
42 Reviews
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Olivia Coleman goes to the movies
30 March 2023
Empire of Light is a perfect title for this movie. A film about cinema & connection. Filmed in Margate getting the best of Margate with the stunning view out of the cinema. I was a bit concerned at first being a romance movie but by the end I was convinced. Olivia Coleman is stellar as always and unfairly missed out on the best actress category in more awards this year. This is the first project of Michael Ward's I've had the pleasure of watching and his subtlety and tenderness in his acting is joyous to watch. Of course this film is beautiful being in the safe hands of Deakins & Mendes. Very enjoyable, ultimately happy movie about love :)
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This is how you do a sequel!
30 March 2023
Best film I've seen this year (so far). As someone tremendously disappointed by the first film this one flew past ;) any expectation I had of the film. Great action, perfectly cliche story and amazing characters. One of Tom Cruises best performances from a character he's been with for 30 years. A great movie that offers enough new while still honouring its legacy. I am a fan and wish I'd been able to experience this on the big screen or IMAX.

The stunts and action make this movie the 10/10 that it is. Amazing behind the scenes footage of the training really sells this film a lot more than the original shaky cam!
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Clever Film
30 March 2023
Im still picking over the details of this film a while after watching. A very intentional film and understandably doing well in the awards season. An exploration of class dynamics and society through the lens of a luxury yacht, bad weather and castaway. A clever film but not really my cup of tea Harris Dickinson is extremely charismatic in this film which takes plenty of wild turns. This film peaks on the yacht but delivers some great moments in the third act. I'm a bit dissatisfied by the ending as it was just so abrupt but I have my theories! Good watch and leaves a slight sickening feeling at the bottom of your chest as it hits a little too close to home!
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The Beasts (2022)
Tense, claustrophobic and filled with dread.
30 March 2023
Tense, claustrophobic and filled with dread.

This is the most scared I've been of two normal men while watching a movie. This film slowly unravels building and building the tension.

There is a twist in the middle that caught me off guard but calls back so we'll to the opening scene with the horse. A great soundtrack accompanied but great performances leaves you with that nervous feeling in your chest. I was anxious throughout this film with the suspense continuously building.

The cast deliver amazing performances with some great sequences throughout providing this film with some good horror themes. Would highly recommend!
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 19: The Convert (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
15 March 2023
I really enjoyed this episode once I'd recovered from the whiplash of the change in pace. The opening was so quick out of the gates and so fun to watch that the second part of the episode struggled as a result. I loved the world building and return to Coruscant and the setting the seeds for stories going forwards, characters motivations are still a bit of a mystery at the moment and I'm looking forward to seeing this continue to develop, especially with Bo Katan who is being written so well over the last couple of episodes. This series is defying all expectations so far and I'm excited to see what is next especially as this feels like the end of arc 1.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
So much potential
13 March 2023
I went into this movie with high hopes and the first half delivered. The characters introduced were great fun with some good action to boot. Viola Davis cemented her place in DC's future with her standout performance & Margot Robbie was born to play Harley Quinn it would seem but the film failed to live up to the hype largely due to the DC formula of having to end with a giant CGI battle that undoes most of the hard work out in beforehand.

I'm not saying this film is perfect without the last act but it had the chance of being so much better. The action is hard to follow and the character played by cara delavine is hard to watch due to the unnecessary CGI.

The film is saved from being absolutely abysmal by some of the performances we see and isn't helped by how strong the sequel/requel by James Gunn is.
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The Whale (2022)
Brendan Fraser (Oscar Winner) shines in a dark film
13 March 2023
This is a dark depressing movie, the titular character has turned to eating as a form of self sabotage after a tragedy in his life.

As someone who is overweight and struggles with similar tendencies this film hit very close to home.

While there is some focus on this throughout the movie, the film is really about a man coming to terms with his impending death. This film can be a hard watch at times which I think is solely down to the acting performances of Brendan and Hong Chau both actors & performances I fell in love with watching this movie.

