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The Signal (2024)
It's a hard watch
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series was painfully hard to watch and it's also painfully slow. Even the action scenes or climactic moments were slow. So slow that I lost track of what its about a couple of times. I can overlook a small budget film's shortcomings as long as there's a good story to begin with. But something went wrong here or it wasn't that great of a story. It never fully engaged me. I had to put forth effort to finish watching all episodes. Also, a few of the conditions were just not believable. Like putting someone with a serious drug use history and the possibility of having flashbacks onboard, and also mental health problems. Then the ending. Really? The ET's sent back Vger.
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Zone 414 (2021)
Really slow
28 November 2023
If someone hasn't seen Bladerunner, this could be an interesting watch, only it wasn't able to keep my attention like Bladerunner. I think it's because I've already seen the movie and know how it ends. It's like another blockbuster CGI/live action movie, that for all intents and purposes, is Cowboys and Indians with CGI aliens playing the part of Indians. But I'm straying off topic. The movie is painfully slow and never picks up pace. Even when there's a twist or turn, it remains sedated and continues to shuffle along at a slow pace. It may be a fairly good movie, but I couldn't become invested in any of the characters, and it was just too slow to make any difference.
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Scenes are long, but overall, not terrible but not great either.
14 November 2023
An attorney, with a busy schedule, needs a flight to some remote part of Canada and convinces a couple of mildly sketchy types to let her go with them when her flight was cancelled. It's not revealed until episode 3 why it's important and why she's anxious about getting there. The plane has mechanical problems and crashes in the middle of nowhere.

Her personality type is driven. Almost to the point of excluding or sacrificing everything that gets in the way. This becomes important as the series progresses. By episode 4, it's very clear that she has unresolved Mommy and Daddy issues that are affecting her personal relationships as an adult.

The scenes after the 4th episode become long (er) and perhaps half of the entire series are flashbacks. Illustrating why she took this trip. By this time, it's abundantly clear that her formative years are messed up and I FFWD'd through without missing much. Even the scenes that were in the present, I could FFWD without missing anything because they were so long.

About halfway through the series, there is a question about her mental health. I mean she's interacting with people from her past and present. At first, they just make critical comments about her, then later on becoming full conversations. That's florid hallucination. Does she have what her mother had or is it thirst, hunger and exhaustion?

The series ends leaving you flat. Like, OK, she was found but that's it, no more?

I guess in the end, she found herself. The answer to her question was in front of her all along.
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It should have been titled "Demon Possession and Stuff".
13 November 2023
There's more than one story line being covered. It's really tough to pin this down because you can go in any direction. It's presented in a documentary format but with competing themes. There's the possession of the child, which takes up most of the movie. A supernatural investigative couple that "helps" the family and basically steals their story and gets rich through book and movie deals. Leaving the family with nothing. Then we get to the "meat" of the movie. The actual murder trial, which unfortunately has the least amount of screen time devoted to it. This last 20 minutes or so is the most cohesive in terms of common sense rooted in objective reality. In a nutshell, there was a lot of drinking involved, one of them got blackout drunk and things happened. Then tried to claim he was possessed. If that were true, there'd be an awful lot of possession cases.

Overall, the movie is heavily slanted towards the supernatural. Was anything proven? No. You either believe in this or you don't.
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Legion (2010)
A good conundrum, not done terribly well with minor departures from the originals
9 November 2023
I find myself drawn to these types of movies. Which I find strange because I'm in no way religious. But jumping right in. For the most part, this movie is an amalgam of at least two others. The premise is that God has become dissatisfied with humans and has decided to destroy us (again). Only this time, there's no Ark. However, there is a pregnant woman that is soon to give birth, to a baby that isn't supposed to be born, and two archangels. One angel is trying to do what he's been told, destroy humanity, the other is trying to do what he feels is right, save humanity. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Biblically and philosophically, they're on a dangerously creaky limb. Especially for Michael because he's disobeying God's command. It's an old dilemma that soldiers face. Is what I'm being ordered to do right and moral? The stakes are high when your boss is God.

