
30 Reviews
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Gun Shy (2017)
I loved it. Antonio Banderas missed his true calling :-)
21 July 2024
A really great surprise. It reminded me of "Without a Paddle" though I am not quite sure why. I think Antonio Banderas totally missed his true calling and should have been a rock star. It was just SO entertaining! It made me laugh many~ times (and don't miss the out takes at the end) The supporting actors were very good and so was the script and story. There is nothing dull about it. No yawns! More like "Did I miss anything?" Kick in an exotic filming location and you have the full meal deal. It has quite a few things I have never, ever seen in a movie but I will not spoil them for you.

This is a well done comedy with exemplary writing, articulate directing and talented actors.
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Pfft~! Like a bad B movie
22 March 2024
The best thing I can say about this movie is that the film/photography was good. Reviews say it's all about the man's life, so don't expect a lot of his music. Well, there wasn't alot of detail about either one. It was like they had no script at all, and 'winged it' with nothing.

Marley was charismatic. He was an artist. He had vision. He had style. Where is ANY of this in this film?

They barely touch on his marriage, kids, relationship with the band members, nothing. Over all it was obvious he was a mellow and easy going man with one or two good intentions. That's not saying alot considering they had a a MOUNTAIN of information to work with, from his life.

Brad Pitt put his name on this, why?

This gets put on my list of iconic celebrities that Hollywood ruins for everyone. (along with the inaccurate portrayal of Mohamed Ali. The destruction of the legend of Freddie Mercury, and the twisted and foul insinuations about Elvis Presley. ( All in movies made in the last decade or less)
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Colombiana (2011)
Zoe Saldana is excellent! (you know her as Lt. Uhura)
21 March 2024
I have no idea how I missed this since 2011? (now 2024) I guess they didn't have good enough PR and media promotion because it was GREAT (but then again I am not in the USA :-p ) Zoe Saldana is an out standing actress and this movie pretty much proves she can act any part and any emotion flawlessly. I loved her in Guardians of the Galaxy and especially The Adam Project with Ryan Reynolds.

This movie is about serious crime and the people caught up in it. That's all I can say without spoiling it for you. It grabs you right from the beginning, has no boring minutes, and some very impressive physical choreography scenes.
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The Irishman (2019)
Don't pay Money For This
9 October 2022
Another geriatric movie hyped up by media as great, when in fact its terrible, slow, and rather than action it's just narrated. A sad disappointment for anyone who enjoys mafia movies or crime movies of any kind. Further, I can vaguely guess that there isn't a single script-important actor in this film that's under 65 years old. It's TIRED. The entire thing is TIRED. Trying to watch it, is even tiring.

I can say that the actors are talented and that they portray their characters well but you constantly have to force yourself to ignore the make up slapped on with a putty knife, and the antiquated skin and the dull eyes. You can't not see how awfully old everyone is in this cast.

The entire thing is narrated and if it wasn't for the occasional ( and I do mean RARE) bit of action, you may as well advertise it as a bed time story since the lackluster story surely will put anyone in a relaxed state.
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The Boys (2019– )
Season 3 = Very twisted & perverted sex scenes
13 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A miniature man crawling into a penis urethra for pleasure? Who needs to see this? Though I found the first two seasons shocking but interesting, this season 3, I turned off within minutes. Prior to season 3, the sexual violence was (in my opinion) pushing the limits of what any viewer would want to see. I started watching the third season and turned it off. Is hollywood SO twisted that they think anyone would want to watch such twisted, maniacal perverted things? I won't watch it anymore. I am not easily shocked. The basic series HAD good story writing and great characters that you could love and hate. Now, in season three I feel sorry for the good actors (who I assume) will be part of anything just for a pay cheque. For crying out loud DO NOT let your kids watch this cinematic vomit.
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Best movie I've seen in years !
31 July 2021
Its currently 2021 and I totally missed this one, until now. I don't know how. It's fantastic! Aside from having lots of great footage/special effects of a tsunami wave, it's also told /delivered in an excellent way. ALL the stars are fantastic in their roles and they 'knock you for a loop' time after time with every HIT of the story because they really make you feel the shock and awe and heart wrenching traumas. Who ever did the film fit~ it together masterfully. (I'm serious.) The way the events happened are tied IN with the story creatively, and in a way that 'connects the dots' with real SKILL (its subtle, but smacks you right in the head. Like I said, real SKILL).

