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I may be wrong
8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is mind-boggling. I believe this is the most rubbish thing I have seen in a very long time. The reason is, I asked myself again and again: "why". Why? Why! The whole shebang seems completely pointless, why didn't they just move closer. Why not just place the AI, computer or whatever thing in control, next door? Nill latency. But then again, maybe that was the thing. We do crazy things. All the time. And make wealth out of thin air. Of course at the expense of everyone else not able to do the same. Maybe watch the movie with new eyes and just take in the craziness, and take it for what it is. This is why movie reviews are so difficult. Along comes an idiot like me that didn't get it and then start to rave about the madness, when madness the story. Excellently executed.
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Am I having ADHD?
23 August 2019
Interesting, history of amphetamine and accelerating drug prescriptions in the US, all the competition because everyone try to enhance themselves. People and their stories, not sure wether they think the drugs were good or bad. Then this editing and lack of structure, movie jumps and bounces all over the place, half-second glimpses here, one second there, impossible to focus on anything. Now I feel like I just got ADHD and I need amphetamine to ever focus again. Please calm down, people.
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4 March 2017
Like others have said: This is the kind of (sad ass?) comedy that Americans most often do not understand, because it is not uplifting and happy - thus the not fantastic rating on IMDb.

Excellent movie, excellent story and excellent humor all the way. I'd rather watch this again than to watch some other random silly movie any day of the week, or something. Only Spinal Tap was more genius than this. And maybe a few other, that I can think of. But apart from those. Excellent.
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An insightful review with absolutely no spoiler at all
30 December 2015
Entertaining and fun, all the way through! And with a really great soundtrack too. It starts out looking like a typical romantic comedy, but I think it's not. The humor is a little bit darker, smarter and less cuddly. I'm almost prepared to give it an 8.

So why do so many dislike? Well I think people mistook it for another cuddly romantic comedy. It's not. And some think that the characters are unlikeable. Well they are not. Eddie, Stiller's main character, is trying to do the right thing - all the time. He just happens to have a pushy and whimsical father (spot on by Jerry Stiller) that makes him not always make the right choices. And there is some bad timing involved. This is what could have happened to any of us!

Some say that the girl wasn't that bad, she didn't deserve what happened. Well maybe not, but she wasn't too innocent either. It wasn't just the small things, it was the combination of all of it, all stacked together, and her attitude on top of it. It's okay when people are not super smart, but when dumb and with bad attitude, ignorance and perhaps a hint of manipulative, it's not good.

And the way some women tend to mentally disturb their husbands and they just let it happen to avoid further domestic trouble, it's so sad but not too far from reality. Women should stop henpecking their men. Be kind.
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Parallels (I) (2015)
A waste of time, for real
6 November 2015
This is not a movie, it's a pilot, a first double episode of what was supposed to become a show. I wish I knew before I wasted my time.

You can clearly notice it looks and plays like a TV show, but I liked the premise so I didn't mind. Until the end. When it just stopped. Last line "See you soon" or some bullshit. Then nothing more.

This is like selling you the first chapter of a book as "a book". Ehm ... it isn't really a book, we just made the first chapter, an introduction to something that we didn't really do after all...

Could have been a decent show. Could have been a decent movie, maybe 7/10 or 8/10, but as it is now, just a beginning and nothing more, it's a waste of everybody's time. Thus 3/10. Maybe 2/10. I'm so upset.
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Shane (1953)
Greatest western EVER ?
10 December 2014
Should you see this movie? Well of course! - they say it's the greatest western ... EVER!

How is this the greatest western ever? So many 10/10, twenty great reviews or so for each bad? I have absolutely no idea! Maybe they saw this as a kid back then, of course they were impressed - I would have been - and then it just got stuck as the greatest experience for ever and ever. But that doesn't automatically make the movie great!

I sincerely believe that for a movie to be a 10/10, it should be almost as good today as it was then. Okay, The Shining doesn't scare an audience today as it did when it was done, but that doesn't matter, because the creepy qualities are so insanely good, so it can stand out as a classic, even today. The special effects and awesomeness of the first Star Wars isn't as impressive today, but the atmosphere and qualities still make it a good one, even today. Can you say the same about Shane?

So, let's face it: it is overrated, like so many old "classics". The movie is okay, average, bearable at best. Boring, but bearable. Some parts are laughably bad, some highly annoying, and some decent. The scenery and the landscapes are decent. But so what? There is good versus evil, integrity and so on, but that topic is done so much better in ... let's say star wars just for the heck of it.

The story is plain and simple, not very fantastic or extraordinary. Nothing to sit around and wonder about for days. Pretty predictable too.

And then the kid, the most annoying kid in the history of cinema. He looks like something out of a TV-series of that era, and he continually wines "oh gee", "oh gosh", "I love you Shane", "I love you so much", and his acting is ah so so, a bit over the top.

