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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Terrible end to what was a great trilogy
10 May 2020
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As someone who loves Toy Story and was so excited foe the 4th I was bitterly disappointing with this. If this is all pixar / Disney could come up with then they should have just called it a day. They clearly ran out of ideas yet chose profit before reputation which is so often the case. The movie had no charm, we didn't even see that much of the characters we have grown to love, with the movie being more focused on new annoying characters who we arent familiar with. What should have been a celebration of friendship and adventure turned into a movie which didn't follow the identity of the others and desperately tried to cover it up by pulling at the heartstrings of loyal fans by separating woody from his beloved friends. It felt like the whole production team of the previous 3 movies packed up and left, and someone who had never seen any of the 3 previous movies in their life came in and made this. The movie also goes against its principles and what woody has been preaching the whole time. "Friends stick together". Hes spent the whole time trying to keep friends together but then he just ditches them all for little bo peep, in some act of love which was never built up in any way. The furthest we got to see any kind of love interest between them was little bo peep telling him shes "just a few blocks away", hardly some long yearning love which you'd ditch your whole group of friends for. I will continue to watch the first 3 movies with my son but ive written 4 out of my mind and wont ever watch it again. Not enough airtime for the toys we love, not enough interaction between buzz and woody throughout the fim, plot focusing on new meaningless characters.
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Upgrade (2018)
very under rated film
10 February 2019
Really enjoyed this movie, and feel its so under rated. For anyone whose into cyberpunk, sci - fi, this is a must see.
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10 February 2019
I can see what the movie was trying to portray, the dangers of social media and how people can become so obsessed with this , and even become another person but I didnt come to care enough for the characters for it to feel very meaningful. Also I would have liked it to turn a little more dark to give the film an edge, but it just falls short of that. It didnt have the same lasting effect on me as a film like "her"
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Tenebrae (1982)
Awful movie with comical acting
18 August 2017
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I watched this movie based on its reviews on IMDb, and i have to say, its the most disappointed I've been in a movie in a long time. How anyone can take this movie seriously is beyond me. The acting is beyond belief bad, its up there with the worse acting I've EVER seen in ANY movie. Come on, who can really take this seriously. It was also so obvious from the beginning that the author was going to be the murderer, doesn't take holmes or dick van dyke to figure this one out. I also found the music very annoying and not fitting with what was actually going on, add to that the dodgy attempts at being artistic with the camera and this really is an awful movie. I wasn't sure if it was a kind of comedy/ thriller at first. The acting is that bad, i didn't know if the viewer was even supposed to be taking this serious, but apparently you are. I love 80s movies, but this one is really dated and really painful viewing. I even found the toxic avenger more realistic. The best part of the movie was getting to see the girls knickers while she was getting chased by the cleverest dog on the planet. I suppose they had to throw that in just to try and keep some people watching.
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Great movie thats stood the test of time
9 August 2017
Timeless classic. Great adventure movie than never gets old. Yes the effects and props aren't what they used to be, but its still enjoyable today. There's some 80s adventure movies that seem really silly when you watch them today, movies like explorers are just ridiculous when you watch them now, but this has stood the test of time and my son will definitely be watching this with me when hes a bit older.
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Explorers (1985)
an 80s movie thats aged
9 August 2017
Im a massive fan of 80s movies, i love everything 80s. But this movie has aged and is almost un watchable once the boys arrive on the ship. Everything up until then is quite good, the plot is a typical 80s adventure, but once they actually meet the aliens it ruins the film for me and is just far too silly and unrealistic to watch in this day and age. Its a shame because it could have been up there with the monster squad, the goonies and stand by me, but unfortunately it just went a little it too far with the aliens and silly humour and for me thats why it makes it un appealing in this time
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Really big let down
5 August 2017
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I was very disappointed in alien covenant, as a big fan of prometheus i really had high hope for this movie.

The movie didn't come close to answering any of the questions about the engineers, about their civilization and their relationship to us and to the xenomorph. we don't get any insight or any answers. The only answer we do get is that David killed them, but we don't even get a reason why he killed them in the movie.