Every single actor in the movie delivers very, VERY well. How often can you say that ? This movie really impressed me. You will not be disappointed.
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Infinite (2021)
Not a keeper. It's supposed to be a roller coaster. All it was, was a bombardment of the senses.
25 June 2021
The actors were great in their roles. No question about that. However, it's totally missing a woven and flowing story. The story is there. The script is good enough. The characters are very good BUT it felt like who ever was orchestrating it was multi-tasking ten things, and it jumped and leaped. It should have 'unfolded' or 'layed into' or 'connected with'. I was trying to get into it, and found myself thinking, "Wait. Where did HE get that high tech tool? His character had nothing like that. All the sudden, he's a fighter pilot? Also, "Oh look! They were not wearing that a minute ago, maybe they pulled it out of their ?? Magic backpack?

*sarcasm* There was lots of action but right away, I pegged "this is computer generated junk". Granted, I tend to notice this stuff, probably more than the average person.

You can make a great movie with only~ a good story, great actors and a good music score. Who ever made this movie, does not know how to deliver a BASIC story. It's supposed to be a roller coaster. All it was, was a bombardment of the senses.

The CLINCHER was the final scene, to which, if you didn't know who financed the movie, you sure know who it was now~. (Power Rangers comes to mind)
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Very well done for the 70's with epic scenery too.
4 June 2021
This is a great classic movie with excellent story, top notch leading actor and startling scenery. Its very good quality color, considering it was made so long ago. I'd love to see it digitally restored. The opening scene shows a big herd of caribou! The mountains and wilderness is just gorgeous. It draws you into the adventure of pushing through wild lands, deadly climate, and dangerous people living on the edge. Some are there for gold, others to make money off of people looking for gold. This German sheperd goes from a pampered house, to the brutality and beauty of Alaska. He faces lots of exciting challenges and over comes them all. If you're looking for special effects, and digital 'show', this isn't it. This movie was made when genuine STORY and script mattered! The special effects in this movie, are all nature's wonders. It must have been marvelous on a big screen. If you like Jeremiah Johnson, you'll love this.
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Really good movie! Special Effects were before 'their' time.
14 March 2021
I bought the DVD. It's a keeper. It's 2021 and I happened upon this title and watched it from my library. It's a great movie! It's got a very good written story, with lots of action, some drama that you can sink your teeth into and some great special effects on film. This is something I keep, JUST BECAUSE I like the special effects on big screen, in ADDITION to the fact its a great movie. I remember when I first watched it in 2005, I noticed the sharp contrast in the film APPEARANCE and thought it odd, and maybe too much computer generated backgrounds instead of actual filming BUT, now is 2021 and I am used to my 4K tv, and realize the depth of the picture etc is really good quality and probably before it's time , back in 2005, see? *pun pun* This is really good time-paradox tale, with lots of unique monsters, and a vile villain. It's got cool effects, cool gadgets and inventions, and some handsome and very talented actors. Aside from the shoot em up violence I would recommend this to any audience. There's no cursing and no nudity. They made a great movie without catering to any cheap shots to pull more audience into it. WELL DONE.
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Disappointing, but I knew it would be. A whoopee cushion has more class.
14 March 2021
Very different from Coming To America. Sad because, I was hoping Eddie Murphy would put out a good film. However, I anticipated it would be like all the bad mannered humor in the Nutty Professor and that other 'family' movie he did. If you enjoy constant bad - mannered body sounds, references to sex, crude& rude conversation, then you will love this. I'd say it was like a whoopee cushion but a whoopee cushion has more class. The set is lavish and the costumes are too, but this makes me think that the way I was brought up is certainly the better way to be raised, because the alternative would be this~ . Not for kids, family or Grandmas. I wouldn't recommend this to absolutely anyone.
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The Wave (2019)
Don't choke on your popcorn while your gasping, "Oh hell! I been there!"
19 September 2020
I happened on this because I recognized Justin Long from Live Free or Die Hard (2007. He is a very good actor and carries this movie really well. I really enjoyed it. It's a story that is uniquely written. I felt like it was kind of like, "Walk of shame" (on drugs.) If you've never been 'enlightened', you will find this movie a very scary horror and a prime example of why no one should ever do any drugs EVER. If you HAVE been enlightened / experimental, you will be VERY entertained and also be reminded why you sure as hell don't do them anymore. This is a creative, scary and thrilling ride (if not a very detailed and un-nerving flashback.) Don't choke on your popcorn while your laughing and gasping, "Oh hell! I been there!"
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Who got paid for this?
4 September 2020
The costumes and sets are lavish and everything else 'sucks supreme'. I imagine someone funded this film FOR someone (as a gift) because otherwise no one would have ever invested money in it. The story is boring and predictable except of course for a very small 'cherry on top' ending, which must have been thrown in, in an effort to make it more interesting. (It failed)

