, because all Forrest does the whole film is disobey the things people tell him. When they say he can't walk well, he runs. When they called him stupid, he went to college. When Lieutenant Dan tells him to leave him, he disobeys his orders and saves him. Meanwhile Jenny (who apparently doesn't do as she's told) runs from all her problems and spirals down into the awful world of drugs because of her own choices. And the idea that this is "propaganda" is nothing short of ludicrous. This film is very critical of America as a country, and people say it's a "conservative fantasy of the American dream". Are you kidding me? I'm a DEMOCRAT myself and I find this statement ignorant as can be.

This movie is such a joy to see bro. I can't believe rotten tomatoes has this below 75%. There's a reason it's top 15 on IMDb and one of the most beloved films of the 90s. It's too low rated on Letterboxd. Tom Hanks delivers one of the greatest performances of all time, glad he won best actor. Nobody else could've played Forrest Gump this perfectly. There's so much to take away from this film with its themes of friendship, love, persistence, loss, destiny, hope, god, and optimism. To see the world through the eyes of Forrest Gump is a privilege to behold. I rewatched this in school with all my friends in my history class, and the people who'd never experienced this joy before absolutely loved it. Can't wait to show this movie to my children and/or friends/family who haven't seen it. This will stay in my top 10 for a long time.

It's also kind of ironic how my favorite best picture winner didn't even deserve it over The Shawshank Redemption. My god 1994 was STACKED.
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Really good, but still has me kinda worried
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Had fun seein this in the theater (over a month ago, this review late ash). It's by no means a top MCU project, but it was good for what it was. I definitely like it more because I'm a huge Doctor Strange fan. However, I can recognize that this is NOT as good as the first. It's just... TOO MUCH CGI. It didn't have the same vibe as the first, it wasn't as grand & mind-blowing. But it still somehow won me over by the end.

During the first 30 mins, I was honestly kind of disappointed. The dialogue was clunky, Wanda completely switched up wayyy too fast, and it kinda just threw you into a messy fight. The MCU has slowly felt like its being marketed more towards kids. Maybe I'm just growing up, but it really felt like nothing new with some completely ridiculous CGI fight scenes. America Chavez was also kinda annoying.

But after it got past these 30 minutes, something changed. Sam Raimi was unleashed, and I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the movie. I was mostly on board with most of the multiverse stuff (even though Marvel is not ready for the scale of the multiverse), Bruce Campbell's cameo was amazing, and the rest of the journey with Doctor Strange and Chavez was cool. It was great seeing all those cameos as well, even if Wanda ended them in seconds. I also really hope Wanda STAYS DEAD. I know that sounds a bit s****y but it'll add to this universe as a whole if they just stick to their decisions. Wandas character was getting a little worse anyway.

I don't know how Marvel is going to handle the multiverse, but I'm praying they do it well. I'm worried that it could get extremely messy and overblown very quickly. I liked when the MCU was just based in one universe, the infinity saga will never be topped. It feels more grounded, and most of the time, that's much better than having all this impossible stuff happening. This film is the embodiment of how Marvel has evolved, and while I think it's really good, it still worries me for what is to come. I'm a huge marvel fan, but I understand why someone would hate this film. Some things about this film ticked me off, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this in the end. It truly was madness.
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The Oscars (2022 TV Special)
Ngl, this was mad entertaining.
28 March 2022
Will smith slapping Chris Rock on LIVE TELEVISON?!? That was INSANE 😹😹. That was obviously what this oscars will be remembered for, but I can't lie when I say that my family and I enjoyed this show thoroughly. There were a good amount of pretty big shocks, mainly CODA winning best picture.

There were a lot of fun presentations and guest presenters, and I thought the comedy wasn't too bad, albeit cringe. We'll definitely be seeing clips from this one for a while.
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More like the power of the dong😹
27 February 2022
Fr tho, this was pretty good. It met my expectations, I could tell this wouldn't be my exact style of film but still undeniably good. I was right, and this is SO technically good that it'll probably definitely win best picture. If anything else wins it'll be a shock (but a welcome one, LFG Dune & Licorice Pizza)

Every single performance is top notch. Benedict Cumberbatch specifically, lord have mercy. He's an incredible actor. He may not win Best Actor, but if he does, it'll be earned. Good to have some competition in the best actor category. The skinny kid was good af and will most likely win best supporting actor. Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst deserved nominations as well. This will rack up at the oscars no kizzy.

