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29 June 2020
This is what I'm talking about. Writing that's original and genius! Pay attention in this movie :-). Oh man, it's so cool. Movies like this restore my hope in writers and producers! Very well done!!!
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Homecoming: People (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
23 May 2020
I loved the first season! I got 18 minutes into the first episode of Season 2, and turned it off. First of all, the more F words you add to a show, doesn't make it better. Stupid unnecessary language. The writing feels nothing like the first season at all. It was clever - this was just boring. I consider the first season a stand alone. Will not be watching season 2.
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I See You (II) (2019)
A Mindscrew From Beginning to End
10 April 2020
Just when you think you have it figured out, you don't. I love movies like this! Very interesting way to weave the and characters all together. And the end - whaaaaat?! I'm still spinning over it. Great film!
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Not Sure About The Ending
1 February 2020
The suspense build was great and the acting great as well. I don't feel like there was enough resolution at the end. I don't even know if there was any lol. I felt more explanation was needed. Interesting ending but it kind of left me unsatisfied, and saying "What?!"
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Crooked House (2017)
Loved It!
1 February 2020
I'm not sure what all the bad reviews are about. This was great! It was intense and kept me guessing. Very well done! I thought the acting was great and I loved the all of the dialogue.
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The Chosen (2017– )
First 10 Stars I've Ever Given
14 January 2020
Absolutely moving! Probably the best depiction of Jesus on screen I've ever seen! You fall in love with His humanity as well as His deity. And the way they did the other characters is so interesting! I cried through every episode. The director and the actor that play Jesus both deserve an award. Will definitely purchase the DVDs!
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As A Star Wars Fan, I LOVED It!!! I was very impressed!
21 December 2019
The directors listened - and I love it! Man, scenes were beautiful, intense, emotional. The action scenes were on point! You have to give them some credit - it's very difficult finishing something legendary like Star Wars. They have a huge challenge in front of them. I think this was, by far, the best of the 3! I love what they did with the characters and the plot twists. I have to say that I have a new favorite Star Wars character after watching this ;-). Well done! Whatever doubts I had about a good finale, were all settled! Very impressive!!! A must see!!!
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Domain (2016)
27 August 2019
The plot was actually brilliant. It can be predictable but then again, the ending was not what I expected. Especially that one twist - good grief! Makes me want to go back and watch it again knowing what I know now. Very well done! Would've been better though without the language. I hate a bunch of language.
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26 August 2019
I've played the Cube Escape series and loved the film! I need a full length film though :-). The actors were great! The only thing about a series like this is eventually it will have to end and questions will have to be answered because people will get tired of a never ending mystery where everything always remains unsolved. I want to see more!
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Aladdin (2019)
So Much Fun!
27 May 2019
All these negative reviews and complaints about Will Smith - please! He did excellent! The dancing and music was great, and I loved Will as the genie! This was very well made. I'm not sure how I feel about Jafar. I just feel like his deep, sinister voice in the animated film made him the creep he is. But this guy was sinister in different ways I guess. I loved this movie! Definitely worth the watch!
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UHF (1989)
My Maahhhhhhhhhp!
9 February 2019
Will always be a favorite. Me and my siblings still quote it to this day! You got to have a sense of humor for the ridiculous but it really is great!
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I Tried
27 December 2018
I tried lol. Mortal Kombat is one of my favorite movies, but I could tell that this sequel was going to be horrible in the first 10 minutes. The girl who replaced Sonya Blade was not great. The acting overall was not great. Kahn was a joke. The writing was awful. It was like watching the Power Rangers. Don't get me wrong, I love the Power Rangers - But Mortal Kombat is not meant to be kiddie. This was very kiddie. The only thing I liked was when the Mortal Kombat theme music would play lol.
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Not Horrible but Not Great
12 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, it's not as horrible as people are making it out to be. There are some good elements, but there are also some terrible elements.

First off, script writers are making the horrible mistake today of trying to force too much cheesy humor into movies that should be serious, and it ruin it. There were way too many attempts at humor in this movie that were just out of place.

