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Maestro (I) (2023)
I don't want to experience something like this again
19 December 2023
A horrible movie that did not deliver on what it seems to portray. To portray a historical figure is a hard task to do but to simply just imitate without caring the wholistic aspect of the spectator's experience is a bit unappealing. This really diverted from what I know Bradley Cooper as on screen. The lack of depth of the other characters really made it a fleeting movie that has no real gravitas towards any scene. Everything does not seem to be connected coherently that the audience were scrambling for what really is happening. Thank god it's only 2 hours although it's 2 hours I will never get back. Plus, I bought a horrible popcorn and the seat at the theatre is bloody horrendous.
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Cringy and clunky
8 September 2021
A lot of forced transitions which makes me feel not in the moment. It felt like everything was shortened. The scores were also not to my liking. Felt like theres so many different scores to process the moment when in the end I cannot empathise with the moment. Not to mention the obvious product placement by Sony throughout the movie. The acting was pretty good with significant touches of cringeworthy moments in my view.
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i love this Movie
8 October 2020
The movie is a very well done in terms of cinematography and sound editing. George Mackay again is doing an amazing job.I don't know why a lot of people did not like and maybe they don't like the portrayal and how the story was told as the story is based on real life events that may or may not have happened. Also Mackay had some history with Australia himself that made him be more fit fo the job. The movie is far from boring, it has real tensions in the story.
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A reality check to the different era of people
8 October 2020
This movie is some sort of adaptation to Pete's real life. the movie is casted well and the dynamics between the actors are amazing. he movie does not let you feel boring and there is always something to take from it at any scene. The story telling is amazing. Definitely worth a watch and a rewatch sometime in the future.
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Another Spectacular Spin to an Amazing Franchise
8 October 2020
From my knowledge, this is the 3rd storyline of the Fate/Stay Night franchise. The first one was the original series while the second was the unlimited Blade works. However this time they are ding it as a trilogy and it was amazing to watch. Even though some scenes might be like a deja-vu but the different spin it took is really interesting and refreshing. You were left wondering what is going to happen but certainly without the certainty that something you thought is going to happen. The fight scene is this one is well written and animated. The most satisfying and intense yet. I love this franchise so much. Can't wait for the end of the trilogy.
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
No wonder this movie won the best hairstyling and makeup for the oscars
8 October 2020
The movie is a very well documented real life incidents but it not a good spectacle in any way shape or form. But still the movie is worth a watch and would be an enlightenment to the main issue of the movie which is sexual harassment in a workplace and how the big media publications can manipulate and send message the way they wanted to based on the opinion of one person. The cast is star-strudded and actually in my opinion John Lithgow really did an amazing job portraying Ailes. It may be not accurately portrayed how Ailes in real life but it really sends the message based on his performance on screen. Out of the 3 ladies, Margot Robbie had a wonderful performance even as a supporting cast with Nicole and Charlize was a little bit limited but had done a good job in the end. This movie has that 'The Office' style of camera angling where they randomly zoom at any person to capture the moment. And at the beginning of the movie, how it establishes the environment was well done and creative. Yet could be done better.
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I watched it because it was an Oscar winner
8 October 2020
The movie won 2 oscars for Film Editing and Sound Editing. For me the movie is well done. Although it is an adapted screenplay and have added elements to make it a more compelling feature it is still a very good movie to watch. It really takes you to a different time of the human history and did very well in portraying that era of time in my opinion. Christian Bale is amazing. I was impressed the first time he was shown on screen. There's also good messages portrayed in the movie and some good memorable lines to take form the movie. Overall it is a very good movie but I don't get the urge of rewatching it so in the end I gave it a 7 out of 10. The movie is worthwhile but in my opinion it will not be a classic that you can rewatch it year after year.
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Little Italy (2018)
It's a great Cute, Romantic and Comedic movie
1 October 2020
It is certainly not the best movie ever but this movie has an honest and sincere message it wants the audience to know and the feeling throughout the movie is well presented. I love the creative one liners throughout the movie. The casts did well. Emma Roberts is as gorgeous as ever. Hayden is typical Hayden but it suits the character in the story in my opinion. The quality of the picture is immaculate. The story might seem a bit unrealistic but it never loses its main plot. Its a good little movie to escape and also all of the casts gets a decent proportion of screen time to. Establish their significance in the entire movie and everything seem so well taught out.

