
29 Reviews
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Mud (2012)
Not bad but I expected more
7 August 2013
I watched this movie 'cause I was expecting to watch a good crime drama but it was not. This is coming-of-age drama with some of crime elements. The main characters are kids and their performance was very good and convincing. The title "Mud" is not only the name of a fugitive, acted by Matthew McConaughey whose acting skills are great as always but also it may refer as harsh life of their families and the small island on Mississippi river where was the plot about in this movie. The atmosphere of the location is filmed very well and certainly this movie has high artistic values but main problem is a leak of plot. Characters are very good depicted but the plot could've been much better. The second half of the movie was a flat out and the end was predictable. A woman character played by Reese Witherspoon is spared and even pointless in some moments. She said just about ten sentences in whole movie or less. Shooting scenes at the end were unrealistic and even funny for this kind of a movie... After all this is not as bad movie as some of the reviewers wrote down but maybe you won't be just satisfied enough after watching it.
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The Beyond (1981)
This was so bad...
22 July 2013
Many critics and horror fans consider this movie as a masterpiece of horror and a cult following but I really don't understand them. The story is pointless and shallow. Actually, there is no plot here except few sentences which attempted to do so just to explain us what was director up to. This movie is so boring! Dialogs are senseless because of the shallow background. Actors are so bad like they where picked up somewhere out in the streets and imposed to do job called acting. Horror scenes are so bad and made me puke. The most stupid and laughable horror scene is when one of the main protagonists is shooting zombies. Even he noticed how to kill them (by shooting in the head), he proceed to shoot them in the other parts of the body regardless of the lack of bullets. I think that was idea of the director just to waste more time filming nonsense. I notice just one light moment in this movie. It is the music that follows all these bloody ,goring and frighting scenes. Somehow perfect matches the atmosphere of the movie and is very unusual for horror genre.It is disco with classic,jazz and folk elements. At the end I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. You'll fall a sleep before the end.
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The Hunt (2012)
What happens when someone is marked by the society as a sexual pervert...
8 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Before I watched this movie my expectations were very low. But once again I was attracted by high ratings on IMDb. I really have to explain the plot because of the flaws.

It begins very slow and more than a half an hour almost nothing is happening. The key moment happened when main character - local kindergarten teacher is accused for pedophilia by a little girl who is daughter of his best friend and everyone believed her. This is the first hole in the storyline. They didn't suspect that she was fantasizing and lying 'cause she's been always telling the truth even when she said after while that it was made up.

After that life of the main character has turned into chaos. People started to despise him for being pedophile. He ended friendship with his best friend and loses his girlfriend. His ex-wife has forbidden to their son to see his father. Other children from kindergarten accused him for sexual assault as well. Someone broke his window and when he went out to see who's done it, he saw his dog lying down dead. Employees from the grocery store has forbidden him to buy food there and is almost beaten to death... Police released him from accusations after finding out that there is no basement where he was sexually abusing children who reported that. One year later his life is normal and he is accepted by everyone again. This is second hole in the storyline. How could he carry on living without finding out who killed his dog for example, who broke his window and almost killed him by that rock?

At the end his son becomes member of the local hunting society as being adult. While they were hunting, the main character was almost killed by anonymous person who was shooting at him deliberately but he couldn't see him because Sun has blinded his sight. This is the third hole in the plot 'cause we can't find out who wants his death. Is there any other reason that someone wants him dead except main accusation?

The acting by main protagonist was very good. His suffer, pain, anger and injustice that had to abide is highly convincing. Directing is descent in regard to law budget. Somehow I felt emptiness at the end 'cause of the many questions that remained unanswered.

