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Funny and dark I enjoyed it
21 April 2023
While I am not fan of dark comedy this movie was enjoyable it a lot of funny scenes I laughed my head off at, the main characters are great giving the realism of the film, the location being set in the uk London is great too, I enjoyed the plot twist villains but I really would loved to see what happen to them come on I would love if they added in the fate and justice, while there are a lot of unrealistic scenes I didn't like and the injuries to the main character but it all works fine with enjoyable plot and great comedy, I really hope to see a sequel in the some time future who knows overall great funny dark comedy film 8/10.
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Baby Jake (2011– )
I guess it's Good
4 December 2021
If you compare this to other kids shows baby jack is not an outstanding program, show does have some wired unrealistic expectations in it like animals surviving in space or under water with out oxygen tanks and helmets, but I guess that does not matter is this show is amid towards tolders which kind of works any way Is baby jack is just any way, but any how it's good for what it is but I would not consider it a masterpiece, the animals are cute I guess and I guess kids love seeing that in kids but for adult seeing theses animals smiling all time would be kind of creepy but ah well, the animation is okay not all the great but the live action scenes being set in Ireland is beautiful overall it's good kids show but not everyone's cup of tea

This show only run for two seasons ah well there is just not much you can do with a baby

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After 6th rewatch it's fantastic
2 April 2021
It took me years to warm up to this movie as this one brought a whole new look to the series, I struggled at first to enjoy but after so many years I have finally warmed up to it and boy it's fun and action packed and has a lot of rememberbal scenes like the knight bus which I like the knight bus but I do still prefer the flying ford angila 105e, Sirius black is such a fantastic character at first he came across as a psych but after wards you realise he is a good guy the whole time, the scene location is fantastic being filmed in Scotland is just brilliant, the camera quality is just amazing making it look so real and the cgi effects are fantastic so huge improvement over the first film, which the cgi effects got better around the second film, but say this movie was where the series was getting dark well I kind of disagree there, this film just like the first two films before it was light hearted and fun while having its dark moments here and there, as the series did not start to get really dark until the next film after overall a fantastic movie with plenty of fun and emotional moments and also being the last film to be compused by John Williams fantastic 9/10.
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Doctor Who (1963–1989)
this is my Scfi
2 October 2018
I am huge fan of doctor who since the mid Tennant era I have watch almost all of the eps from the new series. After watching series 1 of the Brief Eccleston era I diced to go back even more to the classic series of The show and after watching Davison's swansong story the caves of Androzani I became a huge fan of the original series I enjoy watching eps from the hartnell, Troughton,Pertwee, T Baker and Davison eras. The writing is amazing and the acting is super and costumes on the seven doctors is great too having the doctor being dressed as edwarden man which was latter used again in series 7 of the late Matt smith era. Their are so many great stories from the classic era of the show like The Daleks, The Romans, The War Machines, Power of the daleks, The moonbase, Tomb of the cybermen, The Emeny of the world, The mind robber, Spearhead from space, Inferno, The mind of evil, The daemons, The sea devils, The three doctors, planet of the daleks, the green death, The time warrior, death to the daleks, the monster of peladom, the ark in space, The Sortaran experiment, Gennsis of the daleks, pyramids of mars, the brain of morbius, the seeds of doom, The masque of mandragora, The deadly assian, the robots of death, Horror of fang rock, Imagen of the Fandalia, the androids of tara, the power of kroll, City of death, Shada, Megols, State of decay, the keeper of taken, Logopiles, Kinda, The vististian, Earthshock, Arc of Infinity, Englightment, The five doctors, Warriors of the deep, Frontions, restriction of the daleks, planet of fire, The caves of Androzani, vengeance on varos, Revalation of the daleks, terror of the Zorbios, The ultimate Foe, Remembrance of the daleks, the greatest show in the galaxy, Ghost light, the curse of ferric, Survial.

so This is one of the best classic old shows that sticked by my side when i was growing up during my teen years it teached me about what could happen in the future.

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crazy but enjoyable
2 October 2018
I really love the movie's setting being set in Singapore which is a country I go on holiday every now and again. The characters are great and interesting and the story is great as well. oh by the way this has got the actress who play jessica from fresh off the boat which is a tv series I really enjoy when I have the time to watch it. I was not fund of the mother that much as she was trying to ruin her son and girlfriends relationship. But I am glad things worked out in the end.

so if you are looking for a movie being set in singapore this is the movie for you overall I really enjoyed it.

