
66 Reviews
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Still don't get the ending. lol
7 March 2014
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This is a brilliant film.

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio... a top actor, in fact one of the best actors out there, i love all of his work and this one was one of his best. He plays this role perfectly, i think he was the perfect actor for this film.

The film has a great storyline/plot and all the way through it had me hooked, it was very interesting and sometimes creepy/strange at parts (not scary). The film itself was a little confusing at the end... the ending could have about 3 different meanings... it was hard to get my head around what the right answer was to the ending and i still am not 100% sure (you will understand when you have watched it if you haven't already) but don't be put off by this, the film is meant to be this way, it is a film that gets you thinking and is puzzling (mystery).

Many people think they know what the ending means of this film, many say different things and believe they know what the ending means but i personally don't know the correct answer to this, so i suggest people decide what they want after watching and believe what you want i guess. It is a very good film.

I would HIGHLY recommend this to people who love a good mystery film. Worth a 9 / 10 at least.
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This film is really good
7 March 2014
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I have always been a fan of this film. I have watched it many time and it never gets old to me, it interests me and i really enjoy watching it. Quentin Tarantino films are the type you have to get used to, they do a lot of flashing back and forth but if you can handle that easy then it becomes enjoyable to watch.

I think this one is the better one of the two, even though i did like kill Bill vol 2 but it just wasn't as good as this one.

Another thing that was great about this film was that Quentin Tarantino didn't put himself into it. I mean yes he does some good films but he can not act for the life of him and should keep taking a back seat, films are better without him in them. Stick to doing what you do best, your films are GREAT but your acting isn't.

I think this film deserves a 8 out of 10 at least.
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Steve Coogan... you legend
7 March 2014
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Steve Coogan - One of the funniest people i love to watch. He makes comedy funny and enjoyable, how anyone could dislike him i do not know.

I think "Alpha papa" was good, it did make me laugh, the plot was alright, Steve was as funny as ever, "Lynn" was in it, i was hoping she would be... Alan isn't Alan without Lynn. I'll admit though i didn't think Alpha papa was as good as i expected... i guess i expected too much because i like the episodes so much. It was good though.

I think i do prefer the episodes to this film, the episodes seem to have more funny bits in them... maybe it is because they are in shorter parts instead of one big film so yeah.

I think this film is a must see if you are an Alan fan and it well deserves a 8 out of 10.
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7 March 2014
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A beautiful animated film.

I think any child would love this, even all of the family maybe, it is such a good "classic" animated film. Everyone will know the story, i remember watching it as a child and it being one of my all time favourite stories/animated films.

A lovely "love" story that is very touching.

I would recommend to people mainly with children, i think they are more likely to enjoy this type of animated film (adults may like it too, whatever genre you are into).

Worth a 7 out of 10 at least.
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Good film
7 March 2014
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I think this is a good film, i don't personally think it is as good as some people make out, it isn't my best ever film but like i said it is good. It has a good "storyline" and the actors in it are amazing at playing their role, especially Tom Hanks, i mean is there any role he can't play?

It is an enjoyable film to watch as it is interesting and does seem to draw you in. It didn't really bore me. I think many people will like this film. It did get upsetting at parts as it did have some sad scenes but that just added to the film, drew me in even more.

I think it does deserve a 7 out of 10, nothing less.
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Taken 2 (2012)
I prefer the first one.
7 March 2014
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When i saw this film was coming out i was looking forward to watching it as the first one was so good but i was disappointed with this one, even though the plot etc is more or less the same it just doesn't have the same feel... the first Taken was cool, interesting and enjoyable to watch from start to finish but this one didn't have the same feel, it was a little boring.

Liam Neeson was still good at playing his part but it was the "plot" that was a little boring, as Liam was the one captured he didn't do much in the film apart from talking to his daughter on the phone a lot and i think the people that liked the first Taken would have loved to see Liam doing more, more fighting scenes etc but still like i said he was still good at playing his role, he is an overall great actor.

I don't think this one is as good as the first one so that is why it only gets a 6 out of 10 from me but if another Taken comes out i will be sure to watch it, i just hope there is more to it this time.
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Batman Begins (2005)
One of the better Batman films.
7 March 2014
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This is one of the better Batman films, starring top actors and starts showing more than it did in the other Batman films / programmes. It gives an overall cooler feel to Batman and makes it more interesting to watch.

I have always been a fan (not a massive fan) of Batman films, "Batman" has always been my best "hero" out of all the "heros". It is about time Batman got better, cooler etc and since this one.. it has. The recent Batman films are a lot better but this one is still a great one and i would recommend to any Batman fans out there.

