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An epic story about patriotism and footbal
23 February 2024
First of all my modest opinion is that this movie deserves 7 or 8 stars but there are so many haters of Turkey who voted 1 star without even watching the movie, so I voted 10 stars to compensate. The movie tells the story of Fenerbahce sports team members during the years of independence war in occupied Istanbul. The story is based on the lives of real characters, you can see who they are and what they did in later stages of their lives at the end of the movie. The story of how Fenerbahce kept the spirit of the Turks up and secretly helped the independence warriors in the fronts is just emotional. The ties of the club with the founder of the country, Atatürk, is very well depicted. Whoever gave this movie 1 star are just traitors, it's the real history depicted in a beautiful form.
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Great movie
19 December 2020
The movie was great but the performance of Chadwick Boseman made it great, he deserves an Oscar for his role.
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Dark (2017–2020)
A timeless masterpiece
7 December 2019
The only tv show that I wished I could rate more than 10 stars.
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Dragon Trap (2010)
a good sign for the future of Turkish action movies
28 January 2010
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the first scenes of the film are not so good, the rest of the action scenes are not bad at all (for a Turkish action film) but the film starts with a terrible battle scene, even the TV shows have better gunshot and explosion scenes...

the cast is very good, they used well known actors even for small parts, i also liked the story even though there is a major flaw: the serial killer kills only the ex-convicts who were released from the prison and only a cop could know this, they were trying to get a regular guy who served military in the southeast turkey, it just doesn't make sense, an ordinary man looking for revenge gets the police files and also steals his own police file... he should at least be a cop or he has a mole in the police department... this is a major flaw in the story and none of the cops realized it, not even the super-detective cerkez(ugur yucel)...

another problem was the sound but i am not sure whether it was caused by the film or the theater i went... i am rating the film 7/10, it is not a bad movie at all, i think it is a good sign for the future of Turkish action movies since the old ones were really bad and this is a good step forward...
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recommended for real people, not for the film critics who has no idea about the world
2 January 2010
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People who think that they know about movies usually review comedy movies as disappointments unless they are dark... "Yahsi Bati" is not dark at all so get ready to hear comments like "it's a big disappointment" or "it's toilet humor"...

Cem Yilmaz is making fun of clichés for years, that's what he used to do as a stand up comedian and that's exactly the genre he is successfully making films for years now. He swears a lot just to show that we are swearing a lot in our lives but we are not tolerant to hear people swearing in films (such a hypocrisy)... He also makes fun of stupid clichés in the type of film he is making (for example western clichés such as bouncing bullets or horse whisperer in Yahsi Bati)... Playing with the meanings of the words is his other method but it is no different than what he had done for years as a stand up comedian...

just go and watch the film, it was brilliantly shot, well acted and laughter guaranteed...
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Abimm (2009)
do not expect to see a comedy movie...
8 December 2009
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The film was "of mice and men" blended in "hersey cok guzel olacak"... I enjoyed the film until the last 15 minutes as a good comedy movie, it was my expectation as well, critics wrote that it was a comedy movie... but the last 15 minutes were as if it was from a different film. The characters make you laugh for more than an hour and when you get out of the theater you feel as if you were hit by a truck, the contrast was too much...

the acting was good, both lead actors are known to the Tukish audience with famous TV shows. i am glad they did something else and it did not look awkward because they were in certain characters for years and people recognize them with their character names from the TV shows.

as i said, i enjoyed the film even though i think that the end was too emotional...
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well directed movie based on clichés
31 October 2009
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first of all i would like to say something about the director... i couldn't believe that he was the director of a such well directed film when i watched his first movie, i still have doubts about his work being his work but it has nothing to do with him being kurdish, it is just because of his earlier carrier being one of the worst singers in the country... maybe this was supposed to be his real carrier since the beginning...