It was a little slow and boring at times, and I can see why so many people don't like it, but that doesn't take anything away from the brilliant filmmaking. It'll be crazy to see a Netflix movie win best picture.
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The Graduate (1967)
Classic for a reason
16 February 2022
The more and more I think about this movie, the more I like it. I watched this like 6 months ago, and it has aged well. First of all, this is the most 60s thing I've ever seen. The aesthetic is unparalleled. It just captures everything about what you'd imagine the 60s to be like. Second, Dustin Hoffman had a great performance (and his voice is way deeper than I thought after only seeing him in Rain Man). Third, this movie is just so much fun. It is one of the all-time highest grossing movies in the USA when adjusted for inflation, and for good reason. This is an absolutely essential movie to watch for EVERYONE, not just for movie lovers. If you haven't seen it yet, you're missing out.
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Misunderstood, overhated, still could've been better.
6 February 2022
I do wish this was a tad bit better, but I'm still really happy with what we got. Despite all its cringe and unfunny jokes, it has all the amazing Matrix action I was hoping for. It was so fun watching Keanu Reaves and Carie-Anne Moss reprise their roles as Neo and Trinity, they were great. My only wish for the casting was that they got Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving to return, but the writers worked around them pretty well.

I was really hype for this movie, maybe even TOO hype, as I rewatched the whole Matrix trilogy as soon as I could. Nothing will ever touch the first film, but I was hoping this would be better than the last two. It was better than The Matrix Revolutions, but it was not better than The Matrix Reloaded. Out of all the Matrix films, I believe this one had the most complicated plot. I found some parts of this film a little hard to understand, but I got the message.

This is a very solid entry to the Matrix franchise, and I'm sick of these bitchass fans completely slandering this movie. Hate when mfs rate something a 1/10 just because they didn't like it. 1/10 is UNBEARABLE, I can't sit still because this movie is so awful on every level. There are 9 other numbers you can rate this movie, this is NOT a 1/10 film. I've never even rated a movie below a 5/10, because even with those awful films, I can find something I like about them.

Whatever, say what u want about the movie, but u can't deny the first trailer for this film was one of the best we've ever seen 😹🔥.

This'll definitely get dislikes.
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Another masterpiece from the great Paul Thomas Anderson!
16 January 2022
Just got out of the theater, and I couldn't be happier with what I got. Well... technically I could be happier but... yeah this was an amazing movie. Paul Thomas Anderson has yet to make a bad film, and this continues his incredible streak. With this movie, I've now seen every single PTA movie. He's definitely earned a spot in my top 10 directors.

This movie was such a fun time. PTA has shifted his style over the years, but this is a return to his roots. It was reminiscent of his Boogie Nights and Magnolia days (they are the two best PTA movies by far). Part of the reason why this movie was so damn good was because of the acting. Cooper Hoffman and Alana Haim gave absolutely fantastic performances and both deserve to get Oscar nominations. The Hoffman family clearly has some special genes.

I hope people don't skip this movie because of the BS controversy. It's such a great experience despite some questionable-but-not-since-it's-a-f'ing-movie decisions. Anyone who is a fan of any PTA film or just movies in general needs to see this ASAP. The theater only made this awesome-looking funAss movie better, so try to catch it there while you can.
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Drive (I) (2011)
Almost gave it a 9, but settled for an 8.
11 January 2022
This was pretty damn good. I'm always conflicted with 8.4 and 8.5 movies, bc that means I'm divided on rating it a 4 or a 4.5 (8 or 9 out of 10). Its not as bad with 8.4s tho. This was just a tad disappointing because I'd heard so much about it and thought it would be my kinda movie. I'm a sucker for entertaining action movies, but this was a pretty basic one if I'm being honest. I was expecting a score in the 9.3 or 9.4 region, like Baby Driver. I was also pretty tired while watching this so I might've forgotten some stuff. But there's a lot of fun to be had here, some great cinematography and awesome scenes that add to the overall vibe of the film. Ryan Gosling moment.
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It's Ight. Plenty of better movies to see tho.
10 January 2022
I watched this in my high school film and fiction class. Nobody had ever heard of it, even me. We watched it because of the 1903 GTR (the first film ever made that had a plot, its 7 mins long) and wanted to see how train heists had evolved in film (I guess). And I'm not gonna lie, this movie was surprisingly alright. I had to write a REAL review for a grade, but I'm not gonna get into the details with that. Basically all I said was that there were some great performances and poor pacing. Anticlimactic ending, but I guess that's excused since it was 1978? Idk, but all ik is that this movie is pretty good and that none of you will probably ever watch it.
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One of the most underrated films of the 80s.
10 January 2022
Scorsese does it again! This movie is awesome, a lot like Taxi Driver. De Niro gives yet another flawless performance and just further proves why he is (imo) the best actor ever. He plays the psychopath perfectly.

