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Transformers (2007)
Half good, half bad.
10 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of this movie does nothing and goes no where. We're stuck with Shia LaBeouf acting goofy, hanging out with his parents and driving around in his car. Really, you can skip to the one hour point and you would be able to pick up from there. There are a few funny things in the first hour, but not really worth it. Ultimately, too many humans who aren't John Turturro and not enough Transformers. Like getting stuck eating vegetables for an hour before the steaks are ready. Also there's all the stuff with the cube; which to me didn't make much sense. It's been on Earth for thousands of years; but the two factions show up at the same time looking for it. Geez, you'd think one faction could be off by a few hundred years or something...

The second half is a rousing, exciting and fun action movie. The second Optimus Prime finally shows up, the movie receives a huge jolt of electricity. It takes a really long time to get to the battle between the transformers; which I think everyone really came to see. I hope in the sequel that they don't spend so much time with Shia LaBeouf and skip right to the Transformers, there was no LaBeouf in the TV series and he's just not really adding much to the movie.

The effects are first rate. The editing, like all Michael Bay movies, seems to have been done by people suffering from ADD, although it's never as bad as it got in Armageddon. The production values are first rate. The girl is kinda hot, although not my kind of hot, looks like she has anorexia or something. The military and government stuff is over the top, unrealistic and exactly what to expect from a Michael Bay movie. Any movie with a secret branch of the government keeping a dangerous secret is OK with me.

So yeah, it's all good.
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Batman (1989)
It was a good try.
22 December 2006
Batman has always been a fascinating character. A billionaire who voluntarily goes around in the night and saves people from crime and corruption in a major city while dressed up as a giant bat. Sadly this first Batman movie doesn't really look all that deep in to the Batman character. Batman isn't even the star of the movie, that honor goes to the Joker. The Joker is almost the main character with Batman just there to stop him. The story is relatively weak. The Joker is created from a mobster being dropped in to a batch of chemicals. He takes over the crime organization and starts to kill people with chemicals found in hygiene products. Batman then tries to stop him while trying to start a relationship with Vicki Vale.

The biggest weakness is Michael Keaton who really doesn't give much of a performance. His work as Batman is not all that memorable. Even worse is his stiff and boring performance as Bruce Wayne. As the third and fourth movie proves, Michael Keaton can be easily replaced with another actor and change very little. Jack Nicholson is good as the Joker, who really should have came back in later movies. Robert Wuhl also does a nice job on what is essentially a throw away character. Kim Bassinger is the least successful. Her main job is to look good and provide a love interest for Bruce Wayne/ Batman. She does nothing with the character that's even remotely interesting.

Luckily the movie avoids the bright colors and silliness of the 60's TV series. It has a dark look even during the day time sequences. The city has a moody, Gothic feel that survived for all four of the 90's Batman movies. Also of mention should be look of the bat cave and bat suit. Unlike later on in the movie series, the Bat Cave looks somewhat logical (no smoke machines or laser lights). It looks dark and mysterious. The bat suit makes sense. You honestly think some rich guy's gonna go out there with latex like he's Superman or something? Not only does the bat suit look good but it's functional.

Overall it was a good enough attempt at Batman. It's a good popcorn movie that's not all that engaging or demanding. It has a few good action sequences. A few good one liners. A few interesting ideas. Sadly though, Batman was an under developed character with no depth or personality.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Swear to Me!
17 December 2006
Finally a great Batman movie. I'm just gonna throw all objectivity out the window right now and say that I absolutely love this movie. It's a lot like Superman I in the sense that even though it's not realistic, it feels like this movie could have really happened.

I never thought much of the other four Batman movies. The first two were too villain centric and Michael Keaton's portrayal of Batman was stiff and boring. There was no sense of depth to Batman, he was just Batman because he was supposed to be. He was given second billing to Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito. Then the third and fourth movies were all camp and stupidity. They insulted not only fans but any person with an active pulse.

