
13 Reviews
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The Avengers (2012)
Perfect in every way
26 April 2012
Everything just worked perfectly for The Avengers. My geek heart jumped several times during the movie. So many cool and memorable action scenes, great comic timing, It is just epic in every way. The overall story is simple (evil guy wants to dominate earth), but it doesn't matter because it still carries depth due to the previous movies which are tied together seamlessly with this one. The chemistry between the actors are perfect, and skeptics don't worry, Caps suit is not bad looking at all and there is a perfectly fine explanation for why it does not look as high tech shiny as the rest of The Avengers, but for that one, you need to watch the movie. Experiences like this is why cinema is still the best place to watch epic action movies, and The Avengers is nothing but EPIC!
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Avatar (2009)
Excellent Sci-fi movie
20 December 2009
The core of the story in Avatar has been seen before, but you could say that about most of the film classics we praise today. Of course a good story is essential, and the story in Avatar is good not to mention very current even if you have seen it before and know where it leads, and you will just by having seen the trailer. What Cameron does to outweigh this though, is by introducing us to an unbelievable, jaw-dropping alien, yet very earthly world. By now I have only seen the movie once, but the incredible visuals still stays with me days after, and I do not think I have ever experienced the same with any other movie before. The world Cameron has created is full of life and color and you actually believe it 100%. You can almost smell the flora and fauna and in 3d it does seem as if you are there! The characters are good without being great, except for Colonel Miles Quaritch played by the always excellent Stephen Lang. He is awesome as the baddie, and in many ways steals all the scenes he is in. Perhaps the best bad guy in a long time and luckily the final showdown between him and Sam's character is really no letdown. Also nice to see Sigourney Weaver again. In short, Cameron has made a greatly paced action sci-fi film, spiced with heart and romance, a great villain and the best visuals for a movie of that type, I have seen so far. I can't wait to revisit Pandora.
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Watchmen (2009)
Great movie of a great comic-book!
22 March 2009
I enjoyed this movie from start to finish, just like I did the comic-book. Zack made a masterpiece! From the scenes, to the acting, to the action and to the visuals it was just a joy to watch. This is what cinema is all about for me. What I especially love about this movie is the eye for detail. It's simply amazing how much detail Zack (director) have put into every single scene, it's so much in fact, that at times it can actually seem distracting because you're eyes are constantly scanning the backrounds. To those who have not read the comic, I would imagine that this would actually be a bad thing, because you have to follow the storyline pretty close not to miss out on details. Well there is simply nothing bad I can say about this movie, and I've tried finding some flaws (you always do), but not even the much talked about sex scene in the owl ship was bad, funny but not bad though (how can Malin Akerman nude be bad?). Ahh heck, I just want to see this movie again!
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It was an OK start.
16 August 2008
I had a feeling this would be a major letdown (as a Star Wars fan the trailer did not impress me), but it wasn't. It is no great movie by all means, but It does not try to be. It could however be the beginning of something very good indeed.

Good things first.

The movie looked good and had some good CGI effects. It had a nice pace, lots of action-scenes and some are actually OK, without ever being incredible though. The movie had nice voice work also, even though Yoda is not voiced by Frank OZ (but you need the ear of a true Star Wars nerd to notice that). The chemistry between Anakin and Asoka was nice and worked well (it will be interesting to watch that evolve).

Not so good things. Well first of all the story is not too exiting (youre never really at the edge of you seat), but then again this is hopefully just the beginning to something far greater. The movie lacks that one extremely cool action scene or character (you never really get surprised or shocked). The droid humor is really not needed, because it's just not funny. It feels too forced from the lack of other comical characters (Star Wars will do just fine without the tacky humor George). Then there is the facial animation. Sometimes it's OK, but at other times you wish the faces would be a little more lively (they are at times too stiff, especially around the mouthes). I still liked the overall design of the movie and characters though.

