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Australian Idol (2003–2024)
Addictive Viewing!
15 October 2003
Here in australia we only just recently got our version of the "idol phenomenon" and it's gotten us all hooked. Sure there's the bad few apples that still think it's karaoke, when u can see the band every episode! This, like the other 'Popstars' and 'starsearch', is just a way of manafacturing pop artists, but it's gotten so much deeper than that with seeing the contestants perform on stage everyweek and have their songs touch us or make us cry, and we get disappointed when our favourites leave, or get in the bottom three. It's become such addictive viewing they need it on everyday of the week to keep our household happy!

The show is much more than a reality tv karaoke, if we wanted that we'd switch over to channel 31 and watch 'Kangaroo Karaoke' ps GO MILLSY AND PAULINI!
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potential, ruined.
5 October 2003
Now the premise is good, classic literary characters thrown together into the real world where a bad guy and his german army - nazi types - have begun to destroy the world as we know it and start a war.

film opens, impressively, the 20th century fox sign transits into a run down sign on top of a building. pan down, the opening narrative is written to look like it's stuck in the sky, pan around town, an army tank rolls into town. down hill from there.

i havent seen, read or even heard of the original comic book, i just hope it wasn't as bland as this film.

the action and special effects where way over done and just plain show-offy. no character development always ruins a film, and the sad thing is this film HAD plenty of potential, ruined ultimetly by said flaws.

the dark lighting during the action scenes always ruin the effect, even though it's for atmosphere, it just looked plain fake.

and what the heck is with jeckyll/hyde??? did they deliberatly make him look like the hulk, that annoyed me so much.

As usual sean connery played the hero, the guy who seemingly has it together, knows what he's on about. is it just me or does someone else wanna see him in a film deeply flawed??? The supporting characters when in 'human form were alright, coulda developed their characters a bit more, but the stand out performance for me was Richard Roxbourgh as M. who can be excused for not so much development in his character, i won't spoil it for you tho.

Maybe the makers of XLG should have taken a leaf out of spider mans, batman (tim burton original) and even ghost worlds book of bringing a comic book to life.

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all worship avary
5 October 2003
i haven't read the original bret ellis easton (?) novel in which this is based, so i cannot use it as a frame of reference.

Hired this on dvd on the off chance it might be alright, compared to other college movie's i had seen, and boy was I impressed, from the opening mirage of the three stories simultaneously being told using reversing stock this film didn't stop thee at wonderful and creative techniques such as the split screen scene between sean and lauren in which they converse in front of each other, but both facing the camera at the same time, and then the pan around to fit into place, and the strategically placed "where do u fit in" poster to pauls own split screen where he fondle's sean in a half reality half thoughts split screen, to the theme (well i dunno if this is correct) but what i think is the theme of insignificance... paul is insignificant (insig.) to sean, sean is insig. to his dealer, laurens roommate insig. to all the guys she's sleeps with, lauren insign. to victor, and most importantly and which made me bawl my eyes out first second AND thrid time viewing this new age masterpiece, the girl who wrote letters was insignificant to sean, just another face in the crowd. well portrayed and told these little sub stories making up a piece as a whole, a rollercoaster ride of college life. here in australia we dont go to college like that, but alot of this was very close ot home for alot of teenagers, one thing to say to Roger Avary, if you got a couple of grand, fly me over there, i'd LOVE to be your apprentice or assisstant, i worship the ground you walk on sir, brilliant. 10/10
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5 October 2003
I'm not generally one for action films, i find the plots blergh, the acting blergh and get bored easily of action sequences ESPECIALLY if too many computer effects are used, i'd rather see good old fashioned acting and film techniques than something someone created by a keyboard and mouse, but this film blew me away, and i managed to squeeze a plot out of it, a deep, humanic, exciting plot at that.