Then came this movie. This one completely ignored all the previous Batman movies and started over again. Good move. Batman is given the main stage and we the audience find out about what motivates a billionaire play boy to dress up as a giant bat and fight crime. Batman has three villains to deal with in this movie and none of them over shadow him. Liam Neeson and Tom Wilkinson both do good jobs at chewing up the scenery without looking silly. However the best job is done by Cillian Murphy. His Scarecrow is scary and sadistic. I hope Heath Ledger does the same thing for the Joker in the next movie.

I highly recommend this movie to, well everyone. I really enjoyed it and hope that they make at least two sequels that are as good as this movie. I can't wait until 2008 to see The Dark Knight. For the first time I think Batman is headed in the right direction when it comes to the movies.
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Still incomplete.
30 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was so happy when i heard that the Richard Donner cut was finally happening. I had always enjoyed the original Superman II, but just wanted a chance to see what had been cut. First of all, I think it's a real treat to see previously unreleased footage of Marlon Brando and Christopher Reeve. A lot of the stuff done by Donner that was replaced is clearly better. The unimpressive Eiffel Tower scene has been replaced by a very charming scene where Lois first gives Clark a hard time about being Superman and then throws her self out the window to prove he's Superman. The Niagra Falls scenes are necessarily cut down to the bare minimum since Donner didn't do any of them before he was fired. All that remains are a few minutes of what Lester did and a test screening with bad continuity. I imagine that had Donner the opportunity thirty years ago, it would have been a more complete set of scenes.

A lot of the silly scenes in that small town with the Super Villains are reduced to a bare minimum. The new Brando scenes are probably the biggest reason to see this movie. They add a sense of continuity with the first movie. We finally learned how Superman got his powers back when he returned to the Fortress of Solitude. Although Brando isn't at his best in the Superman movies, Jor-El's sacrifice make it a much better and more comprehensible movie.

There are a few changes in the epic fight between the villains and Superman, but it remains mostly the same. Thankfully, Donner and his editors resisted the temptation to completely change everything ala George Lucas with lots of CGI that would be out of place compared to the rest of the movie.

Finally the confrontation in the Fortress of Solitude is more serious and stronger. The amnesia kiss is replaced with Superman turning the World back around and going back in time to fix everything, since that was the original ending to II and not I. They were going to come up with a different ending after they used it in Superman I. The payoff is better with going in back in time. Especially considering what Lois does and says at work the next day (don't want to spoil it, but it's priceless).

I really enjoy both of the Superman II's right now. Both for different reasons. They're both excellent movies, although neither of them are as good as the first Superman. I'd have to give this incomplete Donner edit a slight edge. Had he finished it as planned thirty years ago, I think it would have been a much better movie. But because there's still flaws and minor problems, it's not as good as it could have been. If you're a Superman fan, you've seen it already or you're going to see it so I can't say if you'd enjoy it or not. If you're more of a casual Superman fan or just a regular movie watcher, I'd say catch it when you can, I think you'd enjoy it.
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Top Gun (1986)
Boring military garbage.
30 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'd recommend this movie only if you're gonna spend time listening to the audio commentary from the actual Navy pilots and technical advisers. Those guys have some very interesting things to say about the military and aviation. I wish there was just a commentary by them. I'm not a big fan of the US military, especially the stuff that's going on in the middle east right now, but on the DVD, they're the only ones with interesting stuff to say.

It's a damn shame though, that we're stuck watching this boring, pointless and completely routine action movie. So at the beginning of the movie Maverick (Tom Cruise) and Goose (that guy from ER) are sent to the Top Gun flight school and are taught to be even better pilots than they are already. While there, Maverick seems to spend large amounts of time trying to bed a civilian employee (Kelly McGillis) and badly singing Righteous Brothers and Jerry Lee Lewis songs. Learning to be better pilots requires spending time looking hunky in towels/white underwear and playing shirtless Volleyball, One day, Maverick is up flying around (like in most of the movie) when suddenly there's a big problem and Goose is killed. Of course he spends a huge chunk of movie time feeling bad and thinking of quitting and all that.

Then suddenly they graduate from Top Gun school and the writer decided that now it's time for a war. So suddenly Maverick has to "grow-up" and fight the bad guys, save some good guys, hang out with Val Kilmer and just plain save the day. He comes back to the aircraft carrier and is told that his stupid name is on the front page of every English language paper in the world and he's now all happy again. He goes back to become an instructor and meets up with Kelly McGillis so that he can jam his tongue down her throat again, probably because she lost that loving feeling.