There may be some bias in my thoughts as I'd watched this Friday night after a long week but I was emotionally wrecked at the end of this, crying for the last 45 minutes of this film.

You can tell from the script & staging that this was a theatre script adapted, with clear religious themes we've come accustomed to from Darren Aronofskey. I would say the movie offers nothing new but is lifted by the performances of its cast each giving powerhouse performances.

A special mention to Sally Morton who delivers an amazing supporting role that leaves a mark on the audience during their short cameo.

Would I watch this again? Not any time soon but it's a film that will sit with me for a while which can always be seen as a mark of respect for a film and so I give it an 8/10.
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Scream 2 (1997)
A film with strong competition that fails to deliver on past success
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With the release of scream VI at the cinema I decided to binge the scream movies starting with V then going through the originals. I know the order is strange but I didn't know if I'd have time to watch them all before the new one came out.

It might just be because I'm coming at this movie 20+ years later but the whole college aesthetic and certain storylines did not come across well and seem to just be there to make the film a bit longer. For example the boyfriend was pointless, while he was meant to act as a redirect you very rarely see him interacting with the killer. And why is the main killer at the end someone you see for about 5 scenes prior and why does gale who wrote a book about the first killer not recognise her as the mother of billy? I know scream is meant to suspend reality sometimes but this time it borders on silly. It's always hard introducing a new cast in a slasher movie and I couldn't tell you any of their names and unfortunately the only one that survived the last film was Randy who to someone of my age is just plain annoying and offers no emotional punch on his death and I found myself relieved I won't be seeing him again which may be what the writers were going for but I highly doubt it.

One thing that doesn't bother me and I quite like is the plot armour of Dewey, that man is a pin cushion and can survive anything :D

The only positives from this movie for me are the original main trio not letting me down and the kills miking things up nicely; especially the opening with the cinema, very meta which it one of the strengths of these movies that I don't think scream 2 played into enough.
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Close (I) (2022)
A story of growing up and the inter connectivity of grief, guilt and forgiveness
12 March 2023
Ever since watching the trailer and seeing the cinematic shot of the two main characters running through the field of multicoloured flowers beaming with joy I have wanted to watch the film. I did some light reading beforehand so was aware of the premise of the film and it's themes and there are some trigger warnings for certain people but this film painted a beautiful picture of growing out of childhood friendships and the inter connectivity between grief, guilt and forgiveness I would watch this movie again and again.

The cast do a stellar job with newcomers Eden Dambrine & Gustav De Waele delivering spotless performances and embody the characters amazingly. What I loved most about this film was the fact it doesn't try to explain things to you, elements are left purposefully ambiguous and scenes are given space to breathe allowing you to get lost in the film.

The soundtrack from Valentin Hadjadj just enhances the movie further never forcing you to feel a certain way but enhancing the scene and underpinning the performances of the actors.

This movie took me on a journey I didn't know I needed and for that I am most grateful.
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Scream VI (2023)
'I'm pleased you let go'
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A quote in this film 'I'm pleased you let go' sums up my thoughts on this movie for me. Scream VI cements Sam & Tara as the main characters to take the 'franchise' forwards. Without Neve as Sidney in this movie (the first time in any scream film) the creative team were taking a risk but it's a risk I'm pleased they took as I felt Scream V included the legacy characters without too much story need but with Scream VI they got less screen time and as a result the film benefitted.

The action was up there with the first scream movie with some gruesome kills and a great final act. The film continues to subvert expectations while keeping its campy meta storytelling with talk of franchise, sequel, requal yet this time there were no rules.

Sam's character development interested me the most and she got some fantastic moments in this film and I look forward to seeing where they go with this in Scream VII. I think audiences will be happy to move away from legacy characters and start to form an attachment to the new core four.

My only negative would be that not as many characters died as I expected and there's a risk of 'plot armour' taking away from the fear factor of the Scream franchise we've come to love.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Campy Meta Slasher Flick
9 March 2023
I watched this film after seeing Jenna Ortega literally everywhere and in anticipation of Scream VI releasing tomorrow at the theatres and while it's not a movie making masterpiece and there are a few plot inconsistencies; I had fun! The callbacks to the original movies and the continuous commentary on horror tropes is great fun to watch and while I would have appreciated it being a bit more scary it wasn't trying to be films like the Babadook or Barbarian as commented on in the film.

