
35 Reviews
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Sky (2015)
A sad boring movie with zero redeeming qualities.
3 June 2024
The movie has many issues but the biggest ones being it just simply doesn't go anywhere whatsoever. It's not even slow, that would imply there was still something going on. Lots of really lame plot "fake outs" to make it seem interesting but it's not. It reads like the selfish fantasy of somebody very unhappy with their life.

Everyone in this movie is extremely unlikeable and intolerable, even Norman Reedus who is usually a good actor pulled off a performance where he looked like he could've cared less being in the movie even when he's supposed to be interested in things in the movie.

Horrific acting, goes nowhere. I avoided this movie for years and I'll probably forget it exists. I think most people myself included only watched because of Norman but he doesn't save the movie at all.

The only redeeming part was Lena Dunham playing a character that is essentially, equally as gross as her real life counter part.
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Stay (I) (2005)
A Misunderstood, and Unique Thriller.
14 March 2024
Stay (2005) is a pretty decent thriller that people either seem to love or hate with some critics calling it predictable or claiming the plot goes nowhere both of which are points I'll address throughout the review.

Without spoiling the plot I would argue both of those points misunderstand the meaning of the film. There isn't supposed to be a big twist, it's very clear what happens from the opening scene. The box art on the American dvd even has the tag line "you can't stay between the living and the dead".

The film's main focus is not on the twist but on a man who is already dead trying to find reasons to live. The events of the movie are pieced together in such a brilliantly edited manner and has some really unique affects and camerawork that give the movie a truly dream-like feel to it.

It's a film that you will notice new details with each rewatch and there's small things sprinkled throughout the duration to mess with the viewer. For example there's multiple points in the film you can 2-3 extras all wearing identical clothing.

The soundtrack is also fitting and ominous even when it's a light hearted scene and is very reminiscent of Akira Yamaoka's work on the Silent Hill series and really adds to the film's "otherworldly" and dream-like atmosphere I mentioned earlier.

Everyone pulled off a stellar performance and all the characters are unique in their own ways yet parallel each other in small details and mannerisms and they all feel interconnected by something.

If I can really only think of the single negative about the film, is that it admittedly wraps things up a little too quick while also not entirely outright explaining a lot of the themes it tries to explore.

But I can look past it since the perspective of the film is from someone dying so it almost feels jumbled like this on purpose, in the way a dying mans life begins flashes before his eyes.

It's not afraid to leave some questions unanswered or to the audience for interpretation. Which can just be called lazy writing, I've certainly criticized other films for similar issues but here it just kinda works in the sense of not knowing what the other side can look like and the film reflects it in a bit of an artistic way which certainly isn't for everyone.

If you want a good thriller check it out, one of the better ones that doesn't try to impress you with a 4-D Chess, Fight Club-esque twist. But if you're not a fan of the artsier, less flashy or exciting films it may not be for you.
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Must Watch For Any Zombie Fan
27 February 2024
If you love zombie movies, add this to your list for sure. It's an under appreciated classic that even inspired some great movies in the genre like Edgar Wright's Shaun of the Dead which you can see the influence in a lot of the camera work in this movie.

It has a bit of a slow start but the characters are entertaining enough to look past it and the extra world building and background on where the zombies come from is cool to watch. When the movie DOES pickup it's awesome with some really great sequences.

The movie follows two characters, George and Edna brought together by an unfortunate fate and what you can call an "inescapable destiny" very much akin to Resident Evil 2 with George even having a motorcycle.

The duo is accused of murder and most of the movie follows them attempting to clear their names and reveal that it's actually the handy work of the undead.

It's a really interesting and fun dynamic to watch play out.

The set design is really awesome and each setting feels so uniquely creepy to each location. If you're watching the movie under the title "The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue" instead of "Let Sleeping Corpses Lie" or any of the other various names the film was released as, you might be surprised to see that the film doesn't entirely take place in a movies and actually has several unique locations.

