
20 Reviews
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The Godfather (1972)
Very Little To Offer
4 November 2012
Here's how the arguments go for liking this movie go: The Godfather is a great movie because it's a hallmark of the genre. While gangster movies before this had been wall-to-wall violence and only loosely strung together by a plot, The Godfather was able to move away from that tradition by having a plot-heavy mobster movie. The performances were all superb and the characters all felt real.

However, what this argument fails to recognize is that the plot moves at such a slow pace that it's difficult to give a damn about it. This is quite honestly the slowest paced movie I've ever seen, and it would have been improved a thousand-fold if an hour or so had been cut. It's not that I hate slow movies--a slow pacing can work brilliantly--but The Godfather? No, it doesn't do it.

As for the cast and performances, they're really not all they're cracked up to be. If indecipherable mumbling is your thing, so be it, and in that case, this movie is the best thing ever. In reality, though, half-mumbled lines don't really do anything for me, and because of that; all the characters seemed to be fairly one-dimensional as a result.

I can see how you could like this movie. On a technical level, it did move away from the traditional three-point lighting which was common in earlier films, and the plot was definitely something other than what had been dealt with in mobster movies before then. But the content of the plot was somewhat devoid of any real interest--or at least it was for me--and the characters came off as being one-dimensional as a result.
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Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003)
10 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so maybe I'll get hated for the rest of my life for writing this. But at least I'll get to have my say.

There are just so many problems with this show--I can't believe I watched it all the way through when I was a little kid, and actually liked it. I recently watched a few episodes again, and felt that I needed to write this review.

The one thing that I won't complain about is the animation, because even though it's really bad at the start of the series; it gets better towards the end.

Dragonball Z seems to have filler in just about every saga. The obvious example that seems to be cited everywhere I've looked seems to be when Frieza destroyed the planet Namek--but the example I'll draw attention to is that at one stage, Goten and Kid Trunks were training in that Time Vault thing, and they sent their Kamehameha blasts at each other. While it could have lasted less than five minutes; the writers of the show evidently felt it was necessary to extend it out for an entire episode.

In my personal opinion, the characters tended to be on the annoying side of the scale. Yes, I understand it's just a kid's show and all characters in kid's shows are supposed to be a bit annoying--but most are considerably less annoying than this.

If it weren't for the annoying characters and large amounts of filler; I could imagine myself liking this show. It's just too bad that they had to wreck it: the animation in some of the later episodes is good, and it deals with some rather interesting concepts.

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Only If You Really Like Little Kids' Movies
29 March 2010
When I watched this a few weeks ago; I sat there wondering how anyone over the age of eight enjoys this movie. I wasn't exactly one hundred per cent eager to watch this movie, granted: it was only really because I thought my eleven-month-old half-sister would like it.

All the characters are so cute and politically correct that they just lack any of the fun and amusement that you can get from the characters of other movies of a similar vein (I'm thinking along the lines of Shrek). While some of the voice actors were people I kinda liked seeing in other stuff (William Shatner and Avril Lavigne); they didn't save the characters from this dorkiness.

If you ever consider watching this movie; I'd seriously recommend that you forget it. The only reason I can think of that anyone would claim to like this movie is because they have little kids that absolutely loved it that would chuck a tantrum if they said anything different.
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Best Next Gen Movie Ever
27 March 2010
This movie is, in my opinion, the best Next Gen movie that they've ever made. I know it's often criticized as having a moral basis that is incorrect; as it's based on the rights of the individual as opposed to the rights of the majority--but preference for the individual over the majority in moral issues like the one presented here is what makes Star Trek, Star Trek.

Michael Piller wrote an awesome script for this movie, based on the story that he and Rick Berman developed for it. It still has the action and adventure of a Star Trek movie, but it's at a much slower pace and it has the morality that I love about Star Trek.

What I found truly interesting about this movie is the fact that there is more character development then in most Star Trek films--Captain Picard falls in love and Data furthers his understanding of what it means to be human through a friendship with a young boy on the Baku planet.