This film has such a crazy plot that is super compelling and sucks you in immediately. It had my full attention the whole time, which is a little rare. I can't believe this hasn't gotten as much attention as Taxi Driver or Raging Bull, because it's just as good. I really wish this got more attention back in the day. Scorsese has further solidified himself as one of my favorite directors of all time.
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Pure insanity, 70s classic still holds up great.
10 January 2022
This movie is crazy. It's even crazier when you think about the fact that this all actually happened. Such an awesome story about a bank heist gone wrong. Al Pacino's performance here is among his best, as I'm sure many of you would agree. This was super interesting to watch, especially due to the fact that this was made in the mid-70s when society was a lot like it is in this film. Something about the 70s and 80s man... just makes a movie better. I try not to let the decade a film is released affect my opinion on it, but I just can't help it for 70s/80s. The aesthetic and setting of them are strangely nostalgic (even though I was born in 2004). Other than that, I thought this film was great, apart from some of the scenes that really dragged. The movie definitely felt longer than 2 hrs 5 mins. If I were you though, I'd definitely check this out.
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Spider-Man fan's dream come true! Marvel pulls off the impossible once again.
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just as shocked as everyone else. I cannot BELIEVE how good this movie is. I've never seen a film live up to the hype so PERFECTLY in my life (apart from Infinity War and Endgame). One of the most enjoyable, entertaining, chill-inducing movie experiences I've ever had.

Seeing this in the theater will be an experience I never forget. I will remember December 20th, 2021. There wasn't an over abundance of cheering, but when Tobey and Andrew showed up, people couldn't help but cheer. Possibly the greatest cinema experience I've ever had, you could just feel the energy.

If you had told me before this came out that this was gonna top nearly every single MCU movie before it, I would've laughed in your face. This film was a recipe for disaster. So many things could've gone wrong, but fortunately, they didn't. They did everything perfectly. Nobody I know is disappointed in the SLIGHTEST with how this turned out.

It may be a little overhyped at the moment, and I told myself I was not gonna let the hype get to me, but it did. Idgaf, 10/10 stars. This is a Spider-Man fans dream come true. My Best movie of 2021 without a doubt, and the best spider-man movie (haven't rewatched Into the Spider-Verse though). Can't wait to watch this again.

However, I really hope the overly inflated rating balances out, because this is not a top 15 movie of all time😂.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
Will forever be one of the greatest shows of all time!
21 December 2021
No matter how society advances from here, this show will always be timeless and EASILY one of the greatest shows ever made. I'm very glad IMDb recognizes just how good it is with its incredibly high 9.3/10 rating. I urge everyone to LISTEN TO THESE REVIEWS and start one of the greatest experiences you will ever have.

Each season is different from the last, there's always a different central storyline. Even with that, this has to be the most well written show I've ever seen. The care put into each and every line of dialogue is amazing. Every story connects perfectly, there are little to no plot holes. At times, I felt like I was watching real life play out in front of my eyes. By far the most realistic show I have and will ever come across. I owe a lot of that realism to the performances, absolutely groundbreaking acting from each and every member of the cast. This is a very character driven show, and each person is given time to develop and shine.

Speaking of characters, this show brings some of fiction's greatest characters to light, particularly Michael K. Williams' Omar Little and Idris Elba's Russel "Stringer" Bell. 2 of my favorite characters in all of television and film.

I can only name three shows better than this one (in my opinion), and they are "Breaking Bad", "Game of Thrones", and "The Sopranos". You can definitely make an argument that this show is better than all 3 of them, and I won't complain if you do, because it all comes down to personal taste when talking about these 4 GOAT tv shows.

This show will change your outlook on life itself, I guarantee it. You think you have an idea of how these people live, but you don't. You think you have an idea of how truly brutal and complex the drug scene is in America, but you don't. This show will open your eyes to the world of the cops chasing the drugs and the people selling the drugs - and so much more. Your view on society WILL be different, and that's an experience you don't have often. However, if you do not live in the USA, this show may not impact you as it should, since it is extremely culture-based around America. I urge every American (whos old enough, of course) to watch this show, as I believe it's essential viewing.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
EASILY a top 3 show ever made!
28 October 2021
This is ABSOLUTELY one of the best shows ever made, alongside Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and The Wire. Seriously, could this show be any more perfect?