If you've seen a zombie movie before you'll basically know most of the story beats so you aren't gonna see anything crazy different play out here but if you love the genre and it's quirks/ faults you'll love the movie.

But even If you don't like zombie movies it has a cool thriller element to it with lots of investigative work with some mystery as opposed to a straight foreword story of survival or an apocalypse like TWD or 28 Days Later.

Highly recommend! Give it a watch!
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Buffalo '66 (1998)
Revolutionary in its own way.
27 February 2024
Buffalo '66 is a very unique movie, the premise is very simple but the way it's conveyed and the themes it attempts to cover are brilliantly presented.

The acting is good and convincing, the scenes that are meant to be awkward are genuinely awkward. The movie rides this fine line of various emotions with it being funny but also sweet yet tragic in its own ways giving the viewer a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the runtime. This rollercoaster is also helped in part by the main character's extremely unstable nature and him being at odds with himself with the way he was raised and used to solving conflict which is usually involves anger and screaming. This is at direct odds with the caring nature he attempts to strive for as he gets to know Layla more and they spend more time together.

I was taken back the most by the actual editing of the movie and how they used overlays almost like you see in internet videos of the last few years but in 1998, in an actual movie. It kind of gives the film an out of body experience type of feeling in a way. The whole thing is just shot really nice in general even if there's noticing particularly interesting going on in the specific scene and gives a very rich aesthetic.

Little things sprinkled throughout also add to the film's charm, like the wardrobe for example is always noticeably eye catching and each outfit is respectively fitting for each character in the film adding a big aspect of realism to it.

This is definitely one of my favorite movies I've gotten around to watching recently. If you're into artsier kind of movies or are just looking for something different to flick on I highly recommend it.

If you notice I didn't really go over the specifics of the plot I figured if you're reading this, you've probably already read the description of the basic plot since you see it before the review section haha.
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Deadfall (1993)
One of the movies of all time
30 November 2023
Deadfall is uh. Certainly a movie. That I can say.

There's a great cast here but I greatly question the sanity of them after watching this movie. The plot is very bizarre and the characters act extremely erratic. This movie has by far some of the most outlandish and best freak outs from Nicholas Cage. Theres an extremely awkward "intimate" scene that goes on way longer than it should have. Weird gaps and awkward pauses in dialogue and Michael Biehn doesn't seem to know what he's doing half the runtime of this movie.

The movie is filled with plot twists that you could've seen coming from a mile away and if they were made any clearer they would've hit you in the face. Every character flips from being "super cool, mysterious and edgy" to borderline psychotic and unhinged the next.

It's worth a watch if anything just to see how bizarre it is.
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Horribly advertised. A Scott Pilgrim show with No Scott Pilgrim
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is NOT an adaption of the Comic or the 2010 Movie. It's not a sequel. It's a horrible "what if" multiverse trend hopping story with the Scott Pilgrim IP.

Scott is also BARELY in it. Then why put him on the main cover? Scott "dies" in the first episode then disappears until the 6th episode and the whole show is only 8 episodes long.

False advertisement 1000000% this is from IMDB's own description:

" The titular slacker and in a garage band named Sex Bob-omb with his friends. His life is turned upside down when he meets Ramona Flowers, an American girl who is recently single. But before their love can blossom, Pilgrim finds himself challenged by his love's seven previous relationships, and must defeat them in over-the-top fashion."

None of this happens in this show. Scott does NOT fight the evil exes. He fights Mathew Patel and that's it.

The audio is also awfully mixed and every scene for some reason sounds extremely quiet and muted and the voices of the characters makes it sound like they're pressed up against their microphones.

This was horrible in every way apart from a few laughs. Maybe if they were more honest about what it really was sure but I feel like I was robbed. They turned a good plot into a really generic multiverse kind of movie.