Deserves a 7 or 8 out of 10.
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Taken (I) (2008)
Liam Neeson... so cool in this.
7 March 2014
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I think this film is brilliant. I love it. It was interesting and enjoyable to watch from start to finish. The second Taken wasn't as good but this first one was a top film and the famous saying Liam says in the film is so cool and makes the character seem cooler.

This film is brilliantly planned and the main actor... Liam.. is great at playing the part of a retired agent who is also a loving father. It is one of my best films. Usually with films like this i lose interest more or less half way through but this draws you in and makes you want to watch the film all the way through, it never got boring.

This film definitely deserves a 9 out of 10.
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7 March 2014
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This film was alright, i always end up getting bored during this film though, it has quite a bit of action (i am not a big action fan), many will like that but i preferred The dark knight rises... but my partner liked this a lot, i think it might appeal to men more than women (because of the action in it).

I must say the "Joker" played by Heath was amazing, i think the acting was spot on. Joker has always been my favourite villain but Heath made him come alive even more.

I would recommend this to people who are really into action type films and who don't mind long-ish films. I think it does deserve a 6 - 7 out of 10.
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What happened TNA?
7 March 2014
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This Review is my opinion and is not meant to offend anyone in or out of the show, it is just how i feel.

I am not sure about this show anymore. A few years back i only started watching it because my partner was into it and he told me "The icon Sting" was in it and i have always been a fan of his since i had the wrestling game with him on it when i was younger. So i started watching it and for a few year i have watched it with my partner weekly, we have missed one every now and then.

It has always seemed better than WWE to me, just because of the people in it... like Sting, Jeff hardy etc. I have got to know everyone in TNA now and i started to enjoy it more but lately i have to say it has gone very downhill. I can't remember seeing a match where it was legit... OK i guess you need a little cheating or it would get very boring, everyone playing by the rules etc but cheating in every single match just gets lame, boring and to be honest very annoying.

I am very disappointed and have started missing more shows lately as it has just got boring and all the good talent seem to be leaving... i know some people will be saying "yeah it is a story line" but no some isn't... Sting has left... will he be back? who knows but i know he has left for now (he is weighing up his options i have read). Jeff hardy has left (yes OK he is coming back as "Willow" but still).

I didn't like how TNA made Sting look like he had "lost it", making him lose every single match was stupid, making him look like a bad wrestler when his fans know he is better than TNA made out. An Icon like him shouldn't have been showed up to be a crap wrestler.

I mean people go on about "wrestling is real blah blah blah"... some of wrestling is, not all... the matches with Kurt Angle in seem legit and with Abyss seem legit but over the years i have seen some matches that make me laugh out loud, with wrestlers throwing themselves into stuff etc.

Also i think TNA needs more/better female wrestlers, it would be good to see more women with muscles, women that look like wrestlers, i think the women wrestlers are just there to look good, but wrestling fans want to see women that can actually wrestle for once... like China was (was in WWE i think). I must add though lately the women wrestlers have got better... by bringing in L'aide Tapa (i don't know if i spelt the name right) and that other one who is slightly bigger than ODB.

Also the story lines lately are so boring and "same old", it seems like they have no imagination, the story lines are too easy to guess (like we know what is going to happen before it does). We need the legends back, the wannabees out and better story lines that don't last forever... they get old and boring as i am sure many will agree. I think Dixie should take a backseat and let others do the work for her as she can't really act.

I would normally rate TNA a 7 or 8 out of 10 but seen as though it has got rid of MOST of the good talent and the story lines are boring (have been for a while now)... i think it deserves a 4 - 5 out of 10.
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The Inbetweeners (2008–2010)
Not surprised it has such a good rating.
7 March 2014
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I think this show is one of the funniest on TV now days, i am sick of seeing comedy shows get on TV that are not funny, that have people on who make it obvious they are trying to get a laugh out of people. This show makes it natural, this is bound to make you laugh out loud. It has it all... humour, a geek, a shy guy, a dumb guy, a sex mad guy and more, i love this.

People might not like this because it is full of rude comments, swearing etc but that is what makes it what it is... funny. The actors are great at playing their parts, i think it is brilliantly put together.

Definitely deserves a 8 out of 10... at least.
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Mrs. Brown's Boys (2011– )
Surprisingly... great
7 March 2014
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OK so at first when i saw this on TV i wasn't a fan, i thought oh my not another stupid wannabe comedy show... BUT i gave it a try and i began to like it, it is something many will hate and many will like, it is a comedy you have to get used to because it is so different to other comedy shows that are on our screens now days.

The guy who plays the main character plays her brilliantly. I love most of the characters in it too, this comedy is funny and seems a very friendly comedy, it involves the people watching during the comedy. It is a comedy with a difference and brilliantly done.

