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19 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, the whole time I'm watching this dam episode, I could care less about Rollins unbelievably annoying sister Kim! I just wanna know if the flutist really raped the violinist. Kinda would have been nice to finish THAT PART OF THE DAM STORY, HUH?! Then the episode just ends. No words on what happened with the violinist. Cuz he looked like he was innocent. So I thought "MAYBE it's a too be continued, even though it didn't say that at the end". So I looked up the actor that played the flutist.....NOPE, he's just in 1 dam episode of SVU. Yea dick wolf, ur a genius. Svu is great, but they let WAYYYYY too many things go u said, and it's dam irritating and annoying as crap. How many times you been watching the show, and someone says something to someone in the cast so obnoxious or horrible, and the person just stands there like an idiot, and doesn't let them have it and say anything back, and then they just cut to the next scene. I stopped watching cuz of that crap. Too many ANTI climactic scenes. Where someone should tell someone off with avengence, but instead let the moment pass by. Like Rollins never going off on her dumb a** sister Kim, and telling her how horrible she is. And her mom. Nah, she just lets the say horrible annoying crap, and then, onto the next scene. PLAY TO THE AUDIENCE MORE WOLF!! People WANT to see stuff like that! It's just such an incomplete feeling. But this episode could have been great, and instead took a stupid turn and focused on Rollins idiot UNINTERESTING sister and family, instead of the MORE INTERESTING case with the flutist and violinist that was going on. Bravo MORONS. :)
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Halloween II (2009)
Are we done, letting Rob Zombie ruin movies???? Seriously
23 October 2015
The first Halloween he did sucked ass. It was not scary. He tried to make it cool, not scary. It was not eerie, or creepy, or scary in the least. He doesn't belong directing movies. He's fooled people into thinking he's cool cuz of his name, and his lifestyle, and music, and persona. So people are always like "Aw yea, Rob Zombie rocks". But when ya think about it, does he really? The answer is HELL NO. He does not rock, he is not a good director. And his wife is THE WORST ACTRESS in history. And I have never hated an actress more based on her face and facial expressions more than Scout Taylor-Compton. She is SO AWFUL. She is a horrible actress. And please scout, do the world a favor, go into the bathroom, and work on making a facial expression that isn't annoying as hell. I doubt you'll have much luck. Her mouth and crying faces are so irritating. Asside from all that, the script, writing, acting from everyone else, and dialogue in this piece of crap are ridiculous. Rob Zombie, you even made Malcolm McDowell suck in this. And hey, lets be "different" and show mike myers' face in this one. And take ALL the fear out of his character whatsoever. !!!!!ROB ZOMBIE.....YOU......ARE.........NOT...........SCARY!!!!!
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Ten X Ten (2014)
Could Neil Labute be more of a wannabe director????
8 October 2015
So far i've only seen the Amy Madigan one. And this is no reflection on her as an actress. I think she's great. But all of a sudden I turn it to this channel, and I don't know what's going on. Cuz she's talking for a very long time. It was captivating almost for the first minute, cuz I was intrigued. And it just starts to get annoying. The writing. It was so painfully wanting to be more creative than it was. It was something that might have been original in the 90's for crying out loud. I felt so irritated by the end, because my intelligence feels insulted. I don't like to judge a book by it's cover either, but this Neil Labute hack looks like a guy desperately trying to look like a real director. So far, you're a chump Neil. :-)
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Cougar Town (2009–2015)
Not exaggerating,!!!!!
6 January 2015
I used to like Courtney Cox (and Krista Miller) but not after this. It is so obvious Courtney Cox used ALL of her pull left in Hollywood to keep this steaming pile on the air. It is NOT edgy, funny, risqué, creative, or basically watchable. If you have no brain, watch this show. If ur an idiotic 14 yr old girl, who likes to watch a couple of hatchet faces who used to be pretty til they turned their faces into ghoulish frankenstein's (aka Courtney Cox & Krista Miller), watch this show.