The artsy-veiled-psycho-suggestive Freudian nuances didn't go unnoticed. (They actually screamed. Maybe the target audience has a much, much (much~) lower IQ)

Mind you, the acting of the main characters was done very well considering what they had to work with. (There is nothing wrong with the actor's performances)

I do not understand how such simplistic, done to death, 'mangle of plots' were ever thrown together and produced, but then Hollywood has totally lost it's golden age. The money is gone, the elites are accused of being 'twisted' and the few celebrities that do have talent and good morals can't find work, except outside North America. Cable Tv is now officially more entertaining.
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Relic (2020)
Very unique horror, I had to shut it off.
23 July 2020
This is well done and I can't say I have seen anything like it. The actors are very good and the script is creative and well timed. It's a fairly slow burn but not enough to lose your attention. I love a good horror but this one hit too close to home. I couldn't handle it. That's never happened before. When I was a teenager, my best friend and I, used to get rocked and go see movies like The Exorcist. So, when I say I couldn't handle THIS movie, that says something. If you love a good horror and you are the target audience, this one will give you nightmares. If you're not the target audience, it probably won't phase you. For instance, if you are afraid of flying, then movies about aircraft accidents will effect you. If you are not afraid of flying you can mentally step back and not get nervous watching a movie about airplane accidents. It's like that. If something like this has even remotely touched your life, this movie will rattle your cage big time.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Worth a watch but not quite 'great'.
2 April 2020
This IS a really good movie. It does have impact and a really great script and its not as typical as you would think ( Not at all) The acting is DAMN GOOD, especially the lead actress. She portrays her character in incredible ways! I enjoyed it, but it was missing something. I'm not sure if it was the score or the direction, but somehow, something was just a little off. I felt it could have been a GANGBUSTER of a movie, but for some reason just 'missed it by that much". It will hold your attention constantly and it will not bore you. I recommend this movie as a good, creepy little horror.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Like an audio book, too narrative !
2 April 2020
Full of stars and names I recognize but, such a let down. It is SO narrative. It's like listening to an audio book. A movie is supposed to be filled with ACTION and ACTING, and a MUSICAL SCORE that moves you. This film has nothing of that. It is like an excuse to get a bunch of Hollywood stars WORKING in SOMETHING to get them paid during the downturn. The story JUMPS, here and here, and here and here and geeze~ ! It is SO obvious that more money was spent on the elaborate costumes of the time, than was spent on the script itself. It's a high school quality play put to film by 'I don't know who' . A sore waste of time. I forced myself to watch it for about 30 minutes, then puttered around the house, half listening to it, and finally turned it off. I do not recommend this movie to anyone except maybe /possibly 'people of a certain lifestyle' who might really enjoy critiquing the costumes.
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Good movie & worth your time.
2 April 2020
If you like Shrek, you will like SONIC. I only knew him from my kids' cartoons as a cute little character, but Sonic has style and is very likable. James Marsden is an excellent lead man and he is a very capable, multi level, talented actor. (He is very likable too) The story is good, detailed and well written. (Which is more than I can say about a lot of Hollywood films in the last few years) The animation is great. Jim Carrey is "himself'. He is the same in every movie and at this point, its definitely repetitive and annoying. In my opinion he is played out. Since when is it popular to be over dramatic, physically contorting and freakish.. forever? I don't think he can DO any other character. He is only a part of the movie though. I hope they have a SONIC 2, and I hope they have a NEW villain. I absolutely recommend this movie. It's a quality distraction from life. You can watch it with your kids, and it will entertain you.
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disappointing from the word GO
14 December 2019
It's one of those movies you keep waiting to get better, but it never does, and you're angry you wasted your time. I imagine this is DRIVEL birthed out by Hollywood to support actors in a crappy economy. The plot is the weakest I have ever seen. Horror movies have more plot.

