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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Season 2 was not good
8 January 2024
I enjoyed the first season of Mayor of Kingstown. Jeremy Renner was great, there's a good supporting cast, interesting storylines, well placed action. There was some silly moments but overall it was good. 6/10

Season 2 went downhill. 4/10. It feels to me like they were stringing fans along. Main problem is that there's not really much going on. The majority of screen time consists of angry conversions about the same issues between characters who swear every other word. It got very repetitive and boring.

I also felt like the Iris subplot was disconnected, illogical, and aimless.

Hoping for a better season 3.
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GLOW: Maybe It's All the Disco (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
Loved this show until this episode
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why producers/writers did this. Was it to support their politics?

Up until this episode GLOW had basically been a comedy with a little drama here and there. There was a great concept, great character development, and it was truly funny.

I felt like even that small amount of drama was there to support the comedy. But putting in an unplanned pregnancy which is ended introduces a topic that is fiercely debated and just isn't funny. It's the opposite - it's depressing. And for the life of me, I don't see what value it added to the show other than making a political point in a show that isn't about ideology.

I'm sure the producers/writers felt righteous making this episode but in the future I'm going to do a little research as to whether a show pushes an agenda other than entertainment.
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Mayor of Kingstown: Orion (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Good show, I'm still watching
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised that at this date I'm the first person to write a review of this episode.

Anyway, I'm over halfway through the first season Mayor of Kingstown and I'm finding a lot to like about it. It had a bit of a unremarkable start but the storyline is unfolding in an interesting way and Jeremy Renner is fantastic in the lead role. There's a great mix of competing motivations spanning the criminal underworld, two prisons, and law enforcement. And an interesting mystery too.

Unfortunately, there's a scene in this episode that's silly. The main character, Mike, is asked by the local drug kingpin to escort a young relative to a hockey game he's participating in. During the game, the young man is bullied because he's black. When he pushes back, the entire opposing team and several of the fathers in the stands attack him and Mike has to fight them off. The scene ends with Mike in the rink swinging a hockey stick to fend off about 15 assailants. Later when Mike is talking about the altercation with the Drug Kingpin, the latter man (who arranges assassinations and sells drugs in the community) laments the racism that his young relative has to face. The whole thing felt contrived and like either the writers were virtue signaling or bending the knee to the BLM movement.

The good news is that it didn't ruin the show for me. So if you run into this scene and it bugs you my advice is to just take it in stride.
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Halo (2022– )
Halo for the Lifetime network
16 January 2023
This is standard sci-fi you'd expect from the entertainment industry these days; So not good. Lazy writing, careful identity-politics casting, complete disregard for the source material, nonstop plot conveniences. Throw in a boring side story about a boring side character.

But what stood out to me was the amount of estrogen that has been injected into what is supposed to be a male driven story. Women probably do 80% of the talking and Master Chief spends most of his time exploring his feelings.

Conclusion: big disappointment

(side note: the cliche of alien planets and locations always centering on a open market place of characters selling junk needs to stop)
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The Last Duel (2021)
I was taken out of the movie before it even started
17 November 2022
I was ok with Matt Damon playing a medieval knight. But when I saw that Ben Affleck was also starring in The Last Duel I could never really take the movie seriously.

Full disclosure, Affleck never really does it for me; he always seems to be Ben Affleck playing a part. But having him join his buddy Damon in a dramatic medieval period piece seems incredibly indulgent. So I was cringing anytime he was on screen.

Aside from that, it was a decent film. The three versions of the story were unnecessary and made it too long but it was a reasonably compelling story, it's an interesting view of the sensibilities of the time, it looked beautiful (thank you Ridley Scott), and the duel itself was fantastic.
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Resident Evil: Someone's Little Girl (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Woke doesn't have to be this bad
6 August 2022
Virtually nothing happened this episode. Most of time was spent on characters having very boring conversations about their relationships. This is a survival-horror franchise!

Why are the characters all so bland? It's like the producers said, "we've put so much diversity in this show... we don't even have to worry about writing interesting characters!" Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Resident Evil: World Beyond
15 July 2022
I'm giving 3 stars to the first 15 minutes of this show I sat through before I saw the light.

