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Hackers (1995)
Teenage Fun, but not Hacking
5 February 2018
You can tell this was made for teenagers simply because it involves high school scenes, and I just love how the business's administrator goes around telling him to call him by his nickname and rides a skateboard through the whole business. Then with the teenagers, when one "hacks" the school's system to set off the fire sprinklers for a girl's revenge, I can't help but laugh at the whole situation, he's got an umbrella and if the school knew who did this, it would get him a nice introduction of the police along with a very possible sue to at least pay for the damage.

I will admit, when I first saw this movie in the 90's, you could call it a favorite movie. But I have to say, when I look at it later on, I can't help but laugh at a good majority of the movie, especially the whole Hacker term. The term Hacker at least in the IT field is nothing but a computer nerd, someone who can analyze things to understand how they work. Usually doing this to customize products for their needs, or just understanding how they work out of curiosity. Apple Computer's co-founder Steve Wozniak is a classic example of a true Hacker.
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Very Good Movie
5 October 2017
I cannot understand why this movie gets such a bad overall rating. From my point of view, the movie is both entertaining and interesting. Beside Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes did great with both their characters and action in the movie. Plus the story for the movie is very good.

I call this Sandra Bullock's one good movie, I can't even see how she kept a straight face while talking her character's mistakes in simple sayings. That part was just hilarious.

I have to say the future technology doesn't look like it's going to make the year they had for the movie, but that isn't any big deal. The movie is very entertaining; full of action scenes, and even some humidity. Just watch it, and I'll bet you will like it.
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Not quite the book, but still very good
26 February 2017
This is one of the few stories that you can have someone give you, and be both entertained and even have feelings for the characters. For instance, Mary lives in a rich family, yet she almost would like her way out of of it. A lot of this is what gives her the feelings for the outside life and the garden when she finds it, along with her making friends with people like Martha and her brother Dickon, along with her spoiled and supposed sick cousin Colin.

I love the ending to this story when Mary's uncle finds the kids (specifically his son) playing in the garden, and the orphan cousin Mary runs off crying that no one wants her. It's a feeling everyone feels at some time in their life. Then her uncle says that she had brought the family back to life, and tells her that the garden is hers. The moment will bring tears to your eyes. After this, where she says "if you look closely, you will realize the whole world is a garden" which is very true, even when you include what we have done to hurt the world. The closing scene in the movie where they show the shadow effects over the grass hills makes me think of what you can truly see in simply an open field, or even trees with an open sky and clouds passing overhead. The whole movie is touching and beautiful.

The only thing I didn't like about the movie was that there were a couple moments you can tell weren't what the story to the original book had told, other than that, "The Secret Garden", both the book and the movie are touching entertainment for the whole family.
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I still liked Episode V better, but this was very good too
10 December 2016
The original "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" has rather impressing effects and a great story. When you see what they almost ruin this using CGI and other changes in the movie's later Special Edition, it makes you wonder why they even added things to the original movie.

Although, the first half of the movie that involved the rebels' fight against Jabba the Hutt was originally pretty good, the Special Edition had added some poorly edited scenes into all of this. It was also a little slower when Luke whiteness Yoda's death, but the movie does get quite entertaining after Yoda dies.

The movie gets rather entertaining, first with the rebels' planning to take down the new Death Star before it becomes completed. The group's discovery of the inner planet's Ewoks group, the concept was a little strange, but not bad. There is another entertaining scene when the Ewoks become help for the rebels in taking down the evil empire on the planet.

The original trilogy has a rather nice ending in the fight between dying Darth Vader and the Emperor, along with Luke's realizing he has the same electric hand as he just cut from Vader, then using Vader's remaining positive force to saving Luke from the Emperor. After this, with the rebel's party to their great success, and Luke's personal burn of Darth Vader for a goodbye to his original father.

They did make another mistake in this movie's Special Edition with the Death Star's explosion; it had made a lot more sense without the stupid ring going around the explosion of the Death Star, along with other added CGI effects like the scenes on other planets.
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Unbelievable, but much better than the original movie
9 December 2016
The whole movie "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" was a much better story than the original "Home Alone", even though it did have a lot of the same dumb moments in the movie. Things like Kevin's supposed stories getting him access to a plane to New York and entry to an expensive hotel room. Then his family's insult to Florida with their supposed bad experience. For crying out loud, they whine about being stuck inside the hotel because of the rain in Florida, yet I hate to tell you this, but snow (which they seem to like) is simply frozen rain. Then, while they're still in Florida, Kevin can get things for himself by simply telling people stupid stories, and out of nowhere he has just what he needs to torture the hotel workers and the criminals.

