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The Last of Us: Kin (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
My favorite episode so far
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been really iffy about the show so far. I liked the first episode and didn't like the majority of episodes 2-4. I liked certain parts, but overall didn't like the executions of the story line. Episode 5 started to shift my perspective, but I still cringed at a lot of the dialogue (there's something v off about the writing and dialogue for Kathleen's character). But the horde awakening was so sick and horrifying. The ending of the episode was really sad (even though I knew it was coming from the game), and it set up the tone for Episode 6.

In my opinion, the writing for this episode was the best that we've had so far. The direction, the world building - all of it was top-notch. I almost cried watching Joel vent to Tommy. The character development in this episode was done sooo well.

It didn't necessarily have too much action, but for me, that's what I loved about The Last of Us. Yes, it's an intense zombie game, but what sets it apart from others is the story behind it and the relationship between Joel and Ellie.

I'm looking forward to and hoping to see more episodes like this.
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Suits (2011–2019)
I can't wait for my rewatch - but let's be honest
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just binge watched this show for the first time, and I don't know what kept me away for this long. I love the plot, I love the characters, and the character development in the show is amazing.

All of the characters are extremely likable, and the writing is so good that you actually grow to believe that these characters do lead lives of their owns and that we're merely watching them play out.

My all time favorite character is Jessica, and it was honestly refreshing to see a strong female character whose plot isn't solely driven by romance.

If I'm going to be honest, there are a few gripes I have with Suits.

The sensuality feels too much. This is mostly in the beginning and isn't too bothersome since it's easily skippable for the most part. But I'm not a fan of anything more than subtleties.

I found it really difficult to tolerate Louis at times. I know he makes a lot of progress by the end of the show, but man - there were points where I really hated him. Going off of that, I skipped a majority of the scenes between him and Sheila until they eventually got married. It was weird and gross, and I didn't miss much at all. But by the end, I got Litt up.

They dragged out the Donna and Harvey storyline for farrrrrr too long. It should've happened way earlier than it did to the point that I actually grew tired of it and expected Harvey to end up with Paola and Donna with Thomas (except I just found out the actor is Israeli -not okay-). Even more, when it did finally happen, it came out of NOWHERE to be quite frank. For the past 8 years, Harvey's denied having anything for Donna. Then he just randomly has an epiphany???? It shouldn't have happened all at once and should've been built up in -again- *subtleties*

If you're a hardcore Suits fan and have made it this far down, I'm probably making your blood boil (sorry). But one more thing....

The show really dragged on. It's super strong up until the end of the 6th season, but when Jessica leaves, it starts dragging. I think it should've ended with Jessica leaving, #Darvey, and Mike coming out of prison with it being implied he becomes a legitimate lawyer. The show felt even more untethered when both Mike and Rachel left. Don't get me wrong, the last few seasons are still good (just not as good). But the character development in both Katrina and Samantha gave the show a feeling of refreshment that it needs.
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Dark (2017–2020)
3rd season was too much
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I finally decided to watch this after watching 1899 and wanting to see more from the creators. The first season was a solid 9, the second an 8, and I was preparing to put this show under my list of favorite pieces of film ever.

The show's premise is super intriguing. It's creative, thrilling, and altogether heartbreaking. I liked a small handful of the characters, but I still found their relationship dynamics interesting (except for all the affairs and the fact that Jonas -even as an adult- fancies his aunt *yikes*).

But honestly, as the show went into its third season, I began to wonder when the story would just end. It was too hard to follow without giving myself a massive headache, and at times, I genuinely wondered if the creators knew how to cohesively tie it all together. In a nutshell: the third season consists of characters asking each other questions and then others trying to answer/explain it. It was a huge load of information nonstop, and we could've done without most of it.

It was draining to see the events of the first 2 seasons pretty much exactly (but a only a little differently) repeat themselves in a parallel universe in season 3. I honestly found this unnecessary. We could've been introduced to the mere idea of a parallel universe in like 1 or 2 episodes in order for us to meet the other Martha. Furthermore, the uncountable versions of Martha felt too ridiculous, as did the plot where things happen in every possibility. (Like if Jonas died in this instant, that doesn't mean he dies in every other.) This plot point stretched the rules of this universe to the point of being comedic.

I honestly wish that the path to the finale was different, but I did enjoy the last episode and the reveal. The way that Martha and Jonas just dissipate was so poetic.

P. S. Thank you to whoever uploaded sensuality ratings and guides per each episode. I didn't want to see all that nastiness and I appreciate you v much.
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Most of the characters lack depth
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Starting off, the movie seemed interesting enough. The pace was good - neither too fast nor too slow. But in watching in its entirety, I was left with a sense of disappointment.