It teases of a twisted crime that happened in Hollywood ages ago, but doesn't deliver the tiniest tidbit. It is like they baited you to watch this movie, like BAIT AND SWITCH. LOOK here are some top notch stars! Oh NO! it's one of the most terrible movies you have ever seen. I wouldn't have enjoyed this movie even if I was blasted! Its that poor!
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The Guard (2011)
A rare gem ( and Irish) Watch this movie.
14 December 2019
It's rare I find a movie where I can't guess the plot. Aside from that, its a really good story /script. Its well directed. Dare I say perfectly directed?? The actors are outstanding in their performances. (I was surprised to see many actors I recognized) The villains are twisted. The good guys are of "John Wayne" caliber. (well, almost ha ha ha ) This caught my eye because Jackie Gleeson's son first caught my attention in one of my favorite movies, years ago ( Lake Placid) He played that part perfectly and in this movie, you can clearly see that he is an actor with great talent. He fills his father's shoes and more.

There have been very few movies worth seeing (IMO) this year. I missed this one. (It was made in 2011) It is very worth seeing. I rarely say that so, if you have a brain, and are usually disappointed by movies with weak plots because they are fabricated for a general audience with an IQ lower than their shoes size, you will really like this. I would have given it an 8, if it had had a few more special effects or explosions. Grab your nachos because this one is worthy of your kick back time, at home. (provided you are not easily offended)
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Horribly disappointing & waste of time
13 December 2019
One of those movies you regret TRYING to watch. I kept waiting for it to get better. There was a tease of a Charlie Manson plot ( murder in Hollywood) but it never happened (wasn't even close to the real murder story) . Chalked full of well know celebrities I kept thinking it would get better. I did not get better. Not even close. It barely HAD a plot. It was like who ever wrote the script couldn't keep a train of thought. It had no climax. It didn't really finish or close. Even the best action scene in the movie came too late to call it a climax. I kept thinking this was just a movie to keep actors in Hollywood Working through this economic crisis. You know? Like when they throw some really old actor a bone by giving him a part in a movie, so he can pay his taxes? Like that. This movie was so bad I don't think I could even watch it if I was blasted. It was a total disappointment.
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Venom (2018)
Nothing Wrong with Tom Hardy Its EVERYTHING else
14 October 2018
The GOOD reviews must be coming from ASIA which is obviously who produced this movie The fact they chose a leading support actor that's from Pakistan only adds to the total IMBALANCE of this film. Nothing fits. Nothing is smooth, and it has no chemistry. Within minutes you realize something is very OFF. What's 'off' (in my opinion) is that entertainment STYLE and sense of humor does not always translate through to people from different countries and cultures. What you have here is, a fair attempt at an 'alien on earth' drama with a great leading man, trying his very best to work with a sub standard script, which includes humor that North American audiences will NOT find funny (just horribly corny) During the last part of the movie I just started surfing the net, because it was too predictable (and just cheap) Ultimately the villains in this film reach out and grab you JUST LIKE GODZILLA and it's enemy, (what-ever-its-name-was.) If you WANT to LIKE this movie, I suggest you have a few alcoholic beverages first. LASTLY, don't think I'm biased or anything. I've watched movies with nothing but subtitles and loved them INCLUDING some Jackie Chan ones that barely got shown in North America. This poor movie VENOM, just doesn't measure up. Maybe the target audience is PG 13 and I'm all wrong?
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Apollo 18 (2011)