Netflix adaptations: Not even once.
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Nefarious (2023)
A Much Needed Film in our Society
5 September 2023
Probably one of the best movies from the last year. Sean Patrick Flanery always delivers an excellent performance and this is up there as his best without a doubt. I hope he gets more recognition for this role. He absolutely KILLED it.

Despite the fact that the bulk of the movie is dialogue it is absolutely riveting and the emotional scenes that are scattered throughout the film genuinely make you feel for a lot of people that have been led astray down the path of sin. Rather than being a typical "you're going to hell for doing X Y & Z"

It genuinely shows the psychological torment and the pain our sin causes on our lives. While the topic of hell is discussed in depth, the film does not use it as a crutch to show the impact of our sin in the world.

It also doesn't rely on the usage of tacky imagery like pentagrams , gore, etc. Which is very refreshing for a horror movie.

In a time where everybody wants to be their own master and serve no purpose beyond their own, drowning in self pleasure and avoiding self sacrifice; The movie acts as a great warning to be aware of the influences we are exposed to on a daily basis.

A lot of people probably aren't gonna like it, a lot of people are probably gonna be uncomfortable from the ideas it throws at the viewer, but it's for that reason why it's so important. There's no good movies anymore that challenge the narratives of endless pleasure and greed we are exposed to on a daily basis.

I hope this movie encourages a lot of people to look into the teachings of Jesus and God and realize how powerful they are in combating the many obstacles of life and also gaining a better knowledge of ourselves as his creations and the roles we play in the spiritual warfare not many realize they are participating in.

Is the movie perfect? No

The only thing keeping me from giving it a full perfect score is that Glenn Becks entire segment just felt really strange and felt more like a brand insert that totally throws the movie off. I know he was involved in some of the production and getting the movie off the ground but it wasn't necessary at all and felt like he was trying to just plug his brand into it. James's character doesn't really feel like he has an arch either because of this either.
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Mad God (2021)
30 Years of Ideas that build towards... Nothing.
22 August 2023
Huge stop motion fan. It's one of, if not the most under appreciated crafts without a doubt. So you can imagine my excitement when I went to flip this on.

So obviously off the bat, the animation is really cool. That's about it and why I'll give it a 5. Lot of, if not all the effort clearly went into that.

No actual story, nothing is really "graphic" as the marketing wants you to believe. Although Maybe this is on me after many years of watching much more intense things on YouTube and newgrounds like the work David Firth has made in the same style with better music, cohesive messages to take away, and aren't an hour and a half.

The soundtrack isn't very memorable, I could've watched the movie on mute and it would've had the same affect.

So without the shock value, without an actual plot, not very good music and might as well have been a silent picture. I just can't really say it's a terrific movie nor does it appeal to anyone other than people who like gore porn which even if that is your thing, there are a lot better movies to watch than this for that. Felt like an unnecessarily longer version of something I'd watch on YouTube.

I appreciate the amount of time and effort that did go into the movie however that being said this is usually the result of something that takes 30 years to make. A lot of ideas that probably just kept building and what he wanted to add to the movie thinking it would be "cool" without actually thinking about its relevance to the messages or idea he was trying to convey and more comes across as my notebook sketches from high school. That's really what it feels like, 30 years of ideas that didn't have a cut off and just kept building and building into incoherent nonsense.

If you wanna watch a bunch of random stop motion animation generic horror stuff thrown together with zero context, meaning or plot then yeah it's a good watch it's just not very entertaining.
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Alien³ (1992)
Abysmal movie that constantly gets Retconned
4 August 2023
There is zero reason to watch Alien 3. Not only does It dump all over the perfect ending from Aliens, but it continues to be retconned to this day because of how awful the plot was. It's not even fun, or so bad it's good. It's genuinely a boring movie. One of those movies I really can't find a single positive thing to say about it. I'll go out of my way to gaslight people into thinking this movie never happened. Any other movie in the franchise including AVP is miles better (which isn't saying much) but at least that movie is fun. Even resurrection is a pretty cool movie. The comic based off the original script for this movie is SIGNIFICANTLY better. It's published by Dark Horse and should be considered the true Alien 3.
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Better than Infinite Darkness... (Not saying much)
28 July 2023
Not really saying much but it is better than the straight to Netflix mini series but like I said in my review for that, these movies are running out of steam.