And yea, WE GET IT, YOU DRINK WINE AND LOVE IT. POINT MADE! IT WASN'T A FUNNY BIT TO BEGIN WITH! Omg, I was getting SO angry watching those horrible TV commercials, where EVERY bit has to do with them drinking a lot of wine, that I had to be objective and I watched a couple. Worse than I imagined it could be. Can you beat a dead horse any harder with the wine bit? It's an annoying premise anyways. Rich morons like them, standing around, drinking wine at every single occasion. But they feel the need to take something already annoying, and amplify it times a thousand.

And Busy Phillips???? OMG can u be more irritating?? With ur overly annoying pouty mouth, combined with giant flared nostrils. She is the worst. My favorite shows are like Always Sunny, anything Ricky Gervais, Parks & Rec, Office, Modern Family, etc... So I like mainstream stuff. I'm not a hater. Except of this.

And can "Penny jar" or whatever be more annoying? And after being an IMDb user for 15 yrs, you can tell when people associated with the show, and die hard fans who want to boost it's rating, make more than one account, and give it these OVERLY great reviews i'm seeing here. You can tell by how they are written, 85% of them are bs, and the show should realistically have a 3.7, or maybe a 4.2 on here. AND have been cancelled after the pilot.

I seriously feel my blood pressure go up when I see the ENDLESS commercials on TBS. The channel Courtney Cox's desperate a*# took the show to after ABC decided Courtney's influence over them to keep it on the air, so she wouldn't have to kill herself for having ANOTHER failed sitcom since Friends, had run it's course, no doubt.

And that add where the guy puts his nipple on the window after they talk about "nipslip's" (cuz to them, that's "edgy" & "creative") is so unbearably unfunny it's hard to watch. How cliché is the whole rubbing your nipples thing now anyways? It's seriously been done a million times on things. That's what this show basically is. An hour long nightmare, made up of recycled jokes and premises that weren't that funny to begin with, from 100's of other shows and movies.

It's seriously like the writers are doing the bare minimum on this show. Like they think all they have to do is write "setup, punchline, setup punchline etc..." and that that makes it a sitcom. No, the jokes actually have to be funny and creative too. Am I rambling? I do that when something irritates me beyond belief. I write one of these, MAYBE once a year if that. Occasionally twice. But not often.

In closing, I have never seen a show this bad in my life. How it made it past the pilot is amazing. Congrats Courtney Cox, hope it was worth it to ruin your career. And your face. :-)
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Man of Steel (2013)
Wrong director, wrong script, not enough feeling, WAY too much action!
26 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was born in 78', the year the first and BEST Superman came out. I've always felt a special connection to that movie, and Superman. It was just crushed watching this pile. I nodded off when the insane, nonsense action started. I mean when he's getting chased by that chain thing that wraps him up as he's flying? Really? That looked so cheesy and senseless. 90% of the people who loved this version are young, obnoxious, all action/no story viewers. I had a sinking feeling when I first saw that the friggin guy who directed 300 of all things is set to direct the next Superman movie. He had NO business directing this movie! Superman is not a dark dam movie. It is the light. And what the hell was with Krypton?? Was it a planet, or Jurassic Park? Jor-el flying on that dragon thing was ridiculous. Anyone who thinks this movie was awesome, watch the first Christopher Reeves Superman again and tell me it compares. It had action, passion, excitement, and genuine goose bump scenes. Like when he first rescues Lois. There was not ONE goose bump scene in this piece of crap. It was also way too confusing. The whole thing with that little thing with the "S" on it, was too much crap. It didn't need to be that intricate and confusing. The action scenes towards the end was seriously like watching the end of the Avengers scene for scene. Why the hell are there spaceships in Superman?! Just an awesome chance to make a great movie, that failed. Mainly cuz of the horrible choice for director. I liked 300 and Watchmen very much too. But that style is the LAST thing meant for Superman. They are dark. Superman should not be. I hate to say this, but I enjoyed Superman Returns 10 X more than this movie even. Yea, I said it. I nodded off during the "action" scenes that went on and on at the end. UGH, I wish I could have a face to face with the director and ask him what the HELL he was thinking with this. Yea, anyone who disagrees and loved this movie is either not a genuine Superman fan, or a little puke who was born in the age of "all action, no plot" type of movies. I wanted to love this still, and was so excited to see it. I found myself shaking my head at least 25 times by the end. Am I dragging on? Lol. Sorry, just so disappointed. 4 out of 10 I'm sad to say.
