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I loved it
14 July 2007
A Harry Potter movie for the first time in the franchise's history seems almost overshadowed by the fact that the final book in this extremely successful series is due just over a week after the cinematic release of one of the book adaptations. However this brings nothing away from the fact that this movie will be extremely successful.

Before i got to see this movie Prisoner of Azkaban was by far my favourite of the adaptations with Goblet of fire close behind (mostly for it's action as i felt that it is almost disappointing after re-watching compared to its magnificent book) First and foremost i must say that i thought David Yates' version of Order of the Phoenix was as near to perfect as i could hope from the shortest movie in the series ( although it was the longest book). Daniel Radcliffe has for the first time in my opinion portrayed Harry perfectly compared to some of the weak acting we have grown accustomed to from his previous outings in the franchise. Obviously Radcliffe has matured more as an actor having a lot more confidence in his role and funnily enough this has been the hardest challenge for his character yet in terms of acting having to bring across realistic sympathy for this character who is going through all the angst and confusion of someone slowly being possessed by Voldemort. I say this because for the first time i don't think i cringed once at one thing he said in this potter movie. We may put this simply down to the fact that he bravely got his wand out on stage in "Equus" and that this gave him some confidence but i really think that Radcliffe is beginning to blossom into a good actor(perhaps a little late in the franchise but time will tell.) Now to the story, as i said the shortest movie running at 2hrs and 18mins even though it is based on a 736 page book. Of course things were going to be left out and they are, but unless we wanted a 15hr long movie there is bound to be things left out. I think where Newell failed in GOF, Yates thrived in OOTP, Yates has perfectly captured the feeling in this story showing us how alone Harry feels and the beautiful relationship he has with Sirius his godfather. This was very important for the ending of the story which i do not want to ruin for people who are not fans of the book.

So Yates brings us the story perfectly setting up relationships that we know are going to be significant in the next movie by leaving nice little subtle hints here and there. Also by using a mainly TV experienced director we have the potter series in a totally different way with completely different techniques. Never before have we had flashbacks from the other movies ( which i thought was a success) or slow motion sequences which do not come across as tacky but slotted in perfectly to catch the audiences attention or to arouse emotion also the use of the shaking camera which would usually be more of a TV thing is perfectly used in the start which makes the audience feel much more engaged in it.

The acting, well what can i say i don't think that there was one piece of extremely weak acting this time around as all the teenagers are growing into young adults and becoming much more asserted in their roles. As for new castings, Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge the High inquisitor at hogwarts was amazing. I don't think i have seen someone that deliciously evil on screen for sometime giving us a shocking performance that if an actor from a harry potter film was ever to get an Oscar nomination this would be it. A great performance in which even the slightest giggle or " so silly of me" can come across as evil.

Evanna lynch as Luna Lovegood, an Irish girl who is a major fan of the books and probably the best bit of casting in this franchise and that is not an over-statement, her dreamy voice and manner bring across the eccentricity of the bewildering character that we can't help but fall in love with.

All the cast deserve honourable mentions, Michael Gambon,Emma Watson, Rupert Grint,Gary Oldman and Helena Bonham Carter all playing their parts brilliantly.

All in all, this movie is a brilliantly crafted tense thriller throughout relying on the eerie atmosphere throughout the second act to catch the audiences attention, we can feel a great sense of growing danger but not one that we can fully put our finger on. Also, This movie is probably, the most touching,moving,and funny of the series so far with great thought put into character development and relationships between the characters.

Harry is growing up having his first kiss in this movie which i thought was a well done scene but surpassed by the one that followed in which Harry is asked by Ron and Hermione " How was it?" "Wet" He Replies.

Also with Michael Gambon back on form as Dumbledore the scene in which he escapes arrest is perfectly done with a great sign off from Shacklebolt, " I know you may not like him minister, but you gotta admit Dumbledore's got style" This movie sets us up for what is to come since POA we have known that harry ain't no little kid with silly magic tricks and the darkness in the the 5th movie of the potter franchise perfectly conveys this with the amazing third act at the ministry that will leave you literally begging for more.

I give this a slightly biased 10/10 which some people may think is a lot.. but i loved it and i highly recommend it to everyone but i think it will be much more in the taste of the book's fans.
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Excellent movie, brilliant acting and a superbly paced thriller
14 July 2007
I rented the academy award and BAFTA award winning "The Last King Of Scotland" last night and all i can say is wow...

