
15 Reviews
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Dog Bites Man (2006– )
I think it's funny...
12 August 2006
I don't know....maybe now that I'm in my 30's I am regressing. I think this show is funny. Some of the lines are of such basic lowbrow humor, I find myself laughing out loud. They speak to each other like I do with my friends. Wait a minute...I guess that means I have a bad sense of humor! Oh well, i stick by my comment. Being a fan of Zach's, I find his character right on. It's a far cry from his character on Tru Calling. He had a special on Comedy Central though, that is right up there with his Alan character. I would like to see more of him. The actors do a great job feeding off each others' lines. This show is so dry at times, I cannot tell what's been scripted. If this is how news is actually made (and I sometimes think it is), we're in a lot of trouble!
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Slither (2006)
Awesome flick!
2 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers

I laughed through most of the movie. This sounds unbelievable, but I found it Believable! Characters voiced what I was thinking during the gross scenes, and the black humor seemed so right in the situations it was used in. Great for Nathan Fillion fans although, I wish he had a bigger part.

Gunn said he used many other movie ideas to help with this one. I recognized: Resident Evil, Tremors, Night of the Living Dead, possible X Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Of course, everyone pulls from their own repertoire of movies to choose from.

Awesome movie, and unless I am just a really sick person, I didn't find it that gory.
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Ghost Whisperer (2005– )
I liked it.
25 September 2005
I am not a sappy person, nor do i like chick flicks.

Let me tell you, I REALLY liked this show. I cried 3 times from the touching scenes. Not TOUCHING scenes, emotional ones...what were you thinking? Give it a chance...J. Love is a decent actress who has had some stinker movies, but we've all got to pay the bills. Ladies, if ANYTHING watch it for the husband...

I was surprised to see Aisha Tyler in this show, and for the tiny amount of time she was in it, I thought she was very good.

The pilot was a little shallow in that they wanted to give you as much information as possible, but some areas need to be fleshed out. Give it a chance.
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Van Wilder (2002)
I will never eat a creamstick again!
2 August 2004
I am not a fan of gross out humor, but there was something about this movie that cracked me up. I absolutely LOVE Ryan Reynolds. I think he is a gifted comedian, and this was a great forum for him to get himself "out there."

I thought the dog jokes were extremely gross, especially the eclair scene, and I will NEVER be able to eat another one again! (Also, custard now makes me gag. :))

I enjoyed Taj, and thought the actor did a great job with that role. I imagine it was difficult to do with a straight face.

The one thing I did not like about the movie was TARA REID. How in God's green earth did this girl EVER get into movies. The ONLY thing I have ever liked her in was "Scrubs", and I think it's because she seems truer to that character.

The outtakes at the end are good, so don't turn it off too soon.
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9/10 but still choppy
8 June 2004
I really loved the fact that the kids looked like KIDS. Harry and his friends hanging out in their rooms, showing them during study time in the hall, etc. It really felt like the kids were at school. With the darker look of the castle, and the story itself, it was nice to see the kids acting and dressing slightly "informal."

Now about the parts that bothered me - anyone that hasn't read the book will wonder why Hermione was going back in time. She was only set up a few times with the "how did you get here?" line, and I thought they gave her a weak explanation:"How do you think I got to all of my classes?" Hmmm...walking? That didn't explain that she was taking a million classes at once.

Lupin had a moustache. Enough said.

They hardly explained the "potion" and why Snape was making it for Lupin, OR how Snape had felt about the foursome.

The Marauder's Map was not explained, and they didn't mentioned why James P. was called Prongs. We can assume from reading it, but they didn't say anything about James being the only one to produce that kind of Patronus - UNLESS I missed it because the snotty kid behind me wouldn't stop kicking the back of my chair! Hear that snotty kid - I MAY HAVE MISSED SOMETHING!

What was the deal with Draco - HE WAS CRYING! (when Hermione has the wand to his throat.) Since WHEN did he become such a snivelling little ponce? Yikes - NOT IMPRESSED!

Although I LOVE Emma Thompson, I didn't think her Prof. Trelawney was the book's Trelawney. I thought she overacted, and was slightly unintelligible. My opinion.

Last thing - I am ashamed to admit that I think Daniel Radcliffe is a total HUNK, and I hope to see more of him in the future. Lots more.

