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Who gave this 10 points??
6 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really really really can't see how a movie like that would get an 8.1 voting! How can people give a 10-point voting to a movie this obviously flawed? I could understand giving it up to 6 or 7 points if CGI is more important to you than anything else, but 10? With acting that wooden and dialogues that make you cringe throughout the entire movie, no CGI in the world could save this. Search your feelings, everybody! I went to see it and boy was I disappointed even though I had no expectations at all. I adore the original movies, didn't like Episode 1 & 2, but Episode 3... there was almost nothing I liked.

There were some positive aspects which I'll write down first (it won't be long): The very last scene is a very nice nod towards that famous scene in the first Star Wars where Luke is watching the twin suns set.

In theory, the movie ties in nicely with Episode 4- towards the end of Episode 3 the spaceships look like they did in '78, and there is some sense of closure over it all.

Now on to the IMO bad / horrible / disastrous stuff:

The movie consists apparently to 95 % of CGI. Now I don't mind CGI here and there, but this was too much. CGI is not far enough yet- much of the movie just looked wrong to me. Some of the effects looked downright stupid and clumsy (was I the only one to notice how badly the scene was done where Obiwan gets crushed in the fight with Count Dooku?). The lightsaber fights looked better in the old movies- less speed, granted, but at least you could see what they were doing. Here all you see is a blur of light, period.

The action scenes were too wild and too fast, they were so confusing I really couldn't keep up and most of the time I didn't bother- people running around super-fast, spaceships zooming left right and center and you had no idea who was attacking whom (and never mind the why)... I know many people will say it kicked a$$, but to me it was a mess.

What's with Obiwan Kenobi? Does anyone remember the Obiwan Alec Guiness was?? Ewan McGregor has been reduced to delivering silly quips and riding that giant squeaking lizard (even the Taun-Tauns looked better 25 years ago!); the dialogues were simply the worst I've ever seen (seriously, it wasn't sufferable, nearly every single line made me cringe with embarrassment that humanity went through millions of years of evolution to come up with THAT!! ); the acting was horrible if not nonexistent (apparently there was a "one facial expression only" policy on the set, most opted for "slightly worried" no matter what the circumstances), and the story... well, the story wasn't too bad, to be honest, but what with all the rest? I was bored and angry throughout the entire movie.

And those disgustingly cheesy so-called "romantic scenes" between Anakin and Padme! The. Worst. I've. Ever. Seen. Ever. Neither Hayden Christensen (who HAS to be the worst actor out there these days) nor Natalie Portman acted the part, the dialogue reached an all-time low and... oh hell. Depending on your temper it made you either sneer or throw up.

This movie had huge potential: Anakin's betrayal by Palpatine (basically, Anakin's reaction was along the lines of "Oh, so you're the bad guy and threatening to destroy all I believed in, huh? Ah, bugger that, I'll follow you anyway."), his disappointment by the Jedi council ("I want to be a master, I want, I want, I want!!", cue for more whining and foot-stamping), his love for Padme which drives him toward the dark side ("I love you." - "I love you more" – "No, I love YOU more!" – "No, I love YOU more, because I'm blinded by love!" – "You're blinded by love?" – "Yes, I'm blinded by love")... DAMN! This could have been a great movie, certainly the best of the new Star Wars movies, but, with all due respect, George Lucas managed to turn this into a great pile of sh!te.

Somebody needs to knock some sense into George Lucas's head, and quickly! Though there's nothing he can vandalize any further, now that he already messed up the grand DVD box of the old movies with new scenes to better fit Episode 1-3...
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This is not a documentary on slavery, people!
17 December 2004
I'm not going to go into details why I think this movie is one of the all-time greatest movies- suffice it to say that IMO it is.

I'd rather like to concentrate on the racist aspect of the movie- which IMO is non-existent, or at least way overrated. True, the concept of happy slaves is ridiculous, but this is a Hollywood movie. "Gone with the Wind" is not meant to be a historic documentary, but an entertaining, epic movie; not more, not less. Yes, they twisted the truth in order to adjust it to their plot, but not only regarding slaves, but also the entire Civil War and Southern life of those days. IMO people should stop getting all worked up on the slave issue. Even slightly intelligent people should know how to distinguish between "Hollywood movie" (whose intention it is purely to entertain) and "Documentary". One of my best friends is black, and she absolutely loves the movie as well.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Major disappointment...
15 July 2004
... and probably this year's most overrated movie. I was really looking forward to the sequel of the truly brilliant 'Spiderman 1'... and boy couldn't I believe what I saw.