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Lake Placid (1999)
Better than it gets credit for. Aside from some bad dialogue.
21 May 2013
I have to admit that I might only think this movie is not bad because I heard such horrible reviews for it, that when I actually saw it, I was like "That wasn't bad at all." I'm sure if I had heard it was great and saw it, I probably would have said "Really? That sucked." But I honestly didn't mind it at all. It had it's moments. The only real problem I had with it that got more and more irritating was whoever wrote the sarcastic one liners for this movie must have thought they were a lot more hilarious than they were. All of Hector's (Oliver Platt) sarcastic come back's to the sheriff were SO irritating and annoying. I love sarcasm, but whoever wrote those come back's and one liners must be an idiot who thinks that anything u say in a mean and sarcastic way is funny. Like when they're in the boat and Hector says to the sheriff something to the affect of "When friends or family say things, they tend not to register, so sometimes it helps hearing it from a total're fat." Was that really supposed to sound clever? And his "Oh my, the earth is round and so should you be" line he says to him was so wannabe original and unfunny. ESPECIALLY since Oliver Platt is fat too! Which makes it even more annoying. And when Hector gets surprised while setting a trap at night and they start arguing and he says to the sheriff "These traps could save your life. And the longer you live, the more sex you get to have with your SISTER!" He yelled that line so loud and angry and annoying, like it was supposed to be a good one. So dumb. My wish is that the writer sees this review. Lol. I want him to know what a dumb as* he is. Not for the whole movie. Just for his attempt at good sarcastic humor. Sorry for harping so long about it. Just really almost ruins the movie. Bette White has a few lines like that too. And the only reason i'm not complaining about those is because of the fact that Bette White actually made them funny. Which no one else probably could have. Aside from all that, the movie isn't that bad at all. Just be prepared to be annoyed. Unless u actually have a lame sense of humor, and confuse lame sarcasm, with actual creative and witty sarcasm. :-)
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Annoying. This movie has NO idea what it wants to be!
10 April 2013
This movie was ALMOST good. But it was like u could almost picture the writers getting excited coming up with all these new ideas for where the movie should go, but then not having any idea where those ideas were going. And then they just filmed it like that. It was like JJ Abrahm's writing style in LOST. Which I loved. But he had so many ideas that were cool in the moment, then annoying when they never got resolved. That's how this movie was. It shouldn't elude itself to being some kind of prequel to Alien, then have all these things happen that make NO sense with the Alien movie. Even if it's not supposed to be a direct prequel to it, your mind still goes that way, and is like "Wtf? that makes no sense in correlation with Alien". Even if it wasn't associated with Alien, there is too much crap that happens, then never gets explained. In the end, it was just annoying as hell, and a big disappoint to me from a great director like Ridley Scott to come up with something so ridiculous. Unless he's got something up his sleeve for part 2 that will make part 1 look genius, I dunno. But it doesn't look like it. All in all, just too many dam loose ends to be a good movie.
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ONE face, the whole movie - FREDDY HIGHMORE SUCKS!!!!!