The main character doesn't really have a sense of autonomy. We're told everything about him right at the start, rather than slowly learning things about his past. Everything regarding his being is said in a 2-dimensional sort of manner. There is no depth to him for the majority of the film. He's nothing more than a detective, and audiences are presented a mere looming idea of who he is as a person. The film could've done much more and given this story so much more meaning by digging deeper into his psychological being. One of the best scenes of the film is when he awakes to a hallucination of his daughter cleaning her dress. It was creepy and captivating, ushering us into wanting to learn more about his mental state. Why not give us more scenes like this??

Developing his character would've given us the emotional investment we needed to be completely engaged with the film. Even more, it would've added foreshadowing to the end result of the movie. But the fact that we couldn't guess that he was the murderer and the lack of any signs of foreshadowing honestly took away from the impact of an otherwise great reveal.

The moment within the film that almost completely killed it for me was the whole cult scene of them trying to cut out Poe's heart. That was so goofy and ridiculous, and honestly - unnecessary. The whole idea of a cult could've been done more seriously or switched out for something altogether. Also, why didn't Poe experience any sense of shock at the fact that he was almost murdered? Him crying out to her as he realizes she's dying and then apparently being distraught because "she was meant to be a mother" was so uncalled for and weird.

I know this is based off of a book (which I haven't read) but why was Edgar Allen Poe even a character? Could've just been a random poet, especially considering how the character doesn't really match Poe's real personality of depression, solitude, etc.

Aside from all of their strange accents that felt really unnatural, the acting was pretty good. But all in all, having a good cast does not guarantee a good movie.
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Doctor Thorne (2016)
One-dimensioned characters
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like the story premise was good enough - I mean I did watch it through. But I felt like I wasn't sucked into it. A lot of that has to do with the fact that none of the characters were really likable. Other than Doctor Thorne himself, I wasn't really intrigued by any of the other characters. I felt like they were all lacking in depth. It didn't feel like these characters were real individuals with a sense of autonomy. They were pretty bland and were pretty much each driven by only one thing: Frank was driven by his love for Mary. Lady Arabella and her sister were driven by their desire to prevent Frank from marrying Mary. Mary was driven by her inner battle of deciding whether she was worth Frank's love. Frank's father was driven by his stress over the fate of his family. The sisters were in the background but seemed to simply be driven by the need to marry. And so on. Without each of these things, there isn't really much else left to make up any of these characters.

Aside from this, there's nothing I hate more than a writer/producer telling readers/viewers why they think we should find their creation important. I've admired some of Julian Fellowes' shows, like Downton Abbey and The English Game, but this show made me have a slight distaste for the man. I don't need 3 minutes before the episode and 3 minutes after the episode of him telling me why this show is relevant and why I should care about it. I should be able to tell that for myself if the show is done right.

Overall, this show isn't the most dreadful thing that I've watched but that doesn't mean it was good either. Good thing the good Doctor Thorne was there to carry whatever bit of it that he was able to.
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Mo (2022– )
I'm tired of bad representation
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot of people have been praising this show because Mo Amer is the main guy behind the whole thing and is a Palestinian and a Muslim? Yikes. I've watched only one episode, and it's the same bland thing over and over - only difference is that the people behind the scenes are actually Palestinians and Muslims degrading their culture and religion to fit in and appeal to everyone else.

I'm tired of stories where people sell out their cultures and faith after living in the US. Just a few things: Mo is dating. He also goes by "Mo", which leaves a bitter taste in most Arabs' and Muslims' mouths. He has a tattoo. He curses and uses really vulgar language. Foul music plays in the episode. He drinks alcohol and smokes (though the smoking is actually a little accurate for Arabs).

I don't even think I've gathered all that's wrong with this type of representation, and by looking at other reviews, it doesn't seem to get any better.. especially if it's accurate that Mo makes confession to a Catholic priest (which takes you out of the fold of Islam).

When are we finally going to see some representation where a Muslim actually preserves their faith and culture instead of sacrificing it to "flourish" in America? Mo having that background does not make this show any better. In fact, I think it makes it worse.

I'd rather not have any representation than having this sellout nonsense.

EDIT: I can acknowledge that some people might still find this relatable. Even though this is honestly a sad truth, it also doesn't change the fact that this show only adds to the massive pile of this repetitive type of representation. There is no uniqueness in it, and I'd still frankly rather not have celebrations of this nonsense. I'd encourage anyone that relates to this to reassess their position with their culture and religion.
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Couldn't finish it
31 August 2022
Why won't people just let good things last for as long as they should and not just drag it out for nostalgia's sake? Downton Abbey should've ended with the show, not with these movies. Imma pretend it did. It had a great run and ended at a place where it should've.

