San Andreas (2015)
This is a comedy, right?
6 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My partner and I watched this cold sober and found it hilarious; in fact I'm sure the neighbours must have thought we were on drugs... Just like the "Airport" movies of the 70's, it was so clichéd and cheesy it was funny.

The plot was, of course, complete garbage. The Fire service let their pilots take the company chopper for a spin whenever a natural disaster strikes, right? And the hero can find his daughter in the middle of an earthquake AND tsunami ravaged city? And zodiacs capable of climbing up a tsunami wave (that was heading in the wrong direction BTW..) are lying around, fully fuelled and ready to be stolen... Maybe not as funny as the pilot firing a flare out the cockpit window of the concord to divert a heat-seeking missile from destroying the plane while in the middle of a "loop the loop" maneuver... but this one was up there so to speak...

Its funny the number for people who have reviewed this as a serious movie; in fact it would be even funnier with "funniest home videos" sound effects overdubbed over the soundtrack.. but I diverge...

The actors all did well to play it straight and not crack up laughing at the lame and stupid script they had to act.

The Rock (and his biceps, triceps, etc) was a good choice in the lead. Good to see the cameo from Kylie (she kept that very quiet..) and also great to see local favourite Hugo Johnstone-Burt (Ben)(who is normally the policeman on Mrs Fishers Murder Mysteries) mixing it with the big boys and girls.

This movie was filmed in my home town and on the Gold Coast (down the highway) and it was fun place and face - spotting.

Good comedic value this one... stop thinking about it so seriously!!
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