Watching this film you can't deny Jenna Ortega is a star in the making and the legacy characters played the part that was needed from them. I look forward to seeing where they take the franchise in Scream VI.
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Mandalorian is back!
8 March 2023
Getting up early & turning on Disney + to watch this show in the hour it releases is a ritual I've missed. After last weeks episode nicely setting the scene for the series ahead we are back with another great episode. This episode encapsulates the relationship between Grogu & Mando perfectly with some nice cameos and some of my favourite character development I've seen from Bo Katan. The last half of this episode and watching the hard walls that she has put up slowly start to melt away because of her interactions with the protagonists is so enjoyable to watch and I look forward to seeing how this progresses.

The final scene of this episode is what makes me so excited for things to come as the reveal is such a pivotal moment for one of our characters it changes my entire predictions for where this season is going. You've done it again John Faverou! Bravo :D.
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Cinematic Masterpiece
18 December 2022
I loved this film, the aesthetic, the story, everything!

I was just a little let down by the film struggling to juggle its supporting characters and I'm hoping for the next movie to not be a rehash of this one. After number 3 my rating may change. Now to see it in 3D. The wait between this film and the last makes the return to this world all the sweeter. There's some fascinating foreshadowing and developments in this film I hope they unravel during the later films. This film doesn't feel fully complete unlike the last film but we know there is a sequel to this one in the near future so this isn't too much of a criticism.
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Boris (2022 Podcast Series)
Informative Podcast - Just not for me
17 July 2022
I enjoyed the podcast, some great guests to offer information as we recount the life and times of Boris in the build up to his resignation as prime minister, some interesting facts but without the buzz I was expecting from a title like this.
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Supernova (II) (2020)
Urgh my heart
15 May 2022
Wow... this film hit me harder than I was expecting. After a slower start the plot unravels and takes a turn I wasn't anticipating as I've been fortunate not to be in this situation before and it makes this film all the more powerful.

The performances of Stanley & Colin are the stand out for me and made this a film that is going to stick with me for a long time. The second half of this film is heartbreaking but told is such a sincere & respectful way you are able to connect with both characters.

This film also feels extremely grounded which I think makes it more impactful & I'm so pleased I experienced this piece of film. I look forward to the director/writers future works :)
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Moonfall (2022)
Easy Viewing Disaster Movie
11 May 2022
This film delivered what I expected knowing the director and seeing the trailer.

There were a couple of nice twists but these twists almost took away from the action of the film as it started to feel a bit overpacked, coming to the end feeling like not much had really happened.

The idea of the moon falling to earth was unique and led to some impressive visuals and disaster elements separating this film from others in the genre but the execution was lacking a bit in the delivery.

If you go into this movie without expectations and just take it for what it is a disaster movie by the director of Independence Day then you won't be disappointed.

John Bradley was the highlight of this movie for me, even if he was a caricature of your typical goofy scientist - I may have some biased as he played Sam Tarly but he always made me smile in his mannerisms and character development.

Would I watch this again? Probably not for a while. Did I enjoy it? Yeah!

Nothing special but an easy watch for a Saturday night film 6/10 :)
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And breathe!
11 May 2022
Another marvel film where expectations were extremely high & I believe it was able to meet most of the expectations.

There were moments in this film which just made me smile, largely related to Wanda which I think surprises nobody! Especially a 10 minute sequence which is the most shocking comic book movie moment I've experienced in the cinema, if you've seen the film you'll know what I'm taking about

I also really appreciated America Chavez & Dr Strange's relationship development during this film and hope we get to see more of it going forward. A big shout out to Xochitl Gomez for her performance!

Sam Raimi brings a new flair to the MCU with some great horror aspects while Danny Elfman delivers a super soundtrack.

