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Step into the theater late - like 1 hour after the start.
18 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, there's been a lot of hype for Paranormal Activity, and that brought me in too. The movie is best watched in a theater, and at night, and with an audience that knows to shut up.

And then go home to try and resist imagining the same things happening in your house. Oh you will imagine - just about the time you turn off the lights before trying to sleep. And then you'll turn them on again. It's very very difficult to shake off PA when home.

That said, I recommend this, and save prospective viewers a lot of time: 1.- Go into the theater an hour after the show starts. Until then, pretty much nothing happens(Now that everyone kinda knows about the story,the couple and the presence in their house - catching up is no problem) 2.- Take a few minutes to get a feel for the situation on screen, and 3.-Focus from the time she wakes up, goes over to his side of the bed, and stares at him for a couple hours. This is like 2 minutes before the film ends.

That's all there is in this movie. The last 2.5 minutes of PA will make the impact that everyone's raving about. Save the first hour for anything else you have planned, outside the theater.

Trust me. :)
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A shameless over-hyped movie; insulting to an entire nation.
12 January 2009
Yet another example of hype obscuring reality. Why, why is this movie acclaimed so? It's dishonest, it's disgusting, it's not believable, and it panders to the needs of a western audience. They see what they want to see and believe.

And there are so many people celebrating, and in India? An Indian/Indian origin cast, staff, viewers in India, Indian show hosts, news anchors .... do they know what just happened? A horrible stereotype was reinforced - again. That with a shoddy story, and nonsensical situations - many of which have been mentioned by other viewers.

Dump this by the other piece of garbage by Danny Boyle - 'Trainspotting'.
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300 (2006)
Awful | inaccurate.
25 March 2007
This film is an abomination. An absolute shame.

  • God-awful artificial picturization, comic book scenery, extreme dramatization, exaggerated battle victories. - Xerxes was hardly the tyrant as depicted in the film. He was a magnanimous and great king who stood for citizens' rights, per historians. - The film has offended Zorastrians, and people of Persian descent to the extreme. - The people shown as Persians do not look even remotely from that region. Get your facts straight. There aren't Africans in the Caspian region. - Per 300 - all that's white's right. Everything that's brown/black is not.

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United 93 (2006)
Clear focus: what happened on the ground, and what possibly happened on-board
1 May 2006
I watched United 93 on opening day Friday. Not many people in the theater, despite all the controversy and the media talking about the movie non-stop. There are countless 'Is it too soon?' discussions on TV all the time.

Anyway, the film was well made - focused only on the flight, against the background of the events of 9/11. It was a like a camera happened to be observing the incidents as they happened. No flag waving patriotism, no jihadist anti-American rhetoric from terrorist organizations - just a re-enactment of what happened that day.

Many of us watched NYC, The Pentagon that day. I kept thinking back to how it was that morning. The jammed phone lines, the incoming calls, the images, the chaos.... My roommate had left from Logan airport just that morning, from the gate next to one of the hijacked planes.

And the theories, the rumors, the controversies... days and months after. Especially about flights 93 and 77. Were they shot down? Did the passengers really save the White House/ US Capitol by bringing United 93 down? 'Let's Roll' is barely heard. I recall particularly how people stopped being sympathetic to Lisa Beamer, after she became a media princess.

The film has none of this. It shows what happens on the plane right from boarding/taxi among passengers, and hijackers on this particular flight. It shows events on the ground among air traffic controllers, and NORAD in response to the attacks. That's it. It ends in abrupt fashion, because there can't be any more to show.
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Mind Your Language (1977–1986)
Amazing non-PC fun, but who cares!
14 February 2006
I first watched this show as a kid in the late '80s and laughed my head off. I watched it on DVD again today - 2 decades later, and it's as funny as I recalled it.

I remember all the actors' lines, and wonder what they're up to. I know Barry Evans was found dead in 1997. The rest? So what if the show's about national stereotypes? I find that in almost every country, MYL was hugely popular. People can laugh at themselves.

A word on the theme music - unforgettable, and an instant way recollect the show.

