23 Reviews
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Halloween II (1981)
The second part of one big movie
13 June 2024
This movie and the original can be viewed as one long film, and that is what the makers were going for. It doesn't quite match the original film in quality, but it comes damn close. It keeps Michael in the shadows for most the runtime, like in the original, and it is almost just a rehashing of it in parts, but a LOT gory-er (especially that hot-tub kill). But sometimes it is a bit too similar to the original, and seems scared to do its own thing, Michael just goes somewhere, kills someone, then kills another, and another. It gets a bit repetitive in parts and they put Laurie in a bed for most of the film, which makes her character a bit worse. The sibling twist makes Michael a lot less scary, since hey, I'm not related to him, I'll be fine. But since it's copying the original it also copies the good in the first one. It's a solid 7.
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Halloween (1978)
The film that started the slasher craze
11 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Halloween might not have been the first slasher to be made, but it was the movie to popularise the sub-genre and make it into what we know today.

There are many things that made it the classic that it is, but let's start with the negatives.

1. Bad acting. Anyone that isn't Jamie lee Curtis or Donald Pleasance are terrible, especially the actors who played laurie's two friends.

2. They show Michael's face. Michael Myers is not supposed to be unmasked, that takes away a lot of his mystique. If I didn't know how he really looked like I could pass him on a regular day and not know it's him.

But the positives are abundant and more than make up for thease two flaws. The movie has
  • Good directing
  • Good scares
  • A good third act
  • Memarable quotes
  • Fantastic score
  • Nice build up
  • Great chase scene
  • An iconic killer
All those things make this movie a solid 8/10.
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Frankenstein (1931)
W movie
26 January 2023
I really liked this movie a LOT more then the original Dracula. The pacing is top tier, the buildup to the monsters creation is one of the most suspenseful scenes, not just in classic cinema, but in all of cinema.

I would call this a masterpiece But the most important part of the movie is the acting, and that's where it really starts to get good. Boris Karloff as "the monster" is the best portaial of Frankenstein ever put to film. The amount of emotion Karloff is able to show given that he has no dialogue is astounding.

But the real star of the show is Victor Frankenstein (played by the legendary Colin Clive). He delivers one of the films most famous lines. ITS ALIVE, ITS ALIVE (short pause) ITS ALIVE ITS ALIVE. Need I say more

In conclusion, a must see for all horror fans.
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Dracula (1931)
Pretty bland
24 January 2023
I really didn't love this movie, it was just boring and uninteresting. But the movie is 90 years old so I'll cut it some slack. The cinematography is awesome and the overall "vibe" is deliciously atmospheric. Bela Legosis performance is iconic and gives me goosebumps every single time that I watch it.

But outside of these two perk's it's just not a very good adaptation of the novel. I think that it's a long buildup witch leads into a big disappointment. The ending feels rushed, the editing is janky and it's overrated as fuuuu'ck. I'd even say that nosferatu is a more entertaining film and that was made 11 years earlier with a shoestring budget.

In conclusion, don't watch it unless you want to watch all of the classic universal monster movies.
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Among Us (2004 Video)
sussy impostor made my cream
2 January 2023
Oh yea sussy boy sussy all over my vent oh you sussy Baka making me cream of sussy sussy Baka making me cream harder and harder oh yes sussy impostor make my oh yea suck his sussy part oh impostor making me cream oh yea continue sussying to hard oh you so suuuusss oh yea this is a certified Ohio moment oh making me sus on deez sussy ahahah nuts oh continue to sus all over me while you sus I want to suck oh yeee oh yeeees continue to cream sussy boy sussy\daddy oh you so ssssuuuuusssss daddy impostor daddy daddy 9+10=21 oh my gawd continue to cream on my sussy ahhh daddy continue to sus on me

In conclusion, made me cream.
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Tarantinos best film
30 December 2022
Yes in my opinion this is quintain tarantinos best feature film (AND THATS SAYING A LOT). The pure "fun" of it all is insane, especially given this movies low-budget. The acting in this is out of this world and the blood effects are quite brutal

The pacing in this is pitch perfect, the story and script are so good that you'd think it was written by an experienced writer, not some 20-something year old inexperienced filmmaker. But somehow this movie manages to capture my interest every single time that I watch it.

