Who gave this 10 points??
6 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really really really can't see how a movie like that would get an 8.1 voting! How can people give a 10-point voting to a movie this obviously flawed? I could understand giving it up to 6 or 7 points if CGI is more important to you than anything else, but 10? With acting that wooden and dialogues that make you cringe throughout the entire movie, no CGI in the world could save this. Search your feelings, everybody! I went to see it and boy was I disappointed even though I had no expectations at all. I adore the original movies, didn't like Episode 1 & 2, but Episode 3... there was almost nothing I liked.

There were some positive aspects which I'll write down first (it won't be long): The very last scene is a very nice nod towards that famous scene in the first Star Wars where Luke is watching the twin suns set.

In theory, the movie ties in nicely with Episode 4- towards the end of Episode 3 the spaceships look like they did in '78, and there is some sense of closure over it all.

Now on to the IMO bad / horrible / disastrous stuff:

The movie consists apparently to 95 % of CGI. Now I don't mind CGI here and there, but this was too much. CGI is not far enough yet- much of the movie just looked wrong to me. Some of the effects looked downright stupid and clumsy (was I the only one to notice how badly the scene was done where Obiwan gets crushed in the fight with Count Dooku?). The lightsaber fights looked better in the old movies- less speed, granted, but at least you could see what they were doing. Here all you see is a blur of light, period.

The action scenes were too wild and too fast, they were so confusing I really couldn't keep up and most of the time I didn't bother- people running around super-fast, spaceships zooming left right and center and you had no idea who was attacking whom (and never mind the why)... I know many people will say it kicked a$$, but to me it was a mess.

What's with Obiwan Kenobi? Does anyone remember the Obiwan Alec Guiness was?? Ewan McGregor has been reduced to delivering silly quips and riding that giant squeaking lizard (even the Taun-Tauns looked better 25 years ago!); the dialogues were simply the worst I've ever seen (seriously, it wasn't sufferable, nearly every single line made me cringe with embarrassment that humanity went through millions of years of evolution to come up with THAT!! ); the acting was horrible if not nonexistent (apparently there was a "one facial expression only" policy on the set, most opted for "slightly worried" no matter what the circumstances), and the story... well, the story wasn't too bad, to be honest, but what with all the rest? I was bored and angry throughout the entire movie.

And those disgustingly cheesy so-called "romantic scenes" between Anakin and Padme! The. Worst. I've. Ever. Seen. Ever. Neither Hayden Christensen (who HAS to be the worst actor out there these days) nor Natalie Portman acted the part, the dialogue reached an all-time low and... oh hell. Depending on your temper it made you either sneer or throw up.

This movie had huge potential: Anakin's betrayal by Palpatine (basically, Anakin's reaction was along the lines of "Oh, so you're the bad guy and threatening to destroy all I believed in, huh? Ah, bugger that, I'll follow you anyway."), his disappointment by the Jedi council ("I want to be a master, I want, I want, I want!!", cue for more whining and foot-stamping), his love for Padme which drives him toward the dark side ("I love you." - "I love you more" – "No, I love YOU more!" – "No, I love YOU more, because I'm blinded by love!" – "You're blinded by love?" – "Yes, I'm blinded by love")... DAMN! This could have been a great movie, certainly the best of the new Star Wars movies, but, with all due respect, George Lucas managed to turn this into a great pile of sh!te.

Somebody needs to knock some sense into George Lucas's head, and quickly! Though there's nothing he can vandalize any further, now that he already messed up the grand DVD box of the old movies with new scenes to better fit Episode 1-3...
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