
19 Reviews
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Better than the original.. probably not saying much..
3 July 2016
50 shades of black lampoons the much over-rated 50 shades of gray movie and book quite successfully. I must point out that I was no fan of the original; I found it quite drab, unexciting and appalling in its messaging so I was interested to see someone had done a send-up.

The movie's very undergraduate and crude humour is bound to offend some people, and it could have worked better in a comedy sketch format TV show, but seriously, the original was so bad this has to be fair game.

I was surprised this made it to cinemas; I suspect it went straight to DVD in this country and that's not so surprising really.

I did give this an extra star for Florence Henderson's scene; there's something especially naughty seeing Mrs Brady in THAT sort of scene...
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Okay musical biopic..
27 June 2016
Okay... "Straight outta Compton" meant nothing to me before I saw this film. The rapping sounds of NWA and their tales of woe weren't near as popular outside the US as there; plus I'm a Jazz and R&B musician so regarded most rap music as s h i t; plagiarised grooves and riffs with someone yelling words over it; hardly original and far less soulful than the original... And a turntable / sampler is NOT a musical instrument... however; it is what it is.

I found the back story behind NWA and the offshoot acts from Compton quite compelling but no more so than most other musician bioflicks... (Ray; Walk the Line; The Doors etc etc..). The movie was enlightening to me and the characters were painted and acted well.

I found it dragged toward the end and it sort of petered out in a way.
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needs more action, less drama
27 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't really like the first one, but when my other half suggested we take in the second one (in 3D) on a cold winter afternoon I went in with an open mind. Firstly, the 3D is terrific and if you are going to see the film at the cinema, definitely "worth it".

Where this film could have worked better is less drama and boring back stories and more action. Their target audience wants to see the action, things blowing up, exciting chases through the sky / space etc etc; not an episode of "Neighbours"!!

That aside, the Aliens weren't quite as scary as they should have been and humans were just plain stupid. As for the rival alien in the sphere... What the?

The acting performances were uniformly cardboard, almost like the actors were reading the lines off an autocue, but you almost expect that from this kind of thing.

It could have been so much better but at the end of it all it was still a pretty spectacular movie, in an overkilled way; but isn't that what we're paying for?
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Messy schmuck-a-rama; oh dear!!
17 January 2016
Seriously, where did this rubbish come from? January is non-ratings time here in Australia so you can end up with pretty much anything on tele.. some programmer from channel 10 decided to dish this up on Saturday night... mmmmmm..

Nauseatingly sweet plot, badly acted by a cast who should have known better in the first place. There were a number of similar "schmuck" parts Nicolas Cage played in this part of his career which were equally horrible (and forgettable), hence I am not a fan... at all. Except for "Con Air"...

Racist and condescending the way the bad people (eg: the wife) are not blonde-haired Caucasian with perfect teeth and accents..

A couple of hours of my life I will never get back..
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Wentworth (2013–2021)
Great, Good, getting cooler...
19 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing with Wentworth; the first series was terrific; the characters were developed with some excellent acting from a talented cast. It was compelling viewing you discussed with your friends and family.

Along comes the highly anticipated second series and there are some new characters, new dynamics and equally compelling story lines.

I've just watched most of the third series and can't help but feel that some of the quality has dropped off. The writers have stuck to their plot; but maybe it's no longer as interesting as previously? I don't know but something is missing. I've no doubt that Danielle McCormack has been exposed and is having difficulty selling me the tough character of Bea; even the wonderful Nicole da Silva seems to have lost her way with her character too.

I also found the whole vigilante story, while being an interesting idea, was poorly executed and did not add much at all.

I feel like I'll have another look when I get the chance but really can't help thinking Wentworth is heading south; and not in a good way..

