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Uncharted (2022)
Average but fun
19 February 2023
A pretty average action film but Tom and Mark are always fun to watch. The dialogue and plot are thin and generic, but it's still worth a watch for some funny one liners between the two leads.

The movie borrows a lot of ideas and tropes from other similar genre films, and bends history and facts to come up with a semi plausible mystery/treasure hunt. That's to be expected since these movies tend to follow the same formula, but I do wish it had a little more originality. Even the 'is she a friend or foe' side character is a cliche. I doubt I'll remember much a day after watching but it kept me pretty entertained.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Started out Great, Lost Steam
8 September 2022
This could have been a really great thriller/supernatural genre series, but it devolved into teen drama and family dynamics about problems that a) contributed nothing to the greater story and b) was far too slow and distracting. The whole husband's arc as a contractor was superfluous and necessary, could have done without the whole character honestly. The teen drama could have been a good angle if it was more sinister and less whiny.

I was looking forward to this series, but it fell really flat. The casting of Mae was excellent though, I've seen this actress before in The Magicians and Supernatural and she is a standout, memorable actress.
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The Wonder Years (2021–2023)
Love it so far!!!
23 September 2021
After just the first episode I know I want to keep recording and continue watching! Usually it takes me a few episodes to warm up to a new show, but this one is really funny and totally entertaining.

I was a HUGE fan of the original series, as I was born in the 70s and was a kid in the 80s, the same age as the cast. I am very glad this new version seems to get it, what the original show was about, being that age in an era of important changes but more worried about getting the girl/boy of your dreams because most of it went over your head. Nice to see a reboot that has heart.
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Cruella (2021)
Sub par for Disney
6 September 2021
Yeah this isn't a great movie, sadly. Terrible CGI. Emma Stone horribly overacts and her accent is cartoonish, the dogs are creepy, and it manages to somehow feel rushed and boring at the same time.

To be honest it's kind of a mess, the writing is all over the place.
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The best Wolverine film
6 September 2021
Honestly this is really the only Wolverine film I enjoyed, the others were dull with some pretty bad writing. The origin story here is solid and the supporting actors are great, we get some see some lesser portrayed X-men characters on screen. Jackman is simply amazing as Wolverine.
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John Carter (2012)
Fun film
6 September 2021
I thought this was a great action film! World building in films is always tricky but they don't rely on heavy exposition and just jump right in, which somehow works here. All star cast, although I felt Lynn Collins let down the film quite a bit and she felt out of place. Another actress would have been better, but the rest of the cast was fabulous. Otherwise solid fun flick!
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Absolutely hilarious
7 August 2021
I found this just scrolling through the HBO app and I'm so glad I took a chance with it, since it's completely fun and I binged it all in one day. Couldn't turn it off, I was laughing too much to want it to end.

The writing is crazy and hilarious, with characters who are terrible but somehow you can't stop watching. Do yourself a favour and just watch it,
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Most reviewers don't get the premise
25 July 2021
It's clear from reading reviews that most reviewers here just plain didn't get it. Keep watching! I'm on episode 6 now and it's been an amazing and touching ride, from comedy to heartbreak. You simply must give the show time to reveal its secrets and plot.
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Grey's Anatomy: Sign O' the Times (2021)
Season 17, Episode 12
Just amazing
23 July 2021
Grey's has never been afraid to tackle important issues and this season has been stellar! Great acting, directing, and writing, excellent season so far.
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A kernel of a good premise wrapped in tedium
21 July 2021
It's not a pandemic movie in the sense of tracking a virus as it rages and devastates the world. But it does touch on what happens to individuals and communities, describing the sense of fear, the us vs them mentality that rises when faced with shortages and power outages, and dwindling food and medical supplies.

Honestly, if the movie had stuck to that and not added in the family drama and psycho dad I would have enjoyed it more and rated this at least an 8.
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Heartwarming and Atmospheric
26 June 2021
I just love movies about chefs, restaurants, and cooking so this one I couldn't miss, especially since it has Helen Mirren!

I was not disappointed. The opening bit about the reasons why they moved to France and why they stayed are a little too overdramatized for my tastes, I prefer a movie with a little less sentimentality and spirituality, but the rest of the movie moves space. I could also have done without the love story as I feel like they slightly give a downturn to most movies ;)

The actual story line about the two restaurants at war, and the journey of the son, are just beautifully done though, so the movie won me out in the end.
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13th (2016)
Essential Viewing
22 June 2021
I watched with the kids, so we could better understand the historical forces that have moved to account for the incredibly inflated incarceration rate of African Americans.

This doc is absolutely a must see film for anyone who likes to understand and make connections, of how we got from X to Y over the years. History buffs and critical thinkers will love.
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Cute dog movie rom com
21 June 2021
It's not high art, but the movie is cute and has two great actors I always enjoyed watching (I hadn't seen Silverstone in a while, or Kwanten since True Blood)

Plus it has hockey, which elevates any movie ;) Just watch for the cute dog antics, and don't overthink it.
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A Call to Spy (2019)
An important missing piece of history
20 June 2021
A really well told story about female spies during World War II. The lead actresses are all superb and the pacing is good, not too slow but not rushed. It's a subtle movie, not all glory and glamour, and based on real history. Don't miss this one if you're a history buff or just want to hear a little known and interesting story about some brave people.
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Great documentary series, as a huge Black Sails fan
5 June 2021
We were obsessed with Black Sails so I was excited to watch this docuseries on Netflix. Honestly it was pretty good, with a few flaws that could have made it more well rounded. They could have focused more on the native population, less on the British Empire, and much more on the daily life of the pirates. The history is good here, but it's mostly a story of the war between the British authority and the pirates, not a sweeping overview of pirates life in general.

