
184 Reviews
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The Leopard (1963)
Majestic and a bit dull
14 May 2022
The scenery is stunning and the costumes beautiful. As a matter of fact; the entire film is great to look at. It also features Burt Lancaster as a dubbed Italian 19th century Prince!! And guess what: he totally nails it! As a matter of fact: he is the best thing in this film. A film that at times feels a bit too long, is sometimes too much talking over action and contains a story that is unknown I guess for anyone outside Italy and in all honesty only is really interesting for those of you who are interested in Italy's history. Do like the whole theme of class and their struggles though.
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Amélie (2001)
An artful fairytale
14 May 2022
Amelie...I saw it some twenty years ago and recently I rewatched it for the first time. It stills is a beautifully made film. As my girlfriend said to me while we were watching it: this really is a work of art. And it is. The film looks great, the visual storytelling techniques are wonderful and Audrey Tautou is enchanting. But on an emotional level, the film doesn't connect with me. There is something missing...and I can't quite put my finger on it. A classic nonetheless, it just didn't have the same emotional impact on me as it had on so many others.
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The Northman (2022)
Raw and beautiful Viking Saga
12 May 2022
The Northman is, as this director did before, a perfect blend between art and entertainment. There is plenty of both of them to satisfy fans from both sides of the coin. It is a stunningly shot and brutally portrayed dark fairytale. A great Viking Saga. Superb soundtrack. Superb cinematography and set design. Great acting. Definitely worth checking out.
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A melancholy look at days gone by
10 May 2022
In The Mood For Love is a beautiful picture. It doesn't feel as a film but more as a poet. Two neighbors discover their partners have an affair. They find attention, respect and ultimately love for each other...although that love is never "consumed" or talked about. Except for that stunning last scene where our male protagonist tells his secrets to a sacred wall. The editing and recurring shots and locations give a feeling of days gone by. A feeling of melancholy. A feeling of what could have been. It's kinda resembles the same themes as Brokeback Mountain, only without the classical Hollywood narrative style. This film is slower, more quiet and therefore less impactful.
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Another Round (2020)
A perfect dramedy
6 May 2022
Druk is a terrific blend of light comedy, social drama and feel good movie. But Druk is more than that for me. Being a 40 year old teacher myself, I found myself recognizing a lot of the struggles the main characters are facing. The film made me laugh, made me feel, made me linger about my own life. It's a film that will stay with me and will be revisited in the near future. So I can feel those same emotions again. And that is what only great films can do. So a big thumbs up for Vinterbergs triumphant film.
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So simple yet so effective
5 May 2022
The Blair Witch Project is the definition of a sleeper hit. Made for peanuts in '99 it was a global box office hit and kick started the subgenre of found footage horror. The film is so effective as a horror film although we never really see anything. And that is the strength of the film: the home video style, the setting, the shake gets underneath your skin. It is a prime example of the rule that NOT showing something is much more frightening than actually showing it. A stone cold classic horror film. And rightfully so.
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Pixote (1980)
Raw and powerful
29 April 2022
I think City of God is one of the best films ever made. Someone mentioned, when I told him, that I should see Pixote as well. And in many ways the films have similarities; both tackle the subject of poor Brazilian kids, living their dangerous lives on the streets. But where CoG is a kinetic, fast paced and edited crime flick , Pixote is more of a neo realist film, a social drama. The pacing is much slower, but the story carries the same brutal and raw natural impact. Although I must say the film loses some of its power once the young boys escape their youth prison (if that's the correct word) somewhere half way during the film. But prior to that (the first hour or so) Pixote is a mesmerizing film. Showing us a world we hardly know anything about, and manages to leave a lasting impression.
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You can almost smell the Casbah
27 April 2022
Pepe le Moko feels like a neorealist French film. The story takes place in the Casbah in the main city of Algeria, a French colony. Although there is probably quite some studio work, it feels as if the entire film is shot on location. The intro of the Casbah is terrific. And throughout the film you can hear, see, smell, feel the Casbah. A great directorial job. Jean Gavin is on top form as well as the charismatic master criminal. All in all this 1937 film still feels real, thrilling and entertaining.
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Great comedy with Stiller and DeNiro on top form
24 April 2022
Meet the Parents showcases the most horrible meeting of your in laws ever. Practically everything goes wrong for our protagonist. And watching him sink deeper and deeper is much of the fun of this comedy. A great script and perfect performances from Stiller and especially DeNiro as the father in law from hell. Forget the sequels, they are not worth your time. But the original is still a great ride.