Its like the whole plot got sidelines to make way for a dumb crew what suddenly thinks its a good idea to go to a planet they receive a signal from, the planet happens to be in the goldilocks zone (habitable) yet they never mapped this place before. The decisions the crew make just get dumber and dumber and i feel ridley scott has listen to criticism of prometheus too much, and tried to make the action and gore that people wanted, but in doing this, he's lost the sole of the story and the plot was very basic and unsatisfying.

The visuals are great, and the one saving grace from the movie is David, he's a really good villain and the ending was good, although very predictable. But after watching the movie, i feel like i've just watched a side episode of the real story, were pretty much in the same boat as we were when we finished watching prometheus, we still don't know who the engineers really were, we know nothing about their civilization, other than some ruins, we know nothing about our relationship to them, their relationship to the xenomorphs, or where we all came from and our purpose.

The third movie is really left with a lot of ground to cover for this to be a successful and insightful franchise.
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Life (I) (2017)
so much hope, so little joy
16 June 2017
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I gave the film a 5 because I could just about sit through it and want to know the ending. Saying that, i was just waiting for it to end.

The acting was so poor in this film, all the characters were just so one dimensional and their state never really reflected what was happening at each point in the film. They never really shown the level of fear and desperation that any human would have shown throughout the film.

The script is very predictable, and quite silly to be frank. A bunch of scientists who would have trained and studies so long for a mission like this make school boy mistakes and decisions and don't seem to know anything about space what so ever. The alien itself is so unrealistic too, i can understand it being intelligent but surely it has to learn its intelligence, like the part where it directs the pod to earth, how would it have ever learnt to do that?

It just struck me how plastic the acting was, even when the alien was on them they didn't struggle or show much fear, it was really robotic and unrealistic.

The cgi is OK, and some of the effects when the alien is entering the human are nice, but it seems to have gone down the avenue again that effects are more important than the substance of the story line.

Didn't enjoy it, wouldn't recommend it, stick to alien , Prometheus, or even a movie like europa report is much much better and and much cheaper budget.
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Cheap mans battle royale
16 June 2017
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One of the worst movies i've seen this year. The story is just ridiculous and the acting horrendous.

A bunch of employees go to work on a normal day, only things take a turn for the worse and the soon find out the whole building is on shut down, and they have to kill each other to survive. The company has put microchips in all the employees, and use them to explode the people when they don't follow instructions ( sound familiar)

The plot is really bad and the so called twist at the end is even worse. Its so predictable what's going to happen, and eventually they all die except the good guy, who happens to plant the explosives on all the culprits at the end and blow them all up. How would the explosive still work if it had already been detonated before???? how didn't they see this on the cameras, they were quite obviously dissecting people's heads getting these things out, didn't they wonder what was going on?

It was really bad, don't waste your time on this movie, its not worth the time watching it.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
awful movie, worse than i anticipated
19 January 2017
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I really cant give this movie anything above a 1. it was dreadful from start to finish. The story is pathetic, the acting isn't great and it just lacks everything a dc movie should have. why publicize the joker in this movie? Why have his face on posters, hes hardly in the movie what so ever, and the bits he is in it, he just doesn't work for me, not the joker. just a really stereotypical teenie popper version of him. The movie is 50% deadshot, 45% harley quinn ( who is so annoying) and 5% of the others.

The attempt to give a back story to any of the characters doesn't work what so ever, and whatever emotion the movie tries to show between quinn and the joker fails too.

The movie really couldn't have been any worse, i was bored to tears watching it, and regret every second i wasted watching it.
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Typical sandler, good for laughs
15 October 2016
Yes this is a typical Adam sandler movie , people complain about it being brain dead , silly , well aren't all his movies this way and isn't this why we watch them? It's a silly movie of course but it's fun and enjoyable , no one can deny some parts of the film. I'm. It saying I was hysterical but I can't really remember the last film that did have me in stitches , at least this one has the balls to be a bit controversial and that's why I like it . Sandler does a good job again. Can't say I'd watch the film again and again that's why it's only a 6 but if you've not seen in you should definitely watch it and you will definitely laugh
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Nerve (I) (2016)
Predictable, had a message but is cheesy
13 October 2016
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The film has a message basically making people aware of the power of the internet and the consequences of trends and pressure to do things to stay in the spot light . I just thought the acting was quite bad , the story was predictable and all the characters were really stereotypical ( the un confident best friend , the nerdy Chinese girl ) I also thought the designs of emails , messages on phones on the screen because annoying and looked quite low budget. The film does have a message but it was a bit of an anti climax and the way everyone just kind of got up and walked away and forgot about it at the end was a bit too boring and could have had a twist to go with it .
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Utterly disappointing , stick to the cartoon
10 August 2016
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I can't tell you how disappointed I was with this movie , I don't even know where to start.