The ending felt like it was pieced together at the last minute and left me thinking, "that's it?" But it did offer an "inferred" hint of the future. IE: The Book of Revelation and the Second Coming. "He came as a lamb; He returns as a lion". Thereby fulfilling prophesy? If you watch to the ending, it'll make sense when you see all the weapons.

For those of you that have seen the movie's I've alluded to, you understand my point of view. Did this movie really expand and build on an existing theme or story line? Not really, except for the last 10 minutes "inferring" the second coming. And it wasn't done all that well. As I mentioned, it felt like the ending was put together at the last minute.

Overall, if you haven't seen the other movies, The Seventh Sign (Demi Moore) and The Prophecy (Christopher Walken), it'd be an interesting watch.
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I even watched the end credits
9 November 2023
Ok. I must be living under a rock. The only two names that sounded familiar are Eric Bana and Olivia Munn. All the other actors are totally unknown to me. So I didn't watch this with a preconceived idea of what to expect. I must admit that I'm impressed. Why am I just seeing this picture now? And this isn't a recent movie.

What attracted me was it was based on a book and a true story. I guess that means I'll have to read the book now. Like the Amityville Horror and The Exorcist.

I was pretty involved early on to notice much "cheesiness". The only thing I can think of are the usual Hollywood stock in trade, speaking in Latin, things moving on their own, evil clowns and people jumping out of windows. I mean you can't have a proper demon possession without those. Oh and also, flickering lights when "Its" near and of course, no one else has clued into that yet. Other than the standard Hollywood recipe, it's a solid movie. As I mentioned, I'm impressed. It kept me going from start to end credits.

Speaking of end credits. Abu Dhabi? Did they film there too, what's up with that?
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Oats Studios (2017–2020)
Movie "shorts" in search of a big budget
7 November 2023
I can't really give it a solid good score because it's a lot of short vignettes (roughly 20min) that are the kernels of a potential full length film. So none of the stories have a definitive beginning or ending. But rather just a taste of what could be. The exceptions being the "infomercials". The sci-fi material is solid, however the comedy doesn't really work for me. Pretty much falls flat on its face if I'm honest. Getting back to the sci-fi though. There were a few intriguing concepts that, in my opinion, warrant some looking into. Like Rakka, Firebase, Zygote and perhaps Adam. If you're a movie enthusiast, this might be right up your alley.
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Yakamoz S-245 (2022)
6 November 2023
This series is from a different perspective of another series undergoing the same phenomenon. What's so annoying are the characters themselves. From the very beginning, before the "event" happens, we're dealing with a bunch of mentally and/or emotionally unhinged people that seemingly can't follow simple requests like "wait here until I get back","be back in a hour" or when to shut up and listen. They all seemingly have the "I have to find out" or "only I can figure this out" disease, placing everyone in danger. Even the military/sailor types suffer the same disease. Pretty much to the point of insubordination. Standing on ceremony like they're on a parade deck when it's ridiculously inappropriate. At some point, I'd begin to question, does someone's potential harm they can cause outweigh their benefits and "accidentally" forget them somewhere. The biggest threat to their lives is themselves.
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Spectral (2016)
Not my thing but passes the time
14 August 2021
It's more of a video game you watch rather than play. It does start off rather well, then the game starts. What I mean is that it sort of drops you into a semi explained situation, some action, then a poorly derived ending. Even several of the scenes look suspiciously adapted from a video game.

Then there's the situational happenstance. The worst thing just happened yet have ALL the necessary equipment to R&D totally new and unproven technology then produce working prototypes for ALL the soldiers within a few hours. Sophisticated machinery that comes with detailed operating instruction on how to disable it, which by coincidence, just happens to be what they're trying to do.