I give it 9 out of 10, and cannot wait until the next one...
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Signs (2002)
Where's the cream filling???
21 August 2002
I cannot express how truly angry I was walking out of this movie. I felt like I had been bent over a table for an hour and a half. Did anyone else feel that the commercials were at the very least - MISLEADING????? Whatever! Can someone tell me why there were aliens in this movie at all?? M. Night Shabooboo could have made this a ghost story or something.

I can't believe that this movie was packaged as an alien flick only to be a drama of one man's faith. At least I think that was what it was about - THEY ONLY MENTION IT A MILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!! I got the memo, really!

For those of you who say this is a movie only intelligent people understand - bully for you. That has nothing to do with the likes of us that hated this film. I like my alien movies with ALIENS in them. If I wanted to go to a philosophical movie, I could have picked something much better than this! I wanted to be scared, suspensified, and have knotty feelings in my stomach. I had knotty feelings all right BECAUSE I PAID WAY TOOO MUCH MONEY ON THIS!

DO not, and I repeat DO NOT package a movie as one thing, only to have it be something else, and at the very least - give the audience a little more explanations. One more thing - it's ok to have a cameo in your own movie- but do NOT take a role and dead pan it - Mr. M. Night Shamalayanana...Bad,bad, bad....This should have been a made for TV movie. Thank goodness the actors were good...
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What a ride!!!!!
16 July 2002
I thought this was an excellent movie! The directing was wonderful - I thought the slow-motion special effects and the narration really made this movie.

The cast was entirely believeable, and well placed in their roles. This was like a British Sopranos meets the Three Amigos or something. (That was probably insulting and not meant to be.)

This is definitely a movie that you have to watch more than once to catch some of the dialogue and to catch what you've missed.

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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Still clearing out my head...
10 July 2002
I just got done watching Vanilla Sky, and I must say it was different! Let me just say one thing: Sit back and relax, and don't worry about figuring it out - it will do it for you. I wasted about an hour trying to figure it out, then let myself go to enjoy it.

Tom Cruise was great in this movie. He played the "cocky young guy" that he is so famous for, and turned right around into a complete different character after the accident - and so effectively.

This is the first time I saw Penelope Cruz act, and I thought she was a great choice (although she played the same character in Open your Eyes). She reeks sensuality, and makes you wish you knew someone like her.

Cameron Diaz, where not the person I would pick for raunchy sex scenes and profanity, was convincing in her portrayal of a "stalker in love."

One thing I didn't care for was a sex scene towards the end that was a little too long and disturbing for my tastes, it added to the plot, but it wasn't necessary to shoot it like that.

One more thing, I don't think you have to be the intellectual that many people are claiming to be that "got" the movie, I think that is a snobby thing to say, but you DO have to pay attention.
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I think I fell asleep..
10 July 2002
This was one of the most BORING movies I have ever seen. Oooh bodies hanging upside down....oooh heads on sticks...ooohh scary... COME ON! Every cheap horror movie trick was used in this piece: The voiceover at the beginning explaining the situation (I don't know about you, but I know when they do that the movie is going to stink), the person that explains why we are to suspend belief,( I didn't need to know why they could breathe on Mars - the fact that they are on Mars is suspension enough)and the scientist at the end that explains everything in one tight little package. AHHHHH, this is the most cliched movie I have seen,not to mention that NOTHING is resolved...NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE THAT!!!!! Word to John Carpenter - quit screwing around with all the great actors that for some God awful reason want to be in your films, and give them something decent to do...quit wasting everyone's time! -5 out of 100
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Pitch Black (2000)
1 July 2002
I could never truly express how much I love this film. I have seen it almost 10 times, and still grip the sides of the chair when watching it. There are a few flaws in the plot, some were mentioning the crew not freezing at sundown, and the likelihood of the crash occurring at the same time as the eclipse, but hey, just go with the flow.

The special effects they used for Riddick were exceptional, and the tone for the planet was just as effective. The stark contrasts in colors gave the mood, and added to the creepiness factor.

Vin Diesel was excellent in this movie, and the script was cleverly written. You see his and the captain's internal struggles over the importance of their survival in contrast to saving the others.

I was very impressed with this movie, and I would recommend it to anyone.