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Not as bad as what people say it is
2 October 2018
Yes if you compare this to the force awakens and the original trilogy this is not an outstanding movie. But I thought it was really enjoyable yes it does have it flaws which I will listed here below.

1. who are Ray's parents this is something that we need to know about Ray who are here parents and where did she come from which is something we really need to know about since the force awakens.

2. Leader Smoke being killed off in this movie was a bit of a mistake I think they should of kept him alive for eps 9 because I would love to see what he is really like.

But overall this was a great movie despite of its flaws I know it is the weakest of the sequel trilogy but it is still enjoyable, but all three of the trilogys have a weak part like the prequel trilogy its Attack of the clones and the original trilogy its return of the jedi.

But it is still great with a flaws here and their that could of easily been fixed but lets just see if we will get a backstory for Ray for eps 9.

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Wild west fun
26 November 2017
out of all of the three back to the future movies this one has to be my favourite out of three I remember watching this movie as a kid and enjoying it from the beginning to the end the wild west themes are beautiful in this movie and are very well done I laughed my head off when Marty screamed out Indians when he traveled back in time to the wild west to find Doc Brown Train scene is my favourite out of this whole movie and very well done for exploding scene as well

overall a fantastic movie

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It (1990)
A prefect masterpiece
20 November 2017
Now this is how you do a good horror film with no Cgi grafts but with good writing I have always wanted too see this movie as it look really good and what to say I really enjoyed it Tim Curry is great as pennywise the clown and he does a fantastic job at it while it may not be as good as the novel its still wroth watching soundtrack is very well done giving it a very spooky tone Stephen King has blown me away again with his movies and this is What I call a good horror film horror films in the 90s where at their finest as it was the golden era of horror films.

Now I have heard about the 2017 remake and I plan to watch it but while it be as good as the original only time will tell

fantastic horror film from the begging to the end

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wow what a movie
4 July 2017
I have been a big fan of the despicable me series I always laugh at the adult jokes on the characters The first movie was good it was nothing that special but quite cute and funny the 2nd one I thought was a lot more better then the first one as it focus more on gru trying to find a girlfriend in his life the minions prequel was rather great as it gave the minions their own story about them in 2017 I saw teaser for despicable me 3 and I thought it would be good and oh boy was i right it was a huge step up from the last two movies with so many references from 80s pop culture songs and classic TV shows like Doctor who etc I found it quite funny when dru and gru where in their black and white rubber suits in the credits such great reference to the mad comic spy vs spy I loved how they also gave the minions less screen time and focus more on the main characters then they did in the last two films overall such a great improvement over the last two movies who knows they might do a TV series who knows

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Rick and Morty (2013– )
Rather enjoyable
4 September 2016
When it comes to Adult swim I am not amused because of its rude and racist jokes which is something I am really against. But This show improves on everything like the racist jokes are bit toned down and focus more on jokes about the characters also I love how this show has many references to other movies and TV shows like Doctor who Star wars Pirates of the Caribbean Back to the future and many more. The Characters are funny and enjoyable to watch which is something that Seth Macflane really needs to work on his weak lame garbage Ricky and Morty are very a likable characters and I can relate to them in many ways

Overall a much better adult comedy cartoon show and probley a decent adult cartoon show in a while

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I guess dreams can come true
13 June 2016
I remember watching this in my RE class I found it rather interesting the plot is a bit of mistry of first on wanting to know what is going to happen. The character's are wonderful and I think it's great that we get a mistry film. That we do find out in the film that on what the guy was saying to the farmer make the field and he will come meaning that the farmer's father was going to return to play cricket on the farmer's field and being reunited with him. But I think the learning message in this film is that dreams can come true.

overall this movie is very good in my book

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Luke I am your father
13 June 2016
While I have not seen this movie in along time I still think it's amazing movie to great classic. people say this is their favorite film and the best in the series well I have to agear on that. The romance between Liah and Han sola was beautiful much well done then in episode 2 Attack of the clones. C3po getting blown up was very funny and seeing him get put back together was also funny as well. This movie gave us best line in movie history and has been remembered since this movie came out to theaters in 1980.