I don't get the one star reviews complaining of 'wokeness'. For what it's worth I clicked on many of their profiles and this series is one if not their only review, so probably sock accounts for some malcontented few, the kind of actually use words like 'woke' lol

Anyway good series, just know it's not Pirates 101.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Strong but Disjointed
4 June 2021
Viking is an excellent overall series, but the storylines we follow are very disparate when it comes to strength and interest.

The first four seasons are simply amazing, and follow a more historical arc. It's easy to be invested in the characters, and the action is tight.

The next couple seasons are mixed. Some of the character arcs (the sons of Ragnar) are well done and arresting, but following the side characters almost feels like a spin off show, and I found myself fast forwarding through the scenes. I'm simply not invested in enough in the characters to care enough.

The final season should have been much stronger, but again we found ourselves drawn into worlds that didn't bear any resemblance to what made the show great to start with.

Watch for the first four or five seasons, but prepare to be disappointed over the final ones.
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Ode to Joy (I) (2019)
Quirky and fun
30 May 2021
I will watch Martin Freeman in anything, so I tuned in not knowing what to expect. Surprisingly for such a quirky premise, it was heart warming and touching.

No spoilers, but it's really a love story about a man who didn't believe love was possible, which was a little heartbreaking to me. It was also very funny! I very much enjoyed it.
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One of my favourite movies of all time
30 May 2021
I adore this movie so much I keep it in my dvr so I can rewatch whenever I want. It's beautiful, perfectly cast, and faithful to my beloved Austen novel.

Matthew MacFadyen and Keira Knightley are both perfect for their roles, and embody the spirit of their book counterparts. Same with Tom Hollander (an excellent actor in anything he's cast in) as Mr. Collins, Rosalind Pike as Jane Bennett, and Brenda Blethyn as Mrs. Bennett. Honestly the whole cast suit their roles well, which isn't always the case for historical films that often try to wedge in popular actors into roles where they don't fit, for box office reasons.
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A love story, from the wife's pov
20 May 2021
Yes it's about time travel, but mostly told from the pov of the woman left behind. It's more about love, loneliness, and loss, than the science fiction of time travel. I really enjoyed the book so I watched the movie to see how it translated and I thought it was well done, but some very important aspects of the book were missing that would have made it better. But you can't always put everything in the book into the movie adaptation.

It's dark and a little sad, but worth a watch and a tear or two.
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Burden (I) (2018)
Excellent under the radar movie
13 May 2021
I hadn't even heard of this one until it popped up on tv. Which is a shame it didn't have a wider media buzz, since it's a fantastic movie. These days we are learning so much more about the history of this country, and the smaller human stories we never got to hear before, which is a wonderful thing because these are the exactly the ones that make up the backbone of this nation.

A KKK leader who turned his life around, with the help of an African American church, is the heart warming story we need right now to give us hope. I highly recommend this one. Garrett Hedlund (Friday Night Lights, Troy) is a remarkable actor.
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Black Swan (2010)
Beautifully Disturbing
12 May 2021
I am not necessarily a big fan of dance movies, and Natalie Portman is one of my least favourite actresses ever. But I have to give this movie high marks for just how amazingly well done it was, visually and psychologically.

From it's seemingly innocent beginning as a story about dance company competition, to it's dark and twisted ending, the movie keeps you guessing in a way that doesn't come off as gimmicky. It's very well written and the dance scenes are exquisite. I'm very glad I gave it a shot.
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Waste of DeNiro's Talent
11 May 2021
I couldn't stand this movie, both the lead actors were terrible and their characters were absolutely uninteresting. How DeNiro got roped into this film with B movie dialogue is beyond me.
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Alexander (2004)
A great retelling
11 May 2021
My husband and in-laws are Greek, and we are all huge fans of ancient history, so we went into this a little wary. It was surprisingly much better than we anticipated, and a pretty thorough retelling of ancient history. The scenes are beautifully done, the action is good and epic, and the relationships between characters true to history (unlike Troy, which turned Achilles' lover Patroclus into a cousin and whitewashed their relationship). And yes, Alexander was known to be fair haired, so that's accurate as well. Greeks are not all dark and dark haired.

My only complaint is that Angelina Jolie was laughably bad, and she used some indecipherable strange accent. Very poor casting. But the rest of the cast was great, with a special nod to Jared Leto as Hephaistian, his acting has always been amazing and under the radar.
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Thunder Force (2021)
Fun for kids
11 May 2021
I watched this one with the kids and we really enjoyed it! It's not a big budget Marvel type superhero movie, it's just a fun little comedy that happens to involve superheroes. Octavia and Melissa are always great and entertaining, so if you enjoy their movies this one is worth a watch.
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The West Wing (1999–2006)
An amazing series, must watch
11 May 2021
Quite simply a spectacular series. Well written (Aaron Sorkin is erudite and insightful) and well acted, all the characters are extremely watchable. If you loved The Newsroom (as I did) you'll recognize the writing room's wit and analysis of social and political issues. The West Wing doesn't pull punches, or talk down to it's viewers. Rather, it celebrates viewers who think deeply about topical issues, and makes you question your own opinions. A thinking person's tv show.
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