For starters, animation is better than Infinite Darkness was, even if some of the animations still look janky (like leon with no helmet flying off the motorcycle in the first 5 minutes looked ridiculous) Its weird because the first three had such solid animation. I don't understand how it got worse with time.

Everything *looks* good though. Especially on the clothing and weapons even though it almost sounds like they used the same sound bite for every gun in the movie. The action scenes were great loved seeing Jill and Leon finally team up. The movie also tied up the loose ends from Vendetta.

BIG bonus points for Matt Mercer coming back to voice Leon again. This is the first resident evil media I've seen in a while that really made me feel like I was watching Leon on screen again. His newer VA's in the games and Infinite darkness just aren't it. Matt brings that iconic Leon personality back and it's very welcomed back.

There were some really cool monster designs for the first time in a while and I was pleasantly surprised they didn't just reuse the tyrant as the final movie boss again.

Now the first three movies while not perfect are really awesome and had some cool villains with decent motivations but the movies are sharing the same problems the games have had since 5.

There is no overarching story, there is no main plot anymore. As a result, all of these villains quite literally have the exact same motivations. "I hate the world, we need to clean the slate".

They've used it so many times and at this point it's so boring and predictable. I think there was HUGE missed opportunity with the villain in this one. Making him a former soldier from Umbrella that was in Raccoon City is cool and they could've maybe even tied him in with characters like HUNK but they didn't.

Ada also has been absent from anything RE related in the timeline (not counting remakes) since RE6 and Damnation and I feel like the plot could've benefited from her addition probably more than Rebecca who basically just did what she did in Vendetta.

A lot of the plot has been basically just a rehash of the last 3 CGI movies.

It's pretty generic and extremely predictable but it has its moments and is fun. If you're a die hard fan of the series check it out, if you're just starting out. Degeneration and Damnation are significantly better films that try to do what this does.
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One of the best movies ever made.
16 July 2023
This isn't a brag by any means, kind of a shame really that I've hit the point with movies where it genuinely takes a lot for me to "love" a movie but this movie completely changed that.

For starters it's a great adaptation of a great book, all the performances were amazing, and its genuinely one of the most uplifting movies I've ever seen.

Jim Caviezel knocks it out of the park like he does in anything else I've seen him in so far. Henry Cavil is in it along with tons of other recognizable faces.

The characters in this story are brilliantly written and acted and the events that take place will genuinely have your jaw dropped the entire run time which is beautifully paced.

The imagery and messages are conveyed in such a powerful and great way and anyone can pull a positive message out of the movie.

It's a movie about adventure, repentance, perseverance, and overcoming inescapable odds and making the best out of extremely poor circumstances and coming through on the other side better than ever before.

If you're down on your luck or maybe just looking for some inspiration, it's an amazing watch. 10/10 for sure.
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Midnight in Paris was significantly better
5 May 2023
I absolutely loved midnight in Paris but this movie just felt like a worse version of it. It's not bad but it's the same basic plot again. Only the setting being Manhattan this time and the whole time travel element removed. An Eccentric writer in a crummy relationship (with a blonde again too ironically) romanticizing the rain and having a love for the past.

Again, not bad I watched it twice but it's the just the same movie without a lot of the charm midnight had with its characters and the time travel which made the story so unique and it did such a good job of capturing the eras they portrayed.

Even though the performances were great and so was the pacing, every single character just came off as extremely unlikeable. Which maybe was the point but it was hard to really sympathize with even the main character which it seems to want you to do.

There would be so much potential if it was an outright sequel to midnight in Paris and embraced the similarities more heavily and you had some famous writers from NY or that wrote about New York. Or alternatively, since Gatsby is more musically gifted maybe have a cast of old time musicians instead.

