
45 Reviews
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Sex Tape (2014)
Apatow-esque Laughs: The Unlikely Charm of Sex Tape
23 February 2024
OK, this post is going to stand out by a million country miles from every other one on here. But this film is not nearly as bad as everyone says it is. No, it's not destined to be a comedy classic. But I probably laughed out loud more at this film than I have done to anything else in a while. If you like Judd Apatow films, then this will be right up your alley. Judd had nothing to do with it, but it has a vibe like some of his classics. But if you don't think the likes of 40-year-old Virgin, Step Brothers, Knocked Up or Bridesmaids aren't feel good, laugh out loud films, well, there's no saving you. This film is up there with all of them.
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Wind Chill (2007)
Hilarious Horror
17 September 2023
This film would score top marks if it was intended to be a tongue-in-cheek horror movie. Unfortunately, it has its share of laugh-out-loud moments when it shouldn't. It tries so hard to keep moving that it loses sight of how convoluted the storyline becomes. Despite most of the film involving two people, a car and a forest, so many complexities and inconsistencies - mainy involving the back stories and daft solutions the couple come up with the stay alive - are woven into the storyline. When the plot veers into ridiculousness - and does on several occasions - it's difficult not to see it as a comedy. Brilliantly shot. Shame it's so badly written.
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Beloved (1998)
27 July 2023
Reincarnation is a surprisingly unpopular topic in the film world. 1977's "Audrey Rose" put it in the spotlight briefly. However, that film was let down by a dreadfully-acted central character who you felt keener to gag than support or feel sorry for. This film causes you to feel the same for a similar character. You find yourself dreading their appearance on screen because you know you;ll wish they'd shut up or a new scene would hurry up and arrive before your brain and eardrums beg to be put of their misery with all the noise. As for Oprah Winfrey in a film? You can't look past the fact it's Oprah. 'Nuff said.
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Supermarket-brand horror that satisfies
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you buy a supermarket's brand of cake, you know it won't have had much imagination applied to it. But that doesn't mean it won't satisfy a need or an urge when either arises! This film is much like that. There's plenty we've seen before: bone-cracking writhing and contortion with some of the "jump scares" so predictable, they encourage laughter rather than fear or dread. But with a superb cast, believable characters and a well-rounded script that moves at an ideal pace, this film leaves you satisfied, despite how easy it might be to dismiss it as vanilla or something offering what you've seen umpteen times before.
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Laughable (if it wasn't such a waste of time)
8 November 2022
Too many horror movies seem to try to veer into comedy territory these days, perhaps to justify their ludicrousness to anyone who laughs at what's supposed to be scary. This film fits that bill. It draws from the 'Saw' 'everything happens in one room' formula. But with such weak and unengaging characters, frankly, we don't care what happens to them. We shouldn't be rooting for the antagonist. What might make this film worse? Maybe if it was a 'found footage' film, which it probably would have been if it was decided to cut its already sparse budget further. But in the words of 'Spinal Tap', this film also begs the question, 'on what day did God make this film, and couldn't He have rested on that day, too?'
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Harrowing? As much as any teen drama..
19 October 2022
You know story boundaries will be taken seriously when a film gives an immediate Made-for-TV vibe. They'll remain firmly intact with little pushing and great importance will be put on comfort zones. So, when a film referred to as 'harrowing' and 'intense' reveals itself to be, at best, 'dramatic,' you can't help but feel shortchanged. Of course, what goes on in the real world can provide all the disturbing viewing anyone wanting and seeking it needs. But we live in an age where many people are easily offended. Maybe that's why filmmakers have dialed back their efforts to be daring, controversial, or make a hard-hitting film because it NEEDS to be hard-hitting to drill home an essential message.
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Ignore impatience. Watch intelligently.
12 October 2022
We live in an 'instant age.' We're used to getting what we want immediately. So, anyone giving this film a bad review probably didn't understand the need to focus and apply patience to a story that unfolds gradually. It is impeccably written. All the story setups and essential bases are cleverly covered. It is brilliantly made with authentic characters supported with superb acting. It moves at comfortable pace with no dull moment or drawn-out, unnecessary scene. An all-round excellent film. Give it a chance and be receptive to rare, excellent storytelling. It could be one of the the best films you've seen in a long time.
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Horror? Far from it...
4 October 2022
This overly-long movie with a strong made-for-TV feel is as scary as bingo at your local church on Saturday night. It's supposed to be suspenseful, but I saw no evidence of that. It starts and seems to just go on and on.

A boring story set in a boring town with no interesting characters. In fact, it's typical of most of Stephen King's lackluster novels written in the past 30 years but maybe the book is more interesting and captivating than this barely watchable drama that isn't saved by the late, great Max Von Sydow. As for Ed Harris, he is, well, Ed Harris playing Ed Harris as he always does.
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Separation (I) (2021)
Scary as Tues night bingo at your local church
25 August 2022
I wanted to watch a film that would offer a good laugh. Of course, I had several trusted classics to choose from. But based on the trailer, I thought this film might do the trick. I wasn't disappointed!
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A Calamity of 'C' Words...
13 June 2022
Campy. Careless. Characterless. Cheap. Cheesy. Cliched. Comical. Common. Confused. Contemptible. Contrived. Cornball. Crappy. Criminal. Cringeworthy. Cruddy. Culpable....
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Boring, Just Boring
29 May 2022
How this one got made is beyond me. So much wooden acting, you'll get splinters watching it. Bond films always have tongue in cheek puns and the occasional laughable moment. But you'll be laughing for the wrong reasons here.
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The last time...
8 May 2022
... I give another Netflix new-released horror film any of my time left on this planet. They say nothing in life is guaranteed. Not true. Any new, unheard-of horror film on Netflix is bound to disappoint - just like this one.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Brilliant story deserved better
6 April 2022
Can't help but think Stephen King thought to himself, 'I wrote the book, I wrote the screenplay, am I supposed to find a top-notch director and people who can act?' For someone who hadn't read the book, the film would probably be a far from run-of-the-mill viewing experience. But while it scrapes through on viewability, it's a letdown, which is a shame. A brilliant story deserved much better.
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The Babadook (2014)
4 April 2022
Gave this film 20 minutes. Had more than enough of the constantly whingeing, annoying kid by then. Rather than feel sorry for him, you hope something awful happens to him. Or, at least I did.
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Living with the Dead (II) (2002)
Heavy? More like balsa wood...
1 April 2022
It's interesting that so many people on here believe this film to be one of the best they've seen and awarded it high out-of-ten figures. It has received more positive reviews than some of the biggest, most successful films made. Why?