There must be a name for this; maybe 'franchise desecration'? We've seen it before - beloved franchise kidnapped and harvested for its organs. Priority one given to checking the woke boxes that much of Hollywood worships like a cult. Maybe Elon Musk should look into buying Netflix.
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Surrogates (2009)
Found something I wasn't expecting
16 April 2022
This was a competently made sci-fi movie that was thought-provoking, fun, visual interesting, and exciting. Most sci-fi fans will be satisfied.

What I wasn't expecting was the intimate human story. I'm not easily moved to tears got to me.
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What's happening in real world is the story here
10 April 2022
I agree with pretty much all the negatives people are pointing out about this movie. For a product that cost a reported 190 million dollars, it's bad to a fascinating level.

But what I also find interesting is the real world story. The original Matrix movie is the pinnacle of the art. And then the well went dry. The Wachowskis made one of the greatest science fiction movies ever and, since then, have made nothing but garbage. But millions of us(including Warner Brother executives) are desperately hoping that the magic will return.

As a society, I believe we should accept that the dream is over. Outside of the original Matrix trilogy the Wachowcki movies are horrible and lose about 50 million dollars apiece. They need to be put out to pasture.

Sad, but the sooner we all take the red pill and accept reality, the happier we'll be in the long run.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
No joy in season 5
19 February 2022
Seasons 1 and 2 are some of the best of tv comedy. I had times when I was laughing out of control. And it had heart back then. I don't really remember laughing much in season 4. Now I've made it to episode 7 of season 5 and I'm giving up. Its actually become unpleasant to watch.

Its just recycled plots and the same jokes over and over. And as the humor and creativity has disappeared the yelling, swearing and vulgarity has ratcheted way up; evidence that the writers have run out of ideas. By the way, I'm no prude(big Game of Thrones fan). Being edgy is fine so long as it serves the plot but it looks like that's all this show has left.
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Triangle (2009)
Who needs big budget Christopher Nolan movies
2 January 2022
I just caught this on Tubi and I was blown away! It's like it had me in chains wondering what was going to happen next. What a performance by the main actress, I really felt her emotions.

The issue the movie deals with is hard to do in an airtight way, but the way Triangle did it was incredibly satisfying.

A hidden gem!
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Good but I couldn't get past 1 thing
14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was a fan of the comic book and I more or else enjoyed this series. Sometimes it's unintentionally funny, but I'm ok with that.

One main story element undermines the whole show. Let me unpack it:

Danny is a superhero. Primarily, his superpower is that he is proficient at martial arts to an otherworldly degree. Yet, when he returns to earth from another dimension where all he did is hone his skills under the guidance of masters, the first person he meets can fight him to a standstill. Is this some mystical master that he sought out or was destined to meet? No. It's Colleen Wing, proud owner of the closest dojo! Is there something special about her? I watched the whole first season and I never heard anything. I think what's special about her is that she's a girl.

Political Correctness trumps logic every time.
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Press (2018)
Fun if you can stand the moralizing
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I found Press to be a fun watch at the beginning but that it became increasingly annoying by the episode.

One interesting pattern I noticed. All the main women were great people doing the right thing. The men however were good and moral to the extent a woman had control over them. The men at the top were awful. The men who reported to women were ok so long as they supported/obeyed the woman in charge. The Ed character reported to a man so he was bad, but when he was around a woman he felt guilty and conflicted. Kudos to the writers for being so enlightened!

A part I found particularly annoying is when Holly joined the Post. On that day a story is blowing back on them. Suddenly all these veteran news people are big babies who don't know what to do. Luckily Mary Poppins... I mean Holly tells them exactly how to fix it. She also lets Duncan know how to fix his love life. All this while wearing her trademark blank stare on her face.

So it's fun if you can put up with some of that crap. Unfortunately, it had the potential to be great.
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Two problems
18 November 2021
1. This movie made money which assures future poorly made garbage that takes itself too seriously

2. I worry there might be people who see it and think that it's credible social commentary.
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Free Guy (2021)
Feel this way! NOW feel this way!
31 October 2021
Full disclosure, I only made it about halfway through this movie. (I left it running while I write this) But I see reviews that say "hilarious" and "heartwarming".

Really?! I didn't laugh at all. It just churns out cheap, snappy, ironic dialogue combined with pop culture references. And then it turns on a dime with the soundtrack and the characters' wide eyed or slack jawed expressions telling the audience that they're supposed to now take it seriously or be inspired.