i liked the film, i liked the camera work, i liked the coloring, i liked most of the acting (for example ali surmeli was not good enough, he can do much better)... but... i did not like the clichés... there is the cliché used by the snob intellectuals of turkey: the fight in the south east is the fault of both the army and the terrorists, the army should not be on the mountains... the army is there because the imperialist founded terrorists are on the mountains...

also the matter of villages evacuated... it is true that many villages were emptied by the army but there is a reason... there are villages on the region where all the population is consisting of relatives, like 2-3 families each having 10 children forms a village and all of them are relatives... and why do they do it? because they have problems with their cousins on the next village... the governments cannot provide everything to these small villages because the population is just not enough to spend that much, it is not a nice thing not to have a doctor in your village but no doctor would go to work in a village where there are only 5 houses... so this is a problem there but it was not created by the government, it is the problem of the region caused by the lifestyle... and they were evacuated because these small villages provide shelter and food to the terrorists even though they do not support terrorism but the terrorists are from their family...

also the gay cliché... it is like that everywhere around the world, no one wants a homosexual in the family... some people can deal with it and some cannot, and in the east where everyone around you is also family, it is a bigger problem for simple minded... they tend to kill the gay in order to clean the "virus" from the family because they just think it will spread to the others... but this killing is a way of life for these people, they kill the soldiers, doctors, teachers, nurses, policemen, everyone who are not one of them...

it is a nice movie, worth watching... but i am not really OK with the clichés... the message is good, we want peace... but the peace won't come to those who are holding the guns against the government... i am not a supporter of the government, i actually don't like any of their actions but i am not going to the mountains and bomb innocent people...

and the Oscar nomination... i think it can make it... after all they have all the clichés the academy likes, homosexuality, war and peace... and it is not anti-semitist, either... you know how political the academy can be so i wouldn't be surprised if this movie gets an award...

ps. 7 is above the average in my scale...
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Beyaz Melek (2007)
not bad, watching it wouldn't be the end of the world (for those who are not watching it because of the director)
9 February 2009
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first of all i would like to say that the casting was great, you can see many good old actors in the movie and they are the reason why this movie is such successful...

the story is also interesting, pointless stuff happen like Yıldız Kenter's death on Salt Lake after she cries to the angel that she wants to die when everywhere is white... i can understand that the director wants to show the scenery but it is still pointless...

i also have doubts about the director of the movie, he is an uneducated person who can barely speak and i do not believe he can direct this movie... he may tell the story in his head and someone else directs the movie, that's the only way this movie could be done, he is just paying for the costs and signing as the director since he is not appreciated much in the music industry anymore and he needs a new career, a more sophisticated one to cover his ignorance.

i liked the direction of photography and the scenery, the story is not bad, too much drama tried to be put together in a short time but it is not really disturbing... i voted 7 out of 10 which is quite fair in my opinion (i don't rate any movie below 5 if it is not a complete disaster)...
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Alone (2008)
great movie
14 January 2009
i see some people complaining about how cagan irmak, the director is playing with the feelings of people... alright, he is really good at finding the desires, passions and touchy moments, i agree with that but i think that's what makes this movie great... the movie has a story that gives most of the people the feeling of "having lived that moment", i believe it is based on mr. irmak's personal experiences... characters in the movie are well developed and acted good, especially the leading actor is just amazing... the director used the inner speeches (monologues/dialogues) very well... a very well known usage of the same thing is in the so called Turkish classical "selvi boylum al yazmalim" which exaggerated all this inner speech thing and made the movie unrealistic at some points, mr. irmak used it only when it is most needed so it is just giving the message, not disturbing at all... i believe those who didn't like the movie has some gaps in their lives, either never felt in love or never needed to be alone and ran away from all the ties... or they are the ones who are just finding reasons to criticize everything in order to show that they are more sophisticated... or they are so materialistic that they don't even see a reason for appreciating this movie... anyway, i think the movie deserves to be seen, mr. irmak did a really good job... oh, i have a word for those who like the movie just because of the soundtrack: those songs were always there, you are the one listening to the low-quality Turkish pop that's why you never realized how good we were in music, just open your eyes and ears, it may change your life ;)
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underrated because of false expectations
17 December 2008
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i really cannot understand the people who watches the movies just to tell that they are bad...