FYI, I never watched (nor wanted to watch) the original "Prisoner" show in the seventies, so I am certainly not comparing it to anything it may or may not have been a rip-off of.
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The Voices (2014)
Very dark, bitter-sweet journey
8 November 2015
I must admit I loved parts of this movie and other parts I hated; which is not to say they were bad, I simply didn't like some parts because of the emotions they brought to the surface. The voices is a very dark comedy; there were parts which were completely laugh out loud funny (eg: many of mister whiskers' lines) and other parts were tragically serious.

I am not a Ryan Reynolds fan (at all) but this could have changed my mind completely, I didn't realise that he had done the voices until I read about it here. Jackie Weaver was outstanding as the psychiatrist American accent and all.

What I found outstanding about this movie is that it has very few of the dumbed-down, pathetic and predictable traits of the trite drivel Hollywood peddle as "comedy". There was no comparison really.

I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a thought-provoking, less than predictable adult-oriented movie (ie: people who aren't offended by adult concepts and the f-word).
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Okay if you ignore the hype
25 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Magic Mike XXL was my first Magic Mike experience and I have to say it wasn't so bad; certainly not as bad as some reviews suggest here.

Classy and slick it is not but hey! what were you expecting? they're male strippers, right? This movie is made to appeal to suburban women and gay men everywhere and it doesn't limp far beyond the beefcake factor but my question is: why should it?

What we have here is a classic road trip movie with some implied sex, drugs and various other vices along the way. And of course, like most road movies, the obligatory performances along the way followed by the grand finale at (in this instance) the strippers conference.

This shows, of course, a complete lack of imagination but it doesn't really seem to matter.. If you are a prude you won't like it and I'm guessing that's why there are so many negative reviews here.

6/10 with an extra point for the sling/9 inch nails routine... yaaaaaaahhhh..
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San Andreas (2015)
This is a comedy, right?
6 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My partner and I watched this cold sober and found it hilarious; in fact I'm sure the neighbours must have thought we were on drugs... Just like the "Airport" movies of the 70's, it was so clichéd and cheesy it was funny.

The plot was, of course, complete garbage. The Fire service let their pilots take the company chopper for a spin whenever a natural disaster strikes, right? And the hero can find his daughter in the middle of an earthquake AND tsunami ravaged city? And zodiacs capable of climbing up a tsunami wave (that was heading in the wrong direction BTW..) are lying around, fully fuelled and ready to be stolen... Maybe not as funny as the pilot firing a flare out the cockpit window of the concord to divert a heat-seeking missile from destroying the plane while in the middle of a "loop the loop" maneuver... but this one was up there so to speak...

Its funny the number for people who have reviewed this as a serious movie; in fact it would be even funnier with "funniest home videos" sound effects overdubbed over the soundtrack.. but I diverge...

The actors all did well to play it straight and not crack up laughing at the lame and stupid script they had to act.

The Rock (and his biceps, triceps, etc) was a good choice in the lead. Good to see the cameo from Kylie (she kept that very quiet..) and also great to see local favourite Hugo Johnstone-Burt (Ben)(who is normally the policeman on Mrs Fishers Murder Mysteries) mixing it with the big boys and girls.

This movie was filmed in my home town and on the Gold Coast (down the highway) and it was fun place and face - spotting.

Good comedic value this one... stop thinking about it so seriously!!
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Redirected (2014)
Pretty average
27 September 2015
It was okay... and only just. The plot was interesting enough, acting was adequate and the setting was fine too.

There was excessive gratuitous violence which became tedious by the end. Also the violence seemed to somehow slow the pace of the movie down which in turn made it drag and seem longer than it was.

I just think the whole thing should have been better than it was; there were parts of the story (eg: the illegal migrants) which could have been developed more but we were simply left wondering.

There's only a fine line between "a good way to spend a couple of hours if you haven't got anything else on" and "there's 2 hours of my life I'll never get back"; I'm still wondering which side this one sits on.
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Load of patriotic drivel
13 September 2015
I had never seen this movie, and while I remembered the title, gave it a go on the weekend.

Get out your red white and blues because uncle sam's gonna get you.