The title of the movie is very disputable. 'The Hunt' as the title may refer not only about hunting the animals but also it may refer as sexual predator. Both of them are hunting for a prey on their own way. What was director aiming to I guess we'll never know. Maybe that was the point.
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Argo (2012)
Certainly, this movie deserves Oscar and it's gonna get it
5 February 2013
When Ben Affleck came up with the idea to direct this movie he thought this way: "OK, I'll never gonna get my Oscar for best actor but if I direct movie that rises patriotism it's gonna happen for sure. American movie academy likes that. Remember Kathryn Bigelow and "The Hurt Locker". It doesn't really matter anything else." And it is what is going to be. This movie has so many flaws that makes me think where to start. The storyline is one-sided. One side is a good one and wants to save fugitives from certain death and second side is a bad one and wants to kill them as being spies. Totally cliché. The plot is shallow, barren, predictable and after while becomes boring. I don't think that the events described in the movie really happened this way and are authentic. Many countries protested about it (Iran, Great Britain, New Zeland and even Canada) so the storyline is very disputable. Acting was in the background cause the purpose of the movie was patriotic. Ben Affleck acting skills are weak as always. Alan Arkin and John Goodman are great actors as always but hadn't chance to show more themselves cause the script is barren. Directing is disputable and you may not like it. If you expected to see a good and realistic political drama watch "Syriana". This movie is not what you were expected to be. I never liked one-sided stories.
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Interesting plot but won't like it everyone
14 January 2013
A concept about story within a story and parallel between fictional and real characters seemed interesting to me and I wasn't disappointed. Director knew what he was doing and he did it well. Plot is really original and unique and I wouldn't compare it with any other similar 'cause it's not. The most interesting and crucial thing in the movie is definitely moment when you find out some kind of equality between some fictional and real characters. OK,I admit that many of you didn't like those needless gory and outrageous scenes but neither did I. Maybe the character Billy irritates you in some scenes but he is just one of the psychopaths and the greatest one indeed. Whole movie has more virtues than flaws and is worth watching so don't miss it.
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Compliance (2012)
Terrible, stupid, pointless
13 January 2013
This was one of the movies where protagonists have to do what they've been told without any exception. And this really happened!? I can't believe how stupid are people who were a part of this unbelievable event. All the time they've been doing things that has been told by a psychopath on the phone and they didn't suspect it just because he told them that he is a police officer. The most stupid scene was when he told them to do a strip search to one of the employees. At that moment it was so obviously and again no one suspected nothing and they attended an instruction. Poor little girl was naked without any objection. Stupidity goes further so they humiliate her doing some odd things and she doesn't even say to stop it. They tortured her and director tortured us watching this nonsense. Acting was terrible and mindless. I can't believe that same incident happened about seventy times. Were people really this much stupid?
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Almost a great movie
8 January 2013
I can't tell that I liked Almodovar movies but this one really deserved my attention. This is not a typical Almodovar movie 'cause it's a thriller and you are expecting good twist to come. And really the twist is so good and outstanding but I think not unrealistic. The way how director described us a story is very interesting and unique 'cause I haven't seen something similar before. I'm writing this review in general because I don't want to spoil you a plot. Don't read any of those reviews with spoilers and your impression after watching this movie will be stronger. If Hitchcock was still alive he would make a similar movie. Hitchcock influence was crucial on Almodovar to direct this film and it is not a reason to skip it. The end is a little bit faint and defective and could've been better but the movie is very good in general and don't miss it.
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Not for everyone taste
4 January 2013
The most of the people expected more from this movie including me as well. It begins on cliché. Two stupid guys accepted dirty job to do for the boss, got some gain and then one of them has started talking about it and talk big, till they got hurt by the end. Movie has some artistic qualities but the plot is weak and could've been much better. In the run it stars slow and boring. Some of the characters were unnecessary e.g. Mickey, character acted by James Gandolfini. The political campaign and comments about how economic crisis effected on crimes were needless. Even a hit man, character acted by Brad Pitt is emphasized and inconclusive 'cause his cleaning tactic has many flaws. One of the light moments was abrupt ending scene that define the purpose of the movie. Gory and brutal scenes may not like everyone.
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Holy Motors (2012)
What was this all about?
18 December 2012
This movie seemed interesting to me at first sight. I thought it would be different and enjoyable 'cause one actor played seven roles. I was wrong. Except good acting by main actor there is nothing interesting here. What was the plot all about? It's very weird, faintly and confusing. It's like merge of many events that follow main character without any sense. This movie tried to be original, unique and memorable but didn't succeed. The script had many flaws and is very barren and shallow so the movie looks very boring. Life as a performance by main character is overused and looks very silly. The scene when he kills the same person as he is looks very stupid. Every next duty he gets from the superiors is just odd and stupid. The scene when cars speak to each other in the end was really pointless. Really, I tried to find the meaning of it but I didn't. Watching this movie was a torture.
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Clip (2012)
Sickness and nothing else
1 December 2012
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's all about sex obsessed girl and her boyfriend having sex, drink and take cocaine on turbo folk parties all the time. Is this worth watching? I don't think so. By the way, she has very ill father and concerned mother but she doesn't give a damn about that. This movie shows how sick society is described in this movie. Why did director do so? Why did those kids do so? Are they sick as well? Those sex scenes were doing with actors who are main protagonists in this movie and they are under age. It's totally lie written in the end that director employed adult actors to do it. If you look it carefully you'll be convinced as well. Execution was awful. There is no any plot here except stupid kids who are thinking that they are adults and can do whatever they want no matter the consequences. If director tried to change a point of view about harsh times of the teenage subculture with more spoken words and less of those sex scenes, this movie could've been better. After all this is just a sickness without any substance. Just skip it and watch something else.
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Shame (2011)
Lame, shallow, boring
18 November 2012
