
14 Reviews
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The Music Man (2003 TV Movie)
Not worth the time.
16 February 2003
I'm baffled as to why they would re-make a classic movie musical, spend

all that money on it- and cast it so poorly. Watching Ferris Beuller

scramble to fill Robert Prestons shoes was amusing for about 15 minutes-

he's a lovable cad, allright, but about as deep as a shallow soup bowl.

I ended up cringing more often than not. Kristen Chenowith practically

walks away with this show, and she is delightful, but no one else can

match the original cast of Buddy Hackett/Hermione Gingold- and

especially Robert Preston.

I had high hopes for this after reading "Cheeley"s review here last

month- how did she get to see it a month and a half before the rest of

the world?- but ultimately was bored and disappointed with this

production, even though it looks great. Like all productions of this

show, it all comes down to Professor Harold Hill. I'm sure it made sense

to cast Matthew Broderick in this, he's done some old cheesy musicals

and been passable in them sometimes, but in this one he drops the ball.

Not that I object to old "Ferris" trying to finally grow up, but as a

song and dance man he's just kind of weak. Cute, mugs at all the right

places, but just not very interesting I'm afraid. Save yourself two

hours and rent the original.

What next- a re-make of Singin in the Rain starring Rob Lowe and Ally

Sheedy? ............
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Poor Cynthia Nixon.
19 June 2001
What is one of our finest actresses doing, stuck on this insipid sitcom? I saw Ms. Nixon in The Real Thing on Broadway, many years ago, and had such hope for her. I can only imagine her frustration having to say the silly words the "scripts" for this ridiculous show make her say. This show isn't shocking, isn't fun, and doesn't represent any of the women I know and never has. And has no one noticed that the lead role, Carrie (played by poor Sarah Jessica Parker) has spent four years making love while ALWAYS REMAINING CLOTHED!? How "brave" and "shocking". If she can't commit to the reality that we actually get naked to have sex, I don't believe a thing she says or does. I watch this show once or twice a year, with my mouth agape at the fact of it. Men, listen up; this is NOT representative of womens lives.
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Better than a sleeping pill.
19 June 2001
Long and boring, and then it goes on EVEN LONGER, this movie is undeniably one of the slowest films made in the last 5 years. Starring Billy Crudup, he of the vacant stare and lack of energy, as a politician who loses his 'true love'- well, I won't go into the plot, but suffice it to say that it doesn't work. It seems that everyone was on qualudes while making this film, either that or the projector was running at a different speed, but whatever it was, I'm sure it'll play better on DVD, where you can keep your finger on the 'fast forward' button. Trust me, you'll use it well.
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Not Woody's finest hour.
19 June 2001
The idea was, apparently, to cast 'real' people who would then break into song and dance. Unfortunately, none of the real people can sing or dance, so you have basically a high school amateur hour. Combine this with some of Woody Allens' weakest camera work- some of the dances are shot so that you can't see their feet! and you have a mess. With game efforts from the cast, but it can't help sinking under it's own weight. Rent Singin In The Rain if you want a musical. Rent Annie Hall if you want a good Woody Allen movie.
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The best sequel ever made.
19 June 2001
In fact, it's more than just a 'sequel'- it stands on it's own as a masterpiece of film making. Al Pacino is at his best, as is Mr. Coppola and his team of camera people and musicians and actors. Everyone in it shines, particularly the remainder of the Corleone family. I won't go into plot, I'll just praise it to high heaven and hope that if you haven't seen this, you'll buy the DVD TONIGHT to check it out. Amazing.
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THE great movie musical of all time.
19 June 2001
This is the one that they will all be compared to. Incomparable camera and acting, beautiful music, funny, touching, silly, this movie sets the standard for all musicals before or since. Nothing comes close, in my opinion. The plot, such as it is, is about a bunch of kids "putting on a show!" during the birth of talkies, and of course two of them fall in love. Gene Kelly is a genius, as is Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor. Rent it! Watch it! You'll love it too!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Nice planes, shame about the script.
18 June 2001