I'd say that in this move Tom Cruise solidifies the kind of role that will define his career. In almost every single Tom Cruise movie, he starts out as a young cocky guy who thinks he knows everything and is completely full of himself. In almost every case, he'll keep on being cocky until about 3/4 of the way through the movie either a friend dies or he become paralyzed or he finds out that the girl he nailed in the bahamas is pregnant, etc. Then he'll become mature and he'll prove himself to the rest of the world, or at least the people watching it. After a while, one Tom Cruise movie is just like another. Eventually Tom Cruise should find another role because after 20+ years, it's getting old.

The movie itself is a blatant propaganda piece, meant to entice young men to join the military and young women to find shirtless guys playing volleyball. Much like Saving Private Ryan or Pearl Harbor, it's meant to get you all proud about the US military and maybe have you play some Born in the USA while raising the flag in your front yard. It's a feel good movie that ignores more serious problems of bad foreign policy and over spending on the military. But I guess those would be too complex of issues to raise during all the loud stock footage and motorcycle riding....
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The Island (2005)
One of Bay's best.
2 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, it's better than Armageddon, Bad Boys II and Pearl Harbor, which isn't very hard to pull off. It's no where near the level of The Rock. The first half of the movie is a fascinating look at a future utopia where people are kept safe from a post apocalyptic world where one island is a safe place for the survivors, of whom if you win a lottery you'll get to leave the utopia to live on the island. However, all is not well in this place and some people are getting suspicious about what this place is, why new people keeping showing up after an apocalypse and so on.

Eventually two of them escape and find out that there was no apocalypse and they are clones of rich people who will use them as an organ bank when the time comes for it. That's when things go wrong for this movie. After this it's just a big loud action flick that doesn't do anything new or creative. Basically anyone who's seen enough movies can guess what will happen after this point.

I liked the way it takes place about 15 years from now and looks like it could be happening at that point. The technology of the future looks realistic for that far in to the future. So that's one good point.

At the end of the movie, all the clones escape and the bad guy dies. I was disappointed the movie ended at that point. I think it would be interesting to see how the clones who lived in an isolated environment for all their lives would react to the real world. I'd like to see how the rest of the world deals with and reacts to the fact that all the rich and famous people have exact clones running around. I just think that this specific story had more interesting topics that could have been covered but weren't.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
That was terrible.
26 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A few years ago, I sat down and watched the first half of the movie, today I watched the second half and sadly it's still really bad. With the exception of the bombing of Pearl Harbor itself, this movie is hardly exciting or interesting. A few years before this movie came out, Michael Bay had just assaulted the American people with Armageddon which had insulted anyone with any scientific knowledge at all. Then came Pearl Harbor which insulted everyone who knows anything about US History at all.

I won't get in to the fact that Roosevelt had browbeat the Japanese into striking first, or that the government knew the Pearl Harbor attacks were coming, or the fact that the Doolittle raid was a propaganda move, or the fact that fighter pilots would never become bomber pilots or you get the idea. Everything this movie knew about history it learned in Kindergarten. The writer/director were too afraid to do anything remotely challenging, write a decent screenplay, end with the battle of Pearl Harbor (Oh gee, did we win WW2?) and decided to throw in an American victory to make it more pleasant for the average American movie goer.

Thankfully this movie was a dud and no more long, boring war/romance movies have been made. United 93 and World Trade Center have proved that Hollywood can make good movies about tragic events. If they cut this movie down just to the bombing and a few tense hours leading up to the bombing, it had the potential to be exciting. Instead, Bay threw in a herd of uninteresting and clichéd characters, nearly an hour of build up, an idiotic last hour where they just had to show the Americans win, and finally where one of the heroes die and his offspring gets to ride a plane a few years later (I'm sure that said offspring likely died in Vietnam anyways...)

