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The Faculty (1998)
All according to the formula....
19 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
This movie actually had some very interesting/imaginative ideas and kept my attention. The creature found in the football field and the scene where it was put into the fish tank really got me ready for a good sci fi/horror flick.

Then, I started to see the pattern in this movie--suddenly the high school geek, the star quarterback, the disaffected/withdrawn girl, the local drug dealer and the new girl all fall in together to fight the aliens. How often have we seen that kind of formula in a supposed high school group of kids? Hmm, the "Breakfast Club" comes to mind for one similar kind of situation. There were some outstanding actors in the movie--I think Bebe Neuwirth can't help but be the sexy, sultry gorgeous-legged creature that she played in this movie--problem is, she's more a temptress than a High School Principal. The coach was downright creepy and Zeke had his charms. Jon Stewart was largely forgettable, but Piper Laurie always plays a good character (remember her in Carrie?).

The ending was according to formula--the geek becomes the hero, kills the monster and they all lived happily ever after. A notable twist in the plot is who turns out to be the alien Queen/leader. Had it a better ending it might have been better than a 4 in my book. They really needed to improve that set too-American High Schools may be a bit ragged around the edges, but that building looked like it had been unused for some years before the making of this movie.
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Something worse than "Mom & Dad Save the Universe"
28 February 2000
Ugh! I didn't think there could be anything worse than "Mom & Dad...etc..." but I was wrong. At 4:30 am last night I watched "The Killer Eye". It has all the plot and production values of a porn film and the resemblance doesn't end there with the sex, sexuality, sexual references and interspecies sex practiced in this movie.

Good science fiction incorporates science--there was none in this movie; good science fiction either relies on the scientifically plausible or gets the viewer to suspend his/her sense of disbelief. This movie does neither.

There are three or four nice looking bodies running around in this movie, but none of them dares call him- her- self an actor/actress, because they all acted at the porn star level too, with dialog that is only slightly more wordy than a porn script and about as eloquent.

Special effects you ask? AH, this movie makes use of about two--the massive eye thing that resembles the $2 special effects of Flash Gordon and Dr. Who (and this movie uses this prop far less deftly than those two classics used their props) and electric shocks that emanate from the very phallic digit of this eyeball creature which is always hitting some female nipple. Oh yes, I guess there's also the green phosphorescent beam that the eye sends into men's eyes before it sucks their brains out by way of their eyesocket.

This movie looks like it came out of somebody's basement and it should be put back there at once!
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American Pie (1999)
Another Adolescent Sex Comedy, But Funny!
23 January 2000
I expected this movie to be another Porky's or Animal House which I thought low-brow comedy to be sure. I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. Not only was it funny but there was tremendous character development in it. The plot moved forward with a solid conclusion. It looked to me like a pretty accurate depiction of adolescent sexuality--its not all G rated, but then adolescence wasn't either.

Mr. Biggs is certainly not afraid to do wild things and perhaps his scenes are the most memorable in this movie--I chuckle just thinking about the "illegal channels" scene, for who in their adolescence hasn't explored auto-eroticism in fear of being discovered by his family? His dancing scene in front of the computer camera perhaps will go down in the annals of comedy--at last something Lucy never did before! Eugene Levy's sympathetic and somewhat understanding, but at the same time bumbling father role, was great. My thinking was "at least he's trying...."

Even though there were no real bad guys, it looks to me that Sherman and Stifler got their just rewards in this movie too. Probably something a lot of teens have wished for with regard to similar characters in their high school experience, but were denied; for in my experience those characters also seemed to get away with their insensitivity to woman and untrue boasts far too often. It was nice to see those types put in their place in this movie.

If you want a good romp in the field of sex comedy, this movie is worth watching. I hope to see more of this cast in future comedies. Since this apparently is a first attempt by the Weitz brothers(?) I expect that we'll see other great comedies from this writer/director duo.
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Elizabeth (1998)
Doesn't Hold A Candle To Elizabeth R
23 January 2000
Whereas Bette Davis (Elizabeth & Essex) makes Elizabeth out to be a cold, mannish, megalomaniacal ruler, in this movie Cate Blanchett portrays her as a weak, vascillating woman. Frankly, Elizabeth I was more a combination of the two and perhaps the best portrayal was Glenda Jackson's in "Elizabeth R".

A bit of liberty seems to have been taken, in that this movie clearly asserts that Elizabeth had sexual relations with Dudley--a controversy that has never been resolved by historians. She was after all, called "The Virgin Queen" and nobody has yet disproved that moniker.

Perhaps my favorite scene in this movie is when Sir Francis Walsingham kills the boy who is his would-be assassin. Took me completely by surprise. I wonder if this is all artistic license, this writer knows of no such incident in history. Still it was in keeping with the character of the times and of Elizabeth's "Moor", her great spymaster, Walsingham.