This review is not doing the film ANY justice I cannot put into words how insanely good this film is. But if you don't like blood and gore you should probably skip this one

But oh my god the acting in this movie is so extremely good and bring the movie up by like 2 stars for me. The script is the tightest of any Tarantino movie and had me captivated (almost) all the way through But my one complaint for the fin is the first nine minutes just don't feel like a part of this movie But that's only a small complaint in an otherwise perfect movie

In conclusion, watch it if you can handle some gore, this is a great introduction to the films of Tarentino.
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Avatar (2009)
Well done James Cameron
30 December 2022
This is an technical marvel and is a pleasure to look at. This probably has some of the best CG effects of ALL TIME and you couldn't believe (except if you've watched the film) how magical it all is

But then we get to the story,witch was kind of barebones. But that is not saying that the story is BAD per say I just do not find it to be one of this films stronger factors. Also the main character, a man named "Jake Sully" (played by Sam Worthington) could not be more uninteresting.

But still, cmon it's JamesCameron he makes good movies

In conclusion, watch it the first chance you get if you haven't already.
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Not as bad as some people make it out to be
25 December 2022
Most people place this on the bottom of their CHUCKY list, and I do understand that but this is not a TERRIBLE movie (as most people who rate this series make it out to be) it's just FINE.

The new character Glen/Glenda is fine, he/she is a good message about non-binary people and the movie had a lot of guts to show that back in the early 2000s

But if I had to summarise this movie in one word, it would be FINE. But by far the best thing about it is the kills, witch are the best in the series so far. Brad Dorrif is phenomenal in this, as always and I had some fun with it In conclusion, if you want more CHUCKY in your life, watch this.

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One of the, if not the best sci-fi movie EVER made
25 December 2022
I really hate that this movie has been grouped into the "campy 60s space movie" group. I even heard one of my friends (yes contrary to popular belief I do have friends) say that this movie was a "so bad it's good movie" and I almost punched him in the face

This movie is just so fu*king good that I can't even begin to talk about it's greatness. It still holds up as one of (if not the best) sci-fi movie ever created and (IN MY OPINION) is better then Star Wars.

Yes you heard that correctly better then Star Wars. I don't really have a good concrete argument for that but I just find this movie working better for me. Trust me if a had a good argument for this opinion I would be writing it right now (can you just tell that I really don't wanna get punched in the face right now)

But this movie is just perfect for me, the acting (by Charleston Heston) is just fu*king phenomenal the score makes me c*m and just watch the movie. I am not doing it nearly enough justice in this review . Also the twist at the end is one of the best in cinema history.

The consept of this is also just freaking awesome, it hooks you in as soon as you start watching it thanks in most part to the legendary Charleston Heston. Also while doing some research into this movie because i have nothing better to do I noticed that this was an adaptation of an 1954 French book called "Monkey Planet" by an author named Charles boille. So that's a fun piece of trivia if you were looking for that

In conclusion, watch this movie ASAP, it's a lot better then you think.
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This is the one that has doll p*rn
24 December 2022
Yes the headline is not a joke, in this movie two dolls have s*x. Other then that it is a pretty good entry in the CHUCKY franchise.

This movie is also a lot gorier then the first three movie with multiple people being brutally murdered by Chucky and TIFFANY in graphic and horrific way

Oh yea a new character gets introduced, TIFFANY VALENTINE, Chuck's bride if you will and they get into all sorts of shenanigans.

But I really hate the heroes of the story, Jesse and Jane are probably the worst protagonist of the entire series. But other then that this is a respectable entry in the franchise

In conclusion, watch this if you liked the first three.
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Among Us (III) (2017)
23 December 2022
Among Us" is a multiplayer social deduction game developed by InnerSloth that has gained massive popularity in recent years. The game has garnered a reputation for being fun, engaging, and highly replayable, with players spending hours on end trying to uncover the impostors among their crewmates.

One of the key factors contributing to the brilliance of "Among Us" is its simplicity. The game is easy to learn and can be played by people of all ages. All players have to do is complete tasks on their spaceship while trying to identify and eliminate the impostors among them. This simplicity makes the game accessible to a wide audience, and its replayability ensures that players can enjoy it for hours on end without getting bored.

Another factor that makes "Among Us" so brilliant is its social aspect. The game encourages teamwork and communication between players, as they must work together to complete tasks while trying to identify the impostors. This social aspect adds an extra layer of excitement to the game, as players must carefully consider their words and actions in order to avoid being voted out by their crewmates.

In addition to its simplicity and social aspect, "Among Us" has also gained popularity due to its customizable settings. Players can choose to play with different numbers of impostors, tasks, and rules, allowing them to tailor the game to their preferences. This customization adds an extra level of replayability to the game, as players can experiment with different configurations to find the one that works best for them.

