
34 Reviews
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Mile 22 (2018)
This is what they call movies now a Days.
14 October 2018
I used to like the stuff that Mark put out, but this movie is just an action packed mess. The story line was good, but complicated. The ending was probably the best part of the movie. It surprised me, but it took to long to get there.
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Molly's Game (2017)
Easy to watch
3 April 2018
Easy to watch, while I did find the movie easy to watch and I am a huge fan of poker. I could only give it a five out of 10 because I was able to sit through it. I thought that both Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba Did great jobs in the acting department. It is not a great movie, but a good movie. Something that you can sit down and watch and enjoy when you need to relax a bit.
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Don't waste your time
3 April 2018
Don't waste your time, this movie started out boring and got worse the longer it ran. I am a big fan of Daniel Day Lewis and had to give it a chance. It was difficult to watch and I found a lot of the behavior in this movie to be just creepy.I think that you would really have to have a serious interest in fashion to even waste the time watching this movie. I was terribly disappointed and cannot recommend this movie to anyone.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Weird and Wacky Science Fiction.
2 February 2018
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I binged watched all 10 episodes and despite it's kind of bizarre story line, I have to say that I enjoyed all ten episodes. Some reviewers compared it to Blade Runner and I can agree that there was a lot of that kind of graphics in the series. That of course, was the only comparison to Blade Runner. The story line, while it was all over the place, makes sense by the end of episode 10. If you like science fiction give it a chance. I have to warn you that there is a lot of violence, a ton of nudity, a whole lot of sex and profanity. This is adult science fiction, not for young adults.
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Proud Mary (2018)
Ripped off at least two different movies.
24 January 2018
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I watched this movie today and found out that it was worse than most of the critics are saying. This movie is an insult to African Americans and to The actors involved with this mess. It ripped off a least two movies that I am aware of, Gloria and Romeo must Die. The first 3/4 of the movie were almost the same as Romeo must Die and the last 1/4 was very similar to Gloria. All in all though this movie just really stunk. This isn't really a review, it's just mu OPINION. Don't waste any money on this worthless movie.
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The Post (2017)
Just another Oscar grab movie.
19 January 2018
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I know that Hollywood had to produce a movie that would allow their top stars to get Oscar nominations. They will get their nominations but I doubt they will get any wins. I lived through this part of history and it seems odd that they did not cover what Nixon tried to do to the New York Times. This movie seems more concerned with how great the News Media is. If they were as great as they claim there would never have be a question about publishing the information they had. I watched the main star (Meryl Streep). She didn't seem to do anything that would warrant an Oscar nomination. It seemed as though any woman her age could have played the same part. It was the same way with Tom Hanks, there just wasn't anything special going on. Watch it and make up you own mind. try not to pay for it. Check your library or find a friend that already has a copy.
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This Movie us just soft porn.
19 January 2018
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The rules say that I can't a rating of less than 1 so that is what I gave it. I will not review a movie that i have not watched from start to finish. It was difficult to get through this mess, but I did. I am thankful that I did not have to pay a dime to see it. I found the subject matter of this movie to be a bit like soft Porn. I call understand why William Marston's family would have nothing to do with the making of this movie. The person who wrote this story claims that it is based on a true story. Doing some research says that she didn't even know the true story. The fact that they allow this kind of crap in theaters is just how Hollywood operates. Some reviewers gave this a 10 and called it a great movie. Everyone has to watch it and make up their own mind. Good luck with this one.
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Magellan (2017)
There is no science in this science fiction.
13 January 2018
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The first thing that I did not understand about this lousy movie is why would America (N,A.S.A) send only one man on a mission this important. The Chinese sent a least 3 and we still don't know what happened to them. The Chinese it seems were just being used as bad guy's to create some kind of plot tension. This movie was cheap and made very little sense to the science fiction community. The ending was abrupt and made no sense. Some reviewers keep saying it's about a sequel, I think they just ran out of story and didn't know how to end it. There will not be a sequel to this rubbish. Watch it only if you have absolutely nothing else to do or watch.
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Lady Bird (2017)
Don't know what the fuss was about.
10 January 2018
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I watched this movie because of all the fuss that was being made on Youtube reviews and word of mouth. I had a problem with a 23 year old woman playing a 17 year old high school student. I have enjoyed her work in some of her other movies, Hanna, The Host, and Byzantium. I guess knowing her work and how old she is, didn't allow me to accept her as a 17 year old high school student. The story was very basic about a teenage girl and her mother not getting along, which seems normal enough. These two just seemed to do everything wrong. Despite all that she did wrong, somehow she still ended up in a New York college. I think you should watch it and form your own opinion. I was barely able to get through it. I was watching it in my living room, so I couldn't walk out on it. I was able to make dinner and hit the restroom a couple of times without hitting the pause button.