But the worst character is Shane. So misplaced, out of cast: a physically small and slow man, big head, fluffy hundred-dollar haircut, with an outfit as genuine as a Las Vegas wedding cake. On top of that, a somehow feminine and slow style of fist-fighting.

Still: some of the fighting scenes were well made, in between. When Shane wasn't throwing his wimpy fist.

Be warned! The movie is as old as moss, and looks like it too. 5/10.
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Stalker (1979)
Impossible to rate
28 November 2014
Should you see this movie? Definitely YES, but you have to be aware that this is a 70'es Russian movie, a classic one, but the way to tell a story is slightly different from what we are used to in the west. Not in a dramatic way, though.

First of all: This is not sci-fi, not a bit! Yes they mention aliens as a possibility, but that is not important, and there is no "science" here at all. Not that it matters. Yeah, and there are "traps" but I feel this is more psychological things, not literally. In a spiritual way.

On my first attempt I was bored like hell, I found the dialog to be disjointed and weird, like when the woman says "Why did you take my watch? Where are you going, I'm asking you" or later on, a character called The Writer is trying to be philosophical: "There is no Bermuda triangle. There's only a Triangle ABC that equals Triangle A-prim, B-prim, C-prim". Like he is trying to be technical in a childish way. And why did the lady drive off with his hat on the roof …. ? Then the slowness, the not very excellent sound effects and three people seemingly getting nowhere. I switched off after nearly an hour and was ready to give it up and forget about it. I totally understand some of the bad reviews.

Then I started to think and I wanted to give it another chance. No matter how bad it is, I cannot rate something I haven't fully seen, right? So the next day I sat down with an extremely open mind, played it from the beginning, paid attention to all the dialogue, tried to absorb and understand the emotions. And it paid off! I am not yet a huge fan, but somewhere in between. Definitely a decent experience. All the good outweighs the bad.

The story is linear and quite easy to follow. The dialog is something else, the talk is not always very clear, but pay attention to it nonetheless. And there is use of symbolism all over the place. But look at it this way: Like a dream. You may not always understand the meaning of it all, but it affects you. Probably you will understand more deep down than you could express in words.

Give it a chance, but only when you are wide awake, with an open mind, and do not expect to understand it all. Never mind the occasional weirdness
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Just awful
17 November 2014
I must choose more wisely ... what to see ... this one was unbearable. The most unbearable in a very very - very long time.

"Noé promised the investors to produce an alternative Version should the final movie be longer than 140 minutes. He solved this problem by simply removing the seventh movie reel. During the removed 17 minutes, nothing essential for the movie's story happens, as he said".

I must have seen the uncut version. It was 160 minutes long. Two hours 40 unbearable minutes. There were a few good ideas and a floating camera, about enough for a half decent movie, but after the first 10 minutes of us floating aimlessly around, it just keeps going on and on and on and on. As the director says, nothing essential happens during the seventh reel. Nothing essential barely happens at all. Seriously, was it not possible to cut the scenes down AT ALL?

We see a graphic accident, I don't mind that at all - shocking and very unpleasant - but after the fifth time, sixth, seventh, I have no idea how many times we saw that same thing, the shock, the screaming, over and over again throughout the movie. Then some more floating and spinning camera. A LOT of spinning and floating cameras, floating over the city, diving into some object, blending lights, over and over ... And the accident again. What kind of storytelling is this?

I guess there are some pretentious ideas behind all this, but there is no freaking need to keep on going for ever just because the camera floats so beautifully. I was going to rate it 2 or 3 out of 10 just because of the unusual pictures - never mind the plot - but then halfway through I got so insanely bored by this kind of "storytelling", it was just painful. A few of the actors were pretty wooden as well.

I refuse to rate this higher than 2 out of 10. I don't care what all of you say ...
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Worst movie since Plan 9
24 May 2014
Probably the worst movie I have ever seen. I cannot decide if it is so bad it becomes funny (like Plan 9 from Outer Space) or just plain boring bad, perhaps so bad it becomes interesting; how did they accomplish? It looks like everyone know this is going to be really really really horribly wrong, so they don't even bother to try.

CGI is used for everything and it looks like something from an average PC game. And when this bad CGI is not used for something "dangerous", then we see some bored faces looking like they don't know what the hell is going on, whether they should look frightened or bored, camera panning back and forth, and then afterwards the other will tell you what just happened, like "oh, he just died" or "oh, she nearly died" (everything with the same lame "but we couldn't care less" expression).

Oh my god.
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The Machine (I) (2013)
Looking good on the surface
13 May 2014
It looks so good that it's easy to be fooled to believe it is a great movie. But I don't think so. The storytelling and direction is garbage.

Damn I hate to be so negative, especially when it comes to sci-fi because I think this is what we need! But this one gets too pretentious or artsy fartsy for it's own good, the way it's told with non-coherent glimpses from here and there, swishing and whooshing around with random killing and smoke machines all over the place. And what was that about war against China, it was like they said something sounding futuristic, cool or frightening and then forgot all about it?