Forest Whitaker blew me away with his portrayal of Idi Amin, his performance captivates you and he's so unpredictable that you never know what he'll do next. Even though i was rooting for Dicaprio to get the Oscar this year i have to say Whitaker definitely deserved it for his amazingly powerful and charismatic performance.

James McAvoy my favourite upcoming actor at the moment, he was excellent in his role playing the dictators Scottish personal adviser. I can really see good things for him, watch this space.

The movie as a whole is brilliantly paced and at some times breathtaking. It is quite gruesome towards the end and i found myself almost unable to watch in some scenes but it all played out to be an amazing movie. This goes along with my favourites of the year 2006 such as: The Departed,The Prestige,Casino Royale,Little Miss Sunshine,Borat,Hot Fuzz,Blood Diamond, etc.

Definitely worth a watch for some great entertainment, thrilling storyline and superb acting both on Whitaker's and Mcavoy's parts.

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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
"It's Quite Modern but if your open i think you might enjoy it"
2 April 2007
Moulin Rouge!, directed by Baz Luhrmann who most of you will know from the modern take on Romeo + Juliet. If You have seen Romeo + Juliet than you have most likely already decided that you like his style or not.

As with Romeo + Juliet, i adore Moulin Rouge. From its wacky beginning to its spine tingling and heartbreaking final act. The songs are magnificent, using modern lyrics and incorporating them into excellent songs was a great idea. The acting is superb with amazing performances from Nicole Kidman and Ewan McCregor who, not only played their parts to perfection but sung in all their roles and did it amazingly well. I love everything about Moulin Rouge, every song, every scene and every line. For me there is absolutely no faults at all in this modern Masterpiece.

One thing is for certain, you will either love it or hate it. For some people i appreciate it just might not be your type of movie but if you give it a chance and love it like i did then you will witness one of the most groundbreaking modern masterpieces in recent history that i'm sure you will watch and re-watch over and over again.

As for the co-stars, John Leguizamo, Jim Broadbent and Richard Roxburgh are all excellent in their roles. This movie is amazing and one not to be missed for its audience pleasing style,its amazing set design,costumes and songs, its excellent acting and storytelling and it's utter difference from anything you might have seen previously.

10/10- Amazing,beautiful,heart-breaking, one of the best movies i have ever seen.
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300 (2006)
Neither as Great nor As Awful as i could have anticipated
24 March 2007
I have been keenly awaiting this movie since i first saw the trailer for it a few months back. I thought wow it's truly amazing what they can do with cgi and it also looks pretty cool i'll definitely check that out.

I went to 300 tonight trying not to keep my hopes up as i could easily be disappointed but what i saw neither amazed me or disappointed me. The special effects are second to none and are truly what carry this film they are breathtaking. The use of rock music really gets your pulse running and is very effective during battle scenes as with the breathtaking slow motion sequences. Although, if i had not seen the trailer for this movie beforehand i would have been much more absorbed in the awe of the special effects. After a while, while still loving it i had seen it all. Still quite amazing though. The acting i would not go so far to say excellent but it held up well and Gerard Butler as King Leonidas was very good at holding such a powerful role.

At parts i did find myself thinking " why did they put that in?" " or is that really necessary?" but not being a fan of the comic i can't really be one to pass judgement. Ultimately this movie has all the factors to assure it's box office success : Violence,great action scenes, very good music and of course female nudity. These key factors will appeal to all teenage boys who will make the box office success of 300 soar. I thought this movie was very good, not amazing,not a masterpiece but still very good.

Take it from me if your my age you will really enjoy this, I'm fifteen.

Verdict- 7/10 Very enjoyable and some amazing moments make 300 a very good war movie but it does seem to be lacking a killer factor. It's problem was that it was rushed slightly and didn't leave enough time for any real feeling or emotion to set in. Despite that i thought it was very good but unfortunately it doesn't live up to masterpieces in this genre such as gladiator,etc. this is pretty much a throw away epic enjoyable but not extremely rememberable.
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Fight Club (1999)
My Review - Fight Club (1999)
11 November 2006
this movie is absolutely amazing!I mean seriously how many movies can u say that every time you watch it it gets better... The answer- a very small number...Fight Club is to me an amazing piece of cinema..The thing about truly great cinema as i have observed first hand by recommending this movie to friends and family members is that you will always get mixed reviews and maybe it will only be a small percentage sometimes.. but almost always a great movie will get through to someone..Fight Club for me is that type of movie...This is one of my all time favourites.