If you're a detailed oriented techy person, this movies will not be for you.
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Extinction (2018)
Pleasantly surprised 7.5
9 August 2021
I was expecting so much less. Initially, I thought the movie was terribly miscast but it actually works in its favor as nothing is as it seems. It becomes more apparent further along. The movie gives small hints as to the true nature of how things are but you have to pay attention to the little things, like objects hidden in plain sight or lack of. I especially liked the "what were you expecting, another pretty face?" reveal midway through. It's not your typical Us vs Them movie. Need to be careful of the "Them" part.
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Bird Box (2018)
Not so great
9 August 2021
Can't blame the cast because there are some heavy hitters here. It has to be storytelling. In my opinion, the best scene is in the first 2 minutes. Most of the others feel forced and seem to struggle to work. The ending is almost awkward or anticlimactic. Maybe a little of both? Well, whatever it was, I was expecting more with such a cast.
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Interesting enough
9 August 2021
It drags on pretty much throughout but interesting enough to keep you from turning it off. There are some holes but as long as you don't overthink the theoretical stuff you'll be ok. The ending just kind of deflates or evaporates. Like they ran out of ideas. Overall it's not a bad movie...
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Mercy Black (2019)
It's slow
3 August 2021
Kind of campy but not. It's the sort of horror movie I'd go see as a teenager. The suspense to me is drawn out far too long ending with the quick camera jump for the fright, by which time I was thinking finally, about time. In the last 20 minutes it firms up and has a definite direction, but by then it's somewhat late in the game. It's not a terrible movie, it just took a long time to cut to the chase.
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A "tastefully done" zombie movie, if that's possible
1 May 2021
If you're looking for your standard mainstream blood and gore zombie feature, this will not be your cup of tea. It DEFINITELY is a different approach to the zombie genre. There's minimal gore, essentially no nudity and some sexual content. Compared to what's out there now, this film is tame.

It's basically a one and a half person show. She and the zombie. She's a party girl when the apocalypse happens and ends up with a "pet" zombie. Along her journey with the undead, she comes to terms with her past and herself and starts making changes. Having the zombie around was probably the best thing to happen to her.

Overall I found this to be a very good movie.
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To Survive (2014)
A little hard to watch
30 April 2021
The cause of the disaster is never explained and only mentioned as "the way things were before..." which isn't bad or really even necessary in that all you need to know is that something massively went wrong and humanity has been reduced to this. Where things go wrong are that some of the scenes were just too contrived . I mean someone just doesn't bust into your house and 5 minutes later ask them to stay for dinner. It's just not believable. Or asking to tag along with them the next morning. The execution of the scene felt awkward and forced and plainly just didn't work. Indeed most of the scenes where there's personal dialog feels awkward and made up on the spot. Especially the getting to know you scenes where loose ends and backstories are rounded out didn't achieve that. You still ended up with a bunch of individuals rather than a cohesive group. Since I've come this far, maybe filming in HD wasn't the best choice of camera. I mean it's great for sporting events and evening news, but not for this. It's too much stark reality.

Well, it's fairly apparent this movie didn't click for me. There wasn't a single character I could root for and the story felt like it was half thought out.
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Pretty weak
30 April 2021
Obviously a post apocalyptic move starting with a terminally ill mother, brother (David) and Anna. While on a foraging trek, brother David is injured and is left behind, then consequently "presumed" dead when Anna returns and isn't able to find him. Shortly after, the mother passes away leaving Anna by herself. Anna then encounters a overly inquisitive stranger from another group and he manages to dupe her into joining him and his group. The stranger omits certain details like his group is at war with another group and why and how they met. By the time she figures it out, she's already in but hasn't swallowed the Kool-Aid yet.

Well, the story line has been rather weak up to now and then gets weaker. Now enter the "bad guys". Or maybe I should say the "other" group. They aren't really introduced but rather appear so you don't really know what they're about or what they're fighting about. Oh, and the brother (David) has been captured and joined with these people. You don't find out how or why because the movie ends without explaining what happened.
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The Great War (2019)
Bottomless flask?
28 April 2021
There isn't much more I can say that others haven't already mentioned about it being a cookie cutter copy. Which really is a shame because it ruined what could have been a great historical film.
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It was OK
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is watchable and I learned that the South used cadets from VMI. Something I'll definitely look further into. They also could've laid off the romantic interest as it really didn't add anything to the story, unless of course there was something there historically that didn't make it past editing.