Ig you hated THE RING you'll hate this too
6 October 2018
Consider this a warning. If you hated THE RING, which was a movie created with home footage, poor directing, and poor editing as an excuse to come across a real, then you will hate this too. Though it is put together much better, its still simplistic, and made for people who are VERY easily entertained and no sense of taste. Its certainly not for people who expect a good quality, well written, drama infused film. The footage does come across as realistic, but that's where my interest ended, and that, after about 40 minutes. I shut it off and it was a waste of time. If you want to watch a GOOD space drama about the NASA missions, dig up CAPRICORN ONE.
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Mission of Honor (II) (2018)
I've Never Seen A Dogfight Like THIS
26 September 2018
Hurricane is excellent. Flat out, best find that I've found in a long time. It drew me right in. Well done, great script, super actors. Everything in this film says TALENT. Don't let the subtitles throw you. There aren't that many. The movie is so well done, you won't care. I really like a good war movie and few have been done THIS well, and I'm very serious. The characters are on lots of levels and there are lots of sub-plot story lines to follow, but it all comes together (literally) in concert. Dogfighting! I have never seen dogfighting like this before I was shocked! Pilots (especially) are going to flip out when they see this. (I'm sure) It's packed! There's something going on all the time! It has far more action than Memphis Bell and just as much story levels as Pearl Harbor BUT, this film comes across honestly, and as a REAL LIFE story, not Hollywood candy. Lastly, this is based on real events and there are credits to back that up. It's a perfect example of "History is written by the winners' and I'm moved and glad that this PART of history has come out. They are unsung heroes whom (I hope) find broad and solid attention. To sum this up, if you enjoy a good war movie, that has; heart, guts, action, honor and a sense of humor, this will make your KEEP list.
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Overboard (2018)
SURPRISE! It's really good!
16 July 2018
Highly recommended! Solid cast, great script and a genuine pearl. Great stars! Big laughs and gorgeous people. Is that a formula? Um, yah~~~ ! I was laughing within five minutes. A sense of humor? Why yes, you need one to be able to recognize good comedy. Who knew? * sarcasm* Bad reviews? DON'T BELIEVE THEM. Theyre bogus, opinionated half wits.

Anna Faris is perfect for this part, she strolls through it like it was custom made for her. I doubt anyone could pull this off half as well as she did. ( and OH what shoes she filled! You think you can follow a lead act like Goldie Hawn? (She did, and she does! ) Eugenio Derbez. This guy is cool. He's got looks and he's got talent. He's also handsome and grabs attention but then, makes these crazy faces that just crack you up. He's actually the full meal deal, and you wont understand what I mean until you see this role he plays (with genuine 24 Karat heart.)

The cream filled cookie center that melds the two leads together, with a swirl of the dramatic and a big dollop of sugar? That's Eva Longoria. Here, as a fabulous supporting actor, she can't help but ALMOST steal the focus, but of course she didn't let that happen. BRAVO! To the cast and crew of this movie that literally has "Across the board" appeal. No sex, skin or bad language needed to sell this movie, you only use that stuff if you know the talent won't carry the film.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Not Fun & NO fantasy of mine
6 October 2016
Take note there is no spoiler because I do not go into details of skits.

I am so disappointed with Westworld. Im a sci-fi-drama-loving-special effects addict and to me, all this was, was violence and nudity (which generally entertains me) with such DARK and depressing emphasis on what is wrong with the worst and most twisted people of our world.