A movie about sexually obsessed brother and his sister who visited him and intended to stay at his apartment and is sexually obsessed as well. I saw more dialogs and story lines in many adult movies than this was. And what was this all about? They are both seriously emotionally sick and don't care about it. Whole movie is one sex scene to another and nothing else happens. I really don't understand the point of it. On the other side there are emphasized positive comments by some critics who consider it as a masterpiece. This was really ridiculous. I don't understand this high ratting on IMDb as well. What is going on with this world now days? There is nothing memorable here. Just waste of time.
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End of Watch (2012)
"Wanna be" a cop movie
18 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand people who rate this movie so high. First of all, there is no storyline here. It's all about two cops who are going after drug dealers and because they didn't have enough experience get hurt by the end. Absolutely boring. I don't remember any dialog that is worth while. Acting was average because of the shallow script. Directing was terrible. It's like cop Blair Witch Project with that shaky cam and we've already seen this kind of directing in so many movies before. If you expected to see a good cop movie like Colors, Training Day, Narc, Harsh Times etc. you will be disappointed. Even movies like Dark Blue, Cop Land, Brooklyn's Finest, Internal Affairs etc. are better than this. Really, nothing memorable exists here except high rating on IMDb and I hope it's gonna change soon 'cause it doesn't deserve it.
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Killer Joe (2011)
Simple storyline, great acting, confusing end
24 October 2012
First of all this was not movie for feint of heart. There are many brutal scenes that won't make you calm at least. But of course this is white trash movie and is expected to be. The plot was simple with one twist in the end but I would say it was expected. It doesn't really matter 'cause all actors did their job well and the acting was the cornerstone of this movie. Like in director's previous work "Bug" the plot is emphasized by the psychological profile of the protagonists and this is the substance of this work as well. The only complaint is the end. It's a little bit misty and clumsy. But and "Bug" was as well. Maybe director wanted to make it that way and left the audience to anticipate it. Anyway, this is a good move after all and don't miss it.
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What did you expect to see more?
22 October 2012
If you take this movie so serious you'll be disappointed 'cause it's not. But if you take it as fun movie, fulled of action/fantasy/horror scenes and as what it is then you can give it a chance. Maybe, the character of Abraham Lincoln defined as vampire slayer is naive and childish and is not what you expected to see for historical important figure. Maybe someone thinks that this is disgrace for the character. And finally maybe someone thinks there is a storyline abstraction 'cause the book is better and I don't doubt that even I haven't read it. All this defects are not so important if you like movies in this kind of genre like Underworld, Resident Evil etc. This was a movie that deserves attention and give it a try.
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The Dictator (2012)
Disgusting, lame, raw, pointless...
12 August 2012
And this movie supposed to be a comedy? Who was the target group? People with lower IQ level I guess. Nothing worked here. Script was pointless, stupid with some odd jokes that make you only puke. Acting was terrible. Of course what we expected after previous work "Bruno" which was the most stupid and disgusting movie ever made. This one is in some kind of way in same direction. I have no idea what was Ben Kingsley doing in this rubbish. The role of the dictator by S.B.Cohen is just unsatisfying and amateurish even for a comedy. Every next role of him is getting worse. Maybe I won't watch his movies anymore. This was too much for me. I don't want to waste more words to describe this folly. Just avoid it.
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The Parade (2011)
What a mess !
28 June 2012
Yes, this was one of the movies with great expectations and like many others it failed. The script was so naive, childish, amateurish with many flaws and full of clichés about usual problems of society in transition and post war period. We've already seen it before so many times from Balkan area. The characters are so dull, uninteresting, unfunny and actors without any sense for good acting maybe because the script was bad and hadn't chance to show more themselves. The second bad issue about this movie is that director tried to make it in typical Hollywood style. Where is that kind of humor and originality we expected to see watching his previous movies? There is no any. And in the end what was the whole point? The gay activists got what they wanted but not without casualties. This was the most stupid point in this rubbish I've ever seen 'cause it's so pathetic. I rate it more than one because of director's previous works and maybe one scene gave me a laugh and nothing else. This movie made me puke. Avoid it in any cost.
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Deathwatch (2002)
Just average
18 June 2012
One of the movies again that combines many different genres - supernatural horror, mystery, thriller,war etc. Maybe this is the main problem with this movie 'cause it made pretty mess. Who's killing those soldiers? Some kind of invisible force or what? It's confusing. It has scary moments but nothing else. The plot could've been better. It seemed similar to another movie - "The bunker". Both have similar concepts except the plot period. "Deathwatch" is placed in first world war. But it doesn't matter. Both movies have similar flaws - average plot, acting, special effects and directing and no twist. Both movies are law budget so if you don't have great expectations to watch it maybe you won't be very disappointed.
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Sidewalls (2011)
Another good drama from Argentina
30 May 2012
This is a movie about life and solitariness in modern capitol of Argentina. Urban chaos, modern way of life and new technology keep people apart which was the first point of the movie and title "Sidewalls" is just metaphor for those things. Sidewalls describes main protagonists lives of loneliness, displeasure and endurance. In the end Internet unites them and sidewalls lost its purpose which was the second point of the movie. Maybe the end is in some kind of way like in Hollywood style but it is not very bad flaw. This movie has in my opinion artistic qualities 'cause production, direction and acting really worked here. Storyline was good as well.
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30 May 2012
The storyline was a little bit slow, ordinary and I thought predictable. But after 20-30 minutes of watching, started happening something unexpected for the main character. His life turned into nightmare. He thought that his life would be decent and peaceable when he met a girl from delivery service but she made him just troubles. What he was going to do and what happened next was interesting. This is a movie about ordinary people who were just trying to outlive another day in their way of life. The movie may had some flaws in direction and acting but don't worry about it. This movie is good and give it a chance. This is just good life drama with some elements of comedy.
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Stupidity on high level
6 May 2012
Someone recommended me this one cause it will make me laugh. On the contrary it made me puke.