This couldn't have been worse if they tried. If the US military didn't write the script and screen play they certainly sanctioned it. Completely one-sided. War must be fun when you're with the us of a because all the American soldiers smiled waaaaay too much for their own good (or were they stoned?) (or were the actors p*ssing themselves laughing at the ridiculous script / no plot?).

This could have been so good but there was no plot to speak of, no interesting characters, nothing really. Just a lot of war action shots which looked like an xbox 360 game.

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The Hot Chick (2002)
Lower than the low
7 September 2015
There are many problems with this movie but the biggest is: IT's NOT FUNNY. Not even a single bit.

The lead guy (Rob Schneider) is as funny as cancer... seriously bad undergraduate stuff that looks more like a church campfire sketch than a PG movie. Honestly this makes Mr Bean look sophisticated and mature... The supporting cast are as interesting as a dial tone; even the ones thrown in for the "eye-candy" factor weren't especially attractive.

Another problem is that this movie is as sanitised as the Brady Bunch. You almost expect Alice to pop up somewhere with some idiotic line and that catatonic look on her face.

But in spite of the goody two shoes treatment, the level of racism in this movie is through the roof. From the Asian woman who works painting nails in the mall who speaks "Engrish", the old black guy working in the men's toilet, the young black guy who liked the fat chick with the big bum the list of ugly stereo types goes on and on and on.

In spite of using racial vilification and bullying to prop it up, this train wreck falls flat on its face.

Watching this movie was a truly vile experience; which is quite an achievement for a "comedy".
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The Loft (2014)
Underwhelming attempt at sex suspense thriller
6 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film looked good in the promos but left me thinking that they must have left all the good bits there.

When 5 guys decide to share a loft in which to conduct their extramarital affairs, you know its going to be a f***up of monumental proportions. From the get go, the plot is predictable.

It tries to be some sort of "Basic Instinct" sexual suspense thriller movie but where it misses the mark is that there is no intensity and most of the twists in the plot are pretty obvious.

Most of the main characters in this movie become detestable slugs as the movie progressed so I guess that means the acting was convincing.

Even the use of gratuitous violence seemed fake and really not scary at all. all in all, 3/10 for effort.
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Tired old cliché done badly....
3 September 2015
"The Lazarus Effect" had moments; it's a pity we had seen them all before. It is billed as a horror / thriller but there's really nothing horrific / thrilling about it. Sure there's flickering lights and scary music but really…?!?

The acting was at best average and I found myself struggling to care about any of the characters (except for Rocky the dog… and that was just because he was cute and deserved a better movie to be in. With a plot so thin and clichéd, I spent most of my time recalling what bits of what movies they'd stolen each part from..

There is definitely a pet semetary thing going on here; in fact the plot follows this more closely than many would realize, but with no brilliance or pizazz.

All in all 83 minutes of my life I'll never get back. 3 Stars for rocky!
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rented this thinking it was a movie...
30 August 2015
This movie was extremely difficult to watch and really made no sense. The makers seemed to be confused between who the enemy really was and neither of them (the aliens and the middle-eastern people) were really scary anyway.

Monsters: Dark Continent moved at a glacial pace for the most part, the plot was dumb (who is the enemy here?) and the action flawed to the point of stupidity; the way these "troops" conduct themselves would have made them good target practice!!

The rapping was amateurish; poetry a 3rd grader would be able to write. The language was straight out of the gutter and to the point of being quite annoying.

I dislike propaganda movies and this one had some of the hallmarks. So all in all, a 1 out of 10; 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.
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Haven't we seen this all before?
23 August 2015
Insurgent comes across as a poor man's version of Elysium, Hunger games, Oblivion, Maze runner, In Time, The Giver or any other number of teen dystopia movies which have been made in the recent past (and there have been many).

The problems here are two-fold; firstly, we have seen it all before. Watching the movie is simply a formality; the destination is known.