Overall, "Among Us" is a brilliant game that has gained widespread popularity due to its simplicity, social aspect, and customizable settings. Its replayability and accessibility make it a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and its emphasis on teamwork and communication make it a great game for bringing people together.
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On the same level as Child's Play 1&2
23 December 2022
Why is this movie as hated as it is. Seriously why??? I really liked most of the things about it and feel that it surpasses Child's Play one and two in some way's. Yes I'll be the first to admit that the replacement of Alex Vincent drags the movie down a little bit. Key word LITTLE BIT, the new guy did a GREAT job at playing the beloved character from the first two.

And I have also heard some complaints about the setting of this movie, a military school being quote unquote bland and uninteresting. To all those people I have one thing to say (well actually a couple things to say) Child's play 1s setting was an apartment building in Chicago, And Childs play 2s setting was a suburban household, also in Chicago. So the military school setting is actually quite original in the context of the franchise so far.

And don't even get me started on the excellence of the third act, if you thought that child's play 2s third act was something just wait till you see the gut wrenching excitement of the climax.

In conclusion, do not believe this movies low rating, it's really good.
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One of Kubrick's weaker films in my opinion
23 December 2022
Now even though I just said that this movie is one of Kubrick's weaker film's doesn't mean that this is a BAD movie. It even is a GOOD movie. But unfortunately I was let down. The comedy works (well at least some of it) I guess, but this movie only made me chuckle a little bit

But I can't really blame the 55 year old movie for being not for me, it's quite good for it's time. But the movie is just quite bland (IN MY OPINION) and I lost interest about 50 minutes in. This is not a bad movie by any means and I got something out of it, but I just don't like it like I like something like Psyco

In conclusion, watch it if you are interested in Kubrick's work.
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The BEST superhero movie ever made
22 December 2022
This is not only a great Batman movie, this is a phenomenal action movie. There is a reason why this is number 3# on IMBd top 250 movies. Probably the best Cristopher Nolan movie ever made (and that is saying a lot)

But no talk about the dark knight is complete without talking about Heath Legers performance as "the joker". His performance is one of my all time favourite from any actor. He is so terrifyingly accurate in his depiction of a psychopath. It is just insane and he deserves the Oscar, even though he unfortunately had passed away when before he award was given to him

In conclusion, A must see for literally every single human on planet Earth.
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A solid sequel
22 December 2022
This movie was a pretty good sequel to the first one and (IN MY OPINION) surpasses the first one. I really like the new characters in this (especially Kyle) and Alex Vincent's acting has only gotten better. This movie has quite a nice flow to it, and breezes past you. The final 20 minutes or so are some of the most tense moments in all of Horror history.

But one of the few complaints that I have about the movie feels quite un-original, both in its plot and it's setting. But other then that I would recommend this to most Horror fans. Don't go into this thinking that this is the citizen Kane of Horror movies, it's not that good

In conclusion, I would recommend this to anyone who wants more Chucky (but I recommend watching the first one first)
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Child's Play (1988)
Solid horror flick
22 December 2022
Child's play is an excellent example of great child acting that elevates the movie. I am truly impressed at how good Alex Vincent's acting is in this, it's incredible that a 4 year old child acts better then I ever could. The film is quite short but in my opinion that makes it work a lot better. This feels about as long as an episode of something like the X factor, even though this is almost twice as long. The good pacing and great acting (Mostly from Alex Vincent) help to make this an horror classic.

In conclusion, this is an damn good horror movie with great characters and an awesome premise. A must see for all horror fans.
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Thief Simulator (2018 Video Game)
A great low-buget game
22 December 2022
Yes I'll be the first to admit that 9/10 might be a little extreme but I saw that this game had a 5.4/10 and I just had to change that. This game may frustrate you sometimes but it is easy to look past while you are having a blast robbing every single house in the US. This game doesn't really have a concrete story though, you kind of just do everything that Vinnie thrills you to do. But I still have a blast grabbing all of the material possessions of innocent people who just wanted to live there life's in peace and quiet. Also you can most definitely feel that this is a very low-budget game but I feel that it kind of added to the overall feel of this game

In conclusion, go play this game.
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Ruined the first movie for me
22 December 2022
Okay so I am an avid defender of the original 4 sequels to the planet of the apes (that being beneath the planet of the apes, escape from the planet of the apes, conquest of the planet and battle for the planet of the apes) but this one is by far the worst of them all. I mean it gets off to a great start bý kind of retreading the events of the original in a new and exciting way. But then about 40 minutes in it gets weird.