Almost non-existent. Never seen Tobey Maguire act so poorly (he can do -and has done- much better than that), Alfred Molina was –apart from a few good scenes- highly disappointing (he, too, can do -and has done- much better than that), and don't get me even started on Kirsten Dunst (who probably couldn't do better than that but probably even gave her very best, sad as it may sound). I was actually surprised by James Franco who IMO wasn't bad at all. Well, maybe he wasn't exactly great, but I was told he couldn't act, and he was almost the only one who didn't make me cringe constantly.


The newspaper's headline should be: 'SPIDERMAN CGI'ED TO DEATH!'. Apparently, I'm not ready yet for this kind of CGI, because I was annoyed how artificial Spiderman looked in most of the movie. I don't remember them using that much CGI in the first movie, thus making it more real. Granted- Spiderman moves more fluently in this sequel, and maybe more spider-like, but does this justify the sacrifice of this 'Hey, that guy looks like he could actually be real!' bonus the first movie had? I'd say not. Apart from the CGI, we've pretty much seen all these action scenes before. The only one that really was great was the train scene- but did they really have to do this with the people carrying Spiderman around like that? Just when the movie looks like getting better it's sinking in kitsch again. Doc Ock's animations were great, though, I'll give them that; he was a greater villain than the Green Goblin.


It's such a shame, really- this plot could have been SO good! 'Superhero can't cope with all his responsibilities and decides to lead a normal life again'... great stuff IMO, but they managed to mess it all up- WAY too many schmaltzy scenes- how could anyone stand them?! All I could do was trying not to scream with frustration when Peter's aunt delivers a 5-minute-long monologue on how the little neighbor's boy used to look up at Spiderman and how sad he is to see his hero gone (*nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*)... or when Peter sees his uncle again in times of doubt... or when Peter tells Mary-Jane (sorry, MJ, not that old-fashioned) he loves her... or when MJ tells Peter she loves him... or when Peter tells MJ he didn't love her at all 'Oops, sorry- my bad...')... Basically it was the old 'with great power comes great responsibility' thing rolled out to the max plus a see-through love story. Now, this wouldn't have been THAT bad if the acting hadn't been as bad as it was- the way Maguire and Dunst delivered this was just implausible, and I wasn't the only one to snigger at those scenes. Between them was about as much chemistry as in a glass of water (plain, no bubbles).

Also, there are more plot holes and inconsistencies than you could shake a stick at.

And one last thing- who told Raimi to put as many American flags as possible in EVERY shot? No matter where you look- the aunt's house (and the neighbor's as well), the New York skyscrapers, even the GRAVEYARD- everything's plastered with Stars and Stripes. I'm not, I repeat, NOT Anti-American- but this really is way too much for my European eyes.

The only good thing I can say is this: there's hope for Spiderman 3. I can't think of any more schmaltzy scenes they could possibly come up with as they've used up pretty much everything already, and the plot is very promising. I sincerely hope SM3 is going to be more like SM1 again.

All in all:

I was probably expecting too much (the movie of the year), and all I got was an extremely expensive and elaborate action blockbuster, but barely above average. Which just goes to show that a monster budget and as much CGI as possible don't necessarily make a good movie. I'd rather watch Spiderman 1 over and over again. 5 out of 10
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Kismet (I) (1999)
Worst movie I've ever seen. Truly.
4 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers

(Though I wouldn't call them spoilers, because this movie can't be spoiled, it's already too bad)

The plot sounded interesting enough (guy finds the murdered body and the murderer who's begging him to give him 5 minutes to explain all this before calling the police), I loved the movies of Fatih Akin so far and the DVD was cheap. Well, it turned that the DVD wasn't the only thing that was cheap- the entire movie sucked. Its normally not my style to say this or that sucked, but for this movie I just can't seem to find any other word. Starting out from the story this could well have been a very entertaining movie- but from the first minute on it only goes downhill.