20 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've always hated Freddy Highmore. I don't have a great reason. I just hate is face. I want smash his face into a cactus. He seems like he's one of those douche bags that buys into his "my face is precious and adorable" bs. Which is human I suppose. But he still annoys me. Especially in this movie. If you didn't notice, he seriously has ONE dam facial expression the entire movie! One tone of voice basically, and one face. He is making his most pleasant, nonthreatening face he can i'm sure. But he is doing it the full length of the movie! Pretty much without exception. And he acts like a little bitch the whole movie, with cry baby quiver chin pretty much constant throughout the film. Does anyone get what I mean by that? Michael Angarano is also annoyingly horrible. He tries so desperately hard to act like a grown up professional actor. But it just comes off like a kid, with a cheesy wannabe grown up beard trying to act like an adult. And Stephen Spielberg's daughter is HORRIBLE! There is a lot of Kate Capshaw in her face, which makes her almost beautiful, like her mother. But then Stephen's jew face got up in there and jacked everything up for her. So it's like she's almost hot, but there's too much Spielberg on that mug to make her attractive. Freddy Highmore looks like a goose with a broken neck trying to attack when he tries to mouth rape that girl. Was it just me, or was it disturbing watching Freddy Highmore kiss? Try to anyways. Yea yea, his role in this movie is to be an awkward teen. I'm not stupid. Just saying the way he plays it is less awkward, more irritating. Still awkward. Just too unintentionally annoying. Surprised Alicia Silverstone agreed to this film. Even as a B lister. Haha, get it Alicia. I still want to do you. :) Anyways, in short, Freddy Highmore should get a new face. Cuz if he doesn't do something about it, I will. And all in all, a very pointless, uneventful, waste of time of a movie. And, it sucked. Also, it was no good. Poopy.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Tell Tony "The Dousch" Scott he doesn't have to shoot every movie in that F'ed up style!!!!!
15 July 2012
SERIOUSLY! Why the F does Tony Scott shoot most of his movies (like this one) in that flashy, choppy, nauseating style! It's not a good style in the least. When will directors realize that just cuz people want their movies to be original, and creative, and artistic, it doesn't mean the friggin style of the camera, and way it's shot has to be like that! Like Cloverfield. It's a good movie, that I can't even watch! Cuz it seriously gives me motion sickness. No audience member is going "Wow, look how this movie flashes and flies all over the place and makes u sick. Awesome.". People want their movies shot normally!!!!! It's so dam distracting trying to watch a movie like this. But ohhh, we get it Tony, ur an artist. You've got style. No, u just make ur potentially good movies suck by the way you shoot them. That's all.
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It's like the original was vomited up, Creating this piece of junk that is beyond messed up.
26 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, I got an idea, 3D has become so popular, lets just take some old classic that none of us care about, and zip through it and make a piece of crap for the sake of having a 3D movie? Is that what the Writers and Producers meeting went like? The original was creative, and beautiful, and actually took it's time letting you get into the story and the characters. This is a hurried up piece of crap they just wanted to make a 3D movie out of. Why steal off of an old classic. Now people who may have actually wanted to make a worthy remake, cannot do so. Hey, lets change it so Andromida and Perseus don't end up together. And lets make Pegasus black for crying out loud, why not. Lets just try to make it look so much different from the original that people loved. You guys are frigging MORONS for doing that. And hey, lets make Medusa beautiful still, instead of a monster, the way she is supposed to be. (And omg, could the graphics on Medusa's face been anymore from 1992? It's like they ran out of graphics money during the rest of the movie, and skimped on her face. Watch and you'll see) Calibus was creepy, and scary the way he moved and acted in the original. This one was a joke. and the Crackon, don't even get me started. Let's just put one whole huge mess of a monster together, then not even do any work on his face barely. This movie tried to be so rock and roll in style that it ruined it completely. My dream whoever is responsible for this steaming pile reads this, and realizes they ruined an amazing chance to make a classic piece of cinema, and instead, made sped up sloppy, unworthy version of the original. They basically kept the same characters, and changed the story around completely. Has Hollywood HONESTLY not gotten that viewers DIPSISE when they do that???!!! I want to take a dump on this script in front of the writers.
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Chris Hansen is a TOTAL tool!!!!!!