It is EXACTLY what you would hope for in nearly every aspect. The characters are some of the best in any piece of fiction ever, especially Tony Soprano himself; perhaps THE greatest character ever written for television, however heavily rivaled by Walter White. The acting is near perfect from everyone in the cast, who, by the way, are also perfect for their respective roles.

Could it be the best show ever made? Maybe. It's up for debate, and personally, I like Breaking Bad and even Game of Thrones better. There are a lot of filler episodes in this show, but the best episodes truly are some of the best in tv history. It's certainly the prime candidate for the most well written show ever, followed closely by The Wire and Breaking Bad.

This is an essential show to watch for just about anybody who wants to see something special. It'll literally change your view on the world and make you question numerous aspects of human nature and morality. I'm only 17, but I can confirm that this show has had a positive affect on my life. I'm so glad this show exists, and I'm sure you'll be a fan when you're done with it.
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Regular Show: Exit 9B (2012)
Season 4, Episode 1
30 September 2021
Did marvel straight up copy regular show for Avengers: Endgame?

This is the greatest episode of the show, and i watched it on opening day back when I was like 9 years old. I never stopped thinking about it.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
One of the greatest shows of all time, even with the ending.
26 September 2021
No matter how much criticism it gets for its ending, writing, directing, you cannot deny that this is one of the singular greatest achievements in all of film history. Absolutely RIVETING television. Some of the grandest emotions can be felt by watching this series. I can't recall a time when watching this that I did not feel emotionally invested and/or connected. Some of the most INSANE and awesome scenes I have ever seen in a piece of fiction. I cannot believe people think the ENTIRE show is ruined just because of like 2-3 bad episodes at the end. It's as if you're completely ignoring the sheer brilliance of season 1-6, and in my opinion, season 7 as well. This is currently my second favorite show, only under Breaking Bad. I urge anybody who likes film/tv to check this out, it will not disappoint.
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Luca (2021)
Surprise of the year!
26 September 2021
WHAT A JOURNEY ITS BEEN! I've finally finished watching every single Pixar movie since their first in 1995 in Toy Story. I watched every single one with my mom, so this was a super fun experience. I ended this run with this movie, and all I gotta say was that this was a very pleasant surprise. I was expecting this to be an average animated movie made just to promote Disney+, but I was wrong. This is currently the front runner for the Best Animated Feature Oscar. It's so much better than I expected and fully deserves its strangely high rating on Letterboxd and IMDb. I can tell this will be one of those nostalgia trips for the younger generation. It's got a lot of the amazing elements and animation that makes Pixar so amazing, especially the montages. This is also a great return to the kids movies Pixar is usually known for putting out, after Soul completely shocked everyone with its maturity. This film does feel very magical and will definitely be worth your while. 2021 has been kind of underwhelming for movies with Covid still out there, but this is one of the few bright spots the year has put out.
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Soul (2020)
Most mature Pixar film, instant classic.
26 September 2021
WOW. Easily Pixar's most mature film. I don't think this will be a classic among today's kids, but this is definitely a Pixar classic regardless. I don't recommend kids watch this because a lot of the stuff that happens will fly right over their head and will not be understandable, resulting in them not liking it. But I can't see why an adult/teenager would not like this movie. Being Pixar's most richly themed film, it should really be a treat for film lovers, even with its PG rating and the style clearly made for children. It's also a very beautiful movie to watch with some dazzling animation. I was really surprised by just how good it was; I'd heard some awesome stuff about it but I really didn't know what to make of the trailers and small clips of the premise but all I can say is THIS WORKED. 1000% deserved that Oscar for best animated feature, and easily my favorite movie of 2020 (that I've seen so far).
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Onward (I) (2020)
Biggest surprise from Pixar
26 September 2021
Probably the Pixar film I was least excited to watch. I always thought thought it wouldn't feel like Pixar, and be kind of cringe... but I was wrong. This is actually extremely well made and has a great story with some emotional moments. I could've bet $1,000 that Ian would've gotten to meet his father at the end, but once again Pixar subverted the expectations and took the more mature and "realistic" route. Ik this movie is literally based on magic quests and I'm over here calling it realistic, but what I mean by that is that it wasn't a perfectly happy ending that made no sense and had no emotional impact. The ending of this did the exact opposite and made everyone feel sad. Huge surprise from Pixar, highly recommend.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
This movie needed to happen, and nobody knew it!
