
139 Reviews
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Fine, but nothing special
25 April 2024
This came up on a Bob Dylan youtube search. Now it looks very nice, The black and white photography is gorgeous. How does Dylan sound.

Well. I suppose he sounds okay. There was at least one moment when his voice made me think.something along the lines of "Wow, he actually can sing like that" What about the music, Well it didn't do much me, The songs. It's supposed to be his early songs. Well I appreciated hearing stuff like Watching the. River, Pledging my time etc.

Any standouts, that made me glad I watched it.

Yes, I thought he did a beautiful version of Queen Jane approximately, There possible viewers ends my review of the Concert film featuring Bob Dylan and it seems actors portraying musicians, Shadow King-The early Songs of Bob Dylan.

6/10 from me.
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Alien Thunder (1974)
12 January 2024
Average movie which only intermittently comes to live. A good performance from Sutherland, and it's always a delight to see Chief Dan George.

Not sure why they got Kevin McCarthy for such a small if pivitol role.

Imdb trivia reminded me that the movie featured the lead actors of the original invasion of the body snatchers and it's remake ie MCarthy and Sutherland. McCarthy had a small role in the remake, playing the same character as in the orignal. His appearance is more brief than in this movie, but it's a better one Note I prefered the remake to the original. I mus see if I can anything more about this story, and see how accurrately the movie portrays it.
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Union Station (1950)
Long time since I saw it before now
11 August 2022
Hi. I just watched this for about the 3rd or fourth time. But it's probably at least 25 years since I last saw it.

I believe it has gone down in my estimation.

One sequence I found ridiculous. It's the first scne where they are waiting in the station for the kidnapper. Holden's character glances at the kidnapped girl's so often. He might as well have a label saying "cop" pinned to him.

But it got better and tighter after the sequence with the kidnapper's girfriend in the hospital.

The part I liked the best was with Holden and Fitzgerald in the latter's residence.
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Great speedboat chase
8 August 2022
Good tough thriller with a smashing if somewhat protracted speedboat chase.

Best performance comes from Vladek Sheybal, who along with Anton Differing seemed to have a monopoly on playing villainous characters particularly in the 70's.
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Frankenstein (1931)
Still has the power to chill.
12 May 2022
Although this doesn't reach the level of excellence for me, it gets damn close. Where it it doesn't retain it's power are in the domestic scenes. Whale just doesn't seem to be in element there. Clive is terrific in scenes involving the monster, but less convincing in the romantic scenes. Karloff couldn't be better. The other outstanding element is the superb b/w cinematography.

IMDB lists Arthur Edeson and Paul Ivano.
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Hairspray (2007)
21 April 2022
What a delight. It's a while since i saw a movie so full of joy and energy. Ok, the songs aren't top league, and Travolta's acting performance isn't anything to write home about. But it was great to see him and Walken dancing together.
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Ashes of Time (1994)
Great Photography.
16 March 2022
Full of extraordinary imagery. But hard to connect with the characters, if indeed they can be described as characters. Still in it's own way, a remarkable movie. 10/10.
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The Kansan (1943)
13 March 2022
Average western. The cast are good, particularly Dix and Jory who plays the most interesting character. Best's schtick is pretty uncomfortable to watch.
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Pure Magic
12 July 2021
Its been many years since I last saw this movie, and I have no idea what I thought of it. Well I must have liked it, because I saw it more than once. But now I can tell you, I think it's a masterpiece, and one of the greatest works cinema has ever produced. I don't think it's totally flawless. The character of the princess is kind of bland. But this is more than compensated for by the 7 dwarves who are pure delight. The Animal sequences are also beautifully done. The other flaw for me is, why did the wicked queen disguise herself as an old hag. Old, yes, but why a hag, with claw like hands. But leaving that aside, this is a movie, that anyone in an interest in the art of cinema must see.
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Terrific Action movie
22 June 2021
This movie is really just an excuse for a series of superb action scenes. The stunts are awe inspiring. There is one very funny moment at the end of a crazy motorbike chase /fight sequence involving hatchets which reminded me of The Marx Brothers.

I have seen the first two movies. Both get an 8 from me. I still have to watch the third.