Instead, we now have movies coming out with random arcs, bland dialogue, and little to no character development. This movie is simply a downgrade from the first, and that says a lot.


Bruh IMDB keeps insisting my review is too short 😭 it's all I gotta say maaaaaaaaan. Pls.

IMDB having a min requirement for word count is another thing I can complain about in this post .. kinda like profs who insist on having a word/page requirement. Like shouldn't I just be able to say what I want to without needing to fluff it up?
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Enjoyable but could've been better
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I enjoyed the movie and sat through it all, I felt like it was a bit hard to stay fully immersed. Something about the film felt choppy, as if it wasn't completely cohesive. At times, the movie was confusing and I had to rely on the emotions/reactions of characters to know what was going on. I also felt like the romance didn't fit in too well. I thought Charles and Jean made more sense rather than Ewen and Jean. I think this dynamic would've given the film the addition of more emotion that it needed.

Overall, the story was interesting, and the acting was absolutely phenomenal. But it does feel like a forgettable film.
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It was soo boring
1 June 2022
It took me 3 days to actually watch through this whole movie. It was so boring. The movie's whole argument is to embrace your emotion, but it literally lacked that very thing. I found it extremely dull.
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Howards End (2017–2018)
Truly a hidden gem
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Never read the book, and never watched the movie - but I happened upon this miniseries on Hulu and instantly loved it. I enjoyed the first episode as it began setting things up, but I really had no clue of what to expect. From this point forward, the series progresses in a beautiful manner. The scenery, the outfits, the dialogue - everything was perfect. The romance between Margaret and Mr. Wilcox was so beautifully crafted. I appreciated how much you were able to learn and understand through glances and dialogue, which proves that not everything has to be as forward as it is in film nowadays. I find myself watching their scenes over and over.

My purpose in not giving it a higher rating was that I felt like the casting of the Basts was weird. I couldn't stand either of the characters. Something felt so uncomfortable and awkward about them. Also, I know that the whole Helen getting pregnant was essential to the story, but I thought it could've done without it. It felt out of her character. Had it been against her will, that would've made more sense and could've added to the discussion on why not to shame her.

Otherwise, loved it and would definitely watch again.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Got one crucial thing wrong
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is definitely a slow burn, but speaking in terms of the first few episodes, the pace fits the show. The transition between what we think is just an average show into more of the sci-for realm was done pretty well. I was engaged and was eager to see how everything would turn out. As you get further into the show, we begin to learn that Dan's and Melody's worlds begin to merge and bleed into one another. The more Dan repairs and watches the tapes, the more it does so. This, in itself, was a pretty cool take on sci-fi.

The moment I started losing interest in the show is when it confirmed that the beliefs of the cult were actually real. This is when it became pretty cringey, as it really should've went less toward a religious route and more toward the sci-fi. Obviously, the cult is a crucial part of the show, but it should've been a cult that believes in and wants to merge the two worlds SEPARATE from the "god". I know they hinted at it from the very beginning, but for me, the fact that the thing they worshipped was actually real killed the show. Also.... this isn't the type of show that should warrant a second season. It should've wrapped with the first.
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Great piece of historical *fiction*
24 February 2022
The direction of the film was phenomenal, as was the acting. I was engaged right from the start. The buildup of the intensity was just outstanding, and I don't think it could've been done any better.

It's important to note that this is veryyy loosely based on true historical events. I definitely had to read up on the inspiration of this film (and novel) in order to redefine the lines between reality and fiction.

I also love how the film ended. There was so much buildup, and I felt like it really set up the tensions of what we know happens in real life. Instead of ending with a literal bang, it left us wanting more. As we watch this movie, we feel like we are present as the situation intensifies, and we so eagerly want something better to come of it. Of course, that doesnt happen, which is why the ending is all the more fitting.
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Scream (I) (2022)
laughed so hard I cried
21 January 2022
Someone in the theater fell asleep and snored throughout the whole movie, and I didn't even care. It was that bad.

If someone forces you to go see this movie (since you definitely don't wanna see it through your own will), count how many times they say "stab" or how many times they curse, or every time a character does or says something stupid. That'll give you something to do.
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So much emotion!
2 January 2022
This was such a nostalgia trip. I was a little too young to remember the book releases and only really remember the premieres of the later half of the movies, but just like so many others, I grew up with Harry Potter. It's such an ingrained part of my childhood and my family, and this reunion was definitely needed after the rough past 2 years we've all had.