This movie is more accurate in some ways than either "Elizabeth and Essex" or "Elizabeth R" for it makes clear the lack of warmth, cleanliness and privacy that characterized 16th century England. It very clearly emphasizes the treachery that Elizabeth faced daily during her reign.

Worth watching, but I still prefer Elizabeth R when it comes to telling this story.
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Head Office (1985)
Too close to the truth!
23 January 2000
I was sitting around the other day looking for a movie and found this one. Having nothing better to do, I watched it without any hopes of great comedy entertainment. I was wrong. I laughed all the way through. Why? Because it so much resembled the Fortune 500 Company I used to work for! Kids if you're smart you'll avoid big business. Its wasteful, evil and the way practiced, brings out the worst in human nature. Watch this movie, for in its satirical way it shows everything wrong with American business practices in big corporate America. When the executives were lunching and actually gave some credence to the flippant remark that Issel made "why not just kill him", it struck home with me, because I believe that at least some corporate executives would not stop at murder to accomplish an end--usually a personal one and not even one to further their companies. To me this satire works oh too well!
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Elizabeth R (1971)
23 January 2000
This is my all-time favorite portrayal of Elizabeth Tudor, perhaps one of the greatest women to have ever lived. Glenda Jackson acts the role so well, one begins to believe in reincarnation. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Jackson was a trained shakespearian actor, therefore, adding the glamor of shakespearian oratory to the equally impressive story of Elizabeth. Why not--since they are both integral parts of the English renaissance.

I believe this movie captures the feel of the times and the personal and political crises that Elizabeth faced, with tremendous accuracy. Historically this movie appears to be completely accurate in its factual representations, something that cannot be said for "Elizabeth and Essex" (Bette Davis) or "Elizabeth" (Cate Blanchett).

Worth watching again and again.
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Hilariously Twisted
11 December 1999
All I can say is that I laughed from beginning to end on this one. So very twisted are Parker and Stone that I would love to meet these two characters. I loved the show and I love this movie.
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The Matrix (1999)
Hard to follow, fast moving
11 December 1999
This is such a fast-moving movie that important details tend to be overlooked on the first viewing. It made much more sense and I picked up a lot of the details necessary to understand this film on the second viewing. It was certainly worth the time however. Usually the viewer has some inkling of the reality in the film, even if the actors don't, but this movie keeps the viewers in the dark sometimes--thrilling, frustrating and even confusing the viewer. An interesting effect, at some points I wondered whether the actors were in the matrix or not, kept me on the edge of my seat. One only needs to mention in passing the special effects--they are superb. Watch this one a few times before passing judgment on it.
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Valmont (1989)
A Lavish Period Piece
11 December 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This movie grabbed my attention while channel surfing on cable. I would have never picked it out of the guide, but I guess I "tuned in" at the right moment, because before I knew it I had watched the film to the end and then watched it again to see what I missed in the beginning. I think Colin Firth was very sexy in the role of Valmont, exuding charm while at the same time playing the base animal. Annette Bening plays a great temptress/schemer and Sian Phillips, still has that sinister aire of the evil mother/stepmother that she played so well in "I Claudius". Great cast with an interesting plot. Too bad its Valmont who dies, I think it should have been Merteuil--she was the villain. Its worth the time to watch.
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I Liked It
22 November 1999
Stereotypes, full of them yes, but behind every stereotype there is a truth or two.... As a person who fits into the two main groups portrayed in this movie and who comes from New York City, I have to say one only need take a stroll through the Village or through the Bronx to see those stereotypes running around!

This movie was good fun, a farce, a case of mistaken identity--the little bits of Italian thrown in made me laugh and think of my own family and how often I heard some of the phrases used in it. Well, I certainly had a friend who was just like Terry and saw plenty of Dakotas running around too.

This little movie holds a mirror up to some who fit the stereotype and says "laugh at yourself" there is humor in life all around us. Note the lack of violence and the theme that the most improbable pair of people may just be able to find that they have something in common. It's not Oscar material--accept it for what it is and have a laugh. Oh yes, Nick Scotti ain't bad to look at either.
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It had its moments...
3 October 1999
I think Sandra Bullock is a great actress and her character started off as a strong-willed, self determining one. It seemed, however, that the development of her character turned her into an addle-brained, weak woman type. She didn't use her powers to protect her sister from Angelov, she couldn't put two words together in response to Halleck's questions, physically she fought Angelov "like a woman" landing little love-tap like blows to his back while he was choking Gillian in the back of his car. Unwitchly and very un-modern woman.