Some amazing lines: 'You not want second Hungarian mojik?' 'Minks are bred for differ' 'I have lost my rittle led book' 'I cannot mally Ali' 'I want the plenty money job'

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Yes, I'm a Conservative...
10 August 2004
...but not a George W Bush fan. In 2000 I was outraged at how he took office in blatant violation of democracy. Yes, democracy - recall Florida? The first ten minutes of the film showed what I already knew and believed to be true. For me, a Republican politically, this man could not, should not be have been president. What was America thinking?!

Fahrenheit 9/11 is of course contrived in parts, sometimes a mockumentary. But there are some already known facts regardless:

  • Dubya and daddy Bush were/are buddies of the Saudis - corrupt and human rights abusing Arab rulers. There were several favors traded - no kidding.

  • Dubya isn't the smartest, true to popular belief and this is constantly reinforced by his actions. Do we need examples?! How can we be OK on this guy's watch?!

  • Dubya certainly still can't account for his time in the Texas Air National Guard.

  • Lastly, and most shocking, HOW on earth were the Bin Laden family allowed to leave the country 2 days after Sept 11 2001? How could anyone in the administration think that they may not know something, how could it be OK to allow them passage?!

  • The US and Saddam were buddies. Oh lookit Rumsfeld and Saddam together!

  • Iraq may be ruled by a bastard that needed to be taken out. Sure. But this war reeked of personal vendetta. There could have been more thought toward an internal coup, look how many Iraqi officials became turncoats so quickly! Instead we have a fast mounting American death toll, in addition to that of Iraqi civilians.

Now if someone in the GOP would challenge this president and show him for what he is. Bush-II should NOT be re-elected. Well, just elected - remember he stole the 2000 election.

Given all this, Fahrenheit 9/11 was eminently satisfying to watch. Yes, it was contrived, so what - the Prez isn't exactly honorable by me.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spidey's a loser, total loser. Where's the Hero?
1 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I go to watch a superhero film to see a superhero - a being that has extraordinary powers, that can perform amazing feats and importantly be a WINNER. I don't want to watch him be a loser, be ordinary, and keep getting hammered, beaten up, and ridiculed.

This movie...jeez, where's the superhero? Tobey MacGuire looks like a loser throughout, and is unconvincing overall. He (true to his usual roles) shows no steel or a desire to win. If the idea was to portray a mortal mushy goof, then don't call the film 'Spider-man'. 'Loser-Man' would be appropriate as he's in frustratingly (to viewers) loser situations all through this film.

I believe most people don't give a hoot about their superhero wrestling with his goddamned personal issues and his desire to be a normal human. Just acknowledge your powers, beat the cr*p hard outta the villain, and be done with it. Then the audience goes out satisfied, having seen feats they aren't capable of. For them, to have such abilities is divine - why would they care to understand his desire to be ordinary?

In this case, the humanized Spidey comes out a mortal sap, he is a loser - always humiliated. He never ever retaliates immediately or convincingly. There's NO sting, no quick strike-back that makes us go, 'Yea! Git the Bastard!'.

Spoiler: I was overcome with irritation at the # of times Spidey's web shooting wouldn't work. Suddenly, for no reason.

Bring back IL' Supe.... Superman anyday. He always came back quickly after his 'self-discoveries', and rammed 'em all to kingdom come.
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Fell asleep, twice. Refused to end.
17 February 2004
Time for the trilogy to end... and it did slowly. The characters kept talking and talking - the film dragged on, until each member of the audience was colossally bored.

Tolkien is an overrated author, and anyone can create gooks and goblins - and create oddball characters, cheesy names and kingdoms. It's a crock. Anyone can make up fantasy - and hence I guess I'm not a fan of the genre.
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Quite Enjoyable - funny often times.
28 December 2002
I liked this film; it was never boring despite the 2+ hrs length. DiCaprio, Hanks, and Walken gave standout performances, and were thoroughly believable. Hanks had a great Boston accent. The movie was fast paced and there were a lot of laughs throughout.

Watch for the schoolteacher impersonation and stewardess recruiting scenes! This plot would have been absurd if it wasn't a true story. Sure, they dramatized the story for the film.