First the mowgli kid is so annoying , he's too cheesy, too americanised. This is supposed to be a kid that's lived his life on the jungle , yet he acts nothing like that . They could have made the accent more neutral, made his walking more animal like , and made him less annoying. Again in the cartoon Baloo is so fun and lovable , he just isn't likable in the movie , I'm not drawn to him, and he doesn't have the connection with mowgli that he has in the cartoon, there's no emotion in the movie and no emotional connection between the characters, other than the cheesy wolf line " you'll always be my son"

I was really expecting the movie to relive my childhood , to be quite magical but Instead it was just like a soulless cgi show with annoying characters and annoying voices , too americanised with blue coming out with things like " my bad". Kipling will be turning in his grave.

The movie is totally soulless and to add to the total lack of emotion in the film it doesn't even end with mowgli going back to the village. It just ends with them all sat up a tree living happily ever after.

The very worse thing about the movie is the music and the songs. I can't believe how bad and soulless they are , the bare necessity's sounds like some drunken old man on his death bed is singing it and the background music is poor , and the other song " I want to be like you " was totally ruined too. No rhythm , no melody , just dull. It was like the film makers were scared to have fun with the movie , they were scared to bring any emotion or sense of childhood into the movie and instead just concentrated on cgi.

I will never watch the movie again and will always stick to the cartoon. A very painful watch .
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Traded (2016)
So predictable with bad acting
5 August 2016
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So another pointless movie makes it out on the shelves. A family live on a ranch and the son dies from a snake bite , the mum looses the plot the daughter runs away to escape and gets caught up in a prostitution ring. The heroic dad goes after her , checking out a few towns and saloons on the way , has a few conversations , easily kills a few people and eventually gets his daughter back.

The story is very weak and for a so called western action / thriller I wasn't thrilled once throughout the movie. The killing scenes are all quick , unimaginative and boring. It's another western that has been let down by lack of depth in the story and just a lack of guile in the so called action scenes .

I wouldn't even bother giving it a watch, if you want to watch a recent western watch bone tomahawk.
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Pointless , boring , hard to watch
23 July 2016
This is one of the worse films I've seen. This is coming from someone who likes these genre of films too, I like films like porkies, American pie, road trip. This film doesn't come anywhere near close to any of them. None of the characters are funny in the slightest, none of them are even likable , the acting is poor , the story line is just totally pointless , it's just basically watching these guys drink beer for an hour and a half and talk rubbish. It has no direction what so ever , and the characters are supposed to be in their first year, yet they look 35. What is all that about ?

From the high reviews on here I was expecting something good , but there's just nothing , I honestly didn't laugh once throughout the whole movie , I didn't find any part entertaining and I was just battling with myself through the whole thing considering when to turn it off . It's painful to watch, save your time and your intelligence , don't bother.
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Green Room (2015)
Painful , very poor
19 July 2016
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Poor film. How anyone can rate it I don't know . It just makes no sense . A couple of feeble humans stuck in a building on the middle of no where while the skin heads have numbers in abundance , guns , human eating dogs , but a women with a fire extinguisher and a high pitched microphone can do better. Why don't they all just go in the place in the beginning and kill them? They know the band aren't armed yet they don't go into the room with a thin rotting old door, and instead they send packs of two in. It's just so stupid . It's a situation that in real life , would have been over in 5 minutes , yet you have to sit and wait for a painful amount of time for them to escape instead.
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The Lobster (2015)
pretentious, boring, all style no substance
6 June 2016
First of all, probably the weirdest film I've seen this year. People go to hotel to meet someone and if they don't find a partner in certain amount of time they are turned into an animal.