What next? Is Bay/Bruckheimer gonna make a movie where they show the Gulf of Tonkin (which is a big of a lie as Pearl Harbor) and then show the Americans winning the war in Vietnam?
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Don't see it.
23 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Please, don't waste your time. I find it hard to believe that this and the first movie is what passes for good comedy today. Once in a great while it seems like a few good comedies show up like Ed Wood or Dodgeball or Army of Darkness. But mostly we're stuck with garbage like this all the time. I regret having my ex girlfriend drag me to this movie. When the movie was over, I realized something. I had seen this movie before. A few years earlier my sister dragged me out to a movie called The In-Laws. Sure it had a different story and the characters were a bit different, but it was essentially the same damn thing. Both this movie and The In-Laws had the same series of lame jokes, silly plot and bad acting with huge names attached. Nothing is surprising about this film, everything ends as expected. No surprises at all. Well, except you never find out if they fix the rental car window, I mean I was wondering about that for almost the entire movie.
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10 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
May contain spoilers.

You have to wonder how movies like this are made. I have yet to see the first two movies, I first heard of #3, watched it and now assume there are two previous movies. I haven't heard of the Turbulence series before this one came along, but I can't imagine the first two made much money at all.

The hero, Slade Craven is little more than a Marilyn Manson wannabe with one big difference. Slade Craven lacks musical talent, William Hung is more talented than this loser. Plus he says "Let's do the hussle" more than anyone should in their entire life time. If he said "Let's go out there and win one for the Gipper", I'd have more respect for him. Heck they could have cut it down to "Let's do it" and he'd seem more Satanic or whatever.

The secondary hero is a I337 h4x0r. Who wears sunglasses indoors, a stupid head rag and dresses like he's stuck in the mid-80's. Yeah, an obvious non-hacker type. If they wanted a real hacker, they would have gotten the guy who was Newman on Seinfeld and would have shown up while he was stuffing his face with Nachos while watching a Dr. Who marathon. He teams up with some girl who's a h4x0r with the government, all though they never quite get what part of the government she works for. She's the stuck up girl with no emotion at all and would look hot if she let down her hair and lost the glasses.

So anyway Slade decides to have a concert on an airplane. It will be broadcast on the net so that the other 27 fans of his can watch it too. Just so happens that the hacker girl shows up to arrest hacker guy just as the concert starts to go all wrong. Satanic terrorist (Osama is a pansy compared to these guys) hijack the plane in order to crash it after getting 15 million internet viewers in to a Church in Kansas in order to release Satan. Slade is put away for a while and comes back later in the movie when we find out that Slade ain't behind the whole hijack thing. Eventually Slade and the hacker guy hook up on the phone and the hacker talks him through some rough situations.

However, the movie goes way over the top of acceptable cheese level when it comes time to land the plane and the hacker uses Microsoft Flight Simulator to help Slade to land the plane. Yeah, ya know that after hours of playing that game as a teenager, I don't feel fully flight certified yet. I get the feeling the writer stole that bit from MST3K: The Movie. If you've read this far, I'm sure you know how the movie ends. With cheese and over acting all around.

Good job Canada, yet another example in why you shouldn't make movies. However, feel good that this movie is better than 2 Fast, 2 Furious and Dinocroc, but not by much.
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An informative, but flawed documentary.
26 March 2004
As someone who is very libertarian about gun control, I thought I would hate this film. I'm not sure entirely what I think of it. At times I enjoyed it and at other times, I thought Moore was dead wrong. At times, Moore goes a bit off the point. For example, he starts talking about Africanized Bees. Why? From the looks of it, to make the movie longer, I guess. Sorry, but Africanzied Bees have nothing to do with gun control.

I think the most important message is that the news media is probably one of the organizations that deserves the most blame. We're told that there's all kinds of dangerous people in our own neighborhoods ready to kill other people. Kids aren't safe in schools. Airplanes are full of terrorist. Sex offenders are probably living next door and ready to kidnap your children. People who listen to what the media and government tells them are probably scared out of their minds. The fact is that despite the high murder rate in the US, we are a very safe group of people. We can never be 100% safe, but most of us will never be the victims of violent crimes. I only know one murder victim in my entire life and she wasn't killed by a gun (she was run over with a car).