26 September 2021
Last saw this in a theater with my mom (we snuck in). What an amazing send off for Woody and the Toy Story franchise (besides the Buzz Lightyear movie, they surely won't make another Toy Story film right?). Regardless, I do believe this is the worst Toy Story movie... but it's still very good. What a tetralogy the TS franchise is. There's so little flaws, it's insane. Pixar really hit a home run with the concept. This movie has an absolutely amazing and emotional ending that really hits hard for someone who grew up with the franchise like myself. The rest is pretty good, solidly entertaining and great story telling. It just doesn't share the magic with the other Toy Story movies at all. A lot of the things that happened were a tad disappointing and didn't really FEEL like a Toy Story movie (apart from the characters). The ending, however controversial the decision is, was perfectly executed.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
26 September 2021
I gotta admit, this somewhat did live up to the hype of the first. This movie is absolutely great. Just nonstop supreme entertainment with awesome and innovative animation. I had a really hard time giving this a 9/10 on here, but my score barely rounds to it so I gave it the benefit of the doubt (just because I love the incredibles). No wonder this is Pixar's highest grossing film, this film had the most sequel buildup I think I've seen outside of Marvel and Star Wars. The trailer literally got like 150 million views, the second most on YouTube, second only to Avengers: Infinity War. We waited 14 years to see what happened to the underminer at the end of The Incredibles. My one and only major problem with this movie was that it was actually somewhat forgettable. Like I can't remember a lot of the scenes that happened. The first one felt perfectly executed and very memorable, literally every scene has something iconic about it. This one, however, has a lot of meaningless scenes that I have since forgotten. In conclusion, Incredibles 2 does not have the magic of the first one, but is still extremely fun and nostalgic, and definitely worth a watch.
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Coco (I) (2017)
Instant classic for generations to come!
26 September 2021
Even more amazing than I remember. Well I mean... I did see this for the first time in school so it obviously did not have my full attention. This time though, I really got to see the magic unfold before my eyes. Easily a top 10 Pixar film, and one of the most recent Pixar classics (this will 100% be a classic for the younger generation). This is also one of the most beautiful Pixar movies and a treat to look at, especially the scene where Miguel first sees the land of the dead. It's just such an incredible concept that is (from what I've heard) accurate to Mexican culture. This and Toy Story are the two highest rated Pixar movies on this app, and for good reason. This is also in the top 2 Pixar films on IMDb, only behind WALL-E. I think it's fair to say that this will forever be one of Pixar's best and most timeless films.
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Cars 3 (2017)
Solid conclusion to Cars Trilogy!
26 September 2021
Way better than I expected. After being slightly disappointed by Cars 2, this was a pretty good return to form for the Cars franchise. I thought it definitely could've been much better, though. A lot of the scenes were unneeded and once again, did not have the magic the first one has. But somehow, it still finds its way and manages to be a formidable sequel and satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Although, was it really the conclusion? It seems like they could do another, but they just don't make enough money. Hopefully we'll see a fourth that just completely blows people away. Other than that, I don't have much else to say, pretty forgettable but still pretty funny and entertaining.
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Finding Dory (2016)
Better than you'd think, good sequel.
26 September 2021
This is surprisingly much better than I remember. The last time I watched this was in a 6th grade classroom with a bunch of friends, and we made fun of this movie relentlessly (the girls all got pissed). Now that I had a chance to actually WATCH it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Obviously, it's not one of Pixar's best, but it's very solid. There's a lot of fun to be had here, there are some awesome scenes that are really funny and make you feel various emotions. However, Finding Nemo will forever be superior to this. It just doesn't have the same magic. In the end though, I think this was a success from Pixar.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
Classic for the new generation? Yes!
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just knew this was gonna be amazing. Such a great idea for an animated movie, even by Pixar's standards. It's truly a perfectly executed vision that did not disappoint on almost all levels. There's a lot of fun to be had with this, it's one of the funnier and more thought provoking Pixar movies. The scene where Bing Bong disappears is also extremely sad. I could also tell that this is one of Pixar's more mature films, about the struggles of growing up. It explored Nostalgia for most of the movie without even using the word. When sadness touched a core memory and turned it blue, it was a symbol for Riley feeling nostalgic for her best memories. In my book, this is yet another Pixar classic.
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