Highly Recommended.
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Children of Nobody (2018–2019)
Kim Sun Ah'is one of the best actressess working today
2 June 2021
Once again Kim Sun Ah, demonstrates why she is one of the, if not the most gifted actress working anywhere in this challenging and compelling drama. I say challenging, because it asks the viewer to decide who is right and who is wrong. The performances from the rest of the cast range from excellent (Na young Hee) to adequate (Yeon Je Hyung). As for Cha Hak Yeon, his performance could be seen as either one note or very good, or maybe both. It would be interesting to see him in something else. There are two main stories here, Who is the Vigilante Red Cry, who deals out justice to abusers, or in most cases encourages others to do it, and why does Kim sun ah keep seeing an apparation of a little girl in a green dress. Of course there is a connection of sorts between both. The second mystery regarding the little girl is the more intriguing, even if at one stage the answer is rather obvious.
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Well done
2 June 2021
Excellent performances from the male leads in this tightly made suspense thriller. A pity the ending wasn't better.
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2 June 2021
Pretty exciting disaster thriller. The final part is particularly good.
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fast paced
1 June 2021
Fast paced actioner. Its been a long time since I saw it. I might look at it again sometime. Then again, i might not.
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Ambush (1950)
1 June 2021
Routine western with Taylor doing his usual hero bit.
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1 June 2021
Comedy is often hilarious, but gets bogged down in sentiment.
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1 June 2021
Delightfully written comedy. DReyfuss is the standout in a fine cast. Excellent direction.
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19 May 2021
Fine acting compensates for a rather slow moving tale.
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Good, but dated.
19 May 2021
Though dated especially in the acting and dialogue, this spectacle still retains interest. Good performances.
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decent amount of chills
11 April 2021
3 part british haunted house mini series made in 2015. Very well acted, and with a good amount of decent chills.

Based on a "true" story from the 70's. I also like that it is filmed as if it was made in the 70's. Well made for british tv.

The conjuring 2 was based on the same case.
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Great heist sequence
22 November 2020
For the most part, this is pretty entertaining.But it has one delightfully visually inventive robbery sequence featuring among other things santa claus's on jet packs, and motorcycles flying through the air. If only for that sequence alone, the movie is worth watching.
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Legend of Fuyao (2018– )
Wonderful fantasy drama.
3 September 2020
Terrific fantasy drama. Lots of bloody action, romance, tragedy, some comedy too. There are no great acting performances. But they are serviceable, and the two leads are good together. It's the story or stories that is the main attraction.I took breaks from it at certain points.So maybe I found it overlong, or not always compulsively watch as Korean dramas tend to be. Well I suppose that's because episodes didn't always end in a cliffhanger. I found it was a series I could leave and come back to again. I'm sure there are faults I found in it. Some of the acting might not be up to scratch. Maybe some conversations/speeches went on too long. But whatever the faults were, they were minor, and did not take away from the immense enjoyment of this wonderful series. 10/10
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Heirs (2013)
passably entertaining
4 May 2020
I avoided this drama, because of the many bad reviews I had read. But as someone I am close to watched it, I decided to give it a go. Well it isn't going to go in my top ten dramas or even my top 100. But i found it to be a pleasant enough way to spend an hour or two a day. What makes it is the cast, who are all good to on degree or anther . The main storyline isn't that compelling . The storyline I found most interesting was the relationship between the two brothers. Although I did wonder if Choi jin hyuk could play anything but gloomy and pissed off. Music wise Love is the Moment did nothing for me, and I found it's constant repetion during a number of episodes somewhat annoying. But I did like the song at over the credits on the website where I watched a number of episodes. It's a fast upbeat number, and it has the line "Come on baby" at or around the beginning. But it's not the same number as played on viki or on the official sbs world channell on youtube.
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Very good, but not a classic.
20 March 2020
A fine clean sharp western with plenty of action.

I'm old enough to have seen this in the cinema. But not when it first came out, since I was born in 59. Yep, there was a time when cinemas didn't just show new movies.

I have seen it a few times since that first time, but I guess this is the first time I have seen it in over 20 years. I remembered the basic gist of the story, but not much of the details.

The first thing I noticed was how little music was in the movie. I liked that, and thought it effective.

Then there were the real life characters such as Wyatt Earp played by Will Geer. Now I liked Will Geer, but as Wyatt Earp, all I can say is "hmmm" Stephen McNally is okay as the main villain, and Stewart is fine, but the film is stolen by Dan Duryea. I can imagine an alternative ending with Duryea riding off at the ending and Stewart and Winters waving at him and agreeing that it was hard to dislike him completely.
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24 January 2020
I suppose this drama is saying something about the potential for violence within us all or something.It's well acted, has good characters. But for me, it never really catches fire. The ending was kind of a mild surprise for me.
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