All in all, what's not to like? It has the action and adventure of a Star Trek movie, and the morality of an episode.
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Trek On An Epic Scale
27 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First Contact is essentially Star Trek on an epic scale. The Borg; who are always a difficult enemy for Starfleet to deal with, are back; with their usual intentions: to assimilate the human race.

And of course, Captain Picard has been ordered not to engage the Borg at any time. But he does anyway (as I would do if I was caught in the same situation). Anyway, the Borg Cube launches a small sphere back in time (which the Enterprise, of course, chases into the vortex back in time).

While this movie has caught the epic scale that would make it popular with a wide audience; I found that it lowered itself on the deeply personal scale. Not that it's a bad thing in itself; the movie is still really good; but I think I would have enjoyed it more if it did have more on the deeply personal scale.

As it stands, this movie does not waste a single moment with filler. It's not a great deal more than an hour and a half long (maybe it is an hour forty-five, but fifteen minutes isn't that long, really); which is a good thing, because with the exception of JJ Abrams' 2009 Star Trek movie; Star Trek movies tend to get a bit too long once they hit the two hour mark.

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The Dresden Files (2007–2008)
I Love This Show
27 March 2010
I haven't read any of the books, but now that I've seen the show; I really do want to.

When I first saw the ads for the show; I was thinking, "Um, okay; is this Harry Potter for over-13s?" When I saw the first episode of the show, I thought, "No...this isn't anything like Harry Potter; and in fact, it's quite a lot better".

The show follows Harry Dresden, a wizard living in Chicago as a police informant. The thing is; all the cases he gets involve magic, which makes it difficult for him to get the police, and specifically the officer he corresponds with, Murphy, to believe him. So in most cases, he has to stop the crimes himself.

The characters are interesting, the stories are good. Truth is, I'd probably be a bit disappointed if I read the books (you know, assuming they're as good as I've heard); but the fact is sometimes what works in a book won't work well in a movie.

So, all in all; 8/10.
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Best of the Original Trek Movies
27 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Out of the currently 7 TOS movies; I have to say that this is the best one. The performances are all good, and it happens on a large scale yet still on the very personal scale that Star Trek, in my mind, has always been good at.

It makes a very good mirror of what happened after the Cold War ended: the Berlin Wall (for the Federation and Klingons, this is the Neutral Zone) comes down; but there's still a lot of hatred on both sides. The older generations still mistrust the other side; they're still the racists they were a few months ago before it ended.

But the thing is, there's a conspiracy to end the peace talks once and for all. And Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy are the unfortunate victims of it--they're sent off to Rura Penthe (for those who aren't very Trek wise, that's the Klingon equivalent of Soviet Russia's Siberia) after a show trial.

So, the challenge is: can Spock and the rest of the crew, with the help of Hikaru Sulu on board the Excelsior, bring down the conspiracy before the conspiracy brings down the peace talks? The movie did leave me with this one thought: does racism end even after generations of peace? Or does it continue on forever?
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Not As Good As I'd Expect From A Trek Movie; But Still Good
27 March 2010
I find it hard to believe that some people thought that this movie was absolutely terrible. I mean, the script was well-written; the effects aren't terrible for a 1994 movie and the acting's good. What more do you expect from it? Captain Picard to stand up and begin doing a whole song and dance about the Nexus? While the story wasn't quite as good as I expect from a Star Trek movie, I still thought it was very good. The Nexus was, and still is, a very good concept for a Star Trek movie--a universe where time has no meaning does appeal to me greatly.

And it still provides all the action and adventure that most of the Star Trek movies (except for the first one) give.

So, all in all, while not as good story wise; in every other aspect, it is perfect.
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Flight of the Conchords (2007–2009)
I Got The Jokes, But...
27 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This show is perhaps one of the most boring, most unfunny shows I've ever seen. While the humour was subtle, and I'm all for the subtle humour; the jokes just weren't funny.

The show is about two Kiwis in their mid-thirties living in New York trying to start their music careers.