By and large, it isn't an enthralling movie but it's watchable and I came away with something at the end of it.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
IMO, the lower ratings are appropriate
23 February 2021
I'll begin by saying the series is slow and convoluted but try to stick to the major theme. You can FF through the especially long parts with little fear of missing anything pivotal, which I found myself increasingly doing. A unique technique was to film in short vignettes of separate groups with them occasionally overlapping or briefly joining together, which I found novel since I've never seen this applied to a zombie series before. But that aside, it didn't help make things any more interesting. The most engaging part of this series is the perhaps episode 1, where nothing is as it seems. Humanity reduced to its lowest common denominator if you will, and what appears to be an emerging theme, at least for 1 of the characters. However it seems to be subsequently forgotten with the character becoming muddled in among the rest. Essentially the protagonist remains buried then awkwardly emerges towards the end of the series and resumes the now nearly forgotten quest from Ep. 1. Without going into a lot of detail, the final episode isn't much different from the rest of the series. It's like, "oh, she's done it. Next!". As a side note, this series comes from the creator of Z Nation if by chance you happen to read the credits or notice how similar the shows are. The name of this show is mentioned infrequently on Z Nation in the past tense, however it's claimed that this show isn't a prequel.
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The Crew (II) (2021)
A fossil?
21 February 2021
What can I say? This format has been around for a really long time and IMO considered old even though it's a new series. A lot of the lines are delivered in classic 1980's fashion with clipped, mechanical sentences basically telegraphing the punchline. And the over the top laugh track reminding the audience to laugh or to let you know something was funny. I'm sure that a lot of hard work went in to this production but if you ask me, the format is simply too tired and beyond the help of a facelift. Yes. I'm certain Jack Tripper and Mr & Mrs Roper are gently calling, "time to come home now".
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The Dig (2021)
Expecting a archeology movie.
19 February 2021
This is a repeat of what others have observed but yeah, I'm in agreement. I was expecting a film about a great archeological find and midway through, it turned into some kind of love story. Neither the archeology story or the love story hit their mark very well leaving me underwhelmed. Even a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the movie is watchable and started out strong but In my opinion the end result is a letdown.
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It's a human story not mainstream Sci Fi
14 February 2021
If you've come for a fact based action packed science fiction movie, move on to something else because many pertinent scientific points are glossed over. The science takes a back seat to interpersonal interaction. It's really about what people hold near and dear and what their values are. The people aboard the space ship and on Earth is simply the story's setting. It could have been easily adapted to a Earth based story and still achieve the same effect. The movie is slow but like any movie, there's some action scenes to keep up your attention and as I mentioned, many scientific and real life details are glossed over to keep the human element in focus. If you pay attention, you can see the twist at the end coming but it's not thrown in your face. It's rather inferred.
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The Rain (2018–2020)
Watchable but...
13 February 2021
The series is watchable and does pass the time as long as you don't overthink it. It is strictly for entertainment and doesn't necessarily stick to real life choices or outcomes and clearly intended for mature teens and adults. The characters have few endearing qualities except perhaps Simone, as she's the conscience and heart of the group. But even then the character does things that leave you questioning "what possessed you to do that?" Then again, a "real" response would have made a far more brutal scene and I don't get the impression that the filmmakers intent was to make a blood and gore movie. So don't overthink things and go with the flow.
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Just Like I Remember It
3 February 2021
Not a bad film at all considering it came out in 1977. The acting is decent enough. Moderately cheesy action scenes. The effects were right at the major shift of going computer generated, so they are what they are, dated. Having not seen this movie in many years, I will make one observation that I'm only picking up on now. Patrick Wayne looks an awful lot like Charlton Heston rather than John Wayne. And having to find "Taylor" merely a coincidence???
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Can't be done on purpose
2 February 2021
A movie so bad it's good and has held that title for decades. Special awards have been created as a result of this film. At least to me, the director is earnestly trying to make a good movie but falls flat at every turn. Other directors have tried to take the title but it's obvious what they're up to and end up simply making a bad movie without the least bit of charm or naïveté. Nope, Plan 9 has its own special place.
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