The second problem is the ponderous pace at which this movie moves; there are many seriously slow sequences which hold little importance to the plot. Put another way, this was filled with self-indulgent scenes that were about as interesting as watching paint dry. Contrasted with the action scenes which are good but too few to keep interest.

Setting up the factionless in a dis-used power station seems very predictable too. Just saying... One part of the story that confused me was Caleb's departure which left me wondering why the character even existed (apart from the eye- candy factor)?!?

So in summary, Insurgent is a "dog with fleas" which should be avoided. If you haven't seen the first movie (Divergent) in the series, the "so far" story is presented poorly; almost as a reminder to those who have seen it. If you haven't seen "Divergent" and don't understand "Insurgent" its not your fault; its just all been done soooo poorly..
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Almost a parody of itself
19 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Charlie's Farm" could have been a modern-day classic. Undoubtedly designed to take advantage of the increased interest in Australian Horror movies created by "Wolf Creek" the makers have chosen a less cerebral, slasher path here and have come up with a pretty gory film.

The storyline is flimsy (pure clichéd slasher movie contents including the clueless pretty blondes and their dickhead boyfriends, locals who tell them "don't go there!", even a campfire scene for telling scary stories, and, of course, gore, gore and even more gore..) and while Bill Moseley shone as Charlie's demented dad, the rest of the cast at best struggled with the task at hand (especially the totally underwhelming performance from Tara Reid - one of the "Home and away" kids could have done better). The effects were delightfully amateurish and I'd love to know how much fake blood they went through!

But where the movie fell over was Charlie; his grotesqueness and size was so exaggerated it was funny. In fact when Melanie is running away from Charlie I'm sure she is laughing, not screaming in fear.

Whichever way, it was a good watch and my partner and I still laugh about it.
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Successful white guy uses a minion for his amusement...
10 June 2015
Seriously tedious movie; the actors almost seem embarrassed to be delivering the contrived lines some drone slung together for them. I've never read the book and now have no wish to do so. There was no chemistry between the lead actors and the soft-porn-esque "sex" scenes were truly cringe-worthy.

The worst part of it is the underlying notion of powerful, successful white guy who gets to own (or buy; depending how you look at it) another person for his own amusement.

My partner and I both find the notion offensive; we turned the DVD off after about 30 minutes.

I am so glad we didn't see this at the cinema; would have been a waste of good money!

I tried to change my vote to "0".
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St. Vincent (2014)
Okay... but seriously?
10 May 2015
I'm glad we got this from the DVD library; seeing it in a cinema would have driven me...

I don't really like Bill Murray and this has very little to commend him. He is definitely not funny as, in the main, this movie is not funny either.. There's a bit of "scent of a woman" thing happening as well as some other movie I can't remember the title (read as: We've seen it all before) but this fails to really get too far off the ground..

With a supporting cast including Naoimi Watts and Melissa McCarthy I was expecting more. In fact Melissa McCarthy seemed to struggle with this half - serious role so much I'd venture to suggest that she has been type-cast in the "Identity Thief" type of role..

Chris O'Dowd was about the one stand-out; his easy Irish style a perfect foil for the rest of the film's awkwardness. Not entirely unpleasant but I wouldn't go out of my way to see this one...
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Absolute trainwreck
16 November 2014
I cannot understand how such a capable cast could make such a dog of a movie. Didn't they read the script before they accepted the roles?

The premise of the film is stupid and as such assumes people are stupid.

Add this to the ponderous and boring pace of the movie, a bunch of uninteresting characters who are impossible to relate to and a totally predictable and contrived ending on it, and you have all the ingredients of a Hollywood trainwreck.

The DVD was described as "Action"; this is false advertising; what little action there is is about as exciting as watching paint dry. The copy I rented had the worst case of bad sound; really soft dialogue contrasted with action sounds that almost took the back wall out of my lounge room! (If I weren't so bored maybe I wouldn't have noticed..)

I'm really glad I didn't pay more than an overnight rental on this but really wish I could have the 2 or so hours of my life I wasted watching this rubbish back!!
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