Given its strong made-for-TV look and feel, drama series-style storyline, and obvious adherence to Broadcasting Standards codes (should children be watching), you can't help but think this is a film destined to be forgotten after one viewing.

That doesn't mean it isn't watchable, but it clings to very safe territory. It tries to convey an upsetting, disturbing theme while desperately trying not to upset or disturb anyone. It wants its audience age range to be 9 to 90. As far as supernatural thrillers or horror films go, this couldn't be more 'balsa wood.' But it's worth a watch if you're prepared to accept that you'll have forgotten about it very soon after.
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Spencer (2021)
Brilliant, troubled portrayal
25 March 2022
Kristen Stewart's portrayal of troubled Diana has received much justified praise. From the first moment Diana speaks in the film, you're taken aback at the accuracy of her whispered, insecure-yet-privileged tone. Considerable attention to detail is applied to the monarchical environment Diana was expected to accept, adhere to and abide by, too.

Yes, we're expected to suspend disbelief about how Diana was by no means forced into her regal circumstances. But the film excels at revealing how much of a daily struggle it became for her to come to terms with mental and physical health-related demons while being a parental role model trying to placate a disapproving monarchy.

It's just a shame that the unimaginative, slightly disrespectful film title didn't receive the level of thought and focus of the story, character traits, mannerisms, and surroundings.
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Don't Kill Me (2021)
Brave territory
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK, the love-or-hate relationship people seem to have with this film is understandable. But to dismiss it outright means overlooking or ignoring the brave territory it enters. It's a zombie flick, a genre that has been flogged to smithereens in recent years. Yet, this manages to put a unique spin on not only a zombie tale but an 'undead love story.'

If you can open your mind enough to that, getting past the admittedly low-budget, amateur qualities becomes easier. But it's not a completely unpleasant, unbearable journey. It's watchable, which is more than can be said about most so-called horror flicks these days.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
18 February 2022
Superbly written, directed and with better acting than the original film. Great soundtrack and score too. A sensitive retelling of what is a love story but with clever shocks and most relying on your imagination.
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10 February 2022
Brilliantly acted. Superbly shot. Painfully dull.

This film meanders rudderlessly for an uncomfortable two hours, causing you to wish something interesting, anything, happens. But it doesn't. The tiresome storyline plods on with a feeling of wading through waist-high, wet concrete. I watched this with a very open mind. I now resent losing two hours and six minutes of my life.
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The Nest (I) (2020)
Pleasure from pain
26 January 2022
"Schadenfreude: (Noun) Pleasure derived from another person's misfortune."

If any of the lead characters in this film had endearing qualities, we might care about their tale of woe. But, unfortunately, it's difficult not to smile at the misfortune of arrogant, short-sighted, selfish, materialistic people. That's the only pleasure on offer with this slow and dreary offering.
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Marianne (2019)
Saving grace
13 January 2022
One saving grace

Averagely written and acted. You sometimes wish someone sacked the producer due to painfully annoying sounds in some scenes, too. But the unsettling scenes deserve to be commended. They deliver - and are this program's saving grace.
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Painful - on two counts...
9 January 2022
Firstly, we have a lead character we feel nothing for and care zilch about. The woman hasn't a single endearing quality and we really couldn't care less about her story.

Secondly, there are too many whiny, whinging kids in this film who whine and whinge for too long and too frequently. You will come close to shouting 'Will someone shut that kid up?' If you do finish this rudderless film, you won't feel happier for it.
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The Wasteland (2021)
Strangely engaging
7 January 2022
Brilliantly written, acted, and produced. A simple story in a modest but effective setting that delivers an engaging, at times disturbing, insight into the frailty of the human mind. More psychologically unsettling than scary.
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Silent Hours (2021 TV Movie)
Patience reveals the storyline...
28 December 2021
For a porn film, this has a relatively coherent storyline. A supposedly suave private detective possesses an inexplicable ability to cause women to become instantly 'in heat' if he so much as looks at them. Are we to believe he's as intriguing, captivating, and dangerous as James Bond? Actually, he looks more like the guy who tiled my bathroom. But in between all the sausage-hiding, there is a decent story. Just be prepared to dig deep for patience to find it.
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45 Years (2015)
Dull on two levels
21 December 2021
A low-key film comprising scenes that go from engaging to unnecessary/unnecessarily long to annoying. Very little connects us to Tom Courtenay's spineless, wife-dependent character. Charlotte Rampling's character spends so much time lost in deep, contemplative silence that we can't help but wish she'd lose all composure for the sake of breaking monotony. The film achieves its goal of offering insights into the dull existence of a very dull couple. Watch only if that takes your fancy.
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