I found the interview with the Lockheed Martin guy interesting and the subsequent footage of US foreign policy at work very informative. The US has been a violent aggressor for over 100 years, dating back to such idiocy as the World War I and the Spanish-American War. I think there's a point to be made that such a cavalier attitude towards other people around the world and their governments may lead to children and American citizens picking up that attitude here at home.

Also there was this huge segment towards the end where he got on his soap box about the welfare to work program. He went around blaming Dick Clark for this girls' death because his restaurant employed the woman whose Son shot the girl at school. But there was no blame on the uncle who left the gun laying around for a six year old to pick up. I believe that Moore should have gone after this guy and asked him why he let his gun fall in to the hands of a six year old. But I suppose blaming the evil capitalist makes for better movie making than blaming an extremely irresponsible uncle...

There are two things I found completely inexcusable for any "documentary" filmmaker. One is that stupid cartoon during the movie which tried to link up the KKK and the NRA. The NRA was started in upstate New York by former Union soldiers after the Civil War, two of the first NRA presidents were Union General Burnside and General Grant. During Grant's presidential administration, he worked vigorously to destroy the KKK under the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This idea that the KKK and the NRA are one in the same is an insult to anyone with a hint of historical knowledge. But don't let history get in the way of a funny cartoon, right?

Next up is the way Moore cut footage of Charlton Heston during the Denver NRA speech. I saw the entire speech, unedited and it was no way near as vitriolic and hateful as Moore presented in his movie. I can understand not having enough time to put the entire speech in to the movie, but at least try to be honest. Don't edit the footage of a dying man to make him sound like a nut...

Overall, this movie is right about half the time, which isn't half bad. Moore clearly tried to make an objective film about the nature of the gun control debate and succeeded for the most part. I say, 5 out of 10 because it's not without it's flaws...
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Worst Movie Ever.
30 August 2003
I'm getting kind of sick of those complaints. Worst movie ever? No. Worst movie this year? No. Worst sequel this year? No. I think the only way to really judge this movie is to see the movie coming out in a few months. Then the story will be complete. Either this movie sets it up right and the next will finish off the storylines started in the first movie; or they'll drop the ball and both movies won't look good.

As far as this movie goes, it was ok. The one thing I think people easily forget is that the car chase in this movie makes all the other car chases ever made look dull and pointless by comparison. There wasn't too much philosophical jargon. I think the beginning of the movie is weak and poorly done. I was almost ready to walk out. However, after about 1/2 an hour things picked up and we all forgot the bad beginning. The end of the film was just ended. There was no sense that one story was done and the next will pick up on loose storylines and have another story. The movie just stopped where the next will most likely start.

However, I will give the writers credit for that guys' line about french swearing. Probably one of the funniest things I ever heard in a movie theater. Overall, an entertaining movie for what it is. I would never label this as a great movie, but it's not as bad as the two Tomb Raider movies, that's for sure.
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V (1983)
The Most Amazing TV Miniseries Ever.
9 June 2003
What's so amazing about this miniseries was the fact that it was on the air at all. Were you people watching the same thing I was? Honestly, I can't believe you were. The dialog is pure garbage. I've heard better dialog written by seven year olds.

The acting is even worse. A bunch of no-name, 3rd rate B movie actors get together to face the evil Visitors. The special effects are cheesy and bad. The whole premise plays like the plot made for a porn movie.

I think the people who watched this and claimed how great it is probably haven't watched enough real sci-fi like Babylon 5 and Farscape to know what good is. I wish you people would pull your heads out from under that rock their stuck in and get yourselves a clue. This miniseries bites. My geek friends think so, I think so and anyone with the ability to think, thinks so.
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6 June 2003
This movie was great. A much better and funnier movie than any of the Austin Powers movies. Sadly, however, Chris Kattan does his normal job of making the movie worse than it should be. Minus the end fight, every minute he's on the screen he sucks the humor and joy out of the film.

However, Kattan is in the movie only for bits and pieces. The rest of the cast is perfect. Chappelle does the best job in this movie. His Conspiracy Brother has most of the best lines in the movie. Also, Billy Dee Williams is good as a retired General and of course Denise Richards is hot in tight clothes.