Instead the movie feels like it's trying to be a sequel to midnight in Paris but it's also trying to be its own thing and it brings the movie down a lot. Worth a watch but the first movie is better.
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Pretty good comedy with very good and subtle commentary.
5 May 2022
Overall the movie is really funny and the cast is great. If you're a fan of comedies like this you should definitely give it a watch. It also gives a very good take on how manipulative and predatory the people who work in the pornography industry are. A good cautionary message hidden in. I would def give it a watch if you're eyeing it.
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Forced in every single way.
1 May 2022
This has all the makings of such a good movie. All the Kevin Smith movie characters in one movie all coming back? Sounds awesome. I was shocked that I didn't laugh the entire runtime. How did they go from clerks and mallrats to this? The jokes all fall so flat. The callbacks just had no subtly to them at all and just felt so forced. That's honestly the best way I can describe this whole movie is forced and in your face. It's a sequel that never needed to happen at all. Not to mention the whole "Russian collusion" and "rigged election" commentary was just blatant with no subtly and just came across as ignorant and arrogant. I genuinely mean this when I say it. The end credits were the best part. And that's not a joke. The end credits show a bunch of deleted scenes that were way funnier than anything in the actual movie. I'm genuinely shocked and interested to see how much of this movie was cut.
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Atrocious acting but really interesting concept
22 March 2022
On a positive note the plot and premise was really great and I loved the special effects. Mathew Lillard you can tell was the only one giving a decent performance. The effects on the house were really cool and the ghosts were interesting and visually it's very impressive.

Which is sad because it's completely ruined by the acting. Everybody in this movie was extremely annoying and insufferable to watch every time they opened their mouths with insanely bad dialogue that wasn't even cheesy or anything it was just bland and generic. You can basically predict what everybody is gonna say the whole time and you'll know where it's all going and that goes for the plot as well. It won't really surprise you like it seems like it wants to.