22 December 2010
I wanna get something straight, I love this show, but I also hate it. And I also think all these men deserve time. But I think how it is handled is appalling. If they did this more to teach these guys a lesson, it'd be one thing. But their main motivation for doing this, is shock value and ratings. And Chris Hansen is a total arrogant tool. You ever notice that when some of the guys try to leave right away, he HAS to get it out that he's "Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC"? He loves the sound of his own voice and name on TV SO much. Like these guys whose lives are over give a crap who he is. I wish one of these low lives would knock fellow low life Chris Hansen on his butt before getting arrested sometime. I bet he wouldn't allow that to be aired cuz it damages the "cool dude" attitude he thinks he has. Again, I don't feel for these guys that get caught. But an odd thing happens when I watch this show...I hate Chris Hansen more than I hate the criminals that are on the show. And i've heard a lot of people say similar things. What does that tell you Chris? And does it really take 14 armed police officers to bring down this one middle aged perv? That's totally for show as well. I give this show a 9, based on the fact that I watch it because I love to hate it. ;-)
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WHY do FAKE shows like this get on the air???!!!
3 November 2010
Seriously, how do shows like this get on the air? They are SO obviously fake it's ridiculous. I know they figure they gotta add a few "crazy" situations to attract viewers, but this show is overkill to the extreme. Every segment involves S & M, or cross dressers, or a sex scandal, or something lame like that. Do they really expect an intelligent viewing audience to buy this? Or are they counting on JUST the south to think this show rocks? It's just as ridiculously fake as that Repo show with that fat blonde chick in pigtails. A little advice for shows like this, try not to make EVERY segment insanely unbelievable. Because that's all it ends up looking like. Unbelievable. Also, get some better actors.
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Gamer (2009)
OK, i get it, it's gritty. Stop Shovin it down my throat!
31 July 2010
This wouldn't have been such a bad movie for me if it wasn't for the STUPID, RETARDED, POINTLESS way they tried to make it "in your face" gritty. Close-ups on every wound in slow-mo. Close ups on a fat guy shoving waffles dipped in syrup into his sweaty face. That was just dumb. We can see he's a fat tub, do we really need that much detail on him eating. And if that wasn't enough for close up eating scenes, there's another one where there's a close up on the main kid smearing green peanut butter on a sandwich, cutting the crusts off, then a nice in your face shot of him biting into it with sound effect. I honestly hope i run into this idiotic director so I can ask him if that was a really necessary scene. it was just pointless. Then all these shots of the bad black guy sweating and convulsing in anger. Edit all that POINTLESS crap out, and it would be OK. Those scenes were just incredibly annoying.
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The Pacific (2010)
STOP comparing it to Band of Brothers!!!!!
16 May 2010
OK, if there never had been a "Band of Brothers", The Pacific would have been A lot better received. But every moron out there wants to say "It's no band of brothers". IT'S NOT TRYING TO BE!!! This show made NO secret from the beginning that it was not like Band of Brothers. Band of Brothers was more about the battles. The Pacific is more about what went on between the battles. And the only bad reviews I hear from people go exactly like this "I was expecting it to be more like Band of Brothers". All that shows me is what a dam RETARD that person is for letting a completely different show dictate how they felt about this one. And it's really sad, because I think The Pacific was VERY well done, and heartfelt. You don't learn about how someone truly is by just seeing how they act and react on the battlefield. So all you cry babies out there upset about this not being the exact same thing as BoB should give that crap a rest already. Did you really want another show that tried to copy BoB anyways? So SHUT UP already! Geeze. Sorry, but I just read like 12 bad reviews on here about The Pacific, and they all said the same dam thing, and tried comparing it to BoB. Get over it. Adios. :-)
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Good, but TOO many subtitles!!!
4 April 2010
Omg, I got SOOO dam sick of rewinding to read the subtitles in this movie. Everything else was great. But for one, they were too small (And no, I don't need glasses) for 2, sometimes a 2 or 3 sentence subtitle would be on the screen for literally a second and a half. Who the F reads that dam fast? And 3, over half the dam movie was in German and french, and why bother even having the actors act in a scene with that many dam subtitles? Cuz no one is even looking at their facial expressions. They're just trying frantically to read the friggin subtitles. And sometimes the subtitles blended in with the background, so you couldn't tell what the hell they said no matter how long it was on the screen. Christoph Waltz deserved best supporting actor though. he played his part amazingly. Just all the dam reading got old, and took me out of the movie. And the part of "The Bear Jew" could have been a lot cooler. After he beat the guys head in, he started running around and screaming and shouting like an idiot, and took whatever coolness that went with his title away. That's about it. :-)
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WHY does Michael Angarano keep getting movie roles???!!!