I'm not going to divulge in to the whole plot of this movie as i believe it must be seen first hand to be truly appreciated.The Writing is superb as is the acting,also this movie contains one of the most thought provoking twists i have ever seen in a movie which i think is a key aspect to movie greatness.. something that will truly make u think and grasp your attention.The underlying theme of this movie i think will play a very strong role in making peoples decisions and opinions of this movie.As the underlying theme will clash with peoples morals,peoples way of life,and peoples basic opinions as human beings.No one can say that if someone told you that all of your material possessions were absolutely useless to you and u only need basic things to get real happiness out of life ,that you would agree 100% with them,there would always be a tiny thing that we love that we wouldn't , and couldn't cope with losing.. this movie brings the basic fear to life and shows us that we really don't need all these material objects..This , i think scares scares people because a lot of people will not want to be influenced by a movie but some will embrace it and realise that its a movie with a very valid point. i am one of those people..

Some people will not like this movie for very different reasons and some will love it for other reasons also.By No Means can i say that this is the greatest movie ever.. because you can draw different opinions and views of every movie for one reason or another.There is all types of great movies such as epic,comedy,romance etc... but movies like these are also in that category movies such as Fight club,American Beauty,etc..

If You haven't already i urge you to go and see this great movie hopefully like me you will not be disappointed ..

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Stupid,dumb but frickin hilarious and thoroughly enjoyable.
16 September 2006
Okay i love great movies ...e.g(american beauty,lotr trilogy,star wars,saving private Ryan,fight club,etc.)But everyone once in a while loves to sit down and watch a stupid dumb but frickin hilarious and thoroughly enjoyable my opinion talladega nights fits that bill perfectly..I really couldn't stop laughing in this movie..Along with witty one liners and a hilarious co cast..Will Ferrell proves that he is probably one of the funniest men alive.

Will Ferrell plays the competitive and stupid nascar driver Ricky Bobby who is content on nothing but winning until Jean Girrard(Sacha Baron Cohen who i thought was hilarious as the gay french formula 1 driver)comes onto the nascar circuit and at once Ricky has met his match..after a nervous breakdown Ricky loses everything except his kids and parents..who teach him that winning isn't everything like he always thought..

This is completely stupid all the way through but brilliantly entertaining and frickin hilarious..Best comedy of the year along with clerks 2 & Borat.

7/10- a great movie to watch at the cinema and one of the funniest this year ..i strongly recommend this movie
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Powerful, Gut Wrenching And Epic - Probably The Greatest Irish Movie Ever
27 August 2006
This movie is superb go and see it, if you have a drop of Irish blood in you,you will realise how important this movie is to us.The acting is top notch and the direction by ken loach is top draw.This movie tells the story of Irish rebel's fight for independence from the most powerful country in the world.It is well deserving of the canne's Palm D'or.It is also a great credit to his country that a Hollywood acclaimed actor such as Cillian Murphy would star in such an important Irish film when it is obvious that he didn't do it for the money but for love of his country,He was excellent in this movie.This tale of Sacrifice,Freedom and Defiance is my favourite in a year when sequels and remakes rule the box-office.

We follow Damien(Cillian Murphy)a trained doctor who decides to join the rebels to drive out the British after he see's how badly his country is suffering.After the violence and sacrifice he encounters he begins to question if his country is worth all of it.It is a gut wrenching,epic and powerful tale and one that shouldn't be missed.I adored this movie and if it were to come out in the united states this year i couldn't see anything beating it to best picture in the academy awards.Don't pay head to the harsh ratings this is an amazing film go see it! 10/10
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Cars (2006)
Enjoyable Right Up To The Finish Line
10 August 2006
this is a very enjoyable movie from start to the finish line(pun intended)Pixar have done it again...This time with cars ,the imagination and ideas behind this movie are incredibly funny...Without the use of humans in this movie it makes all that bit more exciting and enjoyable see a Volkswagen camper van as a hippy and a hummer as Arnold Schwarzenegger is just pure genius.