It gets especially bad when he makes the remodeling house of his relatives the center of torture for the same criminals. The scenario is a lot like and maybe even worse than the original movie; he nearly does enough to murder the criminals and things that could possibly destroy the entire house itself.

Although I did like the characters like the Pigeon Lady and Mr. Duncan from the toy store, but that was about it. The scenarios with things like Kevin's tricks on the hotel employees (things that would hopefully get police called), alongside his supposed brilliant catch of the criminals using his torture. Note, after all of this he actually does call the police effortlessly. The whole movie is, for the most part, unbelievable and dumb as well.
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Home Alone (1990)
Just plain stupid
9 December 2016
First off, wouldn't the family have realized they still hadn't given out an airplane ticket to someone, wouldn't that mean something to them right there in the beginning? This movie is centered all around the pathetic Christmas miracle theory.

I have to ask when they realize that the kid has been left home alone by himself, why don't the parents just call the house, a friend neighbor, or even the police to go pick him up? They could even give the cops instructions to use a door-ram on an outside door to get in to the house and secure the kid. When the kid realizes that he has been left home alone, he could go straight to a friend neighbor, call local police, or even call 911.

I also love the scenarios the kid supposedly comes up with by himself; first with the gangster movie scene to scare off the pizza delivery, I would hope if the delivery person had actually believed the scenario, that it would be immediately reported to the cops.

Then the whole scenario when he realizes the two criminals are going to be trying to rob the house, he comes up with a plan to take them out in a couple hours, the plan nearly kills the criminals and almost burns down the house. After all of this is finished, the kid finally calls the police. If he knew this from the beginning he would have never logically done anything but first call a reliable emergency number.

Once the criminals are taken out, he's still home alone and quickly cleans up the stuff that took the criminals out? Then his mom arrives, along with his whole family arriving shortly after. The family is suddenly all together again, was this a Christmas miracle?

I will admit, the movie is fun before you're even a teenager, but when you look at it later on, you'll realize it's nothing but a pathetic joke. Logically, it nearly tells kids to do things dangerously while teaching them not to use things that are truly secure like the emergency system.
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Unbelievable but somewhat entertaining
9 December 2016
I will admit, I am entertained by this movie, but the whole story is rather unbelievable, from beginning to end. The beginning scenes in the movie are rather strange. Then, after the chaos event, how Ethan gets his own contact with Max all by himself is rather laughable. Although I did like the character Max, she was involved in some of the more interesting moments of this movie.

I love how the top secret computer desk in the security office simply has a pullout seat instead of a chair in front of it, because that would probably nail the security system right there with just a rattle. Plus all of the room's security system really needs to prevent the computer broken in is either disconnection from the computer when the person goes out, or even something people had in their home security at the time; motion detectors. You can even have security cameras in the room without direct vision of the computer. It's just ridiculous.

The scene when they are on top the TGV is rather interesting, the part with especially with Jim being chased by Ethan towards the rear of a train going at around 360mph, this is rather unbelievable. Especially considering that Ethan's only hanging on with his hands, that's just laughable.

I have to say, an earlier movie based on the country's top secret defense, "True Lies" was a lot better than "Mission: Impossible".
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True Lies (1994)
Quite Entertaining Action
9 December 2016
True Lies is a movie with a good entertaining mix of just about everything; action, romance, and even comedy. First with the moments in Arnold Schwarzenegger's spy trip, then with his actions on stopping the terrorists, plus his discovery of his personal family's problems in between. All of this even containing random comical moments throughout the entire movie.

The only part of this movie that I didn't care for was two parts in the ending. First with the uncontrolled limousine and Helen's rescue through the roof, couldn't she had just pulled the dead driver's foot off the gas peddle, then let the car roll to stop? I also didn't like the part where he rescues his daughter from the terrorists using a Harrier jet, that was rather unbelievable too.

True Lies is certainly a good movie. It has a good story along side a lot of good action and even some truly comical moments.
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One of the best originals
6 December 2016
I actually thought "The Empire Strikes Back" was the best movie made in the original Star Wars trilogy, even better than the first Star Wars movie.

I will admit, the trip that Luke had to be trained as a Jedi by Yoda has some entertaining moments in it, but I also call this the somewhat slow portion of the movie.

Just like what they did with the original "Star Wars: A New Hope" movie, the "Special Edition" remake of "The Empire Strikes Back" that they made in the 90's wasn't done well, they did do less to alter this story, but they still had a few bad CGI effects added that did nothing more than mess-up original scenes in the movie.