27 February 2010
This movie COULD have been an OK flick, if it wasn't for the casting of Michael Angarano. I don't hate the guy or nothing, but he's not an action star. He has ONE expression, and it is constant on his face at all times. and he has zero range. The pairing of Jackie Chan and Jet Li was amazing though. And the fighting scenes were very well done, and executed. Like I said though, could have been better. It wasn't all Angarano's fault. Ever since crouching tiger, every kung fu movie set in ancient times thinks they have to allow everyone involved in the fighting scenes to be able to fly or something. But yea, my main problem still lies with Angarano. I don't know why anyone thinks this nerdy looking nothing can carry a movie though. Yea, I know he's supposed to be a nerdy kid in the movie, but for crying out loud, at least get an actor who still has some character. And what was with him all of a sudden having the cheesiest PWT pony tail out of no where? Boo.
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!!!Still A Classic!!!
18 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up with this movie. It came out when i was 8 years old. I remember not getting a lot of what was going on. It FINALLY just came out on DVD, and i was so happy to see it at best buy a couple months ago! I finally got around to watching it last night for the first time in probably 18 years or so. i remembered everything like I saw it yesterday, because i saw it so many times as a kid. and it is STILL a classic! And there were so many things that i get now that I didn't as a kid. this movie is in a league of it's own if you ask me. I mean, Lea Thompson's character Beverly, and Howard almost have a love scene for crying out loud. Genius! I remember a lot of people saying how gross that was. Give me a break, get over it. I thought it was hilarious. Definetaly a 10 in my book. I can't think of any other movie out there that is like it. which is why I say it's in a league of it's own. yea, a lot of the lines are cheesy, but who cares. if you haven't seen it, i recommend giving it a try. love it or hate it, i guarantee you won't forget it!
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Halloween (2007)
Rob Zombie = NOT SCARY!!!
8 May 2009
Ugh, why did Rob Zombie have to re-do this movie? All he does is try to make his movies look cool, and hip. John Carpenter had a talent for suspense, and eeriness with the first Halloween, and many of his other films. Rob Zombie simply does NOT have this gift. I loved all the T & A, of course, but I also wanted a good movie. And the main character, Laurie Strode, played by Scout Taylor-Compton was simply a bad choice I think. The only thing she was good at was screaming. That's possibly why they went with her I guess. But all her scenes where she's trying to appear like a bubbly teenage girl look SOOO forced in my opinion. Rob is trying SO hard to make the first half of the movie look like everyone has such a happy small town perfect life, so when things turn evil, it looks even more horrible in comparison. But that is so evident in every scene of the first half of the movie, that it all looks so fake. The only 2 decent performances in the whole movie were of course, Dee Wallace, and Danielle Harris. Michael Meyers was not scary or creepy at all in this movie. Most of the choices Rob Zombie made in this version were puzzling, and didn't fit well in this version at all. Sorry Rob. Your movies CAN be cool. But don't try and re-create a film that had such an impact because of how genuinely scary it was, and think you can pull it off, and get as good of a reaction as the original. Oh, I see you're already making H2, the sequel. Do me a favor and kill yourself before filming raps, so perhaps a talented director can take over, and fix whatever crappy scenes you already shot. :-)
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They (2002)
Could the lead in this movie have been ANY more annoying?
30 April 2009
You ever have your mind boggled as to a directors choice for a lead in a movie? Laura Regan was soooo annoying in this role. from her acting, to her overall look. The way she screams in the bathroom after a scare made me want to punch her lower jaw off to quiet the irritating noises and facial expresions she was making. am i being overly hostile? lol. I wonder if Laura Regan was related to the director or producer to get the lead. In my book, Dagmara Dominczyk, who was a supporting actress in this film, would have made this a MUCH better film if she was in the lead. She is so exotically sexy, and also captivating as an actress. She would have been a much better choice than Laura Regan as the lead. Dagmara is 10 times the actress Laura is as well. Sorry Laura, you suck.