I saw the one episode where Brett leaves the other Kiwi behind during a mugging. Okay, the plot idea has potential; but I got the feeling that half the episode was just filler, and the other half was actually important to the story.

What I mean is, they kept on explaining how the one who was left behind felt betrayed and had a lot of mistrust for the other guy. I've got one piece of advice for the writers: mention it once for the idiots who can't figure it out by the way he's acting, and move on.

And I found the characters were annoying. The character who left the other behind, Brett, came across as being overly innocent and naive, the one left behind walked around talking in this monotone and robotic voice.

A third character, who was the band manager, was obviously incompetent, but he was the one character that I liked. He's also the one that earned the show a one-star rating.

All in all, a show I have no intention of ever watching again.
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In the Box (1998–2006)
I Hate This Show
27 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
My main grievance with the show is that annoying little puppet that they have, called Bop. It's more then the fact that he's orange; it's because the voice actor for him can't sing if his life depended on it, the writers quite often have him tell lies (which just isn't a good example for little kids), and all his jokes are bad, no matter what age you are.

A secondary grievance for me is how the two hosts, Brett and Tracey, react whenever Bop just happens to spin one of his lies. They don't even seem aware of the fact that he's just told one, even when it's blazingly obvious (as was the case when he told them that his friend had come in and eaten some sandwiches, and it wasn't really him--not that they saw it, but there were only two people and a puppet in the house).

I mean, how could you not know? Even a little kid who hadn't seen him eat the sandwiches would know that he's lying.

All in all, a really bad show that I will never let my kids watch (you know, assuming I ever have some).
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Another Very Human Film
20 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film is one man trying to save another. It's got all the humanity that I've come to expect from Star Trek, and it's still got the "no-one gets left behind" attitude that was always shown in the show.

The story leaves an impression on me that lasted for a few days afterwards. The pure morality of the movie is excellent, and for a moment, I felt Kirk's pain when his son was killed by the Klingon on the surface of the Genesis planet.

When I watched it for the first time, I was the only person that I was with that understood why Kirk let the Klingons die as the Enterprise exploded rather than shoot them at the transporter, but I won't give away too much for those who are yet to see it.

While the film isn't as powerful as Khan's quest for vengeance in Star Trek II, it is still very strong, and will leave an impression.
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The Second-Best Original Series Movie
20 March 2010
Out of the seven Original Series movies (as of this writing, including the reboot one), I have to say that this is second only to Star Trek VI.

All the performances are above and beyond what I expect. The plot is good, and the special effects service the story well.

While this is one of the more violent Star Trek movies, what do you expect from a movie about a man out for revenge? For everyone to sit around a table having a tea party? Well, I sure don't. I expect there to be at least a little bit of violence somewhere in the movie, whether it's a hit across the face, or in this case, a couple of starship battles.

But, it is still a very human story. It shows the characters caught up in a situation where the odds are against them heavily. And it shows a display of self-sacrifice that only a close friend would be willing to do. At the end of the movie, I was crying when I saw that scene.
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I Actually Liked This Movie
20 March 2010
I really did. It's not as good as most of the others, granted, but it's a long way from being as bad as the first one.

The characters didn't get any character development. That's my only criticism of this movie, and this is the only reason why it didn't get a score higher then seven.

But, beyond this, I found this movie very enjoyable. I liked the character of Sybol, and although the effects are bad and it's completely illogical, I thought the idea of a God-like being in the centre of the galaxy to be a good concept for a story. (Too bad that they couldn't have made the being look a bit better, though.)
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Not As Good As It Should Have Been
20 March 2010
This is one of those movies you sit down to watch, and expect it to be really good. But the truth is, it isn't. It's drawn out, and I felt that a lot of the scenes could have been cut down to about half their length, and they still would have gotten their points across.

And all the characters are so serious in this movie! They never act as seriously in the series as they do here in this movie--in fact, in some cases, I think they were acting quite out of character. Surely, one of them would have had the script changed or simply refuse to portray their character like that?