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Downsizing (2017)
I don't know what I just watched
5 January 2018
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We go to the movies every weekend and therefore we saw the trailer for this movie at least 5 times in the theater and 10 times on youtube. Based on the trailer this movie seemed to be a good one to see on the big screen. I was wrong. This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. There were comedians in the movie, some of the best, but no comedy. There were good dramatic actors, but no drama. There were good possibilities for a story here, but no story. Then there was Matt Damon, the part that he played could have done by anyone on planet Earth and it wouldn't have made a difference. There was a young lady that was born in Thailand playing a young woman that was born in Thailand. The part was a stretch for her so she has now been nominated for a Golden Globe award for best supporting actress . I suggest that you watch it and form your own opinion, but I think you will not be impressed.
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I, Tonya (2017)
Wanted to like it, but just couldn't
5 January 2018
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I was able to sit through the entire movie, because I won't ever offer an opinion on a movie, it I didn't see the whole thing. As a movie it was tolerable, just barely. I didn't see any great acting going on that would qualify it for any kinds of awards. As for the subject matter of the movie, it seem like it was meant for us to feel sorry for Tonya. I was never aware of the abuse that she endured presented in the movie and I'm not even sure that it's true. I suggest that you watch as much of it as you can and form your own opinion of the material. It is watchable and most people can get through it.
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Bright (I) (2017)
What a Mess.
23 December 2017
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I can't figure out where the $90 Million dollars went. I guess it was just to pay the Actors and Actresses. The rest of the movie was absolute junk. The story line is really messed up. Something happened 2,000 years ago with Orc's, Human's and Elves. I don't recall them telling us exactly what happened to create the world they are currently living in. It seems as though they could have started the story line with that and moved forward.. I love Nomie Rapace and can't figure out why she keeps getting put in the worst movies. I read that this was done by the same gentleman that did "Suicide Squad" and everyone knows what a mess that was.
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Shot Caller (2017)
Way better then I Expected.
19 December 2017
I saw the trailer for this movie yesterday morning. At dinner time I brought it up on the big screen and was surprised at how good it turned out to be. There isn't anything new here, we seen the story line before. I believe that it was the way it was handled. They could have put a lot of filler scenes in the movie, but they started at the beginning and went straight through to the end with a rock solid story. There are a lot of good actors that you will recognize and they all do an excellent job in their parts. I gave it an 8 because it wasn't perfect movie, but much better than a lot of the junk that I have seen this year. I don't think this got any nominations for the Golden Globes, but it should have.
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Mudbound (2017)
Tired of this kind of movie
12 December 2017
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As an African American, who is 70 years old, it is difficult to watch these kinds of movies. I don't require movies to describe what the Jim Crow south was all about. this movie was well made, but at times it was boring. The acting was well done, but some of the actors were not required to do much. It was a good movie for Netflix standards, but I would have never gone to the theater to see it. I hope that the song "Mighty River" wins the Golden Globe.
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Denzel was good, movie stunk
4 December 2017
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I have given this movie a 3 just because Denzel was in it. He did a great job in portraying this Autistic person, but the movie just really stunk. I wanted to and tried to like it, but to say that I did would be a lie. The first half of the movie was interesting and looked like it was building a good story line. Somewhere towards the end, the entire movie just went completely sideways. It started jumping all over the place and was hard to follow. There were scenes with people crying and you didn't know what they were crying about. There was a scene in which Roman and the civil rights lady found what they thought was a dead African American man on the corner. Two police officers pulled up and began to act like complete fools, which gave Roman the opportunity to announce to the world his thoughts on American politics. then the dead guy gets up and walks away. The Police officers drive off and there's just Roman and the lady. What the hell was that?. Don't wasted and money on this mess and there will be no Oscar's for this mess.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
Can't watch anymore
1 December 2017
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I was able to get through the first 3 episodes and that was the best I could do. Reviews of this series that are 10's have to be making some money off of this mess. I have seen all of the other series with this same plot line and this has to be the worst of them. A lot of the things that go on in this series just seem creepy. Example, the cop who's wife came back, slept with her and then held her in his arms and said he loved her. Remember please that he has a pregnant wife at home that was her friend when she was alive. The wife that came back doesn't seem to be amazed that she is alive again because she is angry because he remarried. What happened to " Until death do us part." There is a lot of nudity and sex to try and keep people interested, but sex with dead people just seems creepy. I can't believe that this actually did 2 seasons. I won't even be able to get through 1. I think that it is time to cancel my Netflix subscription. I pay them every month and this is the crap they give me.
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OK, but not really very good.
18 November 2017
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I just got home from watching this mess. I went there wanting to like this movie, the same as I go to any movie. I don't expect much anymore based on the hype that movies get and then turn out to be so bad. I found this movie to be slow paced and boring.There seemed to be a lot of conversation about nothing. They tried to add a little humor to the movie, but the best they could get was the flash character. The rest of the humor was a waste of time. I am big fan of Jason Mamoa, but he could have been left out of this and wouldn't have been missed. The Justice League team didn't seem to come together in this movie and you didn't really care if they saved the world or not. If you go to the early show, you should be able to stay awake from start to finish. Don't go to a late showing.