Lightning McQueen(Owen Wilson)is a hot shot race car who cares about no one except himself.When lightning finds himself stuck in the run down town of radiator springs whilst on the way to a big race, he meets new friends who teach him that friendship is much more important than winning.

I left the theatre with a gleeful smile on my face like that of a child who had just seen a his very first animated movie.

Stay for the credits and you wont regret it! 8/10- a worthy contender for best animation at next years Oscars
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Very good
26 May 2006
I loved this movie the storyline was good and very enjoyable to watch it unfold...the special effects-second to none...the acting well what can i say Hugh Jackman excellent as ever as the heroic Logan/wolverine.Ian Mckellan was a superb Magneto showing an excellent character with both good and bad qualities.Patrick Stewart as wonderful as ever as the wise Dr.Xavier.Halle Berry a good adaption of Storm not a slip up quite decent acting.Famke Janssen a wonderful tormented and powerful Jean who was excellent in her part.Vinnie Jones although just a small part as Juggernaut he was okay i have to say he didn't really slip up just mediocre acting but fitted the part just fine.All in all a very good sequel which the new director made excellent...Bret Ratner a good choice although i don't think that i've seen any of his previous works i thought this was very good and enjoyable.

7/10-very good and definitely worth a watch
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Puts the previous two to shame
6 May 2006
Wow!!!!well what can i say how often do you see a trilogy of sequels where the third installment far outshines the previous two?The change of director has done wonders to this franchise.J.J.Abrams has taken a popular, albeit tired franchise and added an extra bit of spice to it which has made it into just an excellent action/thriller.The choice to cast Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the bad guy in this film was an excellent one his charisma and attitude has just made this movie what it is a very entertaining high octane filled movie.Along with the amazing special effects,adrenaline filled sequences , a vast improvement on Cruise's acting abilities,a more interesting plot and a convincing bad guy this movie has just put the previous two to shame.Bravo J.J.Abrams!!!

7/10-just an excellently entertaining action/thriller,well worth a watch!
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Very Enjoyable Movie
1 May 2006
After Santiago Munez' family flee Mexico to live in north America with Santiago bringing his most valuable possessions: a football and a ragged poster of the Fifa world cup the family move to Los Angeles in search of a better way of life.

Ten years later Santiago is holding up two jobs to feed his family one working with his father doing odd jobs and the other working in a kitchen in a Chinese restaurant through all this Santiago still finds time to pursue the sport he loves football.When playing for his Mexican youth side in a park in L.A he is spotted by Glen an ex-player of Newcastle United football club who thinks he has excellent potential and a great chance to play professionally so Glen gets Santiago a trial at his old club Newcastle United.Against his fathers wishes Santiago decides to follow his heart and fly to england in search of fame and stardom.But when Santiago makes it to Newcastle things aren't all as easy as he would've hoped as he has to come to grips with different weather and people than his home in L.A.

This is an excellently filmed piece showing magnificent sweeping views of Newcastle United's stadium St.James' Park and the whole city.The acting on the whole is very good and not as i had at first expected.This is an action packed and funny feel good movie about hope and salvation.It is your typical rags to riches story but done in a completely different way to others you may have seen.The football,well what can i say the sheer authenticity of it by adding in famous players and proper crowds has done this movie wonders also the games actually look and feel real not like some other Football movies when the games just look so acted out.This is a football movie with feeling,compassion and a type of which we haven't seen before i will watch the trilogy and i recommend if you haven't already to watch this movie.

7/10- very solid enjoyable flick and worth a watch.
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Scary Movie 4 (2006)
Quite Funny but it's gone past the part where they can quitwhile they're ahead
20 April 2006
Previous to this i have watched the 1st and 3rd of this series which i thought were quite funny.After seeing this i think they should perhaps quit while they are ahead some jokes are pretty funny in this movie but some are so cliché that you might find yourself quite bored at times the spoof of brokeback mountain is quite funny along with numerous others however i felt that the franchise is running out of steam.

A good movie to watch for a laugh with friends although don't go to watch it and expect an excellent specimen of comedy genius because you will be disappointed

4/10-worth a look for some light entertainment
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Just Magical ! - An Excellent Rendition Of The Novel
15 April 2006
I have got to say that this movie is very enjoyable.As a child i had watched the VHS version made in the 80's and the animated feature but without the excellent special effects they are just mediocre compared to this.The battle scene is phenomenal and it is just an excellent rendition of the novel.