The witchcraft ritual performed to remove Angelov's spirit from Gillian was laughable. First the name Hecate was mis-pronounced. Second, why would the PTA women be interested in helping the witches perform a very powerful ritual when throughout the movie these people seemed to genuinely fear the Owens. Not plausible. The ritual itself seemed to be incorrect, the term is not to "banish" the spirit (as they said) but to exorcise it and that would not be done by holding Gillian and the spirit within the walls of a protective circle--the circle is usually used to protect the sorcerer or to hold the spirit captive. So, ritually this scene didn't pan out either.

Halleck came from Arizona to investigate the whereabouts of Halleck. Legally, he was out of his jurisdiction, didn't have a right to carry a gun, had no business questioning Sandra Bullock and she had no business answering him. I laughed when he spoke into his recorder saying "this is the testimony of Sally Owens". Its not testimony, testimony is given in open court under oath, this would not even have been a statement under oath. So, from a legal standpoint, the whole premise is suspect and unbelievable. Some details included added nothing to the story, such as the mysteriously growing rosebush and/or why Sandra Bullock was cutting it down--the fact that Angelov's spirit was still around was already established by Sally's red-haired daughter who saw it. Besides, Bullock was cutting the rose bush down with the wrong equipment, she was using a hedge trimmer!

Frankly, if you're going to make a fantasy movie, the only way to get me to suspend by disbelief is to pay attention to details and that was not done in this movie. It did have its moments for me however. Diane Wiest and Stockard Channing did a superb job as the Aunts--they were far more witch-like and yet who wouldn't want them serving you chocolate for breakfast?

Better skip this one I'm sorry to say.
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Harlem Nights (1989)
Profanity Yes, But Also Funny
15 September 1999
I agree that the movie is laced with profanity--but then again, some of the profanity does add humor and I am an adult! Enjoyed the sets and costuming, loved the poke they took at the old gangster movies, the sting made me laugh thinking the mobsters got what was coming to them. Perhaps the most colorful character for me was was Della Reese and her interactions with Eddie Murphy--had me roaring. I gave it a 6, but maybe I need to change that to a 7.
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Zardoz (1974)
Pretentious, Dull, Badly Acted, Yet Somewhat Intriguing
15 September 1999
I have to admit that this movie is every bit pretentious, dull and badly acted as most here seem to say. Every time I watch this movie, there are moments when my mind wanders to such subjects as "why I even bothered to watch this." Yet, it does take a glance at the dark side of science fiction and does examine human nature, with some interesting twists and turns. A movie is never all bad when it makes us examine the unintended consequences of our well-intentioned wishes for the future.
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Mame (1974)
Not Abysmal, but Not Rosalind Russell Either...
21 August 1999
I admit that Lucille Ball was mis-cast in this role--she never was a singer (a great pair of legs, yes--to the end; a marvelous physical comic, indeed; a very good dancer too, but a singer--nope). On the other hand, I think that she did a wonderful job in the plantation/fox hunt scenes. Of course, the fox hunt really called for the kind of comedy that Lucy did best, so no wonder it sticks in my mind. I agree that Bea Arthur was a wonderful Vera and I agree that "Auntie Mame" was a superior film, but I still love Lucy....
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Rosalind Russell At Her Best
21 August 1999
This movie is my personal most favorite movie starring Rosalind Russell. Many may choose her "Mame" or "Gypsy" as her very best, but I think for her comedic talent "His Gal Friday" is her very best. Whenever she shared the screen with Cary Grant there was a fast-paced banter that magically makes me cackle. Grant is suave as always and just look at the sharp 40's style suits that Russell is dressed in. Love the hats. Have you ever heard anyone put so many words into a sentence without drawing a breath as when she finally for the umpteenth time tells Walter Burns (Grant) that she's out of the news business while tearing up her last interview? And then, maybe predictably, as the latest news breaks right in front of her, she automatically turns into a relentless news hound! This is a smart movie, it has plenty of plot and character development, it has great strong characters, it makes commentary on the newsbusiness then that is relevant to the newsbusiness today and sarcastically shares the modern view of government I think, as well. This is a classic movie that is perhaps timeless. See it!
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The Women (1939)
Still Fresh, Biting Humor At 60 Years Old
11 August 1999
This movie remains one of my favorites. The plot line is simple, but is the perfect vehicle to reveal some aspects of human nature in the actions of this all-female cast. I love the witty one-liners thrown out by Ros Russell and Joan Crawford is perhaps at her sultry best. The featured fashion show segment in color, of course, is a technique also used in its fellow 1939 movie the Wizard of Oz...The fashions are sharp. I think it unfortunate that this movie was released in 1939, for it seems to have been overshadowed by The Wizard and Gone With The Wind. I cannot resist mentioning my like of both the characters played by Mary Boland and Marjorie Main. The long suffering Norma Shearer sometimes gets on my nerves and I think they could have dispensed with all of "little Mary's" scenes! "Oh Daddy Dearest".....pah-leez! ;-) Love this movie.
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