I saw in the closing credits that a Frank Abagnale was listed as 'French policeman'!
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24 (2001–2010)
Great show! The makings of a Classic!
3 December 2002
'24' is an excellent show that keeps the viewers attention throughout. The plot and subplots are well written and everything runs smoothly simultaneously. The hour to hour episode concept is awesome!

I think the II season that began end Oct 2002 is even better.

The interactions between the characters - Jack Bauer, The President - Palmer, the CTU team, the family characters along with the machinations of the people against them (within the team and outside) - are just amazing.

If you have not watched this show yet, it's worth going to Fox's 24 show web page for a primer, and then catching the next episode on a Tuesday night. Good stuff!
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Girls Club (2002)
One of those shows you know will be canceled, without watching it even!
27 October 2002
And look what happened... god-awful ratings and come on, is anyone surprised? Why do they even try such shows when historically they all have crashed! You don't even have to watch 'girl's club' to know it's awful. It has to be.

There was another lawyer show 'First Years', last yr on NBC that sank spectacularly too. I think viewers know what show will crash among a zillion fall debuts. 'girls club' was too obviously a failure.
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In-Laws (2002–2003)
Will be cancelled soon. Simply too cliched/awful!
27 September 2002
Why do networks show us repetitive 'comedies' such as this? How could the actors be sincere when they talked about this show in the promos? Surely they understood how bad it was?!

Hackneyed predictable storyline, and a host of the same situations seen over and over again since the 1970s....
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Birthday Girl (2001)
A godawful pathetic film...BAD!
1 September 2002
One of the worst films ever made. This movie was such a farce... such a waste of time. No wonder it bombed so badly at the box office. A terrible story and disinterested acting. They surely made it for tax purposes. Nicole Kidster and her idiot Russian accent suck. The story was wannabe 'cool'.
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Signs (2002)
Truly a cult classic for generations.
4 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This was truly an awesome film that kept me and my fellow audience enthralled from beginning to end. M.Night rocks with his mixture of thrills and humor all through 'Signs'.

All the acting is first rate - Gibson is amazing in his role as the ex-minister, and Joaquin Phoenix does a competent job. The kids are amazing - Rory Culkin and Abigail Breslin rock as Gibson's children. The little girl is cute as hell! You gotta admire the way the young director interperses the tension with the humor.

Certain Shyamalan trademarks: Reflection images, flashbacks, the whole noir touch... this guy is way ahead of the field.

**Spoilers** First off, we only get hints of the aliens throughout the movie, we hardly see them until the end. There's suspense and excitement throughout. Night keeps the focus on the family of Fr. Hess and the way they react to the unworldly happenings around them.

8/10 easy.
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Zoolander (2001)
Silly film, not much fun. Big factual errors.
2 June 2002
This film was so-so, not a great spoof or comedy.

It must be mentioned that Malaysia is not a poor country at all, like the movie says it is. Malaysia is a fairly advanced and rich country that has huge oil resources, besides rubber, tin and cocoa. I've visited Malaysia and by no means does it come across as an impoverished country. The film likely meant Indonesia which would qualify. Also, Indonesia has been referred to in news about exploited child labor - Nike, Kathie Lee etc.
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Spider-Man (2002)
After all the hype, not bad. 3*/5*
20 May 2002
Watched the film today after 2 weeks of planning to. Moved seats after a kid next to me kept telling Peter/Spidey what to do onscreen.

Spider-man is watchable - there's action, fun, humor, and a moral message. One really has to be wary though - are we seeing what we want to see, with so much interest in the film and the $$ records it's broken. Would I come out saying 'wow!', just because so many others said so?

The movie progresses through the scenes fast as it should. The standout characters were by Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) and Norman Osborne (Willem Dafoe). Dafoe is a master actor, amazing as always - his presence can't be ignored whenever he's onscreen.

There're plotholes of course, but we watch a film like this for the action sequences and the effects, and plain entertainment - not for the screenplay.
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Leap of Faith (2002)
Has this show been canceled? I sure hope so!
30 April 2002
Another of those wannabe 'cool' shows with oh-so-smart one-liners all over the place. It's just not funny and as usual uses sex, sex talk, and sexual innuendo for humor. All this so early in the night too.