I teared up so many times. I enjoyed every part and loved every minute of seeing everyone together and seeing them reminisce about some of my favorite scenes and the franchise as a whole.

I must say - JK Rowling should've been invited. "Controversy" aside, why include moments from an older interview if you can just include the real deal?
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The Father (I) (2020)
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film was one of the most raw and most real movies I have watched. It tells the story of one of the worst diseases humanity faces in such a gut-wrenching way, staying away from the sometimes unnecessary and drawn out melodrama that film tends to produce. What makes this film so beautiful is the fact that we experience the film through Anthony's perspective (save a scene or two). Though Anthony is the being that suffers from the illness, we are there with him. We feel the confusion and the desperation for fulfillment. We crave answers to the questions that are posed to us through Anthony's eyes. He wants to know who he is, what he's doing, and what's going on around him, and we want the same. In this way, Anthony's experiences become ours. We see what he sees, and we feel what he feels.

Something I want to make note of is the film's setting, which takes place mainly in a few flats. The sets are all complicated - there are numerous doorways, a clutter of furniture, and several different rooms. The disorganized set is so carefully designed to mimic Anthony's mental space. Just like parts of his brain are hard for him to access, it is hard for us to assuredly recognize the characteristics of the flats and to easily notice the switching between them. This is all excluding one single part of each flat: the doorway at the end of the hall. The way that the camera always steadily follows Anthony in and out of that room highlights the inevitable truth of the situation... As Anthony continues to rely on the solitude that the room at the end of the hall offers him, the eery shots of it force us into reckoning with the uncomfortable truth that Anthony won't be able to escape to it forever. Though the film chose not to display Anthony's eventual death, we all know that it's soon to come. Instead, the film shows one last heartbreaking moment where Anthony cries for his mother, stripping his mind and being into the likes of a child's.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
I blame the Liz-haters and money-grabbing producers
23 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved this show for years.. started watching from season 3 and have been watching since. The whole point of The Blacklist is to tell Liz's story from the perspective of everything that Reddington knows about her childhood, about her family, and most importantly about her parents. In this way, both Reddington and Liz have shared the screen - both are the main characters, with room to argue over which way the show truly sways. Killing off Liz during season 8 showed that the creators of the show no longer care about the integrity of the story or its characters. They simply care about the vile and toxic fans that this show has weirdly created, like the James Spader worshippers. The "fans" that have been calling for the death of Liz Keen in order to allow more screen time for Spader have finally gotten what they've wanted and have eliminated the central point of the whole tv show. Without Liz, we don't care about who Reddington is or what he knows about her. She's dead, so she'll never know. And we're merely fans left in the dark trying to watch a show to find out more about a character who they've just destroyed as they continue to milk a show way after it's been completely dried.

I'm so tempted to not flag this post as containing spoilers because I don't want anyone to put so much of their heart into watching this show just to see it end so terribly, but I don't think it'd be fair to the truly lovable seasons that we've had. All I can say is that the entire production team and the fans really failed Megan Boone.

Also: Samar Navabi working for the mossad in the earlier seasons always triggered me. The whole pro-Israeli propaganda really ruined her character for a good while.
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Cruella (2021)
The music - please shut it up
18 September 2021
I've seen people celebrating the movie's soundtrack, but oh gosh was it all used in a cliche manner. Worse yet, the movie has music playing for literally the majority of the film. I get that some of the music added to the chaos and direction of the film, but quite frankly it could've done without about half of it (if not more).

Other than that, I have mixed emotions about the film.

I thought the beginning was too drawn out (felt like we were being introduced to the film for too long), which is probably why the movie as a whole felt too long. I wish there was more depth to the characters. It felt like the movie was a mess between trying to appeal to adults vs trying to appeal to kids. Cruella felt similar to a mentally psychotic character, yet the film had so many silly moments, which stirs mixed emotions amongst its viewers.

I loved the style of the film - the fashion, the color, the video editing. I also really liked the pacing, and I liked the story. The acting was also really good.
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Downton Abbey (2019)
Not bad but -
7 September 2021
Though I am obsessed with the show, the movie is kind of a let down. It was more of a nostalgic trip to Downton Abbey rather than a real thought-provoking story with character development and drama. The movie's main purpose was to shown Downton again and to show us glimpses of the characters - but really, nothing more. I won't say it was bad, and I won't say it was good either. I just hope the sequel is better.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
It's just so boring
5 September 2021
I wanted to watch this show for years but was discouraged by its maturity rating until I found out it was one particular episode that gave it its obscene position. Realizing I could just skip that episode since I'd very much like to avoid vulgarities, I decided to finally sit and watch the show that so many have talked about - and might I say, the show was nowhere near what I expected. The stories are boring, and there really isn't a single character that I can wholeheartedly connect to, love, or even appreciate. I am someone that loves slow-burn stories, but my goodness did this show fail at it. There's such a lack of communication and dialog that are instead substituted with awkward and drawn out glances.