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Ida (2013)
Beautiful in style, cold in form
23 April 2022
I had high hopes for this Oscar winning film. And unfortunately it only partly payed off. Visually the film is beautiful. The black and white cinematography is breathless, the camera angles innovative and the setting perfect. But the narrative lacks an emotional depth. It all feels too cold, too detached. You don't really sympathize with the main characters, because too much is left unspoken.
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Atlantic City (1980)
A tour de force of Burt Lancaster
20 April 2022
Atlantic City is a city in decay, a relic of the past. But Atlantic City is also trying to rebuild itself, finding a new future. These two sides of the city are symbolized by the characters of Burt Lancaster and Susan Sarandon: an old Hollywood legend giving one final great performance and an upcoming young actress. Both were nominated for an Oscar and it's especially Lancasters performance that sticks with you long after the credits roll. The whole atmosphere of the film perfectly fits the themes of the film. It feels as a superb 70s New Hollywood film, although it's made in 1980. And perhaps the greatest performance of them all is that of Atlantic City itself.
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Network (1976)
Terrific screenplay and still relevant
15 April 2022
Although this film is almost 50 years old, it is still relevant as hell. And next to is still a highly enjoyable film. Great acting by the four main leads and a superb script full of great dialogue.
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Impressive acting in this social drama
15 April 2022
On the surface, The Florida Project is a rather uneventful film. It's more a documentary. It doesn't build up to a grand finale of magnificent character arc. But that doesn't make it less interesting. On the contrary, it makes the whole thing more believable. Great performances all around but I really want to give a shout out for Willem Dafoe. In an unusual mundane role, Dafoe's acting is not so much in the dialogue but more in his movements, the way he looks at certain characters. It really is a strong performance without any of the more showy aspects he tend to have in other roles.
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Son of Mine (2015)
A gripping social crime drama
5 April 2022
Gluckauf won De Gouden Kalf (the Dutch version of the Oscars) for Best Film, Director, Cinematography and Screenplay. And rightfully so. It takes place in the deep south of the Netherlands and, myself being somewhat familiar with that area, the authenticity is perfect. The acting, especially of the main protagonist, is gripping and, for a lack of a better word, feels authentic. The color grading is done in such a way that the entire film feels bleak without it feeling gimmicky.
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The most 80s/90s film I know
31 March 2022
This film, released in 1989 just breathes that period in terms of music, clothes, hairstyles, visuals. Seeing it now, in 2022, it really feels like a trip to memory lane. Its story about racism is still could say unfortunately. It is a well made film and was immensely important back then. But in all honesty...the film hasn't dated that well. Not in terms of visuals. And in terms of the narrative I believe there are quite some modern day films that tackle the subject of racism better than Do The Right Thing.
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Windfall (2022)
Feels like a 90s TV film
30 March 2022
It's short and kinda entertaining. But it also looks and feels like a 90s TV film. You know, back in the days when TV was still cinema's little brother. It's not bad but it's utterly unforgettable. Average acting, directing, storytelling (with a rather unbelievable ending). Especially the cinematography makes it feel like a cheaply made film.
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Gorgeous to see, hideous to hear
25 March 2022
I know, I know. It's blasphemy. But somehow I never really get into a picture when I hear the characters say the lines the way Shakespeare wrote them. I have the same issue with Romeo+Juliet. It's too theatrical and therefor stands in the way for me to really identify and sympathize with the characters. The film, Joel Coen first film as director without the help from his brother, does a terrific job. The film looks absolutely stunning, thanks to the great cinematography and surreal sets. But the doesn't pull me into the film but pushes me away. And even a stellar cast with Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand can't helpt that.
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Beautiful but dull
23 March 2022
Unfortunately this wasn't a mind blowing experience as La Grande Bellezza. This film was shot beautifully, no question about it, but the story nowhere near as interesting as The aforementioned film.
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Great dark film noir about a fallen movie star
22 March 2022
There is much to love about Sunset Boulevard. First up, the directing of Billy Wilder. He lets the camera glide through the scenes and delivers a solid, fast paced narrative. Also kudos for the scriptwriter. The dialogue, or should I say Holden's monologue, is razor sharp and bitterly ironic. Then the acting; William Holden does a more than solid job but it is the performance of Gloria Swanson that really is unforgettable. Theatrical, melodramatic and all the better for it. It's a great view to a bygone era with small roles of big names from that era. The original opening sets the tone of the film perfect. Definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet. And final note: a marvelous turn by Von Stroheim in the supporting role of Max the butler.
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Fan service par excellence!