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This is really a B-Movie
15 November 2017
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I watched this movie on Netflix today and I have to admit that this is really awful. The acting of Tom Cruise's supporting group is just the worst. Tom always does a good job, but if he didn't this would have really been a mess. The whole story line of the daughter who isn't really a daughter could have been left out completely and it may have been a better movie. The nice thing about watching it on Netflix, I did it in my bedroom and it was cheap. I feel sorry for people who actually paid to see it.
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Great Movie, Hollywood loves us again.
4 November 2017
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My daughter and I saw it this morning and all I can say is that it was worth the money paid. Compared to the crap that they have been putting in theaters this year, this is a masterpiece. Go see it, it is fun and funny. Those of you that know the Marvel Universe will find the script really well done and very unique. I give it two thumbs up and 10 out of 10.
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Inhumans (2017)
What exactly is this mess?
4 November 2017
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I have watched 7 episodes of this mess in hopes that it would get better, it didn't. In fact it seems to have gotten worse. In tonight's episode Black Bolt was talking to his brother in sign language quite a bit. This is the man that he grew up with yet the wife continued to translate for him. Shouldn't his brother be able to translate as easily as the wife. Maybe she is doing it for us the viewers. It is hard to believe that Anson Mount went from Hell on Wheels to this awful show. I was a huge fan of his during his run in Hell on Wheels and am just sad to see him in this part. The young man from Game of Thrones is playing the very same character that he play in that series and not very well. The young lady playing Medusa, should be let go. Nothing to watch here. The flying dog is the beast actor in the show.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Hollywood doesn't Love us anymore?
2 November 2017
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I have to admit that Freddie Highmore is playing a really good character. There are still just too many problems to enjoy this TV series. It is very difficult to watch each episode. I have made it through the first 4 episodes and would not waste the time pointing out the mess that this show is. I agree with those that are saying that it is insult to Autism and to the running of a Hospital this size. I can't see any hospital on planet earth hiring a surgical resident with Autism, regardless of the level. I also found the flashing back to his childhood, to explain who he is, very annoying and had to fast forward though those parts.
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Geostorm (2017)
Hollywood doesn't Love us anymore?
25 October 2017
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To spend 150 Million dollars on this kind of junk and actually want us to go to theaters and pay to see it. This should be a crime here in America, but it isn't. My daughter is a fan of Gerard Butler and there is an unwritten law that requires us to go see every movie that he makes. Some have been good, and fun and some like this piece of JUNK are not. Hollywood does not LOVE us anymore. We love the movies and the new TV series, but the junk that they are putting in theaters and on Television is criminal. Don't invest a dime in this movie, maybe if they lose enough money, they won't put this CRAP in theaters. I marked the spoiler box, but I don't believe that there will actually be any here. Everyone knows the kind of movies that Dean Devlin has made in the past. To expect anything new and exciting would be unrealistic. accepting that fact this movie is still really really bad. He could have tried harder to make it better. Some of the reviewers talked about the politics of the film. It is the kind of movie that the DNC might show in a high school auditorium and call it a documentary .
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Extinct (2017)
Can't watch anymore
5 October 2017
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This TV Series is the absolute worst thing on TV. I am a HUGE FAN of Science Fiction and came across this under the SYFY catogory. I tried to watch it but could only make it to the third episode. It seemed as though they could have really produced a good series if they had the budget. The lack of funding is obvious in the results. The acting is really, really bad. I believe the worst of them being the young lady playing Feena. I don't like to beat up on actor's and Actresses because they have to work with the script that they are given. The writing for this is bad which doesn't help bad acting. They mentioned Ender's Game in the description of the story line which I actually liked despite it's flop at the box office. Ender's Game should not be mentioned in the same breath with the poorly produced TV series. Final word, don't waste your time on this one.
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Wind River (2017)
Typical of the junk that Hollywood is making now.
30 September 2017
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I just watched this mess and I have to say the following.

1. Anyone that gave this a rating higher than about 3 at best is just lying or really likes this kind of nonsense. 2. Did anyone tell Elizebeth Olsen that this was not a Marvel movie and that acting would be required. The worst thing about this movie was her. 3. Jeremy was the best part of the movie and he did what he could with the script that he was given. 4. Do Indians really paint their faces when people die these days.? 5. This movie is really miserable and I can understand why some people walked out on it, it drags along and could have been edited a little better, excuse me a lot better. 6. Happily I did not have to pay to watch this mess and I can understand why people who did want their money back. I watched it on my big screen in my bedroom. I was able to walk out on it a couple of times. Once to hit the restroom and second to make some lunch. Didn't miss a thing while I was gone. 7. I'm done
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Was a little bit disappointed.
11 September 2017
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I was waiting to see this ever since they started showing the trailer. I will not be as excited to see the second episode. Some of the other reviewers keep mentioning Star Trek and other series. I was not looking for Star Trek, I was hoping for something completely different. Some science fiction, but funny. Some have even mentioned Galaxy Quest, but to even mention this junk with Galaxy Quest is an insult. The Orville was watchable, at best. The comedy was OK at times and sometimes it wasn't very funny. I think you should watch it if you've got nothing better to do. It's not hard to watch and even if you need a restroom break, you won't miss much.
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