The original story itself is really good. First with their fights with the empire in the snow, then with Han Solo's emergency trip out with Princess Leia on the Millennium Falcon, plus the group's fights against the empire. Then when their trip to get Lando Calrissian's help fails by the empire's quick interference.
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Jar Jar Stinks
14 October 2016
I just cannot understand how much they hyped this "Star Wars: Episode 1" movie coming out, but once you saw it, you learned that the movie was nothing but a bad story, bad characters, alongside awful CGI effects. The movie was centered around what I call the worst character in this movie, Jar Jar Binks. It looked just plain bad, partially thanks to the lame CGI it came from, and Jar Jar Binks had a terribly annoying character though the whole movie. For crying out loud, it wasn't even part of the original Episode I story!

Even though the movie had the same bad CGI effects along side awful characters, I sadly have to admit that this is still better than Episode II. The movie at least had a more decent story with characters that had actual lines through the whole movie.
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All That (1994–2020)
Nothing but trash
3 October 2016
I saw this show when it first came out, it was awful then and obviously had enough power in the less-intelligent kids to bring down the whole Saturday Night Nick programming. I have to say, the show seemed more like Nickelodeon's version of people acting as if they were characters out of a trashy show made by MTV or Fox.

The show itself, at least when I saw it, was nothing but more of a gang-based group teaching trashy concepts alongside bad music. One good example in all of this was their Good Burger act, something that even got it's own movie later on. I almost wonder if the people making all of this had helped with Nick's later downfalls in the 90's, effects that have lasted much even to this day.
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Steve Jobs (2015)
Just plain awful
1 October 2016
I will agree with this movie a few places, Steve Jobs was a person that asked everyone for a lot, frequently more than the people even thought was possible, but he did at least do this trying to inspire everyone to do the absolute best they can do. I think this movie over-dramatized a lot of Steve Jobs' more negative moments, at least one of which, included a lot of drama in his family situations.

I'm not a fan of Apple Computer or the person Steve Jobs, but I have to say that this movie was just plain bad, and not because it was simply about Steve Jobs. The whole movie was just plain slow, they don't give you much to explain the scenes that you are watching, and even though it has some real-life based moments. The movie tends to be over-dramatized practically everywhere you watch. When I saw it, I thought that the whole movie has you looking at Steve Jobs like he was an evil industry gangster or some other kind of organized-crime factor in the IT field. He was hard on people, that's a fact, but there were some good times in there too.

I agree with other comments that said to watch TNT's "Pirates of Silicon Valley" instead, it is truly so much better than this. Or even the old PBS documentary "Triumph of the Nerds", it explains a lot of the real-life moments in this movie's story and even gives you real-life interviews with some of the people.
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Poltergeist (1982)
Another classic joke
24 September 2016
I will admit, the movie is amusing when you are 12-years old, but when you really look at the real-life logic in horror movies like the Poltergeist, it almost makes you laugh.

Just think about this, they are blaming the problem with the poltergeist and the other ghosts with the idea that they moved a cemetery without moving the people's graved bodies. Just think about this for a second... If every living thing had to be graved with a headstone, the whole world would be a cemetery many times over.

I also love how, in the ending of the movie, they keep the kids inside the house as they move out, which causes them to have another horrifying experience. You just got your kid back from a poltergeist, wouldn't you take both of the kids out of the house and secure with someone as quickly as possible?

In the end, I watch this movie simply because I can laugh all through the movie. The Poltergeist is simply another good joke. I have to ask, is there any question that Steven Spielberg was involved in the making of this movie?
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Cops (1989– )
Real Reality
21 July 2016
I do not understand how people can watch shows like "Survivor" and call that a reality show, when you compare it to shows like "Cops", because "Cops" is a show of real-life moments in daily reality, not just idiots fooling with each-others lives.

I think "Cops" is a very interesting, educating, and also entertaining show. I do not understand why some people see this as just repetition because there is something new in each segment in every show. I also don't understand why people call this a recording of traps for specific people, we are just watching the moments out of what an officer sees in every day of their carrier, and for the most part, a lot of the officers' situations have at least a decent (if not) a good calm ending, where everyone has hopefully learned something from the whole situation. And the people getting arrested by the cops isn't necessarily by choice of the officer, they're simply doing their job, which is to protect the public and enforce the law.

For crying out loud, the show "Cops" was literally started to prove what truly happened in each officer's situation, and this is one more reason why it has been continuing on TV for almost three decades.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
Classic comedy
13 June 2016
From the beginning through the end, Ghostbusters was a classic comedy. The movie has a really good soundtrack, which includes a uniquely-excellent theme-song, with great characters and the whole movie is very funny.