And the acting and the bombastic music and the length and just about everything else. We were all promised this would be the summer blockbuster! Why wasn't it? BECAUSE IT'S BAD, that's why. I hope they go to see it in Europe, they'll see anything I guess the subtitles will make it better, you won't have to watch the wooden acting. I liked the bombing part, the special effects. But overall, I'd say wait till it comes out on video and get a bunch of bored people together and rent it, that way you won't really have to watch it until someone says "Oh here comes the bombs!" and then you can all gather around the set.
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Bounce (2000)
Very disappointing.
18 June 2001
What a let down. Don Roos first film was that great one with Christina Ricci, and it led me to wait in eager anticipation for this one, Bounce. It was not worth the wait. A silly plodding movie poorly acted by Ben Affleck and barely saved by the movie star charms of Gwenneth Paltrow. Barely, if at all. The plot is not worth going over here, but needless to say it features Bennie and Gwennie falling in love, and they have such little chemistry that it explains why they are now involved with other people. Shot in an uninteresting manner, Don Roos seems to be trying to make a mainstream romantic comedy, and I missed the wit and vinegar of his last film. Don't bother.
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All the pretty little camera moves-
18 June 2001
-can't save this dull and plodding mess. This is another instance of an actor directing and no one saying 'PLEASE CUT OUT THE BORING STUFF'. This was long and felt like one big weepy hallmark card that you can't send back. The plot is from the book, but all the smoldering looks are from a serious lack of reality. If they had cast this movie with unknown actors and let Clint Eastwood direct it it might have been interesting, because we wouldn't know everything that was going to happen 10 minutes before it actually happened. But they didn't, so we're stuck with this movie that is supposed to be heartbreaking and romantic. Thank God for Penelope Cruz, she is someone to watch, and sometimes it felt like she was a real person too.
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Gremlins (1984)
Terrific little gem.
18 June 2001
One of the best subversive little 'comedies' of the 80's, this film not only has the malevolent little critters themselves, but also the great Phoebe Cates as the ingenue, in her best work since Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Fun, silly, and strange, this is what a David Lynch film would look like if he had gone to USC film school. That's sort of a compliment, sort of a dig, :) Anyway, this is a fun one for the whole family, especially if you're babysitting. Rent it at night, you won't regret it!
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Swordfish (2001)
15 June 2001
The first five minutes are interesting. Then it goes downhill fast. At one point Halle Berry, while reading a book (?!) bares her breasts. Apparently she was paid an extra $500,000 dollars for this bit of acting. It doesn't save the movie, and makes me question Halle Berry's values all the more. What has happened to John Travolta? I won't bother with the plot, it's as scintilating as the poster. There was a big crowd seeing this film when I went this week, all of them laughed at the wrong things and quite a few walked out. It may have been the number one movie, but I'll bet it won't last beyond this week. It certainly shouldn't, because it's drek. ..
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Almost Famous (2000)
Don't believe the hype.
15 June 2001
Maybe if Brad Pitt had played the lead role in this film like he was supposed to, it would've worked for me, but it just didn't. I wanted to like it, I really did. But Billy Crudup was just not a charismatic rock star, and it threw the whole film out of balance for me. The young kid was okay, I guess, but the only real strength of the film was Frances McDormand. Lots of music, lots of well edited scenes, but it didn't move me a whit. What I wanted to see was some heart and soul and what I got was a great sound track, and some actors posing as if they were rock stars, and after hour two of this I just gave up. Tedious. ....
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Shrek (2001)
One of the best of the year.
15 June 2001
Watch out Disney, SHREK is taking over your territory and you are quickly sinking into bland silly musicals. This film is clever and smart and has a wonderful message that is not obvious. It's fun and irreverant and anything BUT 'politically correct', and I loved every cotton pickin minute of it, so did my whole family. We saw it twice in the last few weeks, so relieved to see something that is not pretentious but fun and smart. Go and see this film, you won't regret it!! ..
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8 June 2001
I went to see this today (it's opening day) despite some so-so reviews, and didn't like it. It's long and kind of like an Altman film without the bite. And like an Altman film, the wrong girl is nude. Lots of talk by and about spoiled actors, and not many laughs. Some of the acting seems amateurish and it looks like it was filmed on video, which is not a compliment. Rent an old Altman film instead. ..
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