I think that unless you like to watch the camera linger on the Starship Enterprise for a long time at the start of the movie, or you quite like seeing characters acting in a way that's completely out of character for what's already established as normal behavior for them, you'll find this movie to be a bit boring.
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This Is What Got Me Into Trek
20 March 2010
I first saw an episode of this when I was eight, and I've been watching it ever since. The truth is; I loved the characters--especially Commander Data--and I still do.

Most people I've met who criticize the series haven't even seen it to begin with. It's not one of those spin-offs that you can just go and see the original series and know whether or not you'll like the spin-offs. While the general concept is the same, The Next Generation is its own series with its own characters, and you have to watch this show to know if you like it.

In regards to the characters; they are likable, and while not as memorable as those from The Original Series for the most part, I do find it more interesting to see how they react to the situations they find themselves in.

All in all, this is the only spin-off to truly equal the original series.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
The Most Memorable Characters Ever
20 March 2010
Star Trek has provided the most memorable characters ever seen on television, in my opinion. While I haven't seen all the episodes of this yet, I know that I want to.

Nobody has provided characters that I can relate to as easily as the writers of Star Trek, and for that I tip my hat in gratitude.

A lot of people I talk to reference Mister Spock as their favourite character, but to be honest; I preferred Scotty as a character, although he didn't get anywhere near the screen time of Spock. Mister Chekov's accent, while inaccurate, is amusing.

I think it's the quirky humour that I truly enjoy about the show. Quite a lot of the other non-comedy shows I've seen are very serious, and they never have any jokes anywhere--but Star Trek isn't afraid to go there. The jokes are subtle, and sometimes, you even have to be looking for them to find them--but they are there.

All in all, a series with extremely memorable characters. 10/10
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One Of My Favorites
19 March 2010
This movie is, and probably will be, one of my favorite movies. It's fun, the characters are likable, it's light-hearted, and let's face it: there aren't nearly enough pirate movies being made anymore.

The plot isn't the most serious of stories ever written, but it wasn't really meant to be. Besides, it works well, and it kept me interested for the two and a half hours it went for, and it's better then a lot of stories I've seen done in movies.

When I first saw this movie in the cinemas; I was impressed. Seven years later, watching it on DVD at home, I'm equally impressed now as I was then, though the CGI is a little outdated now (not that it's a problem).
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Blue's Clues (1996–2007)
Better When That Other Guy Was On...But Still Cute
19 March 2010
This used to be one of my favorite shows when I was two years old, and I loved it. A few weeks ago, I was watching it again with my ten and a half month old half-sister, and saw this random new guy doing the show, and I was thinking, "When did that happen?" I still liked the show as I watched it with my half-sister, and the only reason it was being watched at all was because I wanted to see it, really, and the baby was a convenient excuse. But anyway, I think I enjoyed it a great deal more when I was a little kid when that guy who did it originally (whatever his name was) was starring as Blue's owner.

P.S. Sorry that I can't remember any names other then the dog's (his name is Blue, by the way).
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Star Trek (2009)
A Trek Movie For Today's Audience
19 March 2010
I know very few people are going to read this, but I have to review this one movie.

This is the one movie that I walked around for two years waiting to see. I wasn't disappointed--not only did it stay true to the Star Trek spirit; it did so in a way that I think a great deal of modern audiences will be able to enjoy.

I thought the cast chemistry was good, and I found each of the movie's new characters just as interesting as those that have been around for the past forty-four years.

While I must admit that it's not as good as some of the other Trek movies, most notably the Wrath of Khan, I would recommend this one to anybody.
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Labyrinth (1986)
I Love This Movie--And I'm 16
19 March 2010
I was 7 when I first saw this, and I loved it. Nine years later; I've now got it on DVD and I still watch it--though, now I must admit that it's because I like listening to David Bowie's songs on the movie now then seeing the ending. Either way, it's still my favorite movie of all time.

This movie is heat-warming, it's got morals, and it can be enjoyed by people of all ages: which is more then what I can say for most of the other movies I watched when I was seven. And most people who are addicted to 80s music will like David Bowie's musical contributions throughout the movie.
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