They start the movie with the guys working with the Department of Psychology and Pete is torturing a guy with apparent psychic abilities, possibly just to get himself a date with the girl that is getting everything wrong. Then, when they go to the ghost event in the library, it has things in there that are so funny that it makes you wonder how the actors actually kept straight faces when they were acting this.

After they leave the University and start the business "Ghostbusters", the movie's action scenes seriously picks up. Especially when Pete first gives the guy from the EPA a hard time, after that failing in the later shutdown of their ghost storage facility, one of my favorite moments in all of this is where Pete finds Dana floating around her room saying she is the Gatekeeper and that Dana is gone.

The movie had a good ending too, with their fight against Gozer and the Staypuft Marshmallow Man. It was all very funny and is definitely worth watching many times over.
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Dominick Dunne we miss you very much
2 June 2016
Dominick Dunne's is a very special person to educate you in law history, and his "Power, Privilege & Justice" CourtTV show was something from him that I say deserves basically a perfect score. Dominick Dunne's part in this show makes me think a lot of "60 Minute's" Andrew Rooney, and "20/20's" John Stossel with his original "Give Me a Break" segment.

In "Power, Privilege & Justice", Dominick Dunne tells law stories everywhere from way in the past to his death, and Dominick Dunne has a way of wording the events (including his own comments) so you have an entertaining way to learn a great deal about how the the law can work. The sad part in a lot of his documents is that he shows that the law can work differently (usually better) for the people that have a good amount of money on their side, no matter how much we try to stop this from happening. Although his work was done to show people how things in the law can go very wrong, in hope that this will stop happening some time soon. Dominick Dunne we miss you very much.
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I first saw this in a high school class
26 March 2016
I first saw this movie after a test in high school (believe it or not), and this what I call a classic movie. I will admit it does get slow at times, but the Ferris Bueller character has to have almost every teen's dream come true. First he fakes being sick to stay home, then takes his friends out on a wild cruse through the city using a car he practically swipes from his friend's rich father.

The only part I didn't care much for is that it gets a little slow in the middle. One part of this was the scene with his sister coming home and the principle breaking into the house. It was also rather unbelievable when he tries to take the car's mileage out running the car in reverse, and accidentally breaks it through the window. But the movie does pick up at the end, when he goes running back to his house and fools his family again, all hot and sweaty (from his run), his parents think that he is still sick with a bad fever.
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Tremors (1990)
Comedy in a very different way
7 March 2016
I can't watch this movie without laughing at the incredible stupidity of it. The movie has practically nothing more than a few desert neighbors running from some kind of unbelievable man-eating worms. It's a lot like a unique version of the so-believable "Jaws". There isn't much to the story, they stay in practically the same area through the whole movie and, with a few scene differences here and there, they fight against giant worms coming out of the ground, using giant desert rocks as their safety zone.

The lines to the whole movie are a couple of people talking once in a while, and the rest is nothing but screams from people in the scene. Nothing really happens in this whole movie, it's rather boring and completely unbelievable. The worms attack them on top of a mobile home, yet they can drive a bulldozer pulling a trailer and the worms only get to the people after they stop moving? And their whole win against the worms is by having them eat and blow themselves up using the pipe-bombs that they have had through all of this.

The movie is just plain ridiculous, and boring.
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The Lion King (1994)
A sweet joke
17 January 2016
I will admit whether they are original cartoons or CGI, Disney's G-Rated are typically nothing but lame "sweet" crap. The story was lame, and (even worse) the movie had terrible music through all of it. The Lion King is one Disney movie that I saw when it first came out, and it proved this very well in 1994. The whole movie is simply telling kids to be brave and do what you're told.

The memories of having to watch this movie will simply give you nightmares. Just watch something like the original 60's "Flintstones" cartoons instead, they were much more entertaining than "The Lion King".
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A classic movie in both Comedy and Sci-Fi
15 January 2016
"Back to the Future" has to be one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever made, including the film's movie trilogy. It was great with the movie soundtracks and the amount of comedy running through the whole thing.

The movie has to be everybody's dream at some point, he starts with a family that is partially wrecked by the father's lifelong bully, alongside his friend scientist shot dead, and (by accident) fixes it all in the past. With a lot of amusing comedy moments in between, one of the classic moments was the "I hate manure" scenes there were in the whole trilogy.

I find it rather sad that most people seem to assume that the DeLorean car in this was just a special car made for the film, because that car was actually a more efficient car made in the 80's. Kind of like 80's version of today's Toyota Prius. Too bad the movie didn't get the DeLorean more popularly bought.