Overall the movie wasn't a bad a start, and I will definitely watch the coming episodes with great interest.
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26 July 2008
What a great sequel to an otherwise great prequel. Christopher Nolan has been a director that I have been intrigued and fascinated by ever since Memento and Insomnia, both films with great stories, solid acting and beautiful visuals. But when he treats one of my favorite comic-book-characters with such respect, by making such an excellent piece of cinematic art, as is the Dark Knight, he is now one of my favorite director, there is no doubt in my mind. The Dark Knight is a masterpiece of a comic-book character movie, one you need to see more than once, if you truly wish to see all the details. It is deep, exiting, sad, funny, scary, tragic and rockingly awesome! I don't feel the need to comment on the acting and the visuals because I think that has been done enough, for me it is enough to say that this movie is perfect. I cant wait to enjoy it again! Rest in peace Mr. Heath Ledger.
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Dr. Jones is back!
25 May 2008
Indy is back, and in superb form indeed. What a start on this years summer blockbusters! I liked every moment of this crazy and totally retro insane movie. There is one scene though debated a lot on the internet, MINOR SPOILER ALERT AHEAD! It is the scene where Shia/ Mutt swings from the's just fine, don't believe the bad hype said about that scene. First of, it's not that long, and second this is IndianaJones people, scenes should be wild and crazy! And to be honest, that scene is nothing compared to a lot of others in the movie.But thats just my point, scenes in these movies are meant to be wild and insane! MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD! The action is spot on from the crazy motorcycle chase,to the jungle jeep scenes, but frankly there are so many cool scenes in this fourth installment that I don't know where to begin. You just have to enjoy them yourselves. Me and my buddy where both taken back to the nineteen eighties and had a great cinema experience!
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Sunshine (2007)
It shines bright.
13 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I liked Sunshine a lot. It's not the typical/traditional Sci-fi movie with planets, aliens, lasers, monsters and explosions everywhere, but thats exactly why I liked It. Not that I don't like "traditional" Science Fiction movies with the above- mentioned things, I definitely love those, but Sunshine was just different. First of all It had a beautiful visual side, at moments even breathtaking. Actually the visuals alone make the movie stand out but also the acting and the sound was great.

There are plot holes in the movie though, or things you know just can't be done only 50 years from now, but on the other hand there are so many other believable things in Sunshine and the movie is just so damn beautiful that you don't want to pull It down. Also you might argue that everything goes a bit "over the edge" towards the end, but compared to Aliens, Riddick, Serenity etc, etc It's nothing really.

Overall I found Sunshine to be a great refreshing take on a genre that as of late, has been somewhat streamlined and even a bit boring.

To sum It up...Sunshine had an interesting and in some ways a very realistic story, It was well acted, had mesmerizing visuals, good music and not exactly a Hollywood ending and that makes Sunshine a memorable and stylish Sci- fi movie in my book.
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300 (2006)
Great adaptation!
4 April 2007
This movie should be judged, in my opinion, for how well it's adapted from comic to big screen and not for what It may lack in story, theme or deep philosophical questions. Its no Braveheart or Gladiator, it's 300! and it's, like the comic, there to tell a "true", gritty, down and dirty and bloody story, about insane men killing each other in the name of freedom and power...thats it. Frank Millers comic does not try to be anything else but that and so the movie, apart from a few added political scenes, don't either. For what It is, 300 is extremely well made, even cool at times. Visually Ít's stunning and memorable, like nothing I've ever seen before. The comic book too is very "in your face" with large drawings of battle-scenes and rugged countrysides painted with an imaginative color-palette. In my opinion, 300 is perfectly adapted from comic to screen, It's an action-packed, well made and well acted, beautifully shot movie that doesn't pretend to be more than what It seeks to adapt. This Is one of those movies you can always watch and enjoy again and again..a bit like Troy really, damn entertaining!
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Great Scott!
4 August 2006
Its difficult for me to say anything at this point really...I'm still trying to collect myself. I normally don't write anything on IMDb, I just read what others write, but I have to say something this time.

Superman Returns is what going to the movies is all about..Its why they invented cinemas. Its just that good. You feel its big from the very intro, It has style. I guess I'm saying that the visuals of the film still sticks with me..damn, the colors, the scenes.. the entire movie just looked and felt incredibly cool! ..I feel I gotta say something more.