The whole movie is stupid video game without any sense that makes you watch it.

The script and the acting were so bad like some kind of B-movie. Maybe some kids will like it but when they grow up, will understand this was totally rubbish.

The only reason I rate it more than one are special effects which were I guess the corner stone of this movie 'cause the storyline is pointless.

I can't believe that some critics liked it 'cause I don't see any amount.

Just annoy it and watch something else.
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Good spooky movie
6 May 2012
For all mystery/horror/suspense fans this would be very good flick. It has a lots of scary moments and was acted and directed well. The only think I may complain is a script. It could've been I guess a little bit better. Somehow a basic topic about ghost vengeance is too many times used in this kind of genre and recycling over and over again. Someone may think it was the point of this movie but where is originality? There are about 10-15 minutes in continuity without any spoken word as well but filled with spooky thrills. The end was maybe a little unexpected but I think it came too early. Whatever, give a chance to this movie and watch it and you may like it.
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Requiem (2006)
Very boring movie
26 April 2012
I waited 30 minutes something to happen and nothing happened. I waited 60 minutes something to happen and nothing happened. I waited 90 minutes something to happen and movie ended.

Someone wrote that this flick might be similar to classic film "Exorcist" so I decided to watch it. Not even close except the end which was attempt to.

The girl thinks is possessed by the devil, hears strange voices, can't touch the cross and even convinces the church to perform exorcism.

The fact is that she's mentally ill and takes wrong treatment. And that's all. Try not to watch it if you don't have to. You'll be disappointed by slow, shallow and predictable storyline.
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The Awakening (I) (2011)
Not so bad as I thought
23 April 2012
In the begin the premise seemed similar as "The Orphanage". But the plot was totally different.

The script,acting and directing worked. It has many scary moments as well.

The twist in the end was very interesting too.

Worth watching movie for its genre.

If you like movies like The Innocents, The Others, The Orphanage this might interesting you too.

Don't read the previews 'cause may spoil you the movie. Watch it and make your own conclusion.
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Demons (1985)
Bad movie except the music
23 April 2012
This is horror/fantasy movie without any sense.

The script is dumb, the actors are bad, directing too. It is fulled by scenes of zombie demons over and over and nothing else happens.

I don't understand people who rate it on a high level and consider it as a classic.

The only good thing in this movie is music. Good old school heavy metal sound from the 80's.

If you liked bands such Pretty Maids,Saxon,Accept... you can hear them here. That's the only think I rate it more than 1 'cause it's absolutely rubbish.
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The Keep (1983)
Interesting premise but could've been better
21 April 2012
This is surprisingly good movie from the 80's. Somehow the script was a little bit shallow. I was surprised by special effects that seemed very good for its time. Don't consider this movie as action genre. It's far from that. I consider it as fantasy/mystery/horror. I didn't read the book but this movie is really worth watching. Some of the questions in the end remained unanswered. Why is the keep cursed? What posses it? What is the creature from the keep - demon, devil or something else? What is the being acted by Scott Glenn that fought against the creature - some archangel or what? Maybe the answers are in the novel. One of the greatest moments in the movie is music that matches the atmosphere. Directing and acting were very good too.
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