the day the earth stood still is a successful movie... and i think it is more realistic than all the other alien invasion movies. just think of it, we watched movies where the US president saves the world from the aliens or some ordinary guy blows up the alien battle ships... that's what you should call bad, this is much better than those movies...

i can understand that most of the people were expecting more action but this time the danger comes in shape of flies that you can't even see and you are disappointed because you don't see the explosions and stuff that you expected to be in the movie... but there is one thing you should remember, seeing explosions is what you wanted, not what the director or the writer wanted... so try to watch the film as it is just a film without expectations and you will understand what i am trying to say... expectations can mislead an objective opinion in most of the cases...
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Ask Tutulmasi (2008)
underrated because of the football fanaticism in Turkey
31 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First, I would like to say that this movie deserves a better rating than it already has... Football fanaticism is a big problem in today's Turkey and I believe that people voted this low just because the main character is a Fenerbahce fan...

*/ Let me explain for those who are not familiar with the football fights in Turkey... I know people who wouldn't let their daughter to get married to the guy she likes just because the guy is supporting another team, now you get it? /* The movie is a romantic comedy, it starts with explaining how the boy felt in love with Fenerbahce and the ambiance of the stadium. It's followed by introducing the girl, a car crash and some more coincidences occur where these two are involved, the guy falls in love immediately, the girl is thinking of an ex-boyfriend so she is kind of not thinking of any relationship. The mothers of both meets through a common friend and start to think that their children would be a good couple so they arrange a meeting without telling the kids... She thinks that the guy is arranging all these so she gets angry... The guy is a medicine representative but also works as a part time waiter in a fancy restaurant, the girl's boss, also her best friend's boyfriend, invites her for a business dinner in this fancy restaurant and starts hitting on her. She gets angry for this behaviour and resigns and leaves the restaurant. She has asthma problems and with all that anger she cannot breathe and the guy takes care of her. He realizes that he cannot do without her so she goes looking for her, learns that she went out of the city to relax a bit so he goes to the same place... They fall in love and start dating... During all this time, the movie is filled with views from Fenerbahce stadium, fans and the beauty of loving the football club more than everything... Anyway, as it is a tradition in Turkey, the guy goes to the father of the girl to ask for his approval and he approves, the father is also a Fenerbahce fan so they like each other. In the meantime there is an important game going on and the boy thinks that Fenerbahce will win if he does not watch the match. (He has such beliefs, you can see different "so called totems" in the movie) The father turns on the TV and the rivals score, he gets angry to the girl's father and they start shouting at each other and the father throws him out. The girl gets upset for this and gets in an asthma attack. In the meantime the guy is fired because the girl's ex-boss doesn't want him to be happy, he even offers money so that the guy leaves the girl. The guy hears about the girl's situation, he runs to the hospital, the father says he is sorry, they make a "totem" and Fenerbahce fans don't go to the match, they come to the hospital to support the girl, she gets well and they get married... Happy ending...

It is full of clichés but it is a romantic comedy, you don't expect more than this from this genre. The photography and direction is good, the story is not bad so I think it deserves a 7... Watch it even if you are not a Fenerbahce fan...
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great movie but not for everyone...
11 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is one of the best comedy movies ever made...

But I understand why some people did not like the movie... First of all it is not a good movie for those people who like cheap Hollywood stories with expensive visual effects...

It is not a good movie for the conservative people, either... If you just think of it, half of the world population is conservative (maybe it is more than half)... homosexuality, drug use, naked man on the roof and so on... these are not really for the conservative people... I do not mean that I say they are good but I don't mind seeing them in a movie as long as they give a good meaning to the whole...

and it is English humor... it is not for everyone, either...