We start in London in the height of the blitz which i'm happy to see they added in.The four children are sent to the countryside to stay with a charitable professor in his grand country manor.As the children grow tired of boring games invented by their caring but know it all sister they decide to play hide and seek.In the search for a good hiding place, Lucy(the youngest) stumbles across an ancient wardrobe which she decides will be a perfect hiding place.All is not as it seems as Lucy stumbles to the back of the wardrobe she finds herself in a mysterious snow blanketed forest in the middle of Narnia an enchanted land where it is always winter but never Christmas and it has been that way for almost one hundred years under the terrible rule of the evil white witch.Lucy meets Mr.Tummus a fawn who befriends her, when Lucy returns to the house she is surprised that no time has passed even though she was with Mr.Tummus for many hours.Of course her brothers and sister don't believe her at first until Edmund the dishonest sneaky brother of Lucy stumbles into the land of Narnia and befriends the White witch. When the two other siblings of Lucy, Peter and Susan discover that Lucy is indeed telling the truth they find themselves caught up in a battle for good and evil helping Aslan a wise lion overcome the terrible white witch and bring Narnia back to normal.Although Edmund has other ideas and selfishly chooses to join the white witch unaware of her evil intentions to kill the children and raze the prophecy,the prophecy that says two sons of Adam and two daughters of eve will overthrow the witch and rule Narnia with Aslan.

This is a very entertaining movie with excellent special effects and a sweeping soundtrack.The beavers are excellent characters with hilarious cockney accents,Liam Neeson is excellent in bringing life to the mighty lion as the voice of Aslan and Tilda Swinton is a wonderful White Witch as she brings the harsh and brutal style of her character.This would be almost perfect if it weren't so rushed, great flick though definitely worth a look.

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Powerful Stuff!
12 April 2006
I will just start off with saying that this is an excellent movie. Tom Hanks' character is superb as he again proves that he is one of the best actors still going today.The direction is magnificent, bravo Steven Spielberg who shows that war is absolutely not glamorous. Spielberg can enthrall audiences like no other.The battle on Omaha beach was powerful ,extraordinary stuff.

We start this movie with the attack on Omaha beach, D-day 1944.Captain John.H.Miller(Tom Hanks)leads his regiment up on to the sands meanwhile being bombarded by Nazi gunmen.

When Omaha Beach is seized by the American and British forces John is asked to embark on a mission to save a soldier who's three brothers had just died and who now has a ticket home to his grieving mother.John agrees and begins the task of saving Private Ryan all the while his regiment wonder why they must risk their lives to save one man.

This is a great movie but very intense and powerful.The battle scenes are superb.A definite must see for any lover of great movies.Go watch this movie one of the best in its genre. 10/10 - Unmissable
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Good but not great
1 April 2006
OK after reading brilliant reviews and watching the hilarious trailers i thought that i was in for a treat in ways i was but this movie is in sad fact another of those sequels that don't live up to their originals, e.g.(Oceans 12& Shanghai Knights, although not nearly as bad as those). Don't get me wrong this movie has moments of brilliance but i felt that the jokes were too far between it just didn't have the great storyline as the first although the plot is great.Sid was hilarious,Scrat still as funny as ever as he's still on his quest to get that bloody nut,Diego still good, the tough guy with a heart of gold that we grew to love in the original and Manny who i din't mind in this movie but was better in the first.We meet three new faces a female mammoth and two mischievous possums.

We start off pretty much where the original ended Manny(Ray Romano),Diego(Denis Leary) and Sid(John Legizamo) live happily in the valley when all of a sudden they realize that the ice is melting and when it does their bowl shape valley will fill up with water frighteningly fast, they begin to flee the valley in search for a boat that is at the end of the valley.Amidst all this Manny has come to realize that he is the only mammoth in the valley and that maybe his species are getting extinct.When all of a sudden Manny and the others stumble into a duo of mischievous possums who lead them to another mammoth(Queen Latifah). Manny is delighted until he realizes that this particular mammoth thinks its a possum.

The animation has improved greatly from the original.This is filled with laughs.Wise words from the delightful Sid and slapstick humour from Scrat this is a funny movie.You maybe disappointed if you expect this to live up to sequels such as Shrek 2 or Toy Story 2.Nevertheless i recommend that you see it and form your own opinion.