The first x-men was good, but x men 2 was beyond that. a sequel that not only surpassed the first in special effects (that kept my attention) but with it's mutant/human racism story which is ever so relavent to today's society. that scene where the baddies come ot the school, and take the kids was by far the best scene out of an action/comic book film ever.

i won't ramble like i have done in other comments and give it simply a 9/10 well done to all, let's hope they can make x3 even better!
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28 Days Later (2002)
redefining, brilliant, scary as s**t
5 October 2003
By chance i came across this film on my darling and noticing Danny Boyles name i had to endure a years wait till it was released in australia.

One fine sunny day while spending some time with my aunty up in queensland i had an urge to go see a movie (something odd as i don't like paying the atrocious prices) lucky for my aunts $8 movie card. trying to decide between legally blonde 2 (tacky sequel) pirates of the caribeen and 28 days later, we took a chance and saw what was to be the best horror movie i've seen since...since....well possibly the original texas chainsaw massacre except maybe final destination (and it's above average sequel)

even my conservative aunt enjoyed herself as we screamed and jumped our way through a highly original, visually stunning spectacular entry into Danny Boyles resume.

i've recently recommended it to some friends, and not one of them liked it, then again they liked american pie 2 - need i say more???

outstanding cinematography, spine tingling direction and not oscar quality but better acting than every teen horror movie made after the excorcist, i wanna see it again and again.

one thing i myst mention is the way this film u-turns once they arrive at the army base, kinda waking u up from this shreiking coma you are in when the movie is mostly about the 'infected' and changes thanks to the horny army dudes.

go see it, don't wait for video/dvd, big screen is best for this 10/10 thriller by Danny Boyle.
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The Pianist (2002)
5 October 2003
can anyone else believe that this is the same guy who was in summer of sam??? Adrien Brody deserved his oscar, but only for the reason he was supported by a fantastic, relaxed script.

forced to watch this by a half polish friend of mine, who's own grandfather was one of those many polish jews who survived through the war, i am thoroughly glad that she did, for now i've sat through the 2 and a half hours no less than 10 times.

a graphic, realistic and brutal story about the polish for a change, not just the nazi's or german jews, roman polanski has outdone himself this time, well done to all

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5 October 2003
Not only one of Kevin Spacey's finest hours but a funny/gripping comedy thriller poking fun at the dear place we all call hollywood but some poor bugger who is somebody's assisstant there might call hell if this film speaks any truth, if so i feel sorry for them!

Released pre-American Beauty which is when the world really stood up and noticed Kevin Spacey Swimming With Sharks deserves alot more recognition, although, if it was a commerical release i think those lucky few who have had the priviledge to watch it would be so lucky!

a gem of a film, 9/10
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what is wrong with people these days
28 April 2003
From reading all the previous user comments, mostly negative from what i can tell, i've come to the conclusion, that not many people have much of a sense of humour, not intending to offend anyones intelligence or anything.

Death To Smoochy was one of those chance meetings with a film, in which it draws you in and kicks you in the bum by being so unpredictable. Seeing that Robin Williams and Ed Norton are the main stars i hoped Smoochy would be a good film, and i was not at all disappointed.

The film opens with a montage of what is to be expected, colour, vibrancy, comedy but with a dark, violent edge in the world of childrens television. We are then shown Rainbow Randolph (williams) and co. in their tv show. Turns out randolph is a shady character looking for some extra cash or 'ass-wipe money'. He's caught out and that's where Smoochy (norton) steps in. But Rainbow Randolph aint a happy chappy bout that one!

Despite what people have said, Death To Smootchy is one crack up of a film. I've sat through films like Dumb and Dumber, get shorty, meet the parents etc. the apparent "Comedies of the year" and "hilariously funny films" and have barely cracked a smile, not to say i have no sense of humour, it's just too much hype, and terrible scripts, but Smoochy had me in hysterics, from start to finish, brilliant movie, danny de-vito should be extremely proud of this effort, it might not be the critical/financial hit it deserves to be, but Smoochy is probably the best american film i have ever seen!