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A journey through time with Quentin Tarantino
1 October 2020
Another Samuel L jackson and Quentin Tarantino combo that keeps on giving. However, this movie might be less intense and action packed than the other Tarantino movies. however it still brings the same energy and creative storyline and acting.
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The interaction between actors and actresses was out of this world
1 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
With the breadth of talent in the cast members we can certainly expect something special on screen. However this is not a guarantee what so ever. But this movie was full of that. Credit to the director and so on for giving the casts a platform to showcase their talents. This movie has the same message as Spotlight. Also, i love the accent if I'm not mistaken it is the Southern accent of the United States. My favourite scene was the interaction between Pattinson and Holland in the church where Holland wants to avenge his loved one suicide on Pattinson. The scene was outstanding. It was unorthodox and natural. Bravo
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Millie Bobby Brown is a superstar
1 October 2020
Love Millie Bobby Brown. Feminist agenda in the movie is as clear as a daylight. However it does not seems to be too blatantly obvious or too cringe. Had a similar concept and feel to Little Women and I loved Little Women. Also love how the movie and especially Millie engages with the audience throughout the story whilst not being too carried away. Creative modern tech usage was refreshing and lastly I just love the accent and timeline of the movie.
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Marrowbone (2017)
The horror movie out of the norm
3 April 2020
In my personal view ghosts can't harm humans. They are from a different dimension and they cannot disturb us humans without God's will. Usually a ghost can get to humans or hurt humans through the means of humans themselves. So this movie clearly works around that in being a horror movie that does not need a ghost to be horrifying. I enjoy everything about the story. It is quiet cliche as I seen Jack character in other movies but hey this is totally in a different setting. Another masterclass performance by George Mackay a rising star.
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It changes our perspective of the modern world
2 April 2020
The movie is an amazing experience of family, knowledge and thoughtful laughter. The movie was well written and the messages portrayed from the story was well executed with little plot holes to be seen. Another amazing performance by George Mackay a rising star with a humbleness and subtle.
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Just Mercy (2019)
Left with a happy feeling and smile
31 March 2020
This movie is a masterpiece in telling a story with good plots and build up. The message was clear, the cast was amazing and the presentation is simple but impactful. These kinds of stories are worth a watch. It brings back to the legendary movie in Shawshank redemption while watching it.
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Worth watching over and over
24 March 2020
This movie is a masterpiece in terms of cinematography and direction during that time. The movie provides a lot of message that is easily digestible by all level of the community.
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The boy is absolutely horrid
23 March 2020
This is a horror movie but turns out to be an unbearable spectacle of a dysfunctional boy. This boy really riles me up throughout the movie which does not mean it is not good. It makes me stick up to the movie to know what happens to that boy. The cinematography is good but there is so much plot holes but it is understandable in order to increase the stake of the scene. It's not amazing but not bad as it still connects with the original movie and left me want to see a different kind of ending and where the writer wants us to go through. Thanks for the read.
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Knives Out (2019)
You left with your mind blown away
23 March 2020
The movie starts of with scenes sort of like the Murder on the Orient Express. I already felt pessimistic with the movie by then but as you get through that, things get a lot better. Daniel Craig's accent is a bit off. So it gets me a little bit but his charisma and passion makes up for it. All the casts were brilliant and kudos to Rian Johnson for his subverting the expectation masterclass. This does not work with Star Wars tho. The movie is a thrill to watch and making like you are in that situation makes it even more exciting and fun. Making your own theories and decisions will certainly makes the movie more value as the writers of this movie really dug deep to get the audience to think and probably does not get the right answer. Certainly will recommend people to watch. Thanks for the read.
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1917 (2019)
An absolute masterpiece
23 March 2020
The one shot experience is really amazing and unseen. You can certainly be invested with this movie and the storyline is simple but impactful. There is no plotholes as the story is a straight forward one and the audience is happily stuck on their seat and wait for what's going to happen. The movie in my opinion is suitable for most ages. The cast is amazing and the ending was perfect and calming. Kudos to Sam Mendes for giving us this treat. Thanks for reading.
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0.0 Mhz (2019)
The ghost should have more backstory
22 March 2020
In my opinion, the movie builds up to something but unfortunately it never comes to fruition. I thought the ghost had some backstory to tell but in the end there were not. In my opinion the characters really done well and the acting really portrays the characters diverse personalities and makes the dynamic of the movie interesting. I admit is is not the scariest movie you can get but I do feel scared when watching it. Especially when you are a student and don't really know what to do when dealing with supernatural things. There's one message that I got which is to let your past mistakes go and don't leave on it. If you do you are not living your life. Overall I like the movie. The cinematography was expected out of South Korea and the direction and story progression is well paced.
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Parasite (2019)
It's a simple message
10 March 2020
The movie's poster looks like it's going to be a thriller/horror genre but I was wrong. It was more drama and reality. I was not that impressed with the storyline. The actors did a good performance of realness but for me this movie does not really add something new to me knowledge that I would had never thought of. I must say the production was great as South Korea really is known for their Dramas which is similar to this movie. Will definitely recommend people of this movie but for me the x factor is missing and also the ending is a bit odd and not well planned. Thats it for me. Thanks for reading.
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Little Women (2019)
It's long but actually worth a watch
10 March 2020
The movie kicks off in a very random plot and this will go on throughout the movie where the audience will jump into flashes of the past and the present and sometimes you need to squeeze the brain a bit to figure out what's happening. This kind of story telling is quite interesting. The movie starts off with a typical misogynist male character. This trend of feminism and diversity in Hollywood is so spread out in all movies that I am kind of sick of it. The first part of the movie was full of this perspective and really turned me a bit off but the progression of the story makes me get through. I really liked Jo in this movie. She is a good definition of a strong female leading role should be. And this movie does not totally despise male but rather celebrates both genders as equally valuable and talented in their own ways. This movie is also suitable for all ages and has lots of good messages to inspire you.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
It was unexpected
9 March 2020
The first part of the movie seems odd and disturbing. However as the movie moves on it gets more interesting. The character arc was well thought out and the diversity thing that Hollywood is raving about is well inserted and not too awkward. Jojo's German accent is sometimes sounds like British accent. That sometimes puts me off but understandably so for a young actor. Taika Waititi did and amazing job and will definitely recommend this movie to all the people I know.
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Such a lovely movie
28 January 2020
Omg this movie made me feel a lot of emotions,