I give this movie 6/10 as i was quite disappointed with too many characters that you don't get to learn enough about to form a complete opinion.
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Corpse Bride (2005)
Visually amazing,
16 March 2006
This is a very enjoyable film although not as magic as the nightmare before Christmas.

Johnny Depp is very good in this movie,the animation is superb,and the non-stop jokes are very witty.I love Tim Burton's vision for movies, it is pretty unusual but excellent nonetheless.The shapes of different characters such as Victoria's Father for example are very funny looking (in a good way) Victor is set to wed a woman he doesn't know in arranged marriage by both sets of parents.One set of parents, Victors are happy to have their only son marry into a respectable family such as Victoria's.On the other hand Victoria's parents are only agreeing to this marriage as they are bankrupt and set for the poor house.

When Victor becomes nervous during the rehearsal of the wedding he walks to the woods for some time alone to think and get time to clear his head.

When practicing his vows he accidentally summons a corpse to be his wife and is now in an eternal bond with Emily his corpse bride.

This is an enjoyable movie one that i would recommend to anyone although it might not be to everyone's taste.

7/10-Doesn't quite have the magic of the nightmare before Christmas but it's up there
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Gladiator (2000)
The general who became a slave, the slave who became a gladiator ,the gladiator who defied an empire.
14 March 2006
After coming out victorious against a barbarian army in a battle that had lasted several years General Maximus Decimus Meridius(Russel Crowe) is summoned to the emperor Marcus Aurelius (Richard Harris) who chooses him as the future heir to succeed him over his only son.When his power hungry son Commodus (Joquain Phoenix) finds out he orders Maximus to be executed. When Maximus escapes the execution he flees home to Spain but is too late his wife and his son have been killed and his house and property burnt to the ground by Roman generals ordered by the new emperor (commodus).

Maximus is captured and sold as a slave in Carthage to a wealthy man Proximo and is ordered to fight as a gladiator.As his love by the crowd rises he's brought to Rome to fight at the Colleseum.For the entertainment of the new emperor.

Maximus comes to Rome and begins to seek revenge for his family's murders.

This is an excellent movie with a great soundtrack,excellent acting,magnificent direction by Ridley Scott and amazing special effects.This one of my favourite movies of all time and if Peter Jacksons movies and George Lucas' had not come along i would be saying that this is probably the best of the 21st century so far.

Go watch this masterpiece of a movie one of the best of its kind.

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The most thought provoking movie I have ever seen!!
14 March 2006
Michael Moore investigates why as a country is America so much more violent and Gun loving than any other major country in the world.This movie has been brilliantly researched and well worthy of the Oscar win. It asks why we as a race and not just Americans are so violent,why we must own a gun to feel safe,why is are first instinct to shoot rather than to investigate and why we cant all just live in harmony with one another with no guns or violence.

The title of this movie is influenced by the 1999 Columbine high school shootings in which a dozen or so students were thoughtlessly murdered by too psychotic students who then in turn turned the guns on themselves.

Michael Moore investigates what could've been the reason for such hatred and cold blooded murders like that of Columbine high school.

This movie is without a doubt the most thought provoking movie i've ever seen.With Michael Moore's great view for making documentaries this movie will make you laugh and feel also very sad and angry.

This is an excellent movie which i encourage anyone to take a look at. Bravo Michael Moore!!

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Munich (2005)
what an absolute masterpiece!
14 March 2006
This movie is one of the best action movies of the year high octane,thrilling and very exciting.This movie is definitely not for the weak hearted as it is very intense and violent in scenes.

In September 1972 the world watched on as one by one 11 Israeli athletes were killed by a Palestinian terrorist group called black September during the Munich Olympics.

This movie tells what happened next a group of men are employed by the Mossad a secret Israeli organisation to kill and take revenge on all those who had a hand in planning Munich.Avner(Eric Bana)is appointed as head of the group and not permitted to go home to Israel until his job is done.

Soon things begin to go wrong as the killing gets out of hand and Avner soon realises that he is just as bad as the people he is trying to kill,the people who planned Munich.

This movie has great acting,great directing and a killer soundtrack.This is a great movie and not one to be taken light heartedly.This movie has a greater meaning than revenge it shows us the extreme effects of violence on people and the paranoia and hell they go through to escape it.