Remember: friends come in all sizes!
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Maslin Beach (1997)
couldn't be more australian
19 June 2002
Maslin Beach, as we're all aware by now, takes place on a nudist beach in S.A.

if there's one thing that set's Aussie films apart from the rest of the worlds movies is that our films are unique to our country and our laid back appeal. Maslin Beach is certainly no exception to this.

The nudity of this film doesn't come of un-noticeable, but having said that it is the plot that normal everyday australians can relate too, and if this movie was made on a regular beach with clothed 'beautiful people' would it really be the same? I doubt it, with the dialogue consisting of farting and sex and adultery, real things people talk about and real emotions (not lovey dovey crap from Hollywood) and the whole natural conversation of the film that links it with the nudity. and boy would it have saved on costume budget!

i'm not gunna dribble on about the plot. cause that'll just be repeating, but i will say that compare this film to something like Sirens or (think hollywood movie about the same topics...umm...) and you won't find a film about regular people, peole who are beautiful on the inside, as well as out, no matter how 'unattractive they might be'. it's a struggle we are faced with to be about to witness on the screen people who aren't oh so gorgeous, and who don't meet someone, and fall in love, and end up happily eve after, life, like maslin beach aint no fairy tale so what is hollywood's attraction to fairytale endings. it's not realistic and quite frankly (matter of opinion) it makes me sick to think everything in hollywood has to be happy endings, big action movies, so called "comedies" such as meet the parents or american pie, in order for a film to be considered worth while or appealing to people, it's a money, and it sucks. Maslin Beach is obviously cheaply done, but it's the finer more tender moments of life that are portrayed in 90 minutes of film making that make this movie worth while and a great non satrical look of humanity and how we are as people.

just my opinion, take it easy!
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Always Greener (2001–2003)
excellent:(see also) wonderful superb brilliant
15 May 2002
When this series first began way way way back in 2001, i couldn't help thinking 'yay, not another Australian drama or comedy, wonder how long this will last?' But, as time dragged on i gave it a shot on a sunday night, and, thankfully i did watch Always Greener but unfortunetly i didn't watch it any earlier!

The Cast is absolutely wonderful and as kooky as your typical aussie families! The younger cast, (Abe Forsythe, Michala Banas, Natasha Lee etc) are certainly matching up to the talents of their older cast mates.

The story lines are true and original and as always we are given a simple situation with twists and humour used (obviously) affectiontly by the writers.

Sure as most people agree the main premise isn't too original but the production design of Always Greener is as fresh as cut grass (supposed to be a pun : he he) and unlike some drama's once a storyline is resolved it is left to dry in the sun, but not on Always Greener, every episode plays a contributing part in a continuing story line.

Mention must go to the supporting cast whose names do not appear in the opening credits (Grant Bowler, Denise Roberts etc.) for without them minor characters appearing every episode it probably wouldn't be as good as it is and hopefully (careful not to jinx) ALWAYS will be!
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Definetly a popcorn movie
20 April 2002
I first heard about this film a couple of years ago, when it was first being made, and i couldn't find any other info on it afterwards, but one time i was chekcing up on the trusty IMDb two years later and i found out it was being released here in Australia in the next month or i waited and searched every video store i saw, and FINALLY i came across it in a video and after so long my wait was over!

It was well worth the wait as well! A lot of 'spoof' films just copy other films but twist them to make them funny, PBP is a spoof but doesn't show it to the extremes as Scary Movie or Plump Fiction. It comes across as a serious (original) film based on an old genre. This helps in making PBP such an hilarious film. Which it is, from start to finish, as well as a very twisted ending.

cleverly scripted (based on a stage play) and directed with a groovy backing track, PBP is a great film to watch with a group of friends, with a bowl of popcorn or two!

go out and hire it, it's no where near as dissapointing as Scary movie 1/2, plump fiction, wrongfully accused, silence of the hams and others in the genre.
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