The story is so unbelievably dull that half way through I felt I couldn't care less. I guess there was a message at the end, but that too was so flimsy I had to read about it afterward or maybe I fell asleep and didn't notice.
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The Jerk (1979)
Old man's humor?
2 May 2014
Didn't find this funny or charming at all. Steve Martin who is so great in Planes, Trains and Automobiles, great comedian, great timing and all, so I thought I might like this. But The Jerk seems to be more old-fashioned 1940's American wee-he silly kind of humor that I do not understand at all.

If that's your cup of tea then go ahead!

Minor spoiler: Something that boggled me was why this jerk person seemed to alter between mildly dumb to complete and utter retard? It was like he started out a real complete nonfunctional retard then moved into a phase where he was just mildly immature, back and forth, and then at the end a complete retard again? Was that part of the humor?

None of the movie made any sense to me. Very old fashioned even by 1979. Not funny.
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Gravity (2013)
Not believable at all
1 May 2014
If you can switch off your common sense and just look at the visuals then you can maybe massively enjoy this adventure, preferably on a big screen. 3D was nice too.

But it made me kind of sad that it wasn't remotely believable. People tend to think "it's only a movie, take it for what it is". Yes, but even Star Wars needs to be believable within its own universe, and it is! Even James Bond, most of the time. A movie like Gravity cannot take short cuts on the laws of physics.

To illustrate my point: My 10 year old son pointed out to me halfway through what I had noticed all the way, that things didn't make sense. Minor SPOILER to follow: Like when Clooney and Bullock is hanging by some wires like there are gravity involved or like they are dragged behind the space station in motion. Eh? One of them even bouncing back and the other "falling", or was that wind because they were too close to the atmosphere? It sure didn't look that way. If the idea here was to develop the story then there are so many ways it could be done so much more believable. It's like the film makers think "sure they wont notice". Well we do.

I gave it 6/10 just because of the visuals and the overall feeling, drifting around in orbit, despite awful dialog, despite Bullock and the physics going mentally insane.
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Involuntary (2008)
Swedish stubbornness and fear of conflicts
23 April 2014
I really cannot stand all these Swedish pretentious and self-righteous movies, but I still keep watching them in hope that something good may come out of it. After all they gave us The Emigrants (Moberg) in the 70's so there still might be hope.

And something good there is; quite interesting to watch these people in situations that are very believable and real, despite characters being extremely annoying, stupid and/or stubborn. The only likable character must be the teacher trying to stand up against her ignorant, anemic, moron colleagues.

And yes, the camera is very static, gave me a feeling I am just an observer, even gave me a strange feeling that I peeked into these situations without them knowing or without permission. Quite nice, but I would like to see more of a plot, more resolution, that all these fragments lead to somewhere. It just stopped.
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Dogma (1999)
Highly overrated
14 April 2014
This seems like a movie you either love or hate. I don't like to hate anything but I am oh so close. First: these actors are normally great, like Jason Lee, and Damon and Affleck too I guess, they just seem so misplaced here. No I take that back, Jason Lee is the only likable character in the whole movie.

So what is wrong then .... the plot, the casting, the awkward editing, the half-philosophical not very funny dialog, the boredom, the all too long two hours. By the way, the dialog seemed like recorded separately in short snippets and then tied together, ruining the flow, it really distracted me. It made me not feel part of anything, just an annoyed viewer waiting for something interesting to happen. Oh my. My honest opinion is it's highly overrated.
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Funny Games (2007)
Provoked me all right
13 April 2014
This one provoked me, but not in a very good way at all.

First for the good: the actors, the cast, the feeling one get of hopelessness in a very difficult, cruel situation, my mind desperately trying to find ways to escape. The kid was insanely good in his role, may he live long and prosper, and of course Tim Roth and the rest. Wow! And the suspense; all excellent.

How can I then give this movie one or two stars? I don't want to give spoilers, but let's say something happens that ehm, you just have to watch yourself. I understand the purpose, someone is trying to say something meaningful, but if I paid to see this at the cinema I would have yelled "rubbish" and asked for my money back ... or something.
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Skyfall (2012)
Great but then not so great
16 March 2014
Craig is good as James Bond, the movie is great, gorgeous picture, sound, very entertaining, all is super great, except ..... Bond and MI6 is not supposed to be this stupid, to make endless rows of unintelligent and unmotivated decisions.

The movie was well worth my time to watch, thanks for still doing this, absolutely, but I though to myself, and this is no spoiler, again and again: "WHAT!? why did they do THAT? why did he WAIT? why did they go ALONE? why did they do all these stupid things, just to create suspense? I would have given the movie 7/10 or even 8/10 if it were not for the stupidity of the plot. Come on!
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