I must admit a few things: - The last 3 episodes of the first season were pretty good, but I'd rather not sit through hours of boredom to get such a small reward at the end. I also absolutely loved the interactions between Churchill and his painter and the process of getting the portrait done. That entire episode was brilliant, but it's just a shame that the rest of the show can not be on par.

Started the second season, but I doubt I'll watch more.
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Expected More
3 September 2021
I happened upon this show accidentally, and when I saw all of the 10-star reviews, I thought I happened upon a masterpiece. The first episode was good, but it still had me on the fence. That one scene where things happen in reverse put me off and made me rethink my expectations of the show, and the second episode quickly ruined it altogether. It isn't funny to me, and the dialogue and character dynamics come out as awkward... I see too much of the actors in their characters and lines (and the delivery of them). The little amount of originality within them that's left is boring.

I might continue casually watching it.. If my current opinion changes, I'll make an edit. If not, I'd recommend sitting out on this one.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
Had me obsessed
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've been reading that Americans have been more "bonkers" about the show compared to the British, and I mean - I guess this might be true because I've become absolutely obsessed with it. The characters, their relationship dynamics, the separation and bleeding into of the social classes, the spark of romance - all of this just makes it such a unique show. There were so many directions to go with all of the characters and their stories, and I was completely drawn in and engaged the whole time. There was a moment where I was worried the show was taking a bland turn, but then we were hit with Mathew's death and just so much more. I grew to love most of the characters (but admittedly stayed kind of annoyed with Edith... She's just that kind of character yknow?) The characters I loved the most were Mr. Bates and Anna, and my goodness was it difficult to watch all they had to go through. Everything that Anna went through really took the show into somewhat of a more meaningful, deep, and mature place. Her scenes of avoiding Mr. Bates after it happened completely broke my heart, and I can without a doubt say that this story arc hit me the hardest than any other fictional arc ever did. The acting was so brilliant and made it heart-wrenching to watch. I had also read a false spoiler somewhere saying that Anna commits suicide, which is probably what made it so much harder to watch but made me all the more happier to actually see her prevail. I've also never wanted two characters to end up happy together more than I've wanted it for Bates and Anna.

I'm sad I've finished the show, but I'm happy I'll get to experience the movie sequel as a new fan.
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watched this instead of reading the book
11 June 2021
Memoirs are as good as people can explain them. This was a pretty decent one. And my gosh - Amy Adams' acting is just phenomenal.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
If you're not a YA fan, STAY AWAY!
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this show with no clue as to what expect. I've known about the books but haven't read them before. The beginning of the show was promising, and it seemed pretty unique to me. But the show really stays on the same level of intensity as its early episodes. It feels like everything is sort of expected, and everything that happens feels way too convenient for the characters. Kaz and them were really able to get through the fold just like that? Mal finds the deer just like that? Kaz and his gang just happen to get EASY entrance into the palace with absolutely no vetting prior, especially for a palace that supposedly has the strictest security? And then you have really weird choices that the characters make, specifically Alina. For someone that really didn't wanna be taken away from her lifestyle, she EASILY and quickly acclimates to her new life and decides to erase the scar she shared with Mal just because. It was so obvious that there was something that was preventing him from receiving her letters, but she literally couldn't take 2 secs to actually think about it. The world building in the show is nowhere near as good as it could've been, and the whole training thing that Alina goes through is so bland and cringe. I watched up until episode 5, but I couldn't watch anymore. I definitely don't recommend.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Um okay?
2 May 2021
I watched the entire thing but feel like I haven't watched anything. Really, nothing happens. And when something happens, it still doesn't happen. There really was no point to this film. They lead you on to question things, but those questions are never answered. It's hilarious how hard they avoided explaining why the stowaway was there to begin with. I think the reason why so many of us are discontent with the film is because it really had no climax. The only thing that can be considered so would be the end, but even that was awkward and terribly done. I guess the whole point of the movie was to ask the theoretical question: if you had to choose someone or yourself to rescue, who would you choose? Had decent potential, but the movie just fell flat.
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So Boring
29 April 2021
I literally sat through this movie just so I can have fully experienced the Star Wars universe. This film was such a downgrade from the original trilogy. It really tries to do and show so much to the point that it's disengaging and poorly done. Everything feels so monotonous.

I don't think I'll ever rewatch this movie in my entire life.
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