The film is unrealistic, strange, the dialogue is bad, all the characters are bland without feeling or emotion, and the voice over is just annoying.

Thing that don't make sense.

The character are there to find a partner, and if they don't they will be turned into an animal, yet no one seems desperate, or looks entirely bothered about meeting anyone what so ever.

Why do they go in the woods and shoot each other with tranquilizers? There's no background on any of the characters pain why they chose to go thee in the first place and how they made the decision to go there.

No backound on the owners, and how they have come up with this twisted, weird place, and no pleasure,of any emotion is shown from what they gain by it.

What actually happens when they supposedly get turned into animals? If people become a couple why do they go back as a couple, when the whole point is to find a partner.

If the object is to find a partner why cant they have sex? Why are there people staying in the woods rebelling against the hotel, yet doing pretty much the same thing, why don't they just go back and live a normal life.

All these and so many more questions unanswered in the film, plus the director tries to be too arty in a wes anderson way but to no avail. none of it works and the whole film is just a mess.

I've given the film a generous 5 because i suppose it did just enough to make me want to see what happened at the end, but even that was a disappointment and id never watch it again or recommend it.
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Just like watching someone play COD
2 June 2016
After reading the reviews of the movie I was really excited to watch it but quickly became very disappointed. I'm not going to pretend I know anything about the real story because I don't but the thing that annoyed me was the childishness of the characters, and the amount of clichés, silly one liners, and stereotypical " American are great and superior" moment there are in the film.

As always Americans are the victims, and they're great and superior to anyone. All the security team are laid back Giants , drinking bud, playing video games , while the enemy are all scrawny thugs.

The movie just didn't seem to have a direction, I didn't know where I was upto watching at times , much of it just felt like I was watching a friend play call of duty. The dialogue was bad , the characters were bad , and what's with this poor artificial lighting that bay used, it just looks stupid and is quite clearly fake.

The only reason I have it 5 is because some of the scenery and locations looked good, so some research might have actually been done there , but other than that it was just a typical film gloryfying Americans, with annoying characters showing us how great their life is back home yet how their not scared.
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Entertaining, best marvel for a while
30 May 2016
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I don't understand why people have such bad reviews of the movie , people need to lighten up and understand it is just that, a movie . People complaining about holes in the plot, how a camera would have been there to see Starks parents death, how captain America could have known about Starks death, why couldn't ironman have got this info before , so many question , but it's a movie , you don't need to know how EVERYTHING came about , the movie would be boring and very very long if everything was explained in such a way.

Yes the plot line has flaws, yes it kind of feels like two movie merged together and could have just been called avengers, and yes some characters appear for no apparent reason but to fight , but hey , this is a super hero movie , a fun action movie , that's how it's meant to be entertaining , it's not w novel prize winning novel, it's not a serious drama , it's there to enjoy , not sit there and pick holes in.

I enjoyed the movie , I enjoyed the action scenes , and I enjoyed seeing characters like ant man and spiderman join in. Spiderman was pictures as he should be , a slightly enjoying kid, spiderman has never been a really grown up dark character.

Sometimes I got a bit lost as to what was going on and the reasoning for such things , and I also got a bit annoyed with the shaky cam, bit over all the movie was fun, it wasn't perfect , but it wasn't the disaster people make out.
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Another Hollywood disaster
30 May 2016
The first movie wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination but this movie was a disaster and I'm shocked how it even received the go ahead to be released.

The story is weak, drawn out and boring , at no point was I excited or even interested throughout the movie , I just wanted it to end.

Another poor performance by depp, who seems to just cash in whenever he can in poor movies with the same performances. He's so annoying in this movie , and this stupid way he talks and the way he moves his mouth is just annoying. He is annoying and so is his character.

Depp isn't the only one though, the acting by every character is poor , Bonham Carter with the same annoying voice and movement she does in pretty much every film she's in, Hathaway just looks lost through the whole movie , no expression what so ever , a blow up doll could have played her character.