I suspect however, the reason this movie didn't make it big at the box office is because The Man didn't want it to...
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Heat (1995)
Warning: This movie will be about an hour too long.
1 January 2003
While this isn't a horrible film; it doesn't belong in the top 250. First of all: it's long. Way to long. It felt like I was actually sitting there for three hours. Good movies will draw you in and let you forget about time during the running length. This movie wasn't good enough to do that. Did they really need all those scenes about Hanna's home life and poor marriage? No. Likewise, was all the screen time with McCauley and his girlfriend necessary? No. It felt like typical movie relationships. The entire movie spent way to much time developing each character and quite frankly it didn't need to.

However, there are a lot of great scenes. Including the bank robbery, the shoot-out afterwards, the heist at the beginning of the movie, the diner scene between Hanna and McCauley, and the shoot-out at the drive-in. The acting is top notch. DeNiro and Pacino are great leads. They both portray their characters wonderfully. The rest of the cast was great too. Plus any movie with Danny Trejo is worth seeing.

So if not for the overlong running length, I highly recommend seeing it. If you want to see a fast pace heist movie; I'd recommend Heist with Hackman and DeVito. Heist was able to cut the fat and make a great movie. This movie just keeps going and going and going until it finally reaches the end.
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Son in Law (1993)
It's bad.
22 December 2002
This movie is one of the worse movies of all time. I'm kind of upset this movie isn't on the bottom 100; it deserves a spot at least number 60 or 70 on that list. This isn't just a film I think is bad in a campy-fun sort of MST3K way; it's just bad. This is one of the few films that I really, really HATE. Freddy Got Fingered is in the same category of bad.

So the story in this one goes that the daughter (Gugino) goes to California to go to school and comes back with Crawl (Shore) and he tries to learn to be a farmer. Then the boyfriend tries to set Shore up so that the girl will leave Crawl and go back to him. It ends and what's left of the audience can leave.

The main purpose of this movie is for Pauly Shore to mug for the camera and try to be funny; but I'd say about 100% of the time he fails at that. Their horrible inaccurate and out of date view of farms and farming is offensive and there's nothing in this movie worth seeing. If you think of seeing it: don't. The one time I saw the movie it felt like I was watching it for 5 or 6 hours. If you've already seen it; you have my sympathy.
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It was Ok...
10 December 2002
The first Austin Powers was a classic comedy. Well written, acted, directed and most importantly very funny. It was fresh and original. Enter Austin Powers 2. Probably one of the few movies I had to resist walking out of. Austin Powers 2 was terrible, unfunny and very stupid. Fat Bastard and Mini-me were horrible new characters and all the freshness of the first movie was gone.

Enter Austin Powers 3. I didn't bother to see it in the theaters because it looked pretty bad. Even after the roommate bought the DVD, I was rather hesitant to watch it until I just finally decided to give it a shot. This movie was rather average. No where near the pure badness of the second movie; but not at the level of greatness of the first movie. I enjoyed some parts of it; but in general it feels like Austin Powers is finished and that anymore movies would just be overkill.

There's still a lot to like about this movie. Including seeing Tom Cruise in Austin garb and the Japanesse sub-title scene. Ms. Knowles is a slight improvement over Heather Graham and I loved seeing Britney Spear's head explode.

So I will say that if you're looking for a way to watch some mindless film, for a while; you can't go wrong with this one. Just don't expect too much.
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Great flick.
5 November 2002
Just caught this movie on HBO. See Dubya bowling oranges, eating Cheetos, and drinking Non-Alcholic Beer. Instead of the serious statesman we usually see on TV, we get this fun charismatic guy we never get to see. George jokes around and has fun. This movie never takes George or itself seriously and the post election Florida fiasco is short and sweet. If you just want to know more about what kind of man the president is "behind the scenes"; this is the movie to see. My favorite moment from the film was when the filmmaker yells out to ask Mrs. Bush who she's voting for.
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It isn't the worst movie ever.
28 September 2002
But it's pretty close on my scale.