I watch this when i can and always enjoy it, it always makes me laugh or smile at least. It well deserves a 7 - 8 out of 10.
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Made in Chelsea (2011– )
Why has this got a 5.0 overall rating?
7 March 2014
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This review is my personal opinion of the show and it is not meant to offend anyone, this is just what i think, i can't judge too much as i didn't watch a lot of it, i couldn't put myself through that. So this is a review on what i did see.

It puzzles me how this programme has got a 5.0 overall rating, in my mind i am not sure why it got a spot on TV. I don't see why anyone can like watching this, i guess the people that watch this are the people that watch things like big brother etc (very entertaining watching someone sleep).

When i saw this i was shocked that it was on TV, it is boring. It reminds me of a posh version of "Only way is Essex". Shows like this make us look stupid. This show is full of people thinking they are gods gift to men/women. The men think they can get any girl they want, everyone thinks they are better than others, they are two faced. This makes terrible TV, everything is the same, everyone finds something stupid to moan about. I am not meaning to be rude to anyone in or out of the show because they are told to act like that etc (even though they say they aren't, yes OK sure).

I personally don't see why anyone would enjoy watching this and i would not recommend it to anyone who likes good TV because this is NOT good TV.

1 out of 10 and that is only because i can't go lower than that.
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Why 6.7 rating?
6 March 2014
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How has this film only got an overall rating of 6.7?

I think this film is brilliant, i never fails to make me laugh, it was very enjoyable watching it years ago and i still enjoy watching it now. Terrific actors, they play their roles perfectly.

I think it is brilliant, i can't see why people wouldn't like this film. If you are looking for a good comedy, with great actors and guaranteed to make you laugh then this is the film for you. A great family film.

In fact this film is AMAZING to say it is an old-ish film (i am not usually into the old-ish films).

Deserves an 8 / 10 at least.
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6 March 2014
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Well what can i say, what a film. This film is a must see, it really made me laugh out loud, Jack Black starring in it was the best decision ever made, he is amazing and knows how to make people laugh without trying so hard. Amazing.

This film has it all... humour, music, JACK BLACK... it is just an overall genius film, i love everything about it and Jack Black does have a good rock voice so he didn't seem out of place in this film. I think if they did do a remake it wouldn't be as good, i think this is a top film as it is and most people will definitely enjoy watching it.

Definitely gets a 10 out of 10 from me. Some of Jack Black's best work.
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What a brilliant film
6 March 2014
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I love this film and everything about it, what makes it even better is the fact that it has top actors in it. What a great film... it is a very interesting film to follow, the twist at the end was also a great idea. This film did make me laugh and i could definitely watch it over and over, it never gets old. A must watch.

I can't imagine anyone disliking this film, there is nothing to dislike, the film is perfect, perfect acting and well just perfect story line i guess. I do recommend people give this a try. Such a good film.

I think it deserves a 9 or 10 / 10 At least.
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The Royle Family (1998–2012)
What's not to love?
6 March 2014
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Who would have thought watching a family sat on their bums yapping away would make such a funny comedy. Why can't comedy shows be like this now days?, this is proper comedy, just naturally funny and very enjoyable to watch.

The Royal family never gets old, i love it, it always has me laughing. Each character is different... you have Jim: the lazy one, who wants it his way or no way. Denise: the daughter, takes after her father (being lazy), Anthony: the son, the only one that isn't as lazy as the rest, Barbra: the wife, works, cooks, tries making conversation with her husband and all he wants to do is watch TV, "Nanna": the grandmother/ Barbra's mother, always doing things to annoy Jim and then there is Dave: who could forget Dave (Denise's husband), the dumb one and let's not forget the neighbours, always popping round.

It isn't always about just the humour, it also has heart touching episodes (like where "Nanna" becomes ill).

This show is hilarious and i would say a must see, you have to give it a try to know how funny it really is, i don't personally know anyone that doesn't like this, it is brilliant and one of my favourite comedy shows with great actors/actresses.

Well worth a 8-9 / 10.
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5 March 2014
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I love this, it made me laugh from start to finish, i really enjoyed watching this, this is what comedy should be like. These guys are just down to earth and naturally funny. I think the actors are brilliant at playing these roles.

I would recommend this to anyone wanting a good laugh, with good acting etc. I really can't see any reason why anyone wouldn't like this, it is a top comedy. It is funny seeing these two guys together, Max being the more serious one and Paddy being the more childish, wild one. Max respecting women, Paddy doing the complete opposite, who would have thought these characters would work so well together.