With or without violence, with or without nudity, the message they hit home is, that vast amounts of rich people are literally sick. (mentally sick)

I don't understand Ed Harris playing this script at all. I'm disappointed in him and appalled he would do it. I think it is a mistake to his career JUST like any character that is SO hated by the audience that they never recover their career, so will his fate be.

The other example standing out is the "famous group of celebrities". This, not only blared out as putrid and low life but also STEREOTYPICAL in the most insulting way. (and on so many levels, to so many groups and different kinds of humans)

As a TV series itself, it has potential, but I doubt it will live. People need to identify with the character they see on TV and the kind of people who identify with "that" don't watch TV. I assume they watch snuff films.

Other reviews mention the lack of good story script and this is very obvious. The story is lame, and put together with sticky notes, instead of strings of continuity and the possibility of sub plots that can branch out and grow. Throwing the audience back and forth and back and forth is annoying. I found myself thinking " Oh, this is one of the ways they save on actual filming and acting, fill up the story with replay after replay." ( I HATE that)

If you were hoping for high tech titillation on any level, it won't even hit your lowest expectation.

If they put allot of investment into the technical research, I hope they can get their money back.

Finally, Anthony Hopkins made an outstanding performance, which is not surprising. Mr. Hopkins brought the only true quality to the premier episode. Considering his expertise, talent and depth as an actor, I will be surprised if he stays with a show that is so far beneath his own personal gallantry, but if he does, I'm sure it will only be because of the flagrant nudity. (He's very old now and has to get his kicks some how)

If I were still in 'the life', I would dig deeper to find out who actually brain stormed and produced this "Tv Series". I am sure the private producers would make interesting and unwanted public headlines. I don't recommend it at all.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Great Movie But Consultants dropped the ball on survivor skills
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great movie and certainly worth your time but there were so many blatant mistakes in reality that after the first few, I started actually watching for them (to pick them apart). Whomever the wilderness-survival consultant was, on this film was daft. You don't have to be any kind of outdoors person to notice.

I found myself comparing it to the great movie JEREMIAH JOHNSON which is an epic woodsman - survival - frontier - wilderness movie. ( and since Im being reminiscent when is any one going to finally re-do Mrs Mike?) Leonardo DiCaprio is a fantastic actor with limitless scope but obviously he has never, ever gone fishing. WHy would an actor allow himself to look like such a fool so many times in one movie? Was he told they would edit those parts out? Sushi may be trendy ( is it still? ) but you would bleed like a sieve if you bit into a raw fish that had not been scaled.

There are other major mistakes in this film and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see them, they're obvious. You would only have to go sledding in the winter when you're a child to be able to see the huge mistakes slap you, in your frozen little red cheeks.

Movies, of course, stretch the bounds of possibilities and I DO remember sitting my children down after they saw ROBOCOP and explaining to them, that in the REAL world, you cant shoot someone 22 times and rip their arms off and expect the hospital to fix you up! Thats the movies.

This film too, may lead some intelligence-challenged person to *chuckle* have sushi al fresco~ and in this world, it wouldn't surprise me if that person could SUE for being mislead.

I also have to make the point that you obviously don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that freezing cold water can kill real quick and ironically Id like to point out that Leonardo DiCaprio explained this in detail in the film TITANIC.

So I wonder if the handsome character in The Revenant actually may have had super human alien DNA which enabled to him to withstand the harshest circumstances that Nature can throw at him because, it was literally super human resistance.

Finally, put that all aside and ignore the "misses" on realism, and this is a great movie with a action packed story, and a well written script that very much captures the uncivilized behaviour and survival skills of men at that time period.

It has MANY memorable scenes that absolutely make it worth buying and Tom Hardy hasn't got enough recognition for his performance which was outstanding, raw, menacing and made me downright hate him. Which was a total switch from his role in LAWLESS. If Tom Hardy hasn't literally "arrived" yet, he is on his way to the top with a bullet. His versatility as an actor and his handsome mug is comparable to Harrison Ford and Robert Redford. Mark my words.

This movie is absolutely worth seeing and adding to your collection.
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