Dr. Okun returning? Not so much. Didn't really need him. I liked President Whitmore but not so much the role his daughter played. She shouldn't have been a primary. Just a lot of extra people not needed. Didn't need David's dad. The whole thing between the Warlord and the guy with the glasses - again, very cheesy. I mean, when aliens attack the Earth, it's a serious and tragic deal - not something with a Disney feel.

I liked the idea of a pissed off Queen returning to retaliate. The whole sphere containing weapon plans, etc. - it was eh, okay. I almost feel like it would've worked better at the ending. They can't figure out the symbol but they figure out how to beat the Queen and then the sphere comes to life at the end and requests aid for the intergalactic war.

Again, parts were good. But there was way too much unnecessary humor and too much going on plot wise. If the plot were more simple and serious, with fewer actors, would've been better.
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Surprisingly Great!
22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You're never sure how these things are going to go. I was extremely impressed with the acting! The dynamic of the brothers was realistic and drawing. I love the suspense! Overall, this was a phenomenal movie experience for me.

The only complaint I have is - to me, the most intriguing part of the Ted the Caver blog was the symbols / drawings on the cave walls. To me, the story could go whole different direction. I've seen a lot of movies about monsters in caves, so it's like eh. But there's more mystery in exploring the possibility of tribal, cultic, or alien relation to what's happening down in the cave. That's what I would've liked to see. They left the symbols out all together.

For what it was though, it was excellent. Very well directed! Very worth the watch. Good job guys!
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Tau (2018)
22 September 2018
Such an amazing movie! Everything about this movie was done right. The actors were spot on. The dude that played Alex - good grief. The story progressed at an excellent pace. It kept you on the edge of your seat. Well done! It's nice to see a movie with some originality! As for Tau himself - Gary Oldman was perfect.
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Patient Zero (I) (2018)
Wasted Potential
21 September 2018
So, the plot in and of itself wasn't that bad. It was very rushed. You didn't have time to really get attached to the characters or even sink in to the tragic reality of what was going on. It was a quick ending that left more questions than answers. I like the girl that played the doctor. She is a very good actress. However, the story was rushed and lost effect. And so much unnecessary language just thrown in there. Could've been a good movie but definitely fell short in a lot of areas.
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Just Mad
16 July 2018
Cloverfield was a great movie and deserved other great films that did an intelligent job connecting everything.

I saw the bad reviews and thought I would give it a shot any way - but this movie failed in a lot of areas.

First off, the plot was all over the place! Great Sci-Fi movies can bridge reality and fiction, so lines are almost eerily blurred. In this movie, the director didn't seem to care how outlandish things were. Oh, let's take a shoe and have it attack the whole station with ketchup addicted slugs. I mean, just random stuff all over the place that didn't make sense. It added ridiculousness to it.

Plus, the movie is hard to follow in a sense because it has so much random stuff thrown in there and side plots - you almost forget the whole reason they're up in space.

It connected to Cloverfield slightly, but I don't feel it had respect for the first film. I mean Cloverfield was really good! Very well directed! This killed the series unfortunately. A very poor attempt to bridge what could have been an excellent series.

If the Cloverfield series is to be saved, this needs to be completely done away with and a new movie done, with a much better plot and a much deeper and more respectful and interesting connection to the first movie.
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Suspenseful and Interesting
16 July 2018
I almost feel like with the first Cloverfield movie, they didn't plan very well afterwards. I read somewhere that those two movies aren't related but, come on.

Any ways, the suspense was great. The movie was interesting. It's a unique way to follow up from the first one. Still a lot of plot holes connecting the two in my opinion. But as a stand alone movie, I thought it was decent. John Goodman did a good job.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Almost Perfect
23 June 2018
This show has all kinds of great elements - mystery, suspense, friendship, etc. The plot is very well written and the characters are very believable. I don't love the language. I feel like in the second season, it was just crammed in there. You don't need language to make a show interesting.

Love the writing! Love the concept! Definitely a winner!
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Eh...I hate to say it, being a JP fan
23 June 2018
I think they're just running out of creativity. Jurassic Park is kind of like Star Wars, in the sense that - you have to find a way to bring just enough new creativity to make it interesting without straying too much from the original storyline.