Definitely worth a 9 out of 10 if not a 10 / 10. Brilliant.
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Shark Tale (2004)
Good movie
5 March 2014
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I personally think this is a good movie, yes there are better animated movies out there but i still think this movie deserves more than a 6.0 as an overall rating. It is a great family movie.

I enjoyed this movie years ago and still enjoy watching it now, i think it is very funny for an animated movie, and i am sure many people will think the same. It has some great actors / actresses doing the voices for the characters. I would recommend this movie if you are a big animation fan. It has good music too. I also like the story line, sweet...

Well worth a 7 / 10... maybe even more.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
Theee Simpsoooooons...
5 March 2014
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I have always loved the Simpsons from when i was younger, it is fun to watch and enjoyable to watch... it is by far my best cartoon comedy (only way i can describe it really, it is something that all the family can enjoy together.

I love how it actually has a story line on every episode instead of being random etc. I love the characters and everything else about the show. I haven't really seen an episode i don't like. I love watching them and will carry on watching them.

10 / 10.
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The Cleveland Show (2009–2013)
5 March 2014
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OK so who thought it would be a good idea to take the most boring person on Family guy and make a full show about him?

I really dislike this show, it is so boring, i don't understand why they made a show about Cleveland. C'mon what were they thinking?. Why not make one of Quagmire instead or even a Stewie and Brian show (that would probably be the best one), a character that is actually funny and fun to watch. Only thing that could make the Cleveland show look a little better is if they make a show all about Joe (please don't).

I think making this is a waste and the maker should rethink this show and do one about Stewie and Brian instead.

Has to be a 1 out of 10 from me, seems harsh but i really dislike the show.
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The Chase (I) (2009– )
Good show to watch
5 March 2014
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I really enjoy watching this show on an afternoon, i like the host and the "chasers", i think it really is a good game show, i don't usually like them but this one is great. Interesting and just overall fun to watch.

The big final chase at the end is a good part of the show, makes it more fun to watch, i think sometimes the money offers are a bit too low... SOMETIMES, to say the contestant did so well on the cash builder.

I look forward to seeing more of the chase.

Deserves a 7 / 10.
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Family Guy (1999– )
Family guy - great
5 March 2014
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Well i do like Family guy, it does always make me laugh and i always enjoy watching it when nothing else is on at night. I don't think it is as good as The Simpsons but i still think it is good. It is so random and that is was sometimes makes it unique and fun to watch but i do think sometimes it is TOO random, i mean there is random and then there is going completely off the point.

I think Family guy could be improved, maybe without having the random (real life) singers randomly appearing, i mean it is random enough without them scenes, they just make it stupid. I know a lot of people don't like this because of the randomness and swearing etc but that's how it is, it is always on late at night for a reason, it wouldn't be family guy without the swearing and random scenes etc.

I think it deserves a 7 or 8 out of 10.
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It made me laugh
5 March 2014
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I enjoyed this film. I liked the scary movie films but then after so many they started getting old... each comedy horror that comes out now days aren't funny at all and really put me off wanting to watch comedy horrors but this one was different, i gave it a chance and i am so glad i did.

It made me laugh, was random at parts but was very funny, i think the people who enjoy scary movie films will really enjoy this one... the main male actor in it is very funny and plays his role brilliantly. There was a part in the middle that literally made me laugh out loud. I think the acting is funny and overall good.

I would definitely recommend this, i think this definitely deserves a 7 or 8 out of 10.
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The Ricky Gervais Show (2010–2012)
I love this show
5 March 2014
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Absolutely fantastic.

I have never been a massive fan of Ricky (even though i thought the office was alright), but he has grown on me, i do find him and his work funny, i love the Ricky Gervais show. It really did make me laugh out loud.

Obviously the best thing about this show is Karl, who doesn't love Karl. He is so funny and what he says never fails to make me laugh, he acts so miserable and just down to earth, says what he thinks even if sometimes it sounds dumb... like "worms have teeth" haha.

I couldn't get enough of these shows and i wish there was more of them, after watching them all i wanted to see more and was disappointed to hear that Ricky said he doesn't think there will be more of these in the future.

Only thing i would say is bad about the show is that sometimes Ricky will go overboard and it is funny him taking the mick out of Karl but sometimes he goes too far, there is a lot of swearing in the show (i personally don't mind this).

It is a fun show to watch and is sure to cheer people up, the animations are funny too, it is a very funny show with a difference, you can actually learn a little from it (not so much by Karl) haha even though sometimes Ricky would say something that was actually wrong (he thought he was right but wasn't). I would recommend people giving this a chance if they don't mind a little bit of swearing etc.

I think it deserves a 9 out of 10.
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