My one downside is the story is almost pointless at times, I feel like certain aspects could have been slowed down and developed more but I was never bored in this film due to the rapid pacing.

Benedict cumberbatch is now a powerhouse in the MCU while Lizzie Olsen just delivers every beat, continuing from her fantastic WandaVision performance, I wish she could be in every marvel project.

I'm pleased with the worldbuilding introduced and hope they are expanded in future features. I'm excited for what's to come!
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Avatar (2009)
Groundbreaking cinema
11 May 2022
I've always enjoyed this film, following the release of the trailer for the second avatar film I decided to give this a rewatch to see if it has 'aged' like many CG heavy films do after 5-10 years and I was pleasantly surprised by how well it holds up.

There are certain shadows, textures & lighting which look a bit old now but the rest is still stunning to look at.

From a story point of view this is one of my favourite type of films with the big action set piece & the underdog coming out on top. I really enjoy the world building.

My main critique of this film is the rushed ending, it feels as though the last 30 minutes some BIG things happen that would impact our characters but this is heavily glossed over which I believe can be put down to the runtime.

Overall I give this film a 9 because of the quality of the film craft, the beautiful soundtrack and the story isn't 'bad' just rushed at the end. There is also great rewatch ability to this film which helps its rating. I'm hyped for the new film!
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Heartstopper (2022– )
A show for the Next Generation... which I wish my generation had
22 April 2022
'Hi' So I love heartstopper. When I heard we were getting this Netflix series I was so excited and the show didn't let me down.

The casting is superb and just feel so genuine. Kit Connor and Joe Locke ace every scene. Admittedly some of the dialogue is cheesy but you're watching a teen romance series so just let it slide! Kit is great at portraying the conflicting emotions and brings Nick to lift while I just love Joe's acting of the gay anxious panic in almost every scene.

Don't get me started on the supporting cast, I wish I could be friends with Elle! Yasmin steals every scene! And we could all use a friend like Tao.

I'm really hoping for a season 2 as I love these character and just want more :)

Oh and the cameos - no spoilers but just fantastic. Thank you Netflix & thank you Alice Oseman for giving us heartstopper.

Not quite a 10 as I'm hoping for a second season!

Edit: Ok I've changed my score to a 10 now, as a young queer adult this show has really stuck with me and I really wish I had seen something like this 5/10 years ago when I was really struggling with my identity and the anxiety/confusion/self doubt that came with it and still sits with me. I also came away with this feeling sense of loneliness that I missed out on this show at a time of my life when I needed it most. Nick's story line is just *chefs kiss* and so relatable, I think this show is going to be one I enjoy and revisit for a very very long time. I'm now going to rewatch the last 15 minutes of episode 3 (the music during these scenes is just perfect - Alaska by Maggie Rogers & Clearest Blue by CHVRCHES) followed by the last 20 minutes of episode 8 :) thank you again Alice for giving us this story and characters :)
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CODA (2021)
Perfectly Executed - I adore this movie
15 April 2022
A beautiful, intimate film about chasing your dreams.

I saw this film when it first appeared on Apple TV and remember saying to myself I needed to watch it but never got round to it. The night after the Oscars, I grabbed a bottle of wine and put this film on more out of interest as to what made this a 'Best Picture' and oh wow did I go into this underprepared.

To piece a deaf family with a CODA who has a passion for singing is a great story premise and is fascinating to see play out in front of you.

It has been 3 weeks since experiencing this movie for the first time & I still get chocked up thinking about the final 20 minutes of this film. You really empathise with all the characters in this movie and the ending culminates into some of the best cinema I have seen in a long time, not for the wow factor of it but just the subtle nod to THIS is what the film has been building up to and it was executed perfectly.

Each actor aces their performances and I would happily watch this film again & again. We need more films like this, 10/10 best film of 2021 hands down.
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Wow, speechless
9 February 2022
So it may be the bottle of Prosecco I was drinking through the first couple of episodes OR the fact that I've listened to the audiobook read by Adam Kay himself a couple of times but this series rocked me and is the best experience I've had watching a series in a long time.