Sad, angry, happy, laughter and quite a bunch of goosebumps along the way.

I am not really a fan of drama movies but this one certainly fits the bill.

The movie is happening, with clear story to tell and almost everything in the movie was well put up and there's no really anything that will be wandering in your mind after watching it.

You will fill enjoyment and satisfaction. At least I felt it that way.

I'll be honest I was watching it because of Emilia Clarke promotional vids on Youtube where she explains its not the typical movie of this genre. And I am a fan of her lovable acting and beautiful smile.

Such a happy pill to swallow when watching her in action.

Certainly would recommend it to other people.

My honest rating is a solid 7 but if I'm being generous I would give it a 7.5.

Absolute masterpiece
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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019 Video Game)
An absolute Star Wars story
14 January 2020
I would say this out loud

This game is better than the whole sequel trilogy

There's emotional rollercoaster and exciting story plot inside the game.

As I delve into the game and the surrounding story of the character I can sense how it ends and what is the best way to end this story and amazingly I was right.

The graphics is amazing and playing from an xbox it's not the best and as great as pc or higher xbox specs. The open world is amazing and everything from shortcut, collectibles and the echo really make the story more rich and diverse.

The sense of curious and adventure is very important in playing this game however it might take a while if you just depending on yourself all the way.

So as the game reaches to an end where I can sense it. I decided to search on youtube for finding the secrets and chests. And fortunately there's a lot of em in Youtube.

Recommended especially if you are a star wars fan
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Joker (I) (2019)
I wasn't interested with DC but not after this
14 January 2020
The movie was amazing and the reason I went to the Cinema to watch it shows how hyped it was. I'm not really a cinema goer but this movie was definitely worth it.

Joaquin Phoenix was amazing. However the interpretation of people regarding the character arc of Joker. It is open for a lot of interpretation from different perspectives but no specific interpretation is needed for consensus.

Just enjoy the movie.

I can see where the movie is going while watching it but do prepare for the unexpected.
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