3 major causes for hating this movie but it is a great movie if you have no problem with the 3 causes...
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Zinda (2006)
it is not Oldboy but still a fine movie even though the story is stolen pretty much from the masterpiece
24 January 2008
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I do not understand why many people are saying that it is a terrible movie... Even though it is based on the Oldboy story, Zinda is quite good. It was shot well, the acting is not bad, either... I would expect better from Sanjay Dutt when I consider his past but I think John Abraham did a very good job in this movie. He proved that he is not only the looks but he can act as well... I agree that Oldboy was an excellent movie, maybe one of the best of its kind but we shouldn't judge Zinda by comparing it to the masterpiece. Try to see the good in this movie... Think of it, what if this movie had an original script or what if it was shot before Oldboy, would you still say it was a bad movie? I doubt it... It may not be as good as the original but it does not deserve 4.5 out of 10. I would say it is a 6 but I voted 7 just to keep the average a little higher and not spoil the truth by giving it a 10... By the way, the hammer fight scene in the corridor was lame, especially the knife on Sanjay Dutt's back looked as if it was added later on but still I wouldn't call it that bad, it was more than an average movie... And I liked how they turned the story to fit the Indian culture where you don't even see lovers kissing in movies that often... Oldboy's having sex with the daughter story was turned into a clever way for a Bollywood movie, in my opinion selling the virginity of the girl was a brilliant idea... Also Oldboy's siblings having sex was converted to another good story where young Balajeet said he slept with Neema... I recommend all the commenters to be reasonable and rate the movies without prejudices...
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Overrated but worth to watch
12 August 2006
It is a nicely filmed movie but it is full of propaganda just like the other American movies.

The director could express the feelings in a war really well, for this reason I liked the movie but showing poor Somalians as monsters didn't really make sense.

There were parts in the movie I started to feel sorry for the American soldiers. Come on, they are heavily armed, supported by the black hawks and yet bare foot Somalians are beating them. I mean why not? They were just defending their country, I wouldn't expect any less from anyone whose country is under attack.

On the other hand American soldiers were shown as angels as if they were not the ones who are doing all the massacres. Anyway, I guess I have talked a lot about the politics.

The movie is nice, little overrated but worth to watch.
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Mr. Muhsin (1987)
18 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Muhsin Bey is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Let me tell you why...

First of all, the story is beautiful... Being a music producer with strict principles hasn't really helped Mr. Muhsin in his business. Trying to produce good music was not the way to stay alive where most of the people are listening to Arabesque so he tries his last chance with a young man who came from the countryside. He knows that it is his last chance in the business so he wants to play big, he risks everything he has to make Ali Nazik a star.

But is Ali Nazik the guy who deserves all this effort? The problem starts here. While Muhsin is thinking of producing good music and doing good things, he is dreaming of being an Arabesque singer, having gold chains on his neck and lots of women around him. Muhsin realized that he made a mistake but it was the end for him...

What I really liked about the movie is that the director did not try to show the beauty of Istanbul so obviously. I like it this way because Istanbul is just like a good painting which would steal the thunder of all the acting in the movie. Seeing Istanbul from the rooftops is still beautiful.

And the most important thing about the movie, the brilliant acting performance of Sener Sen. He is one of the very few actors on earth who can change the mood of the audience just with a move of his eyebrows. Ugur Yucel's performance was outstanding as well.