I liked especially the way Singer portrays the relationship between Superman and Lois Lane (and no, Kate Bosworth is not too young to play this role!). The way he longs for her, and even spies on her from the shadows, knowing that he can never really be with her, is perfectly visualized and you really feel sad for the Superdude.Romance and love in a movie like this could easily have gone wrong, but It doesn't. The relationship between the two of them never becomes too tacky, Its just perfectly balanced all the way through.

Also the flight scenes in the movie are just incredible..again the visuals are beautifully realized and almost The comic reliefs are many, but never makes the movie feel too light or lame, and thats because the funny things are once again, perfectly executed and timed. Also, when the action is on I found myself on the edge of my seat with the rest of the audience..the action scenes were literally that exiting and intense, so when the laughs came you felt relieved...a roller-coaster ride, thats what the movie felt like, up and down, up and down....and you wanna go again believe me! I was supposed to stop there, but I just have to mention one of the best scenes of the movie, to me at least..SPOILER AHEAD!...Its when Superman lifts an entire continent (its a small continent, but still)...It's been awhile since I remember being that amazed and gob-smacked in the cinema, but that did it for me...what a the hell did you visualize such a scene Mr. hats of to you sir. This is a movie!
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Saw (2004)
One severed thumb up!
10 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Some spoilers in aware Just saw this thrilling movie and I new I was going to like it. It was exiting all the way through keeping the suspense down to the very last moment. And I do like it when you think you have it all figured out and the movie turns completely around and surprises you in a way you never would have guessed. Something I found a bit funny though, is when the doctor decides to cut his own foot off because he can't reach the phone. I'm pretty sure he could have reached that phone had he use his own shirt to get advice he actually gave the other guy in the beginning of the movie but hey, when you're in that kind of a situation you probably don't think straight. Great movie the best of its genre in a long time.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
I'm a very satisfied fan.
11 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
As a lifelong fan of the comic-book i do not need to mention that my expectations were very high indeed going in to see this movie....well I guess I kinda mentioned it anyways. Lets get down to it then! I loved the first movie and I love the second one just as much. I did not find that Spiderman 2 was better than the first one though, but it was just as good. I do not really think the comic book could have been realized in a better way than this. Sam Raimi captures everything from Peters personal inner struggles to the fabulous dynamics in the fight scenes between Spiderman and Doctor Octopus extremely well. Most of the special effects were great and a few lacked some in my opinion, but it did not matter strangely enough. If some of the effects looked a bit cartoony in some scenes, It must be because the Sam Raimi wants it to have that cartoonish feel and look....thats what I tell myself anyways. But it was truly a great movie indeed and well worth being viewed many times over again. As a fan for life, i'm very satisfied and can only look forward to the third installment (SPOILER COMING UP!!!) where our hero must again battle the Green Goblin and the Lizard as well it seems (Dr.Connors is being introduced)....coool. Personally I would have liked to see some of Spideys other great enemies come to life on the big screen for the third film, like The Sandman,or Venom but i guess I can wait until the fourth film.
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The Cooler (2003)
What a fine movie indeed....
6 June 2004
A fine, fine movie indeed. I enjoyed this one a lot. It had it all, great mood, splendid acting, cool music and it was all just filmed beautifully. Every frame of this movie was alive so much that you could almost smell the smoke in the casino or feel the sadness of Maceys character. Also you never really knew the outcome of it all, which is something that can't be said about most movies today. Most movies today are very predictable which I did not think this one was. I highly recommend this one, even if you're not a fan of casino movies, you should just watch it for Alec Baldwins performance which alone is simply breathtaking.
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In a few years time this one will be remembered as one of the best in saga!
17 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This review may contain a small amount of spoilers!

The story is rapidly beginning to take shape and things are fitting nicely together,good work Lucas. The amount of effects in this one are monstrous though...a bit too much..compared to the others perhaps, but it still works perfectly and it looks heavenly so I think I can live with it. The acting was fine..better than I had expected really. But then again it must be difficult as hell acting against something that can´t be seen. The way the mood of things is so much darker than the first one feels very cool (I did like the first one though contrary to many others)I think Lucas is right when he says the style of Phantom Menace will make more sence when the entire saga is complete. Finally it was extremely cool seeing Yoda in cool..and very, very nice to see my two favorite robots together again.
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