This is another certain cancellation, like the rest of those awful 830p Thursday shows. TV really has sunk to even lower levels than in the late '90s.
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Ally McBeal (1997–2002)
Canceled at last, praise the Lord...
18 April 2002
So glad that this crummy show's been canceled at last. Fox announced it today 4/18/02. It was about time for this over-hyped and unwatchable show. People had about had it with the dumb imaginary scenes and dreams and the wannabe coolness of the show. I believe people watched this show cos they thought it was 'in' and 'cool' to see it and then talk about it. Most viewers saw what they wanted to see it (i.e. what they'd been told by the others).

America heaves a sigh of relief, Ally's gone.
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
Cancel this show!
29 March 2002
'Will and Grace' is an unfunny piece of garbage that needs to be canceled. But knowing NBC they'll keep it just as they do trash like 'Friends'.

The show is vulgar, relies on bad sex jokes to sound 'in' and 'with it', and has terrible over-acting by Debra Messing. Actually all the characters are terrible - Megan Mullaly (aacck!) and especially Sean Hayes who needs to be put in a strait-jacket. This is one of those shows that people say are good, cos it's cool to say so.
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Three Sisters (2001–2002)
A terrible show that should be yanked.
18 December 2001
Three Sisters is a very poorly written 'comedy', that hopefully will be canceled very soon. I'd say it's another Suddenly Susan, so terrible is the show! The show has tired gags that try for attention, uses sex for humor as many bad comedies do, and features a very unattractive cast. I'll excuse the narrator and maybe Bonerz. Why is this show still on? I know people who actually get angry if they see it while channel surfing.
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Rather decent, Cruise plays the part very well.
14 December 2001
Vanilla Sky is an interesting film, that also requires you to pay attention. It has been said this film is confusing, but I was prepared for that as I'd read a couple reviews on Cnn and on Boston. This film is not boring and plays out a little over 2 hrs. A lot of detail and complicated scripting. Tom Cruise does an excellent job as David Aames, the flamboyant publishing heir whose face gets disfigured. I thought all the actors were competent - Jason Lee does another buddy turn in this film. I can somehow only see him as 'Banky'.
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Scrubs (2001–2010)
Good stuff, very funny indeed!
4 December 2001
After so many hackneyed terrible sitcoms, here comes the new show 'Scrubs', an original funny 1/2 hour. Nevermind the turn-off promo spots, once you actually watch the show, it is hilarious. The script is fast and funny, and I hope the writers don't run out of gas. This show should stay, and for a long time. I hope NBC's watching this message board here on IMDB! I love the narration by the lead character 'J.D', and his imagination. The characters are well acted out by Zach Braff and the rest of the cast. John McGinley is a standout performance.
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Inside Schwartz (2001–2002)
As expected, canceled or suspended.
29 November 2001
This is one of those shows that you know will be canceled - you know it from how corny the show is, and how bad the gags are. Let's face it - it has some flop actors in it too - any show with 'Miriam Shor' in it will not last. Recall last years god awful turkey 'Then Came You'? *Gaaack!*
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Small Wonder (1985–1989)
Awful, awful, simply awful
20 November 2001
The worst TV show ever - poor god-awful acting, terrible gags, the kind of show that a network would show in order to drop ratings on purpose. This show's ridiculed not just in the US, but many countries abroad.

The producers, directors, and all the actors should be held accountable for foisting this abominable excuse for a comedy on the viewing public.
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Road Rage (2000 TV Movie)
Very poor acting
26 September 2001
I came across this film today on HBO, and what stood out was the ghastly acting by the cast, especially the girl in the car. The actress (Danielle Brett) is terrible in her expressions and the emotions displayed are so unconvincing. The dialogs between the driver and the girl are ridiculous and lame. The scene when they stop at the police station, and try to explain the situation is infuriating. The cop was trying hard to act unhelpful.

The car chase scenes were fine, but the hammy acting actually irritates the viewer. The kind that puts one in a bad mood.
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