I really would have a hard time recommending it. Not the worst thing ever but you aren't missing anything by skipping it I doubt I'm gonna remember much of it.
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Secret Window (2004)
Decent thriller but very predictable.
8 January 2022
Everyone gave a solid performance, the characters were engaging and the story was entertaining. Some lines get a little annoying because they're repeated over and over again and beaten into your head but the main issue is just that it's insanely predictable. I called the "twist" from the first 5 minutes of the movie and chances are if you've seen any movie remotely involving a twist you will too. But besides that everything in between and leading up to, is still thrilling until you realized it was building to something you already knew was gonna happen. Overall fun watch but it just doesn't do anything new or unique.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the fact that this show is plagued with notoriously bad drama behind the scenes, specifically thanks to AMC, this was easily the best show on tv at one point. Season 1 had phenomenal pacing and was a fantastic introduction to the universe and the core characters. It added and kept everything in tact from the comics while also having an slightly added level of intelligence to the zombies and added tons of really suspenseful scenes and obviously the addition of the Dixon brothers. It is arguably the best season of the show. Season 2 despite the many issues it faced including actors leaving to protest the firing of season 1 director Frank Darabont (over what I believe was budget issues they demanded double the episodes with half the budget and Frank struggled to do it which is 100% understandable) was fine as almost a filler season with important plot points sprinkled throughout even if they are dragged. Then season 3&4 with the prison arch is where the show really peaked. The Governor was fantastic in the show and the whole "fight the dead and fear the living" message was illustrated perfectly and kept the zombies a very real threat while also showing how monstrous the remaining humans in this world can really be. Episode after episode the pacing was phenomenal. Season 5 was very interesting as well keeping the pace up nice and steady with an interesting twist on the hunters group from the comics. Then there's season 6. Absolutely atrocious, plagued with filler filler and more filler. Negan is built up this entire season and the season finale you think he's finally gonna show up. The episode even runs longer than the usual 45 minutes at around 55-60 minutes. So what happens you might ask? They drive around the entire episode getting detoured over and over and over again. Absolutely nothing happens this episode and then the last two minutes Negan shows up and you don't even see who he kills. By far the worst cliff hanger to a painfully boring season. I didn't even watch season 7 until years later and was pleasantly surprised with how well Jeffery Dean Morgan played Negan. The start of season 7 was what the season finale of 6 should've been. Negans actual intro is amazing. Phenomenal job, even though the zombies take a sort of back seat Negan is entertaining enough not to care and the filler episodes were much more tolerable. Then AMC goofed... again. I've kept this mostly spoiler free but I will have to spoil this last part because of how aggravating it is and how AMC has ruined this show on MULTIPLE occasions but this time it was actually devastating to the plot. Killing Carl off because Chandler Riggs isn't a child anymore and wanted to be paid more and then Andrew Lincoln (Rick) leaving the show. Actually insane. Daryl is a great character probably even my favorite (despite the fact he's practically a mute these days) and likewise with Negan but the walking dead has ALWAYS been about Rick and Carl. There is no walking dead without them and the fact they really tried to continue the show without them is insulting to the source material and everything that has been built up in all the seasons of the show. I was obsessed with this show like many people, awaiting every Sunday for the new episodes with all my friends and talking about it in school on Monday morning. Had all the comics and figures and whatnot and to see what the show has turned into thanks to AMC's greed is extremely sad. Otherwise I can't possibly recommend seasons 1-7 enough. It was a phenomenal show at one point even with all the problems behind the scenes and the changes that came because of it, it still is an amazing time with a great band of characters and really solid issues that feel real and everyone can relate to and overall just a very realistic interpretation of society if something like this ever did happen.
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Where the series immediately took a downturn.
3 November 2021
Apocalypse used to be the only movie from the Paul WS Anderson franchise I liked because it had a lot of elements from the game but I think rewatching it now, it is actually it's downfall. Now here me out, I've been a hardcore fan of the games since I was a kid and I was super stoked to see the characters finally be put in the movies but wow not like this. For starters, there are way too many events that happen in raccoon city to cover in a single movie let alone with the addition of Alice's story now. This leads to the movie just being really all over the place, half the movie there isn't even a motive for any of the characters other than survive. Alice and Jill feel like they fight for screen time more than they fight against zombies. Leon and Claire just straight up aren't here at all either. Instead there's this racial stereotype comic relief gangster that just only exists to make really out of place jokes and some new guy in a wheel chair that's really important to umbrella who lost his daughter in the city but it's never even revealed why this guy is so important or anything he's just a plot device to give Alice a reason to do cool things to do I guess. The thing that made the first movie great was that it was its own thing you didn't have to worry about writing about all the other characters and it seems like they just bit off more than they could chew by cramming the raccoon city incident into one single movie. The action scenes were also terribly corny and this is very clearly the movie where Paul WS Anderson decided to use the resident evil license to make his crush/ wife an action star from here on out. If you don't think this is true watch the three musketeers, he did the same exact thing. Gave his wife all these dumb action sequences that are just so out of place and corny and they just immediately take you out of the movie. I love action it's my favorite genre but a lot of it in these movies is just extremely hard to look at and poorly shot and just plain boring. The soundtrack is cool and there's a few cool action scenes but overall very weak film. I don't have too many positives about it. Watch the first movie, watch the CGI movies but Paul's movies just get worse from here on out.