In general, this movie has overrated syndrome. A Christmas Story has the same disease. I first saw this movie during my Junior year in high school at the end of a semester long class and we had nothing else to do for 2 or 3 days. I was horribly bored by the whole thing. Found it to be overly cheesy and I guess it just tries to hard. After the class was over with, I put the movie in the back of my mind as one to never watch again. That was 1997.

So I hadn't watched it until a few days ago when my roommate took it out of the DVD selection as something to watch. So I watched it again, well, some of it. At one point I got up and went to my room. I have better things to do with my time. It's attempt to be witty and fun just came off as horribly staged to me. It was a just another cheesy Hollywood piece of junk. Someone mentioned on here that this was the Shrek of the 80's. I disagree, Shrek was much more fun than this dull thing.
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9 September 2002
This movie was terrible, horrible, disgusting, and just plain bad. Even "Manos: The Hands of Fate" is better than this movie and that's saying a lot. The fact that this movie isn't #1 on the bottom 100 disturbs me about what people think of movies. I can't believe anyone would give this movie more than a 3 out of 10.

If this was supposed to be a comedy; I wasn't laughing. Even the "Apocalypse Now" reference was pretty stupid. There was a lot badness to go around. Rip Torn; who's usually pretty good as Zed in "MIB" wasn't even trying to act. Julie Hagerty was probably just there to get a paycheck. Shaq? I suppose this is a step down from "Kazaam". Eddie Kaye Thomas looked really bored. And Tom Green was horrible like always.

Nothing worked in this film. The comedic timing was off on everything. I'm sure with the right director and some writing improvements; it still would have won the Razzies; but it wouldn't have been this bad. I'm glad this movie was on Showtime, so I didn't have to pay for it. But I think I should get my wasted time back.
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Armageddon (1998)
It's pretty bad.
21 August 2002
Let's forget for a second that a comet wouldn't hardly put a small dent in to an astroid the size of Texas and that the chances of a comet hitting an astroid are rather slim. Also, let's forget that there are no astroids the size of Texas in this solar system. So right off from the start; the movie is too stupid to be taken seriously. Anyone who really understands physics and astronomy will have a good laugh at this movie's expense.

Let's move on to all that other stuff in a movie (story, characters, special effects). All of them are poorly done and some of them are at an absurd level of silliness. Yet, you can tell that the director is taking this movie seriously and expects us to. A movie that should have been a comedy (and would have been a good one) instead injects melodrama and techno babble. At any rate; if you're up for a stupid movie that fails big time; check this one out; it will be worth your while.
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Gosford Park (2001)
18 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler may follow; at least for the first hour of it.

This movie suffers from "Pearl Harbor" disease; meaning that it's way to long and talky for it's content. Well, at least I wasn't dumb enough to watch all of it. I turned it off at the one hour point. I can't comment on the last 1 hour and 18 minutes; but I will say this much: the first hour is the most boring and pointless hour of movie I've seen since Pearl Harbor. I was just sitting there, ready to yell at the screen: "Look, if you're going to have a murder, have a murder already". It was kind of obvious when they show you a jar with "poison" written on it, that yeah, someone's gonna die. Also it has this problem of having way to many characters. For example they had two tables of characters (one table had the guest, the other had the servants).

Now I don't mind movies that are talky; but if the people are gonna say something; say something interesting. "Driving Miss Daisy" was good at it, yes it was very talky; but the dialog was well written and I could relate to the characters. Basically, it needs more editing; cut down the running length so that I won't have to sit there for an hour waiting for stuff to happen. One hour of talking heads isn't character development, it's boring. In the end, I couldn't care less about a bunch of snobby English people bantering on and on.
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One of the best of 2002.
6 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie; since 2002 isn't over yet; I can say weather it's the best; but I'm sure it's right up there. It's a summer blockbuster at it's best. Not since Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade has Speilberg brought us such a fun flick. There is some thinking required (others stating they left in the middle of it and that they didn't like the movie is proof of that); but if you enjoy good movies; make this one to see. SPOILERS FOLLOW.