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OMG they ruined this flick mid-movie!!!
21 April 2009
(semi-spoilers) OMG, you ever watch a movie that isn't that bad, then halfway through, for NO reason, they throw some insane RETARDED plot twist in in the middle? This movie is the epidemy of that. OK, so he is hexed, in that every girl he sleeps with will find their soul mate in the next guy they date. So he meets Jessica Alba's character, and falls for her. and he doesn't really believe in the hex, and they get along great, and end up sleeping together. Then his fat friend gives him all this info on how the hex is true, and they put it to the test with a humongous blob chick, and it turns out to be true, cuz she finds her true love. The movie is OK...up to this point. Chuck then is sooo afraid she is gonna fall for the next guy she meets, that he COMPLETALY goes insane, and smothers her SOOO far beyond belief that it's not even funny. it is so amazingly annoying the things he does while trying to hold onto her. Not funny annoying. just plain annoying. We're expected to believe that he really believes buying her thousands of dollars of flowers, hiring a barbershop quartet to sing to her, decorating her car with a big ribbon and a "almost married" sign is going to keep her from leaving? When ALL he had to do was explain what he was afraid of (losing her to the curse) instead of going annoyingly ape s*it. Another cliché example of a movie going into the "completaly far-fetched" category, when it could have been avoided by just telling the truth. And if anyone is saying "if he told the truth, there would have been no where else to go with the story", you're dumb. there are literally 187,234,655 better way this story could have gone than what they went with. Sorry, I just watched it, and am still in that very annoyed state. I haven't commented on a movie on here in like 6 years either. lol. Not that it was like a great movie before all this happened, but it was OK. but to go the way they went with it, was just so ridiculously unbelievable. I puke on this movie. :-)
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Could this show be MORE of a set up???
21 January 2009
This show could be cool, if they didn't add the over dramatization, and the made up BS of the staff, and people that are running this show? I mean I just watched it for the first time, and these 2 brothers went into a dungeon room in this castle, and the door closed by itself behind them, and would not open. They talked to the "ghosts" and said they are not here to disturb them, and asked if they could be let out, and the door amazingly opened. Omg, and we witnessed all of this. Lucky us! How "incredible". And they looked after the door opened, and the door had no lock on it. Wow. Gimme a break. That's something straight out of a lame Hollywood thriller. I do believe in ghosts and all that, but they don't have to add all this crap. just let people go in, and whatever happens happens. don't make up stupid stuff just to try and keep an audience.
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Worst Movie Ever!
19 September 2007
I only wish I could give lower than a 1 for this movie. On what planet does anyone think this movie is in the least bit creative, or humorous. I just accidentally caught it on comedy central. I could not stop watching it. Kind of like when you see a car accident. It was so awful. The actors looked like they knew it was a horrible movie, and just didn't even bother to try acting. Because if they actually were trying, then they need to be shot. OK, and Tom Arnold isn't in a lot of great movies, but i am still so disappointed in him for doing this one. This final statement, should sum up this movie.....This movie was beneath Tom Arnold.
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This is why you shouldn't ever read the book.
31 January 2007
I loved this movie. And there is one reason why I am more often than not satisfied with a movie that was turned from a book into a movie. The answer is.....I don't read books. I'm a movie lover, not a book lover. So when I watch a movie that was a book first, and hear everyone saying "It wasn't as good as the book." (as they always do) I am the only one not disappointed. Morons who read a book, and expect the movie to be as good, are going to ALWAYS be disappointed. It is rare that a movie is ever as good as the book. I will say though, that if this movie didn't have the exact ending that it did, than I probably wouldn't have liked it as much. I would have still liked it, but just not as much. That ending scene is one of my biggest goosebumps experiences i have ever had during a movie. Sorry if that sounds gay. :-) I think Ron Howard did a great job with turning such a HUGELY popular book, into a movie. The expectations were so big, so i understand how some were let down. Anytime you have such huge expectations for a movie, it's never as good as you want it to be. Just some advice to those who have read the book, but haven't seen the movie yet.....Treat it like a movie, not a book.
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