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The Matrix (1999)
Eye popping effects!
1 July 2002
This is the most visually stimulating movie I have seen to date. I was afraid to blink for fear I would miss another awesome special effect. I have seen the movie 4 times, and it gets better every time.

It took me a few times to watch it to really understand the whole concept behind the movie, and I have heard some people say it was too confusing. Let me tell you, when it finally gets through to you, you will know it!

This movie touches on many philosophical viewpoints, and I have heard rumors that there is a class being taught on the Matrix in a California University.

Watch this movie if for no other reason than the special effects. Obviously, this has already been copied in many other movies, but get it here for the real deal.

Keanu Reeves does a great job in this movie, and looks great, too. He and Carrie-Ann Moss have a good chemistry, along with Laurence Fishburn.

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30 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie bugged me in more ways than one. For one thing, I think Spielberg is getting too much hype. It's like buying Stephen King books because his name is one them...some of them are pretty bad. Just because Steven Spielberg (can you hear the heralding trumpets and angels singing at the mere mention of his name?) directed this does not mean it is good...and it is not. For another, I truly didn't appreciate the amount of commercialized products he was shoving down my throat. I am really impressed that people think the Gap will still be around 50 years from now...

This movie has so many holes and flaws it is not funny. Trust me, after sitting through 140 minutes, I had plenty of time to think.


I was so confused as to the plot. Anderton was getting set up because he found out about the Minority Report. BUT he only found out about it after he was set up... He knew there was something strange about Agatha's mother's death, but until he went to see the scary gardening Martha Stewart lady, he had no idea what the glitches in the system really meant, and this was when he was already on the run. AAAAAAHHH! How can this be? AND HOW CAN HE STILL USE HIS EYEBALLS TO GAIN ACCESS TO A SERIOUSLY GUARDED SECURITY BUILDING?????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!

***END of SPOILERS*********

The good thing about the movie was Tom Cruise. There is one moment of his Mirandizing a "killer" and his voice is so convincingly choked with emotion that I got the trembly lip going. I was impressed, but as far as the movie is concerned, I didn't buy it.

Yeah, yeah, suspend's a sci-fi...I gotcha, but if I am going to suspend me out a little bit.. To quote my good friend Yoda..."Do or Do not, there is no try".

By the way, Steven, I thought it was sweet to put your stepdaughter in the movie for like 3 lines. THANKS, DAD!
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
Not quite what I expected.
17 June 2002
I was very excited to see the Scooby movie since my 5 year old watches the series everyday. I was pleasantly surprised at the talent of Linda Cardinelli and Matthew Lilliard. Their performances were dead on. I am a huge Buffy fan, but I'm not sure Sarah Michelle was right for this part. I couldn't sympathize with Daphne wanting to save the day when she acted like Buffy would have in fighting bad guys. Freddie Prinze, Jr. was not right for this part at all, I could never see him as Fred. The CGI was amazing, and the flashback to Scrappy-Doo was hysterical. All in all, I would recommend it to Scooby fans, but not to anyone not familiar with the series. Then again, who ISN'T familiar with Scooby Doo?
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Greg the Bunny (2002–2004)
Finally! Seth Green back on T.V.!
4 April 2002
"Greg the Bunny" is definitely a must-see show. This is fun for the whole family....Seth Green with his wry sense of humor is perfect ,Greg the Bunny is adorable, Professor Ape is funny, and Count Blah has some seriously sexy abs! Parents - your young children can watch this show - the little ones won't understand or care about the adult humor when the "puppets" are on. Give it a try. Seth Green needs to stay on T.V.!
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My jaw still aches from my chin hitting the floor...
16 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
**********Possible SPOILERS********************* Ok, I like to think of myself as a connoisseur of horror movies. I will watch anything scary. SO, I watched "Jeepers Creepers"... and I have never been more disappointed in a movie since I watched "What Lies Beneath".(which was awful, too)

This was a combination of "Maximum Overdrive", "Pitch Black" (at the end)and "House on Haunted Hill".

The ending is a complete and utter disappointment. After all they went through, it appeared the sister did nothing to help. My chin was on the floor.

The only redeeming part of the movie was Justin Long's performance. He honestly looked scared, I can only guess it's because he knew how bad this movie was.
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