We were three to watch this movie and we just couldn't help asking the same questions over and over again: "Why's he doing THAT??" and "Why am I still sitting here when I could as well entertain myself much better with, say, cleaning windows??". I can easily answer that second question (one always desperately hopes for the movie to get better), but the first one is way over my head. The entire movie doesn't make any sense, the characters are absolutely abstruse and the acting... nah, let's leave it at that. You want an example? Here we go: at some point the guy who finds the corpse sleeps with the presumed murderer- why?? He's not gay, and you can't find any hint before that could somehow support this storyline. And his ex-girlfriend is looking for him all over Cologne, which would already be stupid enough (Cologne is quite big, you know)... but why the hell is she spending most of her time in a brothel, of all places?? WHY?!?!

No matter what expectations you may have for this movie- you'll be deceived on every single one. Personally, I'm a fan of Fatih Akin's (director of "Solino" and "Im Juli", two of my favourites), as I've said before, and I think Steffen Wink and Axel Milberg are decent enough actors, but a movie like that... no, thank you very much.

The sad thing is, the initial idea -a murderer pleading for only a few minutes to tell his story, that could have been interesting- is quite original, you could have gotten a really good movie out of it, but they failed. Totally.

I really can't imagine anyone would ever like this movie, but judging by the user votings apparently some people did, which genuinely surprised me as hell. I honestly warn everybody to keep away from this movie. It's a huge waste of time, and there are so many good movies out there. The only ones I recommend this to are movie makers- as a repulsive warning how bad a movie can get. It's neither funny nor thrilling nor anything else apart from truly, truly bad.

And why did they change the name from "Kismet" into "Black Souls"? Because people spread the word never ever to watch a movie called "Kismet"? Could be that.
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21 Grams (2003)
Extremely good, extremely powerful
21 March 2004
I'm actually the opposite of a drama fan- but this movie really touched me, and although it's quite tough to take in, I loved it.

I think above all, one has to bow to Guillermo Arriaga, the writer, as "21 Grams" features probably the best script I've ever seen. I guess the story itself is not that new, but the way how it's done is simply excellent. The first, say, 30 minutes are just scraps- moments in the lives of the three main characters that mean absolutely nothing to the viewer (yet). Adding to that initial confusion is the fact that these scraps are not in temporal order so that in the beginning personally I wasn't sure I'd be able to follow- it was more like a music video that's just not making any sense at all. But then the pieces begin to come together just beautifully until in the end you can see the whole picture. Usually in these episode movies everything comes together at once somewhere in the middle of the film, but in "21 Grams" the viewer puts the pieces together one after another- like a jigsaw puzzle, and every bit as satisfying when everything's completed. This truly is a masterpiece script-wise, and I've never seen anything like it.

That brilliant script is supported by excellent actors. Sean Penn, Naomi Watts and Benicio del Toro are delivering the most convincing acting performance I've ever witnessed. Like when Christina (Watts) screams at Paul (Penn) trying to get rid of all of her anger, frustration, grief and hate: I usually think these emotional outbursts don't seem real on screen, but in this movie it is just deeply touching. I haven't seen "Mystic River" yet, but if Sean Penn was as good as he is in "21 Grams" then the Oscar finally really went to someone who truly deserved it. And Benicio del Toro really is every inch the wonderful actor his reputation claims (I saw him for the first time but had heard a lot of him before, so I was very curious).

Finally, thank you, Mr. Inárritu for putting everything together this nicely. You've made a very impressing 100 % quality movie.
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Daredevil (2003)
Pity what they made of it!
17 March 2004
A superhero movie about a guy who actually doesn't really have super-powers but whose senses have sharpened up extremely due to his blindness? I'm in! I thought this really might be interesting. Unfortunately, they totally blew it. There were a few nice ideas (like Matt / Daredevil being able to "see" Elektra in the rain on account of each drop making a sound when touching her ; or all the other scenes where Matt's "vision" is shown), but that's just as far as it goes. Instead of working on these ideas they relied on having a few alleged Hollywood hunks beating each other up with a alleged Hollywood beauty also beating people up. I may seem old-fashioned, but what happened to "plot", "quality script" and "convincing acting"? No, this movie really sucked, a few good ideas just aren't enough; they rather make you angry: that story had potential- and that's all they were able to make of it. Shame, shame, shame...
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A one-in-a-million-movie. Pure gold!
15 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Haven't watched this movie for two or three years now and I had almost forgotten how utterly beautiful it is. But it was aired on TV last night and watching it brought back everything. You just can't help but becoming involved in the lives of Idgie, Ruth, Evelyn and Ninny! Once again I shared laughter, tears and love with them all. This was easily the 10th time I had seen it, and it never loses its charm. The score is so beautiful and hauntingly sad that it actually hurts and it works hand in hand with the terrific camera-work providing magnificent shots and pictures; the entire cast, main and supporting actors alike, are doing an awesome job (and I love them for it); and the story itself is just so great... Why "Fried Green Tomatoes" didn't get any Academy Award will always be beyond me- because IMO everybody's performance (on screen and behind the camera) is just perfect.