I recommend the movie to all people who would like to see all these things I have written above. Even though it has a sad ending, it is kind of happy too. Him leaving with the widow and her child looks like a new start.
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Stars of Eger (1968)
Good movie with mistakes about Turks and history
9 March 2005
I just finished watching this Hungarian classic and I must say that it is a really nice movie, even though the movie is full of mistakes about the Turks. The Turkish music in the movie is kind of funny, reminds me of the old American movies about the Arabs and flying carpets. And the clothes, i just can not imagine a place where everybody dresses up like clowns. The director exaggerated some scenes, like the gypsy leaving his tribe and dancing for his death, come on, the real life is not a circus. But still, the movie was one of the best Hungarian movies I have seen. And I guess they didn't expect any foreigners to see this movie so they just wanted to make Hungarians a little bit patriotic. I am not judging this, I mean after seeing thousands of American movies with fake heroes I can easily handle this one. Anyway, I recommend this movie but don't take the script so serious (I know that it is from the famous novel Egri Csillagok but it is full of mistakes, the novel was written to make Hungarians proud since they were a slave nation for hundreds of years).
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Tatli Kaçiklar (1996–2001)
21 November 2004
Rafet and Saffet are two middle-aged male roommates who were kicked out by their wives. They are living in a building where there is a small mafia guy called Tarumar is living. They are both journalists and they usually get into some trouble because of Rafet's plans to get rich easily. Their wives are living together as well, but with an addition; the mother Beton Raziye (acted by an old actor!!!). Beton Raziye is a one tough lady who doesn't let the girls to meet their husbands because she thinks that they are evil like all the other men. Tarumar, the mafia guy, is a quite old man who has a dumb singer wannabe mistress and two dumber bodyguards. Oh, I was almost forgetting to write about another important character in the series: Dürdane Kalfa, the land lady who is a really greedy person (also acted by an actor!!!). And of course the son, teenager boy of Rafet who lives with the women and thinking about women and sex 24/7. The scenes when he is hitting on older women are incredibly funny. I say it was a good TV show and recommend it to everybody to watch it if possible (Turkish TV channels often broadcast the old shows). <rating: 9/10>
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Nice story
7 November 2004
Years and years later an old soldier goes back to the city where his wife died long ago. His son and daughter in law join him in this journey. Since Agri (where the Mount Ararat stands) is on the very east of Turkey there is a long way in front of them to go from Istanbul. People try to change his mind to go there because of the terrorist attacks in the area at that time but he wants to see the place he used to work as a young soldier with his wife who was a young teacher. The story of their love and how the wife dies come back as flashbacks during the journey. Good movie. The story is little bit slow but the end is really touching. I recommend it for those who watches the movies to learn something. There are many hidden facts in the movie such as how Turkey became a modern country by the help of young woman teachers.
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Bir Demet Tiyatro (1995–2007)
The story of a Turkish family...
7 November 2004
This is the story of people who are somehow related to the Çitir family. Mükremin (Erdogan) is the rascal boy of the family, a wannabe gangster, Lütfiye (Akbag) is the smart member of the family, sister of Mükremin who is always having problems with her brother and husband. The father is a decent man who gets angry to everything his son does and the dotard wife. The rest of the characters are the people from the neighborhood. This was the best comedy show of its time in Turkey. Turkish people still remember Yilmaz Erdogan by the name of his character in the show, Mükremin Abi (Brother Mükremin). The same crew made many other projects such as Vizontele and Vizontele Tuuba which made a great success at the box office.
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A masterpiece of Turkish comedy
7 November 2004
70's were the best times of Turkish comedy, in this period lots of movies were shot and these movies are still the favorites of the Turks. The movies from Ertem Egilmez (one of the greatest Turkish directors ever) opened a new era in Turkish cinema. I should say that the actors and actresses who took part in the movies were also really good, maybe the best generation of Turkish cinema(so called Yesilcam). Kemal Sunal, Sener Sen, Halit Akcatepe, Adile Nasit, Munir Ozkul, Tarik Akan and many other great actors acted in these movies. It was like a festival to see all these famous people in the same movie. Sut Kardesler (The Foster Brothers) is one of the best movies done in this time. There are three soldiers who are called the Foster Brothers and they are somehow related to the general (Sener Sen). When they are in the general's house some strange things happen and the fun starts. The movie is about the Ottoman time so don't get confused by the clothes. (this was a note for the non-Turks) I call this movie a masterpiece and give 10 points.
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