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Resident Evil (2002)
Not as bad as I remember.
3 November 2021
When I first watched this many moons ago I had the same reaction as every other fan. What does this have to do with the games, this is terrible. It didn't help either that the movies got progressively worse and worse as time went on. However this movie right here is actually really not bad. For what it is, Paul decided to tell an original story in the resident evil universe and I think it's pretty neat. Has lots of intense moments and a good cast of characters with good pacing and the nods to the game that are in there are great. Some questionable story changes but whatever. Overall it's not terrible and a fun movie to watch. The action scenes are really nicely done and not over the top and stupid like the rest of the movies which are THE definition of cash grab. It was very interesting seeing how much this movie also impacted the games. Alice was doing crazy kicks and neck snaps on zombies that were later used by Leon and Hunk in resident evil 4 and the red queen and the thigh zombie kill being used in Umbrella chronicles was also interesting. Whether this was a positive influence on the game franchise is a whole different discussion so I'm just gonna stick to the topic. Worth a watch if you're a fan of the games or not.
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Demonic (2015)
All over the place.
25 October 2021
I don't know how to feel about this movie. It was entertaining and It's not hard to follow but this was easily one of the most poorly structured movies I've ever seen. The ending also wraps things up way too quick. Should've definitely have been longer and maybe it would've been better.
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Most anti climactic movie ever made.
25 October 2021
Don't think this was necessary at all. Feels like it should've just been part of the last one. It feels all over the place at times and only exists to build up the next movie. Doesn't add anything to the plot of the movies. The ending was extremely stupid even by horror movie standards. It was fun to see in the theaters with my buddy but I really doubt I'm ever gonna watch it again.
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Titanic (1997)
Very well done movie
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone else remember watching this years ago when it was so long it took up two VHS tapes? Yeah this movie has a special place for me. I always loved learning about the titanic as a kid and I'll never forget when my aunt gave me this movie and I watched it. Obviously a lot went over my head as a kid and rewatching it as an adult it has a lot of really funny scenes if I'm being totally honest. Like the fact Rose did marry after Jack and just never told anyone her "last name" is actually her dead ex boyfriends name and she has kids even grandkids with this new dude but when she dies she's with Jack and not the guy she had a family with is really funny. I mean just imagine being her husband and waiting for her to join you in the after life only to find out she was hoeing it up on the titanic again with her ex haha. All the jokes aside though, phenomenal film. Gorgeous cinematography, great cast. Extremely great story and very suspenseful. If you haven't seen it... why're you reading a review marked with spoilers? Shame on you, your mother and I are very disappointed with you. Go watch it now.
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Painfully unfunny
5 October 2021
Was disappointed with this one. I'm very light on comedies. They're there to make you laugh, if they do that it's a 10/10 if they don't it's a 1/10. I felt like I was staring at a piece of cardboard watching this. Bruce Willis is a great actor but he couldn't save how awfully unfunny this movie was. I forgot I was watching a comedy half way through and I said to myself "wait aren't I supposed to be laughing?". Another thing that just didn't do it for me was that Mathew Perry is just Chandler... again. I think he suffers from the same fate as many other Tv stars that just are forever stuck in one roll.
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Hardcore Happy Madison fan but this was just sad.
16 September 2021
I'm in a minority that actually enjoys most of, if not all of the movies Adam Sandler and his friends make. I even like Jack & Jill. But this? Insultingly bad for everyone involved. The first movie was really nice and funny and this just completely shat on Blarts whole character in a really just unnecessarily cruel way if that makes sense. The jokes fall flat and the plot is just really bad. The original was charming in a lot of ways and has lots of redeeming qualities even if you don't like their movies but this was just a sad movie to watch.
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Robots (2005)
One of those childhood movies that still holds up.
16 September 2021
This was one of those movies I was into as a kid and rewatched as an adult assuming it probably wouldn't be as good but I'm so glad I was wrong. It's one of those kids movies that has jokes in it for everyone and it makes the movie age all the better. There were some jokes in here that definitely went over my head as a kid and to the point I even questioned if it should've even been marketed to kids. Which kinda brings me to my next point, plot also gets a bit dark for a kids movie but it's pretty awesome. I haven't even touched on the animation which has also aged remarkably well. All around just really, really well done. Great fleshed out characters, unique soundtrack. I recommend it for anyone of any age. There's something in it for everyone.
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