It's pure Sci-Fi fun. More fun than "Blade-Runner" and "Total Recall" combined. It's also very intelligent. Many missed the line when the prison guard said that Anderton's prison time will be a dream come true. And it was, the bad guy died, Pre-Crime was shut down, he and his wife got back together, and the precogs are set free to live on their own. I'm surprised so many missed this point. We never find out what happens to Pre-Crime and the precogs; it was all in his dream.

Also I love how they turn a "good guy" in to a "bad guy" and a "bad guy" in to a "good guy". The little twist and turns will have you guessing well after the movie is over. If you take it from my previous mentioned POV; you still don't know exactly what happened.

In the end; if you go and expect an absolutely perfect film; you will leave disapointed. Speilberg; over the course of nearly 30 years, is given such a high standard by fans, that he has trouble living up to the perfection that fans demand. George Lucas has that same problem. Remember: These are just movies, don't be so picky.
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The Best.
2 July 2002
Well, the best of the Star Trek films. True, a lot of people have recently declared Star Trek Frist Contact the best. There are others who love whales and political correctness declare Star Trek The Voyage Home the best of the Trek films. Out of all the Star Trek films; only two deal with the human element of Star Trek as well as the original TV series did and that's Star Trek 2 and 3. This is the one Star Trek film that I would recommend to people who don't like or watch Star Trek. It's probably one of the best Science Fiction movies of all time.

People will complain that it's too violent and dark. But that's a part of life. Anytime you deal with the darkest human emotions of hate and revenge; you will have starships being fired at and people dying. To say that in the future humans will be 100% peaceful is silly and naive. Themes of life and death are explored very well in this movie without getting preachy about it. Shatner and Nimoy are allowed to expand their characters and bring more life to them. Shatner turns in his best Trek performance since "The City on the Edge of Forever".

The special effects are good, but don't overshadow the story like they did in the first movie. Instead they service the story, as special effects should. The score is great; probably the best of all the Star Trek movies. The uniforms have been toned down and no longer look like pajama's from the first movie. I suppose if you really want to sum up this movie, it should be that this movie brings out the best from the TOS and makes a wonderful movie experience. Also it shows the potential that is in Star Trek that none of the other movies have been able to reach.
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Awesome...well not really.
29 June 2002
In general this is a satire of 1950's Sci-Fi movie with a huge budget, bad acting, over the top effects and action, and poorly put together story. However there is one thing that saves this movie from being a total bust: The Co-Ed Shower Scene. Rule. When the movie was over; I could tell that was why they made the movie. Sure some of the other stuff is interesting; but nothing beats the showers.

I love how they just invade the planet and it has the exact same atmosphere as Earth. They'll probably get back to Earth and never bother isolating anyone because, damn it; there are no diseases on that other planet. Why didn't they just release some biological weapon on the planet (like a huge tank of Raid) and leave. Wouldn't that had been easier than having legions of troops die there.

Well, in general; they needed more nude scenes and more comedy. I was laughing with and at this movie; but when I wasn't I was rather bored. It lacks punch and it seems to just drag on towards the end.

When we look back at the 90's we can feel happy that with films like ID4, Demolition Man and Starship Troopers are nothing more than 50's films with better effects and bigger budgets.
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Pretty Bad.
26 June 2002
This movie is pretty bad. Basically, in 1996 (for some reason, I don't remember any of this happening) some psycho killer is frozen for eternity (Why they just didn't execute him, I have no idea) and he is awaken in 2032. Well, his arch enemy is also frozen for a crime he didn't commit. Well he's also awoken in 2032 and you know these two will meet up and blow stuff up. That's all you need to know.

On the other hand is the rather interesting idea of futuristic left-wing facism. Basically anything bad for you (meat, cigarettes, beer, swearing and salt) is taken away. The current fight against tobacco is perhaps a beginning to it all? Below the surface lives a group of freedom loving people who want to be able to do what they want, weather it be drinking beer, smoking cigarettes or eating hamburgers. Sex is done through a machine instead of in person. Big Brother is watching. Unfortunetly, the movie presents all of this in such a silly and poorly done manner, that you don't take any of it seriously.

I think this movie had a lot of potential; but it's wasted on bad acting, bad screenplay and loud explosions.
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