I can't really say what happens that is so weird without getting into spoiler territory but I will say this much. There is a lot going on beneath the planet of the apes.

In conclusion. If you want to marathon all the apes movies, skip this one and just read the plot synopsis instead.

Edit: I just noticed that the only black character in this movie is listed as "Negro" in the credits so I am dropping my rating from 6 to 4.
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Gladiator (2000)
I was entertained
22 December 2022
I really like Roman history so this movie has been on my watchlist for a while now, and I was not let down by the end results. The buildup of the battles is phenomenal, the fight choreography is perfect and Russel Crowe and quakine phoenix give the performances of a lifetime. The blood/gore affects are also really good in this. But one of my few problems with the movie is how historically inaccurate it is. Like it's barely even based on true events. But that is only a small complaint for an otherwise phenomenal period pice/action movie

In conclusion, I would recommend this to anyone who likes historical epics (this is by far the best one)
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Family Guy: I Dream of Jesus (2008)
Season 7, Episode 2
Good episode
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While dining at the Nifty Fifties Diner, a 1950s-themed restaurant, Peter Griffin hears his favorite song, "Surfin' Bird" by The Trashmen," on the jukebox. One of the employees removes the record because it's a 1960s song and thus wouldn't exist in the '50s, so Peter offers to trade Meg for sex in exchange for it. He begins driving everyone crazy by endlessly playing and singing to it, and even squanders the family's savings to make a public service announcement where he can do so on TV. Before they completely lose their minds, Stewie and Brian steal the record in Peter's sleep. The next morning, Peter blames the family for the record's disappearance Stewie and Brian had smashed it à la Office Space before going out in an attempt to buy another copy. The clerk at the Dead Format Records store tells Peter they have sold all 63 copies at once to "a dog and a baby" before Peter notices that the clerk looks familiar, ultimately realizing he is Jesus Christ.

The word that Jesus has returned begins spreading when he starts appearing on The Tonight Show and the MTV Music Video Awards, and he becomes a celebrity. He is caught up in his new-found popularity that he begins to neglect his friendship with Peter, sending all his cell phone calls to voice mail, prompting Peter to use Lois' cell phone to complain. Soon Jesus gets arrested after a drinking binge and ending up unconscious at Mary-Kate Olsen's house before making Antisemitic comments. Jesus asks Peter for bail; Peter only heads over to the police station when Jesus makes a lamp in Peter's living room smash into Peter's head. With Jesus in disrepute, he decides that maybe he wasn't mature enough to return to the world, but Peter remarks that the maturity of his statement might mean the day he'll be ready may not be too far off. Before he leaves this world, Jesus gives Peter a present of another record of "Surfin' Bird" to annoy his family with.
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The Shining (1980)
By far the best horror movie ever made
21 December 2022
This is the only Kubrick film I have ever seen and after seeing this I am thirsty for more of his work. The movie had me glued to the screen the whole time and the ending shook me to my core. I am amazed at how well Kubrick translated the King's novel onto the big screen. This is by far my favourite horror movie, and is in my top 5 favourite movies of all time. This is a beautifully haunting experience and after I saw it I had an hard time readjusting to real life. This movie is stuck somewhere deep inside my scull, and is living there rent free. The haunting score also added a tremendous amount of scariness. And I cannot even start talking about how excellent Jack Nicholson acting in this is

In conclusion, I recommend this to anyone who can handle the scariest that horror has to offer.
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Psycho (1960)
Overrated, but still pretty good.
21 December 2022
So this is probably one of the most controversial reviews I have written so before I will preface this by saying that this most definitely is a good movie. I am just writing this as a dude who likes films and my opinion is not a universal fact that everyone has to accept, watch the movie to form your own opinion.

Okay so I will just start by saying that the first 25 minutes of this movie are quite boring (IN MY OPINION) and I had to read the plot summary to even get that Marion Craine had (SPOILERS) embezzled money from a customer. But the following 40 minutes are still really good and it then leads into a pretty good third act

In conclusion, go see it if you want to see a Hitchcock movie.
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Insanely badass
21 December 2022
This is the first western I have ever seen and it blew me away with how well it has aged. The effects are timeless the acting is phenomenal and the plot had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. You barely feel the three hour runtime, it flies by so fast that it feels like an hour and 40 minutes. The score is just iconic, I am amazed at how many movie trope's this movie created. This is a GREAT movie witch i would recommend to almost everyone that I know. It is remarkable how well this movie aged and I just cannot believe all the groundbreaking things that this movie pulls off

In conclusion. Go watch it if you like action movies, you won't be disappointed.
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