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess that if you are a huge Marvel or Spider-Man fan, this film feels like a wet dream. The film basically is one big fan service. SPOILER ALERT. It brings back five of the key villains and the two Spider-Mans from the previous non-MCU films. And it is not just a last minute gimmick: they are an essential part of the plot. It's great, even for someone like myself who isn't a big Spider-Man fan. Especially Dafoe and the returning Spideys impress. But the MCU Spidey regulars don't disappoint either! Tom Holland is good as always. Not just in the comedy or athletic parts (though he excels there) but he does a solid job in the more dramatic scenes as well. Everyone is performing a great act but I especially like the quirkiness of Zeydana. She is a natural beauty and a amazingly relaxed actress. But...for an average film lover the film on itself isn't that fantastic. Take away all the cool fan services and what remains is only a more than adequate superhero film. That is why I think an 8 is a perfect rating. It is an entertaining and fast paced film, but more fan service (done excellent) than perfect film.
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Eternals (2021)
Boring. Too forced. Not engaging.
17 March 2022
Oh boy...Marvel had quite a coup when they managed to hire Oscar winning director Zhao for Eternals. This would be a MCU film of a whole new level. It is. But not in a good way. The film is overlong and its plot (about the end of the world...again) doesn't deserve it. It diverse cast (there is something for everyone to identify with! How cool!) feels so forced and "look how progressive we are" it is annoying. The Defiants (horrible monsters) are not interesting at all. The humor is not at the same level of most other MCU films. No...this definitely did not live up to its expectations. And is definitely one of the worst MCU films.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
Great Oldman performance in a decent film
16 March 2022
Gary Oldman arguably gives the performance of a lifetime as Winston Churchill. It is an astonishing portrayal. He looks the part and perfectly shows the little nuances of the famous British Prime Minister. And leave it up to Edgar Wright to visually tell a story (although not as spectacular as in Atonement). But it is the story that is the weak part of the film. Sure, filmmakers often romanticize or dramatize a true story. But here quite a lot of scenes are highly dramatized. So much that they become unbelievable and damage the scenes that we dó know really happened. Most famously the metro scene near the end of the film. Watch this film for the excellent performance of Oldman. And perhaps Wright visual storytelling. That's it.
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Number 17 (1932)
An early work of the great master
8 March 2022
Number Seventeen premiered in 1932. A few years later Hitchcock would make some cracking thrillers in London, before emigrating to the US. But this isn't one of those great 30s films of Hitchcock. The last twenty minutes are quite suspenseful (despite the obvious miniature work) but the build up to it all is quite slow and there I say...boring? It all takes places in one building, located at number 17. There are some nice shots and light work in there but also some annoying editing. If you're open to a 30s classic of Hitch, I would advise The 39 Steps (1935), Secret Agent (1936), Sabotage (1936) or The Lady Vanishes (1938). They all are more entertaining and better crafted than Number Seventeen.
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The Mercenary (1968)
An entertaining Sorbucci western but not his best
7 March 2022
Sergio Sorbucci, although not as known as Sergio Leone, made some pretty cool spaghetti westerns. They are dirty, rough, fun and brutal. His best work are undeniably Django and The Great Silence. This film, Il Mercenario, is entertaining but lacks a strong narrative. The plot, involving a mercenary and a revolutionary, is about the Mexican revolution. But it never gives the sense of urgency the previously mentioned films have. Especially the final third is messy and features more climaxes than a porn movie. Some are good (the attack on the Mexican village with a freakin airplane, the shootout in the arena), others not so much (the sheep shooting climax, for a lack of a better word). Franco Nero is, as always, great. But Tony Musante isn't as charismatic as a Tomas Milian. Great soundtrack, one that Tarantino loved to recycle.
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The Batman (2022)
Bat Noir is an impressive film!
4 March 2022
First up: I always thought the villains of the Batman films (with the exception of Batman Begins) were more interesting than the Big Bat himself. Here, we finally meet an interesting, haunting and searching Batman/Bruce Wayne. Gone is the bored billionaire playboy, this Bruce is all depressive and lost. Pattinson does an outstanding job and not just as the reclusive Bruce. His Batman is equally impressive. And thank God we see a lot of him in action. This is Batman as a film noir, a detective. It is more reminiscent of Sin City and Watchmen than any of the previous Batman films. The villains impress as well: Kravitz is more believable as a cat burglar and fierce cooky than Hathaway from TDKR, Farrell as Penguin doesn't have a lot of screentime but boy every time we see him he really steals the show. And then there is Paul Dano as The Riddler: a Zodiac type psychopath that is utterly frightening. Great classic soundtrack full of leitmotif. It is a bit too long (just under 3 hours) and around two third of the film it drags a bit. But definitely a fresh and good new Bat flick.
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