Overall This movie was amazing and it's wroth watching this is a true movie masterpiece

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Love this film
13 June 2016
Honestly I don't get it why so many people hate this movie I can understand it is a bit too long but its not the weakest in the series, the weakest one in the series would have to be episode 2 Attack of the Clones, having too much romance in it. But I think this one is a lot more better then episode 2 in many ways. And also I think Jar Jar Binks is a rather underrated character I know he can be annoying at times but he did play a large role in this film which fans are missing the point. The pod race is problay the best scene in this whole film as it was rather enjoyable to watch over and over again on youtube. Soundtrack is amazing and very well done for this movie. I know some people hate this movie just because of one character but come on give this movie another chance it will surprised you in many ways.

overall Episode 1 is rather underrated and needs another chance

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Annabelle (I) (2014)
a good horror film
13 June 2016
I was never a big fan of horror films I always found them boring and hoping for a jump scare. So mum and I pick this movie, I thought it was going to be another boring horror film. But I kinda of liked it yes it does have some terrifying scenes in it Which scared me so baldy. but this is what horror films are suspend to be about having jump scares. I would give this movie an 8/10 in my book but the Demmon was scary looking that I could not sleep, so I diced to give this movie a 7/10 instead just to be honest and truthful which is what I am trying to bed.

it's a good horror film and one of the better horror films I have seen in a while

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Not as good as the original
12 June 2016
Well the first Charlotte's web was a beautiful film it was wonderful masterpiece and rather underrated 70s classic. I remember enjoying it and loving the jokes and the hidden message in that film. When I heard about their was sequel to the first film. I was looking forward to it, I rented it out on DVD at the video store and I thought it was going to be as good as the first. But it sucked it was so boring. And here are the reasons for it what happened to characters like Geoffrey the baby goose and the old sheep and Fern's brother. And what happened to Wilbur every one's favorite pig in the first one he was brave and kind but in this one he is complete loser and scared of every thing the fox as the villain was only likable character in this film. This movie has got nothing to do with the first film what so ever but when it does, it's are total slap stick in the face.

This movie is such a let down to the original film and this one is so forgettable the only good thing about this film was the soundtrack 2/10
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Elf (2003)
He's angry Elf
11 June 2016
I am been a huge fan of Christmas movies as they have a lot of comedy in them they make laugh and cry at times. But when its comes to movies with Will Farell I am not pleased as I find his movies rather too silly at times and rather boring but Elf was great one as its funny and sad and enjoyable to watch for the whole family. I loved it when Peter Dinklage came on scream as Miles Finch he did amazing job as Miles finch which makes him my favorite character in this film. Can't wait too watch him in the game of thrones as I heard he does amazing job in it But Buddy is the one who I think that steals the show as he going searching for his long lost father and to make have a change of heart about Christmas

Overall a great Christmas movie wroth watching 8/10
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Deadpool (2016)
yes its stupid but its enjoyable
11 June 2016
If you compare this to other DC and Marvel films Deadpool is not an outstanding film yes it does have some scenes that are Offinece and rude and Racist but its not that bad of for an anti hero film here are some of the things that I did and did not like about this film. 1. some scenes are rather inaporepet at times which could of been cut out of the film and be an bonus feather on the DVD and Blu ray release. 2. I think the film is a bit overrated giving it an 8.2 on IMDb I think at least give it an 7.3 instead just because some of the sexual scenes are a bit too much.

I do like this movie as it is one of my favorite SCIF but The sex scenes where a bit too much

overall its a great film if you don't take it too seriously 7/10
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Hard Candy (2005)
Plot twist
11 June 2016
Okay I was feeling bored on my iPad with nothing interesting on the internet so I went out into the launch room and say my mum and my sister watching this movie. I thought okay its going to be a stupid ass weird movie. But I kinda of liked it, I know its weird but its a good thriller if you don't take it too seriously. The story is arravege for a thriller but its still watchable. At first I thought the guy was the main villain in this film but in the end I kinda of felt sorry for him after he had been touched by that 14 year old girl. I realized that girl was the true villain of this movie as she had a sick bitered mind which I knew all along that she was the villain in the entire movie.

overall not one of the greatest thrillers I have seen but its wroth a watch 7/10
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Colombiana (2011)
Rather underrated
11 June 2016
I was a fan of Zoe she is beautiful and great for an actress. She was great in Star Track and about arravege in Guess who. When I saw this movie when I was on a holiday in Bali Aka south east Asia it appeared on TV. Since I had nothing else better to do I diced to watch at I thought It was going to be boring but I kind of liked it. I don't get it why this movie is so much hate I think its a great movie and one of the better movies I seen so Think you give this movie another chance because it will surprise you in many different ways.