It's really really bad , don't waste your time watching this stuff .
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Dark City (1998)
I love sci fi but not this
25 May 2016
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After looking at the rating and reviews I chose to watch this movie thinking it was going to be a classic under the radar. Unfortunately it was a quite poor, barely watchable , low budget sci fi.

I really can't believe how shallow, and heartless the acting is, the main character doesn't change his face expression throughout the whole movie, I fact no one does. Another really annoying thing was the scientists weird almost stutter, where he pauses between his words for no apparent reason and doesn't add anything to his character. Just annoyance for the watcher. On top of the poor acting, the special effects , make up , costumes are equally as poor, especially for a film in the 90s, I've seen better effects in the 70s!

The story itself could have been an interesting concept, but it's all spoilt with the poor camera work, poor editing,poor acting and effects. I asked myself at least 5 times should I turn it off but I watched until the bitter end and watched the poor ending of the film too.

I don't really need to write a plot as plenty of others have done that, but not one character acts well or is believable in the movie, it's all in all just a bit to silly.
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average, typical pegg movie, watchable not outstanding
24 May 2016
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when Simon pegg develops powers from an alien race to make anything he wants happen he send things in curious, messy, and complicated. he can make a women love him, make his dog talk, make his boss at work like him, but what he says isn't always what it seems and the aliens are waiting to see what he does with the powers to see if they will spare the human race.

Its the same concept as the movie "bedazzle" he can pretty much make anything happen but it always seems to go wrong and complicated.

The part scream out for pegg, its a typical pegg movie, just not one of his greatest.
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Robot & Frank (2012)
pleasantly surprised
24 May 2016
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This is the kind of film you watch and realize there's nothing bad about it, the actors, the simple plot, the pace. All great. Its a movie that doesn't need great effects, doesn't need to be too complicated, its a very simple story line but what we see is a story about age, loneliness, technology, friendship, regret, lethargy, and an old man given a new lease of life by the most unexpected source,a robot.

At the beginning the old man is lonely, unsociable, lazy, stubborn and quite moody, he doesn't seem to want to give life a chance. The robot changes that when it enters his life and eventually a friendhip is formed, he realizes that the robot doesn't have any kind of conscience, or legal boundaries, that's when he gets the idea to use the robot to reignite his old life of thievery. With some twists and turns on the way the old man is always one step ahead and in the end the robot sacrifices itself for him. Moving, lighthearted movie.
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Mad max is ruined
12 May 2016
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I've rated this movie just above awful. How anyone can say this is a great action movie is beyond me , unless it's a load of 4 year olds rating it .

Firstly Tom hardy does a poor job of being max, he's no Mel Gibson, I didn't feel for him, I didn't despair for him , he is so bland , boring, and has no personality. I could hardly make out what he was saying. Maybe he though he was still Blain.

In the old mad max movies you really got a sense of the desperation, how everything was scarce, I this movie nothing seems scarce, fuel in abundance, weapons and ammo in abundance, cars with more gadgets than a Swiss Army knife, it just didn't make sense.

The plot itself is a joke, half the movie they are riding away being chased, the other half they return from where they came being chased again. I got no feeling for any of the characters , the plot is poor, the acting is poor , there is just no dialogue or depth what so ever.

This movie is just another example of Hollywood polishing up old franchises with special effects but adding no depth or story line to them what so ever.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Best new western out there
12 May 2016
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Although this movie doesn't have a massive amount of action involved, the dialogue and the characters make the movie enjoyable throughout.

Russell plays a sheriff in a small town and when some weird Indians take his prisoner and a local doctor from his sheriff office they go on a long mission to find them. The journey is hard, through demanding terrain, also one guy has a badly infected leg which holds their journey up.

The supporting cast really make the movie enjoyable as they all have a totally different personality and different objective to be on the journey.

The actions scenes are all shot brilliantly and a rather gruesome , it's a slow burner movie but I was never bored waiting for the action to happen, kurt Russell plays a great part as a hard faces sheriff who won't let anything get in the way of his pride. Definitely worth a watch .
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