Oh well, "Back to the Future" is a great movie, and to prove this, it is still a popular movie even today.
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The force in Sci-Fi
15 January 2016
I cannot believe that this movie was made almost 40 years ago, because the whole original Star Wars trilogy is still some of the best science-fiction movies made to the day today. It has a good story and great deal of action scenes that include very interesting characters and more realistic visual effects made with actors, costumes, plastic ship models, alongside an actual story with good lines and a great soundtrack.

I don't understand how the original Star Wars trilogy could go behind the recently remade "Special Edition" versions of the trilogy along with the later movies like "Star Wars: Episode 1", those were just plain pathetic. Because they seem to just look more like a plain cartoon thanks to CGI effects, including a lack of logic and actual lines in the first three movies that were made later. The original movies there were simply nothing more than real-life scenes with people in costumes, actual lines, and plastic models, were done simply and were so much better. One classic moment screwed up in the Special Editions was when Han Solo meets the bounty hunter Gredo, who was sent by Jabba the Hutt for his money. Han shoots Gredo, then he meets the CGI version of Jabba the Hutt out by Han's ship. The whole situation doesn't make sense, and the added CGI is just plane awful and unneeded for the scene. One more bad situation was the added ring around the Death Star explosion, that was also unneeded and just plain lame.

Even though the movie was made nearly 40 years ago, the original "Star Wars" movie was a great story, a classic soundtrack, alongside special effects that are still some of the best to this day.
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Black Sheep (1996)
Lame moments, but entertaining
15 January 2016
I call this the better Chris Farley movie made. I never cared much for any of Chris Farley's movies, but with a lot of thanks to David Spade's and Gary Busey's rolls in Black Sheep, the movie was truly one of their best movies made.

I will admit that the whole movie has a lot of unbelievable moments especially in the beginning and ending scenes of the movie, but I will say that the Gary Busey/Drake Sabitch character had a very important roll in this movie, alongside David Spade, made Black Sheep rather entertaining, which seemed to make Black Sheep the best Chris Farley movie I've ever seen.
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Armageddon (1998)
A tribute to the oil drillers?
3 November 2015
This movie is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Armageddon is nothing but a giant action scene, they are running back and forth so much, with actual lines that are so rare that you can't barely understand what is happening in any scene of the whole movie. The only lines seem like they are devoted to the drillers that are (supposedly) saving our planet. I always thought dramatic dust and oil coming from the drillers was what was helping to destroying the planet to begin with.

I can't help laughing so much at the drama through Armageddon, it is nothing but an action scene devoted to get people loving the oil industry and the Space Shuttle. If anything, they wouldn't have used the shuttle, and the military would probably be doing most of this, simply in an attempt to knock it off-course, as last resort would they be blowing up the asteroid. I think "Armageddon" should have been named just plain "Awful", because it is awful.
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It's an Addams!
6 October 2015
The movie does get a little slow at times, but I call "Addams Family Values" very funny. First, with the kids trying to torture and kill the new born baby, then when they hire the nanny to secure the kids (which tortures them in positive ways).

My favorite part is when the crazy nanny sends Wednesday and Pugsley Addams to summer camp. Right there is when the movie gets really funny and very amusing. First with the Addams kids negative affections, smart mouthing, and annoying the camp's employees and kids that enjoy the camp. Their experience in the camp's Harmony Hut was something I thought was especially amusing. I also liked it when the Addams help take down the whole place with other miserable camp members.

The only thing I didn't like was that they didn't get the Indian/Native-American concept right in the camp's play. Although this could have been meant to be incorrect, simply because in the beginning of the thanksgiving play's scene Wednesday Addams gives a rather nice speech about what will happen to and be taken from the natives in the coming future.

Other than a little confusion in here, I think the "Addams Family Values" is quite amusing, and even better than the first movie "The Addams Family" that was made.
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Arachnophobia (1990)
Slow at times, but very funny
2 September 2015
Obviously there are a lot of people terrified by spiders, because I thought this was a very funny movie, and until I watched the movie years after it was made, I had initially heard people calling this movie scary. Arachnophobia is very funny, the actors played their characters very well. One classic scene in the movie is when he is expecting to find a spider on the wall in a rather heart-beating moment, and it ends up being the shadow from a coat hanger on the wall. I just love that moment. John Goodman's roll in this as the exterminator was very amusing too. The movie itself is kind-of like a mix between "Back to the Future III" and another comical movie made years after, "Scary Movie".
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