Overall another great film you should go and watch it won't let you down

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Great sequel to amazing classic
11 June 2016
I have been a huge fan of Herbie. The love bug is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time its I would over and over again. When I heard about its sequels I thought they where not going to be as good as the first one well I was wrong. While Herbie rides again and Herbie goes to Monte Carlo are very good in my book. Herbie goes bananas is by far the weakest in the series depited having some good moments in it. But I like this film a lot while its not as good as the first one I still its a great film for all ages. Scenes in this film are beautiful being filmed in France which is a beautiful country to visit.

Overall another great film Herbie goes to Monte Carlo is one of the better sequels I have seen

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A Bug's Life (1998)
The time of your life
11 June 2016
Pixar has had a lot of great movies and I loved all of them they have great stories and wonderful funny characters. I have been a huge fan of Toy Story I loved the plot of the film of being about two toys being separated from their owner and ending up at an evil nasty toy abuser who turns toys into horribly nasty looking things. After Toy Story was a huge hit at the box office pixar deiced to make of film about bugs which the idea came around in 1995 around the same time when toy story came out. But Dream works copy their idea and making a film about ants which is also a bug's life is also about. And people are saying that these two films are the same movie but their not while Antz is dark and the CGI is very lack. But A bug's life is also dark but Funny and enjoyable. Hooper is a great villain he has to be best pixar villain and one of the best Disney villains of all times. But Flik is the one who steals the show as He is kind funny and very smart which I can related to him a lot. While Antz is a good movie I not a fan of it but A bug's life is a I can watch over and over again the song from Randy Newman the time of your life is very catchy as gets stuck in my head telling me to enjoy my life while I can and to now to worry about the past or the further 8/10
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Great story about a great SCFI show
11 June 2016
Well lets be Honest I am Huge fan of Doctor who I love the time traveling and monsters and the sound track. The Theme song is by far the best TV theme song. I would always be exited when Doctor who came on TV I watch every episode but miss out on a few every now and again In 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of the show which i was looking forward to I had they where doing an dictmory of the show of it all began but sadly I missed out on it but I luckily engonh to get it out on Blu ray and what to say I really enjoyed it shows that every thing you want in something can come true and be huge hit on TV.

overall great dictmory wroth watching 10/10
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More a watchable then the first one
11 June 2016
I really enjoyed the first Harry Potter but even theore it was a bit scary and a bit too long but I found this one a lot more better then the first one. It was Dark at times but still enjoyable to watch I loved the flying car I think it's great car such shame it did not appear in the last film which would of been. The spiders are scary but I can under stand they are just CGI puppets. Ron was pretty funny at times which I like about his character I think they put more effort into his character then they did in the first one.

Great movie much better then the first one worth watching if you are in the mood 10/10
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Great film
11 June 2016
if you want British Indian comedy then bend it like Beckham is the one you should watch. At first I found this film rather boring but I as grow older I found it rather enjoyable to watch. its great film for the whole family to watch. Soccer is a great sport as I used to play soccer myself but now I have retired from soccer now and now I am study at college to do acting. The acting in this is very well done having mixture of British Indian and Chinese and many more this film. Making it very multi cultural film which I really like.

overall another great film to watch over and over again this movie is very good in my book wroth watching 9/10
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Rather weak but still watchable
11 June 2016
As I an older Star wars fan I do still like the prequels, Revenge of the sith is by far the best in the prequels The phantom of menace is very good but its is bit too long as for Attack of the clones well it is rather weak compared to the other star wars films. Fans do say this is their least favorite in the star wars series and saying its the worst one out all of them. While I do agear that it is weak rather forgettable,but I disappear that its the worst movie ever made. its not that bad at all but I think it could of been a tiny bit more stronger here list of things that made this film weak. 1. too much romance okay in the empire strikes back their was bit of romance but not to the point of romance in this one. 2. not enough Jango fett or Count Douko as I think that we don't much about these expect that douko did appear a lot in the clone wars series but I would like to know a little bit more of Jango Fett as he had less scream time in this whole film.

all in all still a watchable but probley the weakest one in the series so far.

but I still like this film I just think it could of been a bit more stronger 7/10 for still watchable but weak
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