It was stated that this movie is a movie only girls can relate to, and even worse, that it was a chick-flick. I honestly think this is a major insult. "Pretty Woman", yes, THAT's a chick-flick (which I like), but not this one. I should know because after having seen (and by chance taped) it for the first time I showed this movie to everybody who couldn't hide quickly enough (including my father, my brother and several male friends) and I swear everybody was just as captivated by "Fried Green Tomatoes" as I was. I'll never forget my older brother getting upset as Frank's shoving pregnant Ruth down the stairs. Nope, this definitely isn't a chick-flick. It's a beautiful warm quality movie about true friendship and how it can give you the courage to change your life and to stand up against racism, cowardice and hatred.

I have thought long and hard whether I could come up with even one single thing I didn't like about "Fried Green Tomatoes"... but frankly, there is nothing. IMO it's a gem, and I can just say: do yourself a favor and watch this movie.

SPOILER AHEAD! When I first watched the movie, I didn't know what to expect, all I knew was: it's on tonight and there's nothing better on TV. After half an hour into the movie and almost until the end I was afraid the story would turn out to become a lesbian thing. Don't get me wrong- nothing against lesbians, but we've had so many romantic movies already, but there are only a handful of films about friendship and guts and strong women and even fewer of those are actually any good. Anyway, I was afraid this movie would be reduced to just another romance-thing and I was really truly relieved to see the movie ends just as well as it starts.
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Noble House (1988)
Fairly good, not outstanding
15 March 2004
As I said in the beginning, I think this mini-series is actually quite okay. But pitched against the novel, it doesn't stand a chance since I think the book was Clavell's greatest and I really loved it. But how could a TV-mini-series ever compete with a book that is so complex and has so many important story lines?

The producers decided to half-sacrifice the espionage plot, but I thought that's acceptable. The only thing I didn't like was the fact Casey doesn't seem to be in love with Linc (she seems rather concerned about his friendship and the business matters) but goes for Ian instead. This is a huge deviation from the book since that complicated love story between Casey and Linc is just brilliant and explains their characters. Also Ian is being made a widower in order to accommodate Casey without adultery. And why's Peter Marlowe out?

Put that aside, you have a really entertaining TV-Mini-Series that's able to go almost the same pace as the book, and actually captures quite well the basic essence of the novel. Shouldn't probably be too surprised at the good outcome since Clavell himself worked closely on the series. I rated it 8 / 10 and think that it's impossible to do any better with a novel like this.
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Simply a gem!
30 April 2003
For weeks a friend really got on my nerves telling me to go and watch this movie- and now I'm doing the same with everybody else as well. In short: this movie is a masterpiece.

In my opinion it is mainly about dignity. A man loses everything he has -including his memory- and has to live in poverty, but he never loses his dignity. That was probably what impressed me the most.

The story is told in a very calm and way but features very witty, intelligent dialogs which keeps you smiling throughout the entire movie. Not to speak of the actors and their characters- they're simply doing an absolutely great job as each is totally credible. And I loved the 'passionate' romance between the main character and the woman from the salvation army (now why did I put 'passionate' between quotation signs? Go and watch the movie!).

I certainly recommend this movie to everybody- except for those maybe who think that Stallone's 'performance' in 'Rambo' was as good as it gets. Warning for you guys: this movie doesn't have any special effects (or if it does, I didn't get them)! I think it was also extremely witty to let the main character die- and then get back to life as a better man (no spoiler, as this happens right in the beginning). If this is what Kaurismäki intended by that hospital scene.

Go and watch the movie! Go and watch the movie! Go and watch the movie!
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