It felt very redundant in places. And the new dinosaur presented was not scary in my opinion. It just seemed like a movie I had seen before.

There were parts of the plot that didn't really seem to fit. I really wish we had seen more of Jeff Goldblum. Ian Malcom is such a great character and I felt like they could've done more with him.

Overall, and believe me, I hate to say this - I was disappointed. Unless they can bring a fresh creative plot to the table, I think they may need to quit while they're ahead.

Or maybe they could do a movie that goes more in depth about INGEN and taking INGEN down?
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Mind Screw Yet Again
28 May 2018
I can't figure out of this guy is crazy or a genius. The way he makes his films is so incredibly artistic. But it's also incredibly unnerving. I mean, it's hard to watch but you can't stop watching - almost as if the character's resolution and your resolution are tied together. This is quite something lol.
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Primer (2004)
Complete Mind Screw
25 May 2018
It was sort of easy to follow until up to a point. Then it's a struggle. But that's the genius behind it. You're experiencing the maddening with the characters. You're experiencing a downward spiral :-). Eventually more questions than answers. Brilliant film! Loved it! Mad respect for the people that created this film.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Creepy As Mess
24 May 2018
I can't believe I didn't guess the ending! Lol My mind was going down a completely different track. Anyways, this creeped me out! And that's hard to do! The old woman did an incredible acting job. Too good if you ask me. The plot built suspense slowly, but fast enough to make you not want to watch towards the end! Gah. Shyamalan is a master of suspense. He knows exactly what to do to keep you interested and then smack you in the face. Before you know it, you're wanting to escape the movie because you feel like you're a part of it! Ughhhh! Well done man.
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After Earth (2013)
Did We See The Same Movie?
24 May 2018
I am just baffled at why this movie got such horrible reviews. I think Shyamalan is a genius and has such a gift at building suspense and emotion. I thought this movie was amazing! Not only was it visually stunning, but I love the interactions between the father and son. Will Smith did an incredible job. Shyamalan always has deeper meanings and symbolism within his films - and it think of you're looking for quick, cheap entertainment, you're not going to like what he brings to the table. I love the depth to his films. I will say it again - He is a master at building suspense! Loved every minute of this film. Can't say enough about it! Really shocked at all of the negative reviews. I'm starting to think people just don't get him as a director. He's phenomenal!
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Loved It
6 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I think people who have rated this movie so horribly have no idea what BDSM is.

I enjoyed it. I was expecting it to be way more violent considering all of the horrible reviews. I thought the on screen interaction was great. Even though Jamie Dornan may have lacked on the intensity level, I still think he did a great job. I thought he and Dakota had great on screen chemistry. Not sure what all the fuss is about that? I have done my own research and interacted with people in the BDSM community before, so I knew a little bit going in. Just like in any relationship, there has to be boundaries. There has to be trust. No abuse should be tolerated, ever.

That being said, the movie did a very good job at showing her being hesitant to join the lifestyle. She didn't rush in like a bull. There was a contract in place. She was never forced into the lifestyle. It also did a great job showing her emotions when he crossed the line. That being said, I think this movie is meant for a very specific audience.

Was there tons of sex? Yes. Was the nudity ridiculous? Yes. Then again, what did you expect? I mean, really. People that are going to see this movie and are leaving absolutely disgusted -- you knew this movie was controversial. Did you not do research to see what it was about? I don't think that this movie encourages abuse. It's not degrading of women. Just like the BDSM lifestyle, this movie is not for everyone. Many will not like it.

The damage, however, that I think this movie does is spur curiosity. While some may think that's a good thing, I don't think it is. There are A LOT of predators out there that use BDSM to abuse others. You have to tread EXTREMELY carefully if you ever want to get involved in the lifestyle. I think this is going to cause a lot of young people to want to explore things, and be to trusty of strangers. There are people out there that respectfully do BDSM the right way and are respectful of their partners, and it is completely consensual and pleasurable both ways. The fakes that try to use BDSM to abuse others are the ones that you have to watch out for.

Anyway, I loved the movie. I thought it was great. I cried through a lot of it. It really did a great job stirring emotions and creating an attachment between you and the characters. I'm really looking forward to the sequel :-).
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