The main character is one who initially is difficult to connect with but over the series you understand why. I was stunned from episode 5 onwards and it once again is a great reminder of the service provided by the NHS and the importance of every individual involved. Thank you Adam Kay & BBC for sharing this with us all.
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Eternals (2021)
Well done Marvel! I'm excited for what's next (again)
6 November 2021
After the news building up to this film I was apprehensive to see whether the criticisms I was hearing were true and I am pleased to say I enjoyed the film more than I was expecting. This is a great MCU film.

It was always going to be hard to introduce 10 new characters and give them all sufficient time to develop but I think the film managed it well enough with many of the key players in the story being given good development and I cared for many of the team by the end. My rating is as high as it is because I think Chloe Zhao does a great job at piecing the overflowing epic story together in a neat easy to follow (after the first 15 minutes) way which managed to surprise me in good ways as the story progressed.

This is one of the most epic yet personal marvel stories out there with action scenes shot perfectly while also giving each character (except a couple) conflict and emotional drive.

Please stay for the 2 end credit scenes which tease ever so slightly some future projects which I cannot wait to see.

I will happily watch this movie again and I'm pleased to see representation of all types included in a film without it being made a thing. I hope this continues as part of the new normal of cinema.
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Best Who in years
31 October 2021
Best Who in years! I was pleasantly surprised by this episode - I enjoyed the past couple of years but did not see who as a must watch and was disappointed by the writing and lack of character development. This episode was the best of the bunch - excitement, character development, mystery and a great set up for a promising rest of the series! Fingers crossed we get some old who back and Chibnall ends on a high!
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Black Widow (2021)
An enjoyable movie but an underwhelming villain and pointless CGI action
31 August 2021
I went into this movie with high expectations (possibly too high) and for 2/3 of the film I was thoroughly entertained, the chemistry between Yelena and Natasha was great to see and the plot was an interesting one! Unfortunately the third act let the film down by going all out action with lacklustre visual effects and it took away from what was built up between the main characters in the early parts of the film. The interactions between Natasha & the villain were great to see and paid homage to the power of Black Widow we have seen in early MCU films!

Yelena, Melania & Red Guardian are interesting additions to the MCU and I am looking forward to seeing them appear in future projects if they are able to show up again! I though Florence Pugh was fantastic in this and it was a great passing the torch movie from Natasha to Yelena.

I was laughing out loud at small moments between Yelena & Natasha and enjoyed the family dynamics set up in the movie. If they had not separated all the characters for the final action scenes I reckon this movie would have had a better overall feel for me. The action throughout the movie was great with some of the best hand to hand combat we have seen so far (Shang-Chi is out later this year which will top this movie) in the MCU.

I was disappointed by the cut at the end of the movie as it felt like a bit of a plot hole for me. On the other hand, the after credit scene was the perfect closure of the story and start of a new chapter for what has been one of the best characters (Black Widow) in the MCU so far.

An enjoyable movie but not one I want to watch again and again like some marvel films. For me, this is because it falls victim to the large CGI action set piece which detracts from the rest of the story. If they were not falling through the sky at the end of this film it would have been a better movie which is not something you can say often.
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The Courier (2020)
A great real life spy story!
31 August 2021
An enjoyable thriller but it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat throughout.

When I found out this was a true spy story I had to see this movie and as someone who didn't know much about the United Kingdom's involvement in the cold war this was an exciting entry point. Benedict does a great job as the slightly ignorant and unwilling businessman tasked with helping to transport secrets out of Russia. The development of the lead characters throughout the film was great to see and by the end I felt a strong connection with both of them.

The soundtrack is very good at keeping up the tension during your typical spy movie moments which was great at the cinema. I was not expecting the third act to go the way it did which isn't a good or a bad thing, but does credit Benedict's acting and adds emotional weight to the story.

Overall I would say this is a film which holds its own but isn't a 'must see' and for me didn't have the rewatchability to warrant a higher rating. If you like films such as bridge of spies or official secrets you'll enjoy this.
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