Steve Coogan... you legend
7 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Steve Coogan - One of the funniest people i love to watch. He makes comedy funny and enjoyable, how anyone could dislike him i do not know.

I think "Alpha papa" was good, it did make me laugh, the plot was alright, Steve was as funny as ever, "Lynn" was in it, i was hoping she would be... Alan isn't Alan without Lynn. I'll admit though i didn't think Alpha papa was as good as i expected... i guess i expected too much because i like the episodes so much. It was good though.

I think i do prefer the episodes to this film, the episodes seem to have more funny bits in them... maybe it is because they are in shorter parts instead of one big film so yeah.

I think this film is a must see if you are an Alan fan and it well deserves a 8 out of 10.
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