But please don't just take my word for it please check it out for yourself!

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Excellent movie everything I expected and more.
14 March 2006
Five years in the making this movie is excellent and well worthy of the Oscar.Definitely one of my all time favourite animations.

Wallace and his trustworthy dog gromit are out to save the day again as the great vegetable competition at tottington hall is about to begin and anti pesto(wallace and gromit)are trying to stop the rabbits that plague their village with their humain methods from eating the contestant's precious vegetables.As storage problems get in the duo's way for keeping the rabbits,wallace attempts to brainwash the rabbits so they don't like veg any more but like most of his untrustworthy inventions wallace gets it terribly wrong and now they have a bigger problem on their hands a much bigger problem they have created a monster the were rabbit and now they must do everything they can to stop it before the vegetable competition begins.

This an excellent movie one that advise movie lovers of all ages to check out.Well done to Nick park and Steve box for making such a lovable movie.
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Cant say that i'm all that surprised.
14 March 2006
Here we have another fine specimen of American soccer movies all cliché and so predictable.Will Ferrell is pretty funny in this although this is as much as i could've expected out of this movie.

Basically this is the story of a father son rivalry where the son(Will Ferrell) will do anything to impress the dad (robert duvall)(who should really stick to movies like the Godfather.)Will ferrell decides to manage his own soccer team to rival the team that his dad manages.You can kind of guess what happens next so i wont bore you by giving you the storyline.This is a disappointing movie.I give this a 4/10 as it does have its funny parts.
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Madagascar (2005)
Not nearly as good as you would expect.
14 March 2006
This movie is second in the line of average animations from Dreamworks.Not since the Shrek movies has there been a great animation from that particular studio.

But i'm here to talk about Madagascar it should have been a lot better. Lack of good storyline and too long gaps between amusing scenes is the main problem.The animation is superb and the penguins are genuinely funny so it would be a lie to say this is an awful movie.Really go rent a better computer generated animation like the Shrek movies any of the Pixar movies or Ice age.Really this should have been so much better. I give this movie a 6/10 as there isn't enough imagination or flare in it as great animations before it.This is my opinion but by all means go watch it and see for yourselves.
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not so much fun!
14 March 2006
I was intending to go and see Steven Spielberg's Munich tonight but instead was forced to go and see this.

As i had heard bad reviews of this movie i didn't expect much and i didn't get much in the way of entertainment.There is a simple fact Jim carrey's movie's can be either hilarious or just awful.This movie falls under the second category unfortunately as the only laugh i got out of it would be Jim carrey's wacky humour which probably wasn't in the script to begin with.This is definitely not as funny or as entertaining as it should have been which is why i would give it a 4/10.

Although it isn't the worst movie i've ever seen it most certainly isn't the best.If you want to see an funny movie with Jim carrey see something like Dumb and Dumber,Ace Ventura or Bruce Almighty.If you want to see an average comedy that isn't very entertaining see this.
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The Lion King (1994)
best animation ever!!
13 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with the birth of simba the lion cub. (this opening sequence has got to be one of the greatest scenes from an animated feature ever put on the silver screen)as the movie progresses a plot is schemed by Mufasa's(simba's dad)brother scar to kill the king(Mufasa)and take over the pride lands.Tricked into thinking that he killed his father, Simba flees the pride lands where he meets Pumba and Timon who show him the ways of life.But its only a matter of time until Simba returns to take his rightful place as king and take revenge for his fathers death.

This movie is most certainly for all ages it will make you laugh and cry.This is in my opinion the best animated feature ever.

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Ice Age (2002)
great animation to rival even pixar.
13 March 2006
***************MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD*******************

Ice age is the story of a migration to warmer climates so the ice age doesn't get too dangerous.Everyone is going except Manfred the mammoth(ray romano)who is a lone mammal and hates company he has other ideas choosing to not follow the crowd. When manfred reluctantly saves an annoying sloth Sid(John Leguizamo)from a certain death,Sid will not leave him and he wants to be friends and migrate south together as he was abandoned from his last herd.As they travel on they stumble across a human baby and begin the quest of bringing him home to his herd with a sabre tooth as a guide.But all is not as it seems they are being followed.

This a very entertaining movie with a good soundtrack and a funny script.Go see this movie although it isn't perfect it is very good.

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