It doesn't entertain you, it tells you "YOU ARE BEING ENTERTAINED!"
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Homeland: Paean to the People (2018)
Season 7, Episode 12
Am I missing something or are the stakes super low to nonexistent?
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A key issue that wouldn't have been forgotten is that this president locked herself into her office and ordered the imprisonments, with no due process, of around 200 Americans. So while I was watching people risk their lives frantically trying to find proof of a Russian plot I was thinking - maybe she needs to go anyway.

I mean, even if it's a Russian plot, it's her reaction and consequent decisions that determine her fitness for office.

Rounding up Americans and locking them up without due process! Not to get political but think about the actual reasons for past impeachments of presidents. The closest we've come to removing a president was Nixon who resigned before Congress could remove him. That was for covering up a nighttime break-in into Democrat Party offices.
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I hereby dub this the Walking Dead strategy
27 September 2021
I suspect the makers of this movie realized they had a cash cow on their hands. Since a good sequel would move the story forward and therefore limit the number of future sequels, they decided to make this. Disappointing.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
If you like the genre it's worth checking out but...
16 August 2021
It's interesting comparing this movie to the original which is a classic. All the remakes of classic 80s action or sci-fi movies tend to retread the original but leave out the soul which, for most movies, is a good script and compelling characters and acting. Unfortunately, these components are largely absent here.

I didn't feel like I got to know any of the characters except the lead and, no offense to the actress, I did not remotely buy her as a world renowned Arctic paleontologist.

None of this would be a problem if the movie had something else going for it, like edge-of-your-seat action sequences or a memorable monster. It doesn't though.
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Obnoxiously over the top action and unfunny dirty jokes don't make a movie
16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really doubt the 9 or 10 star ratings here calling this juvenile brainless movie 'hilarious' or 'brilliant' or comparing it to James Bond movies.

The action is too silly to elicit any thrills and the jokes are weak or they simply rely on vulgarity or shock value. The callback joke at the end is about the main character sodomizing his love interest. Dull-witted middle schoolers might find this funny but what reasonable intelligent adult would? I used to think Colin Firth and Michael Caine were sophisticated actors that had standards. As it turns out they'll make garbage for a buck.

On a positive note, I did think Samuel L Jackson created an interesting character.

3 stars for the dull-witted middle schoolers that will like it but would be better off skipping it.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Time travel to the Maya Empire
1 August 2021
This movie is a personal favorite of mine. Caveat: it's not for children or the faint of heart.

First of all it's incredibly beautiful; you could turn off the sound and appreciate the visuals like a renaissance painting. Second, it has, bar none, the most exciting and exhilarating foot chase I've ever seen. Third, the characters are very memorable, their different personalities and motivations beautifully conveyed in the Mayan language.

However the standout feature of the movie is it's ability to transport the viewer to an authentically-feeling representation of an exotic and grand ancient empire. You're immersed in the good and the bad of a fascinating, rich culture. A film to be experienced!
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Valkyrie (2008)
A story of true heroes willing to risk everything
1 August 2021
As I'm constructing this review I'm actually finding tears welling up in my eyes. Everything came together in this movie: compelling acting, solid characters, great visuals, nicely paced... But connecting all these components into a modern masterpiece is the true story of the men and women who were willing to stand up to evil in the face of the gravest of consequences. A must see for anyone interested in history or human courage.
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One of my all time favorites
1 August 2021
A story of flawed individuals, ingenuity and survival. If you're going to watch this, carve out some time, relax and allow yourself to get absorbed into the environment. This movie is about well developed characters who don't necessarily like each other but, nevertheless are stuck together under dire circumstances. Fascinating plot and dialogue executed by the best actors of the day. Also has the virtue of having one of the most technologically original ideas I've seen in a movie!
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Best of the Bourne movies
1 August 2021
A completely fresh storyline that satisfyingly expands the Bourne Universe. The viewer needs to appreciate that the plot focuses on a separate program than the one which created Jason Bourne and produces a slightly different agent. Thrilling, engaging and smart!
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Woke Hollywood needs to wake up
1 August 2021
'What Lies Below' had an intriguing first act but then proceeded to slowly go nowhere.

A comment on the Trump reference. There are many names that could have fit here better. (Some from Hollywood!) Either the director and/or writer wanted to inject their political views into the movie or they wanted to appeal to anti-Trumpers. Either way, it has the effect of taking the viewer out of the movie. It only cheapens their work. They should wake up and realize this.
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